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最終更新時刻: 2025/03/03 10:23:27

−スレッド一覧 (最新 30 件) −

1: 3DSの.MPO (1103) NEW! 2: 20110325少し手直し(マイナーチェンジ) (3) 3: 大きめのファイル (3) 4: シェリル (5) 5: 電子書籍ファイルのアッ府 テスト (60) 6: これも3D? (3) 7: 今日の昼食 (1) 8: 実写から (1)

>>新規投稿 >>記事一覧 >>画像一覧

[1:1103] 3DSの.MPO 投稿者:泰司 投稿日:2011/03/23(Wed) 01:11 No.1  


Download:1.mpo 1.mpo (46 kB)  
実画像サイズ400 x 240 ( 46 kB )
Exif 情報
モデル名Nintendo 3DS
撮影日時2011:03:17 12:50:11
画像の幅 x 高さ400x240

全 Exif 情報表示...

[2] 「てへっ」 泰司 - 2011/03/24(Thu) 00:29 No.2  


Download:2.mpo 2.mpo (47 kB)  
実画像サイズ400 x 240 ( 47 kB )
Exif 情報
モデル名Nintendo 3DS
撮影日時2011:03:17 12:50:06
画像の幅 x 高さ400x240

全 Exif 情報表示...

[3] ペア 泰司 - 2011/03/24(Thu) 00:36 No.3  


Download:3.mpo 3.mpo (33 kB)  
実画像サイズ400 x 240 ( 33 kB )
Exif 情報
モデル名Nintendo 3DS
撮影日時2011:03:21 15:05:52
画像の幅 x 高さ400x240

全 Exif 情報表示...

[4] カシオ プロトレック アウトレット カシオ プロトレック アウトレット - 2014/11/08(Sat) 20:11 No.18   HomePage

あなたたちはになりがち??何あまりにも 。 この種のカバレッジを賢い仕事や!私の| |私たち||私の個人的なの君たち。
カシオ プロトレック アウトレット http://atochajewelry.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@1@8@8@2014110719411267cr.html

[5] カシオ 腕時計 ホームセンター カシオ 腕時計 ホームセンター - 2014/11/08(Sat) 20:12 No.19   HomePage

こんにちは随時時折と私は同じようなものを所有し、私はちょうど不思議した、スパムの多くを得る場合にはコメント?ので、どのようにあなたがしなければ それは、いずれのプラグインやあなたが何かできること防ぐ? 非常識私は最近、それが私を運転しているそんなに得るので、任意のヘルプ非常に高く評価されている。
カシオ 腕時計 ホームセンター http://loplastvendas.com.br/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@2@9@4@2014110720131503wl.html

[6] メンズエナメルシューズ メンズエナメルシューズ - 2014/11/08(Sat) 20:12 No.20   HomePage

こんにちは! 私が実現これはちょっとオフトピックしかし 私が持っていた依頼する。 ない仕事十分に確立されたウェブサイトなどあなたは取る大量大量のをたくさん? 私はブランドの新しい毎日日常。 ことができるようになりますへ私は私がブログを開始したいと思いシェア私自身のとビューオンライン。 どんな種類のいずれかのあなたが持っているなら、私に知らせてくださいため かのヒントをブランドの新しいブログの所有者。 !
メンズエナメルシューズ http://loplastvendas.com.br/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/uz@22014110717163909cd.html

[7] メンズの靴 メンズの靴 - 2014/11/08(Sat) 20:12 No.21   HomePage

こんにちはと私は同じようなものを所有し、私はちょうど好奇心した、スパムの多くを得る場合には、私はあなたのブログを読んでフィードバック?ので、どのようにあなたがしなければお勧めしますそれは、いずれのプラグインやあなたが何かできることに対する保護? 非常識私は最近、それが私を運転しているそんなに得るので、任意のサポート非常に高く評価されている。
メンズの靴 http://tenerifebargain.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/HOGAN-686/ef@82014110716051802bd.html

[8] カジュアルシューズ メンズ カジュアルシューズ メンズ - 2014/11/08(Sat) 20:12 No.22   HomePage

こんにちは|あなたはどのブログのプラットフォームには、心共有する旨でしょうか?私は今が、私はハード抱えている私自身のブログを開始するために BlogEngine間に選択を時間を/ Wordpressの/ b2evolutionのとDrupalの。異なる、最もブログをようで、私が何かを探しています完全にユニークあなたデザインレイアウトがデザインとスタイルはので、私が尋ねる理由がある。 PS謝罪というのオフトピックが、私は聞いていた!
カジュアルシューズ メンズ http://monarchmarketing.net/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/ah@32014110716110135oo.html

[9] カシオ 腕時計 電波ソーラー カシオ 腕時計 電波ソーラー - 2014/11/08(Sat) 20:14 No.23   HomePage

オンラインのそれほどではない読者は正直に言うとが、あなたのブログは本当に素晴らしい、それを維持する!私が先に行くと、あなたのブックマークう|後で戻ってきてサイトサイトを。 感謝
カシオ 腕時計 電波ソーラー http://darkmen.de/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@4@5@7@2014110719312469vf.html

[10] トッズ 靴 コピー トッズ 靴 コピー - 2014/11/08(Sat) 20:14 No.24   HomePage

変な奇数うわーそれはあった。 長いコメントが、私は表示私のコメントを提出した後にクリックした私はちょうど書きました。気まぐれ...よく私は再び上ですべてのことを書いていないよ。 とにかくブログ、単にを言いたかった!
トッズ 靴 コピー http://halfpricebooks.info/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/sx@02014110716574188zc.html

[11] ファッション 靴 レディース ファッション 靴 レディース - 2014/11/08(Sat) 20:14 No.25   HomePage

アメージング!私の古いもののような|このブログのただ正確にルックス!別のそれは、完全に完全に完全に上にある件名が、それはほとんど同じページレイアウトがあり、デザインが。 すばらしい色の選択!
ファッション 靴 レディース http://loplastvendas.com.br/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/mx@12014110717260164et.html

[12] カシオ ミラーレス カシオ ミラーレス - 2014/11/08(Sat) 20:14 No.26   HomePage

ねえ発行済ブログ! このようなブログ稼働か|たくさんの大量 取るは、Aを必要とする動作しますか? 私はの知識プログラミング しかししかし |私がした私は持っていない 私自身のブログを開始することを望んで。 とにかく、共有してください新しいブログのオーナー|またはのための技術のためのヒント|どんな あなたが持っている場合あなたが持っている必要があります。 私は理解これがオフになっているトピックしかし 私は尋ねるしたい。 おかげでたくさん!
カシオ ミラーレス http://ankozh.ru/wp-content//themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@9@2@5@2014110807544248ho.html

[13] カシオ ミニキーボード 価格 カシオ ミニキーボード 価格 - 2014/11/08(Sat) 20:14 No.27   HomePage

カシオ ミニキーボード 価格 http://ankozh.ru/wp-content//themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@5@6@5@2014110808202787qg.html

[14] casio ca003 casio ca003 - 2014/11/08(Sat) 21:01 No.28   HomePage

それは、 そこにプラットフォームをブログ今は。あなたのブログ上で使用して| あなたがしているあなたがしているを何ということです(私が読んだことから)?
casio ca003 http://coilover-store.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@2@5@2@2014110717510827ui.html

[15] カシオ 説明書 ダウンロード カシオ 説明書 ダウンロード - 2014/11/08(Sat) 21:01 No.29   HomePage

カシオ 説明書 ダウンロード http://caroleridley.com/wp-content/themes/casio-2219/@4@5@6@2014110718215866xs.html

[16] カシオ キーボード lk-118 カシオ キーボード lk-118 - 2014/11/08(Sat) 21:01 No.30   HomePage

こんにちは!ポスト|私は本当に|あなたのブログの記事。同じ 他のブログ/ウェブサイト/フォーラム被験者|あなたはお勧めを提案することはできますか? どうもありがとう!
カシオ キーボード lk-118 http://georgia-goldfish.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@4@4@8@2014110718491324lb.html

[17] カシオ 税率設定方法 カシオ 税率設定方法 - 2014/11/08(Sat) 21:01 No.31   HomePage

侵害違反plagorismまたは著作権の| 問題問題あなたがいずれかに実行するのですかそんなにコンテンツサイコーでは?私自身、または外部委託 が、それは思える私はどちらかしたコンテンツサイト をたくさん持っていることの多くはある許可私なしで|インターネットウェブすべての上にポップアップ。何か知っています紛失食い物であることから、コンテンツを助けるために防ぐ?私は確かに本当にと思い、それを感謝しています。
カシオ 税率設定方法 http://saadiadesign.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@1@2@8@2014110718124133xi.html

[18] カシオ gショック 日本製 カシオ gショック 日本製 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:30 No.32   HomePage

カシオ gショック 日本製 http://tenerifebargain.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@9@9@4@2014110719225909pn.html

[19] 靴 レディース 激安 靴 レディース 激安 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:30 No.33   HomePage

うーん、それが見えるあなたのようにサイトブログ食べた私の最初のコメント(それがあった極めて長い)ので、私はちょうど私が送信した内容をまとめるますねと私は徹底的にあなたのブログを楽しんでい、と言う。私はだけでなく志望のブログですブロガーが、私はまだすべてに新たなんだ。 ヒントあなたがいずれかを持っていますか、ブログライタールーキーのために?私は確かに本当にと思い、それを感謝しています。
靴 レディース 激安 http://monarchmarketing.net/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/ij@72014110716005903nk.html

[20] トッヅ 靴 トッヅ 靴 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:30 No.34   HomePage

私はよく分からない理由正確な理由が、この私のために遅いブログ ロードしています。 問題の問題か、ある他の誰がこのをしている問題私の最後に? と問題がまだ存在するかどうか私は戻ってチェックします。
トッヅ 靴 http://lowcosttradewindows.co.uk/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/vf@42014110716302104jp.html

[21] カシオ gショック フィッシャーマン カシオ gショック フィッシャーマン - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:30 No.35   HomePage

ヘイ!これがあなたのブログに私の最初の訪問です!ボランティアのコレクションチームグループと新しい開始|同じニッチのコミュニティにおける主導のプロジェクトを私たちはいる。作業する情報はあなたのブログは私たちに有益を提供しました。仕事には、 を行っている!
カシオ gショック フィッシャーマン http://georgia-goldfish.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@8@9@8@2014110719145345cc.html

[22] カシオ プロトレック オークション カシオ プロトレック オークション - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:30 No.36   HomePage

私は今|サイトのブログ 本当に本当にあなたのデザインとレイアウトを楽しんで。それはなっている目には非常に簡単ですそれがはるか??に楽しい楽しい私はここに来て、より頻繁に訪問するために。あなたのテーマを作成するために|開発者、設計者あなたが雇うましたか? 働く!
カシオ プロトレック オークション http://koninguil.be/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/casio-2219/@6@0@1@2014110719310871mp.html

[23] ブーツ 通販 レディース ブーツ 通販 レディース - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:30 No.37   HomePage

;サイトサイトこれについて|スパム問題問題を持っていますか私もブロガーだ、と私はいた好奇心あなたの状況を、 私たちの多く作成しているいくつかの素晴らしい慣行、私たちが見ていると貿易と 他の人 、興味を持っている場合|電子メールの電子メール私に撃つお願い。
ブーツ 通販 レディース http://halfpricebooks.info/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/ct@72014110716181910ne.html

[24] カシオ gショック 使用説明書 カシオ gショック 使用説明書 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:30 No.38   HomePage

ハウディ!これがあなたのブログに私の最初の訪問です!ボランティアのコレクションチームグループと新しい開始|同じニッチのコミュニティにおける主導のプロジェクトを私たちはいる。作業する情報はあなたのブログは私たちに を提供しました。仕事には、特別素晴らしい素晴らしいを行っている!
カシオ gショック 使用説明書 http://loplastvendas.com.br/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@5@7@3@2014110720291300bv.html

[25] カシオ gショック クレイジーカラー カシオ gショック クレイジーカラー - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:30 No.39   HomePage

カシオ gショック クレイジーカラー http://inspirart.co.uk/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@1@6@4@2014110719285329bz.html

[26] 靴のセール 靴のセール - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:30 No.40   HomePage

靴のセール http://sushicatessen.es/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/me@52014110717022701iv.html

[27] カシオ high speed exilim ex-tr15 カシオ high speed exilim ex-tr15 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:30 No.41   HomePage

オラ!のため あなたしばらく今、最終的に得た勇気先に行くし、あなたを与えるために|私は読み取り、次のしてきたテキサス A から大声で叫ぶ!ちょうどしたかった言及仕事仕事を続けてください!
カシオ high speed exilim ex-tr15 http://srconsignment.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@6@8@0@2014110719420762jb.html

[28] アウトレット ケイトスペード アウトレット ケイトスペード - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:45 No.42   HomePage

こんにちは あなたがしているホスティング会社のウェブホストあなたが気になります私はどれを知らせる? インターネットブラウザ|私は3異なる完全に異なるであなたのブログをロードしていると私はこのブログが多くのことを速くロードすると言わなければならない、最も。良いウェブホスティング|あなたはをお勧め示唆するな価格でプロバイダに? 賛辞は、私はそれを感謝!
アウトレット ケイトスペード http://shopping365.dk/wp-content/themes/sommerce/katespade-1647/rh@22014110716022249yw.html

[29] ジャックウルフスキン 修理 ジャックウルフスキン 修理 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:45 No.43   HomePage

オンラインのそれほどではない読者は正直に言うとが、あなたのブログは本当に素晴らしい、それを維持する!私が先に行くと、あなたのブックマークう|後で戻ってきてサイトサイトを。 感謝
ジャックウルフスキン 修理 http://wineitaly.tk/wp-content/themes/sommerce/jackwolfskin-252/@0@5@2xo2014110716020876ru.html

[30] ケイトスペード 海外 ケイトスペード 海外 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:45 No.44   HomePage

私は好奇心したあなたは今までにの思想場合は、変更してくださいの ブログサイトを?その非常によく書かれ;私はyouveは言うようになったものが大好きです。しかし、多分あなたは少しより多くのコンテンツの方法で人々はそれで良い接続できるできるよう。 写真画像|または22|ホードは11持つためにテキストの非常に多くを得た。たぶん、あなたは宇宙、それをより良いだろうか?
ケイトスペード 海外 http://srconsignment.com/wp-content/themes/maya/katespade-1647/vo@62014110716172735oi.html

[31] イザベルマラン サイズ イザベルマラン サイズ - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:45 No.45   HomePage

私はよく分からない理由が、この私のために遅いサイト信じられないほど非常に極端ロードしています。 問題の問題か、ある他の誰がこのをしている問題私の最後に? と問題がまだ存在するかどうか私は戻ってチェックします。
イザベルマラン サイズ http://saadiadesign.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/isabel-marant-175/otn6@2b2014110716025612ww.html

[32] ケイトスペード 財布 対象年齢 ケイトスペード 財布 対象年齢 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:45 No.46   HomePage

こんにちは! 検索エンジン最適化のSEOと| 助ける助け彼らはへのプラグインを作る場合は、知っていますか? 利益私はいくつかのターゲットを絞ったキーワードのためにランク付けする私のブログを取得しようとしているが、私は非常に良いを見ていないよ。あなたが知っているなら共有してください。 賞賛は!
ケイトスペード 財布 対象年齢 http://showdeesporte.com/userfiles/Image/katespade-1647/l@@@2014110700521516uu.html

[33] ケイトスペード 長財布 ケイトスペード 長財布 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:45 No.47   HomePage

おっと!私の古いもののような|このブログのただ正確にルックス!別のそれは、上にあるトピックが、それはほとんど同じレイアウトがあり、デザインが。 グレート色の選択!
ケイトスペード 長財布 http://coilover-store.com/wp-content/themes/maya/katespade-1647/wg@22014110715561342jv.html

[34] ケイトスペード ゴールドコースト ケイトスペード ゴールドコースト - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:45 No.48   HomePage

そこにちょっと簡単に素早く率い、あなたが数を知らせる|正しくロードされていない画像を写真はちょうどあなたに与えたいと思った|適切に}。私はよく分からない理由が、私はそのリンクの問題だと思います。 インターネットブラウザ私は2つの異なるでそれを試してみたし、両方が同じ結果を示している。
ケイトスペード ゴールドコースト http://devernois-shop.ru/wp-content/themes/sommerce/katespade-1647/ib@32014110716540675hx.html

[35] ケイトスペード バッグ 中古 ケイトスペード バッグ 中古 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:45 No.49   HomePage

へや|プラットフォームあなたののためのサイトのブログのWordpressを使用していますか?私は、ブログの世界に新たなんだけど、始めるしようとセットアップよ私自身を。あなたが必要でくださいどんな htmlのコーディング|自分のブログを作るために知識ノウハウを?すべてのヘルプは本当にされるであろうが理解!
ケイトスペード バッグ 中古 http://shopping365.dk/wp-content/themes/sommerce/katespade-1647/rp@62014110716113561jc.html

[36] イザベルマラン レース イザベルマラン レース - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:45 No.50   HomePage

I 愛あなたのブログ..とても素敵な色&テーマです。このウェブサイト自身や誰かがあなたのためにそれを行うために雇ったのは でしたか? Plzを応答私はデザインしているよように自分のブログを知っていると知りたいuはからこれを得た場所。 おかげでたくさん
イザベルマラン レース http://coilover-store.com/wp-content/themes/maya/isabel-marant-175/tfj7@7k2014110716055244mq.html

[37] jack wolfskin バックパック jack wolfskin バックパック - 2014/11/09(Sun) 00:45 No.51   HomePage

私は好奇心したあなたは今までにの思想場合は、変更してくださいの サイト?その非常によく書かれ;私はyouveは言うようになったものが大好きです。しかし、多分あなたは少しより多くのコンテンツの方法で人々はそれで良い接続できるできるよう。 |または22|ホードは11持つためにテキストの非常に多くを得た。たぶん、あなたは宇宙、それをより良いだろうか?
jack wolfskin バックパック http://ankozh.ru/wp-content//themes/sommerce/jackwolfskin-252/@6@9@4ya2014110715593704kg.html

[38] レイバン ディズニー レイバン ディズニー - 2014/11/09(Sun) 03:48 No.57   HomePage

ねえ!ハッカーと 私はちょうどあなたがいずれかを持っている場合聞きしたかった? 私の最後のブログ(ワードプレス)は、ハッキングされたと私は負けてしまった原因なしにハードワークの数ヶ月。ハッカー に| メソッドソリューション何かありますか?
レイバン ディズニー http://mirabilishouse.com/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/rayban-1808/wp@8@32014110813463319qw.html

[39] rayban ずれる rayban ずれる - 2014/11/09(Sun) 03:49 No.58   HomePage

rayban ずれる http://outriggersdirect.com.au/wp-content/themes/sommerce/rayban-1808/vy@0@12014110813051665qf.html

[40] 時計 カシオ レディース 時計 カシオ レディース - 2014/11/09(Sun) 03:51 No.59   HomePage

挨拶!私はこれがオフトピックちょっと知っているただし、私は考え出したのだ、私はお願いしたい。あなたがに興味がある交換リンクまたは多分ゲスト書き込みブログ記事またはその逆?マイ同じたくさんのサイト トピックをあなたと私は感じると私たちは大いに相互に利益を得ることができる。あれば興味が送るまでお気軽 。私はあなたからの聴取を楽しみにしています! 恐ろしい経由でブログ!
時計 カシオ レディース http://bracialeto.dk/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@7@4@1@2014110719425492rr.html

[41] 女性の靴 女性の靴 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 03:52 No.60   HomePage

;ブログこれについて|スパム問題問題を持っていますか私もブロガーだ、と私はいた疑問あなたの状況を、 私たちは作成しているいくつかの素晴らしい慣行、私たちが見ていると貿易とソリューション他の人 、興味を持っている場合|電子メールの電子メール私に撃つなぜ。
女性の靴 http://kettlebell.com/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/jo@42014110716250314iz.html

[42] カシオ wave ceptor カーキ カシオ wave ceptor カーキ - 2014/11/09(Sun) 03:52 No.61   HomePage

カシオ wave ceptor カーキ http://georgia-goldfish.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@5@8@1@2014110719515253vk.html

[43] メンズカジュアルシューズ 激安 メンズカジュアルシューズ 激安 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 03:52 No.62   HomePage

私たちはよいだけでなく、| |異なるから来るこっちにつまずいI かもしれない と思った同様に可能性があります物事をチェックアウトする必要があります。あなたをフォローし、私は私が見るものを好き 。 まだ再び再びあなたのWeb??ページを を楽しみにしています。
メンズカジュアルシューズ 激安 http://lowcosttradewindows.co.uk/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/vn@22014110716462929ii.html

[44] 女性 シューズ 女性 シューズ - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:18 No.73   HomePage

女性 シューズ http://brtracing.it/wp-content/themes/sommerce/HOGAN-686/nx@22014110716063614id.html

[45] 通販 フラットシューズ 通販 フラットシューズ - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:18 No.74   HomePage

私は疑問したあなたは今までにみなさ場合は、変更してくださいのレイアウト?その非常によく書かれ;私はyouveは言うようになったものが大好きです。しかし、多分あなたは少しより多くのコンテンツの方法で人々はそれで良い接続できるできるよう。 |または22|ホードは11持つためにテキストの非常に多くを得た。たぶん、あなたは宇宙、それをより良いだろうか?
通販 フラットシューズ http://agamdesign.com/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/HOGAN-686/wz@82014110717020455zv.html

[46] カシオ ベーシックアナログ レディス カシオ ベーシックアナログ レディス - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:18 No.75   HomePage

エクセレントブログあなたはここにあるが、私はした、任意の掲示板ここ|この記事にで議論|同じトピックをカバーフォーラムは}{の話? アドバイスのフィードバックを私が得ることができ、他からは私は本当に好き本当に愛したい同じ興味を共有する人たち。何か持っている場合は提言、私に知らせてください。 おかげでたくさん!
カシオ ベーシックアナログ レディス http://bracialeto.dk/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@2@3@0@2014110719452312af.html

[47] ブーツ 通販 激安 ブーツ 通販 激安 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:18 No.76   HomePage

I 本当に好きあなたのブログ..とても素敵な色&テーマです。このウェブサイト自身や誰かがあなたのためにそれを行うために雇ったのはでしたか? Plzをアンサーバック私はデザインしているよように自分のブログを知っていると知りたいuはからこれを得た場所。 おかげでたくさん
ブーツ 通販 激安 http://scarlettcollection.com/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/yc@52014110716085841kl.html

[48] ブランドシューズ メンズ ブランドシューズ メンズ - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:41 No.77   HomePage

こんにちは!私は仕事で私閲覧私の新しい iphone4からあなたのブログを!あなたのブログとすべてのあなたの記事を楽しみにしています|ちょうど私が愛していると言うしたかったを通じて読書を読ん! 上のキャリー素晴らしい素晴らしい働く!
ブランドシューズ メンズ http://vaninyhandbag.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/HOGAN-686/zw@12014110716084490ic.html

[49] カシオ 腕時計 ブレス 調整 カシオ 腕時計 ブレス 調整 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:41 No.78   HomePage

; これについて|スパム問題問題を持っていますか私もブロガーだ、と私はいた疑問あなたの状況を、 私たちは開発しているいくつかの素晴らしい方法、私たちが見ていると貿易と 他人 、興味を持っている場合|電子メールの電子メール私に撃つなぜ。
カシオ 腕時計 ブレス 調整 http://apd-fitness.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@1@4@1@2014110719143495cg.html

[50] 電子辞書 カシオ ケース xd 電子辞書 カシオ ケース xd - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:41 No.79   HomePage

あなたのためにブログあなたは を探しているなら、私に知らせてください。 投稿と私は|あなたはいくつかの本当に良い素晴らしいを持つと思う私は良い資産になる。戻って鉱山へのリンクと引き換えにあなたのブログのための記事コンテンツ素材いくつかの書き込みにあなたがこれまで負荷の一部を取るしたい場合は、私が本当に似絶対に愛すると思います。 爆発してください私に電子メール興味あれば。 よろしく!
電子辞書 カシオ ケース xd http://bridge-guitar.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@4@1@6@2014110719193130ke.html

[51] カシオ high speed exilim ex-100 カシオ high speed exilim ex-100 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:41 No.80   HomePage

私の配偶者と私は、絶対にあなたのブログを愛し、見つけるのほぼすべてのあなたのポストのがする丁度|まさに。 あなたができる 提供のゲスト作家は内容を書き込むには? 生私は気にしないだろう郵便または上の起草のほとんど科目ここでへに関して次のように書く。ここでも、素晴らしいブログ!
カシオ high speed exilim ex-100 http://atochajewelry.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@6@8@9@2014110720005187kk.html

[52] カシオ wave ceptor 時刻合わせ カシオ wave ceptor 時刻合わせ - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:41 No.81   HomePage

あなたのためにあなたはライターを探しているなら、私に知らせてください。 記事と私は|あなたはいくつかの本当に良い素晴らしいを持つ感じ私は良い資産になる。戻って鉱山へのリンクと引き換えにあなたのブログのための記事コンテンツ素材いくつかの書き込みにあなたがこれまで負荷の一部を取るしたい場合は、私が と思います。 シュートしてください私に電子メール興味あれば。 栄光は!
カシオ wave ceptor 時刻合わせ http://inspirart.co.uk/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@8@7@8@2014110719463036dr.html

[53] casio yc-400 casio yc-400 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:49 No.82   HomePage

I 愛あなたのブログ..とても素敵な色&テーマです。このウェブサイト自身や誰かがあなたのためにそれを行うために雇ったのはでしたか? Plzを応答私は作成構文しているよように自分のブログを知っていると知りたいuはからこれを得た場所。 感謝
casio yc-400 http://nod32-vlg.ru/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@6@2@6@2014110717370208hl.html

[54] カシオ 羽村の求人情報 カシオ 羽村の求人情報 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:50 No.83   HomePage

私はよく分からない理由が、この私のために遅いウェブサイト信じられないほど非常に極端ロードしています。 問題の問題か、ある他の誰がこのをしている問題私の最後に? 後で後でと問題がまだ存在するかどうか私は戻ってチェックします。
カシオ 羽村の求人情報 http://organickisses.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@9@1@0@2014110718251505hl.html

[55] カシオ ゴルフ デジカメ カシオ ゴルフ デジカメ - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:50 No.84   HomePage

あなたたちはである??何あまりにも私は好きで、私は大好きです。 この種の賢い仕事や!私の| |私たち||私の個人的なの君たち。
カシオ ゴルフ デジカメ http://blacklilygallery.net/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@1@6@4@2014110718521651ka.html

[56] カシオ イメージングスクエア カシオ イメージングスクエア - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:50 No.85   HomePage

すごい迫力! ウェブサイトこのテンプレート/テーマを私は本当に です。それは、シンプルでありながら効果的です。それはです多くの時間ハード取得することとの間の「完璧なバランス"すばらしいユーザビリティと視覚的な魅力。これで仕事を行って、私は言わなければならない。 さらに、ブログの負荷が非常に 速い上の私のためインターネットエクスプローラ。 エクセレントブログ!
カシオ イメージングスクエア http://zenna.com.au/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/casio-2219/@7@8@1@2014110717312310vs.html

[57] カシオ gショック 手入れ カシオ gショック 手入れ - 2014/11/09(Sun) 08:50 No.86   HomePage

こんにちは!この投稿は、ができませんでした任意のより良い書き込むことが! 読むルームメイトこの記事は私の古き良き以前の古いのことを思い出す!このことについて|彼はいつもチャット話し続けた。彼にページ私はこれを転送します。 かなり確信彼は良い読み取りを持つことになります。 感謝を共有のために!
カシオ gショック 手入れ http://bridge-guitar.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@8@8@2@2014110718512589lr.html

[58] レイバン サングラス 長渕剛 レイバン サングラス 長渕剛 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 09:31 No.87   HomePage

オンラインのそれほどではない読者は正直に言うとが、あなたのサイト本当に素晴らしい、それを維持する!私が先に行くと、あなたのブックマークう|将来、戻ってきてサイトサイトを。 乾杯
レイバン サングラス 長渕剛 http://hksculptures.com/wp-content/themes/maya/rayban-1808/vt@7@22014110813421982fp.html

[59] レイバン ストリート レイバン ストリート - 2014/11/09(Sun) 15:03 No.92   HomePage

ねえ!私は仕事で私周りにサーフィンを私の新しい AppleのiPhone iphoneからあなたのブログを!あなたのブログとすべてのあなたの記事を楽しみにしています|ちょうど私が愛していると言うしたかったを通じて読書を読ん! 上のキャリー 働く!
レイバン ストリート http://design4ustore.it/wp-content/themes/maya/rayban-1808/fz@0@62014110813480374jz.html

[60] レイバン サングラス ブルーレンズ レイバン サングラス ブルーレンズ - 2014/11/09(Sun) 15:04 No.93   HomePage

私は今|ウェブサイト 本当に本当にあなたのデザインとレイアウトを楽しんで。それはなっている目には非常に簡単ですそれがはるか??に楽しい楽しい私はここに来て、より頻繁に訪問するために。あなたのテーマを作成するために|開発者、設計者あなたが雇うましたか? 優秀働く!
レイバン サングラス ブルーレンズ http://miamarajewelry.com/wp-content/themes/maya/rayban-1808/gf@4@52014110813293368qa.html

[61] イタリア 靴 ブランド 一覧 イタリア 靴 ブランド 一覧 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 19:25 No.94   HomePage

ご挨拶!ウェブサイトあなたがこのために使用しているオフトピック種類のが、私はどのブログのプラットフォームを思っていた私は、これは知っている? Wordpressのの私が持っていたので|ハッカーと問題問題と私は見ている私は、うんざりうんざり疲れを得ている|他のプラットフォーム用のオプションの選択肢。私は次のようになります偉大あなたは良いプラットフォームの方向に私を指すことができれば。
イタリア 靴 ブランド 一覧 http://jksastrology.com/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/if@82014110716351965xf.html

[62] バッグ靴 バッグ靴 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 02:34 No.99   HomePage

I 本当に好きあなたのブログ..とても素敵な色&テーマです。このウェブサイト自身や誰かがあなたのためにそれを行うために雇ったのは でしたか? Plzをアンサーバック私はしているよように自分のブログを知っていると知りたいuはからこれを得た場所。 おかげでたくさん
バッグ靴 http://tobia.ru/wp-content/themes/twentyten/HOGAN-686/lb@92014110716285756vc.html

[63] カシオ 腕時計 心拍数 カシオ 腕時計 心拍数 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 02:34 No.100   HomePage

こんにちは! と| 助ける助け彼らはへのプラグインを作る場合は、知っていますか? 私はいくつかのターゲットを絞ったキーワードのためにランク付けする私のブログを取得しようとしているが、私は非常に良いを見ていないよ。あなたが知っているなら共有してください。 それを感謝!
カシオ 腕時計 心拍数 http://luxophile.com.au/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@2@7@4@2014110719104548pb.html

[64] ドイツ 靴 ブランド ドイツ 靴 ブランド - 2014/11/10(Mon) 02:34 No.101   HomePage

私は今| 本当に本当にあなたのデザインとレイアウトを楽しんで。それはなっている目には非常に簡単ですそれがはるか??に楽しい楽しい私はここに来て、より頻繁に訪問するために。あなたのテーマを作成するために|開発者、設計者あなたが雇うましたか? エクセレント働く!
ドイツ 靴 ブランド http://kettlebell.com/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/xa@12014110716302294ih.html

[65] カシオ 腕時計 刻印 カシオ 腕時計 刻印 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 02:34 No.102   HomePage

いただきました!アップ|プラットフォームあなたののためのサイトのブログのWordpressを使用していますか?私は、ブログの世界に新たなんだけど、始めるしようと作るよ私自身を。あなたが必要でくださいどんな htmlのコーディング|自分のブログを作るために知識ノウハウを?すべてのヘルプは大いにされるであろうが理解!
カシオ 腕時計 刻印 http://fehrenbachjewelry.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@6@0@7@2014110800155946pg.html

[66] メンズ おしゃれ 靴 メンズ おしゃれ 靴 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 07:17 No.103   HomePage

こんにちは!のためブログあなた長い時間今、最終的に得た勇気先に行くし、あなたを与えるために|私は読み取り、次のしてきた送信 Aポーターから大声で叫ぶ!ちょうどしたかった言う仕事仕事 を続けてください!
メンズ おしゃれ 靴 http://maxumym.com.ua/wp-content/themes/Sommerce/HOGAN-686/gv@52014110716085270gf.html

[67] メンズ 靴 人気 メンズ 靴 人気 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 07:17 No.104   HomePage

ハウディ私はそう思いハッピー私が見つけた、あなたのブログページ| Askjeeve| | AOLの|ビンビン| GoogleのDiggに見て、私は研究していたが、事故|ミス|ブログは}、私は本当に素晴らしい {仕事、素晴らしいを維持でくださいより。
メンズ 靴 人気 http://coilover-store.com/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/qb@92014110716123170qe.html

[68] レイバン サングラス 新作 レイバン サングラス 新作 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 16:10 No.109   HomePage

私は好奇心したあなたは今までにの思想場合は、変更してくださいのレイアウトサイト?その非常によく書かれ;私はyouveは言うようになったものが大好きです。しかし、多分あなたは少しより多くのコンテンツの方法で人々はそれで良い接続できるできるよう。 写真画像|または22|ホードは11持つためにテキストの非常に多くを得た。たぶん、あなたは宇宙、それをより良いだろうか?
レイバン サングラス 新作 http://syedarshadsaeedkazmi.com/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/rayban-1808/dp@4@32014110813501766xa.html

[69] rayban 本物 偽物 rayban 本物 偽物 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 16:10 No.110   HomePage

rayban 本物 偽物 http://ankozh.ru/wp-content//themes/sommerce/rayban-1808/xl@5@92014110813034502fi.html

[70] レイバン ブルーライト レイバン ブルーライト - 2014/11/10(Mon) 21:49 No.115   HomePage

素晴らしいブログ!作家志望のためのヒント何かありますか?私自身の起動に|私は望んで計画してよすぐにサイトブログをが、私はすべてで失わ少しだ。有償オプションのためのWordpressやジョギングのような無料のプラットフォームで始まるあなたは か? 私は完全だという、そこに混同そう多くはありませ..でもアイデア? 感謝!
レイバン ブルーライト http://leobijoux.com/wp-content/themes/samarcanda/rayban-1808/gr@1@62014110813535624gj.html

[71] ポンプ リーボック ポンプ リーボック - 2014/11/10(Mon) 21:49 No.116   HomePage

私の配偶者と私は、よいだけでなく、| |異なるによってこっちにつまずいI かもしれないと思った同様に可能性があります物事をチェックアウトする必要があります。あなたをフォローし、私は私が見るものを好き 。 あなたのWeb??ページをについて調べることを楽しみにしています。
ポンプ リーボック http://vaninyhandbag.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/reebok-602/@@hh4@2014110812063086ht.html

[72] レイバン サングラス 二つ折り レイバン サングラス 二つ折り - 2014/11/10(Mon) 21:49 No.117   HomePage

ヘイ!私はこれにしてきた宣誓かもしれない前に、しかし後に {読書|ブラウジング|チェックポストのいくつかを、私はそれが私には新機能が実現。 それでも、私は間違いだハッピー私はそれを発見し、私はなるだろうブックマークとバックチェックしばしば!
レイバン サングラス 二つ折り http://miamarajewelry.com/wp-content/themes/maya/rayban-1808/ko@0@92014110813324468aq.html

[73] レイバン サングラス 偏光 価格 レイバン サングラス 偏光 価格 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 21:49 No.118   HomePage

私は今|サイトのブログ 本当に本当にあなたのデザインとレイアウトを楽しんで。それはなっている目には非常に簡単ですそれがはるか??に楽しい楽しい私はここに来て、より頻繁に訪問するために。あなたのテーマを作成するために|開発者、設計者あなたが雇うましたか? グレート働く!
レイバン サングラス 偏光 価格 http://kettlebell.com/wp-content/themes/maya/rayban-1808/ja@6@42014110813370432xa.html

[74] 靴 オンラインショップ 靴 オンラインショップ - 2014/11/11(Tue) 18:17 No.135   HomePage

それはだ場合に|他のみんな遭遇経験 の問題を私は知らないがわからないあなたのウェブサイト。 それはのように思えるの一部テキストあなたの内にコンテンツがオフに実行されている画面。 他人ことができますしてくださいコメント、これは彼らに何が起こっているなら、私に知らせて同様に?私はこれが起こる持っていたので、 前に以前、私と問題問題であること。 おかげで
靴 オンラインショップ http://serviceandmaintenancebd.com/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/et@22014110719012468sc.html

[75] プラダ 靴 プラダ 靴 - 2014/11/11(Tue) 18:17 No.136   HomePage

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〔平成27年ダイアリー☆ディズニーキャラクター☆Minnie〕毎年大好評♪2015年手帳が登場です!誰よりも先に手に入れよう☆彡たくさん書けて持ち運びに便利なサイズ♪A6サイズの月間タイプ☆大人っぽいレトロなアートでディズニーファンのハートをキャッチ♪サイズ 外寸:約W110H150D5mm64頁仕 様 表紙:PVC カラーカバーツヤなし+箔押し 本文:紙内 容 マンスリーページ 見開き1ヶ月(2014.9?2015.12) 祝日名イベント表記 年間プラン カレンダー メモ アドレス 年齢早見表 世界地図 東京近郊路線図 主要地下鉄路線図※ メーカーの都合により、発売日、及び、 仕様が変更になる場合がございます。
財布 porter http://artigoutilidades.com.br/pages/20150330091804.html

[246] 折りたたみ自転車 旅 折りたたみ自転車 旅 - 2015/04/02(Thu) 18:36 No.322   HomePage

折りたたみ自転車 旅 http://www.attos.hr/slikehubert/slikemec/big/20150330091230.html

[247] サーフ 釣り ロッド サーフ 釣り ロッド - 2015/04/02(Thu) 18:36 No.323   HomePage

サーフ 釣り ロッド http://www.joaoestephano.com.br/css/20150330092526.html

[248] キャロウェイ ゴルフ キャロウェイ ゴルフ - 2015/04/02(Thu) 18:56 No.324   HomePage

キャロウェイ ゴルフ http://www.obergut.at/geschenke/banners/20150330093248.html

[249] クロムハーツ コレクター クロムハーツ コレクター - 2015/04/02(Thu) 18:56 No.325   HomePage

カラー:ピンク 素材:ポリエステル 84ポリウレタン 16 差込カップ付き、吊りカップ機能 G FIT(ジーフィット) エクササイズを基本にしたアメリカン・アスレチックウェア。
クロムハーツ コレクター http://www.schischule-ruderes.at/Geb/gallery/20150330094302.html

[250] 釣り用品 新宿 釣り用品 新宿 - 2015/04/02(Thu) 18:56 No.326   HomePage

釣り用品 新宿 http://domaja.hr/images/banners/20150330094601.html

[251] ??儕_姐儖?冦????_??_广?鑷虎????冦??? ??儕_姐儖?冦????_??_广?鑷虎????冦??? - 2015/04/02(Thu) 22:04 No.327   HomePage

お取り寄せについて 【在庫の有無・発送予定日】 については ご注文後、メールにてご連絡いたします。
??儕_姐儖?冦????_??_广?鑷虎????冦??? http://www.lacrosse-salzburg.at/images/showed/20150330090418.html

[252] 鑷虎????????????儕_姐儖?冦? 鑷虎????????????儕_姐儖?冦? - 2015/04/02(Thu) 22:10 No.328   HomePage

鑷虎????????????儕_姐儖?冦? http://www.funnyhearts.at/css/includes/20150330085945.html

[253] _????_?e620 _????_?e620 - 2015/04/02(Thu) 22:10 No.329   HomePage

_????_?e620 http://www.stiloembalagens.com.br/images/20150330090148.html

[254] 釣り ロッド 釣り ロッド - 2015/04/02(Thu) 22:44 No.330   HomePage

釣り ロッド http://www.kimsoran.com/kumsur1-Dateien/info/20150330092624.html

[255] ポーター パソコン ポーター パソコン - 2015/04/02(Thu) 22:44 No.331   HomePage

ポーター パソコン http://www.pacalchem.com/Test/gif/20150330091615.html

[256] カーナビ 取り付け 神奈川 カーナビ 取り付け 神奈川 - 2015/04/02(Thu) 22:44 No.332   HomePage

カーナビ 取り付け 神奈川 http://www.cicpa.ae/images/uploads/20150330091948.html

[257] ??_?????_ゃ???? ??_?????_ゃ???? - 2015/04/02(Thu) 23:35 No.333   HomePage

??_?????_ゃ???? http://ajuda.rede2.com.br/wp-content/uploads/20150330084508.html

[258] ?????????亞 ?????????亞 - 2015/04/02(Thu) 23:35 No.334   HomePage

数量限定商品ですので、ご注文はお早めに! 硬式グラブ(グローブ) メーカー名:ミズノ(MIZUNO) シリーズ名:ミズノプロ(Mizuno Pro) カラー:Dブルーシルバーレッド 左右:右投用 サイズ:11 表革:ノースヨーロピアンキップレザー 裏革:ノースヨーロピアンキップレザー ワイドヨコトジダブル 高校野球使用不可 日本製 野球用品 あす楽対応商品。
?????????亞 http://danielagradella.com.br/images/20150330085111.html

[259] ????????_? 涓???????ラ? ????????_? 涓???????ラ? - 2015/04/02(Thu) 23:46 No.335   HomePage

規格(内容量)約550g(50個入)販売単位パック外装サイズ27020040mm1個の大きさ(cm)約10?12g 約4cmJANコード4977205001858調理マーク生食可解凍・状態解凍後生食可用途・調理方法自然解凍・電子レンジ(耐熱性のお皿に移しラップをかけずに、冷凍のまま6個あたり500Wで1分20秒温めて下さい。
????????_? 涓???????ラ? http://www.lardo.hr/stan/more/20150330073736.html

[260] nike _?? nike _?? - 2015/04/02(Thu) 23:46 No.336   HomePage

nike _?? http://www.bilokalnik.hr/images/newletter/20150330073655.html

[261] _??_? ?°?_???_?? _??_? ?°?_???_?? - 2015/04/02(Thu) 23:46 No.337   HomePage

_??_? ?°?_???_?? http://www.otpconsulting.hr/images/pages/20150330072208.html

[262] ジミーチュー 長財布 ジミーチュー 長財布 - 2015/04/03(Fri) 01:48 No.338   HomePage

ジミーチュー 長財布 http://www.moruzgva.com/cms/forms/20150330082034.html

[263] スマートフォン アプリ ナビ スマートフォン アプリ ナビ - 2015/04/03(Fri) 01:48 No.339   HomePage

スマートフォン アプリ ナビ http://graficameubairro.com.br/Imagens/20150330080517.html

[264] ゴルフ ウェア メンズ ポロシャツ ゴルフ ウェア メンズ ポロシャツ - 2015/04/03(Fri) 04:01 No.340   HomePage

いつも清潔「水洗い」 本体丸ごと水洗いOK。
ゴルフ ウェア メンズ ポロシャツ http://www.niederhammer.com/webctrl_client/links/20150330091328.html

[265] ルイガノ 折りたたみ 2012 ルイガノ 折りたたみ 2012 - 2015/04/03(Fri) 04:01 No.341   HomePage

商品説明メーカーハイアール Haier品名/型番全自動洗濯機JW K42H(W)年式2014年製スペック【外形寸法】幅512x奥行482x高さ878(給・排水ホース含む)mm【質量】26.5kg製品特徴「スパイラルパルセーター」の作り出す水流が汚れをしっかり洗浄「風乾燥」が干し時間を短縮「ステンレス槽」が黒カビの発生をおさえる汚れの少ない時は「お急ぎコース」で洗濯時間を短縮「節水NO.1」なので地球にも、お財布にもやさしい2?24時間後に終了設定できる「予約タイマー」配送ヤマトらくらく家財宅急便(Bランク)にて配送致します。
ルイガノ 折りたたみ 2012 http://www.pontotopografia.com.br/includes/20150330092652.html

[266] クラークス レディース クラークス レディース - 2015/04/03(Fri) 04:01 No.342   HomePage

クラークス レディース http://www.difratellicuritiba.com.br/video/20150330092544.html

[267] ペンタックス 645z 価格 ペンタックス 645z 価格 - 2015/04/03(Fri) 04:23 No.343   HomePage

ペンタックス 645z 価格 http://www.krizevci.com/strojolijev/onama/20150330092327.html

[268] ゴルフ ブルゾン ゴルフ ブルゾン - 2015/04/03(Fri) 04:23 No.344   HomePage

ゴルフ ブルゾン http://www.apartmani-prigradica.com/includes/js/20150330091949.html

[269] 腕時計 セイコー ブライツ 腕時計 セイコー ブライツ - 2015/04/03(Fri) 04:23 No.345   HomePage

腕時計 セイコー ブライツ http://www.medjimurje-sport.hr/lightbox/swf/20150330091857.html

[270] ??x_便儷_??_?_???癨L????冦? ??x_便儷_??_?_???癨L????冦? - 2015/04/03(Fri) 08:39 No.346   HomePage

??x_便儷_??_?_???癨L????冦? http://www.soldus.hr/Images/tmp/photos/20150330084841.html

[271] _??_??????????冦? 搴?垪 _??_??????????冦? 搴?垪 - 2015/04/03(Fri) 08:40 No.347   HomePage

※項目がない場合は購入時、備考欄へご記入お願い致します※名入れの内容は購入時備考欄へご記入お願い致しますネスカフェ レギュラーソリュブルコーヒーギフトN50 SO 新製法で手軽で本格的な味わいが楽しめるようになったネスカフェコーヒーギフト特別価格で送料無料の人気商品です。
_??_??????????冦? 搴?垪 http://www.birgit-schlarmann.at/js/inc/20150330085149.html

[272] _?x_?? 鑵?檪??_???????? _?x_?? 鑵?檪??_???????? - 2015/04/03(Fri) 08:40 No.348   HomePage

_?x_?? 鑵?檪??_???????? http://www.jochbergen.at/index_htm_files/about/20150330084933.html

[273] Occhiali da Sole oakley Occhiali da Sole oakley - 2015/04/03(Fri) 09:05 No.349   HomePage

Asking questions are actually nice thing if you are not understanding anything completely, except this paragraph 「N3DS.MPO専用画像掲示板」を拡張して・・・ offers nice understanding yet.
Occhiali da Sole oakley http://www.tubecityims.com

[274] ??_?? ?″? ??_?? ?″? - 2015/04/03(Fri) 17:54 No.350   HomePage

記載サイズ:40 実寸:肩幅45cm、身幅53cm、袖丈57cm、着丈75cm ※平置きで実寸しております。
??_?? ?″? http://www.hundesport-kisser.at/termine/link/20150330130424.html

[275] ?┿???儚?????_?、藉ぉ ?┿???儚?????_?、藉ぉ - 2015/04/03(Fri) 19:52 No.351   HomePage

?┿???儚?????_?、藉ぉ http://www.larmoratobomfim.com.br/icons/20150330111442.html

[276] ??_ゃ儻 ????????????? ??_ゃ儻 ????????????? - 2015/04/03(Fri) 19:53 No.352   HomePage

??_ゃ儻 ????????????? http://www.dermangio.hr/velike/html/20150330132758.html

[277] ??????_?_ゃ? ??????_?_ゃ? - 2015/04/03(Fri) 19:53 No.353   HomePage

異硬度素材を組み合わせた厚めのミッドソールによりやわらかなクッション感を実現納期:5?7営業日 送料:無料 [本商品について]助走、クロスステップ、リリースまで、一連の動作をスムーズにする左右異設計構造。
??????_?_ゃ? http://www.attos.hr/slikehubert/slikemec/big/20150330104857.html

[278] 瀛?? 鑷虎???磅x_? 22 瀛?? 鑷虎???磅x_? 22 - 2015/04/03(Fri) 21:23 No.354   HomePage

瀛?? 鑷虎???磅x_? 22 http://www.hotel-zenit.com/images/inc/20150330153315.html

[279] _?x_??_??冦? ?????? _?x_??_??冦? ?????? - 2015/04/03(Fri) 21:23 No.355   HomePage

商品説明 走りに“攻め”を。
_?x_??_??冦? ?????? http://www.svo-stockbahn.at/images/img/css/20150330194519.html

[280] canon ?????? canon ?????? - 2015/04/03(Fri) 22:04 No.356   HomePage

canon ?????? http://www.goldeswert.com/images/img/20150330125622.html

[281] ???????冦? ???_冦u ???????冦? ???_冦u - 2015/04/03(Fri) 22:04 No.357   HomePage

関連商品 CANON(キヤノン) BCI 351XLGY グレー増量タイプ チップ付残量表示【洗浄カートリッジ】 インクカートリッジと同様にセットするだけで、簡単にプリンターのメンテナンスができる洗浄液です。
???????冦? ???_冦u http://ejrquadros.com.br/css/20150330111000.html

[282] _便x????????????┿? _便x????????????┿? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 02:22 No.358   HomePage

_便x????????????┿? http://www.pis.com.hr/obj/Debug/20150330123535.html

[283] 涓哥?_点x_癨U_????????_ゃ? 涓哥?_点x_癨U_????????_ゃ? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 02:22 No.359   HomePage

涓哥?_点x_癨U_????????_ゃ? http://www.duos.hr/images/img/20150330174411.html

[284] ??儻????冦儔 ??儻????冦儔 - 2015/04/04(Sat) 03:13 No.360   HomePage

??儻????冦儔 http://www.eltel.com/test/flash/20150330173801.html

[285] _淬儷???_с? ?°?_??嬪? _淬儷???_с? ?°?_??嬪? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 03:13 No.361   HomePage

_淬儷???_с? ?°?_??嬪? http://www.lebensorte.at/archiv/images/pics/20150330231754.html

[286] ??????$? ??????$? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 03:31 No.362   HomePage

【asics アシックス】 ハンドボールシューズ/屋外シューズ(アウトコート用/屋外用) スカイハンド OC MT 【THH520】アウターソールに採用した鍵型の意匠が屈曲性を高め、前後左右に激しく動くハンドボール特有の動作にしっかりと対応。
??????$? http://www.gracedecoracoes.com/includes/20150330141806.html

[287] _?儕_广x ??博 ?紡 _?儕_广x ??博 ?紡 - 2015/04/04(Sat) 03:31 No.363   HomePage

商品説明「ジレット マッハシンスリーターボ ホルダー 替刃1コ付」は、肌に優しい深剃り3枚刃のシェーバーホルダー(替刃式・使い捨てカミソリ)です。
_?儕_广x ??博 ?紡 http://fornosrainha.ind.br/imagens/20150330125831.html

[288] ??_???崇ぜ?濆? ??_???崇ぜ?濆? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 07:15 No.364   HomePage

??_???崇ぜ?濆? http://autopecasbr.com/img/20150330221540.html

[289] _???閲cw _???閲cw - 2015/04/04(Sat) 07:15 No.365   HomePage

【商品スペック】 仕様 : サイズ:24.0?29.0アッパー:本体人工皮革製+合成繊維製アウターソール:ゴム底※詳細は弊社PCページもしくはメーカーサイトをご確認下さい。
_???閲cw http://www.staceia.com.br/imagens/20150330164520.html

[290] _ゃ儷?????? _??┿?????冦? _ゃ儷?????? _??┿?????冦? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 14:22 No.366   HomePage

アシックス 陸上スパイクシューズ LJ JAPAN (LJ ジャパン)走幅跳(棒高跳) オールウェザー助走路専用 【メンズ・レディース】【RCP】【02P31Aug14】
_ゃ儷?????? _??┿?????冦? http://praia.rede2.com.br/html5test/20150330182415.html

[291] _广償???_般???儷 ?┿x??浜ゆ彌 _广償???_般???儷 ?┿x??浜ゆ彌 - 2015/04/04(Sat) 14:22 No.367   HomePage

オーニング・たてす取付 接着金具 NMT F12【D】【TK】[日よけ/節電/節約/省エネ/ガーデニング用品/ガーデン/オーニング・シェード]【0530da_ki】【RCP】【取寄品】【10P31Aug14】
_广償???_般???儷 ?┿x??浜ゆ彌 http://www.falaai.com/Library/20150330150942.html

[292] ?峰C浜? _???儚??? ?峰C浜? _???儚??? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 14:37 No.368   HomePage

この曲は現在公開中の映画「るろうに剣心 京都大火編」の主題歌ですが、ONE OK ROCKはシリーズ完結編として来月公開される「伝説の最期編」でも主題歌を担当。
?峰C浜? _???儚??? http://www.plasticosirati.com.br/contato/20150330133254.html

[293] _点優???_??_??????″? _点優???_??_??????″? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 19:38 No.369   HomePage

_点優???_??_??????″? http://www.ellipsemoveis.com.br/site/galerias/20150330134301.html

[294] panasonic _???? panasonic _???? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 19:38 No.370   HomePage

panasonic _???? http://www.geschriebensteinranch.at/includes/css/20150330174558.html

[295] ????????????_??_ゃ?_? ????????????_??_ゃ?_? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 19:49 No.371   HomePage

????????????_??_ゃ?_? http://www.cakoveconline.com/Scripts/baza/20150330234322.html

[296] ??儕_姐儖?冦? 鑷虎????????????? ??儕_姐儖?冦? 鑷虎????????????? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 19:49 No.372   HomePage

??儕_姐儖?冦? 鑷虎????????????? http://www.jurec.hr/reklame/photos/news/20150330101912.html

[297] _????_?_????? _????_?_????? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 19:49 No.373   HomePage

【種別】 固定式サッカースパイク 【メーカー名】 アシックス(asics) 【カラー】 レッドブラック 【アッパー】 人工皮革製(マイクロSK)天然皮革製(カンガルー表革) 【アウトソール】 合成底(ナイロンウレタン)固定式 【特徴】 GELシリコンを特殊加工した衝撃緩衝材。
_????_?_????? http://www.medjimurske-roke.hr/images/files/20150330185235.html

[298] ??儖??? ?????????_ゃ? ??儖??? ?????????_ゃ? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 20:24 No.374   HomePage

含有成分測定においてもカルシウムやナトリウムなどの必須ミネラル成分が、市販春ウコンと比較(日本食品分析センター調査)して突出して多くなっています 【栽培】無農薬・無化学肥料栽培 うきうきウッキンは、沖縄県いりおもて島の原生林のかたわらで、大自然から溢れ出る、ミネラル・栄養満点の「水」をそのまま吸収し、生産者様が手間隙かけて、無農薬・無化学肥料栽培で、栽培したものを使用しています。
??儖??? ?????????_ゃ? http://www.marizo.hr/test/logo/20150330182634.html

[299] ???_?? _??????? ???_?? _??????? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 20:24 No.375   HomePage

???_?? _??????? http://www.atrasomsc.com.br/pages/20150330134951.html

[300] _??_儷_?? 1500c _??_儷_?? 1500c - 2015/04/04(Sat) 20:48 No.376   HomePage

「メール便送料無料 ASUS MeMO Pad ME301T ケース 10.1型タブレット PC ASUS ME301t ケース タッチペン付けられる スタンドタイプ カバー クロコ croco 柄 スマートケース【RCP】」の「価格」「在庫状況」等は、ショップのロゴ、または「ショップへ」ボタンをクリックした後、必ず各オンラインショップ上でご確認ください。
_??_儷_?? 1500c http://www.septicwag.com/webctrl_client/site/20150330145309.html

[301] ??_ゃ儻瑁藉? ??_ゃ儻瑁藉? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 20:48 No.377   HomePage

??_ゃ儻瑁藉? http://prismaagrimensura.com.br/Library/20150330223618.html

[302] _淬儷????┿??°?_? 鏃ユ? _淬儷????┿??°?_? 鏃ユ? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 20:58 No.378   HomePage

安定性と反発性に優れ、走行効率や走行効率を高めますAHAR PLUS(エーハープラス):従来のラバーと同等の軽量性、グリップ性をもちながら、約3倍(当社比)の耐摩耗性を発揮するアウターソール素材PHF(ピー・エイチ・エフ):個人の足型に合わせて、ゆっくりと変形してフィットするような低反発フォームを足首部に内蔵。
_淬儷????┿??°?_? 鏃ユ? http://www.e92.hr/EKnjizara/images/20150330182340.html

[303] seiko?°?_????? seiko?°?_????? - 2015/04/04(Sat) 22:58 No.379   HomePage

CASIO カシオ Baby G ベビーG BABY G 時計【BG 6900 4JF】 【カシオ ベビーG 腕時計 2012年 9月 新作】【送料無料】
seiko?°?_????? http://www.biacsics.at/images/photos/20150330160323.html

[304] ??_?? 搴?垪 ??含 ??_?? 搴?垪 ??含 - 2015/04/05(Sun) 00:17 No.380   HomePage

ミズノ (MIZUNO) ウエーブ レゾリュート 2 WIDE(ホワイトブラックブルー) J1GE141209 [分類:ジョギングシューズ (メンズ)] 送料無料【ポンパレモール】
??_?? 搴?垪 ??含 http://citati-izreke.net/upload/20150330112314.html

[305] _???癨R??? ?????? _???癨R??? ?????? - 2015/04/05(Sun) 00:17 No.381   HomePage

_???癨R??? ?????? http://www.andasbiken.at/html/about/20150330115906.html

[306] ???_??_???搴?垪 ???_??_???搴?垪 - 2015/04/05(Sun) 05:03 No.382   HomePage

???_??_???搴?垪 http://www.gasthausbirner.at/images/birner/thumbnails/20150330134651.html

[307] コーチ公式アウトレット コーチ公式アウトレット - 2015/04/05(Sun) 09:23 No.383   HomePage

コーチ公式アウトレット http://www.cyclo-club.com

[308] ?????_淬儷??mp ?????_淬儷??mp - 2015/04/05(Sun) 11:04 No.384   HomePage

納期について:【取寄】通常3?5日の発送予定(土日祝除く)【エーワン プラ製ウナギとり うなぎ 捕獲 】 狭いポイントでも仕掛けやすいスリム設計。
?????_淬儷??mp http://www.klub-susacana.hr/images/reklame/20150330132204.html

[309] _??????ャ? 搴?垪 _??????ャ? 搴?垪 - 2015/04/05(Sun) 11:32 No.385   HomePage

_??????ャ? 搴?垪 http://www.lederzeug.com/upload/js/20150330112644.html

[310] _???? hdd sd _???? hdd sd - 2015/04/05(Sun) 11:32 No.386   HomePage

「【8/31 10:00?▲エントリーで店内最大24倍】【2点以上対象商品】asics(アシックス)【LADY GEL RESOLUTION 5(レディゲルレゾリューション5)TLL726 3301】オールコート用テニスシューズ」の「価格」「在庫状況」等は、ショップのロゴ、または「ショップへ」ボタンをクリックした後、必ず各オンラインショップ上でご確認ください。
_???? hdd sd http://www.bilokalnik.hr/isoslike/20150330183603.html

[311] コーチ アウトレット コーチ アウトレット - 2015/04/05(Sun) 12:57 No.387   HomePage

それすばらしい 記事 「N3DS.MPO専用画像掲示板」を拡張して・・・ 用全てインターネット 人、私は確信しているそれから| 利点の利益彼らは得る得る取るになります。
コーチ アウトレット http://www.scs.org.my/

[312] トリーバーチ トートバッグ トリーバーチ トートバッグ - 2015/04/05(Sun) 13:08 No.388   HomePage

One extra method in favor of advertising your weblog 「N3DS.MPO専用画像掲示板」を拡張して・・・ is posting comments on different directories with your webpage link.
トリーバーチ トートバッグ http://www.reproductivelawyer.com

[313] ?磅x_?2013 lgs cr07 ?磅x_?2013 lgs cr07 - 2015/04/05(Sun) 13:38 No.389   HomePage

備考 こちらの商品は1点までメール便配送可能です。
?磅x_?2013 lgs cr07 http://www.vidracariakennedy.com.br/images/20150330232312.html

[314] オークリー スポーツサングラス オークリー スポーツサングラス - 2015/04/05(Sun) 14:26 No.390   HomePage

Hello, the whole thing 「N3DS.MPO専用画像掲示板」を拡張して・・・ is going nicely here and ofcourse every one is sharing information, that truly good, keep up writing.
オークリー スポーツサングラス http://www.greenskeeper.org

[315] _???儚??? ??吉 _淬??癨Q _???儚??? ??吉 _淬??癨Q - 2015/04/05(Sun) 19:51 No.391   HomePage

下の小さな画像にカーソルを合わせると上の大きな画像が切り替わります(クリックはしないでください)Le Creuset(ルクルーゼ)の人気の秘密ル・クルーゼはグルメの国、フランス生まれルクルーゼの鍋は200年以上の鋳物製造の歴史を持つ町で生まれました。
_???儚??? ??吉 _淬??癨Q http://agendameubairro.com.br/uploads/20150330143341.html

[316] _????_?_ゃ?_??????冦? _????_?_ゃ?_??????冦? - 2015/04/05(Sun) 21:30 No.392   HomePage

_????_?_ゃ?_??????冦? http://www.villaburic.com/skins/20150330224157.html

[317] ??_c?_????????? ?″? ??_c?_????????? ?″? - 2015/04/05(Sun) 21:30 No.393   HomePage

??_c?_????????? ?″? http://www.pacalchem.com/Slike/bak/en/20150330101248.html

[318] ships _??????? ships _??????? - 2015/04/05(Sun) 21:41 No.394   HomePage

というと、それはとてもとても おぞましい状態 になるのはご存知の通りです現在は大画面テレビを持つ人も増えてきました。
ships _??????? http://www.paric-pelli-grezze.hr/images/user/20150330201740.html

[319] _???? eos m2 cm _???? eos m2 cm - 2015/04/05(Sun) 22:03 No.395   HomePage

_???? eos m2 cm http://www.mura-drava-bike.com/img/20150330142208.html

[320] ???_????? _??_广???? ???_????? _??_广???? - 2015/04/05(Sun) 22:51 No.396   HomePage

???_????? _??_广???? http://www.orbit-nekretnine.hr/unos/slike/20150330102808.html

[321] ???????_??嗚В ???????_??嗚В - 2015/04/05(Sun) 22:51 No.397   HomePage

☆ モニターの環境によって色が異なる場合があります。
???????_??嗚В http://autopecasbr.com/sitenew/20150330142201.html

[322] 瀛?????鑷虎?????_????? 瀛?????鑷虎?????_????? - 2015/04/06(Mon) 05:11 No.398   HomePage

瀛?????鑷虎?????_????? http://alphamaq.com.br/teste/20150330142410.html

[323] ??_???癨R??? ??_???癨R??? - 2015/04/06(Mon) 05:11 No.399   HomePage

??_???癨R??? http://www.andasbiken.at/html/about/20150330153422.html

[324] tumi ???????冦? tumi ???????冦? - 2015/04/06(Mon) 06:12 No.400   HomePage

ハンドボールシューズ スカイハンドJAPAN?MT ?ハンドボールシューズ(インドア用)? 品名:スカイハンドJAPAN MT 品番:THH514 カラー 5093:ネイビーブルーシルバー サイズ:23.0?29.0cm アッパー素材:本体人工皮革製(エクセーヌ) 補強人工皮革製 アウターソール:ゴム底 インナーソール:取り替え式 プロフィール足入れ感を高めてクラシカルな名品復刻。
tumi ???????冦? http://www.matadapraiaimoveis.com.br/img/20150330165213.html

[325] ??????? ??????? - 2015/04/06(Mon) 06:37 No.401   HomePage

パサつく、ツヤがない、くせ毛、うねり毛、乾きが遅い、髪が長くて乾くのに時間がかかる、髪のダメージが気になる、髪の毛のボリューム感がないなどお悩みのお客様に大変おすすめです◇プロ仕様ヘアドライヤー 電 源 AC100V 50/60Hz消費電力 1,400W外形寸法 222(275ノズル含む)22090mm電源コード長 27m重 量 約380gトルマリン黄土による遠赤外線とマイナスイオンが髪を甦らせる。
??????? http://www.stillenacht-oberndorf.at/gallery/js/20150330173502.html

[326] ???_??_? ??儷_点x_?2015 ???_??_? ??儷_点x_?2015 - 2015/04/06(Mon) 07:00 No.402   HomePage

春夏のファッションの用意はお済みですか? ぜひビルケンシュトックで、オシャレで健康なスタイルを! 素材 アッパー:合成繊維 アウトソール:合成底 商品カテゴリ ビルケンシュトックはこちら MFEG 【小さいサイズ・レディース】22.5cm 23cm 23.5cm 24cm 24.5cmビルケンシュトック パピリオ ヘルシンキ ビルケンシュトック パピリオ ヘルシンキ ビルケンシュトックの中でも カラフルなモデルをリリースするパピリオ! 2009春夏の新作登場です! 触り心地抜群のふわふわしたスポンジみたいなアッパーに個性的なプリントが施されています! こちらは、デニムのポケットに王冠(クラウン)をプリントしたモデル。
???_??_? ??儷_点x_?2015 http://www.alterlaabild.at/casaseminar/info/20150330110938.html

[327] ???_???_???儚??? ???_???_???儚??? - 2015/04/06(Mon) 17:21 No.403   HomePage

ファッション Latte ファッションニュース ISM (イズム) サロンクオリティー ヘアケアから、 フレッシュな、シャンプーとトリートメント、新発売
???_???_???儚??? http://www.obrtnici.com/images/gallery/20150330115201.html

[328] ??儖??? ?煎? ??儖??? ?煎? - 2015/04/06(Mon) 19:27 No.404   HomePage

) レギュラーラスト(3D)側面のふくらみを抑え、アーチからかかと部にかけて包み込むようにフィットする立体設計のレギュラーラスト。
??儖??? ?煎? http://www.johannesheitz.at/upload/skins/20150330172959.html

[329] ?°?_恒?_ゃ??????? ?°?_恒?_ゃ??????? - 2015/04/06(Mon) 19:27 No.405   HomePage

その名前は、紀元2世紀初めのローマの風刺作家ユベナリスの名文句、 Sana In Corpore Sano アッパー:天然皮革 ソール:ゴム底(スポンジラバー) ワイズ:4E ヒール高:2.0cm 製法:カリフォルニアプラット ファスナー付き。
?°?_恒?_ゃ??????? http://domaja.hr/html/index/20150330095056.html

[330] panasonic sd??? panasonic sd??? - 2015/04/06(Mon) 19:51 No.406   HomePage

panasonic sd??? http://www.stomatolog-radovic.hr/gallery/20150330194141.html

[331] _点x?????? ?曚尽 _点x?????? ?曚尽 - 2015/04/06(Mon) 23:41 No.407   HomePage

_点x?????? ?曚尽 http://www.websou.com.br/css/20150330232832.html

[332] _????儉?? _???償?冦? _????儉?? _???償?冦? - 2015/04/06(Mon) 23:42 No.408   HomePage

シリーズ:ランニングシューズ カラー:0199:ホワイトオニキス 素材:アッパー本体合成繊維製(ラッセル構造)補強人工皮革製アウターソールゴム底インナーソール取り替え式 アシックス(ASICS) 競技用シューズやスニーカー、アスレチックウェアなどを製造、販売する。
_????儉?? _???償?冦? http://www.verlagsbuero-garten.at/webctrl_client/js/inc/20150330135852.html

[333] _???儚??? _ゃ儖_???癢ヤ?冦??? _???儚??? _ゃ儖_???癢ヤ?冦??? - 2015/04/06(Mon) 23:42 No.409   HomePage

_???儚??? _ゃ儖_???癢ヤ?冦??? http://www.hobbytechnik.at/images/header/20150330105204.html

[334] _ゃ儷?????? ??亜 _ゃ儷?????? ??亜 - 2015/04/07(Tue) 02:48 No.410   HomePage

_ゃ儷?????? ??亜 http://www.hde.hr/ostalo/20150330152521.html

[335] ???????? ?°?_??″? ???????? ?°?_??″? - 2015/04/07(Tue) 05:34 No.411   HomePage

「アシックス(asics) SD JAPAN(円盤投げ・砲丸投げ) パ?ルホワイト/B TFT370 【陸上 シューズ スパイク】【ポンパレモール】」の「価格」「在庫状況」等は、ショップのロゴ、または「ショップへ」ボタンをクリックした後、必ず各オンラインショップ上でご確認ください。
???????? ?°?_??″? http://www.ingbiro.hr/izvor/20150330103648.html

[336] 鑷虎????博 鑷虎????博 - 2015/04/07(Tue) 23:05 No.412   HomePage

フィット性とインドアでの快適性を高めています☆【アッパー】 本体:人工皮革製(エクセーヌ) 補強:人工皮革製※こちらの商品はメーカー取寄せ商品のため発送までに2日?5日ぐらいお時間がかかります。
鑷虎????博 http://www.promet-makarska.hr/engine/images/20150330181155.html

[337] レイバン レイバン - 2015/04/08(Wed) 06:28 No.413   HomePage

それ素晴らしい ポスト 「N3DS.MPO専用画像掲示板」を拡張して・・・ をサポートするために設計された全てオンライン 視聴者、私は確信しているそれから| 利点の利益彼らは得る得る取るになります。
レイバン http://www.bragannarbor.com/

[338] モンブラン ボールペン モンブラン ボールペン - 2015/04/08(Wed) 15:04 No.414   HomePage

Can you please forward me the code for this script 「N3DS.MPO専用画像掲示板」を拡張して・・・ or please inform me in detail in relation to this script?
モンブラン ボールペン http://www.midmarkcap.com/

[339] ?ゃ優?????_??? ?ゃ優?????_??? - 2015/04/08(Wed) 16:44 No.415   HomePage

?ゃ優?????_??? http://www.flockerlhof.at/pages/swf/20150330105219.html

[340] ??????_?????°?渚℃? ??????_?????°?渚℃? - 2015/04/08(Wed) 16:44 No.416   HomePage

フランク・ミウラをあなたの腕に装着するかしないかはあなたのセンス次第!!そこのお客様(特に美容師さん!)、話の種にお一ついかがでしょうか?型番FRANKMIURA 01 WHケース材質:ブラス合金サイズ:約縦38mm横33mm厚さ:約8mmベルト材質:合成皮革ムーブメント逆回転式クォーツ機能逆回転式アンチATフィールド?個性の価格破壊?防水機能防水性:完全非防水!付属品フランク三浦専用BOX 保証書(3ヶ月間) 取扱証明書ジャンルメンズ レディース ブランド 仕事 大人 オトナ アウトレット 脳トレ バラエティ・グッズ。
??????_?????°?渚℃? http://www.pontotopografia.com.br/imagens/20150330203601.html

[341] ???_??_? optio rz10 ???_??_? optio rz10 - 2015/04/08(Wed) 19:13 No.417   HomePage

COMFO FLEX(コンフォフレックス)/心地よいフィット感、ソフトな風合い、厚手の安心感を追求した快適・安心なフィットネススイム素材。
???_??_? optio rz10 http://www.goldnewseletronica.com.br/loja/img/20150330181427.html

[342] ?????_ゃ? oem ?????_ゃ? oem - 2015/04/09(Thu) 10:21 No.418   HomePage

?????_ゃ? oem http://www.amaisbrazil.com.br/img/20150330190942.html

[343] ??儷???宸マiroshima?????儷 ??儷???宸マiroshima?????儷 - 2015/04/10(Fri) 15:07 No.419   HomePage

??儷???宸マiroshima?????儷 http://www.maxiar.com.br/facefiles/home/zqkj7590-y5i0.html

[344] ??儷???°?_?_??_???? ??儷???°?_?_??_???? - 2015/04/10(Fri) 15:07 No.420   HomePage

??儷???°?_?_??_???? http://www.compro-stil.hr/include/js/mwaf5080-u5m3.html

[345] ??儷??0_??????????儷 ??儷??0_??????????儷 - 2015/04/10(Fri) 15:11 No.421   HomePage

??儷??0_??????????儷 http://www.feiranoivavip.com.br/NEWS/images/srzb1926-d1z4.html

[346] ??儷???宸ャ???z涓纜S ??儷???宸ャ???z涓纜S - 2015/04/10(Fri) 15:12 No.422   HomePage

【いただきます本舗】商品情報 商品名: 幻の大阪地ソース!《HERMES SAUCE(ヘルメスソース)》ヘルメスとんかつソース900ml 原材料:野菜・果物(トマト・たまねぎ・りんご)、砂糖、糖蜜、食塩、醸造酢、香辛料、澱粉、蛋白加水分解物、 加工澱粉、酸味料、カラメル色素、酒精、調味料(アミノ酸等)、ビタミンB1、甘味料(サッカリンNa)、保存料(パラオキシ安息香酸)(原材料の一部に小麦・大豆を含む) 内容量: 900ml 原産国:国産品賞味期限:製造日より1年 保存方法: 直射日光を避け、冷暗所で保管してください。
??儷???宸ャ???z涓纜S http://www.adria-trade.co.jp/beer/html/ztxc1285-q4n6.html

[347] ??????_?_????t_?????″? ??????_?_????t_?????″? - 2015/04/10(Fri) 16:36 No.423   HomePage

??????_?_????t_?????″? http://www.maqdom.com.br/icons/qpky2609-v1v8.html

[348] ??儷??? ??儷??? - 2015/04/10(Fri) 16:36 No.424   HomePage

▼ミニトートバッグ〔王冠・ボーダー〕ピンク 【192510cm:レディース】キャロウェイ Callaway ゴルフ バッグ レディース【2014新作モデル】ゴルフ>ゴルフバッグ>その他【ポンパレモール/ポンパレ】。
??儷??? http://www.curtlo.com.br/VAUDE/flash/saey9745-y2d3.html

[349] marni ???_?涓纜S marni ???_?涓纜S - 2015/04/10(Fri) 18:20 No.425   HomePage

「アシックス/asics ヒートフラットFR5 【HEATFLAT FR5】オールラウンド用 陸上スパイク ランスパ☆オールウェザー/土兼用☆2014asp(ttp7910191)」の「価格」「在庫状況」等は、ショップのロゴ、または「ショップへ」ボタンをクリックした後、必ず各オンラインショップ上でご確認ください。
marni ???_?涓纜S http://www.mattaraia.com.br/enquete/index/dpvv8419-c2c2.html

[350] ??儷????腑????_ゃ儖????????儷 ??儷????腑????_ゃ儖????????儷 - 2015/04/10(Fri) 18:20 No.426   HomePage

??儷????腑????_ゃ儖????????儷 http://www.brazilcor.com.br/informativo/photos/qoxk1203-k3t0.html

[351] marni ???_?涓纜S marni ???_?涓纜S - 2015/04/10(Fri) 18:20 No.427   HomePage

(3) 誤用をさけ、品質を保持するため、他の容器に入れかえないでください。
marni ???_?涓纜S http://bfconstrutora.com.br/images/Empreendimentos/akjj6648-o7p3.html

[352] ??儷????????? ??儷????????? - 2015/04/10(Fri) 18:42 No.428   HomePage

??儷????????? http://www.pharmalogger.com/Media/725/tlvh1992-q2l6.html

[353] ??儷?????? ??儷?????? - 2015/04/10(Fri) 18:42 No.429   HomePage

??儷?????? http://www.vrtic-marjan.hr/images/Flags/ypum4141-w0h3.html

[354] ??偐??????21涓嬬? ??偐??????21涓嬬? - 2015/04/10(Fri) 18:42 No.430   HomePage

??偐??????21涓嬬? http://www.azfactoring.hr/IMAGES/news/izmy9347-w5a3.html

[355] ??偐??????21???_恒儖??????_? ??偐??????21???_恒儖??????_? - 2015/04/10(Fri) 20:33 No.431   HomePage

??偐??????21???_恒儖??????_? http://www.eurotours-makarska.com/css/fvri9231-l5h6.html

[356] ????????????┿??併??冦? ????????????┿??併??冦? - 2015/04/10(Fri) 20:33 No.432   HomePage

????????????┿??併??冦? http://www.quimiart.com.br/facefiles/upload/dwqv6246-t8g6.html

[357] ??儷?????_?? ?ゆT ??儷?????_?? ?ゆT - 2015/04/10(Fri) 20:46 No.433   HomePage

??儷?????_?? ?ゆT http://www.digasimimoveis.com.br/wising/popups/zqht7247-k3h7.html

[358] gaimo_点??????博 gaimo_点??????博 - 2015/04/10(Fri) 20:47 No.434   HomePage

gaimo_点??????博 http://www.redlara.com/news/page/utog1640-t9l5.html

[359] ??儷???_???????? ??儷???_???????? - 2015/04/10(Fri) 23:40 No.435   HomePage

革部 : ネイビー / 金具 : シルバー色 幅 約35cmタイプ 素 材 ポリエステル 75 エラスティック25 仕 様 ヒモは伸び縮みします。
??儷???_???????? http://www.model-educa.hr/index/htnb9389-c4y6.html

[360] ??儷?嬪、??満2013 ??儷?嬪、??満2013 - 2015/04/11(Sat) 03:34 No.436   HomePage

??儷?嬪、??満2013 http://www.plastex-baksa.com/htmlarea/images/knlz6597-e3p6.html

[361] ??儷???_с? ??儷???_с? - 2015/04/11(Sat) 03:34 No.437   HomePage

??儷???_с? http://www.maxiar.com.br/lightbox2/images/ajnf3417-m8y8.html

[362] ??_ゃ????_°? ??_ゃ????_°? - 2015/04/11(Sat) 03:48 No.438   HomePage

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その美味しさや便利さから一度使用した カフェやレストラン、お客様から長く愛されているパンケーキミックスです。
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素材:ネオプレーン、エアープレーン ※こちらの商品はメール便での出荷ができません。
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こんにちは、絶えず ブログ iを確認するために使用し、ここで記事をパーセント*** **%早い時間にはないで夜明け、として I 愛 学ぶこと見つけるますます|の知識。
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「東北エリア」「甲信越エリア」「関東エリア」「北陸エリア」「東海エリア」「関西エリア」「中国エリア」 ※ あす楽配送エリア外へのご注文の場合でも昼12時までのご注文は原則的に即日発送させて頂きますが商品のご到着は翌々日以降となりますビカム(運営:ビカム株式会社)は商品の販売を行なっておりません。
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材質:磁器、シリコン(ピンク、グレー、ブルー、ピスタチオ) サイズ:直径:11cm 高さ:7cm 容量:325ml (シリコン)直径:11cm高さ:1.5cm ブランド:Royal Copenhagen(ロイヤルコペンハーゲン) / Danmark(デンマーク) 化粧箱:ロイヤルコペンハーゲン化粧箱入り 備考:電子レンジ可、食洗機可、フリーザー可 関連キーワード:保存容器ギフト。
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尚、北海道や沖縄、離島への送料はお問い合わせくださいエコな上に1日中暖かなこたつ、ミツウロコの豆炭こたつは寒い冬、寒い地方では必需品大人数の家族向け 大型の90cm角大型商品のため(200サイズ)送料が加算になりますので承諾メールにて必ずお確かめ下さい。
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品番:TJR833 0119/ホワイトピンク品名:【アシックス】LADY TARTHERZEAL TS 2【アッパー素材】本体:合成繊維製(ラッセル構造)補強:人工皮革製【アウターソール】合成底(ウレタン)ゴム底【サイズ】22.5?26.0cm【生産国】日本 インナーソール:取り替え式 トレーニング時に摩擦しやすい内側から蹴り出し部分に耐久性に優れたラバー素材を採用したコンビネーションソール。
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[441] Germanwings Plane Crash- What We Know About Alps T... suhzltcz - 2015/06/02(Tue) 15:57 No.517   HomePage

TIMING: Germanwings said that the plane took off at 10:01 a.m. local time, reached its cruising altitude of 38,000 feet at 10:44, and began descending one minute later. It [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/css/bayern_m&uuml_;nchen_trikot_bild_shop_110150.html]bayern m眉nchen trikot bild shop[/url]
descended for eight minutes, the airline said. It crashed in the Alps at about 6,500 feet. French radar lost contact at 10:53. Flight Radar 24, which tracks air traffic, said that the descent began at 10:31, with last contact at 10:40.PLANE MODEL: The plane was an Airbus A320, one of the most popular models in the world. The A320 has a strong safety record. More than 6,000 planes of the A320 family are in service worldwide.AIRCRAFT: The aircraft that crashed on Tuesday had been in service since 1991. The age of 24 years is not out of the ordinary for the A320. The aircraft had logged about 58,000 hours in the air over 46,000 flights.PILOT: The pilot of the plane had logged more than 6,000 hours flying the A320, the airline said.TERROR: A spokeswoman for the National Security Council said that there was no indication of a connection to terrorism. President Barack Obama was briefed on the crash, and U.S. officials offered help to the French, German and Spanish authorities.WEATHER: Weather did not immediately appear to be a factor. Conditions were favorable.HISTORY: It was the first major plane crash in France since July 2000, when a Concorde crashed, killing 109 people on the plane and four on the ground.

[442] Never forget the time Al Harrington lost the Knick... supuzcxc - 2015/06/02(Tue) 19:37 No.518  

Instead, Harrington&nbsp; and the Knicks finished with 32 wins, well short of the playoffs yet low in lottery odds. [url=http://www.welshdiving.co.uk/db/manchester_city_shirt_online_250421.html]manchester city shirt online[/url]
New York barely had a chance at Blake Griffin, and came a couple of ping-pong balls away from catching Stephen Curry in the 2009 draft. Sometimes I think about this and my nose starts bleeding?
And still, the first thing that comes to mind when I think of 32 wins is that it should have been 34. 2008-'09 was one of Harrington's best seasons in the league. It was also the year lightning struck twice.
On Feb. 11, 2009, the led by their old friend Zach Randolph. They carried a slight lead into the fourth quarter, then seemed to pull away before Eric Gordon and Steve Novak(!) shot Los Angeles back into the game. New York clung to a one-point edge with 25 seconds to go when Harrington rebounded a David Lee miss, followed it with a two-handed dunk, then celebrated by hanging on the rim and giving the backboard a meaty slap.
Harrington's celebration drew a technical, the Clippers hit the free throw, Mike D'Antoni air-punched his rage, Randolph tied the game for Los Angeles and it went to overtime, where the Knicks would eventually lose.

[443] Manage Your Media More Effectively with NAS ydpwjuwz - 2015/06/02(Tue) 19:54 No.519  

Quick: Where's that video you shot while on vacation last summer?

If you're like most people, your media -- photos, videos, and music -- is scattered far and wide across a collection of computers, cameras, phones, and CDs -- with some stashed online across [url=http://www.guerraimmobiliare.it/Images/inter_abbigliamento_525241.html]inter abbigliamento[/url]
a half-dozen websites.

Make this the year where you get all of this under control. It isn't difficult: Network-attached storage, or NAS, makes the perfect centerpiece for your media collection. All you need to do is pick the device that's the right size for you and your data.

Here's how NAS helps you store, manage, and access your media better than any other method.

NAS Offers Room to Grow
If you've ever torn your hair out because your computer's hard drive was maxed out or had to delete apps to make room for more photos on your mobile devices, you'll love one of the biggest benefits of NAS: Breathing room. Even a basic 2-bay NAS like the can support up to 8,000 gigabytes of storage, vastly more than you'll get from web services like Dropbox. You simply add an appropriately sized hard drive to complete the package.

What's more, NAS can grow with you. QNAP offers home and SMB NAS devices with room for up to eight hard drives, so if you somehow manage to fill up the first one, you can keep adding more drives to the system. With NAS, you'll never have to worry about running out of storage space. If your hard drives fill up, you can quickly swap them out with bigger ones as needed, or add additional drives to expand storage space. Using , upgrading storage space on your NAS is quick and easy. You also won't have to shell out extra cash each month like you do with cloud-based storage services, and the HS-210's slim, fanless design means it will fit right in with your existing d茅cor and electronics equipment.

NAS Makes Sharing Easy
Tired of emailing photos to grandma or waiting all afternoon for a video to finish uploading to the web? QNAP makes getting media to the NAS a snap. With , you can use your web browser to upload, download, and manage any file stored on your NAS device, no matter where you are. Likewise, lets you easily manage your collection of pictures, creating albums, setting up slideshows, and tagging your friends and family. gives you the same types of capabilities with your home movie collection -- and lets you share videos on Facebook, Twitter, and other social networking sites.

NAS Keeps Your Data Safe
With NAS, you control who gets access to your media, not a faceless corporation you're entrusting with your memories. You decide who gets in and who gets out, setting permissions on a folder-by-folder basis. Set up individual user accounts and groups (one for friends, one for family) to give everyone access to the right files and nothing more. QNAP even scans for viruses automatically to keep your data safe.

NAS Takes the Hassle Out of Organizing Media
QNAP NAS devices make organizing your media files easy thanks to a collection of apps that run much like the ones you're used to on your smart phone. Photos aren't just dumped into a folder, but are that can be accessed online and shared through social networks, ensuring they aren't buried in the recesses of your cameraphone forever. Likewise, your on a personal website where friends and family can enjoy them. Even your music collection can be shared on Facebook if you want to play .

Make your media shine with , a new type of NAS that puts the user first and leaves the headaches behind.

[444] Telestream Announces Tempo, a New Time Adjustment ... czlddnis - 2015/06/02(Tue) 20:28 No.520  

Telestream, the leading provider of digital video tools and workflow solutions today announced Tempo鈩? a new time adjustment solution for re-timing file-based content and intelligently adjusting the running time of shows and segments. Showcased for the first time at NAB 2015 (booth SL3305) Tempo utilizes new time compression algorithms that deliver superior quality and faster turn-around [url=http://www.virtusleadership.com/css/ray_ban_carbon_fibre_polarized_525210.html]ray ban carbon fibre polarized[/url]
times. Running on the Vantage media-processing platform, Tempo is easy to use and offers all of the benefits of the industry's leading workflow management and transcoding system.

"For content owners and distributors, adjusting the run time is important as it creates additional revenue opportunities and decreases distribution costs," explains , Telestream's CTO.

Tempo uses new methods of media analysis. It intelligently interpolates the desired time change over the duration of the content in a way that produces no noticeable visual or audible artifacts. It can adjust an existing asset running time from 1% to 10% without any perceived loss of video or audio quality. Tempo also has the ability to re-time the complete asset, including video, audio, and captions, offering unmatched quality that is consistent with stringent broadcast and network-level requirements.

Tempo is a product that returns a substantial ROI by providing the ability to increase advertising avails throughout the day. Tempo will be particularly interesting for companies who are working with content from other eras or other regions of the world where the ad timing is different than their current format.

"Syndicated content duration from the 1950 through the 1970 was longer than the typical syndicated content from the modern broadcast era. This presents problems in fitting these longer length programs into current ad-block alignments. Tempo is an ideal solution for aligning the timing of this content," says Carnahan.

Tempo runs on the media processing platform and , providing unparalleled quality of media assets. Since it is built on the flexible Vantage service oriented architecture, Tempo can be seamlessly integrated with other Vantage or third-party systems to create a powerful automated workflow ?all under unified system control. Tempo can be controlled through a special Vantage Portal or controlled in an automated fashion.

Available for purchase in Q2-2015, Tempo will be sold as a turnkey system that includes Tempo software running on the latest Vantage media processing platform and Telestream Lightspeed Server hardware.

More information is available at .


[445] berraschungen in der DEL- Ingolstadt und Mannheim ... tjysndyl - 2015/06/02(Tue) 20:28 No.521  

Roe fehlt den M眉nchnern f眉r unbestimmte ZeitF眉r die Ingolst盲dter trafen in einem [url=http://intervari.com/images/kate_spade_harmony_baby_bag_ebay_202343.html]kate spade harmony baby bag ebay[/url]
abwechslungsreichen Spiel Brandon Buck (7./24.) und Jean-Francois Boucher (33.). Durch Jonas Liwing (15.), Alexander Foster (15.), Mike York (49./54./58.) und Colten Teubert (60.) bewiesen die Roosters jedoch den l盲ngeren Atem.In Wolfsburg waren die Gastgeber, die sich in den Pre-Playoffs in drei umk盲mpften Spielen gegen die Krefeld Pinguine durchgesetzt hatten, 眉ber die gesamte Spielzeit 眉berlegen. Marco Rosa (4.), Tyson Mulock (29.) und Timothy Hambly (41.) trafen, f眉r M眉nchen verk眉rzte Daniel Sparre (32.).M眉nchen war bereits unter schlechten Vorzeichen angetreten, die Bayern m眉ssen f眉r unbestimmte Zeit auf Topscorer Garrett Roe verzichten, der an einer Beinverletzung laboriert. Aktuell fehlen Cheftrainer Don Jackson damit zehn verletzte Spieler.Das Play-off-Viertelfinale wird am Sonntag fortgesetzt.

[446] Indian Wells- Djokovic beats Federer, Halep wins yeekjrsl - 2015/06/02(Tue) 21:21 No.522  

wasn't able to come up with serves,ankovic聽said. ll these previous rounds I was able to kind of rely on my serve and really execute and just do [url=http://www.moneta.be/assets/maillot_foot_bayern_munich_2012_302104.html]maillot foot bayern munich 2012[/url]
what I needed to do to close the match out.聽I just started making all these double faults. I was being tentative. That was a mistake. That's why I lost the match. I paid the price.?
Halep聽was never able to find her best tennis throughout the tournament. She had to go to three sets in four of her five matches while struggling with a foot blister as well as the emotional strain of learning her cousin had committed suicide last week back in Romania. don't know how I won today because I didn't play my best,alep聽said. didn't play good tennis, but I just wanted to fight till the end because I think that is the most important thing for my style, for myself.?
Despite the injury concerns during the final,聽Halep聽told reporters she does intend to play next week's Miami Open. Her strong early start to the seasonhe is the first聽WTA聽player to win three titles and will lead the Road to Singapore standings on Monday攅ases some of the pressure she'll face when the tour turns to clay and grass in April, where she has a significant amount of points to defend.聽
Winning a title without playing your best tennis is always a confidence booster. A French Open finalist last year,聽Halep's聽run in Indian Wells moves her one step closer to realizing her dream of winning a Grand Slam one day. his tournament gives me a lot of confidence that I can be there, I can win every tournament, so now I have more confidence that I can win a Grand Slam,?she said.
Halep's post-match press conference ended with a touch of levity after she was asked to lift the BNP Paribas Trophy and failed miserably:

[447] Millennials asked to fork over $250 for Ted Cruz e... ecqockni - 2015/06/02(Tue) 21:43 No.523  

Sen. of Texas is making a clear pitch to millennial voters [url=http://www.nativeprince.com/images/ray_ban_aviator_small_price_india_542332.html]ray ban aviator small price india[/url]
as he makes a bid to win the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, but young professionals wanting to attend one of his events聽on Wednesday聽will have to shell out a minimum of $250 for the privilege of meeting with him.

Along with an e-mail invitation to attend a 測oung professionals event?for Sen. Cruz at The Campbell Apartment, a swanky cocktail bar in midtown Manhattan, invitees are told the minimum required for attending is $250 and they should fill out an attached form that asks anywhere from $250 for an individual to $10,800 for a couple.

Of course, many politicians charge well more than $250 to meet a presidential candidate. But critics say the price tag seems particularly steep when Cruz is specifically targeting young people who may be hard-pressed for that kind of money.


he senator is thrilled that so many of you will be able to attend. As you can imagine, this is a very exciting time for all of us in the Cruz campaign and I glad that you will all get to be part of the journey!?invitees are told. The invitation itself which makes no mention about the minimum donation says it is paid for by the Ted Cruz Victory Committee.

Some young would-be attendees expressed angst that the price to attend was too high.

Brandon Faske, 22, who works in marketing for NBC Universal, msnbc s parent company, told a Cruz staffer via email after learning about the $250 price tag: aving just graduated school with a burden of student loan debt, I can really afford the donation at this time, but will of course look to contribute monetarily and in other ways down the line. I hope I can still attend.?Lila Ontiveros, a Cruz staffer, wrote back that the senator understands, as Cruz himself recently paid off his school loans, but indicated he still would not be able to attend. e will keep you in mind for future NYC trips!?she wrote.

Another millennial working in public relations in Manhattan who wanted to attend but isn due to the cost told msnbc, ?250 is extremely steep for any young professional, unless they are coming from a privileged background.?
Rick Tyler, a spokesperson for Cruz for President, said he couldn t offer details on the price of the New York event, and referred questions to event organizers, who did not return msnbc s requests for comment. Tyler also noted, however, that Cruz recently paid off student loans and went to school when his parents were struggling and that he uniquely elates to the students and their experience.?

Tyler said as Cruz, 44, lays the groundwork for his 2016 campaign, hel talk about issues that matter to young voters, including the economy, how entrepreneurial startups are hurt by current federal regulations and education. 淵oung voters have the most stake in our future. They have the most interest in an economy that is growing and expanding.?
Indeed, Cruz is clearly appealing to millennials. He selected Liberty University ?the world largest Christian collegen Monday聽to make his presidential ambitions known in front of thousands of students. On St. Patrick Day he drank green beer at an event in Arlington, Va.聽 filled with young conservatives.

But Cruz may have an uphill battle as he pushes a message to repeal Obamacare (which allows Americans under 26 to stay on their parents?health plan), has vehemently spoken out against聽 the president executive action on immigration (which expands a 2012 program that provides some relief to young people brought to the country illegally as children), and has he talks about defending the 渟anctity of human life?and protecting the 渟acrament of marriage.?This isn t exactly what all the kids are talking about at college campuses around America.

Jeanne Zaino, a professor of political science at Iona College and of political campaign management at New York University, said Cruz is likely trying to make inroads with a constituency that聽 fellow tea partier and all but likely presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky has done well with in the past ?and to muscle him out before he officially jumps into the race in early April.

do think he is going to face some trouble,?Zaino said on Cruz winning young voters over. 淵es, he talks about populism and economic inequality but in terms of social views, he alienating many young people. He going to face trouble on that end.?

[448] UEFA gegen fr眉heren DFB jghqxyvh - 2015/06/02(Tue) 21:53 No.524  

"Vorw眉rfe absolut nicht gerechtfertigt""Er hat versucht - offensichtlich v枚llig chancenlos - eine Klage einzureichen und das Image des DFB zu [url=http://www.guerraimmobiliare.it/Styles/maglie_da_portiere_inter_425100.html]maglie da portiere inter[/url]
sch盲digen", sagte Infantino: "Das ist f眉r uns v枚llig unverst盲ndlich - das kann von niemandem verstanden werden." Schon gar nicht vom DFB, der Zwanzigers Vorst枚e l盲ngst als "l盲cherlich" bezeichnet hatte.Der fr眉here DFB-Boss reagierte mit Unverst盲ndnis. "Die Vorw眉rfe sind absolut nicht gerechtfertigt", sagte Zwanziger bei Spiegel Online: "Ich wundere mich ein bisschen, dass die UEFA-Funktion盲re nichts Wichtigeres zu tun haben." Bis 2013 sa er selber im UEFA-Exekutivkomitee, der Kongress w盲hlte ihn vor vier Jahren eine Stufe h枚her in das FIFA-Gremium.

Aber: "Er hat in den vergangene beiden Jahren an keiner unserer Sitzungen teilgenommen", berichtete Infantino: "Wenn man 眉ber Good Governance und Demokratie spricht, sollte man auch teilnehmen und Entscheidungen akzeptieren."Freiwillig auf Entsch盲digungen verzichtetAuch dies, so konterte Zwanziger, entbehre jeder Grundlage. Er habe sich strikt an die Regeln des Kontinentalverbands gehalten, die Interessenskollisionen verbieten. Da er im Auftrag der FIFA Reformen bei der UEFA durchsetzen sollte, habe er nicht gleichzeitig an deren Sitzungen teilnehmen k枚nnen. Damit habe er freiwillig auf Entsch盲digungen verzichtet. "Anderen sind diese Regeln offensichtlich egal", sagte Zwanziger, der in der vergangenen Woche im FIFA-Exko auf Abschiedstour gegangen war. Es folgt noch eine Sitzung vor dem FIFA-Kongress im Mai.Am Dienstag wird Niersbach offiziell vom UEFA-Kongress in die Regierung des Weltfuballs bestellt. Im Sommer beginnt er seine Arbeit als Zwanziger-Nachfolger. Noch bleibt viel Zeit f眉r einen Dauerstreit.

[449] Sarah Harding gushes about new boyfriend Jason and... nrnfqyrh - 2015/06/02(Tue) 22:27 No.525  

The 33-year-old star, who split up from her boyfriend [url=http://www.wbhseries.com/img/pink_and_white_oakley_sunglasses_241123.html]pink and white oakley sunglasses[/url]
of two years Mark Foster in September 2014, also discussed her plans for the foreseeable future.
業 love to get married. I hoping it will happen in my thirties,?she confessed. 楾wo or three children would be nice ?Il knock a few out!?
New love: The Girls Aloud star was pictured with a new man, thought to be Jason, a few weeks ago during a winter walk in London

All smiles: The beaming beauty couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she walked along with the dashing gent

Out now:聽Read the full interview with Sarah in this week's OK! magazine
It was only a few weeks ago that Sarah was pictured with a handsome mystery man, thought to be Jason, during a casual winter walk in London.
She even cryptically boasted about her new man after she received a thoughtful gift on Valentine's Day.
Capturing a bouquet of gorgeous red roses for her Instagram account, Sarah said: 'Maybe a day late posting this but thank you...beautiful gift from the most beautiful person.
espite u not being here right now to share it's only one day and what's that when we have many more we have together. Thank u. Xxxx?
Meanwhile, the pop star also discussed her battle with depression, revealing the real reason behind her stint in rehab.
'My depression was because of bl***y men,' she told the magazine.業 didn go in [to rehab] about an addiction to sleeping tablets, it just because I was depressed.?The British star's last relationship - which began in 2012 - ended in heartache when the DJ ended things with her over her commitments to gymnastics reality TV competition Tumble, which commenced in August 2014.
Speaking about finding love again late last year, Sarah told: 'The break-up did shake me and of course I was upset. But I had put so much into the show, I knew I had to focus and that's what I did.'
Read the full interview with Sarah in this week's OK! magazine

[450] 'Facebook generation' less likely to drink, smoke ... oxacobro - 2015/06/02(Tue) 22:50 No.526  

in 2013 tobacco smoking among young women aged 18 to 24 dropped by 10 per cent, and among young men by almost as much. State surveys also showed a major drop in 2013 in numbers of people in the same age group who took any illegal drug, [url=http://www.greatfoodclub.co.uk/style/bayern_munich_kits_over_the_years_052031.html]bayern munich kits over the years[/url]
down from 19.3 per cent to 16.3 per cent.
Some researchers have pointed to a ユォacebook effect?which has led teenagers who would once have spent their spare time on the streets instead to devote it to playing with gadgets in their bedrooms. Widespread public disapproval of smoking, drunkenness, drug abuse and teen mothers is also likely to have influenced teen behaviour.
Professor Candace Currie of St Andrews, who assembled evidence drawn up from surveys and official statistics carried out in Europe and North America, said: ユゾhere is much to celebrate about the health and well-being of many young people today.?/font>

The study, assembled by academics at St Andrews University (pictured), said that despite the increasing levels of health and well-being, adolescents now are just as likely to be fat as the previous generation
She added however that ユΖthers continue to experience real and worrying problems.?/font>
Some countries, including Scotland, showed evidence that fewer youngsters took daily exercise in 2010 than in 2002.
The report said that while the overall optimistic picture seems surprising, considering that many countries faced a severe economic crisis in the last decade, policies and actions to improve public health were implemented in many countries in the same period. Many of those policies were, however, deeply controversial.

Some researchers have pointed to a ユォacebook effect?which has led teenagers who would once have spent their spare time on the streets instead to devote it to playing with gadgets
Critics of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, launched in England by Tony Blair, have said that it had nothing to do with the fall in teenage pregnancy, which did not become evident until after David Cameronユ獨 Coalition scrapped the programme of contraceptive distribution in 2010.
Yesterdayユ獨 report added that ユΟhe general feeling that young people are better off today could also be attributed to changes in fashions, behavioural norms and societal values.?/font>
Professor Currie said: ユアdolescence is a crucial stage in life when you lay the foundation for adulthood, whether that is healthy or otherwise.?/font>

[451] Six icons of Britishness that were actually create... arwwhauv - 2015/06/02(Tue) 23:18 No.527   HomePage

The cheeky car of choice for everyone from Steve McQueen to Mr Bean, the Mini captured the optimism of mischief of the swinging [url=http://lasbielas.com/css/cheap_oakleys_advertised_on_facebook_224041.html]cheap oakleys advertised on facebook[/url]
sixties and became the best-selling British car in history, with a production run of 5.3m. It was the brainchild of one of the most original car designers of modern times, , who was born into the Greek community of Smyrna, now Izmir, in Turkey in 1906, and came to Britain in 1923. hen youe designing a new car for production, never, never copy the opposition,?was the motoring maverick motto, and the Mini was unlike anything seen before. It was developed in response to the influx of German bubble cars, which had been noted with disdain by captain of the British car industry Leonard Lord, who instructed Issigonis to design a 減roper?small car to rive them off the streets? By flipping the normal front-to-back location of the engine to side-to-side, he saved so much space that it was possible to accommodate a four-seater car on a tiny, easily parkable chassis. But passenger comfort wasn so high on the agenda. Issigonis despised such 渓uxuries?as radios and comfortable seats, concerned that drivers should remain alert at all times. would like people to sit on nails,?he once said, o be extremely uncomfortable all the time.?
Tea at the Ritz: Swiss style

[452] 'Facebook generation' less likely to drink, smoke ... pwemnnqk - 2015/06/03(Wed) 01:36 No.528  

in 2013 tobacco smoking among young women aged 18 to 24 dropped by 10 per cent, and among young men by almost as much. State surveys also showed a major drop in 2013 in numbers of people in the same age group who took any illegal drug, [url=http://9thstreetclinics.com/db/boys'_new_balance_kv695_334312.html]boys' new balance kv695[/url]
down from 19.3 per cent to 16.3 per cent.
Some researchers have pointed to a ユォacebook effect?which has led teenagers who would once have spent their spare time on the streets instead to devote it to playing with gadgets in their bedrooms. Widespread public disapproval of smoking, drunkenness, drug abuse and teen mothers is also likely to have influenced teen behaviour.
Professor Candace Currie of St Andrews, who assembled evidence drawn up from surveys and official statistics carried out in Europe and North America, said: ユゾhere is much to celebrate about the health and well-being of many young people today.?/font>

The study, assembled by academics at St Andrews University (pictured), said that despite the increasing levels of health and well-being, adolescents now are just as likely to be fat as the previous generation
She added however that ユΖthers continue to experience real and worrying problems.?/font>
Some countries, including Scotland, showed evidence that fewer youngsters took daily exercise in 2010 than in 2002.
The report said that while the overall optimistic picture seems surprising, considering that many countries faced a severe economic crisis in the last decade, policies and actions to improve public health were implemented in many countries in the same period. Many of those policies were, however, deeply controversial.

Some researchers have pointed to a ユォacebook effect?which has led teenagers who would once have spent their spare time on the streets instead to devote it to playing with gadgets
Critics of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, launched in England by Tony Blair, have said that it had nothing to do with the fall in teenage pregnancy, which did not become evident until after David Cameronユ獨 Coalition scrapped the programme of contraceptive distribution in 2010.
Yesterdayユ獨 report added that ユΟhe general feeling that young people are better off today could also be attributed to changes in fashions, behavioural norms and societal values.?/font>
Professor Currie said: ユアdolescence is a crucial stage in life when you lay the foundation for adulthood, whether that is healthy or otherwise.?/font>

[453] Horner Announced as BIVB Managing Director of Mark... ekitlmpe - 2015/06/03(Wed) 01:38 No.529  

The Big Island Visitors Bureau (BIVB) announced the [url=http://www.carneys.com.au/file/real_madrid_third_kit_2015_junior_215000.html]real madrid third kit 2015 junior[/url]
addition of resort veteran Paul Horner to the newly created position of managing director of marketing Tuesday.
Horner had previously spent the last nine months at the Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort and Spa, serving as their resort manager. Before that, he worked nearby at the Keauhou Beach Resort, beginning in 2008, as their general manager.
Prior to that, he worked on the mainland at The Carneros Inn, located in Napa, Calif. as a general manager. Before that, he had a prior stint on a neighbor island, this time on Lanai, spending twelve years between two different stops. He was the general manager of the Manele Bay Hotel and hotel manager at The Lodge at Koele.
aul addition to the marketing team gives us even more depth, expertise, and resources as we continue to rebrand Hawai榠 Island and increase travel demand and awareness for the island,?said George Applegate, BIVB executive director, in a news release. is leadership and intimate knowledge of Hawaii Island will be invaluable as we prepare for the future.?
Horner fills several other roles around the island s community. He currently serves on the University of Hawaii at Hilo s College of Business and Economics advisory board, and is also a board member with the Kona-Kohala Chamber of Commerce and Habitat for Humanity.

[454] Eurocup, Viertelfinale- Roundup- Nummer 20! Kuban ... hpjrxifx - 2015/06/03(Wed) 03:17 No.530  

Den T眉rken d眉rfte dennoch die erfreuliche Erkenntnis bleiben, dass Paris alles andere als unschlagbar ist. Mit etwas Gl眉ck h盲tte schon ausw盲rts ein Sieg eingefahren werden k枚nnen, nun muss eben zuhause mit [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/images/deutschland_trikot_2012_auf_rechnung_303343.html]deutschland trikot 2012 auf rechnung[/url]
mindestens 3 Punkten Vorsprung gewonnen werden. Bis dahin sollten sie aber vermutlich noch etwas an der Pr盲zision aus der Distanz arbeiten (6/25 3FG).Herbalife Gran Canaria Las Palmas - Pinar Karsiyaka Izmir 76:66 ()Es bleibt dabei: Auf Gran Canaria gewinnt es sich in dieser Saison nicht allzu leicht. Izmir war genauer gesagt bereits die zehnte Mannschaft in dieser Saison, die an dieser Herausforderung scheiterte. Und dabei sah es bis zum letzten Viertel noch richtig gut aus f眉r die T眉rken: Mit gerade einmal 2 Punkten Vorsprung ging Las Palmas in den letzten Durchgang. Dort 眉bernahmen die Gastgeber dann allerdings - vor allem in Person von Albert Oliver, der 7 seiner 17 Punkte im vierten Viertel markierte.Der Guard schaffte es vor allem, immer im richtigen Moment zu antworten. Zweieinhalb Minuten vor Schluss verk眉rzte Juan Palacios (18 Punkte) auf 6 - Oliver traf per Jumper. 75 Sekunden sp盲ter brachte Palacios Izmir auf 7 Z盲hler heran, aber wieder antwortete Oliver. Sein Dreier zum 74:64 nahm seinem Team auch die letzten Zweifel am wichtigen Heimsieg, der ihnen sogar ein recht komfortables Polster f眉r das R眉ckspiel im 眉ber 4.000 Kilometer entfernten Izmir bescherte.Oliver war dementsprechend Topscorer seines Teams, die meiste Unterst眉tzung erhielt er von Kyle Kuric (14 Punkte). Center-Talent Walter Tavares steuerte je 8 Punkte und Rebounds zum Sieg bei. Bei den G盲sten aus Izmir konnten sich neben Palacios vor allem Bobby Dixon (14 Punkte, 6 Assists) und D.J. Strawberry (12 Punkte) auszeichnen. "Wir m眉ssen uns im R眉ckspiel besser pr盲sentieren und ihr Transition Game unterbinden", bem盲ngelte Jon Diebler.

[455] BBC to decide Jeremy Clarkson's Top Gear future to... zotqwghk - 2015/06/03(Wed) 04:23 No.531  

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FA Chairman said the BBC has been placed in an impossible position and 'can't win either way' whatever the outcome of the Top Gear Inquiry.
Clarkson, who is currently suspended after allegedly hitting Oisin Tymon in a row over hot food, has reportedly promised to sue the BBC if he is sacked from the popular show.
Speaking to ITV News yesterday, Mr Dyke said: 'First of all I'd say that I don't think Jeremy Clarkson is the first presenter I've met who would have liked to have thumped his producer.

The BBC is set to lose as much as 67million a year if Top Gear presenter Jeremy Clarkson is sacked over claims he punched a producer.
The corporation's commercial arm rakes in an estimated 50million a year from selling the rights to Top Gear overseas, with the show watched in 214 countries around the world.
On top of that, BBC Worldwide makes millions more from Top Gear Magazine and live shows in the UK and abroad, as well as sales of DVDs.

The BBC could lose tens of millions of pounds in annual profit if they do give Clarkson his marching orders, with the sale of the show overseas making 50million.
Top Gear Magazine has a global circulation of 1.7m, bringing in another estimated 7.4million - not including profit from advertising, as well as the costs of producing and shipping the magazine.
The motoring programme is also set to make around 7.35million in sales of tickets to its 14 live shows in the UK this year.聽聽
'But in truth he is a disaster waiting to happen really for the BBC. It's hard toS'm glad I'm not the executive who has to take that decision because if you were, you can't win either way now.'聽
The presenter launched an extraordinary foul-mouthed rant at BBC bosses during a charity gala last week.
Speaking at an event in north London to raise money to help disadvantaged youths, Clarkson said that he wanted to do one more lap of the show's track 'before the 'f****** b******* sack me'.
He said: 'I didn't foresee my sacking, but I would like to do one last lap. So I'll go down to Surrey and I'll do one last lap of that track before the f****** b******* sack me.
'I'll be a bit tearful when I do it, but f*** it, let's do it. And I'll drive somebody around in whatever I can get hold of. I'm sacked so it's probably an Austin Maestro.'聽

But the under-fire presenter claimed that the 'sweary' incident had all been in good humour.
Writing in his column in the Sunday Times, he said: 'I woke up after a night at a charity do to be told by my lawyer that someone had uploaded a video of me using choice language to describe bosses at the BBC.
'But it was all meant in jest and anyway it worked. By being brief, controversial and a bit sweary I woke the room up and the auction prize I was offering - one last lap of the Top Gear test track - raised 100,000.'聽

Clarkson was keen to stress his commercial clout in next month's Top Gear magazine, which was written before the latest row erupted and will go on sale on Friday.
He warned against Top Gear becoming boring, saying: 'We could talk about fuel economy. And hire purchase plans. But, if we did, we'd be left with almost no viewers in the UK, and no foreign sales.'
Clarkson allegedly punched Mr Tymon when he was offered cold cuts instead of a hot steak after a long day of filming.聽
He is also said to have called the producer a 'lazy Irish ****', during what the BBC described as a 'fracas'.聽
Lord Tony Hall, BBC director-general, is expected to deliver his verdict on Clarkson's future as soon as today.

[456] Fictional TV characters are more popular than Obam... gokyhuxk - 2015/06/03(Wed) 04:28 No.532   HomePage

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the eyes of Americans, Barack Obama doesn stand a chance against merciless politician Frank Underwood.

The ouse of Cards?star (played by Kevin Spacey) and current TV president , according to a silly poll released Monday by Reuters. Partisanship makes it hard for any U.S. leader to receive high favorability ratings. A recent Reuters-Ipsos poll shows 46 percent of Americans have a 渇avorable?opinion of Obama

But when those political affiliations become fictional and meaningless, it seems even a cold-blooded killer like Underwood can earn some respect with the public. Underwood, a Democrat from South Carolina, received a 57 percent favorability rating from respondents. &nbsp;

The Spacey character was not the most popular fictional president. Four other TV presidents polled better than him and Obama:

President David Palmer (Dennis Haysbert) of ?4?- 89 percent favorability
Josiah Bartlet (Martin Sheen) of he West Wing?- 82 percent favorability
Laura Roslin (Mary McDonnell) of attlestar Galactica?- 78 percent favorability&nbsp;
Fitzgerald itz?Grant (Tony Goldwyn) of 淪candal?- 60 percent favorability
Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey) of "House of Cards" - 57 percent favorability
Barack Obama, real U.S. president - 46 percent favorability
See the above gallery for our favorite (though not necessarily electable) fictional presidents.

[457] USA wspieraj Irak w bitwie o Tikrit ksqigmmv - 2015/06/03(Wed) 04:46 No.533  

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Islamskiemu (IS), informacji o pozycjach islamistw i ruchach ich oddziaw.
Wedug informacji Guardiana, uzyskanych od anonimowego przedstawiciela koalicji, o wsparcie poprosiy wadze Iraku. Wczeniej Waszyngton informowa, 偶e nie by proszony o udzia w tej kampanii. Irackie siy bezpieczestwa, wspierane przez szyickie milicje oraz iraskich doradcw wojskowych, w tym Stra偶nikw Rewolucji, na pocztku tego miesica rozpoczy ofensyw majc na celu odzyskanie z rk IS rodzinnego miasta Saddama Husajna. Ten sam rozmwca Gurdiana, zaprzeczy, 偶e Amerykanie bezporednio kontaktuj si z iraskimi wojskowymi.
Tikrit le偶y na drodze czcej Bagdad z Mosulem. Zdobycie Tikritu jest tak偶e czci wielkiej operacji odbicia Mosulu. Przejcie kontroli nad miastem Husajna uatwi zaopatrywanie oddziaw majcych nastpnie uderzy膰 na Mosul.
W kampani ma zosta膰 zaanga偶owanych 25 tys. irackich 偶onierzy oraz bojownicy kurdyjscy. Ofensywa ma si rozpocz膰 najp藕niej w maju. Do informacji dotar Reuters ju偶 w lutym, powoujc si na anonimowego przedstawiciela Centralnego Dowdztwa si zbrojnych USA.
Kilka dni p藕niej koalicja zwikszya liczb nalotw w okolicy Mosulu. W mediach pojawiy si tak偶e informacje o mo偶liwym przesuniciu terminu rozpoczcia operacji nawet na marzec. Biorc pod uwag opr, jaki siy irackie napotkay w Tikricie, termin ten jest mao prawdopodobny. Obecnie w Mosulu znajduje si od tysica do 2 tys. terrorystw z IS.

[458] News und Ger眉chte- Savanovic teilt Pl盲ne der Bay... xhbulmuz - 2015/06/03(Wed) 08:14 No.534   HomePage

Savanovic begeistert von Bayern-Zielen: [url=http://www.annphysiocare.com/css/sunglasses_ray_ban_prescription_031153.html]sunglasses ray ban prescription[/url]
hat in den vier groen europ盲ischen Ligen gespielt, seit 2014 l盲uft er f眉r den FC Bayern auf. Mit den Zielen des Teams ist der Serbe voll einverstanden, wie er bei Eurohoops erkl盲rte: "Bayern hat groe Erwartungen f眉r die Zukunft, sie wollen eines der besten Teams Europas werden und im Final Four der Turkish Airlines Euroleague spielen. Das ist ein sehr groer Klub. Die Leute in M眉nchen haben groe Ambitionen und es ist eine riesige Ehre f眉r mich, Teil des Teams und seines wachsenden Projekts zu sein."Auch von der Liga ist er 眉berzeugt: "Die Deutschen haben hohe Ziele und arbeiten hart daran. F眉r mich ist es eine tolle Sache, hier zu sein. Die Organisation ist gut und wenn ein System perfekt funktioniert, macht es deinen Job leichter. Das Marketing ist ebenfalls gut und wir werden sehen, wie sich das 眉ber die n盲chsten Jahre entwickelt."Dar眉ber hinaus sprach Savanovic 眉ber die beiden groen Trainer Dusan Ivkovic und Svetislav Pesic, die er inzwischen beide hautnah erleben durfte: "Beide haben einen groen Ruf und ihre Philosophien 盲hneln sich. Beide arbeiten am gleichen Ziel, aber jeder hat seine eigene Art und seinen eigenen Stil. Das ist der Unterschied."

[459] Google Inc. Is Rolling Out Fiber To A New Location... ayxyffrm - 2015/06/03(Wed) 09:33 No.535   HomePage

Google Inc. announced Tuesday it will bring its super-fast [url=http://www.nativeprince.com/css/ray_ban_rx5169_black_141233.html]ray ban rx5169 black[/url]
Internet service to Salt Lake City. Google Fiber is faster and costs less than similar plans from competing Internet service providers, but is currently only available in three cities in the U.S.
Salt Lake City joins a number of cities in the American southeast as sites where Google plans to lay down Fiber. The tech giant also says it will 減otentially?bring the service Portland, Oregon, as well as San Jose, California, and Phoenix. Google Fiber is currently offered in parts of Provo, Utah; Austin, Texas, and Kansas.
Google announced in January it was expanding into Atlanta as well as Nashville, Tennessee, and Charlotte and Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina. The company said it was still in the early stages of building the new fiber optic networks.
ver the coming months, wel work closely with these cities to map out just where to lay our fiber-optic cables. There a lot of work ahead,?Devin Baer, associate city manager for Google Fiber, said in a . can wait to see what [Salt Lake City] does with superfast Internet.?

[460] USA spowolni wycofywanie 偶onierzy z Afganistanu, ... vzxohoto - 2015/06/03(Wed) 11:09 No.536  

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prob przebywajcego z wizyt w Waszyngtonie prezydenta Afganistanu Aszrafa Ghaniego USA utrzymaj do koca 2015 roku obecn liczb 9800 偶onierzy w Afganistanie - poinformowa we wtorek na wsplnej konferencji z Ghanim prezydent USA Barack Obama.
Obowizujcy dotychczas harmonogram zakada, 偶e liczebno膰 amerykaskich si w Afganistanie zmniejszy si z obecnych niecaych 10 tys. do 5,6 tys. 偶onierzy do koca 2015 roku, a pozostali bd sukcesywnie opuszcza膰 kraj do koca 2016 roku, tak by po 2016 roku liczba amerykaskich 偶onierzy ograniczaa si do okoo 1 tys. - 1,5 tys.; bd oni odpowiada膰 za bezpieczestwo ambasady USA.
W komunikacie Biaego Domu podano, 偶e jeli chodzi o wycofywanie wojsk amerykaskich z Afganistanu w 2016 roku, "zostanie to ustalone p藕niej w 2015 roku, tak aby umo偶liwi膰 wojskom USA konsolidacj w majcej siedzib w Kabulu ambasadzie USA do koca 2016 roku".

[461] Andy Carroll steps up recovery as West Ham striker... nkcepazp - 2015/06/03(Wed) 13:18 No.537   HomePage

Andy Carroll has taken another step towards his recovery from a serious knee injury after coming through a spin and gym session, although the West Ham striker remains sidelined for the rest of the season.
The Hammers' record signing has not played since injuring his knee against Southampton in February and shocked followers of his Instagram account [url=http://degierslapen.nl/images/oscar_chelsea_shirt_251133.html]oscar chelsea shirt[/url]
with gory post-operation pictures of his leg held together by staples.
However, after being pictured earlier this month wearing an intimidating knee brace, the England international proudly posted an Instagram picture after completing a rehabilitation session.

Andy Carroll gives a thumbs up after completing a spin and gym session as he continues his recovery

The West Ham striker had previously posted a picture of his stapled leg following surgery on his knee

Carroll's partner Billi Mucklow posted a picture of the Hammers ace wearing a leg brace earlier this month
Staples out!! One step closer!! 憤
Andy Carroll (@AndyTCarroll)
Earlier this month, Carroll also took to social media to reveal the staples have been removed from his leg - accompanied by the caption: 'One step closer'.
The 26-year-old has been plagued by injuries throughout his career but West Ham hope he can recover from his latest turn on the treatment table to be ready for pre-season training.
Despite an impressive start to the season, Sam Allardyce's side have fallen away since Christmas - drawing five and losing six of their 13 Premier League games to leave them ninth in the table.

The 26-year-old has struggled with injuries at Upton Park but hopes to be ready for pre-season

West Ham players celebrate Diafra Sakho's goal en route to victory over Sunderland at the weekend
Meanwhile, Mark Noble is refusing to give up on his dream of breaking into the England squad ahead of the European Championship finals despite being overlooked once again by Roy Hodgson.聽
Noble said: 業 have made it clear what I think about the situation and I would love to play for my country. But obviously at the moment it doesn't look like it is going to happen.聽
業 will keep playing as well as I can at West Ham and enjoying it every week. You never know what will happen in the future.

[462] Expert Says Social Media Has Taken Bullying To New... cmwrnlma - 2015/06/03(Wed) 13:22 No.538  

(CBS) A 17-year-old girl from Burbank is recovering af
Some claim she was cyber-bullying the girl who stabbed her.
CBS 2 s Mai Martinez [url=http://www.freedomdebtagreements.com.au/css/manchester_united_goalkeeper_jersey_2012_13_130122.html]manchester united goalkeeper jersey 2012 13[/url]
talked to an expert about how social media has taken bullying to a disturbing level.
Social media and bullying can be a volatile combination. Author and journalist Carrie Goldman has studied the issue for five years and wrote the book Bullied.
淕ossip, being unkind, jealousy, rumors, this happened you know, hundred years ago,?Goldman said. hat s changed is the forum.?
That forum reaches a lot more people, a lot more quickly, and Goldman says online bullying differs from in-person bullying in a major way.
here s no one there to hit back, so you can hit again and again and again,?Goldman said.
Apps like Yik Yak and Burnbook allow people to post and attack anonymously.
t gives them a forum to say just the most terrible things to each other and it escalates,?Goldman said.
Sometimes, to violence and even suicide.
t feels to the kids as if their entire world is collapsing on them,?she said.
So what can parents do? Goldman says talk to their kids about the consequences of their online actions.
淒on t click ike?on the mean nasty thing. Don t retweet it. Don t switch from being a bystander into being a bully yourself,?she said.
Goldman says she has already talked with her 3, 4 and 5-year-olds.
And for those being bullied?
emind yourself you don t deserve to be mistreated. You did nothing wrong, she said.
Goldman also says any victim of bullying needs to tell someone they trust about it so that they can get help.

[463] Die Coaches der 30 NBA ruvdytdv - 2015/06/03(Wed) 15:02 No.539  

&nbsp;GettyBrett Brown (Philadelphia 76ers, seit [url=http://www.moneta.be/assets/etoile_maillot_de_foot_bayern_240123.html]etoile maillot de foot bayern[/url]
August 2013) &nbsp;gettyDerek Fisher (New York Knicks, seit 10. Juni 2014) &nbsp;GettyBrad Stevens (Boston Celtics, seit Juli 2013) &nbsp;gettyLionel Hollins (Brooklyn Nets, seit Juli 2014) &nbsp;GettyDwane Casey (Toronto Raptors, seit 2011) &nbsp;gettyJason Kidd (Milwaukee Bucks, seit Juli 2014) &nbsp;gettyTom Thibodeau (Chicago Bulls, seit Juni 2010) &nbsp;gettyDavid Blatt (Cleveland Cavaliers, seit Juni 2014) &nbsp;GettyFrank Vogel (Indiana Pacers, seit 2011) &nbsp;GettyStan van Gundy (Detroit Pistons, seit Mai 2014) &nbsp;GettySteve Clifford (M., Charlotte Hornets, seit Mai 2013) &nbsp;GettyMike Budenholzer (l., Atlanta Hawks, seit Mai 2013) &nbsp;GettyErik Spoelstra (Miami Heat, seit 2008) &nbsp;gettyJames Borrego (Orlando Magic, seit 5. Februar 2015 interimsm盲ssig) &nbsp;GettyRandy Wittman (Washington Wizards, seit 2012) &nbsp;GettyMonty Williams (New Orleans Pelicans, seit 2010) &nbsp;GettyDave Joerger (Memphis Grizzlies, seit Juni 2013) &nbsp;GettyRick Carlisle (Dallas Mavericks, seit 2008) &nbsp;GettyKevin McHale (Houston Rockets, seit 2011) &nbsp;GettyGregg Popovich (San Antonio Spurs, seit 1996) &nbsp;GettyQuin Snyder (Utah Jazz, seit 6. Juni 2014) &nbsp;gettyMelvin Hunt, Denver Nuggets (seit M盲rz 2015) &nbsp;GettyScott Brooks (Oklahoma City Thunder, seit 2008) &nbsp;GettyFlip Saunders (Minnesota Timberwolves, seit 6. Juni) &nbsp;GettyTerry Stotts (Portland Trail Blazers, seit 2012) &nbsp;GettyDoc Rivers (L.A. Clippers, seit Juni 2013) &nbsp;GettyGeorge Karl (Sacramento Kings, seit 13. Februar 2015) &nbsp;GettyByron Scott (L.A. Lakers, seit 28. Juli 2014) &nbsp;GettyJeff Hornacek (Phoenix Suns, seit Mai 2013) &nbsp;GettySteve Kerr (Golden State Warriors, seit Mai 2014)

[464] Zuschauereinnahmen schieen durch die Decke- Maywea... ejjuozbp - 2015/06/03(Wed) 15:30 No.540  

Das best盲tigte Pacquiaos Promoter Bob Arum im Gespr盲ch mit ESPN. Zuletzt wurden die astronomischen Preise nochmals angehoben, von [url=http://www.minuteetseconde.com/images/ray_ban_sunglasses_tanger_outlet_252123.html]ray ban sunglasses tanger outlet[/url]
g眉nstigstenfalls 1.000 auf 1.500 Dollar (1.380 Euro) und auf den teuersten Pl盲tzen von 5.000 眉ber 7.500 Dollar auf nun 10.000 Dollar (9.200 Euro). Der bisherige Rekord von gut 20 Millionen Dollar aus Mayweathers Kampf 2013 gegen Saul Alvarez wird somit um ein Mehrfaches 眉bertroffen.Nur wenige der Tickets werden aber 眉berhaupt in den freien Verkauf kommen. "Es ist verr眉ckt, aber so ist es", sagte Arum: "Unglaublich. Es ist der Wahnsinn." Insgesamt k枚nnten die Einnahmen aus dem Kampf 400 Millionen Dollar 眉berschreiten. Die Pay-per-View-Preise sollen rund 100 Dollar betragen und durch die Auslandsvermarktung k枚nnten weitere 35 Millionen Dollar kommen.Auerdem gab es ein erbittertes Wettbieten zwischen den Bierherstellern Corona und Tecate um die Hauptsponsorenrechte. Tecate gewann angeblich mit einem Rekord-Gebot von 5,6 Millionen Dollar. "Das Tecate-Angebot ist mit Abstand ein neuer Rekord. So etwas haben wir noch nie gesehen", best盲tigte Arum. Die beiden groen mexikanischen TV-Anstalten Azteca und Televisa konnten sich derweil auf einen Deal einigen und kauften die Rechte zusammen.

[465] New NBA instant replay center will help referees r... fatrnpch - 2015/06/03(Wed) 16:12 No.541  

InsideHoops.com | October 23, 2014
NBA referee reviews of instant replays are important, as in a close game they can mean the difference between a team winning or losing. But they often [url=http://www.parsian-soghat.com/img/new_balance_seamless_socks_433035.html]new balance seamless socks[/url]
take too much time -- at least in the opinion of those watching the game. And that's the opinion that matters most. Fans need to be kept happy. And fans want action, not refs standing around watching TV monitors for what sometimes feels like too long a time.<br><br>
The NBA is aware of this, and taking steps to make the referee instant replay process faster. Here's news from the league:<br><br>
The National Basketball Association today announced that the league will open a new, state-of-the-art NBA Replay Center beginning with the first game of the 2014-15 NBA regular season. The NBA Replay Center will enhance the performance of NBA referees by allowing them to review multiple camera angles on one screen at the same time, ensuring they have the best angles to make conclusive calls when a play is reviewable. The facility is located in Secaucus, N.J.<br><br>
Outfitted with 20 replay stations and 94 television monitors, the NBA Replay Center will be directly connected to all 29 NBA arenas, streamlining the process of instant replay video review. A groundbreaking, high-speed arena network will accelerate the replay process while also enhancing the accuracy with which calls are made. When a play is eligible for review, feeds from multiple camera angles will be available instantaneously to the NBA Replay Center at the same time and the best views will be sent to the on-court referees to help them make the call. If necessary, the NBA Replay Center can provide additional camera angles from the television and in-arena networks at a moments notice to further assist the referees.<br><br>
聯The new state-of-the-art NBA Replay Center will not only help our officials get more calls correct by giving them enhanced views of the action, but will also help them do their jobs in a more expeditious manner,聰 said Rod Thorn, NBA President, Basketball Operations.<br><br>
The NBA Replay Center will now serve as the primary hub for all reviewable video. When one of the 15 replay circumstances (聯triggers聰) occurs during an NBA game, oncourt officials are able to review the play in question by communicating directly with the NBA Replay Center. The referee crew chief on the court makes the final call.<br><br>
Each day of the NBA season, three onsite Replay Managers will oversee the operations of the NBA Replay Center. Each game will have a dedicated Replay Operator monitoring triggers and referee signals for all reviewable situations. Zoom functions, split screens and additional angles will further enhance the replay process and will improve the likelihood and timeliness of correct calls.<br><br>

[466] Zweite Liga 2013-2014- Players to watch ihfqexov - 2015/06/03(Wed) 16:26 No.542  

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ein gewisser Felix Magath ihn f眉r drei Jahre ausbremsen &nbsp;gettyDer Georgier Levan Kenia (r.) spielt zumeist im offensiven Mittelfeld &nbsp;gettyAlexander Ring (l.) spielt in der Jugend in Helsinki, bevor er nach Leverkusen wechselt. Schon immer ist ihm die deutsche Mentalit盲t n盲her als die Finnische &nbsp;gettyNach einigen Bundesligaeins盲tzen f眉r Borussia M枚nchengladbach, will er sich nun in der zweiten Liga die n枚tige Spielpraxis holen &nbsp;gettyAbdul Rahman Baba (l.) gilt als eines der gr枚en Abwehrtalente des afrikanischen Kontinents. Bei F眉rth tut er sich zun盲chst schwer, etabliert sich aber dann auf der linken Abwehrseite &nbsp;gettyMarkus Ziereis (r.) schiet den TSV 1860 M眉nchen letztes Jahr mit 22 Treffern fast im Alleingang zur Regionalliga-Meisterschaft. Den Aufstieg verpassen die L枚wen nur denkbar knapp &nbsp;gettySchon im M盲rz 2011 l盲uft Stefan Wannenwetsch (l.) erstmals f眉r die Profimannschaft von 1860 auf. In zwei Testspielen 眉berzeugt er schon damals

[467] Finalsieg gegen Roger Federer- Djokovic triumphier... ysfpojlq - 2015/06/03(Wed) 19:45 No.543  

Nach 2:17 Stunden verwandelte Djokovic seinen zweiten Matchball zum 6:3, 6:7 (5:7), 6:2 und zum [url=http://www.chiro-heestert.be/documenten/prix_nouveau_maillot_equipe_de_france_2014_311150.html]prix nouveau maillot equipe de france 2014[/url]
vierten Triumph in der kalifornischen W眉ste."Das ist eines der besten Turniere in der Welt", sagte Djokovic, der gemeinsam mit Federer nun Rekordsieger in Indian Wells ist. Der Schweizer gratulierte Djokovic gewohnt fair und versprach, im n盲chsten Jahr einen weiteren Anlauf auf seinen f眉nften Titel zu nehmen.Im 38. Duell der beiden Ausnahmespieler gelang Djokovic der 18. Sieg. Der 27-J盲hrige revanchierte sich damit f眉r die Niederlage im Finale von Dubai vor drei Wochen.Djokovic kassierte f眉r seinen Erfolg 900.400 Dollar, Federer (33) darf sich mit 439.420 Dollar 眉ber seine 43. Niederlage im 127. Finale (84 Siege) hinwegtr枚sten. Bei den Frauen hatte zuvor die Rum盲nin Simona Halep gegen Lisicki-Bezwingerin Jelena Jankovic (Serbien) 2:6, 7:5, 6:4 gewonnen.Federer k盲mpft sich zur眉ckIm 16.100 Zuschauer fassenden Center Court des Indian Wells Tennis Garden war Djokovic der unb盲ndige Wille anzumerken, seinen zweiten Saisontitel nach dem Triumph bei den Australian Open zu gewinnen. Der achtmalige Grand-Slam-Champion lie sich nicht von der Grundlinie verdr盲ngen und setzte Federer wie gewohnt 眉ber dessen R眉ckhand unter Druck.Bis zum 4:2 im zweiten Satz lief f眉r Djokovic alles nach Plan, auch weil Federer vor den Augen seiner Zwillingst枚chter Myla Rose und Charlene Riva mit dem eigenen Aufschlag haderte. Die Nummer zwei des Rankings k盲mpfte sich allerdings noch einmal zur眉ck ins Spiel - teilweise mit hochklassigem Tennis.

[468] Shawn Vestal- Consumers drive demand for bad news,... bfnaaajh - 2015/06/03(Wed) 20:48 No.544  

There an old journalism clich茅 about the primacy of bad news: We cover crashes, not&nbsp;landings.
The logic of this has always seemed sound to me. Crashes are unusual; landings are commonplace. Crashes are life-changing; [url=http://www.atouscoeurs.be/plugin/maillot_as_roma_2013_exterieur_534550.html]maillot as roma 2013 exterieur[/url]
landings are routine. Crashes are problems, and a free, self-governing people need to know about&nbsp;problems.
Obviously, this is my self-interested journalist view of it. A disinterested observer ?one more inclined to decry the preponderance of ad news??might conclude that going negative is simply the way to sell papers or attract viewers. If that so, it says as much about readers and viewers as the&nbsp;media.
A new paper co-authored by a Washington State University economics professor presents a model that attempts to measure the value of bad and good news to a reader, and to consider the influence that has on editorial choices. In short, the paper concludes that readers have good reason to pay attention to rashes?over 渓andings,?and that this creates a societal preference to which that news corporations respond to make more money ?which might distort public opinion and indirectly cause 減ersonal problems?like&nbsp;depression.
n this perspective, the result of this paper is somewhat paradoxical in that it is media consumer preferences themselves which may be the prime cause of the bias in mass media reporting toward negative coverage,?the paper&nbsp;concludes.
Jill McCluskey, professor of economics at WSU, said the paper, which was published in the journal Information Economics and Policy, is one of the first efforts to evaluate the emand?side of the negative news question. It titled 淵ou get what you want: A note on the economics of bad news.?Other economists have looked at the question in terms of ideological bias, commercial objectives and competitive pressure among&nbsp;journalists.
e argue it demand-driven,?McCluskey said Tuesday. eople actually want to read bad news because it helps them in their&nbsp;lives.?
Because it is an economics paper, it focuses on economic measures of well-being and utility, and not news values or journalistic principle or reader ideology. conomists think everything is economics,?McCluskey&nbsp;joked.
A key principle she and her colleagues used in developing their research model is the economic law of iminishing marginal utility??the more of something you have, the less impact any additional unit of that thing has on your life. She offered income as an example: Your first $1,000 will help you survive. But your 101st thousand dollars are not going to have a huge influence on your life and&nbsp;well-being.
And so we become more sensitive to losses than gains. In the paper on bad news, the researchers used measures of utility ?overall happiness and well-being ?and calculated how much benefit readers received from reading either good or bad news. They concluded there was a greater individual benefit from reading the bad news because it can help individuals avoid&nbsp;risk.
rofit-maximizing media companies respond to this difference in demand by supplying more bad news than good news,?the paper&nbsp;said.
There are downsides, of course. People are often more pessimistic about things than the real world warrants. The media often overhype stories about risk and danger at home (while often ignoring much more severe problems around the world). Remember Ebola? That disease killed more than 10,000 people in West Africa with the typical Western response ?in the media and among the public ?of a shrug. When it came here, briefly and mostly unthreateningly, there was a baseless surge of paranoia, driven by certain parts of the&nbsp;media.
eople were really worried when it came to the U.S. even though the probability of any of us getting it was infinitesimal,?McCluskey&nbsp;said.
One of McCluskey colleagues in Belgium, Johan Swinnen, has an upcoming paper examining the bad-news bias in coverage of economic issues. This is of particular interest to some in politics and economics because lots of people have negative views of the economy that are out of balance with the facts. That paper looked at one major German newspaper coverage of job losses versus gains between 2000 and&nbsp;2008.
淒espite the fact that the economic situation in Germany improved over the period, more than ten times as many articles report on negative employment news compared to positive news,?the paper concludes. n a per-job basis, the slant to downsizing even amounts to a factor greater than&nbsp;20.?
Shawn Vestal can be reached at (509) 459-5431 or . Follow him on Twitter at&nbsp;@vestal13.

[469] Hochkar盲tige Referenten in Madrid- Coaches Clinic... wkvykrhu - 2015/06/03(Wed) 20:57 No.545   HomePage

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Madrid. Der zweifache NBA All Star und ehemalige Coach der Milwaukee Bucks und Phoenix Suns wird ebenso an der Coaches Klinik teilnehmen wie Igor Kokoskov. Der Russe war einst erster europ盲ischer Assistant Coach in der NBA und gewann mit den Detroit Pistons 2004 sogar die Meisterschaft. Komplettiert wird das Feld durch Luca Banchi (EA7 Emporio Armani Milan), Fotis Katsikaris (Nationaltrainer Griechenland) und Sito Alonso (CB Bilbao Berri)."Wir sind sehr gl眉cklich, mitteilen zu k枚nnen, dass auch 2015 eine Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four Coaches Clinic stattfinden wird", erkl盲rte Euroleague-Pr盲sident Jordi Bertomeu. "Beim Event in Mailand waren 2014 mehr als 220 Coaches aus 30 verschiedenen L盲ndern dabei. Das spricht ebenso f眉r die hohe Qualit盲t der Referenten wie f眉r die Organisation von Giorgio Gandolfi. 2015 werden die Referenten genauso gut, wenn nicht sogar besser sein, weshalb wir alle interessierten Basketball-Coaches dazu ermutigen, sich f眉r die Clinic anzumelden und damit gleichzeitig das Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four in Madrid zu feiern."

[470] Democrats reject Cornyn abortion compromise in sex... iogyhgrg - 2015/06/03(Wed) 21:21 No.546  

But the initial answer from Democratic leaders was still no.

Cornyn offer would funnel victims?fund moneys raised from criminal fines under the bill through the regular congressional appropriations process, effectively subjecting the abortion restrictions to annual [url=http://www.chiro-heestert.be/img/maillot_officiel_de_neymar_122455.html]maillot officiel de neymar[/url]

Cornyn said the change would mean no expansion of the so-called Hyde Amendment, which bars annual spending bills from funding abortions except in cases of rape, incest and the health of the mother.

The issue has held up Cornyn sex trafficking bill for more than a week, with Democrats balking at any measure blocks access to abortions for victims of sex trafficking crimes.

hat wee offering here is a middle ground,?Cornyn said.

Democratic leaders seemed little inclined to take the deal, arguing that Cornyn new plan would still hinder young women seeking help from the victims?fund. Those victims, said Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, the ranking Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, 渟hould have all options available.?
Still, Republicans need only a handful of Democrats to break ranks and end a weeklong Senate filibuster. Cornyn offer came after the third attempt in as many days to cut off debate on the bill. Thursday 56-42 loture?vote left Republicans just four senators short of the 60 needed to break a filibuster.

Democrats have demanded that Cornyn remove the abortion restrictions from the bill altogether, something the Texas Republican said would be 渦nacceptable.?
Meanwhile, the debate has all but ended action on any other Senate business, including the confirmation of Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch, who would be the first African American woman to lead the Justice Department.

Said Cornyn: ee going to stay on this bill until it passes.?
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[471] February Final Friday preview- Artist Roger Shimom... rynnfsks - 2015/06/04(Thu) 00:57 No.547  

For one night only on Friday, Shimomura will offer abuki Rehearsal?and approximately 35 other prints at a solo show at , 512 E. Ninth St. The reception will run from 5:30 to 9 p.m.

Shimomura, who retired from KU in 2004 and now holds the title of distinguished professor of art emeritus, has seen his work among the permanent collections of more than 90 museums nationwide, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New [url=http://www.neelsedit.com/img/ray_ban_aviator_rb3025_l9797_150023.html]ray ban aviator rb3025 l9797[/url]
York City and the Museum of American Art and the National Portrait Gallery at the Smithsonian.

Throughout his prolific career, Shimomura has explored what it means to be seen as an outsider within his own American culture. His few memories of Minidoka ?combined with entries from his grandmother diary ?provided the basis for much of his early work.

A third-generation American, Shimomura art combines the aesthetics of Japanese woodblock prints with the saturated hues of Pop Art and his childhood love of comic books, often confronting ugly stereotypes of Asian Americans left over from WWII.<br>

Throughout is a common message. not Japanese. I American,?says Shimomura, who will also give a short talk Friday at 6:30 p.m. about his beginnings in printmaking.

While it easy to become orked up?reflecting on these issues, it not the kind of anger that leads to physical violence, says Shimomura.

here is a creative way of funneling that into your work. I tried to teach students that in the years I taught at KU ?how to mediate personal issues,?he says. t didn have to be about ethnicity. It could be about parents, finances, anything.?
Despite his 減urely American?upbringing and education ?the Seattle native served as an officer in the U.S. Army before studying art at the University of Washington and Syracuse University ?Shimomura says people still look at him and see a foreigner.

That certainly the case here in Kansas, where Shimomura settled in 1969 after accepting his teaching position at KU.

While attending an auction in those early years, a farmer asked the artist how he had learned to speak English and if he painted geisha girls, Shimomura recalls in a 2014 catalogue of his recent work.

Ultimately, though, he found himself growing attached to Lawrence, where he has maintained a home for nearly 50 years.

The city has become more culturally aware in that time, Shimomura says, but experiences like that day at the auction have continued to fuel his work.

really doubt whether I be doing what Ie been doing had I been living on the West Coast,?he says. iving in the Midwest, certainly, has made all the difference in the world.?

Other Final Friday happenings

Here are a few highlights of February's Final Friday events. Check out the for more ideas.

ank Charcuterie, 1900 Massachusetts St., will make its Final Friday debut this weekend with the opening of Nicole Cawlfield's Dark Farm Series. In her most recent work, the photographer transfers her images of abandoned Missouri and Kansas farm structures onto salvaged antique ceiling tiles. A reception will be held from 4 to 7 p.m., and will include hors d' oeuvres and drink specials.

燗t the Lawrence Percolator, 913 Rhode Island St., a group of Kansas artists will share their work as well as stories, images and information about the Kansas Paraguay Exchange. The organization promotes cultural understanding and fosters international economic and social connections between Kansas and Paraguay. Judith Burns McCrea, Amber Hansen, Eric Conrad and Marguerite Perret will be on hand for the event, which will include a brief presentation at 7:30 p.m.

?JJ's Glass, 313 E. Eighth St., will hold an "Open House & Gypsy Market" from 5 to 9 p.m. Local glass artists will give glass-blowing demonstrations during the event, while the gypsy-market portion will focus on handcrafted art and goods made by local artists.

[472] Kolejny australijski nastolatek chcia doczy膰 do P... tmcqwamu - 2015/06/04(Thu) 02:35 No.548  

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chcia doczy膰 do Pastwa Islamskiego (IS). Zdarzenie miao miejsce 12 marca.
Premier Tony Abbott powiedzia, i偶 trudno mu uwierzy膰, 偶e ludzie, ktrzy wyroli w Australii, w wolnym i otwartym spoeczestwie, s tak podatni na pranie mzgu przez ekstremistw. Zapewni rwnie偶, 偶e wadze maj wiadomo膰 zagro偶enia i uczyni wszystko, aby zapobiega膰 takim zdarzeniom odpowiednio wczeniej.
Warto przypomnie膰, 偶e na pocztku marca dwaj bracia w wieku 16 i 17 lat zostali zatrzymani na lotnisku w Sydney w drodze do 瀞trefy konfliktu". Jak podaje BBC, wedug wadz Australii okoo 90 obywateli tego kraju walczy w szeregach Pastwa Islamskiego w Iraku i Syrii. Prawdopodobnie pewna ich cz膰 wrcia ju偶 do kraju i bogatsza o dowiadczenia z wojny, zaja si rekrutacj.
Kilka tygodni temu Premier Tony Abbott poinformowa, 偶e Australia zwikszy swoje dotychczasowe zaanga偶owanie w misj szkoleniow irackich si specjalnych. Australijczycy bd wsppracowa膰 z Nowozelandczykami. Planowane szkolenia maj na celu zwikszenie skutecznoci si irackich w walce z IS.

[473] News und Ger眉chte- Savanovic teilt Pl盲ne der Bay... rwwmnfqz - 2015/06/04(Thu) 02:47 No.549  

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hat in den vier groen europ盲ischen Ligen gespielt, seit 2014 l盲uft er f眉r den FC Bayern auf. Mit den Zielen des Teams ist der Serbe voll einverstanden, wie er bei Eurohoops erkl盲rte: "Bayern hat groe Erwartungen f眉r die Zukunft, sie wollen eines der besten Teams Europas werden und im Final Four der Turkish Airlines Euroleague spielen. Das ist ein sehr groer Klub. Die Leute in M眉nchen haben groe Ambitionen und es ist eine riesige Ehre f眉r mich, Teil des Teams und seines wachsenden Projekts zu sein."Auch von der Liga ist er 眉berzeugt: "Die Deutschen haben hohe Ziele und arbeiten hart daran. F眉r mich ist es eine tolle Sache, hier zu sein. Die Organisation ist gut und wenn ein System perfekt funktioniert, macht es deinen Job leichter. Das Marketing ist ebenfalls gut und wir werden sehen, wie sich das 眉ber die n盲chsten Jahre entwickelt."Dar眉ber hinaus sprach Savanovic 眉ber die beiden groen Trainer Dusan Ivkovic und Svetislav Pesic, die er inzwischen beide hautnah erleben durfte: "Beide haben einen groen Ruf und ihre Philosophien 盲hneln sich. Beide arbeiten am gleichen Ziel, aber jeder hat seine eigene Art und seinen eigenen Stil. Das ist der Unterschied."

[474] Ted Cruz tendr cobertura m茅dica bajo la reforma d... maipnyou - 2015/06/04(Thu) 03:13 No.550  

El senador republicano Ted Cruz, el primer candidato en oficializar sus aspiraciones presidenciales para 2016, admiti hoy que a partir de ahora tendr cobertura m茅dica bajo la reforma sanitaria de Barack Obama, contra la que batalla en el Congreso.
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Cruz tena un seguro m茅dico de alta categora gracias al trabajo de su mujer, Heidi, en el banco de inversiones Goldman Sach, informa el diario Politico.
Tras el anuncio de la candidatura del senador el lunes, su esposa pedir una excedencia en el trabajo para ayudarle en la campa帽a, lo que obliga a la familia a buscar otro seguro.
"Estamos en un proceso de transicin hacia eso", dijo Cruz a la cadena CNN, en referencia a un seguro bajo la reforma sanitaria de Obama, que cumple cinco a帽os esta semana.
La llamada Ley de Cuidado Asequible de la Salud (ACA, por su sigla en ingl茅s) busca extender la cobertura m茅dica a toda la poblacin y establece la obligatoriedad de adquirir un seguro, su parte ms controvertida y duramente cuestionada por los republicanos.
Una enmienda de la ley, impulsada por el congresista republicano Chuck Grassley, estipula que los miembros del Congreso que no tienen cobertura con el programa de salud para ancianos y jubilados Medicare deben contratar cobertura en el mercado de seguros m茅dicos, una de las disposiciones clave de la reforma sanitaria promulgada en 2010.
El senador Cruz es uno de los lderes del ala ultraconservadora del Partido Republicano, el Tea Party, y uno de los que se oponen con ms dureza a la reforma sanitaria de Obama, que asegura quedar revocada si 茅l o uno de sus compa帽eros de partido se hacen con la Casa Blanca en 2016.

[475] Druck f眉r Schweinsteiger und Khedira- G眉ndogan -... xpijewae - 2015/06/04(Thu) 04:08 No.551  

Die Regierungserkl盲rung des neuen Kapit盲ns musste warten. Weil erst am Montagnachmittag bei der deutschen Fuball-Nationalmannschaft in Frankfurt/Main eintraf, hat der Nachfolger [url=http://www.neelsedit.com/images/ray_ban_rb_3340_prices_450502.html]ray ban rb 3340 prices[/url]
von WM-Spielf眉hrer Philipp Lahm erst am Dienstag seinen groen Auftritt. Statt Schweinsteiger, der erstmals seit dem Triumph von Rio wieder zum DFB-Team st枚t, sprach unter anderem Ilkay G眉ndogan. Ausgerechnet.Es ist noch gar nicht so lange her, da galt der Dortmunder als der bessere Schweinsteiger. Im Sommer 2013 meinten nicht wenige Experten, der M眉nchner m眉sse angesichts der starken Auftritte des Konkurrenten um seinen Platz im deutschen Mittelfeld zittern. Bundestrainer Joachim L枚w sagte, G眉ndogan habe "alle Voraussetzungen, ein Weltklassespieler zu werden". Und dessen damaliger Assistent Hansi Flick meinte, G眉ndogan sei "sehr nahe dran" am Defensiv-Duo Schweinsteiger-Sami Khedira.586 Tage PauseDann kam das L盲nderspiel am 14. August 2013 gegen Paraguay in Kaiserslautern. G眉ndogan begann im defensiven Mittelfeld neben Khedira, erzielte sogar ein Tor - doch dann musste er in der 27. Minute verletzt raus. Damals, sagte G眉ndogan am Montag, habe er mit "vier bis sechs Wochen" Pause gerechnet. Doch es dauerte 586 Tage, bis er wieder zum DFB-Team kam.Am Mittwoch (20.30 Uhr/ZDF) k枚nnte er beim ersten L盲nderspiel des Jahres gegen Australien zur眉ckkehren - ausgerechnet im Fritz-Walter-Stadion. "F眉r mich schliet sich ein Kreis", sagte G眉ndogan.Der 24-J盲hrige kam mit dem Zug - und war schneller als Schweinsteiger, der via Twitter aus dem Auto ein Foto mit dem zweiten R眉ckkehrer verschickte. "Der Tatendrang ist gro", meinte der Dortmunder, "aber jetzt Anspr眉che zu stellen, w盲re nicht richtig."

[476] Oby pan Broniarz matematyki dzieci nie uczy kwhaybpj - 2015/06/04(Thu) 05:53 No.552  

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strony maszynopisu zajo Zwizkowi Nauczycielstwa Polskiego yjanienie nieprawdziwych danych, wybirczego podejcia?Rzeczpospolitej do sprawy wynagrodze pedagogw.
Chodzi o nasz tekst z poniedziaku, w ktrym poinformowalimy, powoujc si na wyliczenia MEN, 偶e nauczyciele zarabiaj rednio niemal 4,4 tys. z, a po uwzgldnieniu wszystkich dodatkw 4,7 tys. z. Niestety obszerno膰 wyjanie ZNP (dostpna na ich stornie www.zn.pedu.pl) nie przekada si na jako膰. Kierujcy t organizacj Sawomir Broniarz gwn lini ataku przypuszcza podwa偶ajc nasze dane dotyczce redniej pacy pedagogw. Wskazuje, 偶e jest to 3,66 tys. z. A to jest nieprawda. Pan Broniarz albo wiadomie kamie, albo nie umie liczy膰. Jedno i drugie nie przysporzy mu chway.

[477] Madonna- If I was married to Jay Z, I would be inv... uvjezlsw - 2015/06/04(Thu) 06:02 No.553  

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Awards February 8, 2015 in Los Angeles, California. (Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images) and Jay Z and Beyonc茅 attend the Charles James: Beyond Fashion Costume Institute Gala at the Metropolitan Museum of Art on May 5, 2014 in New York City. (Photo by John Lamparski/Getty Images).Related PostsMadonna really wants to go to the White House, but she needs to invite her first.
During a recent interview with US Weekly s Entertainment Director, Ian Drew, Madonna revealed that she s never met President Obama.
he person I most want to meet is President Obama, Madonna said. When the heck am I going to meet him? He just needs to invite me to the White House already. He probably thinks I too shocking to be there. I serious. If I was a little bit more demure . . . or if I was just married to Jay Z. Hey, if Jay would only take me as his second wife, then I score an invitation.?

[478] OSU band plays for Nicklaus in Washington mcynimax - 2015/06/04(Thu) 08:11 No.554   HomePage

By Tina Nazerian
Members of Ohio State marching band played at a ceremony today on Capitol [url=http://www.parsian-soghat.com/images/new_balance_420_fit_035420.html]new balance 420 fit[/url]
Hill where legendary
golfer Jack Nicklaus was awarded the Congressional Gold Medal.
House Speaker John Boehner, R-West Chester, opened with a 渟pecial thank you?to the band for
being there - as well as a playful jab. Alluding to the fact that Ohio State basketball team lost
in the NCAA tournament Saturday, Boehner joked that the band has little more time on their
Nicklaus was an Ohio State student in 1962 before turning pro. The OSU band played 'Hang on
Sloopy,' among others.
OSU senior John Banghoff, who plays the trumpet, said he has been fan of golf?for his
"entire life" and coming to the ceremony as part of this band?and playing 渋n something as
prestigious as this has been a true honor.?
e been in the band now for four years, and when this opportunity arose, it was kind of
seniority based, basically I won on a part,?said Banghoff. hen I found out it was going to Jack
Nicklaus, I jumped at the opportunity.?
OSU sophomore Jacob Spiegel said he is a 渉uge golf fan?and also umped at the chance?to play
his B-flat trumpet at the ceremony.

[479] Kapoon, or how I learned to stop worrying about th... eksnjpor - 2015/06/04(Thu) 12:05 No.555  

Place the chicken(s) in the large stock pot and cover with cold water.

Cover and bring to a boil.

Discard the water, which should have a thoroughly nasty layer of grayish foam/scum on top. Refill with cold water(or if youe using it your broth/stock/demi) and bring back up to a boil, [url=http://www.eskayaresort.com/img/black_polarized_ray_ban_aviators_150311.html]black polarized ray ban aviators[/url]
add the Lime Leaves, Galangal, Star Anise, and Lemongrass and then drop it to a simmer for an hour or so. The chicken should be falling apart by the time youe done here.

Skim the rendered chicken fat from the top of your stock and reserve

Remove the chicken and let cool.

Boil your vermicelli until al dente in the smaller stockpot. Strain and reserve.

Remove the chicken from the bones and pound with mortar and pestle to shred(or use forks).

Add the chicken, bamboo, and baby corn to your broth.

In the saut茅 pan, add the reserved chicken fat and sweat the onion in it

Once the onions turn translucent, add the garlic and continue to cook until the garlic is cooked and lightly browned.

Add your red curry and fry in the chicken fat with the onion and garlic on medium heat for a few minutes(CAUTION: if you are doing this in a poorly ventilated area, feel free and skip frying it. It adds a nice bit of flavor but you will mace your whole kitchen in the process. Youe been warned. If you don fry your paste, you may need more of it to reach desired heat levels.)

Add your coconut milk to the saut茅 pan and stir to combine. Let simmer for a few minutes to infuse the coconut milk with the paste.

Add the coconut/red curry mixture to the soup. Simmer it all together for 5 minutes and youe ready to eat.

Place noodles into a large bowl and ladle hot soup over them. Garnish with what you like. Enjoy


[480] Lily Aldridge smoulders in topless shoot as she di... dipyofeb - 2015/06/04(Thu) 13:00 No.556  

She one of the hottest models around, and Lily Aldridge is smoking hot in her latest topless photo shoot for magazine.
The 29-year-old, who also appears on the cover of the April issue, sizzles in just a pair [url=http://kicknboxfitness.com.au/images/atletico_madrid_kit_2012_13_for_sale_123431.html]atletico madrid kit 2012 13 for sale[/url]
of nude knickers as she protects her modesty with nothing but her toned and tanned arms.
For the shoot, by photographer Gilles Bensimon, Lily also posed on the beach in her underwear and a pink cable knit jumper, with the wind whipping her chestnut brown hair around.
Scroll down for video聽

Smoking hot: Lily Aldridge sizzles in a topless photo shoot for the April issue of Maxim magazine
And while she a huge star thanks to a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue cover and an ongoing stint as a Victoria Secret Angel, what really important to Lily is her family and friends.
One of Lily closest pals is Taylor Swift, and she gushed to Maxim about how down-to-earth the superstar singer is.
楾aylor makes me dinner. And she the sweetest, most humble girl Ie ever met,?the model said when asked about her life in Nashville.聽
Lily told Maxim that when she isn hanging out with her famous friend, she enjoys ancing at honky-tonks with 80-year-olds?or binge-watching Homeland or Game Of Thrones.聽

'I'm more flattered when someone thinks I'm funny': The model says she isn't fazed by being called a sex symbol

Cover girl: Lily poses for a profile shot for the magazine's cover, taken by Gilles Bensimon
And while the stunning brunette is considered a huge sex symbol, it not a title that fazes her or goes to her head in the slightest.
業 don think of myself as an object of lust. I can even say that with a straight face. I more flattered when someone thinks I funny,?she said.
Perhaps part of the reason for Lily staying so grounded about her good looks is that she was never asked on a date while growing up.
Although many men could only dream of dating her now, the star revealed that she never even went to her prom.

[481] Sturm vs. Geale- Die besten Bilder oamnthlu - 2015/06/04(Thu) 15:48 No.557  

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[482] Frankie Bridge keeps her baby bump hidden as she s... ufghqnhc - 2015/06/05(Fri) 02:15 No.558  

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She covered up slightly with a sleeveless waterfall jacket while she accessorised with a grey suede handbag.
The brunette star highlighted her natural beauty with flawless foundation and nude lipstick.

Strutting her stuff:聽The 26-year-old looked stylish as she joined guests to celebrate the work of her The Saturdays band mate at The Protico Rooms in Somerset House

Looking good: Frankie kept her look simple with loose white and black top which she teamed with black skinny jeans and knee-high suede boots
While her outfit seemed to keep her baby bump hidden, Frankie admitted in her latest column that she has noticed her bump recent growth.
Wiring in her OK! magazine column, the star said: 業e noticed that my bumo seems to have grown again all of a sudden.
業 was getting ready the other day and thought, youe a lot bigger then yesterday. I like it though, because now I past that stage where it like, has she just eaten too much or is she actually pregnant?!?

Proud pal: The band mates posed together and Frankie looked delighted for her long-time friend

Popped:聽While her outfit seemed to keep her baby bump hidden, Frankie admitted in her latest column that she has noticed her bump recent growth
Meanwhile, Rochelle looked stunning 聽as she was joined by her husband Marvin and their famous friends at the exclusive launch in London.聽
Rochelle first look was guaranteed to turn heads as she stepped out in an eye-catching pink and white patterned mini dress which perfectly highlighted her slender legs.
She added height to the look with strappy beige open-toe heels while she simply accessorised the look with a few bracelets.

[483] Harbaugh- Ngata will make Lions better in every wa... sbehfqpa - 2015/06/05(Fri) 06:09 No.559  

John Harbaugh probably knows Haloti Ngata better than any coach in the NFL, and he thinks the defensive tackle is a great addition for the Lions.PHOENIX -- John Harbaugh probably knows Haloti Ngata better than any coach in the NFL.
When he took over as head coach for the Baltimore Ravens in 2008, Ngata was entering [url=http://screenlab.com.au/images/germany_black_jersey_224243.html]germany black jersey[/url]
his third season in the NFL with the Ravens. In Harbaugh first season as head coach, Ngata was named to his first All-Pro team.
Ngata and Harbaugh (Photo: AP Images) bviously an iconic player for the Baltimore Ravens,?Harbaugh said at Tuesday AFC coaches breakfast at the NFL Annual Meetings.
淒ifficult loss for us. He been a mainstay for us as a player and a leader and it going to be something wee going to have to deal with and overcome.?
According to Harbaugh, Ngata $16 million salary cap number for the 2015 season forced the Ravens to trade their five-time All-Pro and Pro Bowler to the Detroit Lions right as free agency began. The Lions had to give up a fourth- and fifth-round selection in this year draft to get him. He counts $8.5 million on the Lions cap this season.
淕reat addition for the Lions,?Harbaugh said. el make them a better team in every way.?
Ngata was predominately a run-stuffing nose tackle in the Ravens?3-4 defense, but Harbaugh said Ngata is so athletic and so versatile that he fits in any scheme, including the Lions?base 4-3.
e plays those techniques. The three technique, shade on the nose, 2I, he plays all the same techniques,?he said. here won be any problems for him.?
e a good technique player, but he a great physical talent. He a big, fast, leverage, powerful guy. Nobody moves him out of there.?
That should help the Lions maintain one of the league best run-stopping defenses in the NFL.
Detroit became the ninth team in NFL history to finish the season allowing less than 70 yards rushing per game. In 16 games, the Lions allowed 69.3 rushing yards per game and finished with the ninth-best opponent rushing yards allowed per game average in NFL history.
e going to be a great leader for a young team,?Harbaugh said. e going to help coach Caldwell and coach Austin. Obviously they know each other and theyl be on the same page. So, he a good fit for Detroit.?

[484] Germanwings Airbus A320 carrying 150 passengers cr... glqlsqbd - 2015/06/05(Fri) 13:47 No.560  

As rescue efforts were underway Tuesday, officials in the nearby town of Digne聽聽The gymnasium in another nearby town, Seyne-les-Alpes, was being set up to take in bodies or survivors from the crash, the town confirmed to NBC News.

Germanwings confirmed that two babies were on board but was not immediately able to provide a breakdown of nationalities or passengers?identities.

President Barack Obama said U.S. officials were working to confirm how many Americans were on board, telling a news conference that he had called Germany s chancellor to [url=http://screenlab.com.au/db/england_home_shirt_with_free_printing_020022.html]england home shirt with free printing[/url]
express his condolences and offer assistance to the investigation.

Meanwhile, German officials confirmed that聽, 40 miles from Dusseldorf, were on the plane.

Two opera singers were on the plane. Contralto Maria Radner and bass baritone Oleg Bryjak had just performed in Siegfried at Barcleona s Gran Teatre del Liceu, the opera house said in a statement.

Spain s King Felipe ?who was in Paris at the time of the crash ?also said some of his countrymen were on the flight and that he was cutting short his trip to France.

Two passengers on the plane were Australian, the country s foreign minister said. The woman and her adult son were from Victoria.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a statement that the 渉arrowing news?has put her nation in eep mourning, calling the suffering of victims?families 渋mmeasurable.?
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls expressed ompassion and solidarity?with the victims, saying on Twitter that the accident has 減lunged?his nation into eep sadness.?
Spain s Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy said all support will be given to families of those affected and that he was heading back to Madrid to chair an emergency meeting. AENA, which operates Barcelona Airport, said it had set up a crisis room for relatives.

There were no indications that the crash was related to terrorism, National Security Council spokeswoman Bernadette Meehan added in a statement.

Lufthansa said it was a ark day?for the airline. e are all deeply saddened and distressed,?CEO Carsten Spohr said.

The plane s descent was rapid but appeared to be controlled, experts said.

t didn t spin or veer off course, it was cruising quite happily,?said U.K.-based aviation journalist Anthony Avis. t didn t nosedive as some are speculating, it descended at between 2,000 and 4,000 feet per minute which is significant but not a problem for an aircraft like this which suggests he pilot did have some control.?
Airbus said the aircraft involved in the crash was delivered to Lufthansa in 1991 and accumulated approximately 58,300 flight hours in some 46,700 flights. It said a team of technical advisers would be dispatched to assist the investigation into what brought the plane down, adding that the oncerns and sympathy?of Airbus employees goes to all those affected.

Lucille Polizzi, an 18-year-old student who lives near Barcelonnette, described hearing a large noise that she initially thought was a military plane but later learned was most likely the doomed jet.

was a bit surprised by the sound,?she told NBC News. 淪ome military planes train up here so we are used to some big noises, but this one sounded different.?
Tuesday s accident was the first large passenger-jet crash on French soil since the 2000 Concorde disaster, but not the first aviation tragedy to strike near the town of Barcelonette. In 1953, an Air France crash there killed 49 people.

NBC News?Andy Eckardt, Brinley Bruton, The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.
This story originally appeared at聽<br>

[485] Free Agent pick up for depth- gyqcducr - 2015/06/05(Fri) 22:03 No.561   HomePage

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I am surprised that the Blazers wouldn want to fill the 2 open roster spots at least from a depth perspective.

Especially at the small forward position.

If Batum goes down at all there is really no one to fill in?it would be a tossup between Wright and Crabbe.

Since it was publicized that Olshey made a call to ~hey must not be totally opposed to picking up someone.

There are several free agent vets out there, such as , , or even .

I understand none of these names would win you a playoff gamelut they surely couldn hurt.

Or maybe it not even a name on this list?just seems like they are leaving things a little thin.

Link to available FA list:


[486] European Games 2015 in Baku- Ovtcharovs Lust auf m... ydfqokwz - 2015/06/06(Sat) 00:33 No.562   HomePage

Im Finale des Turniers kam es zu einem spektakul盲ren Duell zwischen den zwei topgesetzten Akteuren, dem Deutschen Dimitrij Ovtcharov und Marcos Freitag aus Portugal. Trotz [url=http://thepiha.com/img/como_saber_se_oculos_ray_ban_clubmaster_e_original_502515.html]como saber se oculos ray ban clubmaster e original[/url]
eines 1:3-R眉ckstandes fand der an eins gesetzte Ovtcharov zur眉ck in die Partie und sicherte sich den ersten Platz. F眉r den 26-J盲hrigen k枚nnte der Sieg dabei ein Vorgeschmack auf eine m枚gliche Goldmedaille bei den European Games im Juni gewesen sein."Es ist f眉r mich ein unglaublicher Start in die Saison, ich habe f眉r dieses Jahr groe Ambitionen. Ich hoffe, dass ich mir eine Medaille bei den ersten European Games sichern kann. Ich k枚nnte der erste Spieler sein, der alle europ盲ischen Titel inne hat, das ist nat眉rlich auch mein groes Ziel."Solja verpasst SiegEinen Doppelerfolg konnte sich Deutschland in Baku allerdings nicht sichern, da sich die an neun gesetzte berraschungsfinalistin Petrissa Solja Titelverteidigerin Liu Jia aus sterreich geschlagen geben musste.Die 33-j盲hrige Liu, die ihren Fokus nun auf den Triumph bei den European Games legt, feierte einen komfortablen 4:1-Erfolg. "Wir werden mit unserer gesamten Mannschaft an den European Games teilnehmen und ich habe das groe Ziel, sie auch zu gewinnen", so Lui: "Vor allem, da es wohl meine einzigen sein werden."Allerdings pr盲sentierte sich in Baku nicht nur der Tischtennis-Sport, sondern durch einheimische Trommler und T盲nzer auch das nationale Flair und somit die Kultur des Landes den Zuschauern.Die European Games beginnen am 12. Juni, bereits einen Tag sp盲ter starten die Tischtennis-Wettbewerbe, die in der Baku Sports Hall stattfinden werden.

[487] Harvey- Texans have their quarterback, for better ... uhejizeg - 2015/06/06(Sat) 05:13 No.563  

You no longer have to scour the waiver wires.

The Texans aren, coach Bill Orien said Tuesday, not for a quarterback.

Theye not looking for another quarterback to appear there, not Ryan Mallett, not Josh Freeman, not Luke McCown, not Colt McCoy.

The Texans, Orien said, will have three quarterbacks on the [url=http://lasbielas.com/css/polarised_sunglasses_brands_in_india_231235.html]polarised sunglasses brands in india[/url]
53-man roster to start the season. Their names are Ryan Fitzpatrick, Case Keenum and Tom Savage, in that order for now. That could change after Thursday night preseason game against San Francisco, when Keenum and Savage are expected to see a lot of action. But Keenum remains the backup for Fitzpatrick until further notice.

Asked about the possibility of bringing in another quarterback, Orien has said since the day he arrived the Texans would consider anyone who would help the team. He gave a different answer Tuesday, saying the Texans aren in the market anymore for another quarterback.

would say more than likely there will be three quarterbacks on the roster to start the season,?he said. would tell you that, obviously, these three have been with us for awhile, especially Case and Ryan and then Tommy came in after the draft. So, more than likely, these will be the three.?
Asked if that were because they have experience with his offense, Orien said, 淵ou have to put value in that because theye put a lot of work in and they know the system. All three of them have an understanding of the system. Theye all had their share of decent moments. Like all of us, theye had their share of not so good moments. But theye improved every week, and so you definitely take that into account.

淵ou also take into account that youe always going to try to do whatever is best for the football team because you owe that to the other 52 guys. You do what best for the team. But, at the end of the day, these three guys, certainly, you take that into account that theye put a lot of work in.?
That good news for Texans fans of Keenum.

Bad news if there are any Texans fans of Mallett.

[488] VIDEO- Hulk Hogan Reflects On Wrestlemania III yguoimsh - 2015/06/06(Sat) 06:31 No.564  

Hulk Hogan s chat with pro wrestling PhD Bill Simmons was about as forthcoming and interesting as any interview [url=http://www.freedomdebtagreements.com.au/wc-logs/france_football_mini_kit_103102.html]france football mini kit[/url]
he s ever done with a real sports figure. The WWE icon detailed his long, storied relationship with Andr茅 the Giant (who he claims was actually 7 4 650 lbs) and how he came to beat him in 1987 s Wrestlemania III.
While that match is often thought of as the single greatest moment in the history of the WWE, the real drama, according to Hogan, were the tense behind-the-scenes negotiations leading up to it. (Full disclosure: Wrestling is usually scripted beforehand, and this match wasn t.) Andr茅 the Giant s refusal to choreograph the match ultimately lead to the (unscripted) moment when Hulk Hogan famously picked up the (very heavy) Heavyweight Champ and TORE HIS FREAKING BICEPS.
Simmons looked like he was going to pee his pants out of sheer excitement during the entire interview. Way to keep those tears back, Bill. We know this interview meant a lot to you just channel that energy in a 30 For 30 about Andr茅 the Giant, k? Great.

[489] Prince Andrew sings Happy Birthday for Princess Eu... xncajlpx - 2015/06/06(Sat) 09:07 No.565  

Trumpeter: Prince Andrew told Eugenie: 榊ou will notice that we have somebody here to play?
Tech wiz: The royal was hosting the Pitch@Palace [url=http://www.virtusleadership.com/css/ray_ban_4140_s_in_light_havana_213304.html]ray ban 4140 s in light havana[/url]
event for entrepreneurs at St James Palace
Eugenie looked delighted and said she was 榲ery proud, Pops?of her father role in the awards, which celebrate innovation and technology in the creative industries.
But the singalong did not impress his ex-wife, who joked - in the style of a Eurovision announcement - that the rendition scored ero points?
Sarah added: e think you all need to go for choir practice.?Andrew, however, was content with the gesture. aving been told this was a bad idea, it worked,?he said.
The Prince, who used a Pitch@Palace event last year to send the first royal selfie, joked: hat was it somebody said about children and dogs??The social media-savy Royal is also the only senior working royal to have his own personal Twitter account.
Eugenie has been in New York for the past year, working for an online auction house.聽

Celebrations: Eugenie, who has been in New York for the past year, and her birthday cake on Instagram

Birthday girl: Eugenie, centre, wearing a pair of novelty birthday candle glasses to mark the occasion

[490] Spinning your wheels getting recruiters to respond... gjfjfyig - 2015/06/06(Sat) 13:17 No.566  

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the job announcement was fairly new, Michael eagerly applied.聽 He was pleased. His short visit to the Epicenter Caf茅 for coffee and WiFi yielded a great job lead with a live contact person for potential follow up.

In a fraction of the time it takes to complete a long form-filled online job application he applied for an opportunity by simply emailing a recruiter great use of his time.

Weeks have since passed and Michael has yet to hear back from the recruiter, even after two follow-up emails and a single phone call. He is among scores of frustrated, job-seeking hopefuls who apply to recruiters to increase their propensity to stand out and even solicit feedback regarding their application.

Recruiters?lack of responsiveness is often due to to the sheer volume of applicants. (Getty Images)

Heather Broome, managing director of Vantage Partners, a San Francisco-based recruiting firm sympathizes with frustrated job seekers like Michael, but attributes recruiters? lack of responsiveness to the sheer volume of applicants.

know prospects are terribly frustrated by their application going into a black hole. For every posting on LinkedIn a recruiter may see 300 applicants,?she said.聽he reality is that recruiters simply don have time to respond to prospects that aren a close enough match for the role.?
Broome encourages applicants to consistently engage individual recruiters via email with a concise summary of their skills, interest and potential fit within the company.聽Eager prospects like Michael might hone in on a list of companies they like to work for and take Broome advice to get on the recruiters?radar.

each out to recruiters every few weeks, as the searches can come up much more frequently and they progress much more quickly,?she said.

Kia Croom is the managing director for Corporate Social Responsibility Advisors San Francisco and 聽a 聽free-lance news writer/reporter. Follow her on Twitter @newsbykiac

[491] Stevie Wonder takes fans on magical journey mbgattob - 2015/06/06(Sat) 14:11 No.567  

Stevie Wonder and his daughter and backup singer, Aisha Morris, emerged onto the stage together at Toyota Center on Friday night to kick off his 淪ongs in the Key of Life?tour. Morris was an infant when Wonder wrote the 21-song collection, which included the sweet ode to his baby girl, sn She Lovely.?Her cry can be heard in the background of the record.

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40 years since he made the album.

But before Wonder took fans on a powerful, yet sentimental聽 journey through 淪ongs in the Keys of Life,?he apologized for being late. One of his backup singers was found unconscious in his hotel room. Wonder asked for prayers for his friend. give all praise to God. It been a crazy one,?he told the audience, then he turned the focus on his music. lot of the songs are still relevant. It breaks my heart that love still in need of love today.?
With those words, he flowed into the first song, ove in Need of Love.?Then for nearly three hours, Wonder proved he was musical magician, moving from keyboards to piano to harmonica to harpejji (a cross between a guitar and keyboard), then standing up to sing or talk to the crowd.

At times, he was funny, even silly. When he sang, sn She Lovely,?he told Morris, saw you before your mama did!?Then joked about the expense of having nine children. (Yes, nine.)

He played with the audience, having them call and repeat sounds and lyrics, then teased them when they weren belting the notes to the heavens.

He took a serious turn on songs, like illage Ghetto Land,?and oy Inside My Tears,?where he remained quiet for few minutes after he finished as a tear appeared to roll down his face. His love ballads, like nocks Me Off My Feet,?brought couples to their feet to slow dance.

Few musicians can masterfully capture the range of emotion ?from happy to sad and love to frustration ?in one performance. But because Wonder brilliantly written songs do just that, fans were elevated one minute, screaming the lyrics to 淪ir Duke,?then entranced with 淪aturn.?With f It Magic,?Wonder sang over the original recording of harp playing by Dorothy Ashby, who died before the success of 淪ongs in the Key of Life.?
It must be noted that the band, led by Greg Phillinganes, was perfection. From the horn section to the percussionists to the background singers, even the local classical musicians, all added to the rich sound that echoed throughout Toyota Center. At times, it felt like an impromptu jam session, the kind that goes into the wee hours of the morning.

Wonder playfulness returned, when he told the audience, 淪tevie Wonder has left the building. Now, DJ Tick Tick Boom was in the house.? You could tell people were anxiously waiting to see where he was going with this.

Then Wonder (aka 淒J Tick Tick Boom? played around with a medley of hits and ended the night with energized favorites,聽 nce in My Life?and 淪uperstitious?and reminded fans why he a musical genius.

[492] On fifth anniversary of health care law, no end to... vbbslzjr - 2015/06/06(Sat) 17:33 No.568   HomePage

Why put up with this nonsense?

What about the trillions [url=http://www.omgmiamiswimwear.com/images/que_pais_gano_la_copa_del_mundo_en_2002_033205.html]que pais gano la copa del mundo en 2002[/url]
in taxes now feeding the insurance industry?

Moreover, tax dollars pay for critical elements of the health care system apart from direct care擬edicare funds much of the expensive equipment hospitals use, for instance, along with all medical residencies.

All told, then, tax dollars already pay for at least $1.2 trillion in annual U.S. health care expenses. Since federal, state, and local governments collected approximately $3.5 trillion in taxes of all kindsncome, sales, property, corporaten 2006, that means that more than one third of the aggregate tax revenues collected in the United States that year went to pay for health care.

Recognizing these hidden costs that U.S. households pay for health care today makes it far easier to see how a universal single-payer systemith all of its obvious advantagesan cost most Americans less than the one we have today.

Medicare must exist in the fragmented world that is American health careut no matter how creative the opponents of single-payer get, there is no way they can show convincingly how the administrative costs of a single-payer system could come close to the current level.

More on this matter:

[493] Kourtney Kardashian Hosts Marquee Dayclub Season P... eikapcsz - 2015/06/06(Sat) 17:45 No.569  

Denise Truscello/Wire ImageShe made her way to the DJ booth where she set off the first fireworks of the [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/images/deutschland_trikot_gr&uuml_;n_bestellen_425505.html]deutschland trikot gr眉n bestellen[/url]
Dayclub season with headliner Cash Cash.Denise Truscello/Wire ImageThe group took over a grand cabana, enjoying Champagne and signature dishes as fans screamed her name.Denise Truscello/Wire ImageKourtney Kardashian hosts Marquee Dayclub season preview at Marquee Dayclub at the Cosmopolitain on March 21, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada. Denise Truscello/Wire ImageShe also gave a glimpse into her family life, saying Mason is a great big brother, that her kids have play dates with their cousin North West all of the time, and that the whole family tries to get together to watch Keeping Up With The Kardashians each week.Denise Truscello/Wire ImageMarquee Dayclub donated 100% of the proceeds from sales of the bracelet and 10% of all bottled water sales for the day to the Whole World Water Fund, which is used to fund clean and safe drinking water initiatives around the world.

[494] Australian Government To Meet With Facebook, Googl... msqejbho - 2015/06/06(Sat) 18:04 No.570  

The Australian government is set to hold talks with Facebook, Google and YouTube to discuss ways to stop ISIS propaganda spreading over social media and Internet. [url=http://sommarhed.com/images/new_balance_men's_mo10_minimus_outdoor_trail_running_shoe_review_132134.html]new balance men's mo10 minimus outdoor trail running shoe review[/url]
Australia is concerned about the growing number of citizens lured by ISIS to join the group.

The Attorney-General department will be meeting with Google and its representatives from its subsidiary YouTube in Canberra, reports . Facebook representatives will also be invited to meet with the government next week.

The office of the Attorney-General will be using the meetings to request tech companies to take a harder stance on the issue of taking down ISIS-related propaganda materials to prevent the spread of the group extremist views. A spokesperson said that the government is in discussion with its private sector and international partners to remove xtremist content.?She added that key partners will include Google/YouTube and Facebook.

Though Twitter is not a part of the meetings, it is said to be in onstant dialogue? over issues involving the prevalence of radicalisation in social media. Lubna Alam, a social media expert at the University of Canberra, said there was no easy solution to fight the rise of radicalisation but the government can talk to the tech giants about building new filters to detect posts involving terrorism.

The news of the government asking help from tech companies comes after two Australian brothers were intercepted at Sydney airport. The teens, aged 16 and 17, tried to travel to an unidentified onflict zone?in the Middle East, reports the .

The brothers were arrested after border officials were alerted of suspicious objects in their luggage. The boys, whose names were withheld for they were minors, were lured by extremists over the Internet and their parents were 渟hocked?when officials told them of boys?plan to join ISIS in the Middle East.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott told reporters that the boys were 渕isguided?about Australians who succumbed to ISIS propaganda. He said he was pleased the boys were prevented from leaving the country and encouraged those who are listening to ISIS to lock your ears.?
To report problems or leave feedback on this article, contact: r.su@ibtimes.com.au

[495] St. Paul Chamber Orchestra does right by John Adam... gihknfmg - 2015/06/06(Sat) 20:40 No.571   HomePage

The three-concert visit by the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra that Cal Performances presented over the weekend in Berkeley was built around [url=http://www.nativeprince.com/images/ray_ban_cats_5000_black_polarized_124411.html]ray ban cats 5000 black polarized[/url]
the music of , with older fare from Mozart, Beethoven and Mahler in the mix. That turns out to have been a wise choice ?not least because Adams?music seemed to bring out the best in this vibrant ensemble.

At any rate, that was the conclusion to be drawn from Saturday and Sunday concerts, which led off with terrific performances of Adams??and 淪on of Chamber Symphony.?With leading the orchestra in both works, Adams?music stood revealed in all its jittery, imaginative glory. (Friday concert featured the early 淪haker Loops.?

Despite the similarity in names and the puckish suggestion that the later work is a sequel, the two chamber symphonies actually have relatively little in common. The original work, from 1992, is a caffeinated romp through a landscape populated by cartoon characters, with Schoenberg and the young Hindemith as musical guides.

The latter piece, which had its world premiere at Stanford in 2007, takes a broader and more symphonic view, picking up ideas from Adams?orchestral essay aive and Sentimental Music?and from his operas and treating them with expansive ?though still energized ?depth.

Still, the two pieces do share some common threads, most notably the melodic and rhythmic inventiveness that runs through nearly all this composer work, and especially the fiercely virtuosic demands that Adams makes on performers. All of those qualities, and more, came through in these taut and provocative performances.

If I felt a slight preference for Sunday magnificent account of the hamber Symphony,?that may only reflect my preference for the score itself, which after nearly a quarter century still bursts with zest and unpredictability. There a sort of cage-match quality to the fast outer movements, where Adams sets all the instrumentalists going at each other in a series of rapidly shifting rhythmic allegiances and cross-currents; and though the steady tread of the walking bass line in the middle movement provides a semblance of stability, here too the listener feels that frenzy is always lying in wait around the next corner.

The St. Paul players elicited that precarious thrill perfectly, all while delivering a performance of remarkable and fearless precision. On Saturday, the same sense of headlong momentum coursed through the opening movement of 淪on of Chamber Symphony,?which is built around the brusque rhythmic theme of the scherzo from Beethoven Ninth Symphony.

A similarly crisp and furious spirit infused eacock Tales,?Anders Hillborg clarinet concerto from 1997-98, which featured the extraordinary Swedish virtuoso as soloist. In this elaborately theatrical work, the soloist doesn only play the instrument ?he also dances, cavorts in a mask, and brings the house lights up and down in wonderfully stagy strokes. Fr枚st (for whom the piece was written) gave a transfixing performance.

The standard repertoire, meanwhile, was a bit more hit-and-miss. Sunday concert concluded with an ill-judged chamber version of Mahler Fourth Symphony, in which arranger gave the instrumentalists the principal lines and then tossed the bulk of the symphony over to the piano.

Still, Shwartz led a splendid rendition of the piece, full of tenderness and ardor, and soprano handled the last movement with sweet repose. Shwartz, or indeed any conductor, might have been welcome on Saturday, when the orchestra, led by concertmaster , undertook a forceful but blunt account of Beethoven roica?Symphony.

is The music critic. E-mail: Twitter: @JoshuaKosman

[496] What stops women working out- Fear of being laughe... yixfcexc - 2015/06/06(Sat) 20:48 No.572  

Labour MP Barbara Keeley said girls aged ten, 11 and 12 were dropping out of games lessons because they were [url=http://www.techformec.it/css/barcellona_maglia_2013_222101.html]barcellona maglia 2013[/url]
worried about showing uppy fat?
One woman interviewed by the committee was told by her male GP she was too fat to do the London Marathon even though she had run 18 miles the week previously.聽

Julie Creffield, a campaigner who encourages women to exercise, said she was determined to rove him wrong?and finished the event in 2013.
Mrs Creffield, 36, a mother who works as a motivational speaker, said many women were afraid to join running clubs or attend gym classes because they didn want to be the one 榮truggling at the back.?This is particularly true if they are overweight or have gained a few pounds after having children.
She told the MPs: 業 have women who tell me they run on a treadmill in their shed because they just don want to be seen in public, and that part of the problem. Because we don see many overweight women exercising in public, other women don think exercise is for them.?The committee ?which is also investigating obesity ?spoke to an expert who accused hospitals that sell fast-food on their premises as being guilty of egligence.?Professor Theresa Marteau, of the Department of Public Health at Cambridge University, criticised Guy in London, where there is a McDonald and Addenbrooke in Cambridge, which houses a Burger King.
She said: 業t is at best anomalous and at worst negligent that NHS properties continue to serve foods high in sugar, salt and fat.?Separately, the health watchdog NICE today publishes new guidelines urging GPs to tell adults to start walking when they undergo their NHS health checks, between the ages of 40 and 74.

[497] World Golf Championship in Doral-Florida- Kaymer i... gxfgiitz - 2015/06/06(Sat) 21:23 No.573  

Der Ratinger lie am Sonntag mit einer 67 seine M枚glichkeiten aufblitzen und verbesserte sich damit auf den [url=http://www.tremasia.com/img/adidas_adizero_f50_lila_leder_342335.html]adidas adizero f50 lila leder[/url]
38. Rang.Den schon sicher geglaubten Sieg verspielte der US-Amerikaner J.B. Holmes. Der Longhitter hatte das mit 9,25 Millionen Dollar dotierte Turnier mit einem Traum-Platzrekord von 62 Schl盲gen begonnen und seitdem gef眉hrt. Am Schlusstag gab er Platz eins auf dem Leaderboard allerdings am sechsten Loch mit seinem dritten Bogey des Tages erstmals an seinen Landsmann Bubba Watson ab.Lachender Dritter war am Ende US-Profi Dustin Johnson. Der ehemalige Ryder-Cup-Spieler beendete das Turnier nach einer 69er-Runde mit 279 Schl盲gen. Damit lag er einen Schlag vor Holmes und zwei vor Watson. Johnson kassierte f眉r seinen neunten Sieg auf der US-Tour einen Scheck 眉ber 1,57 Millionen Dollar, rund 1,44 Millionen Euro.

[498] USA spowolni wycofywanie 偶onierzy z Afganistanu, ... nrbiqhhp - 2015/06/06(Sat) 22:12 No.574  

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prob przebywajcego z wizyt w Waszyngtonie prezydenta Afganistanu Aszrafa Ghaniego USA utrzymaj do koca 2015 roku obecn liczb 9800 偶onierzy w Afganistanie - poinformowa we wtorek na wsplnej konferencji z Ghanim prezydent USA Barack Obama.
Obowizujcy dotychczas harmonogram zakada, 偶e liczebno膰 amerykaskich si w Afganistanie zmniejszy si z obecnych niecaych 10 tys. do 5,6 tys. 偶onierzy do koca 2015 roku, a pozostali bd sukcesywnie opuszcza膰 kraj do koca 2016 roku, tak by po 2016 roku liczba amerykaskich 偶onierzy ograniczaa si do okoo 1 tys. - 1,5 tys.; bd oni odpowiada膰 za bezpieczestwo ambasady USA.
W komunikacie Biaego Domu podano, 偶e jeli chodzi o wycofywanie wojsk amerykaskich z Afganistanu w 2016 roku, "zostanie to ustalone p藕niej w 2015 roku, tak aby umo偶liwi膰 wojskom USA konsolidacj w majcej siedzib w Kabulu ambasadzie USA do koca 2016 roku".

[499] This Honest Trailer For The Hobbit 3 Pokes Some Se... apakrpxo - 2015/06/06(Sat) 22:58 No.575  

Ouch, right?
It s not an uncommon sentiment in the world of moviegoers and critics alike that聽The [url=http://www.bridalfashionweekaustralia.com.au/images/new_argentina_rugby_jersey_2013_321321.html]new argentina rugby jersey 2013[/url]
Hobbit films were 聽(was Bilbo trying to warn us?).聽The Hobbit was essentially a young adult book turned into an epic 8+ hour film series that was stuffed to the brim with fantasy action聽clich茅s and plot holes (presumably as Hollywood-brand filler material in an attempt to match the breadth and scale of the聽Lord of the Rings trilogy).

Truer words have ne er been spoken
Let s just say, that if any more films are done in the Middle Earth universe, Peter Jackson and crew should probably take care to wrap things up a little tighter by sticking to more meaningful and dense material that can be found in the books themselves.
Knowing Tolkien, there s聽plenty to work with.
Thanks to our friends at Cinema Blend for the Honest Trailer from .
Go to Cinema Blend to

[500] BMW makes SUVs look luxurious hdjabaau - 2015/06/07(Sun) 00:21 No.576  

There SUVs, SAVs and SACs. Within the BMW ranks, the acronym SAV (for [url=http://www.showluxphoto.it/img/maglia_juve_2015_amazon_124242.html]maglia juve 2015 amazon[/url]
Sports Activity Vehicles) is applied as a reference to their SUV-type vehicles. In the summer of 2008, the German vehicle manufacturer officially added the SAC acronym for Sports Activity Coupe to the mix for the all-new BMW X6. The X6 blended the handling agility of a coupe with the versatility of an SAV in BMW new SAC form. Enter the 2015 BMW X4 28i xDrive ?the newest .

The new BMW X4 xDrive is offered with a choice of two TwinPower Turbo engines: the X4 xDrive28i, featuring BMW 240 horsepower 2.0-liter four cylinder engine; or, the top-of-line X4 xDrive35i propelled by BMW 300 horsepower, 3.0-liter inline six-cylinder motor. Both models come with an 8-speed Steptronic sport automatic transmission with shift paddles as well as xDrive, BMW intelligent all-wheel drive system.

This newest Sports Activity Coupe delivers a unique expression of he Ultimate Driving Machine?mantra. Compared to its BMW X3 stable-mate, the X4 projects its own personality and character, cutting an impressive figure with its balanced proportions and distinctive image. Large air intakes positioned at the outer edges of the front fascia and precise front apron character lines display a muscular persona, lowering its visual centre of gravity more closely to the road while showcasing a sharper dynamic. This effect is further enhanced by LED foglights positioned beneath the signature twin round headlights, defining the familiar face of every BMW X model.

In profile, the X4 coupe-like roofline reaches its highest point over the front seats, reflecting the traditional driver focus of all BMWs, before sloping down gently toward the tailgate trailing edge. The stretched lines underscore the X4 sporting coupe image.

The X4 interior evokes a synthesis of sportiness and exclusivity. The body is mounted lower than that of the X3, creating the sensation of a classic sports coupe reinforced by the rear seat bench, which comes with the type of continuously molded side bolsters normally only provided by two individual seats. A power tailgate is standard fare, available with the added convenience of an optional Smart Opener, which allows it to be opened with a movement of the foot. All X4s include BMW iDrive Controller and central display, and when equipped with the available on-board navigation system, the new X4 comes with the new iDrive Controller with touchpad,allowing drivers or passengers to use their finger to write letters for text inputs.

SUMMARY: The X6 actual execution was and is without a doubt, quite well done, resulting an exceptionally nice SAC that performed admirably in every regard. So, it goes almost without saying that the production of the smaller, more affordable BMW X4 xDrive is a no brainer.

The X4 acceleration, is instantaneous and plentiful ?even with the smaller 2.0-liter powerplant, it indeed definitely more than satisfying. The ride quality is comfortable but on the firm side, which contributes to its stability. The technology level is mind boggling, but unless driven to extreme levels, much of the technology will probably never come into play.

The rearward visibility is quite limited through the rear glass; entry into the driver seat necessitated folding forward to avoid hitting one head in order to clear the radically curved roofline. On the plus side however, controls and switchgear, are well-placed for optimum ease of use, and the seating is not only comfortable, but supportive as well.

Given what some perceive to be a controversial design form much like its larger X6 sibling, the lower price tag of the X4 is likely to attract a new wave of consumers. All in all, the bold exterior styling, though not for everyone, gives way to the elegant and comfortable interior design, and the performance characteristics are quite satisfying all-around. Bottom line, if you liked the X6 SAC, but preferred something more manageable in terms of size and dollars spent, youe sure to love the BMW X4 xDrive SAC.

漏 Auto Impressions

[501] ISIS yberCaliphate?Publishes Military Hit List czaurvql - 2015/06/07(Sun) 00:54 No.577  

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year a group within聽ISIS聽calling themselves the CyberCaliphate hacked into U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) servers and compromised not only the military database, but also Twitter and YouTube accounts.
Military.com聽 they then proceeded to issue threatening messages to聽U.S.military personnel. Although the Pentagon has issued no official confirmation, the hack and subsequent threats appear legitimate. The White House kind of did confirm and kind of didn at the same time.
This is some scary stuff folks!
A rather disturbing Tweet went out to the general military population that read e won stop! We know everything about you, your wives and children.?
Another broad message was a threat aimed at all personnel which read MERICAN SOLDIERS, WE ARE COMING, WATCH YOUR BACK.聽ISIS.
American officials said they were confident that the hack went no further than social media and accounts were swiftly suspended yet one of these yberCaliphate?Tweets was entitled entagon Networks Hacked! China Scenarios, including hina Scenario ISR [Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance] Collection Needs,?with various maps of Southeast Asia.
It s unclear that any of the hacked data will compromise military integrity or readiness, or that they acquired any actionable intelligence, but it s disturbing that ISIS was able to penetrate these accounts with relative ease.
White House spokes liar Josh Earnest briefed reporters saying in effect to fear not ?that the administration is on the case. That should make you feel better. It does me. He said here is a significant difference between what is a large data breach and the hacking of a Twitter account.?
Ernest added that they were, 渟till examining and investigating the extent of this incident, but I don have any information beyond that.?

[502] Western Reserve PBS and the Summit Teaming Up for ... vsrgjnzh - 2015/06/07(Sun) 02:05 No.578  

click to enlarge Beginning on April 3, Studio C Sessions, a new weekly [url=http://www.moneta.be/e-papers/maillot_d'entrainement_psg_2014_004354.html]maillot d'entrainement psg 2014[/url]
TV program featuring exclusive live music performances, will begin airing on Western Reserve PBS (WNEO 45.1/WEAO 49.1). The program, which airs at 9 p.m. on Fridays, is a public broadcasting collaboration between Western Reserve PBS and the Summit (91.3 FM Akron/Canton and 90.7 FM Youngstown/Warren/Western Pennsylvania). It'll feature 渓ive performances that capture artists and audiences connecting in the closest of confines.?The lineup for the first three sessions is really solid.<br>

Singer-songwriter Eric Hutchinson and Scars on 45 perform on April 3; OK Go and Kate Tucker play on April 10; and Wild Cub and Patrick Sweeney perform on April 17. For more information about upcoming programs, visit or . Studio C Sessions will repeat on Western Reserve PBS on Saturdays at 3 a.m. The program will also air on Fusion (WNEO 45.2/WEAO 49.2) on Sundays at 8 p.m.<br>

[503] Patio dining to be hot feature at new El Tiempo Ca... rricmjbv - 2015/06/07(Sun) 05:59 No.579  

Houstonians love their restaurant patio dining, which is why the owners of the new El Tiempo sought city permission to build a patio facing [url=http://www.wbhseries.com/wp-images/oakley_penny_cyclops_513545.html]oakley penny cyclops[/url]
Westheimer at the former La Casa del Caballo being renovated as the Laurenzo family new Tex-Mex palace.

Well, they got it. This week the Laurenzos began work on an eight-table patio that will essentially add depth to the main dining room at 322 Westheimer, which will be home to El Tiempo Cantina 1308 Annex. The patio will run the length of the south side of the building, which features six large windows, and will now have a central door from the main dining room to the outdoor dining.

The addition of the patio greatly changes the character of the project, said executive chef and spokesman Domenic Laurenzo. t gives it a brand new identity,?he said. t brings the street life right to the side of the building.?
The buildout of the new El Tiempo also includes two patios on the second floor of the structure. The patios, as well as the restaurant entrance, will feature thatched palapa-style covers.

ll of the atmospherics are finally starting to come together,?Laurenzo said of the restaurant design, which features large portrait art and wagonwheel chandeliers over the bar area.

Laurenzo said he hoping that the restaurant will be ready for customers by the third week of April.

Houstonians will remember the 322 Westheimer space as the former brunch hot spot La Strada, and later concepts such as Caf茅 Bello, Don Julio, and most recently La Casa del Caballo. Last fall the Laurenzos announced they would be closing their popular El Tiempo 1308 Cantina at 1208 Montrose and reopen at 322 Westheimer. The move was necessary because of an apartment project; 1308 was to close in March. But in February the Laurenzos announced that the apartment project would be delayed which meant that 1308 would not have to close as planned. By that time they were well underway with the renovation of 322 Westheimer. They will now have two El Tiempo restaurants operating in Montrose when the El Tiempo Cantina 1308 Annex project is complete.

Construction is well underway at El Tiempo Cantina 1308 Annex at 322 Westheimer. It is expected to open the third week in April. (Photo: courtesy)

[504] Systems Issue Prevents Some Chase Cardholders From... lwkcsimw - 2015/06/07(Sun) 07:36 No.580  

It saddens me to hear you had a bad [url=http://www.glacesdesmet.be/css/ou_acheter_un_maillot_de_dortmund_523434.html]ou acheter un maillot de dortmund[/url]
experience. For assistance please follow/DM your name, zip more details. ^WP
Chase Support (@ChaseSupport)
Alice Reynolds told CBS 2 s Brad Edwards she switched to a third Chase card and was still denied. Chase offered her $25, which she says is, 渋nsulting.?
Governors State Professor and fraud expert William Kresse says, 渟tolen credit cards are often to buy concert tickets and sporting event tickets because there such a strong secondary market.?
Prof. Kresse says this can serve as a lesson, before travelling or making a large purchase, now-a-days you may want to call your credit card company ahead so this doesn t happen.
Chase spokeswoman released a statement saying, Due to a systems issue, some customers were unable to purchase Lollapalooza concert tickets today. We have since fixed the issue and apologize for the inconvenience. Customers should contact us if they have questions or concerns.
Lollapalooza will begin selling one-day passes Wednesday morning at 10 a.m.

[505] Iggy Azalea Reveals That She Did Get Breast Implan... pqlvhfba - 2015/06/07(Sun) 08:00 No.581   HomePage

Getty Image<br>
busted on the music with her hits [url=http://screenlab.com.au/style/italy_new_jersey_time_difference_151003.html]italy new jersey time difference[/url]
Fancy and a collaboration with Ariana Grande, but she reveals in a new interview for that modeling was actually her first goal when she entered the States from Australia. Azaela reveals that things didn t go so well when entering a few modeling agencies. From :
hen I first got to the States, people told me I should think about modeling,?she says. 淪o I went to a few agencies, but once they measured my body濃he stands five feet ten incheshey didn like me anymore.?Being told she should lose some weight and get a nose job had the predictable effect on her confidence: was looking in the mirror a little differently.?
And then she obviously went to change everything about herself, start a weird romantic relationship with the guy who helped make her over, and then returned to conquer the modeling world. Right? Nah, but it did probably help in her decision to get breast implants.
, it has been rumored that Azalea had back in December, something she confirms during her Vogue interview/ shopping excursion:
did change something: Four months ago, I got bigger boobs! I thought about it my entire life.?She says she was sick of having to sew padding into her stage costumes and wanted to be able to wear lingerie without wiring. At first she resolved never to discuss this publicly; she didn want girlso many of her fans are barely high school ageo feel bad about their own bodies. ut then,?she says, decided I wasn into secret-keeping.?
Good for her, right? Azalea also sat down to answer Vogue s 73 Questions, which just seem exhausting to think about. If you want to check out another perspective on her breast implants (or compare and contrast), .

[506] Ted Cruz tendr cobertura m茅dica bajo la reforma d... kknwwxfp - 2015/06/07(Sun) 08:05 No.582  

El senador republicano Ted Cruz, el primer candidato en oficializar sus aspiraciones presidenciales para 2016, admiti hoy que a partir de ahora tendr cobertura m茅dica bajo la reforma sanitaria de Barack Obama, contra la que batalla en el Congreso.
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Cruz tena un seguro m茅dico de alta categora gracias al trabajo de su mujer, Heidi, en el banco de inversiones Goldman Sach, informa el diario Politico.
Tras el anuncio de la candidatura del senador el lunes, su esposa pedir una excedencia en el trabajo para ayudarle en la campa帽a, lo que obliga a la familia a buscar otro seguro.
"Estamos en un proceso de transicin hacia eso", dijo Cruz a la cadena CNN, en referencia a un seguro bajo la reforma sanitaria de Obama, que cumple cinco a帽os esta semana.
La llamada Ley de Cuidado Asequible de la Salud (ACA, por su sigla en ingl茅s) busca extender la cobertura m茅dica a toda la poblacin y establece la obligatoriedad de adquirir un seguro, su parte ms controvertida y duramente cuestionada por los republicanos.
Una enmienda de la ley, impulsada por el congresista republicano Chuck Grassley, estipula que los miembros del Congreso que no tienen cobertura con el programa de salud para ancianos y jubilados Medicare deben contratar cobertura en el mercado de seguros m茅dicos, una de las disposiciones clave de la reforma sanitaria promulgada en 2010.
El senador Cruz es uno de los lderes del ala ultraconservadora del Partido Republicano, el Tea Party, y uno de los que se oponen con ms dureza a la reforma sanitaria de Obama, que asegura quedar revocada si 茅l o uno de sus compa帽eros de partido se hacen con la Casa Blanca en 2016.

[507] TV Reporter Turned Marijuana Activist Is Raided By... ysfatzqz - 2015/06/07(Sun) 09:23 No.583  

What are your thoughts on the legalization of [url=http://www.salcis.it/css/stampe_su_magliette_roma_est_243444.html]stampe su magliette roma est[/url]
marijuana? Below are a few political leaders and celebrities who have publicly acknowledged smoking Marijuana.

To kick things off, [television show host Andy Cohen] asked the last time Winfrey had smoked marijuana. Uh ?1982, Winfrey replied. Let s hang out after the show, Cohen joked. Okay, Winfrey laughed. I hear it s gotten better. -Oprah Winfrey Source: Bravo

I experimented with marijuana a time or two. -President Bill Clinton Source: Youtube

The White House said today that Judge Clarence Thomas, President Bush s Supreme Court nominee, had smoked marijuana while in college. -Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Source: NY Times

淒o you know how many movies I wrote when I was high??Jon Stewart Source: The Daily Show

I smoked some weed, and that how I finished 業zzo.' -Jay Z Source: XXL Magazine

Look, I have never made a secret of the fact that I have tried marijuana About 50,000 times. -Bill Maher Source: Youtube


[508] The best ride in the galaxy- Coming home from spac... hpjtoaoo - 2015/06/07(Sun) 10:41 No.584  

I remember thinking, six months of misery for [url=http://www.techformec.it/images/maglia_juventus_2014_prezzo_015405.html]maglia juventus 2014 prezzo[/url]
20 minutes? How badass must that ride home in the Soyuz be?

To get the answer I turned to , who聽recently commanded the station and landed earlier this month in Kazakhstan inside a Soyuz. According to him it is one heck of a ride. Here how he described the descent to me.

lose your eyes and imagine yourself all crumpled up, knees in your chin, heels in your hiney, all balled up inside of a 17,000 mph, 3,000-degree plasma fireball. You can look out the window and you see the thermal protection system flaking off, which its designed to do, and this big orange glow of this fireball. And then you see slowly the window starts to get blacker as it singes. The g are increasing. You get up to 4.4 g. And literally it like in the movies, your skin is pulled back, my glasses were down here on the tip of my nose.?
A fireball: The Soyuz from Expedition 33 returns through the atmosphere in 2012. (NASA)

hen when you get through the fireball portion you a hear slight, steady hiss. You hear the atmosphere and then it gets louder and louder. Shhh! SHHHHH! When youe coming through the atmosphere youe slowing down due to friction. Then the drogue chute comes out and you hear a BANG! It pyro. It an explosion with the bolts coming off. The drogue comes out and literally ?it would be great to have a video from the outside to see how youe spinning and flopping ?you experience all of that inside. Ie got a pretty good sense of stability, or whatever, but I could even feel our attitude getting steeper. It really cool.?
The drogue chute is a much smaller version of the main parachute which slows the descent to deploy a much larger parachute.

hen you finally stabilize a little bit and then BANG! the main chute comes out and it another big yahoo ride flipping and flopping all over the place. Not long after the main chute comes out is when the thermal protection shield goes away, and the blackened windows are blown clean. It clear. Then you just sit there and wait until you get down. You can hear the guy talking in the helicopter, in Russian, calling out our altitudes. He says 100 meters and I like, 淕et ready.?Because you hear the stories about the touchdown and then what they call the 渟oft landing?jets fire. Oh my. It felt like we hit, but then a couple of nanoseconds later we we hit. And oh my goodness. I don know if you saw the picture of the capsule, but the capsule has a little bow on the bottom. Well, there was no indention on that permafrost at all. The capsule was sitting on the very center, kind of wobbling almost. The Earth did not give all, and it didn feel like it did, either.?
The bowed spacecraft found no 済ive?in the frozen ground of Kazakhstan. (NASA)

淵ou put all that together, that why Scott said what he did about the last 20 minutes. It just unbelievable. I sitting there in the fireball portion thinking, I can believe humans actually do this. They put themselves in a little bitty capsule and then sling themselves at this speed into the atmosphere. But it does. And we made it back safe.?
Sounds like fun. When Disney making a Soyuz ride?

[509] Echo Investment pozostanie na GPW ggixcyso - 2015/06/07(Sun) 11:46 No.585  

Echo Investment pozostanie na Giedzie Papierw Wartociowych. Nowi inwestorzy zapowiadaj, 偶e konsekwencj [url=http://www.teslaglobaltechnology.com/fonts/vintage_lace_dress_short_332011.html]vintage lace dress short[/url]
finalizacji nabycia 41,55 proc. akcji spki bdzie ogoszenie publicznego wezwania na 66 proc. akcji spki.
Podmiot nale偶cy do Griffin Topco III S.a r.l. (podmiot kontrolowany przez Oaktree) oraz do funduszu zarzdzanego przez PIMCO podpisa 28 lutego br. umow poredniego nabycia pakietu 41,55 procent akcji Echo Investment S.A. Warunkiem ostatecznego sfinalizowania transakcji nabycia jest wydanie zgody na koncentracj przez Komisj Europejsk.
Nastpnym krokiem bdzie ogoszenie publicznego wezwania do sprzeda偶y akcji Echo Investment do poziomu 66 procent. Inwestorzy nie zamierzaj skupowa膰 stu procent akcji i nie planuj wycofania akcji spki z giedy.

[510] Court Sacks APC House Candidate, Articles fdgaqnjq - 2015/06/07(Sun) 12:18 No.586  

Tobi Soniyi in Abuja芒a?br>
Barely four days to the National Assembly elections, a Federal High Court&nbsp; in Abuja has sacked the All Progressives&nbsp; Congress (APC s),&nbsp; House of Representatives candidate for Odigbo/Ile-Oluji/Oke-Igbo in Ondo State, Mr. Yejide Ogundipe.

The court ordered&nbsp; one Festus Ayodele Adefiranye to replace him having won the highest number of votes in the primary election conducted by the party.

The judgment of the court was sequel to a suit instituted by Adefiranye through his counsel, James Anietor, challenging the substitution of his name with that [url=http://www.artboiserie.be/css/maillot_bayern_554211.html]maillot bayern[/url]
of Ogundipe by the party.<br>
Joined as defendants in the suit are Yetunde Ogundipe, APC and the Independent National Electoral Commission INEC.

The plaintiff had informed the court through an exhibit that he came first in the primary election held after scoring the highest number of votes.

He added that he was surprised to discover that it was Ogundipe, who&nbsp; came seconnd, whose name second in the primary election was forwarded to (INEC).

In their defence, the defendants had submitted that it was the appeal panel of the party that discovered that there was an error in the counting and based on the petition by Ogundipe carried out a re-counting where the first defendant later emerged as the winner.<br>
The plaintiff however submitted that the re-counting was not done in his presence and hence his right to fair hearing was breached.<br>
The defendants had earlier asked the court to decline&nbsp; jurisdiction to entertain the matter on ground that it was an internal affair of the party.

Delivering ruling, the trial judge, Justice Gabriel Kolawole held that by Section 87 (1) of the Electoral Act 2010, the Federal High Court was empowered to hear such electoral matter.

The court also held that the instant case could not be treated as an internal affairs of the party since the proceeding of the appeal panel had been faulted.

The court held, having listened to the submissions of all counsel in the suit. It is obvious from the exhibit that the plaintiff was not present when the appeal panel was recounting the votes.

Reading through APC guidelines, there is no provision which empowers appeal committee to recount. And even if it has the power, the principle of fair hearing should&nbsp; be employed by allowing the plaintiff to be there when they are recounting. The proceedings of the appeal committee is flawed.

On jurisdiction, I do not agree with the issues canvassed by the defendants that court lacks jurisdiction to entertain this matter.

Section of the 87(9) Electoral Act 2010 and S251 of the 1999 Constitution confers jurisdiction on Federal High Court to hear electoral matter.

All the grounds of objection did not persuade me. On the submission of the 2nd defendant&nbsp; to order pleadings, there is no dispute in the fact before the court to attract pleading. Doing this will not be justice.

On the defence that the&nbsp; matter was an internal affair of the party, the court held that as long as the&nbsp; appeal panel conducts its proceeding in a clear manner, then, party can ask the court not to interfere but in a situation where the proceeding of the appeal panel was flawed, such could not be said to be an internal affairs of the party.

The decision of the National Working Committee of the party having its origin on the appeal panel report cannot be trusted because it was based on a faulty foundation. I am more persuaded by the submissions of the plaintiff.

The case of the plaintiff succeeds, all the reliefs sought are granted. The name of the first defendant shall be removed by the third defendant and be replaced by that of the plaintiff for the March 28 National Assembly elections, the court held.

[511] Women's Team GB set to follow men by bowing out of... kkaimekl - 2015/06/07(Sun) 13:52 No.587  

England proposals for men Team GB football at the Rio Olympics have already been kicked into the long grass by the other home nations ?and the women hopes are going in the same direction.
There were strong hopes that a women team could still represent GB in Brazil in 2016 when the strength of the opposition for Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland soon made it obvious that the men initiative was a non-starter.

Team GB are unlikely to reform for 2016 Olympics after coming together for London 2012
But the Celtic countries, having been promised that the two football sides at London 2012 were a one-off, have informed the FA that they [url=http://screenlab.com.au/style/podolski_jersey_number_in_arsenal_254220.html]podolski jersey number in arsenal[/url]
see no reason to treat women football any differently because it still threatens their independence ?however many times theye reassured by FIFA that it won.
The FA will announce imminently that both Team GB football sides have been scrapped.
聽 Such are football sensitive politics that after FIFA president Sepp Blatter had praised UEFA work in his opening speech at the UEFA Congress in Vienna, the president of the European body, Michel Platini, left out his one dig at Blatter contained in advance copies of his speech.

Michel Platini (right) seemed to bite his lip during his speech about Sepp Blatter's FIFA at the UEFA Congress
Platini, in an obvious nod to Blatter regular references to steering the world football ship, was due to say: 業 regard myself as a simple team-mate, at most your captain. But not the captain of a ship that is being battered by a storm, clinging to the helm for dear life.?But he skipped the bit about linging to the helm for dear life?
聽 Nothing sums up Blatter presidential election trickery more than the decision to have a special meeting in Zurich to decide future numbers of World Cup places ?the day after the Congress vote in May.
This will allow Blatter at least to make promises about more World Cup places to the confederations who support him. FIFA say the issue has to be debated afterwards as candidate Luis Figo (right) has increasing World Cup participation as part of his manifesto.

England return to Dublin for a friendly against Ireland after riots saw the last game abandoned in 1995
There is confidence England powderkeg friendly against the Republic of Ireland at the Aviva Stadium on June 7 ?the first time England have played in Dublin since a riot forced the abandonment in 1995 ?will pass without trouble.聽
All the focus in Ireland is on the crucial Euro 2016 qualifier with Scotland on June 13.
聽 No whitewash for Gill
There was no surprise about David Gill being elected British vice-president on the FIFA ExCo at the UEFA Congress on Tuesay.聽
But FA of Wales?outspoken president Trefor Lloyd-Hughes, who has made increasingly outlandish claims about FA skulduggery, received 10 votes out of 54 which is nine more than many expected.
Meanwhile, Gill said that rather than ask wkward?questions of the Zurich regime which FA chairman Greg Dyke wants him to do, he will be putting elevant and appropriate?ones.

Luis Figo (left) and the more impressive Michael van Praag are unlikely to oust Blatter as FIFA president
The worry for all three UEFA-endorsed rivals for Blatter crown ?Prince Ali of Jordan, Holland Michael Van Praag and Portugal Luis Figo ?is that the FIFA president still enjoys backing in Europe.聽
Estonia football president Aivar Pohlak claims as many as half of UEFA delegates could back Blatter. That seems unlikely but at least 15 out of 54 countries could. Meanwhile, Van Praag was easily the most impressive of the three challengers when they were given the Congress floor.
聽 FA chairman Greg Dyke demand for radical changes in top-flight clubs?25-man squads to ensure young English players get more game time has irritated the Premier League. Dyke said: ee open to discussions and I like to persuade some of the clubs this is an issue.?
FA chief Greg Dyke has angered Premier League clubs with his plans for more home-grown players
There could now be tension between Dyke and the PL at the clubs?summit on Thursday, particularly given Dyke was last week advised not to go public by the Professional Game representatives on the FA Board.聽
But the extent to which Wembley were determined to get maximum publicity for Dyke proposals was shown by them bringing in expensive PR firm Milltown Partners to lobby media to attend the press briefing.聽
It was also held at the start of international week so the PL could have no complaints about it deflecting attention from their competition.

[512] Meet Christopher Chandler- New Zealand Billionaire... eudhxyfi - 2015/06/07(Sun) 14:46 No.588  

New Zealand billionaire Christopher Chandler funds research that develops ways to reduce bonded labour around the world. The co-founder of he [url=http://www.mandiriagri.com/img/nike_mercurial_vapor_ix_cr7_white_volt_orange_fifa_13_342340.html]nike mercurial vapor ix cr7 white volt orange fifa 13[/url]
Freedom Fund?is based in Dubai.

The Freedom Fund

Chandler co-founded he Freedom Fund?in 2013 with Pierre Omidyar, the founder of eBay, and Australian mining magnate Andrew Forrest. Chandler charity called he Legatum Foundation?finances the research through he Freedom Fund.?
According to , Forrest has invested a significant amount of seed money in another philanthropic fund he Global Fund to End Slavery? as well. The funds seek to accept donations from governments to part-fund national strategies developed by public-private partnerships. The partnerships are formed in countries where bonded labour is a common practice.

The first schemes of the fund include the assessment of free bonded labour in Thailand and India. The fund seeks to work in the clothing industry in southern India, the Thai seafood industry and the brick kilns in the Indian states of Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, which are highly affected by bonded labours.

Chandler Own Company

Chandler founded Legatum Capital in Dubai after he had split off from Richard Chandler, his brother. The company was founded in 2006 so that he could invest on his own. The multibillion-dollar investment company funds companies in developing countries. However, it also invests in capital markets around the world. Legatum had its own building in the Dubai International Finance Centre in April 2012.

Chandler Background

The billionaire is from North Island in New Zealand. His parents were beekeepers. He and his brother used to take profits from the sale of their parents' department store. They invested the money in Hong Kong real estate. They later founded 淪overeign Global.? The Monaco company was formed so that they could concentrate on transitioning industries in South America, Eastern Europe and Russia.

Legatum Impact

According to its official website, Legatum has spent US$ 80 million in 1,440 life changing projects in 107 countries. It says that the projects made an impact on the lives of thirty million people in 2013. he End Fund?has been as one of the most effective philanthropic organisations in Africa.

The net of the 55-year-old investor was one billion in 2013. He was the 1153rd billionaire in 2012 while he moved down to the 1342nd spot in 2013.

Contact the writer:

[513] Nedved best盲tigt Pogba vswrkclv - 2015/06/07(Sun) 17:05 No.589   HomePage

Der Franzose hat Manchester [url=http://www.virtusleadership.com/css/cheap_ladies_ray_bans_aviators_223400.html]cheap ladies ray bans aviators[/url]
United 2012 abl枚sefrei verlassen und wurde mit einer R眉ckkehr in Verbindung gebracht, genau so wie mit einem Wechsel zu Real oder Barca. Doch nun ist es der franz枚sische Meister, der sich aufdr盲ngt."Paris nicht der einzige Verein""Ja, PSG hat ein Angebot geschickt", best盲tigt Nedved Le Parisien: "Aber Paris ist nicht der einzige Verein. Auch Real Madrid und Barcelona sind interessiert."Pogbas Berater Mino Raiola hat derweil die Transferpolitik der K枚niglichen am Beispiel von James Rodriguez kritisiert und garantiert, dass sein Sch眉tzling nicht einer der Spieler sein wird, den man nach seinem groen Wechsel "in die Tonne wirft". Er hat den Marktwert von Pogba zuletzt auf 100 Millionen Euro angesetzt.Durch eine Oberschenkelverletzung ist Pogba noch bis Mai auer Gefecht. Sein aktueller Vertrag l盲uft bis 2019.

[514] Denver Broncos coaching renaissance is complete- T... kbyyyagh - 2015/06/07(Sun) 21:13 No.590  

After John Elway&nbsp;, the dominoes began falling, and now we have a reunion of just about every player and coach from the Broncos in the early 1990's as key decision-makers in this franchise. If you were a Broncos [url=http://www.nativeprince.com/css/ray_ban_cockpit_prix_312412.html]ray ban cockpit prix[/url]
water boy in 1991, come on down; there's a spot on Elway's scouting staff for you.
To be honest, at first, I wasn't sold on the Broncos band reunion. I am not sure how a sudden resurgence of 1990s Broncos football would take in the 2010s. Sure, in many ways, that period is the golden age of this franchise. Two s and a handful of Hall of Fame players serve as testament to that legacy. But the game has evolved. The zone blocking scheme the Broncos revolutionized reached its league-adoption apex less than a decade later. &nbsp;What once was new is old again.
But as I went about compiling this post and looking at the resum茅s of all of these reunited Broncos, my hesitance has turned to excitement. This is an impressive group of football minds who have each bled orange and blue at times during their respective careers, and there's something to be said for having employees who care deeply for your organization (and your owner Pat Bowlen).
If you were a Broncos water boy in 1991, there's a spot on Elway's scouting staff for you.
So here, we celebrate the return of these Broncos players and coaches as they begin their second (or third) tenures with the Denver Broncos Football Club. We wish them many Super Bowls in their new rein.
While the rest of of this celebration will focus on newly hired Broncos who were previously with the team, I'll include and start with the man who has made it all possible.

[515] Lo que las Escrituras y el jazz tienen en com煤n ducbjoyd - 2015/06/07(Sun) 21:30 No.591  

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y el jazz tienen en com煤nResolviendo dos asuntos difciles sobre la inspiracin de la Biblia.
Andrew Wilson / February 16, 2015
Image: Shutterstock
Lo que las Escrituras y el jazz tienen en com煤nResolviendo dos asuntos difciles sobre la inspiracin de la Biblia.
Andrew Wilson / February 16, 2015
Desde el primer siglo, los Cristianos han declarado que la Biblia es inspirada por Dios. Hoy en d a, usamos la palabra inspirada para casi cualquier logro creativo un poema, una canci n, un discurso, a n un touchdown. Aunque usamos la palabra para cosas que pensamos que son sobresalientes, los Cristianos tradicionalmente la usan para describir la autoridad divina de la Biblia.

Uno de los textos b blicos cl sicos para hablar de la inspiraci n de las Escrituras es segunda de Timoteo 3:16: Toda la escritura es inspirada por Dios. Aqu Pablo usa la palabra griega theopneustos, un compuesto de theos (Dios) y pne (soplo o respiro). En otras palabras, los hombres escribieron los libros, pero fueron inspirados, en-Esp ritu, con el soplo, de Dios. Las palabras son humanas, pero el aliento es divino.

Pablo lo vio de esa manera, al igual que Pedro (2 de Pedro 1:21) y los Profetas, quienes con frecuencia dec an cosas como la palabra de Dios vino a m . As fue que Cristo vio la naturaleza de las Escrituras tambi n. La semana antes de su crucifixi n, Jes s le pregunt a los fariseos: De qui n es hijo el Mes as?

F cil, respondieron, de David.

Bien, pero David, por el Esp ritu, llama al Mes as Se or. C mo puede ser el Mes as su hijo?

Silencio. Nadie pod a contestarle. Desde ese d a, se nos dice, ninguno se atrev a a hacerle m s preguntas a Jes s (Mt. 22:41-46).

Note la manera en que Jes s habla del autor de los Salmos: David, por el Esp ritu. Esto, con mayor claridad que cualquier otra cosa en los Evangelios, muestra c mo Jes s entendi la inspiraci n de las Escrituras y la relaci n entre los autores humanos y divinos. El texto es tanto divino como humano en su totalidad. No es c mo si David estuviera hablando dando simplemente su propio punto de vista. Pero no es un dictado divino tampoco, como si Dios proclamara las palabras y David servilmente las copiase, o como si Dios hubiera escrito las palabras en el cielo. En lugar de eso, es inspiraci n: Dios obrando a trav s del ser humano. David, por el Esp ritu.

Dios es el m sico; Isa as, Pablo, y Pedro son los diferentes instrumentos que Dios toca, cada uno con su sonido muy nico.
Esto pudiera parecer extra o, especialmente si estamos impuestos a pensar sobre el origen de la Biblia como algo humano o divino. Pero si consideramos el lenguaje de inspiraci n aliento, viento, Esp ritu entonces abundan las ilustraciones tiles. Dios es el viento; David es la vela. Dios es el aire; Mois s el globo. Dios es el m sico; Isa as, Pablo, y Pedro son los diferentes instrumentos que Dios toca, cada uno con su sonido muy nico.

Nadie que hubiera escuchado a Louis Armstrong tocando en un club de jazz hubiera preguntado si era Louis o su trompeta quien estaba produciendo esa m sica. El aliento y la tonada ven an de Armstrong, pero la trompeta era el instrumento a trav s del cual flu a su aliento para que pudiera volverse audible. De la misma manera, los autores b blicos son instrumentos de revelaci n una trompeta aqu y un oboe all cada uno produciendo su propio sonido. Pero el m sico, el diestro artista quien los llena de su aliento y se asegura que se toca la tonada correcta, es el Esp ritu Santo.


[516] News und Ger眉chte- Savanovic teilt Pl盲ne der Bay... jnzktrpn - 2015/06/08(Mon) 01:11 No.592  

Savanovic begeistert von Bayern-Zielen: [url=http://lasbielas.com/images/oakley_discount_goggles_300142.html]oakley discount goggles[/url]
hat in den vier groen europ盲ischen Ligen gespielt, seit 2014 l盲uft er f眉r den FC Bayern auf. Mit den Zielen des Teams ist der Serbe voll einverstanden, wie er bei Eurohoops erkl盲rte: "Bayern hat groe Erwartungen f眉r die Zukunft, sie wollen eines der besten Teams Europas werden und im Final Four der Turkish Airlines Euroleague spielen. Das ist ein sehr groer Klub. Die Leute in M眉nchen haben groe Ambitionen und es ist eine riesige Ehre f眉r mich, Teil des Teams und seines wachsenden Projekts zu sein."Auch von der Liga ist er 眉berzeugt: "Die Deutschen haben hohe Ziele und arbeiten hart daran. F眉r mich ist es eine tolle Sache, hier zu sein. Die Organisation ist gut und wenn ein System perfekt funktioniert, macht es deinen Job leichter. Das Marketing ist ebenfalls gut und wir werden sehen, wie sich das 眉ber die n盲chsten Jahre entwickelt."Dar眉ber hinaus sprach Savanovic 眉ber die beiden groen Trainer Dusan Ivkovic und Svetislav Pesic, die er inzwischen beide hautnah erleben durfte: "Beide haben einen groen Ruf und ihre Philosophien 盲hneln sich. Beide arbeiten am gleichen Ziel, aber jeder hat seine eigene Art und seinen eigenen Stil. Das ist der Unterschied."

[517] Sloppy Defense By Cabrera Hurts White Sox In Sprin... wpwybozc - 2015/06/08(Mon) 01:46 No.593  

GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) ?Jose Abreu connected for his first spring homer, [url=http://www.techformec.it/images/maglia_portiere_fulham_2014_242141.html]maglia portiere fulham 2014[/url]
but White Sox left fielder Melky Cabrera committed two errors in Colorado s six-run fifth inning and the Rockies went on to a 7-6 win on Tuesday.
Cabrera, who signed a $42 million, three-year contract with Chicago over the winter, misplayed Matt McBride s single, allowing the Rockies to tie it at 5. Then he dropped Rafael Ynoa s fly ball near the line for a two-base error as McBride scored.
Christian Bergmann finished the game with four scoreless innings for Colorado.
Rockies starter Jordan Lyles hit three batters, walked two and was charged with five unearned runs in four innings.
Abreu hit a drive to center off Jairo Diaz in the fifth inning. He is batting .459 (17 for 37) this spring.
(漏 2015 by STATS LLC and Associated Press. Any commercial use or distribution without the express written consent of STATS LLC and Associated Press is strictly prohibited.)

[518] Expanding The Brand! The Jordan Eclipse 淒eep Roya... wprvfqrd - 2015/06/08(Mon) 03:10 No.594  

Ever since their inception, the has stayed ahead of the folkd when it [url=http://www.corlupinhas.com/fonts/short_prom_dresses_with_lace_up_back_023205.html]short prom dresses with lace up back[/url]
comes to sneaker design. From their iconic first pair to the XX9 s they continue to impressive and returns today with their latest creation. This time around we get a look at the stunning new Jordan Eclipse 淒eep Royal Blue?
These bold new kicks come rocking some outstanding color and some sleek details in the mix. The kicks come rocking a unique upper of seamless mesh, which gets a unique black weaving pattern along the way. That combines nicely with the black on the laces and tongue, making for something quite impressive and rather eye-catching in the process. They come together on top of a clean white midsole that makes for a nice contrasting appeal.
Check out the new kicks in the images and speak your mind on the kicks in the comments below. Be sure to keep it locked here to stupidDOPE for much more coming very soon!
Expanding The Brand! The Jordan Eclipse 淒eep Royal Blue?was last modified: March 24th, 2015 by Jesse James

[519] ancing With The Stars? Rumer Willis Stuns On Week ... bpwlvouq - 2015/06/08(Mon) 03:50 No.595  

Actress and singer Rumer Willis could not make a mark on week 2 of 淒ancing With The Stars?Season 20. On the premier night last week, she walked away with the highest score of the night getting 32 out of 40 points along [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/css/fc_bayern_neue_trikots_2012_13_503401.html]fc bayern neue trikots 2012 13[/url]
with her pro-partner Valentin Chmerkovskiy. This week the pair did the Cha-Cha on umour Has It.?
The 26-year-old opted for a feminine look by wearing a two-piece gunmetal costume covered in beaded fringe. 淪he wants to look powerful and feminine la Xena, 'The Warrior Princess'? Zena Shteysel, DWTS head makeup artist told in an exclusive interview. The make-up artists described Rumer look as intense, fiery and passionate. For the premier night, the actress donned a dusty pink gown encrusted with pink hued Swarovski crystals and brought out the diva with her foxtrot to Hoizer ake me to Church?number.

Last week number one couple Rumer and her partner Val lost their top spot and ended up in a tie with Willow Shields and Riker Lynch. Rumer, 26 the eldest daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore took centre stage with her partner Val, 28聽on her DWTS debut performance last week. The pair foxtrot left the judges and the audience impressed.

The judges told on March 17 that they are the pair to watch out for this season. Len Goodman called their ballroom dance the dance of the night pointing out to Val that this could be his season. While Julianne Hough said that she literally got chills while watching them. Besides, Carrie Ann聽Inaba聽told the dancing duo that would most likely win. Rumer told ?that she feels she doesn have a lot of competition. She added that she was confident and both she and Val would put their hearts into every dance they do, regardless of the scores.

Meanwhile, talking about Rumer bold look, Shteysel said that she focused mainly on her eyes. She added that as the star wanted to look fierce for her week 2 dance, she gave her the required look through her eyes. The make-up artist said that as Rumer has amazing eyes, she played up her eyes with a smoky effect.

To create her intense eyes, Shteysel used a metallic silver shade and lots of Ardell false eyelashes. And for Rumer lips, she used聽a lipliner and a liquid lipstick called聽 Besides, she added that a lot of her products are found in her 聽for fast and easy touch ups.

For any questions/comments on the article, you may contact the writer at:

[520] Robert Duvall- hatshisname should have won the Osc... bsexobae - 2015/06/08(Mon) 06:15 No.596  

That said, Duvall doesn splash around his admiration lightly. Though he is thrilled that black actors are now getting their [url=http://ludandesign.com/wp-images/oakley_fives_2.0_amber_253550.html]oakley fives 2 amber[/url]
due, he gives short shrift to the idea that the Academy showed its prejudice when only nominating white actors this year.
淪o what??he shouts. hey weren up for Oscars because maybe it wasn as good. Maybe the guy who did this was better than they were!?He puts his hands around his throat in a strangulated ?and funny ?impression of . 淵ou know what I saying? I mean, the guy who they brought over from England to play Martin Luther King was good,?Duvall says, meaning . e didn have the musicality that King had when he preached as a southern black man from America. But it was a well-made movie.?
As Hollywood royalty in his ninth decade, Duvall is well past feeling that he needs to self-censor. Like , he suspects the Academy particularly admires actors who play disabled people. Going back to Redmayne, he says: thought whatshisname should have won, Michael Keaton, but the kid was good. It funny, I was down in Palm Springs and I watching this kid get his picture taken, and I saying, 楢ll youe got to do is go [does Hawking impression] and you win an Oscar for it.?Behind him, someone laughed. It turned out to be James Marsh, director of The Theory of Everything, the film in question. e laughed and laughed. But it true in a way ?look at Daniel Day-Lewis??who won an Oscar for My Left Foot.
It exhilarating to spend a few minutes in Duvall company. He still working; he has complete confidence in his abilities as an actor, and he calls it like he sees it.

[521] Bisons baseball is around the corner- 2015 promoti... evgjkkem - 2015/06/08(Mon) 08:33 No.597  

The , Triple-A affiliate of the Toronto Blue Jays, open up their 2015 International League schedule on Thursday, April 9th with a [url=http://kicknboxfitness.com.au/style/brazilian_ronaldo_shirt_number_141324.html]brazilian ronaldo shirt number[/url]
home game against the Rochester Red Wings at Coca Cola Field in downtown Buffalo. The Bisons host a number of promotions during the season, most notably the frightnightbash!, the Independence Eve concert featuring the Buffalo Philharmonic Oorchestra and the popular Star Wars Night. Here a sampling of some of this season promotions ?find a complete schedule at .
路 fridaynightbash! ?April 17th; May 1st, 15th and 29th; July 10th, 17th and 31st; August 21st and 28th
路 Dog Day at the Ballpark ?May 17th
路 Police Night ?June 9th
路 saturdaynightbash! ?June 13th
路 Irish Festival Night ?June 23rd
路 Independence Eve Celebration with the BPO ?July 3rd
路 Star Wars Night ?July 18th
路 Team Photo and Autograph Night ?July 19th
路 Italian Festival Night ?July 22nd
路 Turn the Park Pink ?August 1st
路 Polish Festival Night ?August 11th
路 Mystery Ball Night ?August 27th
路 German Festival/Oktoberfest ?September 1st
路 Fan Appreciation Night (final home game) ?September 2nd

[522] KU spring practice opens Beaty era - LJWorld.com dxgerkji - 2015/06/08(Mon) 09:07 No.598  

Tuesday spring opener, which took place in conditions more suited to late [url=http://www.mfibike.be/images/maillot_marseille_2014_intersport_552342.html]maillot marseille 2014 intersport[/url]
fall, was merely the latest move in what Beaty refers to as a process. That process began when he was hired on Dec. 5 and continued into the recruiting season which wrapped in early February and weekly, sometimes daily, meetings with KU fans, administrators and supporters from around the state.

The idea behind it all was exactly why Beaty said the Jayhawks did not yet have a depth chart.

s coaches, wee trying to escape perception (and) deal with reality, not what people say, but what we see,?Beaty said.

Although strength coach Jeey Jackson and his staff, who earned praise from Beaty for the work they did to get the Jayhawks ready for spring drills, had worked with Beaty bunch during the past couple of months, Tuesday practice marked Beaty first opportunity to truly see his new team. And watching the squad work did not stop when the final horn sounded.

ee so fired up, man,?Beaty said. ee like kids in a candy store right now with that video to watch. We just haven had anything to watch that ours, that we can (use to) truly evaluate our guys.?
They do now. In addition to installing significant portions of their new offense and defense, the Jayhawks ran 94 plays in a 44-minute period, numbers that exceeded Beaty expectations. One of the big reasons they were able to do that much was the simple philosophy with which Beaty and offensive coordinator Rob Likens operate.

he installation, offensively and defensively is very rapid,?Beaty said. t a three-day installation and we just repeat it every three days. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3. Day 1, Day 2, Day 3. Until we get bored. Until everybody knows where everybody gonna be all the time.?
Those plays included everything from deep balls and vertical routes to quick slants and tosses to the tight end over the middle. But the tempo remained high no matter what plays were called, and the Jayhawks moved quickly and with elevated enthusiasm throughout the day.

There were, of course, guys who got the first crack at the reps on the field, and Beaty said that was because they had earned it. That not to say it will stay that way. As Beaty said, they might move a guy from the fourth spot on his position chart to the first, just to see how he handles it. But somebody had to go first at every position and Beaty said the guys who did on Tuesday, which included senior quarterback Michael Cummings, were the guys who had done the best work in the weight room or performed best in various competitions throughout the winter.

淒on read too much into what you see out there early,?Beaty said. he thing that we wanted to impress on our guys was that from Dec. 5 to now mattered. And that why you saw who went out there first, because they earned that opportunity.?
Walk-on program a hit

One of Beaty biggest goals when he took over at KU was to develop a walk-on program that could have a meaningful and immediate impact on the team. So far, so good. With a little more than just 50 scholarship players in Lawrence for spring drills, Beaty numbers were bolstered by nearly 30 walk-ons who will work with the Jayhawks throughout the spring.

Beaty said the list of walk-ons included some pretty good football players and added that he was thrilled by the interest of so many players, many of the in-state variety.

ee had to shut it down,?an enthused Beaty said of the walk-on program. e just didn have any more spots.?
No hurry at QB

Beaty reiterated that the coaching staff was in no hurry to name a starting quarterback for the 2015 season. He alluded to a time at Rice when the Owls did not name a starter until three days before the opening game. And while Cummings, Montell Cozart and T.J. Millweard all garnered mention from Beaty after practice, he made it clear that the priority with that position was to find the right guy.

His requirements for that player included a guy who could manage the game, take care of the football, move the team and be an effective leader.

el take our time,?Beaty said. f we don name a starter until the day of the game, I fine with that.?


[523] How the ACA has helped women like Angelina Jolie mleplgnj - 2015/06/08(Mon) 09:54 No.599  

It also become much easier for affected people to get insurance coverage since, thanks to the ACA, insurance companies are no longer allowed to discriminate against patients based on their medical history. t made it so that the people who get cancer aren dropped like a hot potato,?said Lisa Schlager, vice president for community affairs and public [url=http://www.nativeprince.com/images/preco_de_oculos_ray_ban_na_franca_202524.html]preco de oculos ray ban na franca[/url]
policy at FORCE: Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered, a group that advocates for people with hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.

If a patient qualifies, the insurance company has to cover the genetic tests as preventative care, without any additional cost to the patient. But the guidelines under the ACA, said Schlager, re not as comprehensive as we would like. They only address women who have not had cancer.?Once a woman has had cancer, the reasoning goes, the test no longer qualifies as preventative care. But some women with past cancer diagnoses may not have been tested and are separately at risk for other cancers based on their gene mutations. The preventative care guidelines also don cover the genetic testing for men, even though men who carry BRCA1 are at risk for prostate cancer and men who carry BRCA2 are at risk for breast cancer. And Medicare has the opposite policy from the ACA: It only covers the test for people who have had cancer, something FORCE is working to change.聽

More insured people means preventative and curative treatment is more accessible. The good news for women who elect to have the surgeries that Jolie Pitt chose ?a decision she made clear may not be right for all women ?is that insurance companies generally do cover them. Among other reasons, it makes brute economic sense: Preventative surgery is cheaper than covering the cost of cancer.<br>

Again, having insurance makes a difference, and more people are insured under the ACA, even if it can mean high out-of-pocket costs. ne problem is that a lot of policies have high deductibles and a lot of them have narrow networks of providers that you can go to, but they still will protect you from having to make the draconian choice of saving your life or saving your wallet,?said Robert I. Field, professor of law and health management and policy at Drexel University. But he pointed out that the preventative surgeries Jolie Pitt choose would still far exceed a typical deductible, which for some people could make the difference between going into bankruptcy or not.

Public awareness has improved, but wee got a ways to go. At one time in history, cancer patients were 減rotected?from their own diagnoses by doctors who thought they were doing them a favor if there was little hope of effective treatment. That no longer considered acceptable, but there is still some stigma around cancer, and cancers in reproductive and sexual organs can raise all kinds of painful feelings around fertility and sexuality.

think [Jolie Pitt] did people a service by showing the importance of being aware of your condition and showing it nothing to be ashamed of,?said Field. Jolie Pitt also emphasized taking charge of her care and speaking to multiple experts before making the decision to remove her fallopian tubes and ovaries.

A British study published in September 2014 in the peer-reviewed journal reast Cancer Research?that referrals to clinics that specialize in family history and genetic assessment more than doubled after Jolie Pitt s op-ed, and demand for the test for the genetic mutation nearly doubled. That spike continued several months after Jolie Pitt op-ed. The study authors speculated that Jolie Pitt 済lamorous image and relationship to Brad Pitt?had helped put patients?fears about a 渓oss of sexual identity post preventative surgery.?
But 減ublic awareness?isn necessarily a public health good in and of itself. When researchers 聽more than 2,500 adults about their reaction and awareness of Jolie Pitt first op-ed, three quarters of them knew about her double mastectomy but the rest of what they knew was muddy. Less then 10% of the survey participants could assess Jolie Pitt risk as a carrier of the BRCA gene versus a woman who isn one. wareness of the Angelina Jolie story was not associated with improved understanding,?the authors concluded in the Genetics in Medicine study. 聽

Jolie Pitt medical history is highly specific, with a double-whammy of a genetic proclivity and a family history of deaths at young ages from cancer, and it doesn apply to every person at risk for cancer. Nor will it mean she is guaranteed not to get cancer anyway. As Field puts it, veryone has their own set of risk factors that include genetics, family history, lifestyle, and good fortune. And some people tend to get cancer for reasons that we don yet understand.?

[524] Why are Greek statues always NAKED- The extraordin... ogcivxoe - 2015/06/08(Mon) 11:42 No.600  

Perhaps the most famous Greek sculpture of all, Discobolos, the discus-thrower, shows how athletes competed in the nude
About two-and-a-half thousand years ago, a cultural miracle took place in ancient Greece.聽
Democracy was born in Athens, the first great tragedies and comedies were written ?and statues were carved that were more astonishingly lifelike than ever before.
What even more incredible is that many of those statues were naked.聽Walk around the dazzling new blockbuster show at the British Museum ?already being hailed by critics as he absolutely must-see exhibition of the year??and there barely a scrap of clothing to be seen.
Warriors die on the Trojan battlefield in the buff. Athletes hurl the discus in the altogether. Goddesses [url=http://www.corlupinhas.com/img/trixxi_lace_tulle_dress_-_juniors_230303.html]trixxi lace tulle dress - juniors[/url]
step into the bath without a stitch on.聽
Nowadays, we take Greek nakedness for granted. But when those statues were first carved, the Athenians were breaking an extreme taboo.
Yes, there had been naked figures in the art of earlier civilisations. You can see them in a 730 BC panel from Nimrud in ancient Assyria, now in modern Iraq ?one of the ancient cities tragically bulldozed by Islamic State militants earlier this month.
But in the Nimrud panel ?which is also at the British Museum ?it is dead enemies of the Assyrians who are impaled, naked, on stakes. Other naked men have their heads chopped off. The victorious Assyrians, however, are all clothed.
For there was a vital difference in civilisations that existed before the Greeks. For them, nakedness was a sign of weakness; a sign of losing the battle, of your body being humiliated.
The Greeks were the first to see nakedness as, literally, a heroic state.
楪reek nudity is a sign not of humiliation, but of moral virtue among the social elite of male citizens,?says Neil MacGregor, director of the British Museum.聽
hen a youth removes his clothes to compete in the ancient Olympic Games, he does not merely stand naked before his peers, rather he has put on the uniform of the righteousness.?It not as if the Greeks were naked the whole time, such as when they were doing the shopping or eating a meal. But they were naked in the gym; in fact, the word ymnasium?comes from the Greek ymnos? meaning aked?
A 530 BC Athenian vase shows four athletes ?a long-jumper, two javelin-throwers and a discus-thrower, all of them naked.
Indeed, perhaps the most famous Greek sculpture of all, also in the show, is the Discobolos ?the discus-thrower.聽
He is a study in composed balance, with the discus in one outstretched hand, the other bent in counterbalance down towards his knee. He is also completely naked.
All the athletes covered themselves not with garments but olive oil mixed with dust; an early sort of suntan lotion to protect themselves from the blazing Mediterreanean sun in their outdoor gyms.
A 300 BC bronze statue shows a young athlete wiping off the oil with a strigil, or scraper.聽
Quack doctors scooped up this gloop ?aidikos gloios? or oy oil??and prescribed it for illnesses and ageing skin. Enter the first moisturiser.
Experts still aren sure why athletes competed at the original Olympics in the nude.聽
Some suggest it dates from an early event, when an athlete won the 200m after he lost his trunks, and his rivals promptly copied him.
Another theory proposes that the nakedness reflected an ancient ritual to mark the reaching of adulthood, when you took off your child cloak ?a shorter gown worn by juveniles ?at the age of 20, and ran naked to join the grown-up citizens.

The Greeks weren't shy of painting slave women naked, but free women were a different matter. Despite this, by the fourth-century BC, goddesses such as聽Aphrodite (pictured left and right) were regularly shown nude
In Athens, there was also an annual naked celebration in honour of Athena, the city patron goddess. Nude young Athenian men ran from a gymnasium on the edge of the city all the way to the Parthenon.聽
The fatter and slower men were slapped by the watching crowd as they stumbled past.
Whatever the origin of the naked fashion, passions ran high in the gyms, where older men often lusted after the athletic bodies of younger men in an age when homosexual sex was common.
What more, the gyms were frequently decorated with nude statues of Eros, the winged boy-god of desire. One appears in the British Museum show.

[525] CA bills target gender pay gaps, child care rqtkepri - 2015/06/08(Mon) 14:42 No.601   HomePage

The California Legislative Women Caucus announced a package of bills Tuesday aimed at improving the lives of working women by requiring employers to justify pay gaps [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/css/bayern_m&uuml_;nchen_champions_league_trikot_hose_443021.html]bayern m眉nchen champions league trikot hose[/url]
among male and female employees and increase state-subsidized child care by $600 million.

The bills would also create more stability in work schedules and eliminate a rule that prohibits additional CalWORKS benefits for children born while a family is already receiving welfare assistance.

Lawmakers said the bills are needed to address the changing economic roles of women, who make up half of the state workforce, but who typically earn less than their male coworkers and struggle to find affordable childcare.

e are at an important juncture for California and California women, a place where we both can make a difference and recognize that a difference needs to be made,?Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson, D-Santa Barbara, chair of the California Legislative Women Caucus, said in a statement. his isn just about the pocketbooks of California families, although that important. This is also about building a strong future for all of California.?
Jackson authored SB358, which would require employers to demonstrate why a man in a comparable job makes more than a female counterpart. The bill would also increase disclosures for employees who want to know what coworkers in similar positions earn and strengthens retaliation protections for those who challenge potential pay gaps.

Other bills included:

SB548 by Senate Leader Kevin de Len, D-Los Angeles, and Assembly Speaker Toni Atkins, D-San Diego, would allow child care workers to collectively bargain. The women caucus is also requesting an additional $600 million to increase subsidized child care slots across the state.
SB357 by Assembly members David Chiu, D-San Francisco, and Shirley Weber, D-San Diego, would require large retailers and restaurants in California to post workers?schedules at least or pay increased wages for last minute changes.
SB23 by Sen. Holly Mitchell, D-Los Angeles, would repeal a state law known as the Maximum Family Grant that denies additional CalWORKS payments for children conceived while the parents were receiving welfare.
s we enter 2015 with both the biggest budget surplus in recent memory and the highest level of child poverty of any state it is critical we have an honest conversation about ways to reinvest in California most important resource, our families and children, ?Mitchell said in a statement.

[526] Score one for net neutrality- Exceptions sought fo... uucnacur - 2015/06/09(Tue) 00:59 No.602  

Sony, HBO, and Showtime are reportedly seeking special treatment for their new streaming video services, though they seem unlikely to get it.
All three companies have talked to Internet service providers such as Comcast about treating their online video offerings as 渕anaged services,?sources . These services would not count toward subscribers?data caps, and would run on a separate flow of bandwidth with less congestion than the open Internet. In exchange, [url=http://www.teslaglobaltechnology.com/fonts/ruby_check_dress_monsoon_055400.html]ruby check dress monsoon[/url]
cable companies could bundle these streaming services with their Internet plans and get a cut of any subscription revenues.
The story behind the story:聽The video industry is looking hard for new options. Between Sling TV,聽, and聽, the number of alternatives to cable and satellite TV is rapidly expanding.
At this point, the government can either allow a handful of these services to prosper through special treatmentith cable companies serving as gatekeepersr it can keep the lanes open to even more services, all competing for the same bandwidth, data, and dollars.
If it looks like a fast lane and acts like a fast lane...
As the Journal explains it, managed services aren exactly the same as the ?that net neutrality forbids, because they wouldn be occupying any of the bandwidth that dedicated to open Internet access. Instead, they live on a slice of bandwidth that Internet providers use for specialized services, such as their own digital phone and video-on-demand offerings.
Still, the Federal Communications Commission can regulate these services under new聽 that take effect in the next few months. If the FCC feels that carriers are using specialized service lanes to evade open Internet rules, the agency is allowed to take action. The question is whether the FCC would view streaming video services as an abuse of the rules. Companies like Sony and HBO may be looking to take advantage of that uncertainty.
As for exemptions to data caps, theye not prohibited under the FCC new rules. But that the FCC can step in if it looks like Internet providers are using data caps to kill competition. A cozy deal between streaming video services and Internet providers could invite FCC scrutiny if it makes people less likely to choose alternatives.
The good news for net neutrality advocates: These negotiations aren getting anywhere. Comcast has indicated it doesn want to do anything that runs afoul of FCC rules. (The company has separate net neutrality restrictions in place as a condition of acquiring NBCUniversal in 2011.) Cable providers are also wary of establishing new services that compete with their own TV offerings, and some told the Journal that such arrangements would require hundreds of millions of dollars in investments.
The Journal also cited Roger Lynch, CEO of Dish Network new , as saying these arrangements would be bad for the entire industry, as they would force large video providers to strike deals 渦nder duress?and put small providers at a disadvantage. t makes a mockery of net neutrality,?he said.

[527] St. Joseph Day 2015- 10 Facts, History And Traditi... hftlfsgg - 2015/06/09(Tue) 02:42 No.603  

Whether it called, The Feast of St. Joseph or La Festa [url=http://www.writerspremium.com/notes/mercurial_superfly_safari_gold_430310.html]mercurial superfly safari gold[/url]
di San Giuseppe, the March 19 holiday is dedicated to the husband of the Virgin Mary. To celebrate the feast, which is usually held two days after St. Patrick Day, check out some facts gathered from and .
1. St. Joseph Day is widely celebrated by Catholics in the Italian community.
2. St. Joseph is the patron saint of Sicily.
3. The altar, also known as 淪t. Joseph Table?or 渓a tavola di San Giuseppe,?is an important part of the ceremony. People decorate it with flowers, candles, wine and some 渓ucky?foods.
4. Fava beans are supposedly 渓ucky?since they survived during a draught in Italy during the Middle Ages when nothing else did. St. Joseph, through God, saved worshipers from the draught, some believe.
5. Lemons are also thought to be good luck on this day. A side fact: If a woman looking to get married steals a lemon from the altar, it will help her find a husband.
6. Breadcrumbs are usually incorporated into dishes. They represent sawdust, which commemorates Joseph job as a carpenter. They could also represent the dry earth during the draught.
7. Meat is usually left off the altar since St. Joseph Day takes place during lent. Instead, believers feast on fish and other seafood.
8. St Joseph Day is arguably best known for its pastries, with sfinge (cream puffs) and zeppole (doughnuts) being the most popular.
9. While Irish Americans wear green on St. Patrick Day, it tradition to wear red on St. Joseph Day.
10. St. Joseph Day is largely celebrated in New Orleans, which was a popular port among Sicilian immigrants in the 19th century. The French Quarter has even garnered the nickname ittle Palermo.?聽
to read St. Joseph Day quotes.
for an easy recipe on how to make St. Joseph Day recipes.
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[528] Far and away Europe most romantic spots tpklshyv - 2015/06/09(Tue) 03:16 No.604  

I love it when I persuade people to engage with the Europe I show them. But when they become engaged to each other in Europe, I like it even more.

Recently I heard from someone who took his girlfriend on one of my recommended hikes near M眉rren, Switzerland: convinced Emily to get one last photo of the view together before it got dark, even though we were both tired and hungry ?and she very much wanted to relax and have a nice meal. I set up my tripod and when [url=http://www.freedomdebtagreements.com.au/images/jersey_spain_terbaru_2014_202253.html]jersey spain terbaru 2014[/url]
she thought we were just going to pose for a photo, I got on one knee and proposed. She said yes.?
Love is in bloom all over Europe. Couples embrace while walking the banks of the Seine River in Paris or meet along the Via dellmore (athway of Love? in Italy Cinque Terre. At romantic spots in St. Petersburg, Russia, youl see newlyweds with their photographers. After the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom are practically obligated to drop by a dozen or so picturesque locations for wedding pictures. Theyl occasionally make a traditional toast with Champagne, then break their glasses to proclaim their love ?watch your step.

When people ask me for romantic destinations in Europe, I steer them away from traditional spots like Venice, Paris or the Greek Islands. For true romance, I like to suggest stay-awhile getaways that are slightly off the radar, such as Hallstatt, Varenna, Gimmelwald, r and Beilstein.

For a cozy hideaway, look for the offbeat areas, where creaky locals walk gingerly on creaky floorboards, and where each balcony sports a flower box. The tiny town of Hallstatt, positioned picture-perfectly on the shore of Lake Hallstatt in Austria, is just such a place. It a gentle land ?idyllic and majestic ?where lakes and mountains are shuffled sloppily together ?the perfect place to commune with nature (and one another), Austrian-style.

On Italy Lake Como, Varenna whispers luna di miele (honeymoon). This village oozes romance. Easily accessible by train, on the less-visited side of the lake, Varenna has a romantic promenade, a tiny harbor and narrow lanes. Youl pass wisteria-drenched villas, evocative vistas and lakeside lovers embracing the moment. It just the right place to savor a cappuccino or an aperitivo. There wonderfully little to do here, and it very quiet at night. It places like this where I really feel the romance of Europe.

Or take Switzerland tiny mountain hamlet of Gimmelwald. This traffic-free village hangs nonchalantly on the edge of a cliff high above the Lauterbrunnen Valley in the Swiss Alps. At the dawn of Switzerland age of big-time tourism, the farmers inhabiting this tumble of rough-hewn log farmhouses voted o?to development. While other cliff-hanging villages became soulless resorts, Gimmelwald survives as a traditional Swiss mountain community. Its two 700-year-old streets, a zig and a zag, are decorated by drying laundry, hand-me-down tricycles and hollow stumps bursting proudly with geraniums.

Denmark sleepy isle of r is the cuddle after the climax. It the perfect time-passed world in which to wind down, enjoy the seagulls and cherish the one youe with. It a place where sailors ?out of work after the rise of steam-driven boats ?decided that building ships in bottles was more their style. rskbing is the island village in a bottle. It small enough to be cute, but just big enough to feel real. The government, recognizing the value of this amazingly preserved little 18th century town, prohibits modern building anywhere in the center. It the only town in Denmark protected in this way.

In Germany, cozy Beilstein is Cinderella-land ?touristy but tranquil, except for its territorial swans swimming on the Mosel River. This 淪leeping Beauty of the Mosel?was only accessible by boat until about 1900, and it still seems lost in time. It what some visitors hope a Rhine River hamlet might be ?a peaceful, romantic village slipped between impossibly steep vineyards and the river. Above the town are castle ruins with a postcard panorama, with even better views at the top of the lone surviving tower.

Wherever couples go, they usually fall under romantic Europe magic spell. And for singles, there no denying that the romance of travel can sometimes spark a travel romance. But there are always a few outliers. I discovered this recently at a fabulous restaurant in Florence that was serving hearty farmers?food: grilled meats, high-quality seasonal vegetables, fresh herbs, prized olive oil and rustic Tuscan bread. As I was savoring my meal, I heard a newlywed woman give the cuisine the wildest compliment. She told her husband, arrying you was fine, but this dinner makes the entire honeymoon.?
Rick Steves writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television. E-mail:

[529] 200 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen 2015- Spektakul... ewtjpted - 2015/06/09(Tue) 04:09 No.605   HomePage

Weitere Feierlichkeiten geplantNach der positiven Resonanz der Zuschauer sind die [url=http://www.carneys.com.au/file/real_madrid_away_kit_junior_shorts_432453.html]real madrid away kit junior shorts[/url]
Organisatoren davon 眉berzeugt, dass die Spiele ein voller Erfolg werden: "Heute haben wir gezeigt, zu was wir f盲hig sind. Geb盲ude wie der Maiden Tower werden eine tolle Kulisse f眉r ein wundervolles Sportfest im Sommer 2015 bieten", sagte Charlie Wijeratna, Commercial Director von Baku 2015.Im Zuge der 200-Tage-Feier haben die Veranstalter auerdem die erste Edition von sechs Postmarken anl盲sslich der Europaspiele pr盲sentiert, auf der einige Austragungsorte zu sehen sind: das National Stadium, das Tofiq Bahramov Stadium, die Crystal Hall, die Heydar Aliyev Arena, das Baku Aquatics Center und das National Gymnastics Arena.Und die n盲chste Feier ist bereits geplant. Am 4. M盲rz 2015 zelebrieren die Veranstalter den n盲chsten Meilenstein. Dann sind es noch 100 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen.

[530] Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links Wi... pwyxtfyh - 2015/06/09(Tue) 04:28 No.606   HomePage

Look, as you probably know by now, we here at stupidDOPE are big fans of [url=http://www.guerraimmobiliare.it/upload/maglie_calcio_personalizzate_adidas_023115.html]maglie calcio personalizzate adidas[/url]
art and bold new drinks. We ve seen the two worlds collide a few times before, and today we get a look at something quite stunning. Back in January Ballantine Scotch Whisky teamed up with world-renowned 楪IF-ITI?artist INSA to create , in which INSA created the World Largest Animated GIF, so big it had to be shot from space and the video of which has now been viewed over 5 million times.
Following the success of that, Ballantine s is back, this time linking up with INSA to hand-paint 12 bottles of Ballantine Scotch to create one unique GIF. Instead of selling the bottles though, these unique works of art will be given away to his fans through various competitions around. These bottles are certainly unique, playing host to some eye-catching color and detail, while rocking some outstanding artistic allure along the way.
Check out the impressive creation in the image below and above and speak your mind on them after the jump. Be sure to stay tuned here to stupidDOPE for much more and how to get your hands on one coming very soon!

Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links With INSA For 12 Handpainted Bottles was last modified: March 24th, 2015 by Jesse James

[531] Who Believes In Jesus (Aguilar)- xtcysvkx - 2015/06/09(Tue) 05:32 No.607  

If Francisco Lindor is the Indians?undisputed an miss?prospect and Giovanny Urshela is the [url=http://www.techformec.it/fonts/negozio_maglie_calcio_corso_buenos_aires_milano_033333.html]negozio maglie calcio corso buenos aires milano[/url]
thinking man 渦nder the radar?favorite, Jesus Aguilar seems relegated to yet another year as the .500-slugging elephant in the room. Everybody knows he there, everybody has seen the numbers he put up, but as Aguilar approaches his 25th birthday, the question has to be: does anybody really believe in Jesus?

For all the talk about the over-reliance on statistics in modern baseball analysis, the old-fashioned ye test?can still carry enough weight to fully derail a fan-base s enthusiasm for a young farmhand. This spring in Goodyear, the 6-foot-3, 250-pound Aguilar has erased the ugly memories of an 0-for-15, seven-strikeout 2014 preseason by jumping out to an 8-for-19 clip. In theory, he battling for a bench gig with the big club, but攅ven with a gimpy Nick Swisher looking like a question mark on the 1B/DH depth chartesus is only likely to rise again in Columbus come April. This is bad news for the pitchers of the International League, but is it bad news for Indians fans?

Four out of five scouts seem to say o.?Since Aguilar first signed with the Tribe as a comparatively scrawny 18 year-old in 2009, the descriptive summation of his talents has gradually evolved from aw?into a less hopeful 渓imited.?Critics punched holes in the slugger monster 2013 campaign in Double-A Akron, looking past the gaudy 105 RBI total to point out a hitter with a long swing and an OPS 50 points lower than his teammate and fellow outlier prospect Carlos Moncrief. Jesus then went and clubbed 17 homers in 56 winterball games in his home country of Venezuela, eliciting more yawns.

Looking at the stat sheet, last season performance in Triple-A should have been the one that finally brought Aguilar into the good graces of the blue chip list-makershe Baseball America and Prospectus scribes who long turned up their noses at him. He improved in virtually every key categoryowering his strikeout rate, raising his walk rate, lifting his batting average from .275 to .304, and his OPS from .776 to .905. Sure, his first cup of coffee in Cleveland was forgettable (4-for-33 in 19 games), but there got to be a future for a big right-handed stick in this line-up, doesn there?

wouldn get excited about him,?says Jeff Ellis,聽an old compatriot of mine now plying his wares for Scout.com. t doesn help when a TV personality like Bruce Drennan goes on his show and says [Aguilar] is one of the best hitting prospects to come up since Ramirez and Belle. This never was true or even close to true. Aguilar never was higher than tenth聽on my Top Ten, and when I talked to scouts, he wasn high on anyone.

The main reason is that you can scout stats. I use numbers all the time, but fans look at the home runs and RBIs and think a guy is going to be a star. Aguilar has worked to be better at pitch recognition, but it will never be more than a below average skill. He has some holes in the swing, and while he is good enough to mash minor league arms, it was clear to anyone who watches games that he probably projects more as a plus Scott Morgan or Danny Peoples.

I hate to sound so negative, because if Aguilar could play another position, he could have a long career as a platoon guy. He can, thoughe a below average first baseman.?
With Carlos Santana locked in at first base and a backlog of veteran聽DH options on the roster, it unclear when or if the Jesus Aguilar experiment will ever get its moment in Cleveland. Maybe the scouts are right, and a steady diet of Major League breaking balls on the outside corner would quickly prove to be the big man undoing. But for every Andy Marte, there is the occasional Richie Sexson big swinging, not particularly well-touted prospect whose Minor League numbers have more than a passing resemblance to Aguilar.

Sometimes a 渓imited?guy will surprise you. You just got to have a little faith.

[532] Publicystyka nie su偶y filmowi waplzdyt - 2015/06/09(Tue) 05:44 No.608  

Francuski melodramat wojenny 濺ozdzieleni" okaza sipektakularn pora偶k gonego oscarowego artysty.
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praw rk za lewe ucho. Jego suszno膰 potwierdzaj 濺ozdzieleni", melodramat wojenny zrealizowany wedug wasnego scenariusza przez Michela Hazanaviciusa.<br><br>Oto francuski re偶yser pochodzenia litewskiego nadaje angielski tytu he Search" krconemu w Gruzji filmowi o drugiej wojnie w Czeczenii. Specjalizujcy si wczeniej w komediach sensacyjnych re偶yser wiatow saw zdoby dziki nagrodzonemu picioma Oscarami (w tym za re偶yseri) komediowemu rtycie". Upojony zasu偶onym powodzeniem, zapragn zmieni膰 re偶yserskie emploi, zrealizowa膰 co bardziej ambitnego, i rozo偶y si na caej linii.<br><br>Sfilmowa histori, ktra w zamierzeniach miaa automatycznie wzbudza膰 wspczucie widza. Niestety, wrcz przeciwnie, denerwuje schematyzmem i prostactwem w wymuszaniu odruchw sympatii dla bohaterw.

[533] Airbus Group (AIR), Deutsche Lufthansa (LHA) Stock... qovuujsj - 2015/06/09(Tue) 06:22 No.609  

Shares of Airbus Group NV dropped nearly 2 percent Tuesday after an A320 [url=http://www.carneys.com.au/img/create_barcelona_jersey_online_312543.html]create barcelona jersey online[/url]
passenger plane carrying 150 people . The plane was operated by Germanwings, a budget airline owned by Deutsche Lufthansa AG , whose shares tumbled more than 5 percent following the initial reports of the crash.
Germanwings Flight 4U 9525 was traveling from Barcelona, Spain, to D眉sseldorf, Germany, later crashing near Barcelonnette, France, a town in the Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. "The conditions of the accident, which have not yet been clarified, lead us to think there are no survivors," French President Fran莽ois聽Hollande announced Tuesday.
European Airbus Group, the world's second-largest aerospace group after Boeing Co. (), announced plans last month to increase production of its narrow body A320 to 50 a month. In February, the company reported that earnings, excluding items, rose 54 percent last year, to 4 billion euros ($4.56 billion), as revenue gained 5 percent, to 60.7 billion euros ($66.4 billion).
Shares of Airbus Group dropped more than 2 percent Tuesday, to 59.14 euros聽in Paris, while Lufthansa stock price plunged more than 5 percent, to 13.07 euros in Frankfurt. Meanwhile, American low-cost carrier聽Spirit Airlines Incorporated ()聽edged down 0.62 percent, to $77.23, on the Nasdaq, while聽Irish low-cost airline聽Ryanair Holdings聽() traded flat, up just 0.08 percent, to $65.26.
Following the opening bell in U.S. financial markets, shares of American Airlines Group Inc. (), Delta Air Lines, Inc. () and Southwest Airlines Co. () all edged lower.

[534] Antibiotics linked to a higher risk of Type 2 diab... csqwkmoc - 2015/06/09(Tue) 07:05 No.610  

They looked at the number of antibiotic prescriptions given to more than 200,000 diabetics in the UK at least one year before they were diagnosed with the disease, and compared this to the number given to 800,000 non-diabetic patients of the same age and sex.
They found that patients prescribed at least two courses of penicillins, cephalosporines, quinolones and macrolides were at higher risk of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.
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number of antibiotic courses prescribed, says a report in the European Journal of Endocrinology (must credit).

More than 3million Britons have diabetes and nine out of ten have type 2 which occurs when the body loses the ability to process blood sugar
Patients prescribed 2-5 courses of penicillins ?used for a variety of infections - increased their risk of diabetes by 8 per cent.
The risk increased by 23 per cent for those having more than five courses of penicillins.
Patients having 2-5 courses of quinolones, used in respiratory and urinary tract infections, had an increased diabetes risk of 15 per cent, which rose 37 per cent for those having more than five courses.
The risk was calculated after adjusting for other risk factors such as obesity, smoking history, heart disease and history of infections.
Study leader Dr Ben Boursi said 楪ut bacteria have been suggested to influence the mechanisms behind obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes in both animal and human models.
revious studies have shown that antibiotics can alter the digestive ecosystem.?senior author Dr Yu-Xiao Yang added: hile our study does not show cause and effect, we think changing levels and diversity of gut bacteria could explain the link between antibiotics and diabetes risk.?There was no increase in risk associated with use of antivirals or anti-fungal medications and the study found little evidence of a link between antibiotic use and the risk of type 1 diabetes.
Dr Boursi said 極ver-prescription of antibiotics is already a problem around the world as bacteria become increasingly resistant to their effects.
極ur findings are important, not only for understanding how diabetes may develop, but as a warning to reduce unnecessary antibiotic treatments that might do more harm than good.?Prof Jodi Lindsay, Professor of Microbial Pathogenesis, St George, University of London, said atients with type 2 diabetes have an increased risk of developing infections, and therefore they are more likely to be prescribed antibiotics to treat those infections.
業n the year prior to diabetes diagnosis, patients may show some signs of disease and may also have a higher risk of infection, and therefore receive more antibiotics.
楾his is a very large and helpful study linking diabetes with antibiotic consumption in the UK public, but at this stage we don know which is the chicken and which is the egg.
楾he idea that antibiotics might contribute to diabetes development might be important and more research needs to be done.?

[535] The Voice- Enter the knockouts vbogwspt - 2015/06/09(Tue) 08:32 No.611  

I not going to even attempt to play catchup from last week. , PEOPLE.

What I will tell you is we are still very much in the knockouts. More than 25 singers are still in the mix.

Team Christina<br> Ashley Morgan vs. Sonic: [url=http://www.tampabaycosmeticarts.com/fonts/adidas_adipure_11pro_trx_firm_ground_football_boots_445203.html]adidas adipure 11pro trx firm ground football boots[/url]
This is clearly a way to secure Sonic place in the game. Ashley does a decent job but is no match. Sonic is more nuanced, more mature and knows her voice better.

Christina chooses Sonic.

Kimberly Nichole vs. Koryn Hawthorne: Both strong contenders. Both have soul and spirit in very different ways. I prefer Koryn husky, urgent tone, but Kimberly is also really effective.

Christina chooses Kimberly. Pharrell steals Koryn.

Team Blake<br> Brian Johnson vs. Sarah Potenza: Theye both a bit retro. But Sarah has more fire. There more texture and color in her voice. She just more interesting to listen to and watch. Another easy decision.

Blake chooses Sarah. Adam steals Brian.

Meghan Linsey vs. Travis Ewing: Meghan owns every moment of an Aretha Franklin classic. If I was in the audience I throw a shoe. So good. Travis chooses an overdone Gavin DeGraw song. I think Meghan may have psyched him out. He nervous and pitchy.

Blake chooses Meghan.

Team Adam<br> Clinton washing vs. Nathan Hermida: Clinton is shaky in the choruses of Hunter Hayes tune anted.?Nathan has more polish, more soul, more subtlety.

Adam chooses Nathan.

Team Pharrell<br> Mia Z vs. Paul Pfau vs. Sawyer Fredericks: Singer Anthony Riley has left the competition for 減ersonal reasons,?which explains the three-way battle. Two singers will move on, one will leave. Mia is a beast. Seriously scary how good she could be.

Paul is sort of a beast, too. And, well, Sawyer definitely has something, too. I love the authority in his delivery. This is tough.

Pharrell chooses Sawyer and Mia.

he Voice? airs at 7 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays on NBC.

[536] Thoughts from a curious mind ejjyflwx - 2015/06/09(Tue) 08:36 No.612  

Brian Grazer on meeting Apple's Steve Jobs: "I knew I had to be very alert, or I would have been dismissed pretty quickly."
漏 Jeff Lipsky

When you're an award-winning Hollywood producer, people do everything they can to get a meeting with you. But for the past 35 years, Brian Grazer -- who co-founded Imagine Entertainment with friend and director Ron Howard -- has been the one chasing face-to-face meetings with people he's curious about.
Grazer, whose film credits include "Apollo 13," "Splash" and "A Beautiful Mind," has now transformed more than 450 of these "curiosity conversations" with [url=http://www.tampabaycosmeticarts.com/css/nike_mercurial_vapors_yellow_140112.html]nike mercurial vapors yellow[/url]
visionaries from a variety of fields into a new book, "A Curious Mind," coming out this April from .
What he learned from all those talks is that instead of focusing solely on innovation and creativity, we should invest more in our natural curiosity and work to disrupt our point of view. For Grazer, that means talking to -- and listening, really listening to -- people who have a different way of looking at the world than he does.
"I seek out their perspective and experience and stories, and by doing that, I multiply my own experience a thousandfold," he says. "What I do, in fact, is keep asking questions until something interesting happens."
In some cases, it took more than a year to set up the hour-long meetings he wanted. His effort paid off and he was able to mine the minds of a who's who of visionaries, most outside the movie industry. They include Apple co-founder Steve Jobs, Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey, boxing champion Muhammad Ali, oceanographer Jacques Cousteau, scientist Jonas Salk, astronomer Carl Sagan, and musicians Michael Jackson, Beyonc茅 and Gwen Stefani.

He's also chatted with two US presidents (Barack Obama and Ronald Reagan), former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and Cuban leader Fidel Castro, who asked him about his signature spiked hair. "Castro," Grazer says, "loved the hair."
He also recounts painful encounters with physicist Edward Teller, who was dismissive of his movie career, and with science fiction writer Isaac Asimov, whose wife, Janet, cut the meeting short after deciding that Grazer hadn't done enough homework to have a meaningful conversation.
"I had arranged a meeting with one of the most interesting, inventive and prolific storytellers of our time, and I had managed to bore him so thoroughly in just 10 minutes that they couldn't bear it and had to flee the black hole of my dullness," Grazer remembers. "Here's the thing: Janet Asimov was right ... I wasn't prepared well enough to talk to Isaac Asimov ... I hadn't taken the time to learn enough about him."
CNET sought out our own curiosity conversation with Grazer and asked him what he's learned. Here are a few of the things he shared.
On the definition of curiosity: Curiosity is the process of asking questions, genuine questions, that are not leading to an ask for something in return.
On why curiosity conversations take courage: It's about living in discomfort. It's about living outside of your comfort zone. Any one of these people that you're meeting is an expert in a world and with a vocabulary that's completely different than yours -- certainly Isaac Asimov is proof of that. You have to [overcome] a very steep learning curve just so you can relate to them and relate in a way that holds their interest.
[With Asimov], I could have prepared better or found a way he thought would have been beneficial to him. Because every one of these meetings, you have to bring something with you -- you have to bring something to give them.
On why a failed conversation is still a worthwhile conversation: I met Edward Teller. Everything he believed in and stood for was antithetical to what I believed in and stood for. I like running into that in life. I like extreme points of view, a level of commitment -- and I certainly love mastery. So when that's all living inside some other person, I benefit from the experience and I benefit from trying to just get a glimpse into why they have such a different point of view. I find rejection or failure to be a really interesting and valuable experience.
On why technology shouldn't replace face-to-face meetings: Technology has brought us further than man could ever imagine, and it makes all information available. But it might not do the same exact thing that one human being asking another human being might do.
When it's two people, it's a biochemical event -- when you're with someone else and you're both interviewing or speaking to each another and digging deep into questions and answers. The gray area between the question and answer will come through body language and nuance. All those things affect and create information that might not be created with a computer ... I realized that "the sex" really came from middle space and that middle space was often the emotional takeaway that's unanticipated and isn't available on the Internet.
On meeting Apple's Steve Jobs: It was pretty brief. He had a very serious demeanor. It was very absolute. It was declarative sentences. I knew I had to be very alert, or I would have been dismissed pretty quickly. So I was OK with a short meeting because I knew I couldn't keep up with this guy.

[537] China Jacks Up Military Spending, Has Built Killer... itozgrre - 2015/06/09(Tue) 10:05 No.613  

China will be allotting around US$145 billion as budget for its military spending in 2015. The amount was a 10 percent jump from a year ago, a looming figure even [url=http://www.nativeprince.com/img/ray_ban_blue_lens_aviators_134430.html]ray ban blue lens aviators[/url]
as the country growth is projected to slow down in the same year, at just seven percent. Part of the amount could be spent to further improve the new light killer tank it has reportedly built, dubbed the ZTQ.

In an annual report to China's parliament, the National People's Congress, Premier Li Keqiang said it was imperative for the country to step up national defence research that will lead to the development of new- and high-technology weapons and equipment. "We will comprehensively strengthen modern logistics and develop defence-related science and technology industries." The budget allocation is seen to possibly acquire or pour research investments into hi-tech equipment, including submarines and stealth jets, the said.

China had been setting aside ample amounts for its defence budget. In fact, it is known as the world second-largest military spender, next to the United States. Only that experts had been particularly picking on the country planned military expenditure for 2015. Richard A. Bitzinger? of the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, told that China increases on its defence budget had always outperformed its GDP growth.

ut this is the first time when the gap could be really, really big,?Bitzinger said. He noted that if the economy fails to reach the targeted seven percent, but proceeded with the targeted military spending, 渋t demonstrates that the Chinese leadership is committed to increasing defence spending, no matter what.?In 2014, China said its budget for military spending was to be at $132 billion, a 12.2 percent jump over 2013.

The allotted budget, Xu Guangyu, a senior consultant at the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association in Beijing, said still remains lower compared to the allocations made by the U.S. and Japan. er capita, China military spending remains too low, only about $57,000 for each member of the military forces in 2014.?
But whether low or not, experts believed part of the funding will be used to improve China naval and air power, as well as improve designs of armaments that will help it win land battles. According to portal medium.com, China has a new design of its light killer tank. Beijing allegedly pushed for the development of the diminutive fighting vehicle ZTQ as a good measure to help defend China western land border.

Beijing has been earnestly trying to copy, if not outmatch, the capabilities of America military weaponry, such as its stealth fighters, combat helicopters, even warships. The ZTQ, however, is one invention that states China has ctually聽exceeded聽the Pentagon own accomplishments,?David Axe said on his article at .

The world best heavy tank, the 70-tonne M-1A2SEPv2, is owned by the Pentagon. China has the lightest so far. But then again, merica isn trying to defend a mountainous land border like China is.?
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[538] Olympiasiegerin nach zwei Jahren zur眉ck- Ennis hnsimofq - 2015/06/09(Tue) 11:09 No.614  

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Mehrkampf-Mekka G枚tzis/sterreich auch erstmals wieder im Siebenkampf an den Start gehen. Dort hat sie bislang dreimal gewonnen.Ziel von London-Siegerin Ennis-Hill ist erneutes Olympia-Gold 2016. "London 2012 war fantastisch. Es wird schwer, das zu toppen. Wenn ich aber in der Lage sein sollte, gut zu arbeiten und nach Rio zu gehen und dort als Mutter Gold zu gewinnen, das w盲re unglaublich", sagte die Mehrk盲mpferin aus Sheffield. Am 17. Juli 2014 hatte Ennis-Hill S枚hnchen Reggie zur Welt gebracht.Jessica Ennis-Hill weist eine Bestleistung von 6955 Punkten auf, damit ist sie die Nummer f眉nf der "ewigen" Bestenliste, die seit September 1988 (Olympia in Seoul) von der Amerikanerin Jackie Joyner-Kersee (7291) angef眉hrt wird.

[539] School Shooter Adam Lanza's Newtown House Is Demol... rcngbhbv - 2015/06/09(Tue) 14:21 No.615  

The 3,100 square-foot yellow house on a leafy street in Newtown, Connecticut, where Adam Lanza lived with his mother was demolished [url=http://www.tremasia.com/styles/adidas_predator_neuer_gloves_404401.html]adidas predator neuer gloves[/url]
today. It was the same house where Lanza began his December 2012 rampage by killing his mother before driving to Elementary School, killing 20 children and six adults before shooting himself.

Manafort Brothers of Plainville, Connecticut, volunteered to carry out the demolition. Contractors arrived on site Monday nd had the house down within two hours,?Newtown First Selectman Pat Llodra told ABC News. The contractors completed the project today by tearing down the foundation and ripping up the driveway.

The town will return to the 2+ acre site on Yogananda Street this spring to grade the land and do whatever plantings are appropriate. The goal is to return the land to a natural state. The lot backs up to open space so the hope is it merges 渋nto the existing open space in a very natural way,?Llodra said.

Manafort Brothers also demolished the house in Cheshire, Connecticut, where Dr. William Petit wife and two daughters were killed by home intruders in 2007.

ee been treated so well by so many companies but I thought it was so incredible to learn the Manafort company stepped up in Cheshire and now in Newtown,?Llodra said.

Elsewhere in town the new Sandy Hook elementary is going up. Foundation work started last week.

ach of these events are small steps but the combination of all of them is important to us,? Llodra said.

[540] News und Ger眉chte- Savanovic teilt Pl盲ne der Bay... ulvlrgvs - 2015/06/09(Tue) 19:03 No.616  

Savanovic begeistert von Bayern-Zielen: [url=http://www.omgmiamiswimwear.com/img/mercurial_vapor_zone_354200.html]mercurial vapor zone[/url]
hat in den vier groen europ盲ischen Ligen gespielt, seit 2014 l盲uft er f眉r den FC Bayern auf. Mit den Zielen des Teams ist der Serbe voll einverstanden, wie er bei Eurohoops erkl盲rte: "Bayern hat groe Erwartungen f眉r die Zukunft, sie wollen eines der besten Teams Europas werden und im Final Four der Turkish Airlines Euroleague spielen. Das ist ein sehr groer Klub. Die Leute in M眉nchen haben groe Ambitionen und es ist eine riesige Ehre f眉r mich, Teil des Teams und seines wachsenden Projekts zu sein."Auch von der Liga ist er 眉berzeugt: "Die Deutschen haben hohe Ziele und arbeiten hart daran. F眉r mich ist es eine tolle Sache, hier zu sein. Die Organisation ist gut und wenn ein System perfekt funktioniert, macht es deinen Job leichter. Das Marketing ist ebenfalls gut und wir werden sehen, wie sich das 眉ber die n盲chsten Jahre entwickelt."Dar眉ber hinaus sprach Savanovic 眉ber die beiden groen Trainer Dusan Ivkovic und Svetislav Pesic, die er inzwischen beide hautnah erleben durfte: "Beide haben einen groen Ruf und ihre Philosophien 盲hneln sich. Beide arbeiten am gleichen Ziel, aber jeder hat seine eigene Art und seinen eigenen Stil. Das ist der Unterschied."

[541] Kolejny australijski nastolatek chcia doczy膰 do P... pvknggss - 2015/06/09(Tue) 21:37 No.617   HomePage

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Informacj potwierdzi minister ds. imigracji Peter Dutton. Wedug ledczych 17-latek [url=http://www.handelcon.com/img/sunglasses_ray_ban_aviator_polarized_331155.html]sunglasses ray ban aviator polarized[/url]
chcia doczy膰 do Pastwa Islamskiego (IS). Zdarzenie miao miejsce 12 marca.
Premier Tony Abbott powiedzia, i偶 trudno mu uwierzy膰, 偶e ludzie, ktrzy wyroli w Australii, w wolnym i otwartym spoeczestwie, s tak podatni na pranie mzgu przez ekstremistw. Zapewni rwnie偶, 偶e wadze maj wiadomo膰 zagro偶enia i uczyni wszystko, aby zapobiega膰 takim zdarzeniom odpowiednio wczeniej.
Warto przypomnie膰, 偶e na pocztku marca dwaj bracia w wieku 16 i 17 lat zostali zatrzymani na lotnisku w Sydney w drodze do 瀞trefy konfliktu". Jak podaje BBC, wedug wadz Australii okoo 90 obywateli tego kraju walczy w szeregach Pastwa Islamskiego w Iraku i Syrii. Prawdopodobnie pewna ich cz膰 wrcia ju偶 do kraju i bogatsza o dowiadczenia z wojny, zaja si rekrutacj.
Kilka tygodni temu Premier Tony Abbott poinformowa, 偶e Australia zwikszy swoje dotychczasowe zaanga偶owanie w misj szkoleniow irackich si specjalnych. Australijczycy bd wsppracowa膰 z Nowozelandczykami. Planowane szkolenia maj na celu zwikszenie skutecznoci si irackich w walce z IS.

[542] Wandale w czasach show oxmwnrgc - 2015/06/10(Wed) 00:10 No.618   HomePage

Ekstremici z samozwaczego Islamskiego
Pastwa Iraku i Lewantu niszcz asyryjskie
posgi liczce ponad 5 tys. lat i inne bezcenne
zabytki, ktre nie s zwizane z radykalnym
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Nie trzeba by膰 historykiem lub archeologiem, aby czu膰 zo膰 i 偶al z powodu bezpowrotnie straconych zabytkw kultury, cho膰by w Dur-Szarrukin ?staro偶ytnej stolicy Asyrii (stanowisko archeologiczne Chorsabad). Dyrektor generalny UNESCO Irina Bokowa uznaa te zniszczenia za zbrodni wojenn. To wiadome dziaanie Pastwa Islamskiego, aby zaszokowa膰 opini publiczn i pokaza膰, 偶e bojownicy islamu nie musz si liczy膰 z niczyj opini. Kt偶 w cywilizowanym wiecie nie bdzie 偶aowa niezastpionych zabytkw?<br><br>aska Czyngis-chana<br><br>Pastwo Islamskie z jego ostentacyjnym ekstremizmem jest najnowszym w dugiej kolejce wandali. W staro偶ytnym Egipcie nastpcy Echnatona burzyli posgi wadcy reformatora religijnego, ktry za swojego panowania zaprowadzi kult Atona, wywy偶szajc go spord wielu bogw egipskich. Po mierci faraona jego nastpcy nie tylko niszczyli jego wizerunki, ale te偶 starali si zatrze膰 wszelkie jego lady, cznie ze wityniami Atona, ktre obrcili w ruin. Podobny los spotka paac w Knossos, kiedy Achajowie ?czyli staro偶ytni Grecy ?podbili Kret w XIV w. p.n.e. Gdy Rzym podbi Grecj, zastpi posgi greckich bstw rzymskimi.<br><br>Kilkakrotnie profanowana i zrwnywana z ziemi bya 艢witynia Jerozolimska ?po raz pierwszy przez babiloskiego krla Nabuchodonozora II w VI w p.n.e. Odbudowana, drugi raz zburzona zostaa przez Rzymian w roku 70 n.e.

[543] Rosja- kult Stalina nad Morzem Czarnym tcdwppcy - 2015/06/10(Wed) 01:33 No.619  

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w Soczi mo偶e stan膰 pomnik Stalin. Wdz lubi tu wypoczywa膰.
Projekt postawienia pomnika zgosili miejscowi komunici i maj nadziej, 偶e uda si to zrobi膰 przed rosyjskim witem 9 maja. dministracja miasta zaproponowaa ju偶 kilka lokalizacji" ?biuro komunistw poinformowao portal bloknot-krasnodara.ru.
Komunici chcieliby postawi膰 pomnik gdzie w centrum, miejscowi nacjonalici (ktrzy poparli inicjatyw) ?gdziekolwiek, ale najlepiej w miejscu gdzie sta do 1956 roku, czyli przed wejciem do miejskiego parku 濺iwiera".
Monument podobno bdzie sfinansowany przez tych mieszkacw Soczi, ktrzy poparli ide jego budowy ?zebrano ju偶 kilka tysicy podpisw. Jednak miejscowe organizacje demokratyczne natychmiast zaczy zbiera膰 te偶 podpisy przeciwko jego ustawieniu, i rwnie偶 zebray ich kilka tysicy. Demokraci przypominaj, 偶e na bulwarze nabrze偶nym miasta jest tablica pamitkowa z nazwiskami mieszkacw zamordowanych w czasie rzdw Stalina.
W tej sytuacji miejscowi urzdnicy zaczli dystansowa膰 si od pomysu uczczenia wodza.ropozycja wymaga dodatkowego omwienia, w tym konsultacji spoecznych" ?poinformowa jeden z nich.
Soczi byo ulubionym miejscem wypoczynku Jzefa Stalina. Do dzi zachowaa si tam tzw. dacza Stalina (znajdujca si w pobli偶u pensjonatu ielony zagajnik"). Na caym terytorium byego ZSRR naliczono obecnie 18 byych illi Stalina" (stojcych do dzi), z czego trzy w obecnych granicach Moskwy, cztery ?na Krymie i 11 ?na czarnomorskim wybrze偶u Kaukazu.

[544] Islamici z Boko Haram porwali ponad 400 kobiet i d... srfkvbzi - 2015/06/10(Wed) 02:47 No.620   HomePage

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Haram opuszczajc Damasak na pnocy Nigerii porwali ponad 400 kobiet i dzieci - poinformowali we wtorek mieszkacy miasta, ktre zostao wyzwolone przez wojska z Nigru i Czadu.
"Zabrali ze sob 506 modych kobiet i dzieci. 50 osb zabili, zanim odeszli. Nie wiemy, czy zabili potem reszt" - powiedzia agencji Reuters Sulejman Ali, mieszkaniec miasta Damasak.
Pukownik Tumba Mohamed, nigeryjski dowdca wsplnych si nigeryjsko-czadyjskich w Damasaku poinformowa, 偶e porwano 400-500 kobiet i dzieci.
Damasak, le偶cy w stanie Borno na pnocnym wschodzie kraju, zosta przejty przez Boko Haram w listopadzie.
Boko Haram od 2009 roku prowadzi walk zbrojn o przeksztacenie Nigerii lub przynajmniej czci jej terytorium w muzumaskie pastwo wyznaniowe, w ktrym obowizywaoby prawo szariatu. W wyniku islamistycznej rebelii w najludniejszym kraju Afryki zgino ju偶 wiele tysicy osb, w tym ponad 15,5 tys. od 2012 roku.
14 kwietnia minie rok od uprowadzenia przez Boko Haram w miecie Chibok w stanie Borno 276 dziewczt w wieku od 12 do 17 lat; kilkudziesiciu udao si uciec. Los 219 uczennic pozostaje nieznany.
Obecnie bojownicy Boko Haram s w defensywie na skutek zmasowanej operacji wojsk wszystkich czterech pastw regionu - Nigerii, Nigru, Kamerunu i Czadu - walczcych z t islamistyczn partyzantk.

[545] 2016 Toledo Football Recruiting- DB Jakkar Jackson... baendrut - 2015/06/10(Wed) 05:18 No.621   HomePage

Earlier this Kent State was the first to give the Farmington, Michigan native a chance [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/images/deutschland_trikot_2014_g&uuml_;nstig_123431.html]deutschland trikot 2014 g眉nstig[/url]
to play on the college level. While visiting Toledo over the weekend, Matt Campbell, and the Rockets followed suit, and gave the 5'11 185 pound safety a scholarship of their own.

"The Toledo visit went very well. While I was up there I really got the sense of the family feel. I interacted with the coaches very well, and they showed me where I would fit in their defensive scheme." Jackson told Hustle Belt.

"Coach Campbell sat me down in his office, and told me that I'm the type of guy to lead their program to probably a championship game in a couple of years. He said my toughness and character on and off the field is what the Rockets need, and what they would have love to have."

The college trips aren't over for Jakkar, as he plans to check out Central Michigan again on Saturday.

"I'm visiting CMU this weekend, and I'm expecting to leave campus with an opportunity to be apart of their program. It would be great to receive an offer from CMU this weekend. Last summer I went there for camp, and saw their campus. While being the best defensive back at the camp, I really viewed, and liked the campus." Said, Jackson.

[546] David Cameron accused of trying to anoint George O... rbhnpdbt - 2015/06/10(Wed) 07:44 No.622  

e may think it will be harder for the men in the grey suits to come knocking when he has said he won be going on and on,?the MP said.
楾he truth is he won last five minutes, let alone five years, if he loses again.?There was particular consternation that Mr Cameron effectively fired the starting gun on a leadership contest by naming three potential successors: Home Secretary Theresa May, London Mayor Boris Johnson and Mr Osborne, the Chancellor.
Mrs May and Mr Johnson have long been seen the leading rivals to be the next Tory leader, but [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/img/los_angeles_galaxy_beckham_trikot_555043.html]los angeles galaxy beckham trikot[/url]
Mr Cameron sparked frenzied speculation at Westminster by including his name of Mr Osborne, his closest ally.聽
Since his unpopular Budget of 2012, Mr Osborne leadership prospects have been discounted by many.聽
Boris Johnson
Boris Johnson is the favourite among voters to succeed David Cameron, a poll reveals today.
But the London Mayor repeatedly refused to say whether he would join a leadership contest.
Chancellor George Osborne is thought to be the Prime Minister preference to be his successor.
But in a ComRes survey for the Daily Mail, Mr Johnson was backed by 31 per cent of voters, ahead of Theresa May on 17 per cent and Mr Osborne on 12 per cent.
Support for the Mayor among Tory voters was particularly strong ?36 per cent said he would make the best prime minister, Mr Osborne was on 25 per cent and Mrs May on 18 per cent.
Mr Johnson strongest backing was among Ukip supporters, at 44 per cent ?suggesting he would do the best job of regaining support from the Eurosceptic party.
He was also backed by 32 per cent of Labour voters, ahead of Mrs May on 19 per cent, and the Chancellor on 7 per cent. But in an LBC Radio interview yesterday, Mr Johnson dodged questions about his ambitions more than a dozen times. He is bidding to return as an MP in May in the safe seat of Uxbridge, but claimed Mr Cameron intervention was o big deal?
楢ll he saying is I think obvious and common sense ?he doesn want to go on and on and on like Mrs Thatcher,?the Mayor said.
楾o say he arrogant or presumptuous to rule [out] a third term seems to be totally bizarre because actually he being rather humble and rather straightforward and telling it like it is.?Asked repeatedly if he would go for the party leadership, Mr Johnson said: 業 can possibly answer that because it a long way off. We probably don even know the identity of the next leader ?It is some baby, unborn.?Mr Osborne praised Mr Cameron for giving direct answer? Mrs May is yet to comment.

But the recent turnaround in his popularity as the economy improves has led many MPs to reconsider.聽
Polls suggest Mr Osborne has become the most popular Conservative Treasury spokesman since Nigel Lawson in 1987.
ameron has propelled George Osborne into the top three, quite deliberately,?said one senior MP. hether that helps George or not remains to be seen.?Another former minister said: 業t not what he has said about timing ?it the list of names. The Parliamentary party doesn really want any of them.聽
Theresa May is a cold loner with a following of about two. George has been a good Chancellor of the Exchequer, but people resent his coterie of apparatchiks and think he is ultimately unelectable.聽
Boris is another Bullingdon Club boy who ignored Parliament when he was last in it and lots of people think would be too risky.?MPs also questioned how Mr Cameron could promise to serve a ull second term?when a new leader would need at least six months to establish themselves before the 2020 election.聽
Some allies of the Prime Minister, however, suggest he could step down as party leader, allowing a contest to take place some months before, while remaining Prime Minister right up until polling day.聽
While this would be unprecedented in modern British political history, it would mirror the American system, where a president serves a fixed second term.
Former Tory minister Michael Portillo described Mr Cameron announcement as izarre?
He told the BBC: hen you play chess you have to consider the next two moves, and I don think he did. There is no point setting off on this wild goose chase in the middle of an election campaign.?But Defence Secretary Michael Fallon defended the Prime Minister. e made very clear he is standing for a full second term. What happens in 2020 really, I think, doesn bother a lot of people,?he said.
業f he had said exactly the opposite ?that he wanted to go on and on and he wasn prepared to answer the question when he was likely to finish ?you have accused him, quite rightly, of arrogance and wanting term after term.?A snap poll by ComRes for the Daily Mail found voters are divided over Mr Cameron announcement.
Some 70 per cent believe Mr Cameron was ust being honest? while 80 per cent say ten years is long enough for any Prime Minister to achieve their plans. Four in ten said he had made himself a lame duck, but the majority ?59 per cent ?disagreed.
However, 70 per cent said he should be focusing on voters rather than his own job.
Four in ten think the next government would be destabilised by a Tory leadership election.
Mr Cameron said yesterday Thomas the Tank Engine was the television character he most identified with. In an interview with Netmums.com, Mr Cameron said: e a British icon, he blue, he loyal and reliable ?and he always saves the day.?Lib Dems leader Nick Clegg opted for Paddington Bear, while Labour Ed Miliband sees himself as Captain Barnacles.

[547] Naomie Harris shows off perfect legs in a mini dre... vhgepzao - 2015/06/10(Wed) 07:57 No.623  

She was there to present prizes to some of the best young filmmakers in the UK, but Naomie Harris showed off her own show-stopping look at the Into Film Awards on Tuesday.
The 38-year-old put her perfect pins centre stage as she arrived at the Empire in Leicester Square for the ceremony.
Showing some skin in her print mini-dress, the Bond actress added a super chic mint [url=http://www.psrtech.com/images/ray_ban_boyfriend_sunglasses_black_335244.html]ray ban boyfriend sunglasses black[/url]
green coat to her winning look.

Show-stopper: Naomie Harris arrived at the Into Film Awards in London's Leicester Square in a thigh-skimming, graphic print dress
The star strutted from her car to the venue in her show-stopping outfit.
Flashing acres of thigh as she carefully climbed out of her car at the venue, Naomie's super short, tunic style dress threatening to ride up too high.
The pale pink dress featured a colourful graphic print, with Naomie matching the pastel colours to her chic coat.

Quick change: The Bond actress swapped her shoes and took off her coat to show off her pretty dress once inside the Empire聽

So chic: The 38-year-old star added a pastel coat over her dress and left her short locks loose and wavy聽
Finishing off her look with some silver court shoes and a simple black tote, the actress left her short hair loose and wavy and make-up natural with a glossy, pink lip.
It looked like Naomie's silver pumps may have been proving uncomfortable though, with the actress swapping her metallic shoes for some black strappy numbers once inside the venue.
Naomie was one of several actors invited to the awards, which celebrate the best young filmmakers, review writers, and film clubs across the country.

Careful! The actress made a graceful exit from her car in her tiny dress

Check out the legs: Naomie showed off her slender legs in the perfectly fitted dress and metallic pumps
Peaky Blinders' actress Sophie Rundle went for the casual look in a pair of checked trousers and some bright orange pumps, while Downton Abbey's Cara Theobold聽looked pretty in a pastel pink coat paired with a simple white dress.
Game of Thrones actor Isaac Hempstead Wright also gave out some prizes, while Jeremy Irvine cosied up to Elementary star聽Ophelia Lovibond, who stood out in a '60s style maxi dress.

Naomie has been busy shooting scenes for the next Bond film, in which she'll reprise her role as Eve Moneypenny.

Busy: Naomie has been shooting scenes for her role in the next Bond movie, Spectre

VIP: The actress handed out prizes to the country's best young filmmakers and journalists聽

Red carpet: Peaky Blinders' actress Sophie Rundle went for the casual look while Downton Abbey's Cara Theobold looked chic in a simple white dress

Catching up: Jeremy Irvine cosied up to Elementary star Ophelia Lovibond before the ceremony
Spectre has been filming all over the world in recent weeks, with 007 himself, Daniel Craig, spotted getting stuck into stunts.
Joining Naomie and Daniel in the 24th Bond movie are聽Christoph Waltz, new Bond girls L茅a Seydoux and Monica Bellucci and Dave Bautista.
Reprising their roles, Ralph Fiennes is back as the new head of MI6, Ben Whishaw returns as Q and Rory Kinnear stars as MI6 Chief of Staff Bill Tanner.

Suited and booted: Game of Thrones actor Isaac Hempstead Wright and Matt Edmondson also attended聽

TV's finest: Fortitude star Nicholas Pinnock smartened up in a tweed blazer and jeans

Mixing it up: Harry Potter actress Jessie Cave and聽Sophie Thompson went casual and quirky with their outfit choices

[548] D眉rr auf Rang 13- Shiffrin siegt und holt Slalom qwdkgjtv - 2015/06/10(Wed) 08:10 No.624  

Nach 2012/13 und 2013/14 holte die erst 20-j盲hrige Shiffrin zum dritten Mal in Folge den Gesamtsieg im Slalom. Zum zweiten [url=http://www.atouscoeurs.be/images/maillot_de_foot_inter_milan_2012_205120.html]maillot de foot inter milan 2012[/url]
Mal gelang es ihr zudem, in einem Winter den WM-Titel und die Slalomwertung zu gewinnen. Das schaffte von Shiffrin noch keine L盲uferin. "Der Gesamtweltcup wird irgendwann ein Ziel f眉r mich, aber erstmal will ich die kleine Kugel auch im Riesenslalom gewinnen", sagte Shiffrin in der ARD.Die einzige deutsche Starterin Lena D眉rr aus Germering zeigte trotz einer gerade erst 眉berstandenen Erk盲ltung eine gute Vorstellung. Die 23-J盲hrige fuhr auf einen achtbaren 13. Platz. "Das waren noch mal wichtige Punkte und ein vers枚hnliches Ende", sagte D眉rr, die in einer schwachen deutschen Slalom-Saison f眉r einige wenige Lichtblicke sorgte.Im Kampf um den Gesamtweltcup steht im Riesenslalom am Sonntag (10.00 Uhr im ) ein spannendes Duell zwischen Anna Fenninger (sterreich) und Tina Maze (Slowenien) bevor. Maze eroberte mit Platz vier vor dem letzten Saisonrennen die F眉hrung zur眉ck und liegt 18 Punkte vor Fenninger, die am Samstag als 23. leer ausging.

[549] Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links Wi... xkbthhha - 2015/06/10(Wed) 09:06 No.625  

Look, as you probably know by now, we here at stupidDOPE are big fans of [url=http://www.bridalfashionweekaustralia.com.au/wc-logs/manchester_united_football_kits_for_juniors_342433.html]manchester united football kits for juniors[/url]
art and bold new drinks. We ve seen the two worlds collide a few times before, and today we get a look at something quite stunning. Back in January Ballantine Scotch Whisky teamed up with world-renowned 楪IF-ITI?artist INSA to create , in which INSA created the World Largest Animated GIF, so big it had to be shot from space and the video of which has now been viewed over 5 million times.
Following the success of that, Ballantine s is back, this time linking up with INSA to hand-paint 12 bottles of Ballantine Scotch to create one unique GIF. Instead of selling the bottles though, these unique works of art will be given away to his fans through various competitions around. These bottles are certainly unique, playing host to some eye-catching color and detail, while rocking some outstanding artistic allure along the way.
Check out the impressive creation in the image below and above and speak your mind on them after the jump. Be sure to stay tuned here to stupidDOPE for much more and how to get your hands on one coming very soon!

Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links With INSA For 12 Handpainted Bottles was last modified: March 24th, 2015 by Jesse James

[550] Publicystyka nie su偶y filmowi nsnapbku - 2015/06/10(Wed) 13:53 No.626   HomePage

Francuski melodramat wojenny 濺ozdzieleni" okaza sipektakularn pora偶k gonego oscarowego artysty.
Ludowe porzekado przestrzega, by nie siga膰 [url=http://www.showluxphoto.it/fonts/maglie_storiche_fifa_301343.html]maglie storiche fifa[/url]
praw rk za lewe ucho. Jego suszno膰 potwierdzaj 濺ozdzieleni", melodramat wojenny zrealizowany wedug wasnego scenariusza przez Michela Hazanaviciusa.<br><br>Oto francuski re偶yser pochodzenia litewskiego nadaje angielski tytu he Search" krconemu w Gruzji filmowi o drugiej wojnie w Czeczenii. Specjalizujcy si wczeniej w komediach sensacyjnych re偶yser wiatow saw zdoby dziki nagrodzonemu picioma Oscarami (w tym za re偶yseri) komediowemu rtycie". Upojony zasu偶onym powodzeniem, zapragn zmieni膰 re偶yserskie emploi, zrealizowa膰 co bardziej ambitnego, i rozo偶y si na caej linii.<br><br>Sfilmowa histori, ktra w zamierzeniach miaa automatycznie wzbudza膰 wspczucie widza. Niestety, wrcz przeciwnie, denerwuje schematyzmem i prostactwem w wymuszaniu odruchw sympatii dla bohaterw.

[551] Freddie Roach Says May 2 Will Be Remembered As The... werqjrhf - 2015/06/10(Wed) 16:39 No.627  

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Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach couldn be more pleased with Manny Pacquiao performance as the Filipino continued his preparations for the 渇ight of the century?against undefeated fighter Floyd Mayweather Jr. on May 2. Pacquiao sparred for the first time and did five rounds with two sparring partners on March 17 at Roach Wild Card gym in Los Angeles. According to Roach, the Filipino boxing icon looked like he had never been away from the boxing ring.

very happy with what he showed me, you couldn tell he had been away from the ring since the Algieri fight in November - Manny is on fire in the gym,?Roach told . am confident May 2 will be celebrated for years to come as St. Manny Day - the day he drove Mayweather out of boxing.?
Roach said he was impressed when Pacquiao sparred with Finnish light welterweight Edis Tatli for two rounds before taking on Chicago junior welterweight prospect Kenneth Sims Jr., whose style is reportedly similar to that of Mayweather. The 55-year-old boxing guru even joked that it felt like it was St. Patrick Day when Pacquiao threw his first punches.

Pacquiao was also happy with his form after being away from the ring for more than two months following his victory over previously undefeated Chris Algieri in Macau last year. Pacquiao, who also completed light training workouts in his native Philippines prior to his training camp in Los Angeles, said that his sparring partners gave him 済ood footwork?as well as kick up the level of strategic plan that they have concocted against Mayweather.

Pacquiao has utilised the social media to keep his fans and followers with his training camp, but has not posted since March 14. Pacquiao posts consist of his routine morning jog around Pan Pacific Park as well as videos of the Filipino hitting the heavy bag.

Mayweather, on the other hand, has released a of how he is shaping up for the fight on Facebook on March 16 with the caption that says ard Work and Dedication #TBE #MayPac #May2.?The video displays a message telling the viewers that n May 2, the world will be watching?the biggest event in the history of boxing.

The much-anticipated welterweight unification fight between Pacquiao and Mayweather will take place on May 2 at the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition to the huge purse, the winner will receive an emerald-studded belt worth $1 million in their legacy-defining match on Cinco de Mayo weekend.

To report problems about this article or leave feedback, email .

[552] Freddie Roach Says May 2 Will Be Remembered As The... cltujnkt - 2015/06/10(Wed) 17:07 No.628  

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Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach couldn be more pleased with Manny Pacquiao performance as the Filipino continued his preparations for the 渇ight of the century?against undefeated fighter Floyd Mayweather Jr. on May 2. Pacquiao sparred for the first time and did five rounds with two sparring partners on March 17 at Roach Wild Card gym in Los Angeles. According to Roach, the Filipino boxing icon looked like he had never been away from the boxing ring.

very happy with what he showed me, you couldn tell he had been away from the ring since the Algieri fight in November - Manny is on fire in the gym,?Roach told . am confident May 2 will be celebrated for years to come as St. Manny Day - the day he drove Mayweather out of boxing.?
Roach said he was impressed when Pacquiao sparred with Finnish light welterweight Edis Tatli for two rounds before taking on Chicago junior welterweight prospect Kenneth Sims Jr., whose style is reportedly similar to that of Mayweather. The 55-year-old boxing guru even joked that it felt like it was St. Patrick Day when Pacquiao threw his first punches.

Pacquiao was also happy with his form after being away from the ring for more than two months following his victory over previously undefeated Chris Algieri in Macau last year. Pacquiao, who also completed light training workouts in his native Philippines prior to his training camp in Los Angeles, said that his sparring partners gave him 済ood footwork?as well as kick up the level of strategic plan that they have concocted against Mayweather.

Pacquiao has utilised the social media to keep his fans and followers with his training camp, but has not posted since March 14. Pacquiao posts consist of his routine morning jog around Pan Pacific Park as well as videos of the Filipino hitting the heavy bag.

Mayweather, on the other hand, has released a of how he is shaping up for the fight on Facebook on March 16 with the caption that says ard Work and Dedication #TBE #MayPac #May2.?The video displays a message telling the viewers that n May 2, the world will be watching?the biggest event in the history of boxing.

The much-anticipated welterweight unification fight between Pacquiao and Mayweather will take place on May 2 at the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition to the huge purse, the winner will receive an emerald-studded belt worth $1 million in their legacy-defining match on Cinco de Mayo weekend.

To report problems about this article or leave feedback, email .

[553] Die Royals erobern Brooklyn qkjekmic - 2015/06/10(Wed) 17:22 No.629  

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&nbsp;nbaK枚niglicher Besuch in Brooklyn! Prinz William samt Gattin Kate gaben sich die Ehre. Nat眉rlich wurden sie da von NBA Commissioner Adam Silver pers枚nlich in Empfang genommen &nbsp;nbaDer Besuch hatte auch einen Grund. Die NBA wird k眉nftig mit der Royal Foundation zusammenarbeiten. Das ganze Programm nennt sich United for Wildlife und verschreibt sich dem Naturschutz &nbsp;nbaAuch LeBron James lie es sich nicht nehmen, dem hohen Besuch pers枚nlich Hallo zu sagen &nbsp;nbaBei der Gelegenheit wurden dann gleich mal ein paar Geschenke ausgetauscht &nbsp;nbaDer Basketball-Karriere des royalen Spr枚sslings George steht auf jeden Fall nichts mehr im Wege &nbsp;nbaGleich danach stand das n盲chste Meet Greet an. Multitalent Jay-Z samt besserer H盲lfte Beyonce begr眉ten das Prinzenpaar in der Halle &nbsp;nbaDann ging es los! Prinz William lie sich von NBA-Legende Dikembe Mutombo die Feinheiten des Spiels erkl盲ren &nbsp;nbaZwischendurch wurden auch mal die Pl盲tze getauscht. Kate hatte auf jeden Fall ihren Spa &nbsp;nbaWarum denn so traurig, Dikembe? Die royale Prominenz war zumindest guter Laune und auch Kevin Love hatte Grund zum Lachen &nbsp;nbaGeht doch! Die G盲ste aus Grobritannien sahen ein launiges Spiel. Die Cavs setzten sich locker mit 110:88 gegen die Nets durch

[554] Zamach na rekord Polski taslfbsg - 2015/06/10(Wed) 17:24 No.630  

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10. PZU Pmaraton Warszawski. Jeszcze mo偶na si zapisa膰 i pobiec obok Katarzyny Kowalskiej.
Zapisy wci偶 trwaj, ale ju偶 wida膰, 偶e wiosenny pmaraton w stolicy mo偶e pobi膰 ubiegoroczny rekord frekwencyjny. Na licie startowej jest ju偶 prawie 14 400 nazwisk. Jeli 29 marca wczesnym popoudniem na mecie znajdzie si wicej ni偶 11 124 uczestnikw, kolejny sukces stanie si faktem, miejsce w pierwszej pitce pmaratonw europejskich zostanie potwierdzone, mo偶e nawet poprawione.<br><br>Jubileusz Pmaratonu Warszawskiego to dobra okazja, by biegncy podejmowali si zada wyjtkowych. Jedn z osb, ktra jest w stanie i chce to zrobi膰, jest Katarzyna Kowalska, biegaczka ?od czterech lat najszybsza z Polek, ktre ukoczyy pmaraton w Warszawie ?wygraa bieg w 2011 roku w czasie 1:11.27, bya wwczas debiutantk.<br><br>Jest dobrze znana w rodowisku lekkoatletycznym. Trenuje w klubie Vector Wocawek. Bya przed laty dwa razy zot medalistk modzie偶owych mistrzostw Europy na dystansie 3000 m z przeszkodami, z tej okazji dostaa nawet nominacj w plebiscycie na europejsk wschodzc gwiazd lekkoatletyczn.

[555] Under Secretary Concannon visits West Seattle Elem... wxxiapdz - 2015/06/10(Wed) 17:41 No.631  

U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary Kevin Concannon visited West Seattle Elementary school on Tuesday March 24, to observe successes the school has had with the [url=http://www.neelsedit.com/images/ray_ban_one_size_chart_440440.html]ray ban one size chart[/url]
Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) and a focus on local foods.
It was part of a trip to Seattle where he also visited Highline College in Des Moines, Wa., where he announced that Washington State will receive $22 million over the next three years to help unemployed food assistance recipients find well-paying jobs.
Under Secretary Concannon was joined by College administrators, state government officials, business leaders, and others in announcing that Washington, along with several other states, has been selected for a program designed to test innovative ways to help the unemployed or underemployed transition off of government food assistance programs and compete for positions in today job market.
CEP, a provision of the Healthy Hunger-Free Kids Act, allows schools in high-poverty areas to offer all students school meals at no cost. Benefits include:<br>
路 Students have increased access to free, healthy school meals with no stigma, and less time spent in cashier lines and more time to eat.<br>

路 Schools enjoy a streamlined meal service operation, reduced paperwork and administrative costs, and more nourished students ready to learn.
Maintaining a focus on local foods, student meals regularly include itemsocal produce, whole grains and dairyrom Washington State.

Photo gallery for this story

[556] Celine Dion Gets Emotional About Caring for Husban... chjsncuc - 2015/06/10(Wed) 20:52 No.632   HomePage

after taking a year off to care for her manager and husband, Ren茅 Ang茅lil, but her road back has not been easy.

Dion, 46, revealed in an interview with ABC New? [url=http://lasbielas.com/css/suncloud_all_sunglasses_canada_deals_451404.html]suncloud all sunglasses canada deals[/url]
Deborah Roberts that Ang茅lil, 73, has to be fed by a feeding tube because of his .

e can eat so I feed him,?Dion told Roberts during in Las Vegas, which Ang茅lil attended. e got a feeding tube. I have to feed him three times a day.?

Dion and Ang茅lil have been married since 1994, after meeting 14 years prior. They have three sons together, whom Dion has walked through their father cancer battle.

Today, we are taking life one day at a time, she told ABC News. [But] we are choosing to live.

Dion took an indefinite leave from the stage last year to care for Ang茅lil after he was diagnosed with cancer for a second time. The singer will resume her residency at Las Vegas on August 27 with a new act, according to her rep.
View photo.Celine Dion Gets Emotional About Caring for Husband Battling Cancer (ABC News)
Find out how the couple children are handling Ang茅lil cancer, as well as why the singer is bringing her show back to Las Vegas, on Wednesday on ?at 7 a.m. ET and at 12:35 a.m. ET.

CelebritiesArts & EntertainmentRen茅 Ang茅lil

[557] Family of teen bicyclist who died after incident w... nntmlhrh - 2015/06/11(Thu) 02:34 No.633   HomePage

Dan Pelle photo
Hundreds gather for a candlelight vigil Thursday at the corner of Sprague Avenue and Vista Road to remember Ryan Holyk who died from injuries suffered when he was hit by a Spokane Valley patrol car on May&nbsp;23.<br>

The family of a teen bicyclist who died last year in an incident involving a speeding deputy on Sprague Avenue in Spokane Valley is disputing the conclusion of a [url=http://www.anklefootmotion.com/fonts/karen_millen_wool_dresses_521002.html]karen millen wool dresses[/url]
law enforcement team that examined his death.
The parents of 15-year-old Ryan Holyk filed a lawsuit against the Spokane County Sheriff Office and the deputy involved in the incident, Joseph Bodman, late last week.
Holyk was crossing Sprague on his bicycle against a red light about 10:30 p.m. May 23 at Vista Road when Bodman sped by in his patrol SUV. Bodman was going more than 70 mph in a 35-mph zone without his emergency lights on.
Officials initially said Holyk was struck by Bodman cruiser. But in January, investigators said they determined through three separate investigations that Bodman missed Holyk ?by as little as a foot ?and Holyk died as a result of flipping over his handlebars and landing on his head.
Mike Mauer, who represents Holyk mother, Carolyn Thomson, and father, Aaron Holyk, said he doubts the conclusions of the Spokane Investigative Regional Response Team that determined Bodman car did not strike Holyk.
he trauma to Ryan was so severe that it wasn simply him falling off his bicycle,?Mauer said.
The Spokane County Prosecutor Office said neither Bodman car nor Holyk bike showed any signs of damage.
After the prosecutor office cleared Bodman of criminal wrongdoing, Spokane County Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich launched an internal investigation into whether Bodman followed department policy and procedure. Knezovich did not return a call seeking comment Tuesday.
Holyk bicycle had no brakes, lights or reflectors, and Holyk was not wearing a helmet, according to the response team investigation. Helmets are not required in Spokane Valley.
The lawsuit claims that at the time of his encounter with Holyk, Bodman was on his way to Second Avenue and Park Road to assist another deputy who had pulled over someone wanted on a warrant. Bodman was going about 74 mph even though the suspect was in custody and two other deputies already arrived, according to the lawsuit.
Deputies are allowed to violate traffic laws if they are responding ode?with lights and siren, according to the Sheriff Office policy manual. Deputies heading to routine calls without lights and siren are required to 渙bserve all traffic laws.?Holyk, a West Valley High School student, died June 4 at Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center.
No specific dollar amount is listed in the lawsuit, but the Holyk family is asking for money to cover funeral costs, loss of future earnings, and money for the 減ain, suffering, anxiety, emotional distress and humiliation and fear experienced by Ryan Holyk prior to his death.?Staff writer Nina Culver can be reached at ninac@spokesman.com or (509)&nbsp;459-5473.

[558] Publicystyka nie su偶y filmowi ugzbtaav - 2015/06/11(Thu) 04:16 No.634  

Francuski melodramat wojenny 濺ozdzieleni" okaza sipektakularn pora偶k gonego oscarowego artysty.
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praw rk za lewe ucho. Jego suszno膰 potwierdzaj 濺ozdzieleni", melodramat wojenny zrealizowany wedug wasnego scenariusza przez Michela Hazanaviciusa.<br><br>Oto francuski re偶yser pochodzenia litewskiego nadaje angielski tytu he Search" krconemu w Gruzji filmowi o drugiej wojnie w Czeczenii. Specjalizujcy si wczeniej w komediach sensacyjnych re偶yser wiatow saw zdoby dziki nagrodzonemu picioma Oscarami (w tym za re偶yseri) komediowemu rtycie". Upojony zasu偶onym powodzeniem, zapragn zmieni膰 re偶yserskie emploi, zrealizowa膰 co bardziej ambitnego, i rozo偶y si na caej linii.<br><br>Sfilmowa histori, ktra w zamierzeniach miaa automatycznie wzbudza膰 wspczucie widza. Niestety, wrcz przeciwnie, denerwuje schematyzmem i prostactwem w wymuszaniu odruchw sympatii dla bohaterw.

[559] Koncert z okazji Dnia Niepodlegoci Grecji, Muzyka,... hiregcye - 2015/06/11(Thu) 05:14 No.635  

Znany grecki kompozytor Thanos Mikroutsikos bdzie gwn postaci specjalnego koncertu dla uczczenia 194. rocznicy Narodowego Dnia Niepodlegoci. [url=http://www.carneys.com.au/style/australia_football_shirt_2014_003403.html]australia football shirt 2014[/url]
Odbdzie si on 25 marca w Muzeum Kolekcji im. Jana Pawa II w Warszawie.
W wieczorze zorganizowanym przez Ambasad Grecji Thanosowi Mikroutsikosowi towarzyszy膰 bd piosenkarka Rita Antonopoulu i wirtuoz instrumentw dtych Tymios Papadopoulos.
Thanos Mikroutsikos to artysta wszechstronny. Jest autorem oper, muzyki symfonicznej, kameralnej, teatralnej, filmowej i eksperymentalnej. Jednoczenie znaczca cze膰 jego dorobku to utwory rozrywkowe ?setki melodii skomponowanych do tekstw greckich i zagranicznych poetw. Urodzi si w 1947 roku w miejscowoci Patra. Wczenie zacz edukacj muzyczn - pocztkowo w Towarzystwie Filharmonicznym miasta Patra, a nastpnie w Hellenic Conservatory (w klasie fortepianu).
Za swj dorobek w dziedzinie muzyki teatralnej uhonorowany zosta w roku 2002 nagrod imitrisa Mitropoulosa" przyznawan przez Hellenic Centre of Theatrical Research.W latach 1994-1996 Thanos Mikroutsikos by ministrem kultury Grecji, a dwa lata wczeniej wiceszefem tego resortu.

[560] Koncert z okazji Dnia Niepodlegoci Grecji, Muzyka,... cqjpzndk - 2015/06/11(Thu) 05:33 No.636  

Znany grecki kompozytor Thanos Mikroutsikos bdzie gwn postaci specjalnego koncertu dla uczczenia 194. rocznicy Narodowego Dnia Niepodlegoci. [url=http://www.anklefootmotion.com/styles/lace_up_prom_dresses_for_sale_011035.html]lace up prom dresses for sale[/url]
Odbdzie si on 25 marca w Muzeum Kolekcji im. Jana Pawa II w Warszawie.
W wieczorze zorganizowanym przez Ambasad Grecji Thanosowi Mikroutsikosowi towarzyszy膰 bd piosenkarka Rita Antonopoulu i wirtuoz instrumentw dtych Tymios Papadopoulos.
Thanos Mikroutsikos to artysta wszechstronny. Jest autorem oper, muzyki symfonicznej, kameralnej, teatralnej, filmowej i eksperymentalnej. Jednoczenie znaczca cze膰 jego dorobku to utwory rozrywkowe ?setki melodii skomponowanych do tekstw greckich i zagranicznych poetw. Urodzi si w 1947 roku w miejscowoci Patra. Wczenie zacz edukacj muzyczn - pocztkowo w Towarzystwie Filharmonicznym miasta Patra, a nastpnie w Hellenic Conservatory (w klasie fortepianu).
Za swj dorobek w dziedzinie muzyki teatralnej uhonorowany zosta w roku 2002 nagrod imitrisa Mitropoulosa" przyznawan przez Hellenic Centre of Theatrical Research.W latach 1994-1996 Thanos Mikroutsikos by ministrem kultury Grecji, a dwa lata wczeniej wiceszefem tego resortu.

[561] Br盲hmer bleibt auf dem Box baitlcnc - 2015/06/11(Thu) 10:19 No.637  

Die begeisterten Fans feierten J眉rgen Br盲hmer mit dem Jubelgesang "Oh, wie ist das sch枚n", als Robin Krasniqi hinter einem weien Handtuch seine Tr盲nen versteckte. Dabei galten die Ovationen auch dem [url=http://www.mandiriagri.com/styles/adidas_predator_football_boots_vintage_505133.html]adidas predator football boots vintage[/url]
wackeren Herausforderer, der Box-Weltmeister Br盲hmer in der Stadthalle Rostock 眉ber neun Runden einen packenden WM-Kampf geliefert hatte.Krasniqis technischer K.o. wegen einer aufgeplatzten Lippe war das fast zwangsl盲ufige Ende eines nimmerm眉den Schlagabtausches der beiden Halbschwergewichtler.AnalyseBei Krasniqi wurde noch in der Nacht im Krankenhaus der tiefe Riss an der Lippe gen盲ht, doch auch WBA-Champion Br盲hmer sah mit einem blau unterlaufenen linken Auge und Sch眉rfwunden an Stirn und Nase gezeichnet aus.Br盲hmer musste an seine Grenzen gehen"Ich habe ein, zwei Treffer kassiert, die ich nicht unbedingt h盲tte haben wollen", sagte der Titelverteidiger mit einem gequ盲lten L盲cheln. War seine vorherige Titelverteidigung gegen den Polen Pawel Glazewski durch den Blitz-K.o. nach 55 Sekunden nur Kurzarbeit gewesen, musste Br盲hmer f眉r seinen 46. Sieg im 48. Profikampf an die Grenzen gehen.Der 27-J盲hrige Krasniqi hatte das Duell der Generationen gegen den neun Jahre 盲lteren Br盲hmer zuvor als "wichtigsten Kampf meines Lebens" bezeichnet - und genauso hatte der Wahl-M眉nchner auch geboxt. Am Ende aber setzte sich die technische Klasse, die gr枚ere Erfahung und auch der h盲rtere Punch von Br盲hmer durch."Ich bin sehr traurig", sagte Krasniqi nach seinem zweiten verlorenen WM-Kampf im Ring: "Aber ich werde mein Ziel weiter jagen." Gewinner waren auf jeden Fall die knapp 5000 Fans in der Halle und die 2,69 Millionen Zuschauer bei Sat.1 vor dem Fernseher. "Das war Werbung f眉rs Boxen", schw盲rmte Br盲hmers Promoter Kalle Sauerland. Sein Sch眉tzling sei ein Ph盲nomen: "Er wird mit jedem Kampf besser."

[562] Sweden adds gender aflapysv - 2015/06/11(Thu) 11:01 No.638  

The official dictionary of the Swedish language will introduce a gender-neutral pronoun [url=http://www.tremasia.com/styles/new_orleans_magistrate_court_141512.html]new orleans magistrate court[/url]
in April, editors at the Swedish Academy have announced.
en?will be added to 渉an?(he) and 渉on?(she) as one of 13,000 new words in the latest edition of the Swedish Academy SAOL.

The pronoun is used to refer to a person without revealing their gender ?either because it is unknown, because the person is transgender, or the speaker or writer deems the gender to be superfluous information.
or those who use the pronoun, it obviously a strength that it is now in the dictionary,?one of the editors, Sture Berg, told AFP on Tuesday.
The word 渉en?was coined in the 1960s when the ubiquitous use of 渉an?(he) became politically incorrect, and was aimed at simplifying the language and avoiding the clumsy 渉an/hon?(s/he) construction.
But the word never really took hold.
It resurfaced around 2000, when the country small transgender community latched on to it, and its use has taken off in the past few years.
It can now be found in official texts, court rulings, media texts and books, and has begun to lose some of its feminist-activist connotation.
The Swedish Academy dictionary is updated every 10 years. New entries are determined by their frequency and relevance.
The new edition goes on sale on 15 April.

[563] Haye vs. Chisora- Der Fight in Bildern cxlhdvqe - 2015/06/11(Thu) 11:29 No.639  

&nbsp;GettyRing frei f眉r die beiden Skandal-Boxer David Haye (l.) und Dereck Chisora (r.) &nbsp;GettyAls Schauplatz f眉r das Spektakel musste das Stadion von West Ham United herhalten. 30.000 [url=http://scatolificiocrippa.it/css/numero_maglia_hernanes_all_inter_125501.html]numero maglia hernanes all inter[/url]
Zuschauer sind schonmal eine gute Grundlage... &nbsp;GettyAuch Andy Murray weilt nach seiner Niederlage im Wimbledon Finale gegen Roger Federer noch in London und lie sich den Kampf nicht entgehen &nbsp;GettyEin Dach 眉ber dem Kopf hatten w盲hrend dem Kampf nur die beiden Protagonisten. Doof, wenns dann regnet. Immerhin gabs von Frank Warren ein paar Regenkittel &nbsp;GettyDereck Chisora hatte sich richtig rausgeputzt f眉r den Image-Fight. Den Bademantel h盲tte er aber ruhig noch ausziehen k枚nnen &nbsp;GettyDavid Haye zeigte bei seinem Einmarsch lieber gleich, was er hat. Auf oben ohne stehen die Leute schlielich... &nbsp;GettyAchja, geboxt wurde auch. Allerdings nicht besonders lang: Schon in der f眉nften Runde schickte Haye Chisora auf die Matte &nbsp;GettyDa ging nichts mehr f眉r Chisora, der immerhin noch sehenswert zu Boden ging... &nbsp;GettySieg f眉r David Haye durch Knockout. Gehts jetzt als n盲chstes wieder gegen einen der Klitschko-Br眉der? &nbsp;GettyAuch wenn das kaum einen interessieren d眉rfte: Haye hat sogar zwei G眉rtel abger盲umt. WBO und WBA Intercontinental Champion darf er sich jetzt nennen. &nbsp;GettyImmer sch枚n den Regenschirm hinterher tragen, liebe Securitys. Den Fans war der Regen egal, hauptsache schnell noch ein Foto machen &nbsp;GettyIm 眉brigen: Von der Pressekonferenz gab es diesmal keine Pr眉gelszenen zu vermelden... &nbsp;Getty...ganz im Gegenteil: Arm in Arm posierten die Beiden nach dem Kampf f眉r die Kameras. Werden die Beiden jetzt doch noch Freunde, oder was?

[564] Oil giant BP cuts ties with conservative group ALE... jsdkdkzo - 2015/06/11(Thu) 11:50 No.640  

Image: AP
And the latest is a big one ?BP.
The conservative group, better known as ALEC, has come under fire for trying to roll back state laws that [url=http://www.showbusinessreport.com/wp-images/ray_ban_store_tampa_141213.html]ray ban store tampa[/url]
fight climate change and promote renewable power. That position may be popular among many of the group members ?conservative politicians and corporate executives. But it has also led to a string of high-profile departures.
Google ?a major investor in renewable power projects ?left the group last year, with Chairman Eric Schmidt denouncing ALEC聽 for 渓iterally lying?about global warming.
BP, the world third-largest oil company by revenue, isn the first oil giant to jump ship. Occidental Petroleum dropped out of ALEC last year. BP didn specify climate change as the reason for its departure. In a note to the National Journal, which , BP said simply:
e continually assess our engagements with policy and advocacy organizations, and based on our most recent assessment, we have determined that we can effectively pursue policy matters of current interest to BP without renewing our membership in ALEC.?
Many of Silicon Valley biggest companies have . Former members of the organization include eBay, Facebook, Yahoo and Yelp.

[565] Kings sign Rudy Gay to contract extension quqrpauo - 2015/06/11(Thu) 12:06 No.641  

InsideHoops.com | November 19, 2014
Sacramento Kings sign Rudy Gay to contract extension<br><br>
The Sacramento Kings have signed veteran forward Rudy Gay to a multi-year contract extension, according to Kings General Manager Pete DAlessandro.<br><br>
According to the Sacramento Bee, "Sunday, league sources confirmed the Kings and Gay have agreed [url=http://www.writerspremium.com/template/adidas_f50_adizero_new_2015_510302.html]adidas f50 adizero new 2015[/url]
to a three-year, $40 million extension through the 2017-18 season. The deal has a player option after two years that would allow Gay to become a free agent in July 2017, when many players will look to capitalize on the NBAs increased TV revenue. That allows the small forward the chance to cash in one more time if he desires. The deal is also suitable financially for the Kings, who believed Gay could command at least $13 million annually as a free agent."<br><br>
聯I am very excited to announce that Rudy Gay will be a part of the Kings for the long term,聰 said Kings Owner Vivek Ranadiv茅. 聯He is an immensely talented player who is critical to our team on and off the court, and he is a significant reason why things are changing in Sacramento. Players as talented as Rudy have their choice on where to play. He is committed to making the Kings great again and we are committed to his success. I am looking forward to seeing a sea of No. 8 jerseys filling the seats of the new arena."<br><br>
Currently playing in his ninth NBA season, Gay, 28, has accrued averages of 18.3 points (.450 FG%, .341 3pt%, .787 FT%), 5.8 rebounds, 2.2 assists, 1.4 steals and 35.9 minutes per game in 596 career contests (559 starts). He is one of only 18 players in NBA history to amass at least 10,000 points, 3,400 rebounds, 1,200 assists and 800 steals before his 29th birthday, joining NBA greats like Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Kobe Bryant and Kevin Garnett with that achievement.<br><br>
聯I feel blessed to be in this situation,聰 said Gay. 聯Im grateful for the confidence the Kings have shown in my abilities and appreciate the way Sacramento and its passionate fans have embraced me and my family from day one. The future is bright for this franchise, and Im thrilled to play a role in helping the organization succeed on the court and in the community.聰 <br><br>
聯Ensuring Rudy will remain a member of the Kings family is tremendous news for our organization, our fans and the community as a whole,聰 said DAlessandro. 聯This announcement also underscores an unwavering commitment by Vivek Ranadiv茅 to continue building a team that will reestablish a winning tradition in Sacramento.聰<br><br>
This past summer, Gay joined teammate DeMarcus Cousins and helped guide the USA Mens National Team to a gold medal in the 2014 FIBA World Cup. Through 10 contests this season, he ranks 12th in the NBA in scoring, seventh in minutes played and 26th in free throw percentage.<br><br>
Since Sacramento acquired the 68聰 forward in a trade with Toronto on Dec. 9, 2013, Gay has appeared in 66 games for the Kings, posting 20.4 points (.475 FG%, .314 3pt%, .842 FT%), 5.7 rebounds, 3.2 assists, and 1.2 steals, including 38 contests with 20 or more points scored.

[566] Podatnicy trac, ale maj wity spokj qjfeekxq - 2015/06/11(Thu) 16:51 No.642   HomePage

Zbli偶a si termin wypenienia rocznego rozliczenia CIT. O wielu zwizanych z tym wtpliwociach pisalimy szczegowo w tygodniku sprzed tygodnia, ale ze wzgldu a ograniczon ilo膰 miejsca nie wszystkie tematy mo偶na w nim byo omwi膰. Dlatego dzi kontynuujemy ten temat artykule , [url=http://www.mfibike.be/img/maillot_portugal_euro_2012_junior_343135.html]maillot portugal euro 2012 junior[/url]
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Niezale偶nie od ich przyczyny (pomyka na fakturze, udzielenie rabatu), przedsibiorca musi skorygowa膰 przychd. I tu pojawia si problem, bo ie do koca wiadomo kiedy ma to zrobi膰, gdy przyczyna korekty jest inna ni偶 bd na fakturze. Przepisy nie wskazuj jednoznacznie, czy przedsibiorca powinien uj膰 korekt w dniu, ktrym powsta korygowany przychd (korekta wsteczna), czy w dniu, w ktrym ta korekta nastpia (korekta a bie偶co"). A niepewni podatnicy zwykle szukaj odpowiedzi w interpretacjach fiskusa w orzecznictwie sdw.
Niestety interpretacje maj to do siebie, 偶e czsto si zmieniaj i 偶e r偶ne organy potrafi zaj膰 odmienne stanowiska w bardzo podobnych sprawach. o i poza tym zazwyczaj ich stanowisko jest ?czemu trudno si dziwi膰 ?bardzo pro fiskalne. Tak jest rwnie偶 w temacie korekt. Wedug coraz czciej ostatnio wyra偶anego stanowiska organw podatkowych, korekt nale偶y rozpozna膰 w okresie rozliczeniowym, w ktrym przychd sta si nale偶ny, a wic ka偶dym przypadku przedsibiorca musi uwzgldni膰 korekt wstecz.
Wielu podatnikw nie chce nara偶a膰 si na konflikt ze skarbwk i wybiera rozwizanie bezpieczniejsze, chocia偶 dla nich niekorzystne. Wi偶e si bowiem koniecznoci zo偶enia korekt rocznego zeznania CIT i z obowizkiem zapaty odsetek od zalegoci podatkowej. o jedno z wielu zagadnie, nad ktrym ustawodawca powinien si wreszcie pochyli膰 i uregulowa膰 w przepisach przy okazji kolejnej nowelizacji ustawy o CIT.
Zapraszam do lektury tygodnika odatki".

[567] Islamici z Boko Haram porwali ponad 400 kobiet i d... pttuvmcu - 2015/06/11(Thu) 20:28 No.643   HomePage

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Haram opuszczajc Damasak na pnocy Nigerii porwali ponad 400 kobiet i dzieci - poinformowali we wtorek mieszkacy miasta, ktre zostao wyzwolone przez wojska z Nigru i Czadu.
"Zabrali ze sob 506 modych kobiet i dzieci. 50 osb zabili, zanim odeszli. Nie wiemy, czy zabili potem reszt" - powiedzia agencji Reuters Sulejman Ali, mieszkaniec miasta Damasak.
Pukownik Tumba Mohamed, nigeryjski dowdca wsplnych si nigeryjsko-czadyjskich w Damasaku poinformowa, 偶e porwano 400-500 kobiet i dzieci.
Damasak, le偶cy w stanie Borno na pnocnym wschodzie kraju, zosta przejty przez Boko Haram w listopadzie.
Boko Haram od 2009 roku prowadzi walk zbrojn o przeksztacenie Nigerii lub przynajmniej czci jej terytorium w muzumaskie pastwo wyznaniowe, w ktrym obowizywaoby prawo szariatu. W wyniku islamistycznej rebelii w najludniejszym kraju Afryki zgino ju偶 wiele tysicy osb, w tym ponad 15,5 tys. od 2012 roku.
14 kwietnia minie rok od uprowadzenia przez Boko Haram w miecie Chibok w stanie Borno 276 dziewczt w wieku od 12 do 17 lat; kilkudziesiciu udao si uciec. Los 219 uczennic pozostaje nieznany.
Obecnie bojownicy Boko Haram s w defensywie na skutek zmasowanej operacji wojsk wszystkich czterech pastw regionu - Nigerii, Nigru, Kamerunu i Czadu - walczcych z t islamistyczn partyzantk.

[568] Rzym zakazuje seksistowskich reklam, Europa, Wochy ybqukpyx - 2015/06/12(Fri) 00:59 No.644  

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przewodniczcej Izby Deputowanych Laury Boldrini.
To prawdziwy przeom, bo - jak si przypomina - negli偶 su偶y do reklamowania nie tylko bielizny, ale tak偶e okularw sonecznych, d偶insw czy nawet pomidorw w puszce. Zarzd miasta postanowi walczy膰 z tym powszechnym zjawiskiem. Zabronione s wszelkie plakaty i billboardy, w ktrych nie jest przestrzegana zasada szacunku dla kobiet; to za oznacza delegalizacj skpych strojw czy wrcz golizny. Taka praktyka, podkrelono, jest obra藕liwa dla kobiet, poniewa偶 oznacza traktowanie ich w sposb instrumentalny.
"Przestrze reklamowa bdzie sprzedawana wycznie tym, ktrzy bd szanowa膰 nowe rozporzdzenie" - ogosi burmistrz Ignazio Marino. "Ciao kobiety nie mo偶e by膰 kojarzone z obrazami, ktre zrwnuj je w sposb seksistowski z przedmiotem" - doda. Rzymskie wadze zapowiedziay jednoczenie surowe kontrole reklam pod ktem przestrzegania nowych przepisw.
"Brawo Ignazio, jestemy z ciebie dumne" - tak zareagowaa przewodniczca woskiej Izby Deputowanych Laura Boldrini, ktra od lat walczy o szacunek dla kobiet.

[569] Bears land free agent Ray McDonald aqkxqaer - 2015/06/12(Fri) 02:05 No.645   HomePage

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Bears on Tuesday agreed to terms with veteran defensive lineman Ray McDonald on a one-year contract, pending a physical. The Bears on Tuesday agreed to terms with veteran defensive lineman Ray McDonald on a one-year contract, pending a physical. <br><br>McDonald, 30, spent the first eight seasons of his NFL career with the 49ers from 2007-14 after being selected by San Francisco in the third round of the draft out of Florida.<br><br> Ray McDonald was a full-time starter the past four seasons for the 49ers. McDonald has appeared in 115 career games with 68 starts, recording 211 tackles, 19.5 sacks, 29 tackles-for-loss, one interception, four forced fumbles, three fumble recoveries and 11 pass breakups. He also has scored two touchdowns and blocked three kicks (two field goals and one extra point).<br><br>Last August, McDonald was accused of domestic violence following an incident with his fianc茅e, but no charges were filed. In December, he was accused of sexual assault. But, again, no charges were filed and he has said that he intends to sue his accuser for defamation.<br><br>Because of those off-the-field issues, the Bears conducted a thorough evaluation of the person and the player before deciding to offer McDonald a contract. <br><br>Speaking to reporters Tuesday at the NFL owners meetings in Arizona, general manager Ryan Pace said that he leaned on Bears defensive coordinator Vic Fangio and defensive backs coach Ed Donatell, both of whom served in those same positions the past four seasons with the 49ers. <br><br>e have coaches that have been with Ray for four years in Vic and Ed, so that helped us through this process,?Pace said. ee talked about it for a long time now. This was a thorough, well-discussed decision. I think honestly the knowledge of Vic and Ed helped a lot.<br><br> knew what [McDonald] was as a player. But I didn have that inner knowledge of what he was in the locker room or as a teammate or as a person, so that helped a lot. That was huge. And then we talked to [players] around the league or coaches, so that all helped lead us to this conclusion.?br><br>Pace revealed that McDonald paid his own way to fly to Chicago to speak with Bears chairman George H. McCaskey, and the two met for over two hours. Pace said that McCaskey was involved in very step?of the process and wants to play a role in personnel decisions only if character issues are involved.<br><br>Pace said that McCaskey called McDonald parents and also got approval from his mother, Bears owner Virginia McCaskey, before signing McDonald. <br><br>Pace pointed out that the Bears protected themselves by signing McDonald to a 渙ne-year prove-it deal?and knows that very decision I make, there risk involved. I understand that. It on me to be thorough this whole process and I feel good about where wee at.?br><br>McDonald was a full-time starter the last four years while being coached by Fangio and Donatell. The Florida native started 14 games last season, registering 39 tackles, three sacks, four tackles-for-loss and once forced fumble. <br><br>e a strong, stout run defender,?Pace said. ee transitioning to a 3-4 [scheme], so obviously the defensive linemen are important and it a position wee trying to get stronger at. <br><br>e not only a 3-4 defensive end but a 3-4 defensive end that played in Vic defense. So we know exactly how hel fit in. Ie scouted him a lot over the years and I just know what hel bring to the table in regards to especially run defense. He just a physical tough player, a high motor player. Ie heard great things about his work ethic and his passion and approach to the game.<br><br>nd you look at all these players, youe got to remember we have scouting reports and character background going back to college and high school, so we researched him thoroughly all the way back and ?we feel good about where wee at right now.? <br>

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[571] Rams 7 Round Mock tiufwehd - 2015/06/12(Fri) 06:41 No.647  

Key Assumptions: The re-sign Barksdale to start at RT, sign Blalock for depth at G, and establish either or as the starter at Center.

Rd. 1 Pick 10 ?Todd Gurley ?RB (Georgia)

After initially joking around in the comments last week about taking Gurley, I started seriously considering this elite runner as the Rams pick at 10th overall. His talent and body of work are undeniable, and at the same time makes a ton of sense for the Rams for several reasons:

1) With the addition of , successful play-action passing is required to properly execute our air attack. A punishing [url=http://www.indianjobaxis.com/images/when_do_the_new_nike_magista_boots_come_out_155235.html]when do the new nike magista boots come out[/url]
rushing attack is the key ingredient to successful play-action.

2) None of the Rams existing running backs have proven to be the three down variety. Not only is Gurley a gifted runner, possessing an elite combination of speed, power, and awareness, but is a willing and proven blocker in pass protection, AND can catch and run as well. In 2014 he amassed 615 receiving yards with six receiving TDs.

3) Bolstering our rushing attack makes sense strategically in the NFC West. Instead of trying to go blow for blow through the air when competing against the Legion of Boom and corners such as , each twice a year, it makes more sense to develop an elite rushing attack as a means to neutralize a key strength amongst two of our NFC West foes.

4) With a bevy of highly drafted, talented, but largely unproven wide receivers on the roster, it doesn make sense to add another receiver in the 2015 draft with the exact same characteristicsrighly drafted, talented, but unproven.

Rd. 2 Pick 9 ?AJ Cann ?G (South Carolina)

In a very serious effort to bolster our offensive line, as a means to establish the run game, to open up the play-action pass, the Rams should select Guard AJ Cann out of South Carolina. Cann is the top pure guard prospect in the draft. With Scherff, Collins, Erving, Peat and Flowers likely gone in round 1, or very early in round two, it is likely that AJ Cann will be available for the Rams as their second round selection. Cann is 6-3, 313 lbs., and has the talent to start immediately for the Rams at the LG position, where he started all but one game for SC over 4 years. He noted for his ability to successfully seal off inside run lanes, and projects to do best in an NFL power-scheme. He sounds like a perfect fit for the Rams starting offensive line.

Rd. 3 Pick 8 ?Tre Jackson ?G (Florida State)

Even with the selection of AJ Cann in round 2, selecting the best available guard in round 3 makes a lot of sense for a team that has very questionable depth at o-line. According to scouting reports, Tre Jackson has an NFL body, but is lackluster in his technique, due to an over-reliance on superior physical gifts. His scouting reports don read like an instant NFL starter, which translates to a round 3 grade. Considering he would not be counted on to start right away, he would have at least a full season to develop better technique to become an eventual starter at RG for the Rams in 2016/17 and beyond.

Rd. 4 Pick 20 ?Sean Mannion ?QB (Oregon State)

With the acquisition of via trade, drafting a QB in the first two rounds is no longer a priority for the Rams. Nick Foles is the clear front-runner to start at QB, with a more "fair" competition for the back-up shaping up between and Austin Davis. It makes sense to draft a young QB who will have the ability to sit and learn, and potentially compete for a starting role in 2016 should Nick Foles not perform, or leave as a free-agent.

At 6?" Sean Mannion has the QB body type that Jeff Fisher seems to prefer. At only 214 pounds, he could stand to add about 8 to 10 lbs of muscle to improve his durability. The stats that Mannion amassed, with an above-average arm in his career at Oregon State, are impressive. His best year came in 2013 when he passed for a PAC 12 record 4,662 yards and a school record of 37 TDs. It helps that Mannion had NFL caliber receivers to throw to, including and Markus Wheaton. He took a bit of a step back in 2014, without high end receivers, and an o-line that was less than stellar.

Mannion is a nice prospect, who would benefit from a year of study before being thrown into the fire of an NFL QB competition.

Rd. 7 Pick 10 ?Nick Marshall ?CB

He went to Auburn which apparently means a lot to the Rams. Nick Marshall was the Tigers?QB, who lacks ability to play that position in the NFL. What he does not lack is athletic ability. Switching from QB to corner will not be easy. However, having a high level of experience as a QB should make understanding what opposing offenses are doing, that much easier for Marshall.

His physical attributes make him an intriguing CB prospect with a nice combination of length (he 6?") and bulk (207 lbs.), as well as top end speed (4.5 40), that should enable him to eventually learn to cover the ever-larger receivers in the NFL.

This mock more than adequately fills several key areas of need that should catapult the 2015 Rams into very serious playoff conversations. With a starting o-line that looks like?

?and an elite rusher, with a pro-bowl caliber QB that has proven he can succeed in the NFL, and not to mention a stable of highly drafted and talented pass catchers, the Rams should be favorites to lock up a Wild Card spot, if not winning the NFC Best.


[572] Troch mamuta 偶yje w soniu, Nauka , Biologia knfdofni - 2015/06/12(Fri) 09:00 No.648  

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wochatego naukowcy poczyli z DNA 偶yjcych obecnie soni.
To stanowi wa偶ny krok opanowywaniu techniki umo偶liwiajcej odtwarzanie genomu wymarych gatunkw i ?by膰 mo偶e ?przywracania ich do 偶ycia. Tego genetycznego wyczynu dokonali naukowcy z Uniwersytetu Harvarda, zespoem kieruje prof. George Church.<br><br>Naukowcy badali DNA pochodzce ze szcztkw mamutw wochatych znajdowanych w Arktyce, w wiecznej zmarzlinie na Syberii.<br><br>?Przede wszystkim zwracalimy uwag na geny majce zwizek z wytrzymaoci tych zwierzt na nisk temperatur, z sierci, wielkoci uszu, tuszczem podskrnym, a zwaszcza z hemoglobin przenoszc tlen do wszystkich organw i komrek ?wyjania prof. George Church. Po zidentyfikowaniu tych genw naukowcy sporzdzali ich kopie. Odtworzyli w ten sposb 14 genw.

[573] Ted Cruz tendr cobertura m茅dica bajo la reforma d... vtjxygop - 2015/06/12(Fri) 10:24 No.649  

El senador republicano Ted Cruz, el primer candidato en oficializar sus aspiraciones presidenciales para 2016, admiti hoy que a partir de ahora tendr cobertura m茅dica bajo la reforma sanitaria de Barack Obama, contra la que batalla en el Congreso.
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Cruz tena un seguro m茅dico de alta categora gracias al trabajo de su mujer, Heidi, en el banco de inversiones Goldman Sach, informa el diario Politico.
Tras el anuncio de la candidatura del senador el lunes, su esposa pedir una excedencia en el trabajo para ayudarle en la campa帽a, lo que obliga a la familia a buscar otro seguro.
"Estamos en un proceso de transicin hacia eso", dijo Cruz a la cadena CNN, en referencia a un seguro bajo la reforma sanitaria de Obama, que cumple cinco a帽os esta semana.
La llamada Ley de Cuidado Asequible de la Salud (ACA, por su sigla en ingl茅s) busca extender la cobertura m茅dica a toda la poblacin y establece la obligatoriedad de adquirir un seguro, su parte ms controvertida y duramente cuestionada por los republicanos.
Una enmienda de la ley, impulsada por el congresista republicano Chuck Grassley, estipula que los miembros del Congreso que no tienen cobertura con el programa de salud para ancianos y jubilados Medicare deben contratar cobertura en el mercado de seguros m茅dicos, una de las disposiciones clave de la reforma sanitaria promulgada en 2010.
El senador Cruz es uno de los lderes del ala ultraconservadora del Partido Republicano, el Tea Party, y uno de los que se oponen con ms dureza a la reforma sanitaria de Obama, que asegura quedar revocada si 茅l o uno de sus compa帽eros de partido se hacen con la Casa Blanca en 2016.

[574] 200 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen 2015- Spektakul... kkgvqebk - 2015/06/12(Fri) 12:09 No.650   HomePage

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Organisatoren davon 眉berzeugt, dass die Spiele ein voller Erfolg werden: "Heute haben wir gezeigt, zu was wir f盲hig sind. Geb盲ude wie der Maiden Tower werden eine tolle Kulisse f眉r ein wundervolles Sportfest im Sommer 2015 bieten", sagte Charlie Wijeratna, Commercial Director von Baku 2015.Im Zuge der 200-Tage-Feier haben die Veranstalter auerdem die erste Edition von sechs Postmarken anl盲sslich der Europaspiele pr盲sentiert, auf der einige Austragungsorte zu sehen sind: das National Stadium, das Tofiq Bahramov Stadium, die Crystal Hall, die Heydar Aliyev Arena, das Baku Aquatics Center und das National Gymnastics Arena.Und die n盲chste Feier ist bereits geplant. Am 4. M盲rz 2015 zelebrieren die Veranstalter den n盲chsten Meilenstein. Dann sind es noch 100 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen.

[575] News und Ger眉chte- George okzazsuc - 2015/06/12(Fri) 17:08 No.651  

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Woche?Das Comeback von Paul George nach langer Verletzungspause r眉ckt immer n盲her. Laut Brian Windhorst von ESPN, der sich auf "mehrere Quellen" bezieht, gehen die davon aus, dass der All-Star sein Saisondeb眉t in der kommenden Woche geben wird. Demnach habe es sogar die berlegung gegeben, George bereits am Samstag gegen die Brooklyn Nets spielen zu lassen, dies wurde von Coach Frank Vogel nach der am Freitag jedoch dementiert. Erst vor wenigen Tagen hatte der Indianapolis Star einen nicht namentlich genannten Pacer zitiert, der George bei "nicht ansatzweise 100 Prozent" gesehen hatte. Offenbar erhofft sich die Franchise jedoch einen Beitrag seines Forwards im engen Playoff-Rennen der Eastern Conference.Jones muss pausieren:Das Verletzungspech bleibt den und insbesondere Terrence Jones hold. Der Power Forward ist erst seit einigen Wochen wieder dabei, nun hat er einen neuen R眉ckschlag erlitten: Beim Spiel gegen die Denver Nuggets am Donnerstag erhielt er einen kr盲ftigen Sto in die Rippen - und wie sich mittlerweile ergeben hat, kollabierte dabei seine Lunge. "Er hat sich die Rippe nicht gebrochen, aber er hat momentan Probleme mit der Atmung", sagte Coach Kevin McHale. Jones f盲llt auf unbestimmte Zeit aus, wird laut McHale aber mindestens die n盲chsten drei Spiele aussetzen.

[576] Ligue 1- Ibrahimovic weijrnzo - 2015/06/12(Fri) 17:54 No.652  

Paris St. Germain - FC Lorient 3:1 (1:0)Tore: 1:0 Ibrahimovic (4./FE), 1:1 Ajew [url=http://www.jjcblazer.com/styles/cristiano_ronaldo_new_boots_2014_gold_514412.html]cristiano ronaldo new boots 2014 gold[/url]
(67.), 2:1 Ibrahimovic (82./FE), 3:1 Ibrahimovic (90.+2)PSG f眉hrt nun mit 59 Punkten vor Olympique Lyon (58). Der bisherige Tabellenf眉hrer spielt allerdings erst am Samstag (16 Uhr im ) gegen OGC Nizza und kann wieder vorbeiziehen.Ibrahimovic (33) war am vergangenen Wochenende nach einer vermeintlichen Fehlentscheidung beim 2:3 des franz枚sischen Meisters Paris bei Girondins Bordeaux ausgerastet."In 15 Jahren habe ich noch nie einen so schlechten Schiedsrichter erlebt wie in diesem Scheiland. Dieses Land verdient einen Verein wie Paris Saint Germain nicht", sagte Ibrahimovic. Sp盲ter entschuldigte er sich.

[577] ancing With The Stars? Rumer Willis Stuns On Week ... tkrgnlhq - 2015/06/12(Fri) 22:38 No.653  

Actress and singer Rumer Willis could not make a mark on week 2 of 淒ancing With The Stars?Season 20. On the premier night last week, she walked away with the highest score of the night getting 32 out of 40 points along [url=http://www.welshdiving.co.uk/style/jersey_of_brazil_football_team_035001.html]jersey of brazil football team[/url]
with her pro-partner Valentin Chmerkovskiy. This week the pair did the Cha-Cha on umour Has It.?
The 26-year-old opted for a feminine look by wearing a two-piece gunmetal costume covered in beaded fringe. 淪he wants to look powerful and feminine la Xena, 'The Warrior Princess'? Zena Shteysel, DWTS head makeup artist told in an exclusive interview. The make-up artists described Rumer look as intense, fiery and passionate. For the premier night, the actress donned a dusty pink gown encrusted with pink hued Swarovski crystals and brought out the diva with her foxtrot to Hoizer ake me to Church?number.

Last week number one couple Rumer and her partner Val lost their top spot and ended up in a tie with Willow Shields and Riker Lynch. Rumer, 26 the eldest daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore took centre stage with her partner Val, 28聽on her DWTS debut performance last week. The pair foxtrot left the judges and the audience impressed.

The judges told on March 17 that they are the pair to watch out for this season. Len Goodman called their ballroom dance the dance of the night pointing out to Val that this could be his season. While Julianne Hough said that she literally got chills while watching them. Besides, Carrie Ann聽Inaba聽told the dancing duo that would most likely win. Rumer told ?that she feels she doesn have a lot of competition. She added that she was confident and both she and Val would put their hearts into every dance they do, regardless of the scores.

Meanwhile, talking about Rumer bold look, Shteysel said that she focused mainly on her eyes. She added that as the star wanted to look fierce for her week 2 dance, she gave her the required look through her eyes. The make-up artist said that as Rumer has amazing eyes, she played up her eyes with a smoky effect.

To create her intense eyes, Shteysel used a metallic silver shade and lots of Ardell false eyelashes. And for Rumer lips, she used聽a lipliner and a liquid lipstick called聽 Besides, she added that a lot of her products are found in her 聽for fast and easy touch ups.

For any questions/comments on the article, you may contact the writer at:

[578] Caesars, Blatstein resolve Pier Shops impasse, ten... ctsifuuc - 2015/06/12(Fri) 23:18 No.654  

Pier timelineFeb. 17, 2003: Caesars enters into a lease agreement with [url=http://www.tsglv.com/img/is_soccer_cleats_wholesale_legit_021254.html]is soccer cleats wholesale legit[/url]
Pier Developers Inc.March 31, 2011: Due to default, Pier Developers?control of the lease is terminated.Sept. 27, 2011: The Pier lease is transferred to HQ13 -1 Atlantic Ocean LLC.November 2014: Philadelphia developer Bart Blatstein purchases the lease for $2.7 million.Jan. 15, 2015: Caesars Entertainment Operating Co., parent company of Caesars Atlantic City, files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.Feb. 20: Caesars files suit against Blatstein in Atlantic County Superior Court, arguing it never approved his purchase of The Pier lease.Feb. 27: Blatstein moves the case to U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Camden.March 18: Caesars asks U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Andrew B. Altenburg Jr. to force Blatstein to appoint a 渇iscal agent?to manage The Pier and to prevent the developer from making any changes to the property.March 19: Hearing on Caesars?requests is set for March 24.March 24: Tenants say Blatstein told them the dispute with Caesars has been resolved.Source: Court filings by Caesars Atlantic City and Bart Blatstein, and Blatstein attorneysSimilar articles

[579] Ropa znw mo偶e kosztowa膰 80 dolarw ztbdhgup - 2015/06/13(Sat) 02:39 No.655  

Cena ropy spada za szybko i za mocno - uwa偶a Stephen Davis, prezes Signal Investment Research i prognozuje jej rychy wzrost
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ropy Brent mo偶e niedugo wrci膰 do 70-80 dol.
Stephen Davis powiedzia telewizji CNBC, 偶e spodziewa si wzrostu cen ropy w cigu najbli偶szych 3-6 miesicy o okoo 10 dol. za baryk. Jego zdaniem tak du偶y spadek cen to za du偶o jak na obecna nadpoda偶.
- Ludzie uwa偶aj, 偶e spadek spowodowaa nadpoda偶, ale jest wiele powodw tej nadpoda偶y i te powody zaczn znika膰 ?podkreli Davis.
Zdaniem szefa Signal Investment Research s trzy gwne przyczyny, ktre wkrtce spowoduj wzrost notowa ropy: poprawa kondycji globalnej gospodarki - tak w Europie jak w Chinach; wzrost popytu spowodowany sezonem letnich wyjazdw w USA; malejce o偶ywienie w USA, ktre spowoduje osabienie dolara. Davis jest przekonany, 偶e sabszy dolar spowoduje wzrost popytu na rop naftow.
Wczeniej inni analitycy sugerowali, 偶e cena ropy nie tylko nie wzronie, ale spadnie do jeszcze ni偶szego poziomu. Ceny ropy naftowej nie osigny jeszcze najni偶szego poziomu - uwa偶a byy prezes Rezerwy Federalnej Alan Greenspan. A Gary Shilling przepowiada nawet, 偶e jedna baryka ropy bdzie kosztowa膰 10-20 dolarw. Zdaniem analityka na spadek cen ropy bdzie miaa wpyw wci偶 rosnca poda偶 surowca, przy jednoczesnym spadku popytu.

[580] Urzdnik nie jest biznesmenem byiugtyg - 2015/06/13(Sat) 05:43 No.656  

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kto si decyduje na prac administracji publicznej, musi si liczy膰 z ograniczeniami. Dotycz one cho膰by prowadzenia dziaalnoci gospodarczej.
Trudno sobie wyobrazi膰 urzdnika, ktry organizuje przetargi publiczne i jednoczenie jako przedsibiorca skada w tym urzdzie ofert wykonania usug budowlanych lub informatycznych. Nie trzeba du偶ej wyobra藕ni, 偶eby przewidzie膰, jak mgby si ten przetarg skoczy膰. eby nie dochodzio do takich patologii, ustawodawca ograniczy aktywno膰 urzdnikw kilkoma ustawami. Chodzi zarwno o osoby zatrudnione w samorzdach, pracownikw su偶by cywilnej, jak i osoby penice funkcje publiczne. Ale zakazy nie dotycz tylko prowadzenia biznesu. Niedopuszczalna jest wszelka aktywno膰 zawodowa, ktra mo偶e wywoa膰 podejrzenie stronniczoci lub interesownoci. I nawet wtedy, gdy pozornie brak jest konfliktu interesw pomidzy dziaalnoci gospodarcz urzdnika a jego funkcj publiczn, musi on zawiadomi膰 przeo偶onych o swoich planach.
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[581] Forever Young, But Growing Old omswapgm - 2015/06/13(Sat) 06:20 No.657  

If only the tree could talk. So much has happened around it in the past 175 years or so of its planting}leepy dirt roads becoming Summerlin Avenue and South Street; horse-driven carriages replaced by thousands of cars whizzing past each day; tiny racker?houses replaced by high rise condos and apartments; all the [url=http://www.calncall.com/template/gray_lace_dress_gossip_girl_534400.html]gray lace dress gossip girl[/url]
while growing into a beautiful specimen reminiscent of Shel Silverstein ??Its limbs have grown out so far they dip to the ground, some even taking root into the sod below.

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The privately-owned property has been leased to the city of Orlando for decades, for use as Constitution Green, a park given the name in 1988 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the country Constitution. Currently the family is trying to sell with the ultimate goal of development resulting in the destruction of the park and the old tree. Granted, there are ordinances in place to protect trees of a certain size, however, there are ways around these rules if one plants more trees to replace it or pays a fine or tax, which amounts to a pittance compared to what would be invested in this property.

For the family it just business as usual, but for those of us who drive or walk by this space each day, it the destruction of nature at its finest. One cannot travel Summerlin or South Street and not do a double take when passing this patch of green with its splendid oaks. Of course, not all feel this way as was proven Saturday during a rally to save Constitution Green. A luxury car slowed down and the older couple inside gave us a middle finger salute; another driver yelled out ature sucks?in a (not so) charming tone. Perhaps they felt threatened by the peaceful gathering of folks just wanting to preserve an oasis of healthy green space for generations to come. Not wanting to sink to their level of rudeness, Il keep my true feelings to myself. (#%$@+ $#@!!)

Chris, about to be flipped off by an enraged driver

If you agree and want your voice heard, contact or , both of whom have expressed an interest in saving the park for their constituents. There is an online petition which has already generated over 5,000 signatures. Check out this to add your name to the growing list of concerned residents.

Peace out from a tree-hugger and #saveconstitutiongreen!

[582] Connecticut demolishes home of Newtown shooter ukakyoxv - 2015/06/13(Sat) 08:59 No.658  

All that s left now of Newtown massacre gunman Adam Lanza s former home is an empty lot.聽

Connecticut s Department of Public Works demolished the home where Lanza, who was responsible for the 2012 mass shooting at Sandy [url=http://www.astrogoal.it/pdf/negozio_magliette_calcio_a_vicenza_424230.html]negozio magliette calcio a vicenza[/url]
Hook Elementary School, lived with his mother.聽Earlier this year, local lawmakers in Newtownthe white Colonial home in an effort to remove the constant reminder of the tragedy that occurred in their community.聽Workers on Tuesday knocked down the structure and cleared the rubble.


On the morning of Dec. 14, 2012, Lanza killed his mother, Nancy, at their home in Newtown before he drove to Sandy Hook Elementary School. There, he killed 20 first-graders and six educators before fatally shooting himself.聽Evidence indicated that he planned his actions, including the fatal self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Construction equipment outside of where the Lanza home sat on March 24, 2015.
Photo by WVIT
Investigators ultimately found ?nor indication of why Lanza chose Sandy Hook Elementary School as his target, other than perhaps its close proximity to his home, the Office of the State Attorney for the Judicial District of聽Danbury聽said in a summary report released in November 2013.聽Lanza, 20, 渉ad significant mental health issues that, while not affecting the criminality of the shooter s聽mental state for the crimes or his criminal responsibility for them, did affect his ability to live a normal life and to interact with others,?according to the report.

The investigation discovered that Lanza communicated with his mother only through emails聽for weeks before the shooting.聽

The bank that held the mortgage had turned over the home to the town at no cost.聽The lot of land is expected to be turned into an open space.

Ten families that were affected by the shooting聽last December against Bushmaster for聽making, distributing, and selling聽the AR-15 rifle, which the gunman used during the massacre that took less than five minutes. The action alleges negligence and wrongful death.

In January, the parents of two children who died in the shootingagainst Newtown and the Newtown Board of Education. They allege inadequate security at the building where the gunman opened fire. Both families also are included in the lawsuit against Bushmaster.

[583] Oby pan Broniarz matematyki dzieci nie uczy jwfgaddk - 2015/06/13(Sat) 09:51 No.659   HomePage

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strony maszynopisu zajo Zwizkowi Nauczycielstwa Polskiego yjanienie nieprawdziwych danych, wybirczego podejcia?Rzeczpospolitej do sprawy wynagrodze pedagogw.
Chodzi o nasz tekst z poniedziaku, w ktrym poinformowalimy, powoujc si na wyliczenia MEN, 偶e nauczyciele zarabiaj rednio niemal 4,4 tys. z, a po uwzgldnieniu wszystkich dodatkw 4,7 tys. z. Niestety obszerno膰 wyjanie ZNP (dostpna na ich stornie www.zn.pedu.pl) nie przekada si na jako膰. Kierujcy t organizacj Sawomir Broniarz gwn lini ataku przypuszcza podwa偶ajc nasze dane dotyczce redniej pacy pedagogw. Wskazuje, 偶e jest to 3,66 tys. z. A to jest nieprawda. Pan Broniarz albo wiadomie kamie, albo nie umie liczy膰. Jedno i drugie nie przysporzy mu chway.

[584] Masters in Indian Wells- Nadal scheitert an Raonic yuxchqjw - 2015/06/13(Sat) 10:05 No.660  

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setzte sich Murray mit 6:3, 6:4 gegen Feliciano Lopez durch und ist nun neuer britischer Rekordspieler. F眉r den 27-J盲hrigen war es der 497. Sieg auf der Tour, damit 眉berfl眉gelte er die bisherige Bestmarke von Tim Henman.Federer zog anschlieend durch ein 6:4, 6:0 gegen Tomas Berdych aus Tschechien (Nr. 9) ebenfalls in die Vorschlussrunde ein. Am sp盲ten Freitagabend deutscher Zeit verpasste es Nadal, das Spitzenquartett zu komplettieren.Der 28-J盲hrige unterlag Raonic mit 6:4, 6:7 (10:12), 5:7 und vergab dabei im zweiten Durchgang gleich drei Matchb盲lle. F眉r Raonic war es der erste Sieg im sechsten Vergleich mit Nadal.

[585] Routinier glaubt nicht an Zufall- Daly wettert geg... maoayqtp - 2015/06/13(Sat) 11:21 No.661  

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die Tests zuf盲llig werden, schimpfte Daly bei SiriusXM: "Auf keinen Fall. Ich werde am Freitag ab 13.50 Uhr spielen, also werden sie mich zwischen 6.52 und sieben Uhr aufsuchen. Das wird das f眉nfte oder sechste Jahr in Folge sein, dass sie mich bei diesem Event testen. Es ist einfach nur Schwachsinn. Sollen sie mich doch bestrafen wenn ich das sage, aber mir reicht es."Das ganze Vorgehen sei "ein groer Witz. Es nervt mich, weil ich wei, dass ich getestet werde, egal wo ich hingehe. Es ist definitiv keine zuf盲llige Auswahl." Daly ist wegen seiner unkonventionellen Spielweise und seiner aggressiven, lauten Art in der ffentlichkeit einerseits bei Fans beliebt, soll mehreren Verantwortlichen aber auch ein Dorn im Auge sein.Daly ging sogar noch weiter und sprach Tour-Commissioner Tim Finchem und Tour-Boss Andy Pazder w盲hrend der Show direkt an: "Andy Pazder und Tim Finchem, falls ihr zuh枚rt: Bekommt euren Arsch hoch und regelt das. Ihr wisst, dass mich das nervt. Es muss zuf盲llig sein. Bestraft mich wenn ihr wollt, aber sorgt daf眉r, dass das zuf盲llig ausgew盲hlt wird."

[586] Will the magic make the playoffs next season- hhecsswk - 2015/06/13(Sat) 12:48 No.662  

So it's safe to say the [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/images/deutschland_trikot_2014_herren_g&uuml_;nstig_025152.html]deutschland trikot 2014 herren g眉nstig[/url]
magic aren't making the playoffs this season. Which ultimately isn't a terrible thing, because picking up another young talent from the draft can't hurt as an asset and now (once signing a new coach) the magic can have a blank start. Now the question is this, say the magic sign Malone or , will the magic make the playoffs? Can elfrid continue to play well without a strong scoring game?<br>The other hiccup that almost stops me from believing we can make the playoffs: Tobias Harris, Who's contract expires this season.<br><br>Will we spend big cash on him to retain him? Will that stop us from signing players to improve our bench to make a proper push to a playoff seed? Luckily the east isn't exactly loaded with competitive teams but that doesn't change the fact that the team needs to be consistent to win, Tobias has shown his consistency, playing hard for the magic despite a few troublesome injuries he remained consistent and effective and has posted but is that enough along with a new coach to get us to the playoffs? and If we DO lose him can the magic push to reach the playoffs? <br><br>All of these things come into it and more obviously depending on which coach we get but atleast for sure we all know this: It's about time we make a push to win.

[587] How to Avoid Becoming the Next Meerkat wwuagolh - 2015/06/13(Sat) 14:43 No.663   HomePage

This is not the first time Twitter has pulled the plug on access to their graph, and it probably won be the last time... So the question becomes, how do you keep from being the next Meerkat?
This month should have been the coming out party for Meerkat. For weeks their video-sharing app had been spreading like wildfire, with positive reviews from the press and a rapidly growing user base.


Part of the rapidly growing audience was due to the app well thought out connection to Twitter graph, making it easier to quickly connect to people they already followed. And all this action was rolling right into SXSW, the interactive industry [url=http://www.mandmstorefront.com/css/oakley_a_wire_prescription_lenses_555413.html]oakley a wire prescription lenses[/url]
biggest get together.


And then, right before the conference started, the bomb went off. Well, two bombs, to be precise. The first was the announcement that Twitter had actually bought Meerkat competitor Periscope months ago, much to many people surprise.


There was barely enough time for this to digest before the second, bigger bomb went off: Twitter cut Meerkat off from its social graph.


Now, this may not seem like a big thing, but for Meerkat it was sucker punch. The importance of being tied to Twitter graph is that it meant when you installed the app, you immediately saw all of your follows who already had the app. This also meant that every time one of your follows fired off a clip via Meerkat, you got a notification.


Oh, and new Meerkat users also log in via^witter.


This is not the first time Twitter has pulled the plug on access to their graph, and it probably won be the last time. And of course we all know what happened to Zynga after they fell off the Facebook bandwagon. So the question becomes, how do you keep from being the next Meerkat?


As a strategic branding agency, we value both sides of our house equally. We have some of the most experienced designers in consumer electronics, but we also have strategists who have launched hundreds of products into dozens of markets and retailers.


The reason for the deep dive on the strategy side is to understand all the moving parts of our client, their market, and their competition before we start punching out logos, identity and packaging.


The first step is what is known as a 淪WOT?analysis. I thought I would share this with you in the aftermath of Meerkat. SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. It establishes the foundation for all the strategy, and although we use it for branding purposes, it works equally well for taking the temperature of a strategic relationship, or whether to enter one in the first place.


Strengths: What are you strong at? Part of being a successful company is understanding what you do well, and letting others do what they do well. If you have a strength covered already, you don need to double down with a partnership or relationship.


Weaknesses: On the other hand, what are your competitors doing better than you? What mountains can you not climb, either because of internal resources or time? In this case, finding that perfect strategic relationship could be the cost-effective fix.


Opportunities: Is there another audience segment you can move into? Are there other product lines you can introduce that will get you there or move you into a different margin segment of the market? A new distribution or content partner may fit in perfectly. As long as relying on them doesn turn them into?

Threats: And now, where the rubber hits the road. This is the one that makes people squirm into little balls because it the 渋ceberg question.?What the worst that could happen? Well, quite a lot actually. A big competitor like Google or Microsoft can come barreling into the market and run you over. The market could turn to a new solution or technology. Or a partner could go south on you.


Which yes, brings us back to Meerkat. Coat-tailing on a bigger company brand and footprint is a tactic as old as the hills. You can accelerate yourself into the market, gain audience and spend a fraction of the time and money doing it.


However, we also file this under a threat because you are taking a shortcut with your branding and leaning on the equity earned by someone else. And it a shortcut for your business, placing your fate in someone else hands.聽It like sticking an engine in your go-kart. Sure you powered up that hill ahead of everyone else, but what happens when the engine conks out?


Last week the engine conked out on Meerkat. Now they have to build the rest of their kart while the market bears down on them.


So the next time you consider your brand or that partner, SWOT before you act. With companies, as with branding, sometimes a shortcut doesn get you there faster, but instead leaves you even further behind in the race.


聽Christopher Caen is a partner and chief brand strategist of Theory Associates, a strategic branding聽agency that creates demand for some of the world leading technology brands.聽He can be reached at聽.

[588] Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links Wi... tfkhpskx - 2015/06/13(Sat) 15:31 No.664  

Look, as you probably know by now, we here at stupidDOPE are big fans of [url=http://www.auspacvisa.com/fonts/lace_keyhole_prom_dress_413533.html]lace keyhole prom dress[/url]
art and bold new drinks. We ve seen the two worlds collide a few times before, and today we get a look at something quite stunning. Back in January Ballantine Scotch Whisky teamed up with world-renowned 楪IF-ITI?artist INSA to create , in which INSA created the World Largest Animated GIF, so big it had to be shot from space and the video of which has now been viewed over 5 million times.
Following the success of that, Ballantine s is back, this time linking up with INSA to hand-paint 12 bottles of Ballantine Scotch to create one unique GIF. Instead of selling the bottles though, these unique works of art will be given away to his fans through various competitions around. These bottles are certainly unique, playing host to some eye-catching color and detail, while rocking some outstanding artistic allure along the way.
Check out the impressive creation in the image below and above and speak your mind on them after the jump. Be sure to stay tuned here to stupidDOPE for much more and how to get your hands on one coming very soon!

Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links With INSA For 12 Handpainted Bottles was last modified: March 24th, 2015 by Jesse James

[589] Mistake by S.F. deputies led to drug dealer escape qlfurlui - 2015/06/13(Sat) 16:58 No.665  

Undersheriff Federico Rocha said Tuesday that given his background, Santiago-Gonzalez 減robably should not?have enjoyed 渙utside?status ?which allowed him to [url=http://lasbielas.com/images/oakley_probation_kijiji_215444.html]oakley probation kijiji[/url]
take out the garbage in the company of a deputy, who has since been reassigned.

Rocha said procedures were tightened after another inmate escaped last June, also while dumping garbage at a jail facility. The inmate, , was later recaptured.

hat wee looking at is were the protocols ignored, forgotten, missed or insufficient,?he added.

Besides Santiago-Gonzalez and Midgett, at least two other prisoners who were on the garbage detail have escaped from the jail in recent years.

, counsel for the sheriff office, said Santiago-Gonzalez vanished near Fifth and Folsom streets. He apparently shed his orange jail clothes as he fled, she said.

e are looking at both policies and the circumstances surrounding the incident,?Horne said.

The prisoner is believed to have fled on Harriet Street to nearby Harrison Street and at some point stripped off his jail jumpsuit. He was last seen wearing only blue underwear.

Officials say at least three other inmates have escaped while performing the detail, which involves being alone with an unarmed deputy at the back of the Hall of Justice jail.

At the time of his escape, Santiago-Gonzalez had been offered an undisclosed plea deal by federal prosecutors and was due back in court as soon as next month to announce whether he was going to take the offer, federal court records show.

The Santa Cruz County task force that arrested the Pescadero man had spent three months investigating a suspected distributor known on the street as arlos.?
They pulled him over and searched his home, recovering 414 grams of methamphetamine, 1.5 ounces of heroin and an arsenal of 14 weapons.

Some of the guns were stolen. Authorities found several assault rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, allegedly used in his trafficking operation. They also found body armor.

Santiago-Gonzalez had been deported to Mexico in March 2012, following a felony drug trafficking conviction in 2011, but had since returned to serve as a 渟ignificant source?to drug dealers in the area, Santa Cruz County officials said.

One of his attorneys, , described Santiago-Gonzalez as a ery nice kid?who is ot a gangster.?He said that he just hopes that authorities will understand that his client is not violent, despite the charges pending against him.

f he is confronted, hel follow instructions,?Stepanian said. e is not going to cause problems.?
Stepanian said his client was set to decide next month whether to accept a plea bargain with federal prosecutors that called for substantial prison time.

just don want anything weird to happen,?he said.

Jaxon Van Derbeken is a staff writer. E-mail:

[590] D.C. United player nears obscure MLS record ndnxwkfb - 2015/06/13(Sat) 17:35 No.666  

By [url=http://www.psrtech.com/css/aviator_ray_ban_w3234_441405.html]aviator ray ban w3234[/url]
Sebastian Salazar
There likely won be a stoppage in play to commemorate the moment, but there a very good chance D.C. United Davy Arnaud will enter the Major League Soccer record book before the weekend is over.
Should the 34-year-old midfielder draw three or more fouls on Sunday against the New York Red Bulls, he would become the most fouled player in MLS history.
don know what that means,?Arnaud said with a laugh earlier this week.聽 t means youe played a long time and I think that might be about it.?
Jaime Moreno holds the current mark for most fouls received.聽 The D.C. United legend earned a foul call 703 times over 340 MLS appearances.
guess it the most something in MLS,? Arnaud added, 淪o that pretty cool.?
DC United and the New York Red Bulls meet at 5pm Sunday at Red Bull Arena.聽 Should Arnaud fail to reach the historic mark Sunday, he most certainly eclipse it next Saturday at RFK against the Los Angeles Galaxy.

[591] Nach Degradierung in die U23 des HSV- Rummenigge- ... wmmeedlw - 2015/06/13(Sat) 17:44 No.667  

"Es sieht danach aus, dass er nach der Saison zur眉ckkommt und wir uns dann zusammen setzen, um die beste L枚sung zu finden", [url=http://www.vidzonepk.com/images/adidas_predator_power_football_boots_115002.html]adidas predator power football boots[/url]
erkl盲rte Rummenigge amerikanischen Reportern: "Ich denke nicht, dass er direkt hier bei den Bayern bleiben wird. Er braucht vielleicht noch ein Jahr irgendwo bei einem anderen Klub, in Deutschland oder England. Um seine Qualit盲ten zu zeigen und zu merken, dass er Qualit盲ten hat."In Hamburg ist die Lage kompliziert. Der Verein hat am Sonntag Trainer Joe Zinnbauer entlassen, nachdem dieser vor sechs Monaten das Amt 眉bernommen hatte. "Hamburg ist in einer schwierigen Lage", sagte Rummenigge: "Sie haben ihren Trainer gestern gefeuert, was ein Zeichen daf眉r ist, dass es bei ihnen nicht l盲uft. Vielleicht leidet Green unter der Situation des Klubs und vielleicht spielt er nicht, weil es danach aussieht, dass er keine gute Beziehung zu seinem alten Coach hatte. Eventuell wird es sich nun zum Besseren wenden, denn er ist ein netter und talentierter Typ. Und ein guter Dribbler ist er auch", f眉gte er hinzu.

[592] The NFL Begins To Take Over the Los Angeles Issue zdaikyfx - 2015/06/13(Sat) 18:01 No.668  

2) When questions come, clubs will be free to answer. But it's more likely the league will answer LA questions, clubs on their home markets.

?Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer)
3) NFL's dilemma now: The Rams have the strongest project. They're also the least qualified of the 3 to move, by NFL's relocation criteria.

?Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer)
4) At least in the short term, the likely outcome is 2 (not 3) teams in South California. So either 2 in LA, or 1 in San Diego and 1 in LA.

?Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer)
5) NFL is [url=http://www.wbhseries.com/wp-images/oakley_glasses.co.uk_040452.html]oakley glasses.co.uk[/url]
working to set up April visits to San Diego, Oakland and St. Louis. League is doing its own market assessment on those 3 cities.

?Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer)
6) There are about 10-12 possible scenarios that could play out. 1 interesting one: Rams to LA; Raiders to StL; SD stays put for time being.

?Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer)
7) If that scenario played out, Rams would get head start, Raiders get fresh start, Chargers set a deadline for SD to get stadium done.

?Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer)
8) NFL is in a good spot in regards to LA. Competing projects = Better projects. Good likelihood, as Mara said, there's a team there in '16.

?Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer)
9) Among the things NFL pays attention to -- A club's popularity in LA. Per LA Times polling, Rams win that one

?Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer)
10) We won't get answers this week. But at this point, those involved believe there's a good chance things crystallize on LA in Oct or Nov.

?Albert Breer (@AlbertBreer)
Or summarizing all of those into one succinct message: The NFL's got this now.

We also got&nbsp;:

The MMQB: I mean, L.A. is going to happen ?As you look at the landscape, what has changed to make it logical and likely that there will be football in Los Angeles?

Goodell: I not saying it likely. I think a couple of things are positive. One is our long-term labor agreement. I would say that when someone is making the kind of investment that you have to make in the Los Angeles market as well as a lot of other markets攜ou need the long-term stability so that we can invest back in the business. Ultimately that will pay you back. That why wee seen the salary cap increase by $20 million per team over the past two years. That investment is paying back. I think the long-term labor agreement has given us the ability to evaluate a long-term investment in Los Angeles to make it work successfullyecause it a challenging market. It competitive. The stadium is a critical component of that. Theye not getting cheaper.

The MMQB: Doesn it make the most sense to have Oakland and San Diego combining in a stadium in L.A. and the Rams staying in St. Louis?

Goodell: Our first objective will be to make sure that those markets have had the chance to get something donehat they can get a stadium built to secure the long-term future of their franchise. San Diego has been working 14 years on a new stadium. Oakland is not in a new debate either, for the A or the Raiders. Same with St. Louis. ?These are long debates about what is the right solution for the community and what is best for the team. Wee looking to see if we can create those solutions locally. If we can, we obviously have to look at long-term solutions for those teams.

The MMQB: Gut feelingootball in L.A. in 2016?

Goodell: I really don know, Peter. I not relying on my gut, I guess. I relying on if there is a real alternative where we can return to the market successfully for the long-term; that is the biggest priority in Los Angeles. And the other one is obviously making sure that wee doing whatever necessary in the local markets to keep our teams successful and give them every opportunity to create a solution that works for the team long-term.

The MMQB: One other thing about L.A.擲tan Kroenke and the cross-ownership rules. Several times the league has told Kroenke to divest the ownership of his hockey and basketball teams. What can the league do to make him get rid of those teams?

Goodell: The finance committee has been working on this. Theye given him periods of time to correct it and different ways in which to correct it. I think progress is being made on that. Stan hasn said, "I not going to be in compliance with the rules." He wants to make sure that if wee going change our rules, he can get consideration for that. If wee not going to change our rules, how can he do it in the appropriate way?

Roger Goodell is full of shit at all times, and I personally take much delight in watching him mouth out hilariously crafted talking points meant to make him sound informed and clairvoyant. It's pretty funny to pivot from talking about Los Angeles to mentioning the salary cap has risen over the last two years (what a benevolent leader!). But personal enjoyment of what constitutes modern public authority aside, he's talking about it because he's taking it over now.

Whether Stan Kroenke moves the Rams to Los Angeles or not, the NFL and Roger Goodell are now part of the process and not just spectators.

[593] Endspurt beim VfL Wolfsburg- Sch盲fer- Wollen Euro... fpljlgmn - 2015/06/13(Sat) 23:01 No.669  

"Wenn man in diesem Wettbewerb so weit gekommen ist, dann will man auch ins Finale und diesen Pokal [url=http://www.welshdiving.co.uk/style/france_2013_away_soccer_jersey_325104.html]france 2013 away soccer jersey[/url]
holen", sagte Sch盲fer beim 11mm Fuballfilmfestival in Berlin: "Wir sind selbstbewusst genug, um zu sagen, dass wir Neapel schlagen k枚nnen."Am 16. und 23. April (jeweils 21.05 Uhr) trifft der VfL im Viertelfinale auf den SSC aus der italienischen Serie A. Das Hinspiel findet in Wolfsburg statt.Seinem seit Wochen 眉berragenden Mitspieler Kevin de Bruyne legt Sch盲fer ans Herz, eine weitere Saison in Wolfsburg zu bleiben. "In Chelsea hat er die Erfahrung gemacht, dass er dort nicht so oft zum Zuge gekommen ist, deshalb ist er gut beraten, noch mindestens ein Jahr bei uns zu bleiben, um Champions League zu spielen und vielleicht auch Titel nach Wolfsburg zu holen."

[594] 楪eneral Hospital?Spoilers For March 23 khdufrxo - 2015/06/13(Sat) 23:54 No.670   HomePage

A new drama-filled week on 淕eneral Hospital?focuses on characters like Jake, Elizabeth, Morgan, Kiki, Sam and more. Check out the 淕eneral Hospital?spoilers for the week of March 23, 2015.

Warning: Spoilers Alert! This [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/css/champions_league_trikot_bayern_14_15_200441.html]champions league trikot bayern 14 15[/url]
article contains spoilers for the upcoming week episode. Read if you wish to know more.

shared the weekly 淕eneral Hospital?spoilers. According to the scoop, Jake is visited by an unexpected person and he is shocked. However, Elizabeth has her doubts. Both Elizabeth and Jake are thinking about their future.

Meanwhile, Carly is shocked after what she learns and Jake cannot believe what the visitor is saying. Elsewhere, Ric has a plot and he is confident about it.

In the week of March 23, 2015 on 淕eneral Hospital,?Sam gets a proposal from Patrick and she feels uneasy about it. She thinks about what Jake said before he was operated. Also, Patrick and Danny share an emotional moment and Sam witnesses it.

During the hearing, Alexis shares something shocking regarding Nina. Meanwhile, Franco and Nina decide to come up with a new plan. 淕eneral Hospital?also points out that Kiki and Morgan are ready to implement their plan against Michael. 聽Meanwhile, Alexis gets an invitation from Julian.

In the upcoming week episodes, Maxie is not happy with what Nathan has done to Spinelli. Meanwhile, Spinelli requests for something from Maxie.

Jordan safety is a major concern for Shawn as he is thinking what Sonny and Duke are planning. Duke informs Sonny about the loyalty test for Jordan. Elsewhere, Sloane tells that he is aware of what Jordan is up to.

TV Source Magazine also shared 淕eneral Hospital?Spoilers for March 30, 2015. In this instalment, the folks at GH are celebrating the 52nd anniversary of the show. Also, Julian gives some advice about Patrick to Sam. Someone blackmails Olivia, and Ric is asked for a favour from Cameron.

Stay tuned for more daily 淕eneral Hospital?spoilers. Share your views in the section below.

For questions/comments regarding the article, you may email the writer at t.mazumdar@IBtimes.com.au.

[595] Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links Wi... jhwswmcm - 2015/06/14(Sun) 00:25 No.671  

Look, as you probably know by now, we here at stupidDOPE are big fans of [url=http://www.handelcon.com/wp-images/ray_ban_prices_england_414011.html]ray ban prices england[/url]
art and bold new drinks. We ve seen the two worlds collide a few times before, and today we get a look at something quite stunning. Back in January Ballantine Scotch Whisky teamed up with world-renowned 楪IF-ITI?artist INSA to create , in which INSA created the World Largest Animated GIF, so big it had to be shot from space and the video of which has now been viewed over 5 million times.
Following the success of that, Ballantine s is back, this time linking up with INSA to hand-paint 12 bottles of Ballantine Scotch to create one unique GIF. Instead of selling the bottles though, these unique works of art will be given away to his fans through various competitions around. These bottles are certainly unique, playing host to some eye-catching color and detail, while rocking some outstanding artistic allure along the way.
Check out the impressive creation in the image below and above and speak your mind on them after the jump. Be sure to stay tuned here to stupidDOPE for much more and how to get your hands on one coming very soon!

Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links With INSA For 12 Handpainted Bottles was last modified: March 24th, 2015 by Jesse James

[596] Research finds adults given dull tasks to do come ... fmixkbcu - 2015/06/14(Sun) 09:01 No.672  

Dr Mann, of the University of Central Lancashire, said this may be because reading requires less [url=http://www.showbusinessreport.com/wp-images/fake_ray_ban_europe_441301.html]fake ray ban europe[/url]
concentration than writing, allowing more scope for daydreaming.
She said: 業 am acutely aware that being bored is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.
業t is good to be bored sometimes.
業 think up so many ideas when I am commuting to and from work.

Daydreaming: Our obsession with gadgets has left little time for getting bored and daydreaming, Dr Sandi Mann (pictured) has warned
楾his would be dead time, but thanks to the boredom it induces, I come up with all sorts of projects.?However, she warned that our love phones and other gadgets means we are in danger of forgetting how to be bored.
She said: 楴o one ever stands waiting for a bus or train without playing on their phone. Whenever we have got a moment to fill, we get our phone out.?Dr Mann also believes it is important for children to be bored.
She said: e seem to be afraid of our kids being bored but boredom can lead to creativity and if you stifle the boredom, you stifle the creativity.
業 am quite happy when my kids whine that they are bored.
inding ways to amuse themselves is an important skill.?However, it is important not to be too bored.
Dr Mann has also showed that bored office workers seek solace in chocolate and alcohol.
She said: 業t about finding the right balance.
楾oo much boredom can be destructive but too many people just don allow a little bit of boredom into their life.?

[597] Photos- Celebrities who started in Chicago theater tbihuvnv - 2015/06/14(Sun) 11:46 No.673  

Caption Tina Fey on "30 Rock" Nicole Rivelli / 漏 NBC Universal, Inc. HANDOUT Tina Fey of 30 [url=http://www.carneys.com.au/file/tottenham_hotspur_away_kit_2013_14_445423.html]tottenham hotspur away kit 2013 14[/url]
Rock, SNL and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt performed with Second City and iO Theater, and workshopped plays with Chicago Dramatists. Tina Fey of 30 Rock, SNL and The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt performed with Second City and iO Theater, and workshopped plays with Chicago Dramatists. (Nicole Rivelli / 漏 NBC Universal, Inc. HANDOUT) See more galleries Caption Seth Meyers on "Late Night" NBC / Peter Kramer/NBC HANDOUT Seth Meyers ( Late Night With Seth Meyers and Saturday Night Live ) performed with iO Theater and Boom Chicago. Seth Meyers ( Late Night With Seth Meyers and Saturday Night Live ) performed with iO Theater and Boom Chicago. (NBC / Peter Kramer/NBC HANDOUT) See more galleries Caption Keegan-Michael Key Chris Pizzello / Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP Comedian Keegan-Michael Key performed with Second City Comedian Keegan-Michael Key performed with Second City (Chris Pizzello / Chris Pizzello/Invision/AP) See more galleries Caption Carrie Coon in "Gone Girl" Merrick Morton/Twentieth Century Fox Carrie Coon ( Gone Girl, The Leftovers ) has performed at Steppenwolf Theatre Company and Writers Theatre. Carrie Coon ( Gone Girl, The Leftovers ) has performed at Steppenwolf Theatre Company and Writers Theatre. (Merrick Morton/Twentieth Century Fox) See more galleries Caption Stephen Colbert on "The Late Show" JOHN PAUL FILO / HANDOUT Stephen Colbert, future host of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, performed at The Second City. Stephen Colbert, future host of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, performed at The Second City. (JOHN PAUL FILO / HANDOUT) See more galleries

[598] Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links Wi... whgyzosx - 2015/06/14(Sun) 12:55 No.674  

Look, as you probably know by now, we here at stupidDOPE are big fans of [url=http://www.handelcon.com/wp-images/ray_ban_optical_online_044225.html]ray ban optical online[/url]
art and bold new drinks. We ve seen the two worlds collide a few times before, and today we get a look at something quite stunning. Back in January Ballantine Scotch Whisky teamed up with world-renowned 楪IF-ITI?artist INSA to create , in which INSA created the World Largest Animated GIF, so big it had to be shot from space and the video of which has now been viewed over 5 million times.
Following the success of that, Ballantine s is back, this time linking up with INSA to hand-paint 12 bottles of Ballantine Scotch to create one unique GIF. Instead of selling the bottles though, these unique works of art will be given away to his fans through various competitions around. These bottles are certainly unique, playing host to some eye-catching color and detail, while rocking some outstanding artistic allure along the way.
Check out the impressive creation in the image below and above and speak your mind on them after the jump. Be sure to stay tuned here to stupidDOPE for much more and how to get your hands on one coming very soon!

Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links With INSA For 12 Handpainted Bottles was last modified: March 24th, 2015 by Jesse James

[599] European Games in Baku- Schwere Gegner f眉r DVV ulpoqhhi - 2015/06/14(Sun) 13:43 No.675  

Die Frauen bekommen es in der Vorrunde mit Europameister Russland, [url=http://www.mandiriagri.com/styles/pro_direct_adidas_predator_accelerator_225042.html]pro direct adidas predator accelerator[/url]
Serbien, den Niederlanden, Kroatien und Bulgarien zu tun. Die M盲nner-Auswahl des Deutschen Volleyball-Verbandes (DVV) trifft auf Olympiasieger Russland, Vize-Europameister Italien, Bulgarien, Belgien und die Slowakei.Die Teilnahme am Turnier in Baku (12. bis 28. Juni) wird mit Punkten f眉r die europ盲ische Rangliste belohnt, diese ist relevant f眉r die europ盲ische Olympia-Qualifikation im Januar 2016 und damit f眉r den Weg zu den Sommerspielen wenige Monate sp盲ter in Rio de Janeiro.Die Gruppenphase bestreiten je zwei Sechser-Gruppen im Modus Jeder-gegen-Jeden. Die vier Erstplatzierten jeder Gruppe ziehen ins Viertelfinale ein. Anschlieend folgen die Halbfinals und Finalspiele.

[600] Newcastle man agreed to take other drivers' speedi... sepnvvpv - 2015/06/14(Sun) 14:45 No.676  

榊ou would come to realise how seriously that court takes matters such as these by press articles into the case of Chris Huhne and his ex-wife Vicky Pryce in 2013.?Anthony Dunnen, prosecuting, said after the 14 drivers were caught breaking road regulations, they got in touch with Burton and he agreed to take their points for them.

In court: Hotel manager David Tate (left), 53, was sent to prison for eight months, while聽William Thirwell (right), 68, got a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months

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Involved: Kenneth Smith (left), 57, the owner of a roofing business, and bus driver Alan Riddell (right), 27, both got a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months
Notices of intended prosecution are sent by the relevant police force to the registered keeper of the vehicle.聽That person then has to state whether they were driving the vehicle at the time and, if not, who was. The recipient then has to sign, date and return the notice.

Council worker: Susan Latimer, 53, was given a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months
The court heard that, when each of the defendants received their notices of intended prosecution, they named Burton as the driver at the time of the offence.
Mr Dunnen added: olice began investigating this matter as a result of a large number of occasions they received a notice of intended prosecution naming Burton and a large quantity of documentation relating to Burton between 2006 and 2012 was then reviewed.
hotos taken by speed cameras also showed Burton was not in fact driving some vehicles at the relevant time. There was also one incident where further details emerged from mobile phone exchanges between the defendants Burton, David Tate and Kenneth Walker.?Mr Dunnen said that one text message, sent by Walker to Tate, in January 2012 said: 業 need the guy full details who is taking the points ASAP, mate. Is he covered with insurance??All the mitigating barristers said their clients were all remorseful and were lightly, if at all, convicted. The court heard they all had jobs and had not realised the severity of their actions.
Katherine Dunn, for Burton, said he was a chronic alcoholic. She said: e has difficulties with literacy, numeracy and communication.聽聽

No immediate jail term: Andrew Weeks (left), 30, a plasterer, and聽retired Royal Navy refrigerator engineer Joseph Hamilton (right), 72, both got a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months

Infamous case: The judge said the seriousness of their actions was evident from the case against politician Chris Huhne (pictured), who tried to cover up swapping speeding points with his ex-wife in 2003
'He thought many of these defendants were his friends. He is clearly a vulnerable individual who is described by many as having a limited intellectual capacity.?
Scaffolder: Phillip Barnett, 51, was given a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months
Gordon Burton, 45, was sent to prison for 12 months, while scaffolder Phillip Barnett, 51, was given a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.
Robert Fish, 43, was sent to prison for eight months, Stephen Grieveson, 51, was jailed for six months, and retired Royal Navy refrigerator engineer Joseph Hamilton, 72, got a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.

Susan Latimer, 53, a council worker, was given a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months. And Robert Dunbar, 52, a plastering business owner, had his sentence adjourned.
Businessman Alan McGreevy, 53, was sent to prison for five months, while Alan Russell, 27, a director of a construction company, was jailed for ten months.聽
Kenneth Smith, 57, an owner of a roofing business, was given a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, and hotel manager David Tate, 53, was sent to prison for eight months.聽
William Thirwell, 68, got a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months, and Kenneth Walker, 61, a manager of a property investment company, got a six-month jail term, suspended for 12 months. Andrew Weeks, 30, a plasterer, and bus driver Alan Riddell, 27, both got a six-month prison sentence, suspended for 12 months.

[601] Susan Mary Singer (n茅e Wooldridge) eoijihrf - 2015/06/14(Sun) 22:04 No.677  

Susan Mary Singer(n茅e Wooldridge)passed away on March 19, 2015, surrounded by loved ones throughout the day. Susan was born and raised in Thorne, South Yorkshire, England, and married Eric Singer on June 20, 1957. She and Eric, along with their daughter, were [url=http://www.virtusleadership.com/wp-images/ray_ban_4068_ersatzteile_451214.html]ray ban 4068 ersatzteile[/url]
transferred from England to Brampton, Ontario, Canada where they welcomed their second born child. They were later transferred again to the United States, where they resided in their home for over 37 years in Tucson, Arizona. While Susan enjoyed the desert landscape and animal life, she always loved and remembered her native England with great fondness. Susan was an avid and accomplished vocalist and Bridge player. She enjoyed traveling with Eric to Bridge tournaments. Her pride and love for her family, both near and abroad, was always evident. She is preceded in death by her parents, Joseph and Theresa (Eason) Wooldridge; older brother, Peter Wooldridge and older sister, Peggy Taylor. In addition to her husband of 57 years, Susan is survived by her daughter, Belinda Wyatt (Marcus); her son, Andrew Singer (Cara); grandchildren, Brittany, Michael, Nathan, Hadley, Luke, Hannah and Sadie; great-grandchildren, Emma and Layla, as well as many other beloved family members. The family welcomes friends to visit at ADAIR FUNERAL HOMES, Avalon Chapel, 8090 N. Northern Avenue, Friday, March 27, 2015, between 11:00 a.m. and noon. A gathering will be at the family home following. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Salvation Army. Copyright 2015 Arizona Daily Star. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

[602] Mistral- Nic skomplikowanego iswnstzs - 2015/06/14(Sun) 22:57 No.678  

"Oczywicie, 偶e zbudujemy, nic tam nie ma super skomplikowanego" - [url=http://www.techformec.it/images/maglia_inter_bambino_4_anni_551335.html]maglia inter bambino 4 anni[/url]
zapewni prezes rosyjskiej Poczonej Korporacji Stoczniowej. Firma czeka teraz na decyzj resortu obrony.
Aleksiej Rachman zapewni w rozmowie z radiem Echo Moskwy, 偶e firma poradzi sobie z budow rosyjskiego odpowiednika Mistrala, "je偶eli ministerstwo obrony tak zdecyduje".
- Musimy tylko dosta膰 precyzyjne zamwienie - podkreli prezes korporacji. Jego zdaniem budow mogaby si zaj膰 stocznia Batycka w St. Petersburgu. To wyspecjalizowane zakady, w ktrych zbudowano m.in. atomowy lodoamacz "50 lat Zwycistwa" zwodowany w 2007 r; w 2010 r stocznia zwodowaa pywajc elektrowni atomow "Akademik omonosow".
W 2012 r stocznia zacza budowa膰 ruf desantowca-migowcowca Mistral. To pochodna kontraktu z 2011 r. midzy francuskim DCNS/STX a Rosoboroneksport na dostaw dwch okrtw klasy Mistral. Warto膰 zamwienia to 1,3 mld euro i Rosjanie ju偶 zapacili. Francja miaa przekaza膰 pierwszy statek w grudniu 2014. We Francji szkolona bya rosyjska zaoga. Drugi statek mia by膰 zbudowany pod francuskim nadzorem w Rosji.
Na pocztku roku Francuzi ogosili, 偶e wobec zaanga偶owania Rosji w konflikt na Ukrainie, okrtu nie przeka偶. Rosyjska zaoga wrcia do kraju. Moskwa oczekuje teraz albo zwrotu wpaconych pienidzy plus kary umownej za niewywizanie si z kontraktu, lub jednak zmiany decyzji i zrealizowania zamwienia.
Przeciwko przekazaniu Mistrali lobbuje Biay Dom. Amerykanie s gotowi zrekompensowa膰 producentowi Mistrali straty, kierujc tam swoje wojskowe zamwienia.

[603] Druck f眉r Schweinsteiger und Khedira- G眉ndogan -... esdkkngy - 2015/06/15(Mon) 00:51 No.679  

Die Regierungserkl盲rung des neuen Kapit盲ns musste warten. Weil erst am Montagnachmittag bei der deutschen Fuball-Nationalmannschaft in Frankfurt/Main eintraf, hat der Nachfolger [url=http://www.kanhangadvartha.com/img/sonnenbrille_ray_ban_schweiz_514105.html]sonnenbrille ray ban schweiz[/url]
von WM-Spielf眉hrer Philipp Lahm erst am Dienstag seinen groen Auftritt. Statt Schweinsteiger, der erstmals seit dem Triumph von Rio wieder zum DFB-Team st枚t, sprach unter anderem Ilkay G眉ndogan. Ausgerechnet.Es ist noch gar nicht so lange her, da galt der Dortmunder als der bessere Schweinsteiger. Im Sommer 2013 meinten nicht wenige Experten, der M眉nchner m眉sse angesichts der starken Auftritte des Konkurrenten um seinen Platz im deutschen Mittelfeld zittern. Bundestrainer Joachim L枚w sagte, G眉ndogan habe "alle Voraussetzungen, ein Weltklassespieler zu werden". Und dessen damaliger Assistent Hansi Flick meinte, G眉ndogan sei "sehr nahe dran" am Defensiv-Duo Schweinsteiger-Sami Khedira.586 Tage PauseDann kam das L盲nderspiel am 14. August 2013 gegen Paraguay in Kaiserslautern. G眉ndogan begann im defensiven Mittelfeld neben Khedira, erzielte sogar ein Tor - doch dann musste er in der 27. Minute verletzt raus. Damals, sagte G眉ndogan am Montag, habe er mit "vier bis sechs Wochen" Pause gerechnet. Doch es dauerte 586 Tage, bis er wieder zum DFB-Team kam.Am Mittwoch (20.30 Uhr/ZDF) k枚nnte er beim ersten L盲nderspiel des Jahres gegen Australien zur眉ckkehren - ausgerechnet im Fritz-Walter-Stadion. "F眉r mich schliet sich ein Kreis", sagte G眉ndogan.Der 24-J盲hrige kam mit dem Zug - und war schneller als Schweinsteiger, der via Twitter aus dem Auto ein Foto mit dem zweiten R眉ckkehrer verschickte. "Der Tatendrang ist gro", meinte der Dortmunder, "aber jetzt Anspr眉che zu stellen, w盲re nicht richtig."

[604] -Fernando freut sich-- Alonso pzygvdss - 2015/06/15(Mon) 11:29 No.680  

Sein Unfall ist immer noch ein groes R盲tsel, sein Comeback dagegen beschlossene [url=http://www.freedomdebtagreements.com.au/css/manchester_united_jerseys_through_the_years_145004.html]manchester united jerseys through the years[/url]
Sache: Fernando Alonso soll beim Groen Preis von Malaysia am kommenden Wochenende im McLaren-Honda sitzen und nach seiner R眉ckkehr zum englischen Traditionsrennstall endlich auf Punktejagd gehen. Ein letzter 盲rztlicher Test vor Ort am Donnerstag steht allerdings noch aus."Fernando freut sich, wieder ins Auto zu steigen", teilte McLaren am Montag mit, nachdem spanische Medien am Sonntag 眉bereinstimmend berichtet hatten, dass Alonso einen ersten Medizincheck in Cambridge erfolgreich absolviert hatte.Alonso hatte bereits am vergangenen Mittwoch die obligatorischen Simulatorfahrten absolviert und via Twitter seine Zuversicht mitgeteilt. "Ein toller Tag, viele Meetings und Arbeit im Simulator", schrieb der Spanier.Unfallursache weiterhin unklarDie guten Nachrichten k枚nnen allerdings nicht dar眉ber hinwegt盲uschen, dass McLaren bei der Ursachenforschung f眉r den Trainingsunfall am 22. Februar in Barcelona weiter im Dunkeln tappt. Immerhin k枚nne sich Alonso nun daran erinnern, dass die Lenkung sich kurz vor dem Crash "schwerg盲ngig" angef眉hlt hatte, hie es. Dagegen h盲tten Telemetriedaten, Rekonstruktionen und Labortests keine Erkenntnisse gebracht. McLaren reagierte mit einem zus盲tzlichen Sensor.Alonso war in Barcelona in einer eigentlich unkritischen Situation seitlich in die Begrenzungsmauer eingeschlagen und hatte eine Gehirnersch眉tterung erlitten. Das Team gab mit einiger Versp盲tung eine Windb枚e als Grund f眉r den Crash an.Auf den Start beim Saisonauftakt in Australien verzichtete Alonso auf Anraten seiner 脛rzte. Ersatzfahrer (D盲nemark) 眉bernahm das Cockpit. Alonso absolvierte dagegen in den vergangenen Wochen ein spezielles Trainingsprogramm unter Aufsicht von Experten, um wieder fit f眉r den Einsatz in der K枚nigsklasse zu werden.

[605] Mark Noble keeping England dream alive despite yet... cguvawxx - 2015/06/15(Mon) 14:42 No.681  

Mark Noble is refusing to give up on his dream of breaking into the England squad ahead of the European Championship Finals despite being overlooked once again by Roy Hodgson.聽
Noble has been one of [url=http://www.neelsedit.com/img/ray_ban_wayfarer_2132_o_2140_440110.html]ray ban wayfarer 2132 o 2140[/url]
the star performers since West Ham gained promotion back into the Premier League back in 2012.聽
The 27-year-old has represented England at every level from the Under 16s to the Under 19s and was even made captain of the Under 21s team for the Euro Finals in 2009. But he has somehow failed to catch the attention of Hodgson who even called up Tottenham's inexperienced midfielder Ryan Mason ahead of him for the forthcoming games against Lithuania and Italy when Adam Lallana was forced to pull out of the squad with a groin injury.聽

Mark Noble (right), Winston Reid (centre) and Diafra Sakho pose outside West Ham's future home

The Hammers will be moving to the Olympic Stadium in London next summer
However, Noble says he will not sulk over the matter and will continue to show his best form for West Ham as he looks to help the club push for a European place as they prepare to move into the Olympic Stadium next summer.聽
Noble said: 業 have made it clear what I think about the situation and I would love to play for my country. But obviously at the moment it doesn't look like it is going to happen.聽
業 will keep playing as well as I can at West Ham and enjoying it every week. You never know what will happen in the future.

[606] Neuer Partner f眉r Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe- s... ppcqdqiq - 2015/06/15(Mon) 17:19 No.682  

Im Vordergrund der Zusammenarbeit mit der Stiftung Deutsche [url=http://www.calncall.com/template/dress_assistant_app_reviews_125232.html]dress assistant app reviews[/url]
Sporthilfe steht die F枚rderung der Spitzen- und Nachwuchsathleten im Bereich Beachvolleyball. smart ist seit zw枚lf Jahren namhafter Sponsor im Beachvolleyball und f枚rdert neben einzelnen Events seit 2011 auch insgesamt zw枚lf Teams aus Deutschland, sterreich, Italien und Spanien, darunter Olympiasieger, Welt- und Europameister. Die Partnerschaft mit der Deutschen Sporthilfe ist eine konsequente Fortf眉hrung dieses Engagements."Die Deutsche Sporthilfe ist eine groartige und wichtige Institution, mit der wir sehr gerne bei der F枚rderung des Sports zusammen arbeiten", so Dr. Annette Winkler."Leistung. Fairplay. Miteinander""Die Marke smart steht f眉r Begeisterung und passt damit zur Deutschen Sporthilfe. Denn unsere Stiftung will in der Gesellschaft Begeisterung wecken - einerseits f眉r die breite Unterst眉tzung unserer besten Talente und andererseits f眉r die Werte des Sports, die f眉r uns im Dreiklang 'Leistung. Fairplay. Miteinander' zum Ausdruck kommen", sagt Dr. Michael Ilgner, Vorsitzender des Vorstands der Stiftung Deutsche Sporthilfe.Das Thema Mobilit盲t wird ein wichtiger Baustein der Zusammenarbeit. So haben alle Athletinnen und Athleten, die zur Nachwuchs-Elitef枚rderung der Stiftung geh枚ren, ab sofort die M枚glichkeit die neuen smart zu Sonderkonditionen zu mieten.Dr. Annette Winkler: "Wir freuen uns, mit Sonderkonditionen f眉r den smart fortwo und forfour auch die individuelle Mobilit盲t vieler Sportler zu erleichtern. Denn wenn die Fahrt zum Training schon Spa macht, kann das den Erfolg im Wettkampf doch nur befl眉geln!"

[607] Polskie drogi w miertelnej pitce eajqsfyk - 2015/06/15(Mon) 18:42 No.683   HomePage

Spada liczba miertelnych ofiar wypadkw drogowych w Polsce. Cigle jednak jestemy w niechlubnej pierwszej pitce UE.
W 2014 roku w caej Unii zgino na [url=http://www.omgmiamiswimwear.com/images/cristiano_ronaldo_irina_shayk_break_up_351234.html]cristiano ronaldo irina shayk break up[/url]
drogach w 25 tys. 700 osb. Czyli w dwa dni ginie blisko tylu Europejczykw, co w katastrofie samolotu Germanwings nad francuskim Alpami. Sytuacja nieco si poprawia, ale ?zdaniem Brukseli ?w niezadowalajcym tempie.
Komisja Europejska opublikowaa statystyki bezpieczestwa drogowego za 2014 roku. Najbardziej niebezpieczna jest Bugaria, gdzie ginie 90 osb na milion mieszkacw. Za Bugari uplasoway si otwa, Litwa, Rumunia i Polska. W naszym kraju odsetek ofiar miertelnych wynosi 84 na milion mieszkacw. To spadek o 3 proc. w porwnaniu z 2013 rokiem. Sytuacja ulega wic poprawie cho膰 ju偶 nie w tak efektownym tempie jak w 2013 roku, gdy liczba ofiar miertelnych zmniejszya si w Polsce o 17 proc.
Najbezpieczniejsze w UE s drogi Malty (raczej nieliczne) oraz Holandii, Szwecji, Wielkie Brytanii i Dani. Dla porwnania w bardzo zurbanizowanej i pokrytej gst sieci drg Holandii odsetek ofiar miertelnych wynosi 28 na milion mieszkacw. Do wypadkw miertelnych dochodzi najczciej w pitki i w weekendy, czciej w nocy ni偶 w dzie. Jest to szczeglnie widoczne przypadku osb modych. Wtedy przyczyn wypadku jest przede wszystkim jazda po pijanemu lub pod wpywem narkotykw, oraz zmczenie kierowcy.
Polska nie tylko nale偶y do krajw o jednym z najwy偶szych wska藕nikw miertelnoci wrd ofiar wypadkw drogowych. Znacznie czciej ni偶 w wikszoci krajw UE ofiarami s u nas piesi ?34 proc. ofiar. Dla porwnania w Holandii jest to 11 proc. Dla odmiany w Holandii bardzo du偶o, bo a偶 24 proc. ofiar miertelnych to rowerzyci, w Polsce odsetek ten wynosi 9 proc. W Holandii jednak podr偶owanie rowerem jest znacznie bardziej popularne ni偶 w Polsce.
Anna Sojewska z Brukseli

[608] Censorship row over Clean Reader app that takes sw... smtthizr - 2015/06/15(Mon) 21:04 No.684   HomePage

Chocolat author Joanne Harris blasted the app, saying what starts out with blanking out a few words ends with 'burning libraries'
As one person bluntly put, it is ****** horrifying?
An app that blanks out swear words in e-books has prompted outrage among writers including [url=http://www.psrtech.com/images/classic_aviator_sunglasses_ray_ban_134524.html]classic aviator sunglasses ray ban[/url]
Chocolat author Joanne Harris, who have accused it of censoring their work without permission.
Last night Mrs Harris, 50, took to her blog to write a scathing critique of the Clean Reader application which has been designed to help parents protect their children from explicit content.
It operates on a sliding scale from lean? which removes only the worst swear words, to 榮queaky clean?which even takes out amn?
Condemning the app on her blog, in a post titled hy I saying 渇*** you?to Clean Reader? Mrs Harris, whose book was turned into a Hollywood film starring Juliette Binoche, 51, and Johnny Depp, 51, likened the programme to examples of suppression from history.
She said: 'Anyone who works with words understands their power. Words, if used correctly, can achieve almost anything.聽
'To tamper with what is written ?however much we may dislike certain words and phrases ?is to embrace censorship.
ee been down this road before. We should know where it leads by now. It starts with blanking out a few words. It goes on to drape table legs and stick fig leaves onto statues.聽
'It progresses to denouncing gay or Jewish artists as egenerate? It ends with burning libraries and erasing whole civilizations from history.?
She added: 楢pps like Clean Reader change the text without the author permission.聽
'They take the author words and replace them ?sometimes very clumsily ?on the basis of some perceived idea of ad words?versus 済ood words?聽
'No permission is sought, or granted. There is no opt-out clause for authors or publishers.?
Mrs Harris was not the only writer to take offence to the app, which is downloadable on Apple and Android devices and is free.

[609] Top 100 Wines- The Best of the West Coast in 2014 jjfpqvmh - 2015/06/16(Tue) 01:35 No.685  

It was a thrilling moment. Our wine promise was again unmistakable even in a place where a love affair with American wine had gone cold.

Variations on that moment were repeated throughout the year. I found unbound excitement for today cutting-edge West Coast wines not just in San Francisco and New York, but in Phoenix, in Birmingham, Ala., and in Stockholm.

For several years Ie made the case that this is a golden moment for American wine. Never has that felt more true. There are exceptional wines to be found all [url=http://www.vidzonepk.com/css/adizero_f50_messi_fast_or_fail_533103.html]adizero f50 messi fast or fail[/url]
up and down the West Coast, which is the scope of my annual Top 100 Wines.

What happening transcends that, though. American wine culture itself has matured. Wine, more than ever, is part of our lives.

That a very different scenario from just eight years ago, and the first Top 100 Wines under my tenure. Yes, there was terrific quality at the time. But the wine industry was more cocky than confident. Innovation was too often buried under an endless pile of wine-by-the numbers.

By no means has the dull, lowest-common-denominator side of wine gone away; it never will. But today there is a growing roster of daring, curious winemakers willing to be guided by their own aesthetics rather than the old, narrow rules of critical praise.

Eight years ago, for instance, you be hard-pressed to talk about white wine beyond Chardonnay or , and perhaps the occasional Pinot Grigio. Today those are joined by everything from Trousseau Gris to Fiano.

Eight years ago, it would have been hard to imagine a wine like the 2013 Lo-Fi Cabernet Franc, fresh and approachable and owing fealty neither to the Loire nor Bordeaux ?only to its Santa Barbara home. For such a wine to find a market today is tribute to how far we've come, and how quickly.

While today West Coast winemakers see the beauty of the new, they understand better than ever the context in which they work, whether it Oregon 50-year history or a California wine legacy that predates statehood. They are considering not just the easy but the edge of the possible, just as previous generations did when they looked west. But they balance that with a long view of tradition.

And they are being cheered on by a new generation of wine lovers who view wine not with fear but with intrigue and wonder. These emerging drinkers buy out of curiosity rather than habit. They thrill over the increasingly diverse world of wine out there to drink.

That helps to explain why, this year, Ie seen great evidence that West Coast Cabernet is making a proud return to its savory roots after years chasing unbound fruit.

Both Chardonnay and Pinot Noir here can finally thrive in their own self-assured contexts, rather than being haunted by the specter of Burgundy. For sure, there is lots of Chardonnay still trapped in the cheap makeup aisle. But life is too short to be stymied by bad Chardonnay. Instead, let exult in how many current examples display grace and confidence rather than the excesses of the cellar.

No different with Pinot Noir, especially with a 2012 vintage that balanced ripeness and nuance in the best wines. It is once again our largest category, nearly a quarter of the list, with standouts from familiar names like Eyrie and Littorai, and emerging ones like Iota and Kutch.

The diversity of both whites and reds continues to grow. California 19th century legacy of Zinfandel and Carignane has returned in the best way, with timeless wines from Turley, Carlisle and Calder that brim with the virtues of old vines and great soils. , a grape long with us but never nominated for greatness, is now the base material for some of the best white winemaking on any continent.

These familiar grapes are matched with the young boldness of American Gamay Noir, which in a decade has grown from a footnote to a reasonable pursuit. And by the nascent pleasures of Trousseau. And Picpoul. And Malvasia.

Syrah and Grenache, too, are resplendent, with wines from producers like Wind Gap and A Tribute to Grace that neither chase the blueprint of the Rhone nor fall prey to the previous decade excesses.

Even our best sparkling wines are being recast. Wee well past the notion of replicating Champagne on these shores. Instead, a handful of wineries is looking beyond industrial-scale efforts and making wines with a specificity of place and purity of flavor.

If there a dark lining to all this, it the same one that has lingered for years: West Coast wines are still too expensive to make, and drink, on an artisan scale. There isn a wine in this year Top 100 that I believe is unfairly priced. But too many others were rejected not because they weren delicious but because they weren exceptional enough to justify their price tags.

That tricky balance between unique and affordable deserves more attention, because there hasn been a time since Prohibition when small-scale workmanship ?real wine made by real people ?has had such a willing audience. Restaurants from Seattle to San Diego crave the local and specific. They are defining modern American cuisine, and they want wines that are less fetish and more a natural part of the culture of the table.

There is much in this year Top 100 Wines to match that description. It a reflection of the simple fact that the West Coast and its wine culture today can stand equal with any other in the world.

Jon Bonn茅 is The San Francisco Chronicle wine editor and author of he New California Wine.?E-mail: Twitter: @jbonne

[610] SEBASTIAN SHAKESPEARE- Sir Richard has some prenu... kegptvwz - 2015/06/16(Tue) 01:47 No.686  

楽adly, almost 50 per cent of today marriages end in divorce.聽
'Although it a lovely ideal for two people to get married and be together for 70 years, in most cases it just not a reality.
e all sign contracts when making a commitment [url=http://www.eskayaresort.com/img/ray_ban_new_wayfarer_55mm_review_320451.html]ray ban new wayfarer 55mm review[/url]
to enter into business, employment, and even internet access, so why not for something as serious as marriage??Who says romance is dead?
Christine Langan, head of BBC Films, complains that the British film industry is being squeezed by a deluge of Hollywood productions coming over here and pushing up the cost of hiring UK talent.
But how good a husband of the BBC limited film resources is Ms Langan, whose triumphs include Philomena and An Education?聽
Latest figures showed that Ms Langan travelled in style to New York last September on a return flight costing licence-fee payers 3,615.
This was a fortnight after she made a 3,255 trip to Toronto.
Perhaps Ms Langan could take a leaf out of BBC Director of News James Harding book: he made the same trip to NYC for a mere 1,803.
Spring in the step of Jude's ex after baby聽

Catherine Harding, who recently gave birth to Jude Law fifth child after a brief fling last year, has posted a photograph of herself jumping in elation聽
eyond tired but overflowing with joy!?writes the 24-year old aspiring singer.聽
The baby girl name is being kept under wraps, but the prospect of a nice big cheque from a glossy mag may have contributed to the spring in Catherine step.

Jumping for joy:聽Catherine Harding recently gave birth to Jude Law fifth child, a baby girl
Model Samantha Burke, who had a baby with Jude after a liaison in 2009, reportedly received 180,000 for a 14-page spread in Hello!, which happened to be the first time Jude caught a glimpse of his daughter.

Alison Jackson, famous for her spoof snaps of celebrities, has a quandary ahead of the election. She can find a ooky-likey?for Ukip Nigel Farage.聽
楴obody wants to admit they look like him,?she says. 業 have every other leader.?Proof, as if it were needed, that Nigel really is a one-off.

[611] 200 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen 2015- Spektakul... omijkpfh - 2015/06/16(Tue) 04:17 No.687  

Weitere Feierlichkeiten geplantNach der positiven Resonanz der Zuschauer sind die [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/img/juve_trikot_2014_211022.html]juve trikot 2014[/url]
Organisatoren davon 眉berzeugt, dass die Spiele ein voller Erfolg werden: "Heute haben wir gezeigt, zu was wir f盲hig sind. Geb盲ude wie der Maiden Tower werden eine tolle Kulisse f眉r ein wundervolles Sportfest im Sommer 2015 bieten", sagte Charlie Wijeratna, Commercial Director von Baku 2015.Im Zuge der 200-Tage-Feier haben die Veranstalter auerdem die erste Edition von sechs Postmarken anl盲sslich der Europaspiele pr盲sentiert, auf der einige Austragungsorte zu sehen sind: das National Stadium, das Tofiq Bahramov Stadium, die Crystal Hall, die Heydar Aliyev Arena, das Baku Aquatics Center und das National Gymnastics Arena.Und die n盲chste Feier ist bereits geplant. Am 4. M盲rz 2015 zelebrieren die Veranstalter den n盲chsten Meilenstein. Dann sind es noch 100 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen.

[612] European Games in Baku- Schwere Gegner f眉r DVV mjkcracw - 2015/06/16(Tue) 05:14 No.688   HomePage

Die Frauen bekommen es in der Vorrunde mit Europameister Russland, [url=http://www.corlupinhas.com/img/lipsy_white_dress_with_black_lace_053313.html]lipsy white dress with black lace[/url]
Serbien, den Niederlanden, Kroatien und Bulgarien zu tun. Die M盲nner-Auswahl des Deutschen Volleyball-Verbandes (DVV) trifft auf Olympiasieger Russland, Vize-Europameister Italien, Bulgarien, Belgien und die Slowakei.Die Teilnahme am Turnier in Baku (12. bis 28. Juni) wird mit Punkten f眉r die europ盲ische Rangliste belohnt, diese ist relevant f眉r die europ盲ische Olympia-Qualifikation im Januar 2016 und damit f眉r den Weg zu den Sommerspielen wenige Monate sp盲ter in Rio de Janeiro.Die Gruppenphase bestreiten je zwei Sechser-Gruppen im Modus Jeder-gegen-Jeden. Die vier Erstplatzierten jeder Gruppe ziehen ins Viertelfinale ein. Anschlieend folgen die Halbfinals und Finalspiele.

[613] Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links Wi... uwtqeyqs - 2015/06/16(Tue) 06:05 No.689  

Look, as you probably know by now, we here at stupidDOPE are big fans of [url=http://www.tampabaycosmeticarts.com/css/boots_for_football_and_rugby_051050.html]boots for football and rugby[/url]
art and bold new drinks. We ve seen the two worlds collide a few times before, and today we get a look at something quite stunning. Back in January Ballantine Scotch Whisky teamed up with world-renowned 楪IF-ITI?artist INSA to create , in which INSA created the World Largest Animated GIF, so big it had to be shot from space and the video of which has now been viewed over 5 million times.
Following the success of that, Ballantine s is back, this time linking up with INSA to hand-paint 12 bottles of Ballantine Scotch to create one unique GIF. Instead of selling the bottles though, these unique works of art will be given away to his fans through various competitions around. These bottles are certainly unique, playing host to some eye-catching color and detail, while rocking some outstanding artistic allure along the way.
Check out the impressive creation in the image below and above and speak your mind on them after the jump. Be sure to stay tuned here to stupidDOPE for much more and how to get your hands on one coming very soon!

Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links With INSA For 12 Handpainted Bottles was last modified: March 24th, 2015 by Jesse James

[614] Andy Murray To Put Honeymoon On Hold After April 1... mhmjnsrb - 2015/06/16(Tue) 10:33 No.690  

Andy Murray is set to marry his fianc茅e Kim Sears on April 11, but he recently revealed that they will not be going on a honeymoon after the wedding just yet. According to Murray, their honeymoon will take place most likely [url=http://www.omgmiamiswimwear.com/images/nike_mercurial_vapor_viii_sg_pro_boots_551505.html]nike mercurial vapor viii sg pro boots[/url]
during the off-season.

Murray recently chatted with during his stint at the 2015 BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells and talked about his upcoming marriage with Sears. Murray said he isn really anxious about tying the knot with his longtime girlfriend because he had spent the last 9-and-a-half years of his life with her.

e will probably do the honeymoon later in the year, probably in the off-season,?Murray said. am not sure where wee going to go yet, but there are a few ideas.?
The two-time British grand slam champion also reckons that nothing much is going to change between him and Sears after the wedding. They have been living together for 7 years now so Murray thinks that the wedding is just sort of like a formality.

However, there is one thing in particular that Murray is a little bit worried about. He admitted that he is ervous? about starting a family. Murray said it will be a 渓ife-changing?time in his life.

Murray further revealed a few more details about their forthcoming union. People already know that they will exchange their vows at Murray luxury Cromlix House Hotel, where his brother Jamie previous tied the knot, too. Jamie will be one of the best men along with Murray close friends Ross Hutchins and Carlos Mier. He said that Sears will have four bridesmaids but without a maid of honour.

After his semifinals run at the BNP Paribas Open, Murray is at the Miami Open. He has a 16-4 win-loss record this season. Murray will begin his campaign to win his third Miami Open title, which he previously won in 2009 and 2013, against the winner of the match between Donald Young and Yen-Hsun Lu.

To report problems about this article of leave feedback, email .

[615] Terrence Jones suffers partially collapsed lung bu... chewkjlk - 2015/06/16(Tue) 15:46 No.691  

If there was any good news it was that Jones had not suffered a cracked rib. The Rockets could offer no timetable for Jones?return, but [url=http://www.teslaglobaltechnology.com/img/green_dress_red_hair_500135.html]green dress red hair[/url]
he will be out Saturday against the Suns and through the road trip to Indianapolis and New Orleans before he is reevaluated.
For Jones, the injury is the latest in a season that he had already missed 41 with a nerve inflammation that had left him unable to walk and threatened his career, along with another two games when the flu sidelined him before the All Star break.
淕uys have to step up,?Rockets coach Kevin McHale said. sure wish Kostas (Papanikolaou, who has been out for 13 games with a sprained ankle) was ready to play, but he not ready to play, either. We just have to deal with it and go.
el play smaller more. That the bottom line, but wee played small some. Joey going to have to be really on point. Joey going to have to play and bang against the bigger guys and wee going to have to get Josh (Smith) play more minutes, of course. And D-Mo is going to have a big load. And James has been good at guarding a lot of post guys down there, very strong. Wel have to double team more in the post. Wel have to make it work.?

[616] Can a treadmill desk boost your BRAIN- Researchers... zzlslnwl - 2015/06/16(Tue) 16:22 No.692  

It may look absurd, but having a treadmill desk could improve your [url=http://www.showluxphoto.it/images/maglia_nazionale_calcio_egitto_112355.html]maglia nazionale calcio egitto[/url]
attention span, and even your memory, researchers have found.
Researchers tested students at both sitting and standing desks.

They found those who walked while they worked were more attentive, and better able to remember details.

Having a treadmill desk could improve your attention span, and even your memory, Canadian researchers have found.
HOW THEY DID IT聽The researchers asked 9 students to spend forty minutes reading text and emails on computer while walking at 2.25km/h at a treadmill desk.
The researchers then tested the students' memory for the text and email content 10 minutes later, at which point they were seated at a normal desk.
The new Canadian study, led by lise Labont茅-LeMoyne found that working at a treadmill desk leads to subsequent memory and attention boosts.聽
'Our results suggest that the use of a treadmill desk can improve attention and memory after the user has stopped walking,' 聽Labont茅-LeMoyne and her co-workers .聽
'It can also improve self-perceived attention, which could lead to increased adherence to this new habit. '
'Behavioral, neurophysiological, and perceptual evidence showed that participants who walked had a short-term increase in memory and attention, indicating that the use of a treadmill desk has a delayed effect.聽
'These findings suggest that the treadmill desk, in addition to having health benefits for workers, can also be beneficial for businesses by enhancing workforce performance.'聽
The researchers even say the results should persuade firms to pay for the desks.
'Improvements in work performance should be convincing for organizations that may be inclined to subsidize the use of treadmill desks.'聽
Previous researcher has been mixed - according to the ,聽one study found impaired maths problem solving while walking; another found no adverse effects on mental function; while yet another reported benefits of treadmill walking for creativity.

[617] Fort Simpson wants N.W.T. to help with erosion pro... johtuulk - 2015/06/16(Tue) 21:15 No.693  

The village of Fort Simpson sits [url=http://www.mandiriagri.com/css/nike_mercurial_vapor_green_and_blue_103033.html]nike mercurial vapor green and blue[/url]
on the banks of the Mackenzie River, but now the river view might be getting a little close for comfort.Erosion in the banks of the Mackenzie is threatening roads, power lines and even the community power plant. The water treatment plant聽is only about 100 feet聽from the river.淵ou never quite know in that type of area that 20 feet of the riverbank could let go,?says聽mayor Sean Whelly.Related:&nbsp;Whelly聽would like to see Fort Simpson band together with other communities threatened by erosion and lobby the territorial and federal governments for funds. lot of this fighting mother nature stuff is not going to be an option,?he says.The community commissioned a report in 2012 to look at ways to shore up the riverbank. It聽returned solutions that would cost the community tens of millions of dollars.Whelly says that the community of about 1,200 residents can afford to build a new water treatment plant, or move the old one.Nahanni Butte is another community plagued by its proximity to a river. It sits near the confluence of the Nahanni and Liard rivers and was almost completely flooded in 2012.Chief Mike Matou of the Nahanni Butte Dene Band says the consistent erosion means his band office will eventually need to be moved.This story is posted on Alaska Dispatch News as part of聽, a collaborative partnership between public and private circumpolar media organizations.聽Related:&nbsp;

[618] Like comedy in a central location- Big Time In Hol... saerkcic - 2015/06/16(Tue) 22:09 No.694   HomePage

Here what up in the world of TV for Wednesday, March 25. All times are Eastern.
Top pickBig Time In Hollywood, FL (Comedy Central, 10:30 p.m.): So what is the show that taking Broad City place (for now) all about? Big Time In Hollywood, FL is a serialized comedy about two elusional?brothers (who just so happen to fancy themselves 渇ilm-makers? who have to fend for themselves once their parents kick them out of their house. Of course, they don get the hint and instead form an laborate ruse?to get back under their parents?financial aid, only for it to all blow up in their faces. In a hilarious way, of course! Erik Adams? of the pilot calls the series big swing for Comedy Central,?but will it be a swing and a miss? You obviously have to watch to find out.
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CW, 8 p.m.): This week Arrow is a Diggle episode, and you know what that means: road trip! Er, we mean: Suicide Squad! Diggle and Lyla are finally getting remarried, but here comes the Suicide Squad to crash their honeymoon with a new mission. Classic Suicide Squad. Meanwhile, Oliver, Ray, and Felicity have a love triangle. That an abridged version of their plot for the episode, but make no mistakehat is legitimately their plot for the episode. Alasdair Wilkins just wants Felicity to pull a Kelly Taylor and choose herself (or the Suicide Squad), so this is a very difficult time for him.
(ABC, 9 p.m.): In 淪pring Break,?Modern Family takes a dark turn with its homage to Harmony Korine Spring Breakers. Don believe us? Just take a look at this episode description: aley wants Alex to let loose and have a fun Spring Break, but will she do too good of a job??See? Gwen Ihnat is having a lot of trouble handling this, but if this is the direction Modern Family wants to take, shel be along for the ride. Spring Break...
Regular coverage (CBS, 8 p.m.)
(ABC, 8 p.m.) / (ABC, 8:30 p.m.)<br>
(ABC, 9:30 p.m)
(BBC America, 10 p.m.)
(Comedy Central, 10 p.m.)
(FX, 10 p.m.)
TV Club Classic (1 p.m.): Season three Lost (Classic) coverage sees Myles McNutt take on Do?and ot In Portland,?two episodes that titles make up a pretty curious situation when put together. McNutt actually refers to the pair of episodes as he season strongest episode thus far,?which makes us excited to see just how much Nikki and Paulo there was. All signs based on that quote point to: a lot. (Your friendly, neighborhood What On Tonight contributor will never stop caring about about N P Island Factory. Never.)
What else is on?Full Circle (DirecTV, 8 p.m.): Full Circle returns for its second seasonhicago Payback濃ith an all-new, all-star cast: Stacy Keach, Kate Burton, Rita Wilson, Terry Ouinn, Brittany Snow, Chris Bauer, Calista Flockhart, and Patrick Fugit. In his , Brandon Nowalk called the series format keeper?as DirecTV described it as a Ronde meets My Dinner With Andre.?However, this second season will no longer have Neil LaBute at the helm and is switching up the format of the 30-minute drama. Honestly, all of this sounds like an elaborate hoax, but there is a possibility of this being a real show. Tune in to find out.
The Mysteries Of Laura (NBC, 8 p.m.): In he Mystery Of The Intoxicated Intern,?Laura crosses over with Bones, and the entire universe explodes. At least, that what wee assuming just based on the episode title. Let us have this one, Mom Cop (Cop Mom) fans.
Hot Grits (VH1, 8 p.m.): First of all, Hot Grits sounds like a girl band with a diner gimmick from the ?0s, and wee into that. But that not what it actually is. It VH1 newest reality series, and it iss described as down-home reality series that puts the focus on seven Southern Belles.?Really, everything about the series?descriptions tells you all you need to know about the general vibe, and for that, we are endlessly grateful: n the premiere, the gals gather at the lake, but Sarah ex sours the sweet time. In other events, Ratchet hosts a barbecue; and the gals try to get Emily to eat raccoon meat.?Grits and raccoonshat what Southerners eat, you know? Reality! Girl bands!
(The CW, 9 p.m.): It has, surprisingly, taken 10 seasons for Supernatural to have an episode titled aint It Black,?but now they can finally tick that one off of their checklist. Here, Sam and Dean 渋nvestigate a string of suicides committed by people with little in common other than the identical, grisly method of death - slow, self-administered disembowlment.?That one way to bond.
Little Women: LA (Lifetime, 9 p.m.): The best part of reality shows are the reunions, and because of that, more and more of these reunions are being split into multi-part extravaganzas. So here is part one of this series?season two eunion Special.?
(ABC, 10 p.m.): This isn just Nashville. It Nashville: On The Record 2. This is another behind-the-scenes special, taking place at the Grand Ole Opry and featuring Reba! Speaking of, Rayna James?life kind of is like Reba life in the hit sitcom Reba when you squint and think about it to an insane degree. She a survivor! And Teddy is a total Brock. Barbra Jean!<br>
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (FXX, 6 p.m. 9 p.m.): Ghost Protes! Ghost Protes! Ghost Protes!
Lucha Underground (El Rey, 8 p.m.): Sorry, real sports! We don care how you do it (which is probably not the best thing to say, but this is very important), but please go out of your way to watch last week main event, the Grave Consequences match, in its entirety. Youe probably thinking, ut I don want to watch a casket match!?Yes, you do. Youl want to watch this match. This is the type of match that you need to watch. It incomparable. Just watch it. Wel wait.
WWE NXT (WWE Network, 8 p.m.): Watch and just hope that the episode repeats that moment over and over again.
In case you missed it: Kroll Show is over. If youl excuse us, we need to take a moment.

[619] Freddie Roach Says May 2 Will Be Remembered As The... dievfalr - 2015/06/17(Wed) 06:09 No.695  

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Hall of Fame trainer Freddie Roach couldn be more pleased with Manny Pacquiao performance as the Filipino continued his preparations for the 渇ight of the century?against undefeated fighter Floyd Mayweather Jr. on May 2. Pacquiao sparred for the first time and did five rounds with two sparring partners on March 17 at Roach Wild Card gym in Los Angeles. According to Roach, the Filipino boxing icon looked like he had never been away from the boxing ring.

very happy with what he showed me, you couldn tell he had been away from the ring since the Algieri fight in November - Manny is on fire in the gym,?Roach told . am confident May 2 will be celebrated for years to come as St. Manny Day - the day he drove Mayweather out of boxing.?
Roach said he was impressed when Pacquiao sparred with Finnish light welterweight Edis Tatli for two rounds before taking on Chicago junior welterweight prospect Kenneth Sims Jr., whose style is reportedly similar to that of Mayweather. The 55-year-old boxing guru even joked that it felt like it was St. Patrick Day when Pacquiao threw his first punches.

Pacquiao was also happy with his form after being away from the ring for more than two months following his victory over previously undefeated Chris Algieri in Macau last year. Pacquiao, who also completed light training workouts in his native Philippines prior to his training camp in Los Angeles, said that his sparring partners gave him 済ood footwork?as well as kick up the level of strategic plan that they have concocted against Mayweather.

Pacquiao has utilised the social media to keep his fans and followers with his training camp, but has not posted since March 14. Pacquiao posts consist of his routine morning jog around Pan Pacific Park as well as videos of the Filipino hitting the heavy bag.

Mayweather, on the other hand, has released a of how he is shaping up for the fight on Facebook on March 16 with the caption that says ard Work and Dedication #TBE #MayPac #May2.?The video displays a message telling the viewers that n May 2, the world will be watching?the biggest event in the history of boxing.

The much-anticipated welterweight unification fight between Pacquiao and Mayweather will take place on May 2 at the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. In addition to the huge purse, the winner will receive an emerald-studded belt worth $1 million in their legacy-defining match on Cinco de Mayo weekend.

To report problems about this article or leave feedback, email .

[620] Twitter sexism suit could have greater impact than... qqbnelen - 2015/06/17(Wed) 12:52 No.696  

lawsuit against powerful venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins Caufield Byers has raised awareness about gender bias in Silicon Valley, but analysts say its result will directly affect only one person: Pao.

A gender bias suit filed [url=http://www.techformec.it/pics/divise_calcio_complete_342125.html]divise calcio complete[/url]
against Twitter by former software engineer , however, could affect many more women in tech by exposing the allegedly secretive rules around promotions at the social media giant.

Huang suit contends that the company approach to promotions reates a glass ceiling for women that cannot be explained or justified by any reasonable business purpose, because Twitter has no meaningful promotion process for these jobs: no published promotion criteria, nor any internal hiring, advancement, or application processes for employees,?according to the lawsuit filed last week in San Francisco.

'Potentially broad claim?
If Huang case gains class-action status, as her legal team hopes, it could attract more female plaintiffs ?and more attention to the plight of women in tech.

The Pao case 渋s more culturally significant than legally significant,?said , a professor at UC Hastings School of Law and an expert on labor and employment law. But the Twitter suit ould be a much bigger deal ... and a potentially broad claim.?
If the case becomes certified as a class-action suit ?which could take a year ?測ou could get programmatic change or injunctive relief, and that could get a company to change,?said , San Francisco managing partner at , who has worked on several large gender discrimination cases.

Not only does it involve a brand-name company that become embedded in American culture, but it also takes dead aim at the tech world vulnerable underbelly: The workforce at many of the industry best-known companies, including Twitter, is largely white and male. A mere 10 percent of Twitter technical employees are women ?low even by the tech world underwhelming standards, according to data released last summer.

Huang complaint states that all top-level engineers when she worked at Twitter between 2009 and 2014 were men and that women made up only bout seven of 164?software engineers company-wide.

Huang allegations 渉int at a pattern,?Medina said. t not just an isolated case.?
Twitter male-dominated management team overlooked Huang for a promotion, the suit alleges. After she complained directly to Twitter CEO about it, she was put on administrative leave and eventually left the company, according to the suit.

'Huang was treated fairly?
A Twitter spokesman told on Monday that s. Huang resigned voluntarily from Twitter, after our leadership tried to persuade her to stay. She was not fired. Twitter is deeply committed to a diverse and supportive workplace, and we believe the facts will show Ms. Huang was treated fairly.?
Huang suit says that 減romotion into Twitter senior technical positions is based on subjective judgments, by committees that are comprised of and dependent on upper management at Twitter, and predominantly male. These judgments are tainted with conscious or unconscious prejudices and gender-based stereotypes, which explains why so few women employees at Twitter advance to senior and leadership positions.

romotion opportunities at Twitter are by managerial fiat,?the suit says. mployees are tapped on the shoulder for advancement.?
Regardless of what happens in the cases of Huang and Pao, gender bias issues are creeping into the daylight in tech. Since the Pao case started, Medina said she has heard from five women at tech firms who have similar complaints about their workplace.

Seeking greater openness

The cumulative effect of such cases might finally bring change to the most antiquated parts of an industry that touts its transparency and innovation, say those pushing for greater diversity in tech.

hese issues wee seeing in the tech world are not new. These are new companies, but these are not new issues,?said , a founder of the . would like to see the tech world stop congratulating itself on being so innovative and use some of that creativity to solve problems that wee talking about here.?

Joe Garofoli is a staff writer. E-mail: Twitter: @joegarofoli


[621] Six Android Wear apps and watch faces that put the... mufyussh - 2015/06/17(Wed) 13:17 No.697  

The promise of is that you can steal away a quick glance at your watch instead of rudely taking out your phone in the middle of a date or business meeting.
It perfect for actions like checking the weather. That's the sort of daily info we all need, easily represented by glanceable information on a small screen.
While聽聽puts a weather card on your watch, there are better alternatives that can give you more details, customization choices, and even turn the watch face into a mini weather app. [url=http://9thstreetclinics.com/css/shop_new_balance_canada_414515.html]shop new balance canada[/url]
Grab these Android Wear-friendly apps to make checking the weather as simple as raising your wrist.
Weather Timeline
Weather Timeline sports Material Design in its attractive smartwatch cards.

聽($0.99) is one of the best weather apps for Wear users. It features excellent use of Google聽 and throws in a ton of customization choices.
The Android Wear weather card features the day temperature, hourly forecasts, and a look ahead at the next day. It delivers this across two cards; just swipe to the right for a look ahead at the rest of the week.聽You can add additional cities to the list and specify how frequently the app should update (the maximum frequency is every 30 minutes). 聽
It also has a weather notification tool called Umbrella Warning that tips you off if there an impending rainstorm. Weather Timeline is the perfect app to show your iPhone-using friends, because you can reply with a firm o!?when they ask if it available for iOS.
The 1Weather cards are very minimalist and give you the current temperature and future forecast.

Another well-designed choice with a good amount of detail is聽. Its Android Wear cards showcase minimalist design, with plenty of white space to go along with the forecast and temperature of your current location.
The weather card also smartly changes the color for the precipitation indicator, which makes it easy to just skim for the blue if you want to know the chance of getting any rain. While the app is free, a $1.99 upgrade will kill the ads. The phone app features weather radar, maps, and other details for your location or anywhere else you want to know the weather.
Aeris Wear
The Aeris Wear app puts a weather radar and temperature information on your wrist.

No matter the size of your watch screen, it still pretty small when compared to your smartphone. However, finds a way to fit a weather map and a bunch of other data onto it.聽
This app list of cards include a satellite map so you can see if that cloud burst is headed your way. You get a total of nine different choices when you upgrade to the Pro version for $0.99. It also spits out weather advisories that youl get right on the watch, handy if youe in line for another of those massive east coast storms.
Weather Delta
Get a custom watch face and lots of cards with details about the forecast.

If youe worried about seeing through the fog, then Weather Delta can come in pretty handy. One of its many cards is visibility, which joins the barometer, precipitation, and a 渇eels like?temperature to give you one of the most complete pictures of the weather from an Android Wear watch.
When installing you also get a rather neat watch face, which describes the weather conditions and gives you the current and projected temperature on top of a nature-themed background. It even works with Android TV, putting a weather notification on your big screen.
InstaWeather offers many different watch faces that are filled with weather charts, maps, and data.

Maybe you don want to have to swipe down to a weather card; you want weather information available all the time. If so, then maybe a weather-centric watch face is for you. is a good choice, as it gives you various options for turning your watch face into a weather forecast.
The time sits interspersed with a radar screen, line graph, or bar chart that depicts the current weather and 聽the day forecast. Another alternative puts the sunrise and sunset times along the side while also listing temperature highs, lows, and precipitation details.
Weather Time for Wear
WeatherTime puts an attractive background and the current temperature on your watch face.

is another great-looking watch face, putting the temperature prominently on your wrist. While an initial download is free, plan on springing the $1.99 for the full version, which unlocks multiple background image options and lets you tweak the color components.聽
You can also opt to display your phone and battery watch level, on the face, which is rather useful for knowing how long youe got left before the next recharge.聽
With so many good and available, you can make your watch look and work the way you want. Wee also pretty certain wel hear more about new Android Wear capabilities at Google I/O this summer, which could further extend the non-timekeeping capabilities of your handy wearable.

[622] EVERY ethnic group in Britain wants a cut in immig... xmczsohq - 2015/06/17(Wed) 16:40 No.698   HomePage

For all minority groups combined, most want lower immigration levels while about 30 per cent want them to stay the same.
Only one in ten want it to rise, making it unlikely that policies to curb immigration would deter ethnic minorities from voting for the Conservatives.
The report is a response to the centre-right lobby group Bright Blue, which claims the Tories must abandon their target [url=http://www.tsglv.com/css/indoor_soccer_shoes_f50_adizero_254451.html]indoor soccer shoes f50 adizero[/url]
to limit net migration to attract more black and ethnic minority voters.
Home Secretary Theresa May, who wants a firm pledge to cut migration in the Tory manifesto, recently quit as a member of Bright Blue advisory board.

A poll by Migration Watch found that 60 per cent of Asians, 57 per cent of black people, and 60 per cent of those from mixed backgrounds wanted to see a cut (pictured, pedestrians on a street in London)
Migration Watch said that while tighter immigration controls do not deter voters from an ethnic minority background, the tone of the debate must be ight?
It said black and ethnic minority voters are more likely to see previous waves of immigration as positive for the UK but are clearly concerned about current levels.
Vice-chairman Alp Mehmet said: 楾he report confirms that the concerns of ethnic minority voters are very similar to everyone else and why wouldn they be?
楾he way to appeal to ethnic minority communities is to propose reasonable policies and reducing net migration to the level last seen in the early 1990s is entirely reasonable.?Kiran Bali, a member of Migration Watch who has founded a series of inter-faith groups, said: 楾he majority of people share similar concerns.
楾hey are worried about schools, hospitals, jobs and overcrowding.
業t is ludicrous to lump diverse communities together in suggesting we all want mass immigration. Reasonable levels are the only way to achieve strengthened community relations.?The Tories are expected to repeat David Cameron promise to cut net migration to the ens of thousands? It is now almost 300,000.
The report is based on the British Social Attitudes Survey, a long-running poll of 3,000 residents.聽
聽 Blair aide: We didn't expect all those Polish plumbers聽

Sir Stephen Wall, EU adviser from 2000 to 2004, said Labour didn't see the attraction Britain would present to skilled Polish workers, such as plumbers
Labour failed to realise the UK would prove a magnet for Polish plumbers, Tony Blair most senior EU adviser admitted yesterday.
The admission came in a series of revelations about how Labour chronically mishandled Eastern European immigration.
In advance of Poland and seven other Eastern Bloc nations joining the EU in 2004, ministers relied upon advice suggesting only 13,000 would settle each year.
But more than one million have travelled to the UK, attracted by wages which are significantly higher than at home ?with at least half settling here in what proved one of the biggest waves of immigration in British history.
Sir Stephen Wall, an EU adviser between 2000 and 2004, said: e simply didn take account properly of the pull factor of England for people with skills who could probably find a bigger market [in the UK] for their skills ?you know, the Polish plumber.?The remarks risk re-igniting the debate about Labour record on immigration ?for which Ed Miliband recently apologised.
Last night Lord Green of Deddington, chairman of Migration Watch, told the Mail: 業t is astonishing that nobody properly considered the impact of the wage differential between Britain and ... Poland.聽
'We said at the time the forecast of 13,000 a year was almost worthless. In fact, it was completely worthless.?Yesterday it also emerged that former Labour Cabinet minister John Denham had written to Chancellor Gordon Brown and Home Secretary Charles Clarke in 2006 to warn the new arrivals were having a huge impact but was largely ignored.聽
Mr Denham said that wages were being driven down by as much as 50 per cent and that A E departments were under strain, adding: 極n EU migration there was a catastrophic failure of the civil service machine.?
Not backing down: Despite Mr Wall's comments, former Home Secretary David Blukett (pictured during his time in office) defended Labour's record, he is 'confident' mass migration was a good idea
In a further bombshell, respected economist Paul Ormerod, writing in the Left-wing Guardian newspaper, exploded Labour economic case for mass migration.
He argued that it had a arely perceptible?impact on economic growth per head while suppressing the wages of the less well-off. 業t is the relatively unskilled in the bottom half of the distribution who have lost out,?he said.
But former home secretary David Blunkett was unrepentant about the party record, saying: 業 confident that it was the right decision, even though very few people now will stand up for it.?

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[624] -Aggressives Verhalten-- Reals Bale kriegt Wut der... dngrjwth - 2015/06/18(Thu) 05:49 No.700   HomePage

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mehrfach auf Bales weien Bentley, als der 25-J盲hrige das Trainingsgel盲nde verlassen wollte.Auch Teamkollege Jese Rodriguez wurde demnach bedr盲ngt, beide Spieler sollen ein Gespr盲ch mit den Fans zuvor verweigert haben. Real sprach in einer offiziellen Stellungnahme anschlieend von "aggressivem und gewaltt盲tigem Verhalten gegen einige unserer Spieler" und k眉ndigte an, juristisch gegen die T盲ter vorzugehen.Ein Mitglied ausgeschlossenDie Personen seien demnach schon identifiziert, ein Klub-Mitglied wurde vorl盲ufig ausgeschlossen.Durch die Niederlage gegen den Erzrivalen am Sonntagabend hat der Champions-League-Sieger in der Primera Divisin vier Punkte R眉ckstand auf Tabellenf眉hrer Barcelona.Im Pokal sind die K枚niglichen bereits ausgeschieden, in der Champions League erreichte Madrid nur mit M眉he gegen Schalke 04 das Viertelfinale (2:0, 3:4).

[625] The Most Obnoxious And Overused Startup Jargon gjgxoykz - 2015/06/18(Thu) 10:22 No.701  

Dear Client/Investor,
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we last spoke about our Revolutionary app Speek PLN Englsh. We have been voted as top 10 Emerging Apps by our peers and we are positioned to lead in The Jargon Space that is quite Frothy now
After a month of Bootstrapping, and 10,000 hours of Sweat Equity (1 week) and consulting with the Visionary Johnny Entitled who many in the valley see as a Thought Leader in Coining New Words.
We have Pivoted 4 times (Which means we are exactly where we started a few months ago)
We have Aqu橦ired?new members for our team. We brought on Suzy Sunshine as our Evangelist who is a RockStar from Giggle (Google Competitor from Rocket Internet)
and Tommy TooCool as our Growth Hacking ninja.
So we will now be Sunsetting the payment feature you recommended because why do we need to monetize the app when we can keep raising rounds until we get Unicorn status. We will also have built a Hack that prevents our app from crashing every 3rd time.
With our increased Bandwidth and Synergy we have removed the painpoints and we are now ready to leverage our new team and complete on all our deliverables on the roadmap we showed you.
So I hope you can join us as a change agent in this major paradigm shift and ideate a way for all of us to launch an app that is the bleeding edge of this technology.
Let us circle back next week and take a deep dive to ramp up, sprint and scale this thing to disrupt the english language and become the Uber of Linguistics

[626] Sloppy Defense By Cabrera Hurts White Sox In Sprin... akiiivqs - 2015/06/18(Thu) 15:31 No.702  

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but White Sox left fielder Melky Cabrera committed two errors in Colorado s six-run fifth inning and the Rockies went on to a 7-6 win on Tuesday.
Cabrera, who signed a $42 million, three-year contract with Chicago over the winter, misplayed Matt McBride s single, allowing the Rockies to tie it at 5. Then he dropped Rafael Ynoa s fly ball near the line for a two-base error as McBride scored.
Christian Bergmann finished the game with four scoreless innings for Colorado.
Rockies starter Jordan Lyles hit three batters, walked two and was charged with five unearned runs in four innings.
Abreu hit a drive to center off Jairo Diaz in the fifth inning. He is batting .459 (17 for 37) this spring.
(漏 2015 by STATS LLC and Associated Press. Any commercial use or distribution without the express written consent of STATS LLC and Associated Press is strictly prohibited.)

[627] George Carlin Website Relaunches With Unreleased, ... bkvddfoe - 2015/06/18(Thu) 16:12 No.703  

whose routines including a lengthy riff on death and dying will still be making fans laugh from the great beyond, as [url=http://www.kanhangadvartha.com/img/ray_ban_se_fabrica_en_italia_405525.html]ray ban se fabrica en italia[/url]
his estate is planning a significant relaunch of the comedian website, complete with the promise of previously unreleased聽or rare audio recordings.
The revamped site will kick off on March 27, coinciding with the hanging of a Carlin portrait in the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery.
The first of the recordings featured will be from the 1972 Milwaukee Summerfest concert at which Carlin ?who died in 2008, at the age of 71 ?was arrested for performing his 淪even Dirty Words?routine.
Carlin daughter, Kelly, is currently working on a memoir about her life growing up with him, Carlin Home Companion,?which will be released by St. Martin Press. She recently performed a one-woman show predicated on the material at the Falcon Theatre in Burbank, and oversees the estate along with Carlin s longtime manager, Jerry Hamza.
The hoped-for Carlin renaissance will also include an influx of additional material for , which will offer the first of the comic 14 HBO specials, n Location: George Carlin at USC,?in its entirety on April 1.
Below are clips culled from the Summerfest concert, in which Carlin hardly at his best is聽stoned,聽distracted and dealing with a restless audience. The ilthy Words?routine, as it was actually titled, and the debate over whether it qualified as obscenity, ultimately went to the U.S. Supreme Court in 1978.

[628] EPA seeks Superfund listing for Freeman grain elev... igsrtjfr - 2015/06/18(Thu) 18:13 No.704  

Jesse Tinsley photo
The site of this grain elevator in the town of Freeman may receive a Superfund cleanup designation because of&nbsp;contamination.<br>

About the&nbsp;siteThe location includes an elevator and 13 grain silos and sits just a few feet from the railroad tracks that pass through [url=http://www.handelcon.com/img/ray_ban_large_aviator_rb3025_en_dore_033434.html]ray ban large aviator rb3025 en dore[/url]
town. The Freeman School District campus is across the&nbsp;highway.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency wants a grain elevator in Freeman listed as a Superfund site to remove high levels of a toxic pesticide that leeching into&nbsp;groundwater.
The EPA said it has discovered carbon tetrafluoride and chloroform in the soil at the Cenex Harvest States grain handling facility off state Highway 27 south of Spokane. Built in 1955, the site was originally owned by Rockford Grain Growers, an agricultural cooperative. It houses an elevator and 13 grain silos, and sits just a few feet from the railroad tracks that pass through town. Behind the silos, the ground is wet and swampy, covered with deer&nbsp;tracks.
The Freeman School District campus sits across the highway, along with a gas station and small store. Aside from that, the closest town is Rockford, a few miles down the&nbsp;highway.
According to a 2014 EPA report, Rockford Grain Growers sold the elevator to Cenex Harvest States in 1993. The land it sits on belongs to the Union Pacific&nbsp;Railroad.
Cenex disputes the EPA determination that the chemicals are coming from the&nbsp;elevator.
淪ampling indicates that our property is not the source of the substance referenced in the EPA filing,?Lani Jordan, a Cenex spokeswoman, said in an email. e were made aware of the EPA filing (Tuesday) and will be investigating the details with the intention of responding during the 60-day comment&nbsp;period.?Carbon tetrafluoride was commonly used to fumigate grain starting in the early 1900s until its use as a pesticide was banned in 1986. Long-term exposure to the chemical can result in liver, kidney and nervous system damage, according to the EPA&nbsp;website.
Though little research has been done on its cancer-causing effects in humans, it considered a probable human carcinogen, according to the Centers for Disease Control and&nbsp;Prevention.
f it gets into soil or groundwater it has staying powers,?said Ken Marcy, the Freeman site manager for the&nbsp;EPA.
The EPA site report says the current operator isn known to have applied carbon tetrafluoride, since the chemical was banned after it bought the facility. But it probable the chemical was applied earlier in the elevator&nbsp;operation.
e don know exactly when it was applied. We just know it there,?Marcy&nbsp;said.
Chloroform also was used as a fumigant in the past, according to the EPA&nbsp;website.
Concerns over contamination in Freeman started in 2008, when routine monitoring of the Freeman School District well turned up levels of carbon tetrafluoride higher than the EPA-allowed threshold for human drinking water. The EPA limit is 5 micrograms (one-millionth of 1 gram) per liter of water; the well water had 7.78 micrograms per&nbsp;liter.
The chemical was first detected in the district well in 2001 but was present at concentrations the EPA considers&nbsp;safe.
Ongoing measurement showed average contamination levels stayed within EPA guidelines for several more years. But by 2012, three measurements showed the carbon tetrafluoride levels were too high. That when the district took&nbsp;action.
Superintendent Randy Russell said the district did a feasibility study with a Department of Ecology grant to figure out a course of action. They then paid to install a water treatment system in August 2013, using district and state funds, and did outreach to make sure the district 870 students and their families were aware of the&nbsp;issue.
ee confident right now that the students and staff haven been in danger, that they weren in danger,?said Patrick Cabbage, the Freeman site manager for the Washington Department of&nbsp;Ecology.
Russell said the treatment system has been working, but he like to see a longer-term solution to clean up the source of the&nbsp;pollution.
ee done our part to take care of the drinking water at Freeman. This is an issue off of our campus that come onto our campus,?he&nbsp;said.
While the school district was starting to treat its water, environmental agencies were trying to understand why the well was&nbsp;polluted.
hrough that process we started looking at, well, what could the potential sources be??said Ken Marcy, the Freeman site manager for the&nbsp;EPA.
Follow-up studies in 2013 identified the grain elevator as the most likely source of the pollution. An EPA-commissioned study in 2014 sampled the soil and found levels of carbon tetrafluoride 20 times the EPA maximum, Marcy&nbsp;said.
The EPA Superfund program was created to clean up abandoned hazardous waste sites. There are currently 11 active Superfund sites in Spokane County, including the Kaiser Aluminum Mead Works, and four waste sites at Fairchild Air Force&nbsp;Base.
Whether the Freeman elevator ends up on the list or not, the state Department of Ecology will proceed with cleaning it up. Cabbage said that process starts with identifying parties who might be liable for contamination, like former site owners or&nbsp;operators.
That work also includes determining the extent of the contamination. The elevator sits in a rural area, so Marcy said it unlikely anyone other than the school district has been&nbsp;impacted.
Listing the site as a Superfund site would allow federal funds to be used for cleanup if a liable party can be&nbsp;identified.
The EPA proposed listing is now open for public comment, with more information available on the . A final decision is expected in about six&nbsp;months.

[629] We didn't expect all those Polish plumbers, admits... okinlezf - 2015/06/19(Fri) 01:51 No.705  

They were attracted by wages which are significantly higher than back home.
Sir Stephen Wall, who was Mr [url=http://www.neelsedit.com/img/black_frame_aviator_ray_bans_443421.html]black frame aviator ray bans[/url]
Blair most senior EU adviser between 2000 and 2004, said: e simply didn take account properly of the pull factor of England for people with skills who could probably find a bigger market [in the UK] for their skills - you know, the Polish plumber.?In comments which will pose a huge headache for Ed Miliband, Sir Stephen also admitted the decision to throw open Britain borders at a time when other countries were imposing transitional controls was olitical?
The remarks risk re-igniting the debate about Labour record ?for which the Labour leader recently apologised.

Lord Green of Deddington said the figure of 13,000 Polish workers settling in the UK originally given by Labour was 'completely worthless' (file image)
Sir Stephen said: 楾he primary argument was the political one ?this was the right thing to do, we attached a lot of importance to them as democratic countries and keeping our position as the number one friend of eastern and central Europeans.?Last night, Lord Green of Deddington, chairman of the Migration Watch campaign group, told the Mail: 業t is astonishing that nobody properly considered the impact of the wage differential between Britain and a huge country like Poland.
e said at the time the forecast of 13,000-a-year was almost worthless. In fact, it was completely worthless.?Yesterday, it also emerged that ex-Labour Cabinet minister John Denham had written to Chancellor Gordon Brown and Home Secretary Charles Clarke to warn the new arrivals were having a huge impact.
He said the Government failed to recognise what was happening in constituencies like his own in Southampton, where wages were driven down by as much as 50 per cent, A E departments came under strain and 1,000 migrants attempted to sign up for an English-as-a-second language course in a single day.
Mr Denham added: 楾he whole irony of this is that in some respects Tony Blair was obsessed by immigration, particularly about illegal immigration and abuse of the asylum system, but on EU migration there was a catastrophic failure of the civil service machine.?In further bombshell remarks, the respected economist Paul Ormerod, writing in the Left-wing Guardian newspaper, exploded Labour economic case for mass migration.
He argued that, at best, it had a arely perceptible?impact on economic growth per head while supressing the wages of the less well-off.
Mr Ormerod said: 楴ew Labour allowed direct competition to enter the UK labour market on a scale unprecedented in our historySt is the relatively unskilled in the bottom half of the distribution who have lost out.

Former Home Secretary David Blunkett (pictured) has defended Labour's record on mass migration, saying he is 'confident' it was the right policy, 'even though very few people now will stand up for it'

[630] Bundestrainer will keine Spieler abziehen- L枚w- M... myfinhzh - 2015/06/19(Fri) 02:30 No.706  

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den Genannten handelt es sich um Emre Can (FC Liverpool), Kevin Volland (1899 Hoffenheim), Max Meyer und Leon Goretzka (beide Schalke 04)."Mir ist lieber, sie spielen bei der U21 ein Turnier mit internationalem Vergleich als dass sie bei uns dabei sind und vielleicht 90 Minuten auf der Bank sitzen", erkl盲rte L枚w."Das wird sie weiterbringen""Das wird sie weiterbringen. 2009 haben wir damit gute Erfahrungen gemacht, als Spieler wie Manuel Neuer, Mats Hummels, Benedikt H枚wedes, Sami Khedira oder Mesut zil dabei waren und dadurch einen Schub f眉r die WM 2010 bekommen haben."Vor sechs Jahren gewann die U21 in Schweden den EM-Titel, diesmal geht es vom 17. bis 30. Juni in Tschechien auch um die erste Olympia-Teilnahme seit 1988.Nach der Junioren-EM sei es "nat眉rlich ein Ziel, die Spieler, die bei der EM gute Leistungen gezeigt haben, bei uns einzubauen".

[631] Sloppy Defense By Cabrera Hurts White Sox In Sprin... xbnuqqtd - 2015/06/19(Fri) 05:41 No.707  

GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) ?Jose Abreu connected for his first spring homer, [url=http://www.jollyit.co.uk/images/jersey_shore_italy_quotes_015013.html]jersey shore italy quotes[/url]
but White Sox left fielder Melky Cabrera committed two errors in Colorado s six-run fifth inning and the Rockies went on to a 7-6 win on Tuesday.
Cabrera, who signed a $42 million, three-year contract with Chicago over the winter, misplayed Matt McBride s single, allowing the Rockies to tie it at 5. Then he dropped Rafael Ynoa s fly ball near the line for a two-base error as McBride scored.
Christian Bergmann finished the game with four scoreless innings for Colorado.
Rockies starter Jordan Lyles hit three batters, walked two and was charged with five unearned runs in four innings.
Abreu hit a drive to center off Jairo Diaz in the fifth inning. He is batting .459 (17 for 37) this spring.
(漏 2015 by STATS LLC and Associated Press. Any commercial use or distribution without the express written consent of STATS LLC and Associated Press is strictly prohibited.)

[632] Weltcupfinale in Planica vecokkqk - 2015/06/19(Fri) 11:34 No.708  

"Jetzt wird es sehr, sehr spannend. Peter ist grandios gesprungen, das muss man [url=http://www.indianjobaxis.com/styles/junior_football_boots_nike_mercurial_042102.html]junior football boots nike mercurial[/url]
neidlos anerkennen", sagte Freund in der ARD. Sein Vorsprung auf Prevc in der Gesamtwertung schmolz von 94 auf nur noch 44 Punkte. Damit reicht dem 26-J盲hrigen beim Saisonfinale am Sonntag ein dritter Platz, um als dritter Deutscher nach Jens Weiflog (1984) und Martin Schmitt (1999 und 2000) die groe Kristallkugel zu holen.Freund segelte auf der umgebauten Letalnica-Schanze vor 30.000 begeisterten Zuschauern auf 225,0 und 230,5 Meter, lag mit 447,7 Punkten aber deutlich hinter dem 眉berragenden Prevc (478,5). Der 22 Jahre alte Lokalmatador erzielte im ersten Durchgang mit 248,5 m einen Schanzenrekord, im zweiten lie er 233,0 m folgen."Ich habe ein bisschen bef眉rchtet, dass es in diese Richtung geht. Es war klar, dass Peter zur眉ckschlagen kann", sagte Bundestrainer Werner Schuster: "Er hat heute zum richtigen Zeitpunkt seinen besten Sprung gezeigt - und er wird weiter stabil springen."

[633] Nach erneutem Dopingvergehen- Odesnik f眉r 15 Jahr... ncvjwbmo - 2015/06/19(Fri) 21:04 No.709  

Bei drei verschiedenen Dopingproben im Dezember 2014 und Januar 2015 waren bei dem 29-J盲hrigen das Steroid [url=http://www.writerspremium.com/notes/nike_mercurial_white_and_orange_423523.html]nike mercurial white and orange[/url]
Metenolon, das Wachstumshormon GHRP sowie ein weiteres verbotenes Metabolit im Urin gefunden worden.Odesniks Sperre startete r眉ckwirkend am 30. Januar und endet am 29. Januar 2030.Bereits 2010 war Odesnik wegen des Besitzes von Wachstumshormonen zun盲chst f眉r zwei Jahre gesperrt worden, ehe die Sperre aufgrund seiner Hilfe bei der Aufkl盲rung der Hintergr眉nde halbiert wurde.Alle Resultate nach Fund annuliertAustralische Zollbeh枚rden hatten bei ihm acht Ampullen mit jeweils sechs Milligramm des Wachstumshormons HGH entdeckt. Odesnik gab zu, sich die Ampullen im Dezember 2009 in den USA beschafft zu haben. Die Einnahme der Mittel hatte er jedoch abgestritten.Alle Resultate nach dem Dopingfund werden von der ITF annulliert.

[634] Aufarbeitung endet nach neun Jahren- Freispruch f... ilpvtvez - 2015/06/20(Sat) 05:03 No.710  

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und Schiedsrichter bestochen. Auch der fr眉here Gesch盲ftsf眉hrer von Juventus, Antonio Giraudo, wurde wegen Verj盲hrung freigesprochen.Mit dem Urteil ist die juristische Seite des Wettskandals von 2006 abgeschlossen. "Ein riesiges Verfahren, das neun Jahre lang gelaufen ist, hat zu nichts gef眉hrt", betonte Moggi. Als zentrale Figur war er in erster Instanz zu f眉nf Jahren und vier Monaten Gef盲ngnis verurteilt worden, dagegen hatte er Berufung eingelegt. Die Haftstrafe war zweitinstanzlich 2013 auf zwei Jahre und vier Monate verk眉rzt worden.Moggi war zus盲tzlich zu einem lebenslangen Berufsverbot im Fuball verurteilt worden, Turin wurden die Meistertitel aus den Jahren 2005 und 2006 aberkannt.

[635] Far and away Europe most romantic spots bjodqggo - 2015/06/20(Sat) 05:20 No.711  

I love it when I persuade people to engage with the Europe I show them. But when they become engaged to each other in Europe, I like it even more.

Recently I heard from someone who took his girlfriend on one of my recommended hikes near M眉rren, Switzerland: convinced Emily to get one last photo of the view together before it got dark, even though we were both tired and hungry ?and she very much wanted to relax and have a nice meal. I set up my tripod and when [url=http://www.techformec.it/css/divisa_germania_calcio_532432.html]divisa germania calcio[/url]
she thought we were just going to pose for a photo, I got on one knee and proposed. She said yes.?
Love is in bloom all over Europe. Couples embrace while walking the banks of the Seine River in Paris or meet along the Via dellmore (athway of Love? in Italy Cinque Terre. At romantic spots in St. Petersburg, Russia, youl see newlyweds with their photographers. After the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom are practically obligated to drop by a dozen or so picturesque locations for wedding pictures. Theyl occasionally make a traditional toast with Champagne, then break their glasses to proclaim their love ?watch your step.

When people ask me for romantic destinations in Europe, I steer them away from traditional spots like Venice, Paris or the Greek Islands. For true romance, I like to suggest stay-awhile getaways that are slightly off the radar, such as Hallstatt, Varenna, Gimmelwald, r and Beilstein.

For a cozy hideaway, look for the offbeat areas, where creaky locals walk gingerly on creaky floorboards, and where each balcony sports a flower box. The tiny town of Hallstatt, positioned picture-perfectly on the shore of Lake Hallstatt in Austria, is just such a place. It a gentle land ?idyllic and majestic ?where lakes and mountains are shuffled sloppily together ?the perfect place to commune with nature (and one another), Austrian-style.

On Italy Lake Como, Varenna whispers luna di miele (honeymoon). This village oozes romance. Easily accessible by train, on the less-visited side of the lake, Varenna has a romantic promenade, a tiny harbor and narrow lanes. Youl pass wisteria-drenched villas, evocative vistas and lakeside lovers embracing the moment. It just the right place to savor a cappuccino or an aperitivo. There wonderfully little to do here, and it very quiet at night. It places like this where I really feel the romance of Europe.

Or take Switzerland tiny mountain hamlet of Gimmelwald. This traffic-free village hangs nonchalantly on the edge of a cliff high above the Lauterbrunnen Valley in the Swiss Alps. At the dawn of Switzerland age of big-time tourism, the farmers inhabiting this tumble of rough-hewn log farmhouses voted o?to development. While other cliff-hanging villages became soulless resorts, Gimmelwald survives as a traditional Swiss mountain community. Its two 700-year-old streets, a zig and a zag, are decorated by drying laundry, hand-me-down tricycles and hollow stumps bursting proudly with geraniums.

Denmark sleepy isle of r is the cuddle after the climax. It the perfect time-passed world in which to wind down, enjoy the seagulls and cherish the one youe with. It a place where sailors ?out of work after the rise of steam-driven boats ?decided that building ships in bottles was more their style. rskbing is the island village in a bottle. It small enough to be cute, but just big enough to feel real. The government, recognizing the value of this amazingly preserved little 18th century town, prohibits modern building anywhere in the center. It the only town in Denmark protected in this way.

In Germany, cozy Beilstein is Cinderella-land ?touristy but tranquil, except for its territorial swans swimming on the Mosel River. This 淪leeping Beauty of the Mosel?was only accessible by boat until about 1900, and it still seems lost in time. It what some visitors hope a Rhine River hamlet might be ?a peaceful, romantic village slipped between impossibly steep vineyards and the river. Above the town are castle ruins with a postcard panorama, with even better views at the top of the lone surviving tower.

Wherever couples go, they usually fall under romantic Europe magic spell. And for singles, there no denying that the romance of travel can sometimes spark a travel romance. But there are always a few outliers. I discovered this recently at a fabulous restaurant in Florence that was serving hearty farmers?food: grilled meats, high-quality seasonal vegetables, fresh herbs, prized olive oil and rustic Tuscan bread. As I was savoring my meal, I heard a newlywed woman give the cuisine the wildest compliment. She told her husband, arrying you was fine, but this dinner makes the entire honeymoon.?
Rick Steves writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television. E-mail:

[636] -Schlechtester Einkauf-- Inter will sich von Podol... ymgilewm - 2015/06/20(Sat) 08:48 No.712  

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Corriere dello Sport im Sommer wieder nach London zur眉ckkehren, wo der fr眉here Bundesligaprofi vor seinem Wechsel nach Italien nur noch zweite Wahl war und noch einen Vertrag bis Juni 2016 besitzt.Bei Inter, wo der 29-J盲hrige auch mit Blick auf die Nationalmannschaft einen Neuanfang starten wollte, entt盲uschte Podolski bislang auf der ganzen Linie. "Lukas Podolski war der schlechteste Einkauf Inters und wahrscheinlich der gesamten Wintersaison. Er hat sich bei Inter niemals integriert und nie Inters Fuball begriffen", schrieb der Corriere.Derzeit bereitet sich Podolski mit der deutschen Nationalmannschaft auf das erste L盲nderspiel des Weltmeisters in diesem Jahr am Mittwoch (20.30 Uhr im ) in Kaiserslautern gegen Australien vor.

[637] Cruz charges ahead, but does Paul stand in his way... lvqrsjum - 2015/06/20(Sat) 10:45 No.713  

Ted Cruz was still ouston lawyer R. Ted Cruz?when he asked a friend if he should run for U.S. Senate. told him, 楾ed, you have no name ID,? [url=http://www.teslaglobaltechnology.com/styles/white_dress_black_lace_waist_330125.html]white dress black lace waist[/url]
Plano lawyer Kelly Shackelford remembered Tuesday.David Dewhurst, then lieutenant governor, sat on $20 million. Shackelford, co-counsel with Cruz on religious freedom cases, told him: 淵our chances to win are minuscule.hackelford, influential among evangelicals, may have been better-known than Cruz as .e did a tremendous job and had some good fortune,?Shackelford said. (Say, a .)ots of people speak conservatives?language, and some believe it, but not many have made the sacrifices,?Shackelford said.Former U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese and national evangelical leaders helped lift Cruz, the son of a firebrand evangelist, into the Senate spotlight.Along the way, his supporters included U.S. Sen. Rand Paul, now his leading rival as movement conservatives split going into the 2016 presidential primary.Shackelford called Paul 渕ore libertarian and not as hawkish on foreign policy.?Cruz? eally solid.tate Rep. Jonathan Stickland, R-Bedford, was elected with Paul help. think the conservatives are all going to attack the moderates, not each other,?Stickland said. hope.t Southern Methodist University, political science professor Matthew Wilson called the choice a wash for conservatives.aul positions on drug legalization and non-interventionist foreign policy will alienate some stalwarts,? he wrote by email, but Cruz lacks Paul 渟pecial appeal to younger voters.滲ut even if Texan Jeb Bush and former Gov. Rick Perry join the race, Cruz backers will swear by him.They know him now.Bud Kennedy column appears Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 817-390-7538Twitter: @BudKennedy

[638] Programmatic TV Journey Into Primetime vvxpogah - 2015/06/20(Sat) 17:49 No.714  

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in recent months, you could be forgiven for thinking that programmatic is already taking the TV industry by storm. And, to be sure, the time will come ?probably sooner rather than later ?when programmatic becomes a dominant force in television advertising.


After all, it not hard to imagine a moment when a TV is thought of as just one more screen for streaming your favorite content. When that happens, programmatic will certainly take center stage. But, at the moment, broadcast TV is alive and well, and programmatic TV is still in its infancy.


Despite its youth, automated purchasing and placement is starting to make its way the $70 billion TV ad market, though there are still areas where programmatic TV falls short


By now most marketers are familiar with programmatic buying on digital platforms.


The programmatic revolution in digital has ultimately been about data and the various ways marketers can use that data to deliver ads to the right people.


The obvious question about programmatic TV, then, is whether it really possible at all, considering that the data and infrastructure of DSPs, exchanges, and real-time bidding don't yet exist for TV. As experts have noted, what is considered programmatic in digital isn really taking place in the TV world. The evolution towards programmatic television is still in its crawl phase.


Of course, just because TV advertising can go fully programmatic just yet, that doesn mean that the process hasn begun. Programmatic TV is still in its early stages, but significant changes can already be seen taking place.


In its current form, programmatic TV really amounts to making better use of data within TV current ad-buying infrastructure so that marketers can do a better job of matching inventory to target audiences. Such targeting may not be 減rogrammatic?in the full sense of the word, but more advanced targeting that takes TV beyond "age" and "gender" is itself a major step forward for a system that has remained unchanged for so long. Going beyond those parameters is a major progression for the television advertising industry.


Despite this progress, there is still a fair amount of distance to travel. There are more options available today than ever before for buying ads on a number of cable networks and viewing the entire available inventory, but the trafficking of the ads is still done manually. TV networks also have to approve every ad, making true automation impossible.


Still, if the current ad-buying process isn seamless, it incorporates more data than traditional buying on broadcast TV, and it certainly is less cumbersome than traditional buying. Indeed, rather than dismissing programmatic TV as mere hype, it time to recognize that important steps are being made. True programmatic TV isn a reality just yet, but there's little doubt it's on the way.


Bryan Bartlett, is editor in chief, marketing manager of Chango, a Chicago-headquartered programmatic advertising company.



[639] Red Sox vs. Marlins lineup- Relay race losers glteevni - 2015/06/20(Sat) 18:56 No.715  

Starting Pitcher -- Brian Johnson
In the end, it was just another instance of Mookie Betts dominating spring. You'll notice he's [url=http://sommarhed.com/css/new_balance_420_z&uuml_;rich_405022.html]new balance 420 z眉rich[/url]
nowhere to be seen, having beaten out Jemile Weeks in the last leg. This may not make the young Betts too popular with the likes of Pedroia, Ramirez, Castillo, or Bogaerts, but at least he's got Pablo Sandoval on his side, having spared the Kung Fu Panda the long bus ride over.
And just how long are we talking? Try 140 miles! That's a 2-and-a-half hour drive each way. With Sandoval being on a team with a bunch of middle infielders, many of them minor leaguers, one wonders if he won't spend his travel-free day treating his relay team to a meal.
First pitch is at 1:05 p.m. ET, with the Marlins' radio network 940 AM WINZ providing a broadcast.
I really hope WINZ isn't supposed to be...well, y'know.

[640] Publicystyka nie su偶y filmowi ezrtemho - 2015/06/21(Sun) 07:33 No.716  

Francuski melodramat wojenny 濺ozdzieleni" okaza sipektakularn pora偶k gonego oscarowego artysty.
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praw rk za lewe ucho. Jego suszno膰 potwierdzaj 濺ozdzieleni", melodramat wojenny zrealizowany wedug wasnego scenariusza przez Michela Hazanaviciusa.<br><br>Oto francuski re偶yser pochodzenia litewskiego nadaje angielski tytu he Search" krconemu w Gruzji filmowi o drugiej wojnie w Czeczenii. Specjalizujcy si wczeniej w komediach sensacyjnych re偶yser wiatow saw zdoby dziki nagrodzonemu picioma Oscarami (w tym za re偶yseri) komediowemu rtycie". Upojony zasu偶onym powodzeniem, zapragn zmieni膰 re偶yserskie emploi, zrealizowa膰 co bardziej ambitnego, i rozo偶y si na caej linii.<br><br>Sfilmowa histori, ktra w zamierzeniach miaa automatycznie wzbudza膰 wspczucie widza. Niestety, wrcz przeciwnie, denerwuje schematyzmem i prostactwem w wymuszaniu odruchw sympatii dla bohaterw.

[641] 2015 NCAA Tournament TV schedule, tip times, annou... roqvfrpl - 2015/06/21(Sun) 23:57 No.717  

Below, are the tip times, locations, announcing crews and TV schedule for the 2015 on CBS, TNT, TBS and truTV. For the first time in his esteemed career, Bill Raftery [url=http://www.chamika-tours.de/css/retro_trikot_fc_bayern_m&uuml_;nchen_503030.html]retro trikot fc bayern m眉nchen[/url]
will be calling a Final Four. He'll do it alongside Jim Nantz and Duke legend Grant Hill, who will also be calling his first Final Four.NOTE: The national semifinals from Indianapolis will be televised Saturday, April 4, on TBS with team-specific "TeamCast" broadcast on TNT and truTV. The national championship will air Monday, April 6, on CBS.Below, the schedules, tip times and announcing assignments. For cities/locations for all the games, .All times p.m. and Eastern.Sweet 16THURSDAY7:15, CBS: No. 3 Notre Dame vs. No. 7 Wichita State Albert/Webber/Elmore/Sager 7:47, TBS: No. 1 Wisconsin vs. No. 4 North Carolina Harlan/Miller/Bonner/Nichols Approx. 9:45, CBS: No. 1 Kentucky vs. No. 5 West Virginia Albert/Webber/Elmore/Sager Approx. 10:17, TBS: No. 2 Arizona vs. No. 6 Xavier Harlan/Miller/Bonner/Nichols FRIDAY<br>7:15, CBS: No. 2 Gonzaga vs. No. 11 UCLA Nantz/Raftery/Hill/Wolfson 7:37, TBS: No.4 Louisville vs. No. 8 NC State Lundquist/Spanarkel/LaForce Approx. 9:45, CBS: No. 1 Duke vs. No. 5 Utah Nantz/Raftery/Hill/Wolfson Approx. 10:07, TBS: No. 3 Oklahoma vs. No. 7 Michigan State Lundquist/Spanarkel/LaForce Bill Raftery will call his first NCAA title game for TV with Jim Nantz on April 6. USATSI

[642] Susan Mary Singer (n茅e Wooldridge) dibjpqdf - 2015/06/22(Mon) 04:58 No.718  

Susan Mary Singer(n茅e Wooldridge)passed away on March 19, 2015, surrounded by loved ones throughout the day. Susan was born and raised in Thorne, South Yorkshire, England, and married Eric Singer on June 20, 1957. She and Eric, along with their daughter, were [url=http://www.freedomdebtagreements.com.au/images/orange_netherlands_jersey_000545.html]orange netherlands jersey[/url]
transferred from England to Brampton, Ontario, Canada where they welcomed their second born child. They were later transferred again to the United States, where they resided in their home for over 37 years in Tucson, Arizona. While Susan enjoyed the desert landscape and animal life, she always loved and remembered her native England with great fondness. Susan was an avid and accomplished vocalist and Bridge player. She enjoyed traveling with Eric to Bridge tournaments. Her pride and love for her family, both near and abroad, was always evident. She is preceded in death by her parents, Joseph and Theresa (Eason) Wooldridge; older brother, Peter Wooldridge and older sister, Peggy Taylor. In addition to her husband of 57 years, Susan is survived by her daughter, Belinda Wyatt (Marcus); her son, Andrew Singer (Cara); grandchildren, Brittany, Michael, Nathan, Hadley, Luke, Hannah and Sadie; great-grandchildren, Emma and Layla, as well as many other beloved family members. The family welcomes friends to visit at ADAIR FUNERAL HOMES, Avalon Chapel, 8090 N. Northern Avenue, Friday, March 27, 2015, between 11:00 a.m. and noon. A gathering will be at the family home following. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Salvation Army. Copyright 2015 Arizona Daily Star. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

[643] CBS Extends David Rhodes?Contract to 2019 dthbqwqq - 2015/06/22(Mon) 05:41 No.719  

CBS has extended the contract of its CBS [url=http://www.anklefootmotion.com/img/peach_and_lace_dress_042422.html]peach and lace dress[/url]
News president David Rhodes to February 2019.
BS News is experiencing division-wide growth,? said CBS Corp. CEO Leslie Moonves. 淒avid exceptional news judgment and competitive acumen has had a great impact so far, and we look forward to continued growth on all our news broadcasts as we move forward.?
Rhodes, who has been in his current role since 2011, spearheaded the relaunch of the network morning show, CBS This Morning. He took over sole ownership of the news division in January, after Jeff Fager stepped down as chairman to return to 60 Minutes full time.
Before joining CBS News, Rhodes held senior roles at Bloomberg and Fox News.

[644] Sloppy Defense By Cabrera Hurts White Sox In Sprin... tkkqpkxw - 2015/06/22(Mon) 09:01 No.720  

GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) ?Jose Abreu connected for his first spring homer, [url=http://www.carneys.com.au/img/real_madrid_jersey_with_dragon_522304.html]real madrid jersey with dragon[/url]
but White Sox left fielder Melky Cabrera committed two errors in Colorado s six-run fifth inning and the Rockies went on to a 7-6 win on Tuesday.
Cabrera, who signed a $42 million, three-year contract with Chicago over the winter, misplayed Matt McBride s single, allowing the Rockies to tie it at 5. Then he dropped Rafael Ynoa s fly ball near the line for a two-base error as McBride scored.
Christian Bergmann finished the game with four scoreless innings for Colorado.
Rockies starter Jordan Lyles hit three batters, walked two and was charged with five unearned runs in four innings.
Abreu hit a drive to center off Jairo Diaz in the fifth inning. He is batting .459 (17 for 37) this spring.
(漏 2015 by STATS LLC and Associated Press. Any commercial use or distribution without the express written consent of STATS LLC and Associated Press is strictly prohibited.)

[645] Preu holt kleine Kristallkugel- Dahlmeier gewinnt ... mkvfavee - 2015/06/22(Mon) 11:37 No.721  

Rosarote ZukunftVon "Gold-Lena" gab es Gl眉ckw眉nsche via Facebook: "G盲nsehaut pur! Super Franzi! Gratuliere ganz herzlich!!!" F眉r Neuner war es "einfach nur unglaublich. Laura schafft (...) [url=http://www.neelsedit.com/images/okulary_ray_ban_rb3387_004522.html]okulary ray ban rb3387[/url]
noch einmal einen Weltcupsieg und Franzi nimmt die kleine Kugel im Massenstart mit nach Hause. Ist das nicht der absolute Hammer?!""Alles erscheint jetzt rosarot f眉r die Zukunft, aber wir werden uns alles wieder hart erarbeiten m眉ssen", sagte H枚nig und k眉ndigte an, dass sein Team "die Bodenhaftung behalten" wird.Als Preu, die sich beim letzten Schieen zwei Fehler geleistet hatte, als Sechste 眉ber die Ziellinie fuhr, wartete dort schon die strahlende Laura Dahlmeier.Auf der Schlussrunde hatte die Verfolgungs-Vizeweltmeisterin die ebenfalls fehlerfreie Tschechin Gabriela Soukalova noch abgefangen. Nach den Pl盲tzen zwei und drei f眉r Dahlmeier und Preu in der Verfolgung am Samstag reichte es diesmal zum Sieg.

Groe Kristallkugel an Domratscheva"Es war brutal hart, ich h盲tte es nicht mehr f眉r m枚glich gehalten", sagte Dahlmeier nach ihrem zweiten Saisonerfolg: "Ich habe gek盲mpft bis zum Umfallen."Die groe Kristallkugel f眉r die Gewinn des Gesamtweltcups ging erstmals an die dreimalige Olympiasiegerin Darja Domratscheva aus Weirussland, die zum Abschluss noch einmal Vierte wurde.Franziska Hildebrand Clausthal-Zellerfeld/2 Schiefehler) beendete ihre starke Saison mit Rang neun und ist als F眉nfte beste DSV-Athletin im Gesamtweltcup. Vanessa Hinz (Schliersee/4) belegte Rang 23, Luise Kummer (Frankenhain/6) Rang 27.

[646] Med Mix hopes to relocate within the Central Distr... dpeohiou - 2015/06/22(Mon) 13:12 No.722  

We just received the following press release from Med Mix s owner, Otmane Bezzaz, and wanted to relay his message to our readers in full:

Med Mix II, [url=http://screenlab.com.au/images/arsenal_jerseys_nike_430310.html]arsenal jerseys nike[/url]
Corporation announced today it will not be reopening the Med Mix at 23rd and Union in the aftermath of the arson fire last August.聽 The Company hopes to bring its unique mix of fresh Mediterranean food and American classics back to the CD soon, either at a new location or through delivery service from its restaurants in Pioneer Square.

his was a very hard decision,?said Otmane Bezzaz, the owner of Med Mix II.聽 rom the first day we opened at 23rd and Union the residents overwhelmed us with patronage, kindness and support.聽 After the fire, the entire community was so very supportive.聽 We are very grateful for that.?
Med Mix II made the decision earlier this week after resolving matters with its Landlord.聽 e would have loved to stay,?said Bezzaz. 聽ut the damage from the fire was more extensive than initially thought.聽 Ultimately we could not justify the time and expense to reopen in light of the demands of our family and our other two restaurants.?
Bezzaz opened the original Med Mix over 15 years ago next to the J M Caf茅 on First Avenue.聽 Last June, just two months before the arson, he opened a third Med Mix on Occidental Avenue one block north of Occidental Park. 聽Med Mix planned to use the larger food preparation and storage area at the Occidental location as a commissary for the smaller facility at 23rd and Union.聽 he CD was so good to us we needed more preparation space to meet the demand.?
Med Mix II opened in April 2012 and was immediately embraced by the Central District community.聽 The extensive damage from the arson-fire closed the restaurant down on August 12, 2013, less than a year and a half after it opened. 聽It has been closed for over five months.聽 The fire department investigation of the arson is still open.

With the fate of Med Mix II resolved, Bezzaz is now focused on other ways to keep Med Mix in the Central District.聽 The extra space at Occidental might become the base for a Med Mix home delivery service or a Med Mix food truck located in the CD.聽 Bezzaz is determined to find a way. moved into the building at 23rd and Union because it was my dream to have a restaurant in the neighborhood where I live. The arsonist did not kill my dream.聽 If I made it work once I can make it work again.?
MedMix welcomes any suggestions or information Central District News readers may have about potential locations for a new Med Mix in or near the CD.

For further information contact:

Otmane Bezzaz at ; or

Nancy A. Pacharzina

Pacharzina Law, PLLC at 206-652-3530 or nancy@pachlaw.com

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[647] Author bases novel on Phelps family, church yaegywit - 2015/06/22(Mon) 13:18 No.723  

From the outside looking in, it easy to think, hese kids are intimidated; they live in fear,?says Lawrence author Susan Kraus, who found this wasn the case during the two years she spent researching the infamous family and community for her most recent novel, ll God Children.?
During [url=http://ludandesign.com/wp-images/frogskin_oakley_shades_250340.html]frogskin oakley shades[/url]
that time, Kraus met with two of Fred Phelps?sons ?Jonathan Phelps and the estranged Nathan Phelps ?and attended Sunday services at Westboro Baptist Church.

hings happen later when they become adolescents ?some start to question and some don. But as children, they think theye in the best family in the world,?Kraus says. 淕od has chosen them to spread His word, and theye special. The kids I talked to were like, e love going on pickets.?It was like, 極K, put the cooler in the backseat, and wee all going to go.?

Kraus will read from her book, which she describes as 渇iction based on a foundation of fact,?at 7 p.m. Wednesday at The Raven Book Store, 6 E. Seventh St.

ll God Children?tells the story of a custody dispute between a combat vet named Mike and Becca, a fictional member of the Phelps family, over their illegitimate 11-year-old son, David. With the Phelps involved, the case ultimately becomes a battle for the child soul and eternal life.

Relying on her extensive research, Kraus explores what happens when religious eliefs trump everything,?even family and love.

She wants readers to understand that ll God Children,?the second book in her Grace McDonald series, isn about the Phelpses. Instead, Kraus draws from her experience as a therapist and mediator to examine hat it like for a child?in the child custody process.?

Theye the ones who whose 渓ives are at stake? during these cases, and rarely do they have a say in the matter, Kraus says.

hat the underlying theme,?she says. hat would a child raised in this environment ?raised to see people on the outside as tools of Satan ?to be ordered by a judge that you have to go live with this tool of Satan at least two nights a week??

[648] European Games in Baku- Schwere Gegner f眉r DVV tkvmihzi - 2015/06/22(Mon) 18:44 No.724  

Die Frauen bekommen es in der Vorrunde mit Europameister Russland, [url=http://www.mandiriagri.com/img/nike_mercurial_victory_fg_mens_football_boots_review_244012.html]nike mercurial victory fg mens football boots review[/url]
Serbien, den Niederlanden, Kroatien und Bulgarien zu tun. Die M盲nner-Auswahl des Deutschen Volleyball-Verbandes (DVV) trifft auf Olympiasieger Russland, Vize-Europameister Italien, Bulgarien, Belgien und die Slowakei.Die Teilnahme am Turnier in Baku (12. bis 28. Juni) wird mit Punkten f眉r die europ盲ische Rangliste belohnt, diese ist relevant f眉r die europ盲ische Olympia-Qualifikation im Januar 2016 und damit f眉r den Weg zu den Sommerspielen wenige Monate sp盲ter in Rio de Janeiro.Die Gruppenphase bestreiten je zwei Sechser-Gruppen im Modus Jeder-gegen-Jeden. Die vier Erstplatzierten jeder Gruppe ziehen ins Viertelfinale ein. Anschlieend folgen die Halbfinals und Finalspiele.

[649] Apple Inc (AAPL) Stock Expected To Soar With Highe... fdlvjyrk - 2015/06/23(Tue) 12:14 No.725  

Apple Inc is expected to reach $1 trillion as Cantor Fitzgerald analysts predicted that the company will be [url=http://www.omgmiamiswimwear.com/images/nike_tiempo_mystic_iv_fg_cleats_review_511333.html]nike tiempo mystic iv fg cleats review[/url]
almost three times more valuable than Google. Apple stock is currently trading at around $127 per share.

Analysts at Cantor Fitzgerald believe Apple stock would reach their target price of $180, giving Apple a valuation of over $1.05 trillion. According to , it would be the first time a company has been valued at more than $1 trillion.

Cantor Fitzgerald analyst Brian White said his new price target of $180 is based on his estimates that Apple valuation or market capitalisation will reach $1 trillion. White believes the Apple Watch will bring new opportunities for Apple. He added that the firm noted the strong performance of the iPhone in China.

White said Apple continues to show its commitment to its shareholders with stock buybacks. Cantor Fitzgerald expects Apple to return more cash to shareholders in April. White maintains his uy?rating for Apple stock. White has previously predicted that Apple may see sales of 25 million units of Apple Watches in 2016.

Meanwhile, Morgan Stanley analysts believe Apple stock deserves a higher multiple because of the company television service in the future. The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple is planning to release a TV service with 25 channels later on in 2015. Morgan Stanley believes Apple should be seen as a 減latform?company with a stock worthy of a higher multiple.

The firm speculated that if only 8 percent of Apple users in the United States would sign up for the TV service, the company would possibly end up with 15 million subscribers. Morgan Stanley reiterated its Apple stock price target of $160 and 渙verweight?rating.

Amid reports of Apple planning a major and software upgrade later in the year, the company has added more channels to its current version of Apple TV. Tastemade, TED and Young Hollywood channels were added to channel lineup, Apple Insider reports. Apple has been rumoured to be working on a full subscription TV service expected in the fall.

To report problems or leave feedback on this article, contact: r.su@ibtimes.com.au

[650] VfL setzt auf neues Nachwuchskonzept- Bochum melde... ywezagjn - 2015/06/23(Tue) 14:30 No.726  

Die h枚chste Altersklasse im Nachwuchsbereich wird somit die U [url=http://www.handelcon.com/img/ray_ban_replica_sunglasses_with_logo_010433.html]ray ban replica sunglasses with logo[/url]
19 sein. Die U 23 des VfL spielt derzeit in der Regionalliga West und belegt dort aktuell den 16. Tabellenplatz.Ziel des Konzepts sei es, heit es in einer Presseerkl盲rung, "eine noch h枚here Durchl盲ssigkeit zum Lizenzspielerbereich zu schaffen und gleichzeitig den wirtschaftlichen Erfordernissen des Vereins gerecht zu werden". "Wir haben, z盲hlt man den Lizenzspielerkader, die U 23 und die U 19 zusammen, insgesamt 70 Spieler f眉r drei Mannschaften. Es gilt dort, die Besten f眉r die Besten auszuw盲hlen und auszubilden", erkl盲rte Sportdirektor Christian Hochst盲tter.U23-Ausstieg: Einsparungsmanahmen

In den vergangenen Jahren habe sich gezeigt, dass aus der zweiten Mannschaft - mit Ausnahme der Torh眉ter - zu wenig Talente den Sprung in den Profikader geschafft haben, dagegen die talentiertesten Spieler aus der U 19 den direkten Weg zu den Lizenzspielern gegangen seien, so Hochst盲tter. Die U 23 nicht mehr zu melden, sei ein erster Schritt zur Professionalisierung des Nachwuchses.Mit dem Ausstieg aus der U 23 und einer Reihe weiterer Einsparungsmanahmen will der Verein in der kommenden Saison 2015/16 gleichzeitig seine j盲hrlichen Kosten um rund 1,5 Millionen Euro senken.Ein Teil der freigesetzten Mittel soll in die St盲rkung des Lizenzspielerkaders f眉r die kommende Saison investiert werden, ein weiterer Teil in die strategische Neuorientierung der Jugendarbeit.

[651] Rex Ryan says brother Rob could get head coaching ... tzkwnxdc - 2015/06/23(Tue) 17:49 No.727  

Although he had a few minor disagreements with [url=http://www.eskayaresort.com/images/ray_ban_aviators_at_macy's_131401.html]ray ban aviators at macy's[/url]
New Orleans Saints head coach Sean Payton last year, Rob Ryan is still considered by many to be one of the better defensive coordinators in the NFL. According to his brother Rex, the only thing stopping Rob from landing a head coaching job is his appearance.
While speaking to reporters at the NFL owners meetings in Arizona on Tuesday, Rex poked fun at his twin brother for his long hair and husky stature. Here s what he said when asked if Rob has what it takes to be a head coach.
Absolutely. So much so that he believes in himself so much he won get a haircut and keeps that belly the way it is,?Rex said, . e darned determined to show the league that 業 going to be a head coach and do it my way.?No youe not. It unfortunate. I still trying to get that message across to him.?
Rex was probably joking, but not really. A report last offseason indicated that before he gets head coaching consideration. Payton doesn t care how he looks, as long as they can with their revamped defense in 2015.
With the way NFL head coaching jobs turn over these days, I see no reason Rob Ryan hasn t earned a shot. Do his long flowing locks really make that much of a difference?

[652] Martin Harnik 眉bt Selbstkritik- -Hatte mit Fuball... ocsnfxkh - 2015/06/23(Tue) 20:54 No.728  

"Ich muss dem Trainer dankbar [url=http://www.atouscoeurs.be/images/acheter_le_maillot_du_milan_ac_155235.html]acheter le maillot du milan ac[/url]
sein, dass ich nach der Pause auf dem Feld bleiben durfte. Meine ersten 45 Minuten waren grausam", sagte der sterreicher der Bild und erg盲nzte: "Das hatte mit Fuball nichts zu tun."Er 盲uerte in dem Gespr盲ch auch konstruktive Kritik am Stuttgarter Anhang. Dass die Fans in der aktuellen Situation mit ihrer Geduld merklich am Ende sind, kann der St眉rmer zwar nachvollziehen, dennoch bat er die Anh盲nger weiterhin um bedingungslose Unterst眉tzung.Denkansto f眉r die Fans"Ich wei gar nicht, ob das jedem so bewusst ist, aber wenn einer von der Trib眉ne br眉llt, 'Harnik, du bist so blind!', dann h枚rt man das", erkl盲rte Harnik.Von der Unterst眉tzung der Fans h盲nge auch die Leistung der Mannschaft ab, gab der 27-J盲hrige zu. Nach dem R眉ckstand gegen Frankfurt sei es extrem hilfreich gewesen, "als uns die Cannstatter Kurve gleich wieder nach vorne gepeitscht hat." Die Zuschauer k枚nnten mit Pfiffen oder Beleidigungen aber "auch das Gegenteil erreichen und uns zus盲tzlich verunsichern."Deshalb w眉rde Harnik in Zukunft lieber aufmunternde Worte h枚ren, will seine Aussagen aber auch nicht als Ausrede f眉r seine Leistung verstanden wissen. Es sei "eher ein Denkansto. Ich bin Profi, da m眉ssen wir mit Kritik umgehen k枚nnen. Nach dem Spiel habe ich auch kein Problem damit."

[653] For business, more women in charge means bigger pr... hemtbxzt - 2015/06/23(Tue) 21:15 No.729  

LONDON ?When took over diversity programs at multinational catering company Sodexo in 2002, she had one goal: To prove that it pays for a company to have equal numbers of male and female managers.

Sodexo, which has 419,000 employees in 80 countries, says she done just that. A company-wide study last year found that units with equal numbers of men and women in management roles delivered more profits more consistently than those dominated by men.

Evidence is growing that gender equity is not just politically correct window-dressing, but good business. Companies are trying to increase the number of [url=http://www.vidzonepk.com/css/nike_elastico_pro_ii_pink_lime_512154.html]nike elastico pro ii pink lime[/url]
women in executive positions, yet many are struggling to do so because of a failure to adapt workplace conditions in a way that ensures qualified women do not drop off the corporate ladder, surveys show.

The case for companies to act is compelling.

In a survey last year of 366 companies, consultancy McKinsey Co. found that those whose leadership roles were most balanced between men and women were more likely to report financial returns above their national industry median.

Companies with more balanced leadership do a better job recruiting and retaining talented workers, reducing the costs associated with replacing top executives, McKinsey found. They also have stronger customer relations because management better reflects the diversity of society, and they tend to make better business decisions because a wider array of viewpoints is considered.

While most big companies now have programs to increase gender diversity, many executives express frustration these programs aren working. McKinsey found that 63 percent of the employers it surveyed had at least 20 initiatives to address gender equity, but women held less than a quarter of the top jobs in 92 percent of the companies.

, who has been studying the issue for the consultancy for about 16 years, said companies were nonchalant about retaining top female talent when she started. Now they want to know what programs work. Fast.

That because a woman prospects for promotion fall off at every step of the career ladder, according to a separate survey of 130 large companies conducted by McKinsey in 2012. While women made up 37 percent of the total workforce, they comprised 22 percent of middle managers, 14 percent of senior managers and vice presidents, 9 percent of executive committee members and 2 percent of CEOs.

In France, Norway, Spain and most recently Germany, governments have sought to mandate progress by imposing quotas for women on boards.

Board quotas alone won close the gender gap because they only address the final step in the career ladder, researchers say. The real challenge for employers is to hire, train and promote talented women so they have a pipeline of qualified female candidates when they need to fill senior roles.

Take . As a top divorce attorney at a large London law firm, she counted celebrities and the British aristocrats among her clients. Her career seemed certain to soar ?until the kids came along.

After watching female colleagues struggle to balance family responsibilities with demands at work, Arkell realized she couldn do both. Instead, she started her own company making a line of natural skincare products after developing a cream that successfully treated her daughter rashes.

A recent study at urged a rethink on why more women aren getting and keeping top jobs.

The study, released in December, surveyed more than 25,000 graduates of the school since 1963, when women were first admitted to the program. Harvard researchers and , together with of City University of New York, found that while men and women start out with similar career goals, women progress more slowly because of institutional hurdles and the demands of spouses for them to manage family responsibilities.

The report suggests employers need to move beyond the idea that 渇amily-friendly?policies such as flexible working hours are enough. This means re-examining 渦nspoken but powerful perceptions,?such as the assumption that women are riskier hires because they are more likely to give up their careers for parenthood.

Such factors can be hard to influence at a policy level, however, as they reflect social views.

While governments have focused on the boardroom, companies like Sodexo decided they had to start by building a pipeline to get them there.

Anand, the company global chief diversity officer, said Sodexo goal is for women to make up 25 percent of its top 300 managers this year. Women already make up 42 percent of the board of directors and 38 percent of the executive board.

[654] Far and away Europe most romantic spots duonjdnx - 2015/06/24(Wed) 02:13 No.730  

I love it when I persuade people to engage with the Europe I show them. But when they become engaged to each other in Europe, I like it even more.

Recently I heard from someone who took his girlfriend on one of my recommended hikes near M眉rren, Switzerland: convinced Emily to get one last photo of the view together before it got dark, even though we were both tired and hungry ?and she very much wanted to relax and have a nice meal. I set up my tripod and when [url=http://scatolificiocrippa.it/css/abbigliamento_calcio_a_5_online_051130.html]abbigliamento calcio a 5 online[/url]
she thought we were just going to pose for a photo, I got on one knee and proposed. She said yes.?
Love is in bloom all over Europe. Couples embrace while walking the banks of the Seine River in Paris or meet along the Via dellmore (athway of Love? in Italy Cinque Terre. At romantic spots in St. Petersburg, Russia, youl see newlyweds with their photographers. After the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom are practically obligated to drop by a dozen or so picturesque locations for wedding pictures. Theyl occasionally make a traditional toast with Champagne, then break their glasses to proclaim their love ?watch your step.

When people ask me for romantic destinations in Europe, I steer them away from traditional spots like Venice, Paris or the Greek Islands. For true romance, I like to suggest stay-awhile getaways that are slightly off the radar, such as Hallstatt, Varenna, Gimmelwald, r and Beilstein.

For a cozy hideaway, look for the offbeat areas, where creaky locals walk gingerly on creaky floorboards, and where each balcony sports a flower box. The tiny town of Hallstatt, positioned picture-perfectly on the shore of Lake Hallstatt in Austria, is just such a place. It a gentle land ?idyllic and majestic ?where lakes and mountains are shuffled sloppily together ?the perfect place to commune with nature (and one another), Austrian-style.

On Italy Lake Como, Varenna whispers luna di miele (honeymoon). This village oozes romance. Easily accessible by train, on the less-visited side of the lake, Varenna has a romantic promenade, a tiny harbor and narrow lanes. Youl pass wisteria-drenched villas, evocative vistas and lakeside lovers embracing the moment. It just the right place to savor a cappuccino or an aperitivo. There wonderfully little to do here, and it very quiet at night. It places like this where I really feel the romance of Europe.

Or take Switzerland tiny mountain hamlet of Gimmelwald. This traffic-free village hangs nonchalantly on the edge of a cliff high above the Lauterbrunnen Valley in the Swiss Alps. At the dawn of Switzerland age of big-time tourism, the farmers inhabiting this tumble of rough-hewn log farmhouses voted o?to development. While other cliff-hanging villages became soulless resorts, Gimmelwald survives as a traditional Swiss mountain community. Its two 700-year-old streets, a zig and a zag, are decorated by drying laundry, hand-me-down tricycles and hollow stumps bursting proudly with geraniums.

Denmark sleepy isle of r is the cuddle after the climax. It the perfect time-passed world in which to wind down, enjoy the seagulls and cherish the one youe with. It a place where sailors ?out of work after the rise of steam-driven boats ?decided that building ships in bottles was more their style. rskbing is the island village in a bottle. It small enough to be cute, but just big enough to feel real. The government, recognizing the value of this amazingly preserved little 18th century town, prohibits modern building anywhere in the center. It the only town in Denmark protected in this way.

In Germany, cozy Beilstein is Cinderella-land ?touristy but tranquil, except for its territorial swans swimming on the Mosel River. This 淪leeping Beauty of the Mosel?was only accessible by boat until about 1900, and it still seems lost in time. It what some visitors hope a Rhine River hamlet might be ?a peaceful, romantic village slipped between impossibly steep vineyards and the river. Above the town are castle ruins with a postcard panorama, with even better views at the top of the lone surviving tower.

Wherever couples go, they usually fall under romantic Europe magic spell. And for singles, there no denying that the romance of travel can sometimes spark a travel romance. But there are always a few outliers. I discovered this recently at a fabulous restaurant in Florence that was serving hearty farmers?food: grilled meats, high-quality seasonal vegetables, fresh herbs, prized olive oil and rustic Tuscan bread. As I was savoring my meal, I heard a newlywed woman give the cuisine the wildest compliment. She told her husband, arrying you was fine, but this dinner makes the entire honeymoon.?
Rick Steves writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television. E-mail:

[655] University of Dayton to Award Honorary Degree to D... kaxemxlo - 2015/06/24(Wed) 03:04 No.731  

DAYTON, Ohio, March 24, 2015&nbsp; -- In a journey that's coming full circle, the University of Dayton will honor Ramon Est茅vez, better known as , with an honorary degree for his lifelong commitment to peace, social justice and human rights exemplifying the Catholic, Marianist university's mission.


Sheen, who intentionally failed his University of Dayton entrance exam to overcome [url=http://www.annphysiocare.com/css/ray_ban_black_frame_green_lens_201342.html]ray ban black frame green lens[/url]
his father's objections and start his acting career, will receive an honorary doctor of humane letters degree during spring graduation ceremonies, which begins at 9:45 a.m. Sunday, May 3, at the University of Dayton Arena.


"Martin Sheen is a legendary actor. More importantly, he's a legendary humanitarian, who advocates for peace and justice around the world," said Daniel J. Curran, University of Dayton president. "He has used his celebrity status to be a voice for the voiceless, and in the Marianist educational tradition, he leads through service to others. The University of Dayton is honored to award him with an honorary degree for his humanitarian service."


Sheen grew up just a few blocks from the University and graduated from Chaminade High School, both founded by the Society of Mary, a Roman Catholic teaching order. He has said the Marianist teachings of the priests and brothers helped shape his commitment to social justice, service and peace.&nbsp;


He has spoken out against war, abortion and capital punishment. Among the causes he has supported are the environment, workers' rights and human rights.


"I was inspired and nourished by the basic, fundamental education of service to others. That's how we really grow ourselves ?giving to others," he said, speaking to Chaminade students in 2012. "We can't really know ourselves except through community. None of us live an isolated life. We're made to walk the journey alone, but we can't do it without community."


As one of 10 children to Mary-Ann Phelan, his Irish mother, and Francisco Est茅vez, his Spanish father, he was born Ramon Est茅vez but took on Martin Sheen as a stage name early in his career.


A celebrated actor with a career spanning nearly 50 years, Sheen has achieved fame for performances in the theater, television and film. Among his best-known roles: President Josiah Bartlett in television's The West Wing, a serial killer in the film Badlands and a troubled soldier during the Vietnam War in Apocalypse Now.


Sheen has been married to Janet Templeton since 1961. Their four children are all actors: Charlie Sheen and Emilio, Ren茅e and Ramon Est茅vez.


A leader in human rights education, the University of Dayton established the nation's first undergraduate human rights studies program. More than 100 students have graduated from the program and pursued careers as human rights advocates and academics or humanitarian professionals in legal, governmental and nonprofit sectors.


The University has launched a Human Rights Center to focus on human rights education and bring together the critical components of social change ?knowledge, research, collaboration and action.


CONTACT: Cilla Shindell, University of Dayton, director of media relations, ,

[656] Klitschko vs. Powetkin- Die besten Bilder utnwhnef - 2015/06/24(Wed) 05:42 No.732  

&nbsp;gettyLang lebe der K枚nig! Wladimir Klitschko hat seinen Box-Thron beim gr枚ten Schwergewichtskampf des Jahres in Moskau erfolgreich verteidigt &nbsp;gettyDie Russen lieen sich bei der Pr盲sentation des Kampfes zwischen Klitschko und Alexander Powetkin nicht [url=http://www.showluxphoto.it/pics/maglie_storiche_della_juventus_321132.html]maglie storiche della juventus[/url]
lumpen. Neben einigen Ex-Champions wie... &nbsp;getty...Lennox Lewis und George Foreman war auch Stabhochsprung-Queen Jelena Issinbajewa vor Ort - und fieberte sichtlich mit &nbsp;gettyZurecht, immerhin ging es beim Fight in der Moskauer Olimpiyski-Halle um m盲chtig viel Gold &nbsp;gettyKein Wunder also, dass sich beide K盲mpfer nichts schenkten. Zu Beginn des Fights 眉berraschte Powetkin Klitschko dennoch mit seinem Offensivdrang &nbsp;gettyJe l盲nger der Kampf dauerte, desto st盲rker wurde allerdings Klitschko. Vor allem mit seinem linken Haken war er immer wieder erfolgreich &nbsp;gettyDie logische Folge: Powetkin k眉sste den Boden, und zwar satte vier Mal. Vor allem in der siebten Runde wurde es f眉r den Lokalmatadoren eng, als er... &nbsp;getty...dreimal angez盲hlt wurde. Doch der russische Ritter biss auf die Z盲hne und hielt sich in den letzten Runden wacker auf den Beinen &nbsp;gettyOb Powetkin vor der zw枚lften Runde noch Augen f眉r diese nette Dame hatte, darf bezweifelt werden &nbsp;gettyber den eindeutigen Sieger gab es am Ende keine Diskussion, das gab auch Powetkin im Anschluss zu. Klitschko verteidigte - einstimmig nach Punkten - seine WM-Titel &nbsp;gettyEin bekanntes Bild: Das ukrainische Bruderpaar jubelt und teilt weiterhin alle G眉rtel unter sich auf. Die Frage bleibt also: Wer beendet die Klitschko-脛ra?

[657] Obama announces slower withdrawal of US troops fro... rnsrwgxv - 2015/06/24(Wed) 09:25 No.733  

President Obama announced Tuesday that the United States and [url=http://www.writerspremium.com/template/adipure_11pro_xtrx_sg_boots_351305.html]adipure 11pro xtrx sg boots[/url]
Afghanistan had made changes to the聽drawdown聽schedule for the nearly 10,000 U.S. troops remaining in聽the country.

Some troops will remain in Afghanistan longer under the new schedule, but will not serve in combat roles, according to the president. The troops, Obama said, would serve as advisers and trainers of afghan security forces.


The announcement was welcomed on Capitol Hill, including by Republicans currently debating the new defense budget.

At a news conference with Afghan President Ashraf Ghani at the White House, Obama declined to comment on reports that Israel had been spying on nuclear negotiations the administration is holding with the government of Iran.

s a general rule I don comment on intelligence matters in a big room full of reporters. I think Il continue that tradition,?Obama said.

Obama was far more frank in his assessment of newly re-elected Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who said in the final hours of his campaign that he would prevent Palestinian statehood. Netanyahu attempted to reframe those comments a day later, suggesting that he could be open to statehood one day under certain conditions, but not now.

Obama said he took Netanyahu at his word on the eve of the election, adding, lot of voters in Israel took him to say that pretty unequivocally.?Obama said Netanyahu position had forced the administration to reconsider a future diplomatic role.

am required to evaluate honestly how we manage Israeli-Palestinian negotiations in the coming years,?Obama said.

Obama did not say whether his administration would consider dropping its veto at the United Nations when it comes to Israel-focused resolutions. The American ability to protect Israel in that forum has been predicated in the last four decades on a commitment from Israel and its neighbors toward the peaceful resolution of regional conflict.

For nearly 25 year, successive U.S. administrations have worked to broker a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians that would lead to the creation of a Palestinian state. For the Obama administration, Secretary of State John Kerry devoted more than a year to try to reach such a deal. But Obama said Tuesday that it 渉ard to envision how that happens based on the prime minister statements.?
He described his relationship with Netanyahu as ery business-like,?a stark contrast contrast to the warm friendship on display between Obama and Afghanistan newly elected leader.聽Ghani is set to address a joint meeting of Congress on Wednesday.

e want to make sure we re doing everything we can to make sure Afghan security forces succeed so that we don t have to go back,?Obama said at the press conference

The U.S. will keep 9,800 troops in Afghanistan through the end of the year at Ghani s request. The original plan called for that number being slashed to 5,500. Troop levels for 2016 will be decided later this year, Obama added.

roviding this additional time frame during this fighting season, for us to be able to help the Afghanistan security forces succeed, is well worth it,?Obama said.

The announcement comes as the spring fighting season begins and Islamic extremists continue to look toward Afghanistan as grounds for recruiting.

Ghani said keeping U.S. troop levels up 渋s what will guarantee that the investments over the last 14 years pay off.?
The two leaders said they hoped to begin a ew chapter?in the relationship between the two countries. Ghani succeeds former President Hamid Karzai, whose rocky relationship with the White House made a America s longest war even more complicated. In fact, Obama took a swipe at Karzai at the press conference Tuesday, saying that Ghani has more successfully taken up the mantle as the country s commander in cheif.

contributed reporting.

[658] Bundestrainer will keine Spieler abziehen- L枚w- M... srdlhipc - 2015/06/24(Wed) 16:28 No.734  

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den Genannten handelt es sich um Emre Can (FC Liverpool), Kevin Volland (1899 Hoffenheim), Max Meyer und Leon Goretzka (beide Schalke 04)."Mir ist lieber, sie spielen bei der U21 ein Turnier mit internationalem Vergleich als dass sie bei uns dabei sind und vielleicht 90 Minuten auf der Bank sitzen", erkl盲rte L枚w."Das wird sie weiterbringen""Das wird sie weiterbringen. 2009 haben wir damit gute Erfahrungen gemacht, als Spieler wie Manuel Neuer, Mats Hummels, Benedikt H枚wedes, Sami Khedira oder Mesut zil dabei waren und dadurch einen Schub f眉r die WM 2010 bekommen haben."Vor sechs Jahren gewann die U21 in Schweden den EM-Titel, diesmal geht es vom 17. bis 30. Juni in Tschechien auch um die erste Olympia-Teilnahme seit 1988.Nach der Junioren-EM sei es "nat眉rlich ein Ziel, die Spieler, die bei der EM gute Leistungen gezeigt haben, bei uns einzubauen".

[659] 極rphan Black?Season 3 Premiere Episode- Watch Sar... cpawnpzg - 2015/06/24(Wed) 16:40 No.735  

It is Castor male clones versus Leda female clones in rphan Black?Season 3, as the arrival of the male clones is set to stir the pot. With the clone world expanding, the female clones may find themselves fighting new threats. [url=http://www.wbhseries.com/img/best_sunglasses_lens_for_driving_111520.html]best sunglasses lens for driving[/url]
The first sneak peek from the new season hints at new battles ahead for Sarah Manning and her sister clones because of the male clones.

Scarface Rudy (Ari Millen), the male clone who was introduced in rphan Black?Season 2 finale, and Sarah Manning (Tatania Maslany) can be seen in the sneak peek video. Rudy calls Sarah a 渓egend?while Sarah calls him a 渕yth.?She wants to know his name or serial number. He ignores that and is seen saying, 淵oue made of good stuff, aren you.?He wants her to come closer and Sarah tells him she met one of his brothers and kicked him in the face. She is talking about the prolethean clone, Mark.

Sarah is in for a shock, as Rudy seems to know her family members, including Felix (Jordan Gavaris), Mrs S (Maria Doyle Kennedy) and Kira (Skyler Wexler). 聽Sarah is seen attacking him when he says, child, how special you are.?She warns him that if he comes near her family, she will kill him. He counters ount your sisters?and sports a fiendish smile.

There is no doubt that Rudy has all the information on Sarah while she has just opened the first page on male clones. Millen has told that the male clones know a lot about Sarah and her sisters than they know about them. He also said, ?.. theye got something that we want.?
Also, it has been revealed that Castor clones were raised to be part of a group. The men clones are self aware and according to Graeme Manson, co-creator of the critically acclaimed show, as quoted by , they "were raised like a little wolf pack in a military-type setting.?
Manson also said that one of the themes that they are exploring in Season 3 of rphan Black?is re we stronger together?as the clash between the clones escalates with each episode. He also said that the new season will deal with the question of how far one would go to protect someone they love.

[Youtube/BBC America]

If you have questions or comments on the article, you may contact the writer at .

[660] Man kicked off Southwest flight over language on t onvknhuo - 2015/06/24(Wed) 23:31 No.736  

ST. LOUIS, MO. (KTVI) ?A New York college student found himself stranded in St. Louis, Monday after being kicked off a Southwest Airlines flight that wasn even supposed to land here.聽 The conflict raises a classic first amendment debate of free speech, versus vulgar language.

Daniel Podolsky was on a flight from Dallas to Chicago, and聽 only set foot in Lambert Airport because of [url=http://www.maintalents.com/css/adidas_predator_instinct_soccer_com_541520.html]adidas predator instinct soccer com[/url]
bad weather in the Windy City.聽聽 But the college kid apparently forgot a couple of lessons from kindergarten about bad words, and playing well with others.

At issue:聽 his tee shirt.聽 The garment, promoting the Comedy Central show road City,?says in bold letters, road F City,?but the -word?is fully spelled out. 聽It was one of hundreds handed out by the comedy channel at the South By Southwest festival Podolsky had just left.聽 He says his jacket was hiding the shirt when he walked around for all to see, but when he got on the plane, it was tight quarters and he took the jacket off.

His flight made the unscheduled stop in St. Louis and he got off to use the restroom.聽 That, he says, is when a Southwest gate agent noticed the shirt and said he would need to remove it.

t only when I got back on the plane when it was gonna take off, ya know, you have this much space, youe gonna take your jacket off because it hot,?he explained.聽 took my jacket off, so he sent someone to remove me from the flight.?
We asked him if he was given an opportunity to remedy the situation.

淒id they give you any opportunity to put your jacket back on, to change the shirt, to put it inside out??we asked.聽 Podolsky response:聽 t just happened so fast. Within thirty seconds the flight was gone.聽 I mean I would have gladly done so.?
But the video of the confrontation on the plane that Podolsky provided FOX 2 tells a slightly different tale.聽 Saying he ould have gladly done so,?is clearly not the case.

hey talked to you about your shirt??the airline employee is seen asking him at the door of the aircraft.聽 Podolsky responds, hey did.?
Then the employee proceeds to provide him with several chances to keep his seat on the flight.

(Worker) an you change the shirt??
(Podolsky) ope.?
(Worker) an you put the jacket on and leave it on through the flight??
(Podolsky) (Inaudible)

(Worker) an you put the shirt on inside out??
(Podolsky) ope.?
(Worker) s there anything you can do not to display the shirt because at this point we can allow you to go.?
(Podolsky) have freedom of speech.?
(Worker) know you do?
(Podolsky) eally it not bothering anyone.?
(Worker) can show you in our contract of carriage that you can wear any shirts that says offensive?
(Podolsky) an we take a poll??
There would be no poll and he would be asked to leave the plane.聽 He confronted the original gate agent as he left, and he says airport police escorted him from the terminal.聽 He then contacted FOX 2.

We asked him why he wore the shirt to begin with, considering the likelihood it would offend someone he encountered along his journey.

ell, is it really in the airline position to make that call??he asked, specially when the only time you can see the shirt I in my little box of space.

here are more than a hundred people on the plane trying to get to Chicago and the most important thing is my shirt?聽 How does that work?聽 Where the sense of priority??
Southwest Airlines backed the actions of their crew in a statement sent to us late Monday.

e rely on our Employees and Customers to use common sense and good judgment,?spokesman Dan Landson said.

As for Podolsky, he was eventually allowed to board a 7:15pm Southwest flight to his final destination of New York.聽 The agreement was reached after he changed his shirt.



[661] Finanzreport der Ligue 1- 102 Mio. Miese, 115 Mio.... eoxibchk - 2015/06/25(Thu) 00:09 No.737  

Zum Vergleich: In der Saison zuvor betrug [url=http://www.parsian-soghat.com/images/new_balance_420_jd_230104.html]new balance 420 jd[/url]
der Verlust "nur" 18 Millionen Euro. Der franz枚sische Liga-Pr盲sident Frederic Thierrez gesteht einen laxen Umgang mit Geld ein, erinnert aber auch an andere Fakten, die Frankreichs Fuball in den Ruin treiben.Die Ausgaben f眉r die Polizeieins盲tze - in Deutschland gratis - steigen permanent. Starspieler werden netto bezahlt, weswegen die Reichensteuer von 75 Prozent die Vereine enorm getroffen hat. Angeblich hat sie den Erstliga-Fuball 40 Millionen Euro gekostet.Thierrez: "F眉r 600.000 Euro Jahresgehalt betragen die Soziallasten in Frankreich 186.000 Euro pro Spieler, in Deutschland 12.000. Unterl盲ge Paris St. Germain deutschem Recht, h盲tte der Verein 50 Millionen Euro eingespart."

[662] Ein Jahr vor der ersten Austragung- Baku feiert Eu... sikrwhqs - 2015/06/25(Thu) 08:10 No.738  

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zu der Veranstaltung entlang der Promenade in der Hauptstadt Aserbaidschans, die sogar im nationalen TV 眉bertragen wurde. "Das ist ein groer Meilenstein. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass so viele Leute diesen Moment mit uns erlebt haben", sagte Sportminister Azad Rahimov im Anschluss."Das ganze Land freut sich auf die Europaspiele, das konnte man bereits jetzt sp眉ren, auch wenn es noch ein Jahr dauert. Die Spiele werden einen langfristigen Effekt auf die Entwicklung Aserbaidschans haben, gerade f眉r die jungen Menschen. Wir k枚nnen es kaum noch erwarten, Sportler aus ganz Europa bei uns in dieser traumhaften Stadt zu Gast zu haben", so Rahimov weiter."Erinnerungsw眉rdige Europaspiele"Hickey zeigte sich ebenfalls begeistert: "Baku ist bereit. Unter der Leitung von Sportminister Rahimov wird das BEGOC (Baku European Games Operation Committee, Anm. d. Red.) innovative, nachhaltige und erinnerungsw眉rdige Europaspiele bieten."Der EOC-Pr盲sident nutzte die One-Year-To-Go-Feier auch, um sich f眉r die Zusammenarbeit zu bedanken: "Das ist der perfekte Moment, auf die letzten zwei Jahre und die groen Errungenschaften des EOC und BEGOC zur眉ckzublicken. Davor muss man den Hut ziehen. Aber wir legen uns jetzt nicht auf die faule Haut. Wir haben die Basis f眉r tolle Spiele geschaffen, die m眉ssen wir jetzt nat眉rlich auch nutzen."

[663] Women prefer the right side of their face in photo... dzteuegn - 2015/06/25(Thu) 17:04 No.739  

The marginal preference for the right-hand side, however, might be ill advised.
A 2012 study by American psychologists at Wake Forest University in North Carolina, found that people tend to find the left-side of a face more attractive.
Even when an original photograph is digitally mirror-reversed, the original left-hand profile of both men and women was favoured.
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left-side lovers and according to showbiz blogger聽聽demands to be photographed and filmed only from the left at all times.

Cara Delevingne (left) and Kylie Jenner (right) showing their right cheeks, the side favoured by the majority of women in their photos
The researchers in that study found that not only did more people state that they preferred the look of left-hand cheeks, they also had larger pupil sizes when looking at them, signifying pleasure.
The psychologists said the bias towards the left might be linked to the division of the brain. The right-hand side of the brain, which is linked to emotion, controls the left-hand side of the face.
It means that the left-hand side of the face is more likely to display emotions.
The US psychologists said at the time: 極ur results suggest that posers?left cheeks tend to exhibit a greater intensity of emotion, which observers find more aesthetically pleasing.?But whichever side is a better bet, the latest research indicates that the boom in social media has made people far more anxious about photographs.

Angelina Jolie (left) and Kim Kardashian (right) strike a pose. The answer to looking good in snaps, according to a new survey, is making sure you always display your more flattering side
The poll was commissioned by Fuzzy Banter, a new dating app service which blurs users?profile photos until they feel comfortable enough with their communication to reveal them.
It found that a third of women have become more anxious about having their photo taken since the advent of social media.
A spokesman for the company said: 楾o be visible online these days we need all kinds of photos of ourselves.
rom the pics we use on social platforms such as Instagram and Twitter, to business profiles like LinkedIn, we always have to consider how wee presenting ourselves online.
ut it can be to our detriment - judging too quickly on photos could get in the way of making a real connection with somebody.
極nline dating in particular tends to rely heavily on display photos, which is a real shame.?Their report showed that the 榮elfie?culture has exerted more pressure on women to look attractive in photos, with over half admitting they panic when a photo captures them off-guard.
Rehearsed posing, they said, was key. And four in 10 women said they have practised a full-body pose for whenever a camera is present.

[664] Mened偶er sawny jak jego artyci qrmsvifc - 2015/06/25(Thu) 17:30 No.740  

Opowie膰 o Siergieju Diagilewie nie jest tylko biografi, to tak偶e obraz burzliwych losw [url=http://projekt.com/assets/porque_la_camisa_de_holanda_es_naranja_234413.html]porque la camisa de holanda es naranja[/url]
Europy jej artystw.
Syn oficera rosyjskiej armii Siergiej Pawowicz Diagilew od dziecka wyr偶nia si nienagannymi manierami. Wychowywany przez ciotki (matka zmara przy porodzie), mwi te偶 pynnie po francusku i niemiecku, uwielbia muzyk. Jednym sowem ?by idealnym kandydatem na bywalca arystokratycznych salonw.<br><br>Gdy jednak w 1890 r. przyjecha na studia do Petersburga z odlegego Permu, zorientowa si, 偶e on, potomek drobnej szlachty (dziadek dorobi si na produkcji wdki), jest nikim. A jedyn szans, by zaistnie膰 w wielkim wiecie, jest dla niego sztuka.<br><br>Wprawdzie jako artysta nie zrobi kariery, ale miejsce w historii zapewni sobie jako niezwyky impresario i mened偶er ?pierwszy o tak wielkich dokonaniach w dziejach sztuki. Odkry przed wiatem zachodnim kultur rosyjsk ?muzyk, oper, balet. Potrafi ryzykowa膰, na 偶adne z przedsiwzi膰 nie 偶aowa pienidzy, z reguy cudzych, ale sam czasami znajdowa si na finansowym dnie.

[665] Breast Cancer Breakthrough- NZ Researchers Use Nan... kgvjrowt - 2015/06/25(Thu) 22:29 No.741  

A new approach to breast cancer treatment developed by New Zealand researchers could prove to be cheaper, safer and more effective. Researchers were inspired by the initial findings of a major study in the country which may be the best way to fight an aggressive [url=http://www.cybele-benodet.com/css/kroatische_trikots_f&uuml_;r_frauen_145140.html]kroatische trikots f斤拷r frauen[/url]
type of breast cancer.

According to cancer experts, triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is diagnosed in about 15 to 20 per cent of women in New Zealand especially at a younger age. Traditionally, chemotherapy drugs are used to treat and destroy rapidly dividing cells in the area where cancer cells are located.

However, the drugs used can also kill the cells lining the gastrointestinal tract, including hair cells which leave patients suffering from hair loss and health complications. Avoiding the side effects of drug treatments may just be one of the benefits of the new breast cancer treatment.

The new approach involves nano-medicine to target and destroy cancer cells. Otago University researchers are currently investigating the treatment which is funded by the New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation and could prove to a safer alternative to the traditional approach.

Associate Professor and toxicologist Rhonda Rosengren said the research team is focusing on hormone-resistant cancers like TNBC. Triple negative breast cancer was named for its tumours that lack estrogen, progesterone and HER2 which are hormone receptors fueling most forms of breast cancer.

New Zealand researchers want to develop a low-cost breast cancer treatment using nano-medicine RL-71, a powerful chemotherapeutic agent created by Associate Professor Rosengren and her team.

The agent will be directly applied to cancer cells using a new delivery mode co-patented by Dr Khaled Greish, one of the cancer study collaborators. Ms Rosengren hopes their research could lead to a drug that would only cost less than $100 per dose.聽聽

The research team used mice to test the new treatment. Study findings had shown an early tumour suppression was promising, but more tests are needed to determine the drug's effectiveness against metastasis or the spread of cancer cells.

Ms Rosengren said those who die from cancer were often due to the cancer spreading. The new breast cancer treatment will have to be tested on a cancer spread model. While the research is still in its pre-clinical stages, the team hopes clinical trials can begin in two to three years.

New Zealand Breast Cancer Foundation spokesperson Adele Gautier said international breast cancer researchers were also focusing on TNBC. The organisation continues to look for a breakthrough in cancer treatment that will cause a worldwide difference.

[666] UAAP volleyball- FEU crushes Adamson Final Four ho... gkugtaah - 2015/06/26(Fri) 02:38 No.742  

Showing no signs of letting up, the FEU Lady Tamaraws eliminated the Adamson Lady Falcons from playoff contention in their straight sets win, 25-20, 25-21, 25-18 at the Filoil Flying V [url=http://www.marquis-mo.com/img/barcelona_trikot_140_mit_hose_053301.html]barcelona trikot 140 mit hose[/url]
Arena Saturday afternoon.<br><br>With this win, FEU will now wait for the results of the UP versus NU match tomorrow to determine on whether or not a playoff or quotient system will be followed to determine the team that will get the last Final Four berth. <br><br>淕ood game kami today at sa wakas nakita rin namin ung laro ng mga bata at ung tiwala sa isa-isa,?said FEU head coach Shaq Delos Santos. 淕umagana rin ang mga plays namin at lalo na ung coordination ng team.?br><br>FEU had their way throughout the game as they had extinguished everything that Adamson tried to throw at them.<br><br>With an 8-all deadlock in the third set after Mylene Paat blocked an attack from Heather Guino-o, Adamson seemed to be gearing up for a massive run to extend the game to extra sets.<br><br>However, FEU took charge and looked to finish the game early as they uncorked a 10-2 scoring run to stretch their lead to 18-10 after a thunderous spike from Bernadeth Pons. <br><br>Looking to slam the door shut after extending their lead to 23-13, Samantha Dawson would give the killing blows, aided by a couple of Adamson errors, to finally end the game. &nbsp;<br><br>淪obrang sakit ng naramdaman namin last year [dahil eliminated kami ng Adamson],?added Delos Santos. uckily binigay ni God sa amin ang panalo.?br><br>Pons and Palma led the Tamaraw charge with both players dropping 12 points apiece. In addition, Genevieve Casugod had 10 points.<br><br>For Adamson, Paat had 11 points and 3 blocks while Jessica Galanza added 7 points. In addition, Amanda Villanueva had 5 points and 7 digs.<br><br>This also marks the last UAAP games for Adamson graduating seniors in Villanueva, team captain Faye Guevara and libero Princess Listana. <br><br>The scores:<br><br>FEU (3) ?Pons 12, Palma 12, Casugod 10, Dawson 7, Guino-o 6, Papa 5, Malabanan 1, Atienza 0, Agno (L) 0.<br><br>ADU (0) ?Paat 11, Galanza 7, Alkuino 5, Dacoron 5, Emnas 4, Guevara 4, Cortel 0, Lebumfacil 0, Tempiatura (L) 0, Listana (L) 0.<br><br><br>

[667] Urzdnik nie jest biznesmenem vzlxwjrz - 2015/06/26(Fri) 22:39 No.743  

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kto si decyduje na prac administracji publicznej, musi si liczy膰 z ograniczeniami. Dotycz one cho膰by prowadzenia dziaalnoci gospodarczej.
Trudno sobie wyobrazi膰 urzdnika, ktry organizuje przetargi publiczne i jednoczenie jako przedsibiorca skada w tym urzdzie ofert wykonania usug budowlanych lub informatycznych. Nie trzeba du偶ej wyobra藕ni, 偶eby przewidzie膰, jak mgby si ten przetarg skoczy膰. eby nie dochodzio do takich patologii, ustawodawca ograniczy aktywno膰 urzdnikw kilkoma ustawami. Chodzi zarwno o osoby zatrudnione w samorzdach, pracownikw su偶by cywilnej, jak i osoby penice funkcje publiczne. Ale zakazy nie dotycz tylko prowadzenia biznesu. Niedopuszczalna jest wszelka aktywno膰 zawodowa, ktra mo偶e wywoa膰 podejrzenie stronniczoci lub interesownoci. I nawet wtedy, gdy pozornie brak jest konfliktu interesw pomidzy dziaalnoci gospodarcz urzdnika a jego funkcj publiczn, musi on zawiadomi膰 przeo偶onych o swoich planach.
Wicej . Zapraszam pastwa o lektury.
Teresa Siudem

[668] Russell Crowe's Australian citizenship application... qtcywsww - 2015/06/26(Fri) 23:59 No.744  

After first moving across the ditch as a four year old, Russell says he's as [url=http://www.ramaxsearch.com/images/peyton_manning_signed_game_jerseys_115033.html]peyton manning signed game jerseys[/url]
Aussie as they come telling UK publication that he even handed out How To Vote cards as a kid on election day.
The star did briefly head back to New Zealand for a few years before returning to Australia as a 21-year-old, determined to make it as an actor and making a start on soap Neighbours in the late 80s.

Aussie upbringing! The New Zealand-born star's parents moved the family to Australia when Russell was just four years old and he says as a kid he used to hand out 'How To Vote' cards at federal elections

Future A-Lister: The future Hollywood heavyweight returned to New Zealand for a few years, where he performed in band Roman Antix (pictured in 1986) before coming back to Australia aged 21

Soap star! In 1987 the up-and-coming actor landed a role on Australian soap Neighbours
And he's gone on to become one of Australia's biggest names.聽
Starring in big budget blockbusters including Gladiator, American Gangster and Les Miserable, the actor and director commands over AU$25 million a movie - clearly he'd be a financial asset to the country.
Russell claims his immigration status is 'unreasonable' after being recognised by the country on a number of occasions.
業e been awarded the Federation medal, Ie been voted one of Australia 50 national treasures,聽

Most famous role: Almost 15 years after it's release Gladiator remains the role Russell is most famous for

Oscar winner! His role in Gladiator won him the Best Actor gong at the 73rd Annual Academy Awards in 2001

Big earner! Appearing in big budget films such as Les Miserable (pictured), its understood Russell earns AU$25 million a movie

'Australian Legend': The A-Lister is the only non-Australian, other than the Queen to appear on a stamp, after being included in the 2009 Australian Legends Of The Screen collection
'Ie even had my face on an Australian stamp, the only non-Australian to do so, apart from the Queen, of course,' he pointed out.
The actor also has personal ties to the country, having been married to Australian singer Danielle Spencer, who he's since separated from and with whom he has two Australian-born sons, Charlie, 11 and Tennyson, 8.
As a massive Rugby League fan, the A-Lister bought into the South Sydney Rabbitohs team, which he now co-owns.
The club went on to win their first Premiership in 43 years under his reign, when they beat the Canterburry Bulldogs in the 2014 Grand Final.

Personal ties: Russell married Australian singer Danielle Spencer in 2003 but the pair have since separated

Australian-born sons: The actor also聽has two Australian-born sons, Charlie, 11 and Tennyson, eight, tying him to the country

Rugby league fan! Wanting to help turn around the fortunes of his favourite football club, the actor bought into the team and even missed the 2015 Academy Awards to see them play in the World Championships in the UK

Russell even skipped the Academy Awards this year to see his beloved team play in the Rugby League World Championships game against St Helens in the UK.聽
Talking to a BBC reporter before the game, the Aussie actor revealed he not only skipped the ceremony but turned down the opportunity to present an award with his current The Nice Guys co-star Ryan Gosling.
'When they told me the date, it was just like "Oh sorry, I've got a previous engagement",' he laughed.聽

Directorial debut: The actor turned director for the war-time film The Water Diviner, which has made over AU$14 million worldwide so far
The actor recently made his directorial debut with The Water Diviner, which was partially filmed in Australia.
The movie is estimated to have made over AU$14 million worldwide so far, according to website聽.
Russell is currently promoting the movie through Europe.聽

Bombshell: The actor talks about his fight for citizenship in the current issue of Radio Times

[669] Celebrity endorsement for small business qujvdgzf - 2015/06/27(Sat) 06:00 No.745  

He believes it's a strategy that carries weight in our celebrity-centric society. Plus, he freely admits to being a tragic Arnold fan .
Not everyone thinks they can get bang for their buck from having a celebrity champion their product. One business owner, who did not wish to be named, considered it and ruled it out. It's costly, depending on who you want and what you want them to do for you, she says. Instead, she decided to go with [url=http://www.marquis-mo.com/private/em_trikot_deutschland_gr&uuml_;n_451344.html]em trikot deutschland gr斤拷n[/url]
a PR company that was passionate about her product. It may take a tad longer but a good PR company will get you good results within three months, she says.
If you're intent on taking the celebrity short-cut to success, what does it take to turn their thumbs-up into sales, and ultimately, profit?
Choose carefully
The celebrity should align with your brand. Nives Zubcevic-Basic, director, master of marketing, Swinburne University of Technology, says the characteristics of the product or brand must match up with the image conveyed by the celebrity if you want a positive impact .
Twiddle believes Schwarzenegger's property investment background ties in nicely with his audience. &nbsp; He owns half of Santa Monica and he was a savvy property investor before he had the type of money that he has now, he says.
Pick a celebrity who believes in your product. Although Williams was paid for her appearance, she is also a co-founder of the company and uses the towel during matches. I think it is key that the athlete does actually use the product in their sport, says Jackson.
Weigh up the cost
A celeb endorsement doesn't have to involve mega-bucks. Twiddle says it's best not to plunge straight into using an international A-lister, suggesting it might be better to use a local B-list or C-list celebrity first. An A-lister could charge upwards of a million dollars for a single appearance, while the outlay will be more manageable for small businesses if they opt for someone with less dazzle.
Many businesses could tolerate a few thousand dollars for a one-off appearance or maybe $10,000 for an appearance with the rights to use the footage of the appearance for the coming year, he says.
Some people will even make an appearance for free if there's a charity involved. That's the way Twiddle got former Brisbane AFL footballer Richard Champion to an event.
To get an idea of cost he suggests checking out listings at speaker bureaus.
Get it in writing
In Williams' case a contract spelt out specifically what was expected from her endorsement appearance and listed each media interview that would take place.
Jackson counts himself lucky that Williams over-delivered on her contractual arrangements. She stayed an extra 45 minutes just talking to the crowd.
Time it right
Jackson believes the success of its endorsement strategy had a lot to do with timing. Media outlets were looking for stories related to the Australian Open so her doing this appearance gave them the opportunity to have an Australian Open story as much as a Serena Williams story.
Think big picture
Williams' appearance was just part of the company's promotional strategy. Not only was it tied in with media interviews but the appearance took place in a Rebel store, the company's retail partner. So we both got some high-profile coverage and promotion out of it whilst also showing how the product works, says Jackson.
But there can be a significant knock-on effect if something goes wrong too.
Fortunately for Jackson, it was quite the reverse. We were fortunate enough that she played the whole two weeks and went on to win. So that was a bonus.

[670] Troch mamuta 偶yje w soniu, Nauka , Biologia gobbwcai - 2015/06/27(Sat) 06:49 No.746   HomePage

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wochatego naukowcy poczyli z DNA 偶yjcych obecnie soni.
To stanowi wa偶ny krok opanowywaniu techniki umo偶liwiajcej odtwarzanie genomu wymarych gatunkw i ?by膰 mo偶e ?przywracania ich do 偶ycia. Tego genetycznego wyczynu dokonali naukowcy z Uniwersytetu Harvarda, zespoem kieruje prof. George Church.<br><br>Naukowcy badali DNA pochodzce ze szcztkw mamutw wochatych znajdowanych w Arktyce, w wiecznej zmarzlinie na Syberii.<br><br>?Przede wszystkim zwracalimy uwag na geny majce zwizek z wytrzymaoci tych zwierzt na nisk temperatur, z sierci, wielkoci uszu, tuszczem podskrnym, a zwaszcza z hemoglobin przenoszc tlen do wszystkich organw i komrek ?wyjania prof. George Church. Po zidentyfikowaniu tych genw naukowcy sporzdzali ich kopie. Odtworzyli w ten sposb 14 genw.

[671] Halifax school board cancels Friday scheduled day ... szoxamow - 2015/06/27(Sat) 07:35 No.747  

The Halifax regional school board is postponing the assessment and [url=http://www.flex-time-rennes.com/log/maillot_bayern_munich_robben_052431.html]maillot bayern munich robben[/url]
evaluation day that had been scheduled for this Friday.
Students in grades Primary to 9 were supposed to have the day off on Friday as teachers prepare report cards.
But the school board has moved the scheduled day off from this Friday to June 26.
淕iven the weather-related challenges of the past two months, as well as the recent March Break and upcoming holidays at Easter, it is important that all students be in school on Friday engaged in learning,?said a statement from the board issued on Tuesday afternoon.
Students in grades 10 to 12 were already scheduled to be in class this Friday.
School buses will continue to run on Friday, as well as the EXCEL child care program, where offered.

[672] D眉rr auf Rang 13- Shiffrin siegt und holt Slalom firhfety - 2015/06/27(Sat) 11:17 No.748  

Nach 2012/13 und 2013/14 holte die erst 20-j盲hrige Shiffrin zum dritten Mal in Folge den Gesamtsieg im Slalom. Zum zweiten [url=http://movilshopcr.com/img/precio_de_camiseta_original_de_colombia_323122.html]precio de camiseta original de colombia[/url]
Mal gelang es ihr zudem, in einem Winter den WM-Titel und die Slalomwertung zu gewinnen. Das schaffte von Shiffrin noch keine L盲uferin. "Der Gesamtweltcup wird irgendwann ein Ziel f眉r mich, aber erstmal will ich die kleine Kugel auch im Riesenslalom gewinnen", sagte Shiffrin in der ARD.Die einzige deutsche Starterin Lena D眉rr aus Germering zeigte trotz einer gerade erst 眉berstandenen Erk盲ltung eine gute Vorstellung. Die 23-J盲hrige fuhr auf einen achtbaren 13. Platz. "Das waren noch mal wichtige Punkte und ein vers枚hnliches Ende", sagte D眉rr, die in einer schwachen deutschen Slalom-Saison f眉r einige wenige Lichtblicke sorgte.Im Kampf um den Gesamtweltcup steht im Riesenslalom am Sonntag (10.00 Uhr im ) ein spannendes Duell zwischen Anna Fenninger (sterreich) und Tina Maze (Slowenien) bevor. Maze eroberte mit Platz vier vor dem letzten Saisonrennen die F眉hrung zur眉ck und liegt 18 Punkte vor Fenninger, die am Samstag als 23. leer ausging.

[673] Er枚ffnungsfeier in weniger als 100 Tagen- Baku- M... fznkcnit - 2015/06/27(Sat) 12:16 No.749   HomePage

Zum allerersten Mal wurden der versammelten Presse die Medaillen der Spiele [url=http://www.cybele-benodet.com/img/deutschland_torwart_trikot_orange_311451.html]deutschland torwart trikot orange[/url]
pr盲sentiert - und die ersten Athleten bekamen einen Vorgeschmack darauf, wie es sein wird, im Juni auf dem Podium zu stehen: Der aserbaidschanische Boxer Teymur Mammadov pr盲sentierte die Bronzemedaille, der blinde Judoka und Doppel-Olympiasieger Ilham Zakiyev die Silberne. Die groe Ehre, die Goldmedaille in seinen H盲nden zu halten, wurde dem Ringer Namiq Abdullayev, Goldmedaillen-Gewinner von Sydney 2000, zuteil.F眉r das Design der Medaillen war das gleiche Team verantwortlich, welches auch schon die Olympischen Winterspiele in Sotschi die Medaillen gestaltete. Ebenfalls mit von der Partie war die aserbaidschanische K眉nstlerin Nargiz Huseynova, zudem werden die Ehrenzeichen vor Ort in Aserbaidschan gefertigt.Der Countdown l盲uftDas Besondere an den Medaillen, die von einem violetten Band getragen werden: Auf der Vorderseite ziert sie das Logo der European Games, w盲hrend auf der R眉ckseite das Emblem des Europ盲ischen Olympischen Komitees zu sehen ist.

Azad Rahimov, Aserbaidschans Minister f眉r Jugend und Sport und damit Direktor der European Games 2015, sagte: "Es war von Beginn an unser Ziel, den herausragenden Leistungen der Athleten der ersten European Games mit einem einzigartigen Medaillen-Design gerecht zu werden - so einzigartig wie die Spiele selbst.Es sind nur noch 100 Tage bis zum Start der Spiele und ich bin mir sicher, dass diese wundersch枚nen Medaillen die Sportler zu H枚chstleistungen motivieren und die Vorfreude der ffentlichkeit auf die Wettk盲mpfe nur noch steigern werden.Der Countdown bis zur groen Er枚ffnung im Nationalstadion am 12. Juni l盲uft.

[674] Ted Cruz tendr cobertura m茅dica bajo la reforma d... ebplaibk - 2015/06/27(Sat) 14:13 No.750   HomePage

El senador republicano Ted Cruz, el primer candidato en oficializar sus aspiraciones presidenciales para 2016, admiti hoy que a partir de ahora tendr cobertura m茅dica bajo la reforma sanitaria de Barack Obama, contra la que batalla en el Congreso.
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Cruz tena un seguro m茅dico de alta categora gracias al trabajo de su mujer, Heidi, en el banco de inversiones Goldman Sach, informa el diario Politico.
Tras el anuncio de la candidatura del senador el lunes, su esposa pedir una excedencia en el trabajo para ayudarle en la campa帽a, lo que obliga a la familia a buscar otro seguro.
"Estamos en un proceso de transicin hacia eso", dijo Cruz a la cadena CNN, en referencia a un seguro bajo la reforma sanitaria de Obama, que cumple cinco a帽os esta semana.
La llamada Ley de Cuidado Asequible de la Salud (ACA, por su sigla en ingl茅s) busca extender la cobertura m茅dica a toda la poblacin y establece la obligatoriedad de adquirir un seguro, su parte ms controvertida y duramente cuestionada por los republicanos.
Una enmienda de la ley, impulsada por el congresista republicano Chuck Grassley, estipula que los miembros del Congreso que no tienen cobertura con el programa de salud para ancianos y jubilados Medicare deben contratar cobertura en el mercado de seguros m茅dicos, una de las disposiciones clave de la reforma sanitaria promulgada en 2010.
El senador Cruz es uno de los lderes del ala ultraconservadora del Partido Republicano, el Tea Party, y uno de los que se oponen con ms dureza a la reforma sanitaria de Obama, que asegura quedar revocada si 茅l o uno de sus compa帽eros de partido se hacen con la Casa Blanca en 2016.

[675] Spring starts to crackle ... but blustery for week... ywhdwhyu - 2015/06/27(Sat) 20:54 No.751  

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[676] Oby pan Broniarz matematyki dzieci nie uczy zmuhilry - 2015/06/28(Sun) 02:23 No.752  

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strony maszynopisu zajo Zwizkowi Nauczycielstwa Polskiego yjanienie nieprawdziwych danych, wybirczego podejcia?Rzeczpospolitej do sprawy wynagrodze pedagogw.
Chodzi o nasz tekst z poniedziaku, w ktrym poinformowalimy, powoujc si na wyliczenia MEN, 偶e nauczyciele zarabiaj rednio niemal 4,4 tys. z, a po uwzgldnieniu wszystkich dodatkw 4,7 tys. z. Niestety obszerno膰 wyjanie ZNP (dostpna na ich stornie www.zn.pedu.pl) nie przekada si na jako膰. Kierujcy t organizacj Sawomir Broniarz gwn lini ataku przypuszcza podwa偶ajc nasze dane dotyczce redniej pacy pedagogw. Wskazuje, 偶e jest to 3,66 tys. z. A to jest nieprawda. Pan Broniarz albo wiadomie kamie, albo nie umie liczy膰. Jedno i drugie nie przysporzy mu chway.

[677] Nedved best盲tigt Pogba xhaubypi - 2015/06/28(Sun) 04:17 No.753  

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United 2012 abl枚sefrei verlassen und wurde mit einer R眉ckkehr in Verbindung gebracht, genau so wie mit einem Wechsel zu Real oder Barca. Doch nun ist es der franz枚sische Meister, der sich aufdr盲ngt."Paris nicht der einzige Verein""Ja, PSG hat ein Angebot geschickt", best盲tigt Nedved Le Parisien: "Aber Paris ist nicht der einzige Verein. Auch Real Madrid und Barcelona sind interessiert."Pogbas Berater Mino Raiola hat derweil die Transferpolitik der K枚niglichen am Beispiel von James Rodriguez kritisiert und garantiert, dass sein Sch眉tzling nicht einer der Spieler sein wird, den man nach seinem groen Wechsel "in die Tonne wirft". Er hat den Marktwert von Pogba zuletzt auf 100 Millionen Euro angesetzt.Durch eine Oberschenkelverletzung ist Pogba noch bis Mai auer Gefecht. Sein aktueller Vertrag l盲uft bis 2019.

[678] Letzter Massenstart in der Weltcup fzgbudgl - 2015/07/03(Fri) 14:24 No.754   HomePage

Im Massenstart 眉ber 15 km landete Peiffer beim Sieg von Weltmeister Jakov Fak aus Slowenien als bester Deutscher auf dem [url=http://coilover-store.com/assets/cuando_sale_la_camiseta_de_ecuador_para_el_mundial_323022.html]cuando sale la camiseta de ecuador para el mundial[/url]
siebten Platz, Verfolgungs-Weltmeister Lesser belegte Rang 13 noch hinter dem achtplatzierten Daniel B枚hm (Buntenbock/1).Hinter dem fehlerfreien Fak komplettierten der Russe Anton Schipulin (2), der sich die kleine Kristallkugel f眉r den Massenstart-Weltcup sicherte, und der Norweger Tarjei Boe (1) das Podium.Schempp verpasst SaisonfinaleBenedikt Doll (Breitnau/5), der mit den Pl盲tzen drei und zwei in Sprint und Verfolgung 眉berrascht hatte, leistete sich im letzten Stehendanschlag vier Fehler und landete nur auf Rang 22. Vor ihm lag Johannes K眉hn (Reit im Winkl/3) als 19., Florian Graf (Eppenschlag/6) belegte Rang 29.F眉r Simon Schempp (Uhingen) war die Saison wegen einer Erk盲ltung bereits vor dem Wochenende vorzeitig beendet. Er verpasste damit auch die Chance, im Gesamtweltcup noch auf Rang drei zu springen.Am Sonntag steht noch der Massenstart der Frauen (12.05 Uhr im ) auf dem Programm.

[679] NFL free agency- What veteran RBs are a possibilit... ydiojvvw - 2015/07/05(Sun) 03:48 No.755  


The running back room consists of two players with two years in the &nbsp;league and one with less than one. In a locker room, you typically find at least one [url=http://srconsignment.com/wc-logs/camiseta_visitante_selecci&oacute;n_colombia_2014_435435.html]camiseta visitante selecci斤拷n colombia 2014[/url]
fairly established veteran in every position group. Last year, that player was supposed to be Jonathan Dwyer. He ended up away from the team and there was no veteran presence there.

I am big on having a guy in the room with more experience and who carries respond. It can be a guy who contributes very little outside of special teams like Jason Wright or Chester Taylor, who held that role when Ken Whisenhunt was coach. It could be Rashard Mendenhall, who got the bulk of the team's rushing attempts.

The question who would be that guy this year?

Obviously, Peterson fills that void.

But who else is available in free agency?

In terms of older backs, Steven Jackson and Pierre Thomas are available. Both are used to the workhorse treatment. Jackson hasn't been very impactful, but both could play a Rashard Mendenhall role.

Steven Ridley is still available, and some think the fit in Arizona is good. He is versatile and can contribute on special teams.

[680] New Apple TV hardware coming this summer, report s... ohmhnhmz - 2015/07/05(Sun) 06:15 No.756  

Apple is reportedly prepping a new Apple TV set-top box for this summer, with Siri, the App Store, and home automation as centerpieces.
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report comes from , who has a highly reliable track record with Apple rumors. Paczkowski unnamed sources say Apple will show off the new hardware at its Worldwide Developers Conference in June, and will release a software development kit for a TV-friendly version of the App Store.
The hardware itself could be a 渟ignificant overhaul,?possibly with Apple latest A8 system-on-chip and much more storage than the current Apple TV 8GB. The operating system will get a revamp as well, allowing for Siri voice commands and remote control of .
There no word on price, or how many of the new features will trickle down to the current Apple TV, which now costs $69. Paczkowski report also doesn mention gaming, despite previous rumors that a future Apple TV might double as a lightweight game console.
If you need help deciding whether to buy a current Apple TV, check out our recent . Assuming Paczkowski report is accurate, 渇ear of obsolescence?is now a slightly bigger consideration.
Why this matters: Rumors of a new Apple TV have circulated , but Apple may have wanted to hold off until it had enough new features to bring along. With the , the arrival of , and whispers of a full-blown , Apple may finally feel that the timing is right to revamp its living room hardware.

[681] Ein Jahr vor der ersten Austragung- Baku feiert Eu... ghabpruo - 2015/07/05(Sun) 06:28 No.757   HomePage

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zu der Veranstaltung entlang der Promenade in der Hauptstadt Aserbaidschans, die sogar im nationalen TV 眉bertragen wurde. "Das ist ein groer Meilenstein. Wir sind stolz darauf, dass so viele Leute diesen Moment mit uns erlebt haben", sagte Sportminister Azad Rahimov im Anschluss."Das ganze Land freut sich auf die Europaspiele, das konnte man bereits jetzt sp眉ren, auch wenn es noch ein Jahr dauert. Die Spiele werden einen langfristigen Effekt auf die Entwicklung Aserbaidschans haben, gerade f眉r die jungen Menschen. Wir k枚nnen es kaum noch erwarten, Sportler aus ganz Europa bei uns in dieser traumhaften Stadt zu Gast zu haben", so Rahimov weiter."Erinnerungsw眉rdige Europaspiele"Hickey zeigte sich ebenfalls begeistert: "Baku ist bereit. Unter der Leitung von Sportminister Rahimov wird das BEGOC (Baku European Games Operation Committee, Anm. d. Red.) innovative, nachhaltige und erinnerungsw眉rdige Europaspiele bieten."Der EOC-Pr盲sident nutzte die One-Year-To-Go-Feier auch, um sich f眉r die Zusammenarbeit zu bedanken: "Das ist der perfekte Moment, auf die letzten zwei Jahre und die groen Errungenschaften des EOC und BEGOC zur眉ckzublicken. Davor muss man den Hut ziehen. Aber wir legen uns jetzt nicht auf die faule Haut. Wir haben die Basis f眉r tolle Spiele geschaffen, die m眉ssen wir jetzt nat眉rlich auch nutzen."

[682] Happily ever after in the Central District wjaqujbv - 2015/07/05(Sun) 13:16 No.758   HomePage

The first time I read the CD news was while trying to make sense out of the worst and best 24 hours of my life: October 31, 2007. I was walking to work with my mom and my stroller bound just-turned-one son. Crossing 23rd at Marion there was a car across the way so we waited for them. They weren始t signaling nor moving even though the coast was [url=http://www.fepem35.com/private/bayern_trikot_mit_eigenem_namen_und_nummer_051335.html]bayern trikot mit eigenem namen und nummer[/url]
clear so we assumed they were waiting for us. Not the case must have been distracted. When we were 1/2 way across the street, the car made a quick left. Understand this all happened pretty darned fast and gets a little nutty so I始ll proceed chronologically.

I saw the car, screamed something along the lines of 渟top!nd got between it and the stroller (as if I could stop it, right?). I was struck and thrown over the car which proceeded to run over the stroller and drag it under the car about 30 feet, veering left and running up the curb and into the steps of the corner house. That始s where it was when I came to, looking for my son. My mom, in some stage of disintegration, directed me to where the stroller was. All that could be seen was crushed metal under the car. Needless to say I fell apart. I believe I was on the ground hysterical, ripping clumps of grass out, when my mom alerted me to a baby始s crying.

There was this weird moment of what do we do? Could we lift a car? What would meet our eyes when we did? Then this young man, maybe a teenager, maybe in his 20始s, came right up to me and said o you want us to lift that car??測es? Then it was all hands on residents of the corner house, construction workers from across the street, myself and my mom.

When we pulled the completely collapsed/smashed stroller out there was a little smudge of oil on my son始s forehead where the bottom of the car was touching him. That始s it.

The next 24 hours was filled with a lot of testing at the hospital. Not fun but worth realizing that as unbelievable as it seemed, my son was unharmed.

My boy is now a 7 year old big brother and is living a full and active life. Like a lot of kids his age he fancies himself invincible so the time hasn始t quite arrived for us to tell him what happened. When that time comes, I plan on digging out that first story from the CD news to help him put this crazy puzzle together.

In the blurry days following this incident I scanned news sources trying to make sense of what had happened. The most helpful and human coverage was found in the CD news. I始ve been reading it ever since. Thank you CD news for providing such valuable asset to our community. You始ll be missed.

[683] Ile klienci pac za u偶ywane lokale, Nieruchomoci, ... tisslhqd - 2015/07/05(Sun) 16:05 No.759   HomePage

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ostatnich tygodniach na stoecznym rynku wtrnym wyniosy przecitnie zaledwie 1 proc.
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- Biorc pod uwag ca kwot, klienci pacili przecitnie za mieszkania ok. 472,5 tys. z przy stawce ofertowej 479,2 tys. z.
- Najwiksze upusty, wedug MLS, sigay 5 proc. Np. w 艢rdmieciu przy ulicy Nowolipie sprzedano dwa pokoje z 1955 r. o powierzchni 45 mkw. za 345 tys. z (cena ofertowa 365 tys. z, co daje 5-procentow przecen).
- Z kolei najni偶sze transakcje opieway na 200 tys. z. Za tyle mo偶na byo kupi膰 kawalerki. Np. na Targwku przy ul. Wyspowej za 199 tys. z waciciela zmienio jednopokojowe M, 32 mkw., bloku z 2001 r. W tym przypadku nie doszo do 偶adnego upustu ?podaj przedstawiciele MLS.
- W systemie zarejestrowano te偶 kilka transakcji przekraczajcych 1 mln z. M.in. na Mokotowie przy ul. Lewickiej sprzedano cztery pokoje, 147 mkw., w budynku z 2003 r., za niemal 1,5 mln z. Negocjacje rwnie偶 nie przyniosy 偶adnych obni偶ek.

[684] Report- Mays signs with Vikes jbhzvcby - 2015/07/05(Sun) 19:17 No.760  

PHOENIX, Ariz. _ Vikings head coach Mike Zimmer ended up getting one of his old Bengals safeties Tuesday when [url=http://vaninyhandbag.com/private/real_madrid_jugar&aacute;_con_camiseta_verde_140200.html]real madrid jugar斤拷 con camiseta verde[/url]
multiple reports said Taylor Mays signed with Minnesota. The Bengals would have liked to have had Mays back for a fifth season to continue backing up nickel backer Emmanuel Lamur and play special teams, but they aren looking to pay backups much more than the minimum after dropping about $23 million in salary cap room this month and bracing for future deals that extend some players heading into their contract year. Mays, a 49ers second-round pick in 2010 acquired in a trade the next season, never got on the field much to play safety for Zimmer. He played 61 snaps in 2011 and 61 this season. The most he played was 203 snaps in 2013 when Lamur suffered a season-ending shoulder injury in the preseason and before he suffered his own season-ender in the middle of the season. Lamur's backup could be last year's sixth-rounder, linebacker Marquis Flowers, a former college safety. Also, a week after signing Michael Johnson it believed they have interest in another former Bengals defensive lineman, tackle Pat Sims. Sims, 29, a third-round pick of the Bengals in 2008, was a solid backup run player for them before he moved on to Oakland the last two years. But, according to profootballfocus.com, he has remained productive. In 429 snaps this year, PFF ranked him tied&nbsp; for 34th among tackles playing the run and he was sitting with two pretty good ones, the Bengals?Geno Atkins and Tampa Gerald McCoy. And in 2013, PFF had him rated 14th. The Bengals are looking for depth behind Atkins, Domata Peko, and Brandon Thompson. They had those four in place in 2012 and finished 12th against the rush.

[685] Ted Cruz tendr cobertura m茅dica bajo la reforma d... mfvffjcu - 2015/07/05(Sun) 21:19 No.761   HomePage

El senador republicano Ted Cruz, el primer candidato en oficializar sus aspiraciones presidenciales para 2016, admiti hoy que a partir de ahora tendr cobertura m茅dica bajo la reforma sanitaria de Barack Obama, contra la que batalla en el Congreso.
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Cruz tena un seguro m茅dico de alta categora gracias al trabajo de su mujer, Heidi, en el banco de inversiones Goldman Sach, informa el diario Politico.
Tras el anuncio de la candidatura del senador el lunes, su esposa pedir una excedencia en el trabajo para ayudarle en la campa帽a, lo que obliga a la familia a buscar otro seguro.
"Estamos en un proceso de transicin hacia eso", dijo Cruz a la cadena CNN, en referencia a un seguro bajo la reforma sanitaria de Obama, que cumple cinco a帽os esta semana.
La llamada Ley de Cuidado Asequible de la Salud (ACA, por su sigla en ingl茅s) busca extender la cobertura m茅dica a toda la poblacin y establece la obligatoriedad de adquirir un seguro, su parte ms controvertida y duramente cuestionada por los republicanos.
Una enmienda de la ley, impulsada por el congresista republicano Chuck Grassley, estipula que los miembros del Congreso que no tienen cobertura con el programa de salud para ancianos y jubilados Medicare deben contratar cobertura en el mercado de seguros m茅dicos, una de las disposiciones clave de la reforma sanitaria promulgada en 2010.
El senador Cruz es uno de los lderes del ala ultraconservadora del Partido Republicano, el Tea Party, y uno de los que se oponen con ms dureza a la reforma sanitaria de Obama, que asegura quedar revocada si 茅l o uno de sus compa帽eros de partido se hacen con la Casa Blanca en 2016.

[686] Mexico Rallye- Ogier gewinnt 眉berlegen pduieqzx - 2015/07/05(Sun) 22:20 No.762   HomePage

Rang drei sicherte sich Andreas Mikkelsen (Norwegen/VW).Ogier hatte bereits die ersten beiden Saisonl盲ufe in Monte Carlo und [url=http://www.andre-cuzon.com/photos/maillot_du_psg_sans_sponsor_044120.html]maillot du psg sans sponsor[/url]
Schweden gewonnen. Er ist der erste Fahrer seit Rekordweltmeister Sebastien Loeb (Frankreich/Citroen) 2009, der die ersten drei WM-L盲ufe gewinnen konnte. Es war zudem sein dritter Sieg in Mexiko nach 2013 und 2014."Ich denke, wir k枚nnen stolz sein. Das Team hat einen tollen Job gemacht dieses Wochenende. Es h盲tte nicht besser laufen k枚nnen", sagte Ogier: "Das war einer der besten Siege meiner Karriere."Ogiers hartn盲ckigster WM-Verfolger Jari-Matti Latvala (Finnland) hatte in Mexiko auf der dritten Etappe aufgeben m眉ssen: Der VW-Pilot wich w盲hrend der 12. Wertungspr眉fung einem Schlagloch aus, prallte gegen die B枚schung und besch盲digte dabei die Aufh盲ngung des Polo WRC.

[687] The 5 Simple Steps To 'Death By Firing Squad' ldtdpmpz - 2015/07/06(Mon) 02:05 No.763   HomePage

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used for lethal injections in the United States, on Monday Utah became another of a handful of states to codify firing squads as an alternative method of executing inmates on death row.
Utah Governor Gary Herbert allowing the state to use firing squads to execute an inmate only if the lethal injection drugs are not available 30 days before the execution is set to take place.
So how exactly would a firing squad work?
Step 1: Ready the target
Typically, an inmate will be restrained to a chair with leather straps secured around his waist and head. The chair is placed in front of an oval shaped wall and surrounded by sandbags, which act to stop bullets from ricocheting and absorb blood splatter after the inmate is executed. After a black hood is pulled over the condemned inmate head, a doctor will locate the inmate heart and pin a circular target over it. The inmate is now ready to meet his maker.
Step 2: 楢ny last words??
The prisoner is given a two minute time-frame to offer any final words before parting from this world. Some prisoners use this opportunity to apologize for their past offenses, or ask forgiveness from their victim s families. One convicted felon, though, used his final words to express his disapproval of his attorney.
淪omebody needs to kill my trial attorney,?said George Harris, a man in 2000 for murder.
Step 3: Executioners take aim

[688] Susan Mary Singer (n茅e Wooldridge) ghsawpjr - 2015/07/06(Mon) 04:18 No.764   HomePage

Susan Mary Singer(n茅e Wooldridge)passed away on March 19, 2015, surrounded by loved ones throughout the day. Susan was born and raised in Thorne, South Yorkshire, England, and married Eric Singer on June 20, 1957. She and Eric, along with their daughter, were [url=http://www.rockpocketgames.com/private/camisa_brasil_feminina_copa_2010_345524.html]camisa brasil feminina copa 2010[/url]
transferred from England to Brampton, Ontario, Canada where they welcomed their second born child. They were later transferred again to the United States, where they resided in their home for over 37 years in Tucson, Arizona. While Susan enjoyed the desert landscape and animal life, she always loved and remembered her native England with great fondness. Susan was an avid and accomplished vocalist and Bridge player. She enjoyed traveling with Eric to Bridge tournaments. Her pride and love for her family, both near and abroad, was always evident. She is preceded in death by her parents, Joseph and Theresa (Eason) Wooldridge; older brother, Peter Wooldridge and older sister, Peggy Taylor. In addition to her husband of 57 years, Susan is survived by her daughter, Belinda Wyatt (Marcus); her son, Andrew Singer (Cara); grandchildren, Brittany, Michael, Nathan, Hadley, Luke, Hannah and Sadie; great-grandchildren, Emma and Layla, as well as many other beloved family members. The family welcomes friends to visit at ADAIR FUNERAL HOMES, Avalon Chapel, 8090 N. Northern Avenue, Friday, March 27, 2015, between 11:00 a.m. and noon. A gathering will be at the family home following. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to The Salvation Army. Copyright 2015 Arizona Daily Star. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

[689] First wild beaver family in England for 800 years ... ooltpnky - 2015/07/06(Mon) 05:15 No.765  

Idyllic: Beavers, which are native to England, were plentiful in our countryside (River Otter pictured) 聽until they were wiped out by hunters in the Middle Ages

DNA tests also confirmed the family were Eurasian [url=http://projekt.com/assets/camiseta_blanca_de_holanda_2013_130354.html]camiseta blanca de holanda 2013[/url]
beavers - the species originally native to the UK - rather than North American beavers (here one of the English family is pictured while in captivity during tests)

Tests, carried out by beaver experts from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland over the last few days, revealed the animals were free of bovine TB and a parasitic tapeworm that can cause serious harm in humans

At home:聽Officials had originally said that the wild family (one member, pictured) posed a risk to other wildlife, and might spread parasites and disease, and should be caged or killed

The beavers' impact on the surrounding landscape (dam in River Otter, pictured), fish stocks and landowners including farmers, will also be monitored over the coming years
PROS AND CONS OF BEAVERS聽 Peter Burgess of the Devon Wildlife Trust said the beavers could have a hugely beneficial impact on rivers, reducing numbers of trees on the banks, improving light levels, and reducing flood risk by controlling water flow with their dams.
Some people think they may slow down flood waters, as well as boosting wildlife diversity.
Farmers and anglers have that they can damage the landscape and fish migration routes.
This proved they had been quietly prospering and ?crucially ?breeding, and had been there for at least five years.
News of the discovery was incredibly popular locally - so people were furious when Defra, the Government environment department, decided they would round up the beavers.
Officials said that they posed a risk to other wildlife, and might spread parasites and disease, and should be caged or killed.
But a fierce campaign to allow the animals to remain free, backed by the Daily Mail, resulted in a dramatic turnaround.
Natural England, the government agency in charge of wildlife, ruled that as long as the beavers were disease-free, they could remain on the Rover Otter.

They vanished from our rivers and wetlands for centuries until, mysteriously, one was spotted near Ottery St Mary in eastern Devon last winter. A few months later a second beaver was seen and then grainy pictures emerged in the spring of a juvenile. A screen grab of video footage of the beavers is shown

Each of the beavers (pictured during short stint in captivity) has been tagged with colour-coded ear labels, which will help officials track the individuals as they are filmed by hidden cameras
THE BEHAVIOUR OF BEAVERS聽 Beavers normally live in family groups and can survive up to 24 years in the wild and 35 years in captivity.
They are herbivorous rodents that build corridors in their dams to escape predators such as wolves and bears in the wild.
The animals are nocturnal and can grow to more than 3ft, weigh up to 70lbs, and feed on a diet of reeds, leaves and bark.
Beavers were hunted almost to extinction in Europe, both for fur and for castoreum - a secretion of its scent gland for medicinal properties.
Tests, carried out by beaver experts from the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland over the last few days, revealed the animals were free of bovine TB and a parasitic tapeworm that can cause serious harm in humans.
DNA tests also confirmed they were Eurasian beavers - the species originally native to the UK - rather than North American beavers.
Having been cleared for the project, each of the beavers has been tagged with colour-coded ear labels, which will help officials track the individuals as they are filmed by hidden cameras.
Their impact on the surrounding landscape, fish stocks and landowners including farmers, will also be monitored.
At its conclusion in 2020, the project will present Natural England with its evidence and decide the future of the beavers.

The four adults and a juvenile were certified as free of disease, and will rejoin four young kits which had remained on the River Otter (map shown)

The reason for the beavers?(pictured) presence in Devon remains a mystery. There are captive breeding programmes in the UK, including one in Dartmoor, but none of the animals are unaccounted for
Friends of the Earth campaigner Alasdair Cameron said: 楾he return of these beavers is fantastically exciting, and a great success for all those who fought for them to remain in the wild.
et us hope it is just the start. We should bring beavers back to other parts of the UK where they used to live and look at boosting or returning other species too - from the pine marten to the lynx.
e need to radically change our relationship with nature. Bringing back our native species will help existing wildlife, repair our ecosystems and bring more life and joy to our landscape.?The reason for the beavers?original presence in Devon remains a mystery. There are several captive breeding programmes in the UK, including one on the other side of Dartmoor, but none of the animals is unaccounted for.
Other explanations touted by locals include their escape from a private collection, or a deliberate release by wildlife enthusiasts.

[690] Aufarbeitung endet nach neun Jahren- Freispruch f... kjqknhei - 2015/07/06(Mon) 06:20 No.766  

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und Schiedsrichter bestochen. Auch der fr眉here Gesch盲ftsf眉hrer von Juventus, Antonio Giraudo, wurde wegen Verj盲hrung freigesprochen.Mit dem Urteil ist die juristische Seite des Wettskandals von 2006 abgeschlossen. "Ein riesiges Verfahren, das neun Jahre lang gelaufen ist, hat zu nichts gef眉hrt", betonte Moggi. Als zentrale Figur war er in erster Instanz zu f眉nf Jahren und vier Monaten Gef盲ngnis verurteilt worden, dagegen hatte er Berufung eingelegt. Die Haftstrafe war zweitinstanzlich 2013 auf zwei Jahre und vier Monate verk眉rzt worden.Moggi war zus盲tzlich zu einem lebenslangen Berufsverbot im Fuball verurteilt worden, Turin wurden die Meistertitel aus den Jahren 2005 und 2006 aberkannt.

[691] In the Shadow of the Mouse boclpifh - 2015/07/06(Mon) 07:28 No.767  

I m a lover of Cuban food, or really, pretty much any type of Latin cuisine, so perhaps it s no wonder that I was wowed by the restaurant at Pointe Orlando on I-Drive. I m fussy about my food, though, and I have to say that Cuba Libre s unique tastes and quaint atmosphere combined into a [url=http://www.remorques-marrec.com/css/adidas_originals_fc_bayern_m&uuml_;nchen_retro_trikot_-_rot_wei&szlig_;_352344.html]adidas originals fc bayern m斤拷nchen retro trikot - rot wei?[/url]
standout experience that I can highly recommend.

Cuba Libre has a full menu, with things like empandas, ceviche, black bean soup, and ropa vieja, as well as many special creations. However, at the event I attended, the empanadas took center stage. As a matter of fact, I even got to make some myself! I ve eaten plenty in my lifetime, but this was the first time I d ever played a hand in actually crafting one. April is Empanada Month at Cuba Libre, so I was simply getting in practice. Soon they were all ready to pop into the oven, as you can see in the photo at right.

We had a choice of making cheese, chicken, or beef empanadas. I went for the cheese and a beef and cheese combination. In the restaurant, you can also get ham empanadas. I tasted those, too, and give them a huge thumbs up. Meanwhile, here s what my personal creations looked like once they were ready for me to try:

Cuba Libre also has a rum bar, and if you re adventurous and in the mood for sampling, you can get a three rum flight. I tried that while I learned more about rum. Whew! It was a potent but tasty libation:

Speaking of libations, you certainly couldn t have a Cuban restaurant without mojitos. I got the opportunity to learn how to make one for myself. I managed to muddle my way through it, gingerly adding and shaking all the ingredients into a passable version. Of course, the bartender was much faster and displayed much more expertise, so I deferred to him when I was ready for a second round.

I also tried a variety of dips on plantain chips, including black bean hummus, Haitian eggplant salad and Cuba Libre salsa. They were all delicious, but my favorite by far was the guacamole. I m a huge fan of guac in general, and this version had a unique twist: big chunks of grilled pineapple to add some sweetness to the typical flavor.

I also enjoyed a lobster empanada. See the dark color? That s from squid ink!

Of course, no feast is complete without dessert, and I was amazed at the tastiness of the cream cheese and guava empanadas. I know this might sound a bit crazy, but the flavor reminded me of a kolachky. I grew up on those, and they re nearly impossible to find in Orlando. For some reason, this empanada struck my taste buds in the same way. I ve missed that flavor for so long, so of course I had to have seconds.

All in all, it was quite an experience that left me hankering for more. I m not a big fan of being on I-Drive in busy seasons, but Cuba Libre is well worth the trip. It s in Pointe Orlando, which isn t too far past the Orange County Convention Center, so you don t have to brave the worst park of I-Drive, which is past Sand Lake Road. You can park right in the garage and get your parking validated at the restaurant, so all in all it s a pretty painless experience.

If you re a fan of salsa dancing, you ll enjoy the party every Friday and Saturday night, starting at 10 p.m. For me, I m all about the eating, and I m really to explore some more of the vast Cuba Libre menu. If you re a Latin food fan, you won t go wrong if you try it too.

[692] APC Members Decamp to PDP in Lagos, Articles kfikxcxp - 2015/07/06(Mon) 08:36 No.768  

Over 500 members of the All Progressives Party (APC) were Tuesday received into the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) by the Lagos East senatorial Coordinator of The GoodluckThumb , [url=http://www.osteopathe-sylvain-guyard.com/fonts/elfenbeink&uuml_;ste_trikot_2013_422524.html]elfenbeink斤拷ste trikot 2013[/url]
Mr. Habib Uthman, during the Thank You Nigeria concert/rally organised by the South-west zone of The GoodluckThumb at the Recreation Grounds in Epe, Lagos State, the group has said.

The concert/rally which featured road show and musical performances by artistes like Ade Piper, Dre Snag, Mallam Spicy, Little Doctor and Fuji Maestro, Remi Aluko, among others, also witnessed the award of Democrat of the Decade to President Goodluck Jonathan by members of The GoodluckThumb.

The group also gave posthumous awards to acclaimed winner of June 12, 1993 presidential election, Chief M.K.O Abiola, Chief Bola Ige, renowned political icon and Itsekiri leader,&nbsp; Alfred Ogbeyiwa Rewane,&nbsp; Chief Obafemi Awolowo, Mrs. Kudirat Abiola and Funsho Williams, for their contribution to the consolidation of democracy and national development.

The South-west Coordinator of the group, Mr. David Aboyowa Omaghomi, described the rally as successful, insisting that it was a testament that Nigerians will vote President Jonathan en masse in the March 28 poll.

[693] Nedved best盲tigt Pogba kdfiieut - 2015/07/06(Mon) 14:24 No.769  

Der Franzose hat Manchester [url=http://www.flex-time-rennes.com/photos/maillot_exterieur_du_portugal_pour_la_coupe_du_monde_2014_430450.html]maillot exterieur du portugal pour la coupe du monde 2014[/url]
United 2012 abl枚sefrei verlassen und wurde mit einer R眉ckkehr in Verbindung gebracht, genau so wie mit einem Wechsel zu Real oder Barca. Doch nun ist es der franz枚sische Meister, der sich aufdr盲ngt."Paris nicht der einzige Verein""Ja, PSG hat ein Angebot geschickt", best盲tigt Nedved Le Parisien: "Aber Paris ist nicht der einzige Verein. Auch Real Madrid und Barcelona sind interessiert."Pogbas Berater Mino Raiola hat derweil die Transferpolitik der K枚niglichen am Beispiel von James Rodriguez kritisiert und garantiert, dass sein Sch眉tzling nicht einer der Spieler sein wird, den man nach seinem groen Wechsel "in die Tonne wirft". Er hat den Marktwert von Pogba zuletzt auf 100 Millionen Euro angesetzt.Durch eine Oberschenkelverletzung ist Pogba noch bis Mai auer Gefecht. Sein aktueller Vertrag l盲uft bis 2019.

[694] Cowboys likely to move Sean Lee to weakside lineba... vdqghvpr - 2015/07/06(Mon) 22:36 No.770  

Dallas Cowboys linebacker Sean Lee (50). (Tom Fox/The Dallas Morning News)
It becoming more and more clear that the Cowboys intend to [url=http://www.marquis-mo.com/private/frankreich_national_trikot_404512.html]frankreich national trikot[/url]
move Sean Lee to weakside linebacker.
Rolando McClain started at middle linebacker in Lee absence last season and excelled. Jerry Jones said the best move would be to move Lee to the weakside and re-sign McClain.
淵es, I think so,?Jones said. he ideal scenario would be to have a player of McClain caliber, and that would certainly make it real comfortable to move him over there.
淪ean is the quarterback of the defense, and the ideal spot for the quarterback is in the middle. On the other hand, a key player of skill that has the instincts that he has, the key spot [in the Cowboys?scheme] is over at weakside linebacker.?
If the club is unable to sign McClain, does that make it less likely that Lee will move?
hat still wouldn preclude us,?Jones said. e still might be better off, regardless.
e got some good play out of Anthony Hitchens last year. He going to be better, and he durable. We could get enough confidence there to move Lee.?
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[695] America's 'melting pot' revealed- Scientists map g... dkogwvxw - 2015/07/06(Mon) 22:52 No.771   HomePage

The Basques, a distinct ethnic group spread across current-day Spain and France, provided a small but distinct genetic contribution to current-day Continental South American populations, including the Maya in Mexico.
Meanwhile, the Caribbean Islands of Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic are genetically similar to each other and distinct from the other populations.

The left image shows how much European ancestry is in the Americas, while the left image relates to American ancestry. The bars are colour coded to match the map above. 聽The Basques [url=http://www.gourmaleo.com/stats/camiseta_de_colombia_para_mujer_533225.html]camiseta de colombia para mujer[/url]
(light), a distinct ethnic group spread across current-day Spain and France, provided a small but distinct genetic contribution to current-day Continental South American populations, including the Maya in Mexico

The Oxford team first grouped subsets of people in Africa and Europe who were genetically similar. IThey were able to separate European genomes into 37 groups (pictured). They then compared the data with the genomes from 2,500 American people of mixed ancestry

The ancestors of current-day Yoruba people (left) from West Africa - which is one of the largest African ethnic groups - provided the largest contribution of genes from Africa to all current-day American populations. The most common European genetic source in African-Americans and Barbadians comes from the UK (right)
US ANCESTRY: KEY FINDINGS - The most common European genetic source in African-Americans and Barbadians comes from the UK.
- The Basques, a distinct ethnic group spread across Spain and France, provided a small but distinct genetic contribution to current-day Continental South American populations.
- Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic are genetically similar to each other and distinct from the other populations, probably reflecting a different migration pattern between the Caribbean and mainland America.
- Compared to South Americans, people from Caribbean countries (such as the Barbados) had a larger genetic contribution from Africa.
- The ancestors of current-day Yoruba people from West Africa provided the largest contribution of genes from Africa to all current-day American populations.
- The proportion of African ancestry varied across the continent, from virtually zero in the Maya people from Mexico to 87 per cent in current-day Barbados.
- South Italy and Sicily provided a European contribution to Colombia and Puerto Rico, in line with the history of Italian emigrants to the Americas in the 19th and early 20th century.
- One of the African-American groups from the USA had French ancestry, which reflects historical French immigration into the colonial Southern US.
The researchers say this probably reflects a different migration pattern between the Caribbean and mainland America.
Compared to South Americans, people from Caribbean countries, such as the Barbados, had a larger genetic contribution from Africa.
The ancestors of current-day Yoruba people from West Africa - which is one of the largest African ethnic groups - provided the largest contribution of genes from Africa to all current-day American populations.
'We can see the huge genetic impact that the slave trade had on American populations and our data match historical records', said study author Dr Garrett Hellenthal from the UCL Genetics Institute,
'The majority of African Americans have ancestry similar to the Yoruba people in West Africa, confirming that most African slaves came from this region.
業n areas of the Americas historically under Spanish rule, populations also have ancestry related to what is now Senegal and Gambia. Records show that around a third of the slaves sent to Spanish America in the 17th Century came from this region, and we can see the genetic evidence of this in modern Americans really clearly.'
Researchers also found that the proportion of African ancestry varied across the continent, from virtually zero in the Maya people from Mexico to 87 per cent in current-day Barbados.
South Italy and Sicily also provided a significant European genetic contribution to Colombia and Puerto Rico, in line with the known history of Italian emigrants to the Americas in the late 19th and early 20th century
One of the African-American groups from the USA had French ancestry, in agreement with historical French immigration into the colonial Southern United States.
The proportion of genes from European versus African sources varied greatly from individual to individual within recipient populations.
These genetic findings also uncover previously unknown migration. 'We found a clear genetic contribution from the Basques in modern-day Maya in Mexico', said Oxford University's Professor Cristian Capelli. 'This suggests that the Basque also took part in the colonisation of the Americas, coming over either with the Spanish conquistadores or in later waves of migration.
'The differences in European ancestry between the Caribbean islands and mainland American population that we found were also previously unknown.
業t is likely that these differences reflect different patterns of migration between the Caribbean and mainland America.
'These results show just how powerful a genetic approach can be when it comes to uncovering hidden patterns of ancestry,?added Professor Capelli.
The team now hopes to use the same approach to look at other populations with diverse genetic contributions, such as Brazilians.

Professor Capellii, who is Italian, was particularly suprised to find evidence of e Italians in Puerto Rico (bottom right), as well as the fact that some part of Spain, but not others, contributed Spanish DNA to the Americas. Pictured is a graph of some of the regions analysed in the study as well as how much DNA from around the world was found in the populations

South Italy and Sicily provided a significant European genetic contribution to Colombia and Puerto Rico, in line with the known history of Italian emigrants to the Americas in the late 19th and early 20th century

[696] UEFA gegen fr眉heren DFB rgpbqijc - 2015/07/07(Tue) 10:16 No.772  

"Vorw眉rfe absolut nicht gerechtfertigt""Er hat versucht - offensichtlich v枚llig chancenlos - eine Klage einzureichen und das Image des DFB zu [url=http://srconsignment.com/private/fotos_de_la_camiseta_de_la_seleccion_argentina_555553.html]fotos de la camiseta de la seleccion argentina[/url]
sch盲digen", sagte Infantino: "Das ist f眉r uns v枚llig unverst盲ndlich - das kann von niemandem verstanden werden." Schon gar nicht vom DFB, der Zwanzigers Vorst枚e l盲ngst als "l盲cherlich" bezeichnet hatte.Der fr眉here DFB-Boss reagierte mit Unverst盲ndnis. "Die Vorw眉rfe sind absolut nicht gerechtfertigt", sagte Zwanziger bei Spiegel Online: "Ich wundere mich ein bisschen, dass die UEFA-Funktion盲re nichts Wichtigeres zu tun haben." Bis 2013 sa er selber im UEFA-Exekutivkomitee, der Kongress w盲hlte ihn vor vier Jahren eine Stufe h枚her in das FIFA-Gremium.

Aber: "Er hat in den vergangene beiden Jahren an keiner unserer Sitzungen teilgenommen", berichtete Infantino: "Wenn man 眉ber Good Governance und Demokratie spricht, sollte man auch teilnehmen und Entscheidungen akzeptieren."Freiwillig auf Entsch盲digungen verzichtetAuch dies, so konterte Zwanziger, entbehre jeder Grundlage. Er habe sich strikt an die Regeln des Kontinentalverbands gehalten, die Interessenskollisionen verbieten. Da er im Auftrag der FIFA Reformen bei der UEFA durchsetzen sollte, habe er nicht gleichzeitig an deren Sitzungen teilnehmen k枚nnen. Damit habe er freiwillig auf Entsch盲digungen verzichtet. "Anderen sind diese Regeln offensichtlich egal", sagte Zwanziger, der in der vergangenen Woche im FIFA-Exko auf Abschiedstour gegangen war. Es folgt noch eine Sitzung vor dem FIFA-Kongress im Mai.Am Dienstag wird Niersbach offiziell vom UEFA-Kongress in die Regierung des Weltfuballs bestellt. Im Sommer beginnt er seine Arbeit als Zwanziger-Nachfolger. Noch bleibt viel Zeit f眉r einen Dauerstreit.

[697] Oliver Neuville im Interview- -Bayern nahm Verletz... xomhdocc - 2015/07/07(Tue) 12:38 No.773   HomePage

SPOX: Herr Neuville, wie oft werden Sie heutzutage noch auf das [url=http://www.cybele-benodet.com/css/wm_trikot_2014_holland_415321.html]wm trikot 2014 holland[/url]
Spiel gegen Kaiserslautern im Oktober 2004 angesprochen (Neuville erzielte ein Tor mit der Hand, Anm. d. Red.)?Oliver Neuville: Um ehrlich zu sein, sind Sie die Ersten, die mich darauf ansprechen (lacht). In der Regel werde ich nach ganz anderen Toren gefragt...SPOX: Mit welchem Gef眉hl blicken Sie heute auf das Tor zur眉ck? K枚nnen Sie inzwischen dar眉ber Schmunzeln?Neuville: Ich erinnere mich noch ganz genau an die Szene. Ich h盲tte das Tor auch ohne das Handspiel gemacht. Aber Tim Wiese hielt mich am Fu fest, ich verlor die Koordination und schlug den Ball mit der Hand 眉ber die Linie. Nat眉rlich war das ein klares Handspiel, aber eigentlich war es ein glasklares Foul von Wiese an mir und somit h盲tte ich einen Strafsto zugesprochen bekommen m眉ssen. Aber das Foul sah im Stadion nat眉rlich niemand, nur mein Handspiel. Am Ende z盲hlte der Treffer kurioserweise.SPOX: Hat Sie die Reaktion der ffentlichkeit dann ein wenig w眉tend gemacht, weil Sie am Ende als Buhmann dastanden?Neuville: Ja, nat眉rlich. Aber schauen Sie doch mal: Wenn ein Abwehrspieler ein klares Foul im Strafraum begeht, das nicht gepfiffen wird - glauben Sie, der Abwehrspieler geht zum Schiedsrichter und weist ihn darauf hin, dass er gerade ein Foul begangen hat?SPOX: Wahrscheinlich nicht...Neuville: Eben. Auf der Autobahn fahren Sie bestimmt auch nicht immer 130, oder? Wenn man erwischt wird, zahlt man eine Strafe. So war es bei mir am Ende auch. Ich bekam zwei Spiele Sperre und damit war die Sache f眉r mich erledigt.

[698] UAAP volleyball- FEU crushes Adamson Final Four ho... rzdcpuro - 2015/07/07(Tue) 18:37 No.774  

Showing no signs of letting up, the FEU Lady Tamaraws eliminated the Adamson Lady Falcons from playoff contention in their straight sets win, 25-20, 25-21, 25-18 at the Filoil Flying V [url=http://vaninyhandbag.com/stats/nueva_camiseta_de_barcelona_2012_345541.html]nueva camiseta de barcelona 2012[/url]
Arena Saturday afternoon.<br><br>With this win, FEU will now wait for the results of the UP versus NU match tomorrow to determine on whether or not a playoff or quotient system will be followed to determine the team that will get the last Final Four berth. <br><br>淕ood game kami today at sa wakas nakita rin namin ung laro ng mga bata at ung tiwala sa isa-isa,?said FEU head coach Shaq Delos Santos. 淕umagana rin ang mga plays namin at lalo na ung coordination ng team.?br><br>FEU had their way throughout the game as they had extinguished everything that Adamson tried to throw at them.<br><br>With an 8-all deadlock in the third set after Mylene Paat blocked an attack from Heather Guino-o, Adamson seemed to be gearing up for a massive run to extend the game to extra sets.<br><br>However, FEU took charge and looked to finish the game early as they uncorked a 10-2 scoring run to stretch their lead to 18-10 after a thunderous spike from Bernadeth Pons. <br><br>Looking to slam the door shut after extending their lead to 23-13, Samantha Dawson would give the killing blows, aided by a couple of Adamson errors, to finally end the game. &nbsp;<br><br>淪obrang sakit ng naramdaman namin last year [dahil eliminated kami ng Adamson],?added Delos Santos. uckily binigay ni God sa amin ang panalo.?br><br>Pons and Palma led the Tamaraw charge with both players dropping 12 points apiece. In addition, Genevieve Casugod had 10 points.<br><br>For Adamson, Paat had 11 points and 3 blocks while Jessica Galanza added 7 points. In addition, Amanda Villanueva had 5 points and 7 digs.<br><br>This also marks the last UAAP games for Adamson graduating seniors in Villanueva, team captain Faye Guevara and libero Princess Listana. <br><br>The scores:<br><br>FEU (3) ?Pons 12, Palma 12, Casugod 10, Dawson 7, Guino-o 6, Papa 5, Malabanan 1, Atienza 0, Agno (L) 0.<br><br>ADU (0) ?Paat 11, Galanza 7, Alkuino 5, Dacoron 5, Emnas 4, Guevara 4, Cortel 0, Lebumfacil 0, Tempiatura (L) 0, Listana (L) 0.<br><br><br>

[699] Boxing News 2015- Floyd Mayweather Jr. eat Up?Spar... dhosmtsa - 2015/07/07(Tue) 23:18 No.775  

Floyd Mayweather Jr. uncle, Jeff Mayweather recently claimed that his nephew eat up?sparring partner Zab Judah in a recent session in the Mayweather [url=http://www.cybele-benodet.com/js/fc_bayern_m&uuml_;nchen_trikot_outlet_514412.html]fc bayern m斤拷nchen trikot outlet[/url]
training camp as he prepares for the super fight against Manny Pacquaio in May. However, Judah said on social media himself ot to believe everything you hear?just hours after the reported beating from Mayweather.

In a mlive.com article published on Saturday, Jeff, one of the boxing minds in the Mayweather he Money Team? stated that Mayweather dominated Judah in three 5-minute sparring sessions.

"Everybody was just hyped because they thought Judah was going to be something different, but Judah was worse than the other guys," Jeff Mayweather said in . "It seemed like Floyd had something personal against him. He beat the (bleep) out of him. So then he quit, he let Judah off the hook, because Judah's got a fight coming up and he messed his eye up."

On Sunday, it was Judah turn to tell his side of the story and posted some telling messages on Instagram. Of note is that Judah also posted a picture of himself on a golf cart and neither eye is 渕essed up?as being claimed by Jeff Maywweather.

f it don't make Sense Don't Believe it we too Blessed to worry about Haters Let'em Talk Just Keep Saying My Name!!! #SuperJudah #SMG #TeamJudah #DontBelieveEveryThingYouHear. [sic]? Judah although did not specifically mention Jeff Mayweather name or if he was specifically talking about the comments by the elder Mayweather about the recent sparring session with Floyd Mayweather Jr.

Judah was tapped as a sparring partner by Mayweather owing to his fight style similarities with Pacquiao?both are left-handed boxers and known for their aggressive and volume punching on top of the ring. Judah lost to Mayweather Jr. in a bout in 2006 via a 12-round unanimous decision.

In the same interview, Jeff Mayweather also stated that he seeing a different Floyd Mayweather Jr. during the training camp even describing his nephew as a east?inside the ring against his sparring partners that that his isn the same old Floyd.?
It not clear if Jeff Mayweather statements is just to hype the training camp by the Mayweather team and try to intimidate Manny Pacquiao, who also in the thick of things in his own preparation for the super fight, or has some truth in it. What is clear is that both sides are taking the fight seriously owing to the big secrecy-- except for the usual "trash talks" from Freddie Roach and the elder Mayweathers-- of what is really transpiring within their respective camps.

Mayweather Jr. (47-0-0, 26 KOs) and Pacquiao (57-5-2, 38 KOs) will be meeting on May 2, 2015 at the MGM Grand Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada for the highly-anticipated bout considered one of the biggest fights in boxing history.

To contact author of this article, email j.quizon@IBTimes.com.au.

[700] Pictures- The food of Epcot&apos;s Internation... fcsstute - 2015/07/08(Wed) 00:06 No.776   HomePage

Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & [url=http://coilover-store.com/css/camiseta_oficial_belgica_233410.html]camiseta oficial belgica[/url]
Garden Festival: Beef Brisket Burnt Ends Hash Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Beef Brisket Burnt Ends Hash with White Cheddar Fondue and Pickled Jalapenos featured at The Smokehouse: Barbecue and Brews Outdoor Kitchen in The American Adventure pavilion courtyard. Beef Brisket Burnt Ends Hash with White Cheddar Fondue and Pickled Jalapenos featured at The Smokehouse: Barbecue and Brews Outdoor Kitchen in The American Adventure pavilion courtyard. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Quinoa Vegetable "Naanwich" Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Quinoa Vegetable Naanwich with arugula pesto and oven dried tomatoes featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. Quinoa Vegetable Naanwich with arugula pesto and oven dried tomatoes featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Cheese Manicotti Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Cheese Manicotti featured at Primavera Outdoor Kitchen outside the Italy pavilion. Cheese Manicotti featured at Primavera Outdoor Kitchen outside the Italy pavilion. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Kale Salad, Dried Cherries, Almonds and Goat Cheese Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Kale Salad with dried cherries, almonds and goat cheese with white balsamic vinaigrette featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. Kale Salad with dried cherries, almonds and goat cheese with white balsamic vinaigrette featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Cachapas with Farmers Cheese Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Cachapas, a Venezuelan sweet yellow corn pancake, with farmers cheese is featured at Botanas Bot 聡nico Outdoor Kitchen near the Morocco pavilion. Cachapas, a Venezuelan sweet yellow corn pancake, with farmers cheese is featured at Botanas Bot 聡nico Outdoor Kitchen near the Morocco pavilion. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries

[701] Adlington glaubt an Chance f眉r Youngster- B眉hne ... dojcavct - 2015/07/08(Wed) 01:49 No.777  

Die 25-J盲hrige sorgte nach dem Gewinn von [url=http://www.fepem35.com/img/dfb_trikot_2010_schwarz_m&uuml_;ller_241314.html]dfb trikot 2010 schwarz m斤拷ller[/url]
Olympischem Gold 眉ber 400 und 800 m Freistil in Peking auch bei den Commonwealth Games, den Europameisterschaften und den Weltmeisterschaften f眉r Furore und gewann weitere Medaillen.Adlington glaubt, dass die Teilnahme f眉r die jungen Athleten in Baku f眉r deren Zukunft von groem Nutzen sein kann: "Sie sollen Erfahrung und Rennpraxis sammeln. Andere Schwimmer zu treffen, verschiedene Schwimmhallen erleben und einfach etwas Neues zu sehen, wird ihrer F枚rderung sehr hilfreich sein."Der Reiz des Unbekannten"Viele Dinge werden neu und anders sein. Aber gerade dieses Unbekannte wird die Athleten auf eine andere Stufe heben. Auch die Betreuer werden von dieser Erfahrung profitieren", so Adlington.Die Spiele in Baku folgen einem v枚llig neuen Konzept und sind die ersten ihrer Art. Es werden 20 Sportarten zu sehen sein. Neben den 眉blichen Disziplinen wie Schwimmen, Leichtathletik und Turnen sind auch vier nicht-Olympische Sportarten dabei: Beach Soccer, Karate, Basketball 3-gegen-3 und Sambo."Aufregendes Erlebnis f眉r ganz Europa"Adlington hofft, dass dieses neue Konzept die Athleten in Aserbaidschan begeistern wird: "Ich denke, da es die Premiere ist, wird es eine spannende Sache, aber es ist auch wichtig, das Momentum f眉r die zweiten oder dritten Spiele zu wahren. Wie kann es helfen? Wie passt das Event in unseren Vier-Jahres-Zyklus? Wird es Erfolg haben und zu einem Event werden, dem sich alle Top-Athleten zuwenden? Es wird Zeit brauchen, diese Fragen zu beantworten, aber ich hoffe, dass es fr眉her oder sp盲ter klappt.""Es ist groartig, dass 20 verschiedene, zum Teil v枚llig neue Sportarten und 45 Nationen in Baku vertreten sein werden. Ein aufregendes Erlebnis f眉r ganz Europa", so ihr abschlieendes Statement.

[702] Diese Talente wurden bei 1860 gro vblfdjhw - 2015/07/08(Wed) 02:39 No.778  

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&nbsp;gettySven Bender ist nur einer von zahlreichen Stars, die ihre Jugend im Nachwuchs der L枚wen verbrachten. Heute ist er Nationalspieler &nbsp;gettyAuch sein Bruder Lars trug von 2002 bis 2009 das L枚wen-Trikot. Dann wechselte er f眉r 2,5 Millionen Euro zu Bayer Leverkusen &nbsp;gettyKevin Volland verpasste den Zug zur WM 2014 nur knapp. 2012 stand er noch bei den L枚wen unter Vertrag, dann ging es nach Hoffenheim &nbsp;gettyBeim FC Augsburg unverzichtbar, in M眉nchen einst f眉r H盲ssler-P盲sse bekannt: Daniel Baier &nbsp;getty13 Jahre 1860 M眉nchen hatte Moritz Leitner (r.) auf dem Buckel, als er 2011 zu Borussia Dortmund wechselte &nbsp;imagoChristian Tr盲sch (l.) wechselte 2007 von den L枚wen-Amateuren zur zweiten Mannschaft des VfB Stuttgart. Sp盲ter wurde er Nationalspieler &nbsp;gettyPeniel Mlapa spielte seit 1999 im L枚wen-Nachwuchs, bevor er 2010 den Durchbruch schaffte. Derzeit geht er f眉r N眉rnberg auf Torejagd &nbsp;gettyMarcel Sch盲fer gab 2003 in der Abstiegssaison sein Deb眉t f眉r 1860 M眉nchen. Vier Jahre sp盲ter ging er nach Wolfsburg, wo er bis heute kickt &nbsp;gettyFabian Johnson (l.) wurde im L枚wen-Stadtteil Giesing geboren. Nach 13 Jahren beim TSV zog es ihn 2009 nach Wolfsburg &nbsp;gettyTimo Gebhart (l.) entstammt wie auch die Benders dem ber眉hmten 1989er Jahrgang. 2007 schaffte er bei 1860 den Durchbruch und wechselte zwei Jahre sp盲ter zum VfB &nbsp;gettyJulian Baumgartlinger (l.) absolvierte f眉r die Profis der L枚wen einst nur 13 Pflichtspiele. Sp盲ter sollte er auf 31 Partien f眉r sterreichs Nationalelf kommen &nbsp;gettyTarik Camdal (M.) hatte bei 1860 einst keine Perspektive mehr. ber Umwege wechselte er k眉rzlich f眉r f眉nf Millionen Euro zu Galatasaray &nbsp;imagoTobias Strobl konnte sich bei den L枚wen-Amateuren nie mit Nachdruck f眉r die Profis empfehlen. 2011 ging es nach Hoffenheim, derzeit ist er an K枚ln ausgeliehen

[703] Kooperation mit spanischem Meister- Atletico wirbt... cxklyccg - 2015/07/08(Wed) 10:51 No.779  

Die Rojiblancos hatten bereits einen Sponsoren-Deal mit Aserbaidschan, im Zuge dessen werden die Madrilenen nun das Logo von Baku 2015 [url=http://www.motte-rouge-conduite.com/img/chile_trikot_puma_235331.html]chile trikot puma[/url]
auf der Brust tragen.Zum ersten Mal konnte man das neue Trikot beim beeindruckenden 眉ber den Erzrivalen Real Madrid begutachten, besser h盲tte die Partnerschaft eigentlich nicht besser beginnen k枚nnen.Sehr zur Freude von Azad Rahimov, dem aserbaidschanischen Sportminister, der zudem f眉r die Europaspiele in Baku verantwortlich ist: "Wir sind sehr gl眉cklich, davon kann das komplette Land nur profitieren. Vielleicht lag es ja auch an unserem Logo, dass Atletico Real bezwingen konnte."Marketing-Boss freut sichDie Truppe von Trainer Diego Simeone wird das Trikot neben ihren Auftritten in der spanischen Liga auch in der Champions League tragen, gegen Bayer Leverkusen brachten die Europaspiele angesichts der allerdings kein Gl眉ck.Trotzdem ist es wichtig, die Europaspiele bekannter zu machen, wie Marketing-Boss Charlie Wijeratna wei: "Jeder soll wissen, dass in diesem Jahr die European Games stattfinden. Da hilft es nat眉rlich, wenn wir auch im Fuball pr盲sent sind. Millionen Menschen schauen Atleticos Partien in der Liga und der K枚nigsklasse."

[704] 200 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen 2015- Spektakul... rxhdjpzl - 2015/07/08(Wed) 11:51 No.780   HomePage

Weitere Feierlichkeiten geplantNach der positiven Resonanz der Zuschauer sind die [url=http://srconsignment.com/private/nueva_camiseta_seleccion_argentina_de_futbol_2013_414030.html]nueva camiseta seleccion argentina de futbol 2013[/url]
Organisatoren davon 眉berzeugt, dass die Spiele ein voller Erfolg werden: "Heute haben wir gezeigt, zu was wir f盲hig sind. Geb盲ude wie der Maiden Tower werden eine tolle Kulisse f眉r ein wundervolles Sportfest im Sommer 2015 bieten", sagte Charlie Wijeratna, Commercial Director von Baku 2015.Im Zuge der 200-Tage-Feier haben die Veranstalter auerdem die erste Edition von sechs Postmarken anl盲sslich der Europaspiele pr盲sentiert, auf der einige Austragungsorte zu sehen sind: das National Stadium, das Tofiq Bahramov Stadium, die Crystal Hall, die Heydar Aliyev Arena, das Baku Aquatics Center und das National Gymnastics Arena.Und die n盲chste Feier ist bereits geplant. Am 4. M盲rz 2015 zelebrieren die Veranstalter den n盲chsten Meilenstein. Dann sind es noch 100 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen.

[705] Verlegung der WM 2022- FIFA zahlt Klubs mehr Geld lzyhwhpf - 2015/07/08(Wed) 15:19 No.781  

Das teilten die europ盲ischen Klub-Vereinigung ECA und die FIFA am Freitag gemeinsam mit, nachdem das FIFA-Exekutivkomitee das Finale der WM 2022 am Donnerstag auf [url=http://www.flex-time-rennes.com/photos/maillot_de_bain_portugal_pour_femme_340243.html]maillot de bain portugal pour femme[/url]
den 18. Dezember terminiert hatte."In seri枚sen und fairen Verhandlungen hat sich die ECA mit der FIFA eine transparente wirtschaftliche und organisatorische Zusammenarbeit bis 2022 verst盲ndigt", sagte Bayern M眉nchens Vorstands-Boss Karl-Heinz Rummenigge, gleichzeitig Vorsitzender der ECA."Erstmals erhalten die europ盲ischen Klubs Mitbestimmungsrechte bei der Gestaltung des internationalen Kalenders, was mir pers枚nlich sehr wichtig war. Die ECA wird damit aktiv und konstruktiv speziell in die Gestaltung des Kalenders der Winter-Weltmeisterschaft 2022 eingebunden sein. Auerdem verdreifacht die FIFA ihre Zahlungen an alle Vereine, die w盲hrend einer WM Spieler an ihre nationalen Verb盲nde abstellen."FIFA-Pr盲sident Joseph S. Blatter freute sich 眉ber einen "Riesenschritt" in der Zusammenarbeit mit den Klubs. F眉r die WM in Brasilien waren nur 70 Millionen Dollar (65,6 Millionen Euro) ausgesch眉ttet worden. "Aus Sicht der ECA ist das ein sehr erfreuliches Ergebnis. Es markiert einen weiteren Meilenstein, den der europ盲ischen Klub-Fuball gesetzt hat", sagte Rummenigge.

[706] News und Ger眉chte- Barca verpflichtet Djedovic ptwywktm - 2015/07/08(Wed) 16:23 No.782   HomePage

Barca verpflichtet Djedovic-Bruder: Viele Top-Teams hatten sich um Nedim Djedovic bem眉ht, doch der FC Barcelona macht das Rennen. Der [url=http://www.restaurantlabonnesource.com/img/bayer_leverkusen_replica_kit_133430.html]bayer leverkusen replica kit[/url]
j眉ngere Bruder von Bayern-Star Nihad Djedovic unterschrieb bei den Katalanen einen langfristigen Vertrag, 眉ber die Laufzeit bewahrten allerdings beide Parteien Stillschweigen.Der 18-J盲hrige Djedovic soll damit ebenso wie sein 盲lterer Bruder in Spanien als Spieler reifen und langsam ans A-Team der Katalanen herangef眉hrt werden. Der Small Forward gilt derzeit als eines der gr枚ten Talente in Europa.Galatasaray Gonlum beinahe erstickt: Dramatische Szenen gab es am Wochenende in Istanbul zu sehen. Beim Derby zwischen Galatasaray und Besiktas prallte Forward Kerem Gonlum mit dem Kinn auf das Knie eines Gegenspielers und verlor das Bewusstsein. Die 脛rzte des Teams mussten seine Zunge aus dem Hals ziehen, da er drohte zu ersticken.Bei einer nachtr盲glichen Untersuchung im Krankenhaus wurde bei Gonlum keine schwere Verletzung festgestellt, dennoch ist sein Einsatz am Donnerstag gegen Alba Berlin (ab 21 Uhr im ) fraglich.

[707] Fewer professors, more managers work on Cal State ... vkynuqsc - 2015/07/08(Wed) 17:26 No.783   HomePage

As enrollment at California State University [url=http://www.majetmin.com/img/arsenal_kit_deal_with_puma_040452.html]arsenal kit deal with puma[/url]
soared over the last decade, the number of professors did not soar with them. But managers and supervisors increased aplenty, according to numbers compiled by faculty who are angry about the shift.

Enrollment rose by 24 percent between 2004 and 2014, while tenured and tenure-track faculty dropped by 3 percent, and managers and supervisors rose by 19 percent, the California Faculty Association reported Tuesday.

The faculty association represents about 25,000 faculty members across CSU 23 campuses, and much of ace to the Bottom ?Salary, Staffing Priorities and the CSU 1%??looks at salary information the group hopes will help in labor negotiations with the university in May.

But for students and taxpayers, the numbers paint a revealing portrait of who is teaching the more than 400,000 students at the vast university and its campuses, how the ratio of professors to administrators has changed, and what CSU and its campuses looked like before and after the recession.

CSU lost a third of its budget during the mid- to late 2000s and shed thousands of employees, the university reports.

But it also added the equivalent of 600 full-time managers and supervisors rom 3,127 to 3,726 ?between 2004 and 2014 for a 19 percent increase, according to the faculty research.

Before the downturn, in 2004, 64 percent of CSU instructors were tenured professors or were on track to becoming tenured. Such faculty hold office hours for students, perform research and can help run departments. A decade later in 2014, 55 percent of CSU instructors were tenured or on the tenure track.

The actual number of professors lost isn clear because the faculty researchers rely on 渇ull-time equivalent?employees, not head count. But overall, the equivalent of 300 full-time professors was lost.

ne of the more ominous findings for the CSU in our paper is that there is no 'next generation?of permanent faculty in the pipeline,?said Lillian Taiz, a history professor at Cal State Los Angeles and president of the California Faculty Association.

It not that the students were left with no one to teach their classes. In fact, enrollment grew during this time by the equivalent of more than 75,000 full-time students, from about 317,000 to nearly 393,000.

But now they were being taught by more part-time lecturers: instructors without tenure who might be experts in their field but who earn lower salaries, work on year-to-year contracts and have no offices on campus or duties other than teaching. Before the downturn, 35 percent of CSU faculty were part-time lecturers. By last year, it had grown to 45 percent.

For the university, there were clear benefits to this shift.

Lecturers generally teach more classes than professors do, sometimes five in a day. But they can also be hired quickly to teach just one class, if that what needed.

淒uring the recession years it provided us with flexibility,?said Laurie Weidner, CSU spokeswoman. t takes about a year to hire (tenure-track) faculty. It a long-term financial commitment. Lecturers provide more flexibility, and we needed that.?
For lecturers, however, the lack of permanency ?which often requires them to drive from campus to campus in search of classes to teach, earning them the nickname 渇reeway flyers??is a major problem.

Leslie Bryan, a theater lecturer at CSU San Bernardino who works with the California Faculty Association, said the faculty shift is bad not only for employees but also for the university.

n essence, this is turning teaching in the CSU into the equivalent of a fast-food job because of the fast-food style of hiring,?she said, noting that lecturers are considered xpendable?and 済ood enough to get the job done and (get) out of the way.?
Weidner, CSU spokeswoman, said students do best in an environment with both professors and lecturers. Yet the university wants to hire more tenure-track faculty because heir academic scholarship is vital in nurturing students, advancing the quality of our degree programs and preparing the next generation of academic leaders.?

In its budget request to the state, CSU has asked for $11 million to hire more professors, Weidner said. CSU also hired 740 new full- and part-time tenure-track faculty this year and is searching for additional full-time tenure-track positions. It isn clear what the net increase might be, however, after faculty departures and retirements are considered.

Nanette Asimov is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail

[708] Katie Price is joined by daughter Princess at Adve... entccykm - 2015/07/08(Wed) 17:27 No.784  

Katie Price s daughter Princess is clearly following in her mother s footsteps when it comes to fashion. We couldn t decide whose statement trousers we preferred when we spotted the adorable duo [url=http://www.hairandchic.com/js/psv_shirts_goedkoop_555045.html]psv shirts goedkoop[/url]
arriving at an advertising conference in London!

As much as we love pink leopard print, for now we re going to focus on Katie s biker jeans, which she teamed with a black and white striped shirt, a statement feather trim necklace, some studded platform heels by Christian Louboutin and a bouncy blow dry.

With those zips and ribbed biker details at the knee, these trousers are very Balmain-esque and we ve spotted similar styles on Kylie Jenner and Beyonc茅. You might think this season is all about distressed denim, but it s time to swap rips for zips!

Click the link (right) to get Katie s exact jeans now, then style with a cosy sweater and Converse by day, or heels and a black blazer by night. Or live life in fashion s fast lane by checking out the biker jeans we ve found for you elsewhere. Take the concept of boyfriend jeans literally in this menswear style from Asos, or these jeggings by Chique Fashion will do the trick.

[709] Jaime King Shares Her Naked Photos On Social Media... kyakvhnc - 2015/07/08(Wed) 19:40 No.785  

The pregnant Jaime King recently took to social media to share to her followers a couple shots of herself naked. The photos show the model wearing only an undergarment while covering her breasts with her hands.

The original photos have since [url=http://www.fepem35.com/private/barcelona_champions_league_trikot_2013_400313.html]barcelona champions league trikot 2013[/url]
been deleted from her Instagram account, but managed to share them on its Web site. The first shows the pregnant Jaime King wearing only a black underwear and looking down on the floor as she cupped her naked breasts. On the second she still dressed in the same black underwear, although this time she has her back to the camera, revealing her back tattoos.

According to Huffington Post, her Instagram photos were captioned with a message preaching of self-love, which states, y body. My growing baby, open for comments. Plain as day. I, like every other woman, bracing for your judgments. This is who I am. And I love me in every flaw and curve or flat or thin area. And I love you as well in every form that your body takes." Per , Jaime King photos were meant to celebrate motherhood and her way of celebrating her second pregnancy. It shows how accepting she is of the changes her body is undergoing during pregnancy.

The 35-year old art of Dixie?star also tweeted a response to Popsugarmoms, after being applauded for her decision to share her naked photos on Instagram. Her response on her Twitter was basically an explanation for the missing photos, which she blames her 渟avvy baby?for deleting them. Jaime King is expecting a second child with husband Kyle Newman.

This is not the first time though that Jaimie King had shared a rather revealing photo of herself on Instagram. noted her Nov. 15 post where she is seen strolling on the street dressed up like a dominatrix in white stilettos, black stockings and sexy underwear that showcased her butt cheeks. Described as a 済raphic booty photo?by the site, the image was reportedly meant to mock Kim Kardashian reak the Internet?naked photos for Paper magazine.

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Source: YouTube/

[710] D眉rr auf Rang 13- Shiffrin siegt und holt Slalom tcpgpjcc - 2015/07/08(Wed) 20:37 No.786   HomePage

Nach 2012/13 und 2013/14 holte die erst 20-j盲hrige Shiffrin zum dritten Mal in Folge den Gesamtsieg im Slalom. Zum zweiten [url=http://www.flex-time-rennes.com/img/maillot_equipe_de_france_2010_moulant_020051.html]maillot equipe de france 2010 moulant[/url]
Mal gelang es ihr zudem, in einem Winter den WM-Titel und die Slalomwertung zu gewinnen. Das schaffte von Shiffrin noch keine L盲uferin. "Der Gesamtweltcup wird irgendwann ein Ziel f眉r mich, aber erstmal will ich die kleine Kugel auch im Riesenslalom gewinnen", sagte Shiffrin in der ARD.Die einzige deutsche Starterin Lena D眉rr aus Germering zeigte trotz einer gerade erst 眉berstandenen Erk盲ltung eine gute Vorstellung. Die 23-J盲hrige fuhr auf einen achtbaren 13. Platz. "Das waren noch mal wichtige Punkte und ein vers枚hnliches Ende", sagte D眉rr, die in einer schwachen deutschen Slalom-Saison f眉r einige wenige Lichtblicke sorgte.Im Kampf um den Gesamtweltcup steht im Riesenslalom am Sonntag (10.00 Uhr im ) ein spannendes Duell zwischen Anna Fenninger (sterreich) und Tina Maze (Slowenien) bevor. Maze eroberte mit Platz vier vor dem letzten Saisonrennen die F眉hrung zur眉ck und liegt 18 Punkte vor Fenninger, die am Samstag als 23. leer ausging.

[711] Hunter Dale talks about his WSU commitment rbdyzfgo - 2015/07/09(Thu) 01:07 No.787  

On his recruiting process and delayed&nbsp;decision:
"Everybody pretty much knew I was going to Florida but then the coaching change at Florida -- it [url=http://www.traiteur-levoyer.com/img/fc_bayern_trikot_2011_g&uuml_;nstig_121544.html]fc bayern trikot 2011 g斤拷nstig[/url]
didn't mess everything up -- it kind of just re-opened everything up and I wanted to give people who wanted to recruit me the chance to recruit me."
On how he landed at WSU:
"The coach at Missouri, the (safeties coach) at Missouri left and went to Washington State and I had a good relationship with him so that's why I picked up going there."
On playing baseball at WSU:
"When I got on the phone with coach Grinch, the DC, he actually brought up playing baseball there, I didn't bring it up. When he brought that up, that kind of opened me up and since he knows about it I'll be able to do it."
Dale also said his final decision came down to Tulane, WSU, Nebraska and Louisville.

[712] CBS Sports Radio 1580 &laquo; CBS DC hzwunjad - 2015/07/09(Thu) 04:45 No.788  

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[713] Twitch moves into YouTube territory, will livestre... hilaeeaj - 2015/07/09(Thu) 07:08 No.789   HomePage

Twitch is making a big play to expand its reach beyond video games with an exclusive deal announced Monday to livestream a major electronic dance music festival [url=http://www.gravure44-glm.com/img/manchester_united_home_kit_for_2013_14_045545.html]manchester united home kit for 2013 14[/url]
from Miami this weekend.

The San Francisco company said it snagged the rights from YouTube to stream the three-day Ultra Music Festival, an annual event that draws about 165,000 fans to downtown Miami.

This is the first big concert for Twitch, which has built an audience of 100 million monthly average viewers by offering video game players the chance to watch others play games.

But since mid-2014, when an internal poll showed Twitch members were interested in live music, the company has added an electronic music channel, streamed a few small concerts and added a library of licensed music that members can add to their personal game broadcasts.

Twitch, which Amazon bought last August for $1.1 billion, has also lined up a new sponsor for the Ultra Music Festival ?7Up.

eing able to host the Ultra Music Festival on our platform with sponsorship from a brand like 7Up is testament to the power of live social video,?Twitch Chief Strategy Officer Colin Carrier said in a statement.

Analyst Brian Blau of Gartner Research said the move to stream one of the world biggest electronic dance music festivals shows Twitch ambition to become a platform for livestreaming that 渟tarts with games and will broaden from there.?
ranching off into other forms of entertainment is a great move if they can bring that gamer audience with them to these other entertainment properties,?Blau said in an e-mail. nce they can attract fans of entertainment properties such as music, performance or even sports, those new Twitch users will really help drive their ecosystem forward.?
Still, Twitch has to be careful not to appear to be backing away from their core audience of gamers, he said. But, here could be a good crossover between EDM and gamers.?
Festival organizers did not immediately respond to a message seeking comment about why they chose Twitch over the larger YouTube.

In a statement from Twitch, Adam Russakoff, the festival executive producer, said, e are always pushing the envelope, working with the most innovative companies to stay ahead of the curve and offer our fans as much value as possible. We don tolerate mediocrity and our switch to Twitch is yet another step in the continuum.?
Twitch did hit a sour note Monday when the company warned its users in a that it may have been hacked. The company encouraged users to change their passwords because here may have been unauthorized access to some Twitch user account information.?
or your protection, we have expired passwords and stream keys and have disconnected accounts from Twitter and YouTube,?Twitch said. s a result, you will be prompted to create a new password the next time you attempt to log into your Twitch account.?
Benny Evangelista is a San Francisco Chronicle staff writer. E-mail: Twitter: @ChronicleBenny

[714] Hochkar盲tige Referenten in Madrid- Coaches Clinic... ouzzhssh - 2015/07/09(Thu) 11:42 No.790   HomePage

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Madrid. Der zweifache NBA All Star und ehemalige Coach der Milwaukee Bucks und Phoenix Suns wird ebenso an der Coaches Klinik teilnehmen wie Igor Kokoskov. Der Russe war einst erster europ盲ischer Assistant Coach in der NBA und gewann mit den Detroit Pistons 2004 sogar die Meisterschaft. Komplettiert wird das Feld durch Luca Banchi (EA7 Emporio Armani Milan), Fotis Katsikaris (Nationaltrainer Griechenland) und Sito Alonso (CB Bilbao Berri)."Wir sind sehr gl眉cklich, mitteilen zu k枚nnen, dass auch 2015 eine Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four Coaches Clinic stattfinden wird", erkl盲rte Euroleague-Pr盲sident Jordi Bertomeu. "Beim Event in Mailand waren 2014 mehr als 220 Coaches aus 30 verschiedenen L盲ndern dabei. Das spricht ebenso f眉r die hohe Qualit盲t der Referenten wie f眉r die Organisation von Giorgio Gandolfi. 2015 werden die Referenten genauso gut, wenn nicht sogar besser sein, weshalb wir alle interessierten Basketball-Coaches dazu ermutigen, sich f眉r die Clinic anzumelden und damit gleichzeitig das Turkish Airlines Euroleague Final Four in Madrid zu feiern."

[715] Adlington glaubt an Chance f眉r Youngster- B眉hne ... mlyuyqmf - 2015/07/09(Thu) 15:01 No.791   HomePage

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Olympischem Gold 眉ber 400 und 800 m Freistil in Peking auch bei den Commonwealth Games, den Europameisterschaften und den Weltmeisterschaften f眉r Furore und gewann weitere Medaillen.Adlington glaubt, dass die Teilnahme f眉r die jungen Athleten in Baku f眉r deren Zukunft von groem Nutzen sein kann: "Sie sollen Erfahrung und Rennpraxis sammeln. Andere Schwimmer zu treffen, verschiedene Schwimmhallen erleben und einfach etwas Neues zu sehen, wird ihrer F枚rderung sehr hilfreich sein."Der Reiz des Unbekannten"Viele Dinge werden neu und anders sein. Aber gerade dieses Unbekannte wird die Athleten auf eine andere Stufe heben. Auch die Betreuer werden von dieser Erfahrung profitieren", so Adlington.Die Spiele in Baku folgen einem v枚llig neuen Konzept und sind die ersten ihrer Art. Es werden 20 Sportarten zu sehen sein. Neben den 眉blichen Disziplinen wie Schwimmen, Leichtathletik und Turnen sind auch vier nicht-Olympische Sportarten dabei: Beach Soccer, Karate, Basketball 3-gegen-3 und Sambo."Aufregendes Erlebnis f眉r ganz Europa"Adlington hofft, dass dieses neue Konzept die Athleten in Aserbaidschan begeistern wird: "Ich denke, da es die Premiere ist, wird es eine spannende Sache, aber es ist auch wichtig, das Momentum f眉r die zweiten oder dritten Spiele zu wahren. Wie kann es helfen? Wie passt das Event in unseren Vier-Jahres-Zyklus? Wird es Erfolg haben und zu einem Event werden, dem sich alle Top-Athleten zuwenden? Es wird Zeit brauchen, diese Fragen zu beantworten, aber ich hoffe, dass es fr眉her oder sp盲ter klappt.""Es ist groartig, dass 20 verschiedene, zum Teil v枚llig neue Sportarten und 45 Nationen in Baku vertreten sein werden. Ein aufregendes Erlebnis f眉r ganz Europa", so ihr abschlieendes Statement.

[716] Programmatic TV Journey Into Primetime lszsauep - 2015/07/10(Fri) 10:42 No.792  

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in recent months, you could be forgiven for thinking that programmatic is already taking the TV industry by storm. And, to be sure, the time will come ?probably sooner rather than later ?when programmatic becomes a dominant force in television advertising.


After all, it not hard to imagine a moment when a TV is thought of as just one more screen for streaming your favorite content. When that happens, programmatic will certainly take center stage. But, at the moment, broadcast TV is alive and well, and programmatic TV is still in its infancy.


Despite its youth, automated purchasing and placement is starting to make its way the $70 billion TV ad market, though there are still areas where programmatic TV falls short


By now most marketers are familiar with programmatic buying on digital platforms.


The programmatic revolution in digital has ultimately been about data and the various ways marketers can use that data to deliver ads to the right people.


The obvious question about programmatic TV, then, is whether it really possible at all, considering that the data and infrastructure of DSPs, exchanges, and real-time bidding don't yet exist for TV. As experts have noted, what is considered programmatic in digital isn really taking place in the TV world. The evolution towards programmatic television is still in its crawl phase.


Of course, just because TV advertising can go fully programmatic just yet, that doesn mean that the process hasn begun. Programmatic TV is still in its early stages, but significant changes can already be seen taking place.


In its current form, programmatic TV really amounts to making better use of data within TV current ad-buying infrastructure so that marketers can do a better job of matching inventory to target audiences. Such targeting may not be 減rogrammatic?in the full sense of the word, but more advanced targeting that takes TV beyond "age" and "gender" is itself a major step forward for a system that has remained unchanged for so long. Going beyond those parameters is a major progression for the television advertising industry.


Despite this progress, there is still a fair amount of distance to travel. There are more options available today than ever before for buying ads on a number of cable networks and viewing the entire available inventory, but the trafficking of the ads is still done manually. TV networks also have to approve every ad, making true automation impossible.


Still, if the current ad-buying process isn seamless, it incorporates more data than traditional buying on broadcast TV, and it certainly is less cumbersome than traditional buying. Indeed, rather than dismissing programmatic TV as mere hype, it time to recognize that important steps are being made. True programmatic TV isn a reality just yet, but there's little doubt it's on the way.


Bryan Bartlett, is editor in chief, marketing manager of Chango, a Chicago-headquartered programmatic advertising company.



[717] Australians Smoking Less Because Of Plain Cigarett... iffguqoc - 2015/07/10(Fri) 11:30 No.793   HomePage

Australians are no longer smoking as heavy as they used to, thanks to the effects of the plan cigarette packing law, which ordered tobacco manufacturers to refrain using appealing packages. Instead, they are directed [url=http://www.chocolaterie-dousset.com/img/maillot_de_bain_cameroun_140241.html]maillot de bain cameroun[/url]
to print large macabre health warnings. Company logos are likewise taboo.

Australia tobacco plain packaging law took December 2012. A year after it was introduced, researchers noted a decline in the number of people wanting to quit the habit. It also found that the standardised packaging had impacted greatly the 12 to 17-year-old age bracket, so much that they found it already less appealing.

The research carried by the Cancer Council Victoria found the number of smokers who tried to quit over the course of a month jumped to 27 percent, from the previous 20 percent before the standardised packaging were introduced. The gruesome health warnings emblazoned across the cartons, along with the horrible images, had prompted smokers to immediately conceal their packs and stub out cigarettes.

Further, there was no evidence found that the tobacco plain packaging law had prompted smokers to consume illicit, cheap cigarettes instead. As smoking firms contested the implementation of the law prior to 2012, they claimed the removal of their respective branding will push the sales of illegal cigarettes. It did not happen, researchers said.

Over 5,000 smokers became respondents to the survey. The law was so effective that it even curbed the online sales of cigarettes or those purchased from abroad.

Data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics on the March 12 quarter showed a 3 percent drop in tobacco consumption. Annual decline from December 2013 to December 2014 was 12.2 percent.

In a nutshell, plain packaging had greatly contributed to the reduced positive perceptions of cigarette packs among teenagers. At the same time, it also showed smokers were starting to pay more attention to the graphic health warnings.

of the evaluation include:

路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 Plain packaging has delivered on its aim to reduce appeal of packs, particularly with adolescents and young adults

路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 There was no evidence of an increase in the consumption of illicit "cheap white" cigarettes

路聽聽聽聽聽聽聽聽 The impact of plain packaging extends beyond expectation with studies suggesting the initiative encourages thinking about quitting and quit attempts

"These papers provide the first comprehensive set of results of real world plain packaging and they are pointing very strongly to success in achieving the legislation's aims,?Professor Melanie Wakefield, from the Cancer Council, told The Adelaide Advertiser. "These results should give confidence to countries considering plain packaging that plain packs not only reduce appeal of tobacco products and increase the effectiveness of health warnings but also diminish the tobacco industry's ability to use packs to mislead consumers about the harms of smoking."

The聽聽are published in the BMJ journal聽.

To report problems or to leave feedback about this article, e-mail:聽.

[718] Does Getting An MBA Make You A Better Entrepreneur... tajovrou - 2015/07/10(Fri) 12:22 No.794   HomePage

originally appeared on :
by , CEO of LiveRamp. started and sold 5 companies (and [url=http://www.fepem35.com/img/dfb_trikot_gr&uuml_;n_geschichte_222101.html]dfb trikot gr斤拷n geschichte[/url]
many more that failed), on
The value of an MBA is declining and for most schools, it is negative.
In the 1980s, the ROI of almost any MBA (even from the least selective schools) was very positive. MBAs were the fast-track to a management career and many amazing companies exclusively recruited its management-track employees out of MBA programs. Most people without an MBA were at a disadvantage.
Today, the winds have shifted. For companies in Silicon Valley (especially the hottest start-ups), MBAs from most schools are actually seen as negative signals (verses the a person with a similar resume but with two additional years of experience). Only a few schools (like Stanford, Harvard, Wharton, etc.) still have a positive ROI for jobs in technology companies. In fact, for most careers, the value of any graduate degree is significantly less today than it was 20 years ago.
I expect a similar trend to continue to other industries over the next decade. Which means that one should have a really good reason and carefully think it through before getting their MBA.
MBAs are really expensive<br> 1. They generally run over $60k+/year in tuition and housing.<br> 2. They take the person out of the workforce during the core growth years of their career. That means forgoing substantial after-tax income and also giving up career raises and promotions (which set a basis for compound interest).
For many people, the total cost of getting an MBA (tuition, housing, lost income, lost promotions, etc.) will run over $400k and for some it will be even higher. So one needs to see a fairly high return to justify the costs long-term.

[719] The Browns are apparently the front egnjajlf - 2015/07/10(Fri) 15:31 No.795  

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deep breath America, because the Cleveland Browns are reportedly the front-runners to appear according to longtime NFL writer Vic Carucci.
Hearing the are front-runners for next featured team on HBO Hard Knocks series.
Vic Carucci (@viccarucci)

The Browns make perfect sense for Hard Knocks. 聽They re a young team with a second year head coach who slowly began to turn things in the right direction last year. 聽Not only that, but they are having to deal with the controversy of losing Josh Gordon to suspension once again. 聽Then you have great players who don t get a lot of publicity like Joe Thomas in which you can follow. 聽Oh, and did we mention the team is getting new uniforms! 聽The Browns! 聽Those uniforms are like a hundred years old so that s a big flippin deal!
Let s see, are we missing anything else that would lead the NFL to want the Browns for Hard Knocks? 聽Anything? 聽Hmmm .

[720] National WWII Museum receives $20 million donation... rmfcjuwe - 2015/07/11(Sat) 02:15 No.796   HomePage

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breeds on success. I think that the home run that we've had with the museum, now internationally, helps us grow,?said Bollinger.
The Bollinger family donation will fund the Canopy of Peace -- a 26-foot-wide, 150-foot-tall canopy that will unify the various exhibits and pavilions on the WWII campus
think as the blimps fly over and they show the Super Dome, they will show the WWII Museum,?said Bollinger. think that national and international exposure will do wonders for our attendance and our mission.?
Museum President and CEO Dr. Nick Mueller says this canopy will signify what this country can do when Americans come together for a common purpose -- celebrating our freedom and honoring those who sacrifice so much to preserve it.
t's huge to have this. It's an extraordinary gift, a crowning gift that will be an iconic piece of architecture that hovers over the whole museum,?said Mueller.
Mueller says this gift will also help move toward completing the museum -- which is something they hope to do soon while there are still WWII veterans living to see it.
t's the urgency that motivated Steve Ambrose to do something to honor the heroism, the courage -- not just of the veterans themselves, but the home front as well. This was a time that America was unified,?said Mueller.
The Canopy of Peace is expected to be completed by 2018 in line with the city's .

[721] Kavana shares wedding plans as he looks ahead to m... cwwrhztq - 2015/07/11(Sat) 03:48 No.797   HomePage

Special moment: Ely, a Manchester based playwright, later documented his proposal - delivered midway through a live performance by soul singer Alexander O'Neal - with a [url=http://gwcitychurch.com/private/camisa_barcelona_2014_infantil_134220.html]camisa barcelona 2014 infantil[/url]
picture added to his Twitter account聽
The couple are now looking ahead to the prospect of starting a family.聽
e have to discuss how it would be done so that we both be happy and the child would be happy,?said Neil. ut we both want children.?Nineties heartthrob Kavana lasted 29 days in the Celebrity Big Brother house before losing his place in a joint eviction with controversial celebrity blogger Perez Hilton just two days before the final.
Reflecting on his experience, Kavana admits he initially had mixed feelings about his appearance on the hugely popular show.
楾here was a part of me that thought I might have self-sabotaged,?he said ut Ie proved to myself I stronger than I thought.'聽
Read the full story in this week's OK! Magazine - out today.

Read the full story in this week's OK! Magazine - out today

[722] Jimmy Graham Trade Rumors- Seattle Seahawks Acquir... sdaxrpds - 2015/07/11(Sat) 18:54 No.798  

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The move gives the Saints a ton of cap room and gives the Seahawks one of the best [url=http://www.cybele-benodet.com/img/deutschland_trikot_gr&uuml_;n_m&uuml_;ller_101311.html]deutschland trikot gr斤拷n m斤拷ller[/url]
tight ends in the league. The team just released Zach Miller and now they have one of the best players in football to join an offense that is already stacked. The team got rid of Percy Harvin last season and re-signed Marshawn Lynch to a new contract and now they have a top target in Graham.
Graham comes in after putting up 85 catches for 889 yards last season and 10 TDs and that was considered a down year for him after the numbers he put up before that. Graham comes in with 26 TDs over the last two seasons and he has had at least 85 catches in each of the last four years. Graham comes in with a major contract and the Saints appear to be in a rebuilding mode and now have some more cap space to work with.
Graham had a fantastic season a couple years ago with 86 catches for 1215 yards and 16 touchdowns.&nbsp;The trade with Graham includes multiple draft picks and has the Seahawks sending center Max Unger. The team now has a legitimate tight end target and the report first came from Fox Sports.&nbsp;
From Adam Schefter at ESPN.com: Trade final: Jimmy Graham to Seattle, per Seahawks official.

[723] St. Joseph Day 2015- 10 Facts, History And Traditi... rpdkuazn - 2015/07/11(Sat) 20:32 No.799   HomePage

Whether it called, The Feast of St. Joseph or La Festa [url=http://projekt.com/images/camiseta_entrenamiento_real_madrid_2014_024500.html]camiseta entrenamiento real madrid 2014[/url]
di San Giuseppe, the March 19 holiday is dedicated to the husband of the Virgin Mary. To celebrate the feast, which is usually held two days after St. Patrick Day, check out some facts gathered from and .
1. St. Joseph Day is widely celebrated by Catholics in the Italian community.
2. St. Joseph is the patron saint of Sicily.
3. The altar, also known as 淪t. Joseph Table?or 渓a tavola di San Giuseppe,?is an important part of the ceremony. People decorate it with flowers, candles, wine and some 渓ucky?foods.
4. Fava beans are supposedly 渓ucky?since they survived during a draught in Italy during the Middle Ages when nothing else did. St. Joseph, through God, saved worshipers from the draught, some believe.
5. Lemons are also thought to be good luck on this day. A side fact: If a woman looking to get married steals a lemon from the altar, it will help her find a husband.
6. Breadcrumbs are usually incorporated into dishes. They represent sawdust, which commemorates Joseph job as a carpenter. They could also represent the dry earth during the draught.
7. Meat is usually left off the altar since St. Joseph Day takes place during lent. Instead, believers feast on fish and other seafood.
8. St Joseph Day is arguably best known for its pastries, with sfinge (cream puffs) and zeppole (doughnuts) being the most popular.
9. While Irish Americans wear green on St. Patrick Day, it tradition to wear red on St. Joseph Day.
10. St. Joseph Day is largely celebrated in New Orleans, which was a popular port among Sicilian immigrants in the 19th century. The French Quarter has even garnered the nickname ittle Palermo.?聽
to read St. Joseph Day quotes.
for an easy recipe on how to make St. Joseph Day recipes.
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[724] Sports Illustrated model Tanit Phoenix shows off h... lgejvcow - 2015/07/12(Sun) 00:37 No.800   HomePage

She's known for [url=http://www.cybele-benodet.com/js/fc_bayern_m&uuml_;nchen_trikot_signiert_355011.html]fc bayern m斤拷nchen trikot signiert[/url]
gracing the covers of magazines in nothing but her lingerie.
But on Tuesday Tanit Phoenix made a beach in Maui, Hawaii her own personal runway as she stepped out in a tiny black string bikini.
The 30-year-old South African beauty was joined by her partner Sharlto Copley for the romantic getaway.
Scroll down for video 聽

Sizzling: Tanit Phoenix made a beach in Maui, Hawaii her own personal runway as she stepped out in a tiny black string bikini on Tuesday
The 41-year-old District 9 star showed off his lean physique in a tight rash guard and shorts.
He was spotted wading into the water with his longtime partner, who for a portion of the day on the beach hid her body in a jersey with 'Mermaid 73' emblazoned across her chest.聽
But of course later in the day she stripped down to her bikini as she tied her hair into a high knot.聽

Quite the pair! The 30-year-old South African beauty was joined by her partner Sharlto Copley for the romantic getaway

A bit more modest: The 41-year-old District 9 star showed off his lean physique in a tight rash guard and shorts

True life Ariel: He was spotted wading into the water with his longtime partner, who for a portion of the day on the beach hid her body in a jersey with 'Mermaid 73' emblazoned across her chest
Her bold choice of swimwear gave the model another opportunity to show of the toned body that has previously helped win her modelling contracts with South African and American editions of FHM, South African editions of GQ, Maxim and Marie Claire and the iconic Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue.聽
Dividing her time between Cape Town and Los Angeles, Tanit has been involved in a long-term relationship with South African actor Sharlto ?best known for roles in District 9, The A-Team and current sci-fi release Chappie ?since 2012.

She's a pro! Her bold choice of swimwear gave the model another opportunity to show of the toned body that has previously helped win her modelling contracts with South African and American mags

Famous romance: Dividing her time between Cape Town and Los Angeles, Tanit has been involved in a long-term relationship with South African actor Sharlto
Like her boyfriend she no stranger to cinema, having previously taken roles in films including Death Race 2, Safe House and Lord Of War, in which she starred alongside Jared Leto and Nicolas Cage.
Tanit was last seen alongside Sharlto at the New York premiere of Chappie on March 4.聽
Catching the eye in a sweeping cream gown the brunette overshadowed her beau as they posed for photos alongside the film's principal stars, Sigourney Weaver and Hugh Jackman.聽

Side by side:聽Tanit was last seen alongside Sharlto at the New York premiere of Chappie on March 4聽
The stunning model's career began at the tender age of 14 when she was discovered by a modelling scout before going on to feature in commercials for Coca Cola, Adidas, Volvic mineral water and Schweppes, amongst others.聽
Her other modelling achievements include shoots for the German and South African editions of Shape and the South African edition of Cosmopolitan, for whom she has featured as a cover girl on four separate occasions.聽
Her last acting role came in 2013 with an appearance in low budget horror film Gallowwalkers alongside Wesley Snipes.

[725] Arsenal boss Arsene Wenger- Leonardo Jardim has to... toreonny - 2015/07/12(Sun) 02:08 No.801  

42 minutes ago42 minutes ago

boss has denied that he refused to shake the manager hand after elimination.


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hit back at claims by that the boss did not offer to shake his hand after Monaco eliminated the Gunners from the Champions League.

The outspoken Principality boss stated in the aftermath of the game at the St Louis II that the long-serving Emirates Stadium chief did not offer to shake his hand after the Ligue 1 club s progression to the quarter-finals of Europe s top tournament.

Wenger has stated that Jardim s comments were lies and that he waited to shake the former Sporting Lisbon man s hand but that his opposite number was otherwise distracted.

"Pictures show that I waited to congratulate the Monaco coach after the game, Wenger told .

He celebrated his victory with his staff, which I quite understand.

"I congratulated him after the press conference. I am therefore surprised and disappointed to hear such lies.

"That said, I wish Monaco all the best and good luck for the future.

After losing disappointingly 3-1 at home against Monaco in the first leg of the last 16 tie, Arsenal threatened to stage a remarkable comeback and won the away fixture 2-0 - only to be eliminated on away goals.

Wenger will have conflicting views on the clash given that he was the French club s head coach for seven years between 1987 and 1994, where he won Ligue 1 and the Coupe de France.

Arsenal s push to qualify for next season s Champions League has been boosted by improved domestic form, with the Gunners sitting in third place currently.
Should Wenger be annoyed by these lies ?
Gareth McKnightI am a freelance football journalist from Northern Ireland, currently living and working from Broome in Western Australia. After a degree in sports journalism from the University of Stirling in Scotland, I started in the online football world and have worked for leading websites and media outlets since. My knowledge and passion is based around the Premier League and European football, but I also have a soft spot for the Australian A-League.

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[726] Hiring fair set for April 8 in Fresno tlbwlzxm - 2015/07/12(Sun) 06:21 No.802  

HireLive, a company that organizes events across [url=http://www.cybele-benodet.com/js/fc_bayern_m&uuml_;nchen_trikot_signiert_355011.html]fc bayern m斤拷nchen trikot signiert[/url]
the country to match job seekers and employers, will hold one of its career fairs in Fresno on April 8.The event will be from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the DoubleTree Hotel Convention Center at Ventura and M streets in downtown Fresno. The fair is free for job seekers, and HireLive is also recruiting companies to participate and promote their job openings.Among the types of jobs that companies will be looking to fill are a range of sales opportunities, customer service, telemarketing, insurance sales, mortgage brokers, financial planners, retail management and human resources. Job seekers are advised to bring 10 to 15 copies of their r sum and dress professionally.Details: .

[727] Insights at UC Irvine With Hadoop Helps Reduce Pat... xvhbvswr - 2015/07/12(Sun) 09:24 No.803   HomePage

Insights at UC Irvine With Hadoop Helps Reduce Patient Re-Admittance Rates and Improved Patient Care<br>
In today s data-rich world, insight overlooked translates into opportunity missed. In [url=http://www.fepem35.com/private/adidas_bayern_m&uuml_;nchen_retro_trikot_commodore_204514.html]adidas bayern m斤拷nchen retro trikot commodore[/url]
this webinar, Charles Boicey, US Irvine Medical Center, shows how Hadoop helps reduce patient re-admittance rates and improves patient care with real-time monitoring.<br>
The Data-First Enterprise is investing in next-generation systems of insight, with advanced analytic apps providing a single, holistic view of patients and processes, and delivering predictive analytics around patient vitals and discovery with sensor data. Underpinning the capabilities of the Data-First Enterprise is a Modern Data Architecture.<br>
In 2010 the Clinical Informatics Team at the University of California in Irvine, led by Charles Boicey, looked outside of the conventional Healthcare data ecosystem for new data management solutions - their existing Electronic Health Record and Enterprise Data Warehouse environments no longer met the organization s needs. Through their research, the team found that the Hadoop technology could supplement their current ecosystem, build a Modern Data Architecture and enable them to develop new applications for better patient insights.<br>
During this webinar, you ll learn:

[728] Sloppy Defense By Cabrera Hurts White Sox In Sprin... gqwnghkx - 2015/07/12(Sun) 11:22 No.804   HomePage

GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) ?Jose Abreu connected for his first spring homer, [url=http://www.cybele-benodet.com/js/fc_bayern_m&uuml_;nchen_trikot_m&uuml_;ller_414115.html]fc bayern m斤拷nchen trikot m斤拷ller[/url]
but White Sox left fielder Melky Cabrera committed two errors in Colorado s six-run fifth inning and the Rockies went on to a 7-6 win on Tuesday.
Cabrera, who signed a $42 million, three-year contract with Chicago over the winter, misplayed Matt McBride s single, allowing the Rockies to tie it at 5. Then he dropped Rafael Ynoa s fly ball near the line for a two-base error as McBride scored.
Christian Bergmann finished the game with four scoreless innings for Colorado.
Rockies starter Jordan Lyles hit three batters, walked two and was charged with five unearned runs in four innings.
Abreu hit a drive to center off Jairo Diaz in the fifth inning. He is batting .459 (17 for 37) this spring.
(漏 2015 by STATS LLC and Associated Press. Any commercial use or distribution without the express written consent of STATS LLC and Associated Press is strictly prohibited.)

[729] Far and away Europe most romantic spots tbloqqlq - 2015/07/12(Sun) 11:30 No.805   HomePage

I love it when I persuade people to engage with the Europe I show them. But when they become engaged to each other in Europe, I like it even more.

Recently I heard from someone who took his girlfriend on one of my recommended hikes near M眉rren, Switzerland: convinced Emily to get one last photo of the view together before it got dark, even though we were both tired and hungry ?and she very much wanted to relax and have a nice meal. I set up my tripod and when [url=http://www.cybele-benodet.com/css/fussball_trikot_mexiko_025222.html]fussball trikot mexiko[/url]
she thought we were just going to pose for a photo, I got on one knee and proposed. She said yes.?
Love is in bloom all over Europe. Couples embrace while walking the banks of the Seine River in Paris or meet along the Via dellmore (athway of Love? in Italy Cinque Terre. At romantic spots in St. Petersburg, Russia, youl see newlyweds with their photographers. After the wedding ceremony, the bride and groom are practically obligated to drop by a dozen or so picturesque locations for wedding pictures. Theyl occasionally make a traditional toast with Champagne, then break their glasses to proclaim their love ?watch your step.

When people ask me for romantic destinations in Europe, I steer them away from traditional spots like Venice, Paris or the Greek Islands. For true romance, I like to suggest stay-awhile getaways that are slightly off the radar, such as Hallstatt, Varenna, Gimmelwald, r and Beilstein.

For a cozy hideaway, look for the offbeat areas, where creaky locals walk gingerly on creaky floorboards, and where each balcony sports a flower box. The tiny town of Hallstatt, positioned picture-perfectly on the shore of Lake Hallstatt in Austria, is just such a place. It a gentle land ?idyllic and majestic ?where lakes and mountains are shuffled sloppily together ?the perfect place to commune with nature (and one another), Austrian-style.

On Italy Lake Como, Varenna whispers luna di miele (honeymoon). This village oozes romance. Easily accessible by train, on the less-visited side of the lake, Varenna has a romantic promenade, a tiny harbor and narrow lanes. Youl pass wisteria-drenched villas, evocative vistas and lakeside lovers embracing the moment. It just the right place to savor a cappuccino or an aperitivo. There wonderfully little to do here, and it very quiet at night. It places like this where I really feel the romance of Europe.

Or take Switzerland tiny mountain hamlet of Gimmelwald. This traffic-free village hangs nonchalantly on the edge of a cliff high above the Lauterbrunnen Valley in the Swiss Alps. At the dawn of Switzerland age of big-time tourism, the farmers inhabiting this tumble of rough-hewn log farmhouses voted o?to development. While other cliff-hanging villages became soulless resorts, Gimmelwald survives as a traditional Swiss mountain community. Its two 700-year-old streets, a zig and a zag, are decorated by drying laundry, hand-me-down tricycles and hollow stumps bursting proudly with geraniums.

Denmark sleepy isle of r is the cuddle after the climax. It the perfect time-passed world in which to wind down, enjoy the seagulls and cherish the one youe with. It a place where sailors ?out of work after the rise of steam-driven boats ?decided that building ships in bottles was more their style. rskbing is the island village in a bottle. It small enough to be cute, but just big enough to feel real. The government, recognizing the value of this amazingly preserved little 18th century town, prohibits modern building anywhere in the center. It the only town in Denmark protected in this way.

In Germany, cozy Beilstein is Cinderella-land ?touristy but tranquil, except for its territorial swans swimming on the Mosel River. This 淪leeping Beauty of the Mosel?was only accessible by boat until about 1900, and it still seems lost in time. It what some visitors hope a Rhine River hamlet might be ?a peaceful, romantic village slipped between impossibly steep vineyards and the river. Above the town are castle ruins with a postcard panorama, with even better views at the top of the lone surviving tower.

Wherever couples go, they usually fall under romantic Europe magic spell. And for singles, there no denying that the romance of travel can sometimes spark a travel romance. But there are always a few outliers. I discovered this recently at a fabulous restaurant in Florence that was serving hearty farmers?food: grilled meats, high-quality seasonal vegetables, fresh herbs, prized olive oil and rustic Tuscan bread. As I was savoring my meal, I heard a newlywed woman give the cuisine the wildest compliment. She told her husband, arrying you was fine, but this dinner makes the entire honeymoon.?
Rick Steves writes European travel guidebooks and hosts travel shows on public television. E-mail:

[730] The UH Hilo PAC Opens 2013 yfmrblbs - 2015/07/12(Sun) 12:01 No.806   HomePage

The University of Hawai`i at Hilo Performing Arts Center will open the 2013-2014 season on Thursday, September 26th at 7:30 p.m. with Broadway Next H!t Musical.
very song is fresh. Every [url=http://www.ytutanflamenca.com/private/ibrahimovic_numero_de_camiseta_252335.html]ibrahimovic numero de camiseta[/url]
scene is new. Every night is different. It all improvised and it all funny,?said Center Manager Lee Dombroski.
Broadway Next H!T Musical is the only unscripted theatrical awards show. Six master improvisers gather made up, hit song suggestions from the audience and create a spontaneous evening of music, humor, and laughter. The audience votes for their favorite song and watches as the cast turns it into a full- blown improvised musical complete with memorable characters, witty dialogue, and plot twists galore.
The show is under the direction of Rob Schiffman, a professional improviser and musician, and Deb Rabbai, an actor, improviser, singer and voiceover artist, who have proudly witnessed it progress over the last two decades into the hilarious hit it is today. This show has consistently been hailed as rilliant?by TheaterWeek magazine.
淒on miss the next great American musical ?it coming to Hilo ?and youe writing it,?Dombroski said.
Tickets are reserved seating and priced at $25 General, $20 Discount and $12 UH Hilo/HawCC students and children, up to age 17, and are available by calling the UH Hilo Box Office at 974-7310 or ordering online at artscenter.uhh.hawaii.edu.

[731] Mened偶er sawny jak jego artyci tsolslld - 2015/07/13(Mon) 01:38 No.807   HomePage

Opowie膰 o Siergieju Diagilewie nie jest tylko biografi, to tak偶e obraz burzliwych losw [url=http://www.epicerielabocca.com/img/argentina_national_team_kit_501034.html]argentina national team kit[/url]
Europy jej artystw.
Syn oficera rosyjskiej armii Siergiej Pawowicz Diagilew od dziecka wyr偶nia si nienagannymi manierami. Wychowywany przez ciotki (matka zmara przy porodzie), mwi te偶 pynnie po francusku i niemiecku, uwielbia muzyk. Jednym sowem ?by idealnym kandydatem na bywalca arystokratycznych salonw.<br><br>Gdy jednak w 1890 r. przyjecha na studia do Petersburga z odlegego Permu, zorientowa si, 偶e on, potomek drobnej szlachty (dziadek dorobi si na produkcji wdki), jest nikim. A jedyn szans, by zaistnie膰 w wielkim wiecie, jest dla niego sztuka.<br><br>Wprawdzie jako artysta nie zrobi kariery, ale miejsce w historii zapewni sobie jako niezwyky impresario i mened偶er ?pierwszy o tak wielkich dokonaniach w dziejach sztuki. Odkry przed wiatem zachodnim kultur rosyjsk ?muzyk, oper, balet. Potrafi ryzykowa膰, na 偶adne z przedsiwzi膰 nie 偶aowa pienidzy, z reguy cudzych, ale sam czasami znajdowa si na finansowym dnie.

[732] Royal Biographer Says Prince William, Prince Harry... uillwscq - 2015/07/13(Mon) 04:24 No.808   HomePage

The Royal Family had to deal with its [url=http://coilover-store.com/assets/camiseta_de_barcelona_de_ecuador_2014_precio_033040.html]camiseta de barcelona de ecuador 2014 precio[/url]
own share of controversies and conspiracy theories 聽after the untimely death of Princess Diana in 1997. The controversial reports following the death of Diana dented the image of the British royal family. 聽Royal biographer Andrew Morton 聽has said that Prince William and Prince Harry have contributed significantly to improve the image of the royal family and have lifted its 聽profile.

In an interview with to discuss his new historical book, ?7 Carnations: The Royals, the Nazis, and the Biggest Cover-Up in History,?Morton shared his thoughts on the two heirs to the British throne. illiam and Harry have got the halo of Diana [around them], and are still surrounded by their mythic light, as it were," he said. He also said that William marriage to commoner Kate Middleton added adison Avenue glamour to the royal family." He also praised Duchess of Cambridge for not over-publicising her relationship 聽with Prince William during their courtship and also not during the wedding. 聽聽

In contrast to William and Kate penchant for privacy, Harry has often hit the headlines because of his outrageous public appearances. Morton, author of best-selling biography of Princess Diana, joked about Harry antics such as Prince notorious frolicking in Sin City in 2012, and in a momentarily lapse in judgment, his decision to wear a Nazi office uniform聽 to a 2005 Halloween Party -- all of which he thought Harry's mother Princess Diana would have found amusing. 聽

When asked whether the princes?grandmother Queen Elizabeth II is bothered by Harry crazy antics, Morton said, as quoted by聽,聽ery little gets to the Queen. She's the definition of impenetrable, but the thing that bothers her is anything that attacks the monarchy itself - the structure and fabric of the monarchy." He also said that considering what the queen would say before doing something bizarre should be the 渓itmus test?for the Princes, adding that they often get into trouble when they don do that.

For your feedback/comments on the article, contact the writer at prewchatterly@gmail.com.

[733] Rihanna wears nothing but paint in her new music v... dfwtffzm - 2015/07/13(Mon) 12:38 No.809   HomePage

Related PostsRihanna has been in the headlines recently for her less than tame [url=http://www.ytutanflamenca.com/images/camisetas_personalizadas_online_espa&ntilde;a_212031.html]camisetas personalizadas online espa?a[/url]
behavior and her latest revealing video Where Have You Been? will do little to silence her critics. The 24-year-old singer stripped down and has paint covering her chest in what appears to be alligator scales. reports:
Rihanna has been known for her risqu茅 looks, and this only adds to her already legendary archive of racy flicks. The 24-year-old singer stripped down for her new music video and had what appears to be alligator scales painted over her unmentionables.
This isn t the first time we ve seen RiRi covered up in reptile skin, however. She sizzled on the red carpet in a crocodile-laced Tom Ford dress at the Met Gala just last week. Are we starting to see a trend here?
Click for the full story.

[734] Rob Kardashian Instagram 2015- Kim Is A uppet Mast... esoyiwbm - 2015/07/13(Mon) 15:04 No.810   HomePage

The Kardashians have not said why Rob would say his sister was the ----? [url=http://www.osteopathe-sylvain-guyard.com/img/bayer_leverkusen_trikot_2014_kaufen_415010.html]bayer leverkusen trikot 2014 kaufen[/url]
from 淕one Girl.?While it would seem like a specific event might have happened, it was Rob idea of a oke.?ob just thought it was a funny comparison to Kim because she controls the entire family and wants the world to think their world is perfect,?a source told Radar Online.
Even wrote Rob quirky sense of humor could be to blame. "He has a funny sense of humor and posts weird things and then deletes them," an insider told the magazine. "It's just him."
The 淕one Girl?post is the only picture on Rob Instagram account. The rest of his posts have been deleted. In the two days the post has been up, the image garnered more than 107,000 likes from his 2.7 million followers and inspired nearly 30,000 comments from Instagram users.
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[735] Programmatic TV Journey Into Primetime ymnbvrhi - 2015/07/14(Tue) 01:48 No.811   HomePage

Based on all the headlines wee seen [url=http://www.chocolaterie-dousset.com/private/prix_maillot_lyon_2012_044314.html]prix maillot lyon 2012[/url]
in recent months, you could be forgiven for thinking that programmatic is already taking the TV industry by storm. And, to be sure, the time will come ?probably sooner rather than later ?when programmatic becomes a dominant force in television advertising.


After all, it not hard to imagine a moment when a TV is thought of as just one more screen for streaming your favorite content. When that happens, programmatic will certainly take center stage. But, at the moment, broadcast TV is alive and well, and programmatic TV is still in its infancy.


Despite its youth, automated purchasing and placement is starting to make its way the $70 billion TV ad market, though there are still areas where programmatic TV falls short


By now most marketers are familiar with programmatic buying on digital platforms.


The programmatic revolution in digital has ultimately been about data and the various ways marketers can use that data to deliver ads to the right people.


The obvious question about programmatic TV, then, is whether it really possible at all, considering that the data and infrastructure of DSPs, exchanges, and real-time bidding don't yet exist for TV. As experts have noted, what is considered programmatic in digital isn really taking place in the TV world. The evolution towards programmatic television is still in its crawl phase.


Of course, just because TV advertising can go fully programmatic just yet, that doesn mean that the process hasn begun. Programmatic TV is still in its early stages, but significant changes can already be seen taking place.


In its current form, programmatic TV really amounts to making better use of data within TV current ad-buying infrastructure so that marketers can do a better job of matching inventory to target audiences. Such targeting may not be 減rogrammatic?in the full sense of the word, but more advanced targeting that takes TV beyond "age" and "gender" is itself a major step forward for a system that has remained unchanged for so long. Going beyond those parameters is a major progression for the television advertising industry.


Despite this progress, there is still a fair amount of distance to travel. There are more options available today than ever before for buying ads on a number of cable networks and viewing the entire available inventory, but the trafficking of the ads is still done manually. TV networks also have to approve every ad, making true automation impossible.


Still, if the current ad-buying process isn seamless, it incorporates more data than traditional buying on broadcast TV, and it certainly is less cumbersome than traditional buying. Indeed, rather than dismissing programmatic TV as mere hype, it time to recognize that important steps are being made. True programmatic TV isn a reality just yet, but there's little doubt it's on the way.


Bryan Bartlett, is editor in chief, marketing manager of Chango, a Chicago-headquartered programmatic advertising company.



[736] 2014 Topps Translucent Football Checklist, Set Inf... junzpifq - 2015/07/15(Wed) 05:20 No.812   HomePage

Jarvis Landry, Miami Dolphins<br>
Cody Latimer, Denver [url=http://www.fepem35.com/img/dfb_trikot_reus_gr&uuml_;n_210120.html]dfb trikot reus gr斤拷n[/url]
Broncos Johnny Manziel, Cleveland Browns<br>
Tre Mason, St. Louis Rams<br>
Jordan Matthews, Philadelphia Eagles<br>
AJ McCarron, Cincinnati Bengals<br>
Jerick McKinnon, Minnesota Vikings<br>
Zach Mettenberger, Tennessee Titans<br>
Aaron Murray, Kansas City Chief<br>
Kevin Norwood, Seattle Seahawks<br>
Paul Richardson, Seattle Seahawks<br>
Allen Robinson, Jacksonville Jaguars<br>
Bishop Sankey, Tennessee Titans<br>
Tom Savage, Houston Texans<br>
Lache Seastrunk, Washington Redskins<br>
Austin Seferian-Jenkins, Tampa Bay Buccaneers<br>
Charles Sims, Tampa Bay Buccaneers<br>
Lorenzo Taliaferro, Baltimore Ravens<br>
Logan Thomas, Arizona Cardinals<br>
Sammy Watkins, Buffalo Bills<br>
Terrance West, Cleveland Browns<br>
James White, New England Patriots<br>
Andre Williams, New York Giants

[737] Spanish Television Host Rodner Figueroa Fired For ... vtlootzz - 2015/07/15(Wed) 06:07 No.813   HomePage

A television host, who compared Michelle Obama to the characters in the film "Planet of the Apes," has been fired from his job. Univision has reportedly received a complaint from the White House about their Emmy Award-winning [url=http://projekt.com/css/camisetas_retro_de_barcelona_sporting_club_554142.html]camisetas retro de barcelona sporting club[/url]
television host Rodner Figueroa, who made the controversial remarks on-air Wednesday. Figueroa also issued an apology later.

"Michelle Obama looks like she's part of the cast of lanet of the Apes,濃?Figueroa said in a broadcast on Wednesday, according to The comment was made while Figueroa and a lot of other hosts discussed a viral video where a makeup artist worked on making himself look like Obama and other celebrities. Figueroa made the comment during a live portion of l Gordo y La Flaca?(he Scoop and the Skinny? when a photo of the first lady was shown on screen.

Lili Estefan and Raul de Molina, other hosts on the show, expressed their disbelief on Figueroa's comments. The hosts also responded by saying that they found Obama ttractive.? Figueroa responded by saying, ut it is true,?according to NY Times. The website spoke to Rosemary Mercedes, a Univision spokeswoman, who confirmed that Figueroa was 渋mmediately terminated?after making the lanet of Apes?remarks about the First Lady. The network found Figueroa's comments as ompletely reprehensible?and in no way reflecting nivision values or views.?
The presenter then wrote an open letter to Obama where he started by saying that he's "no racist" and comes from a iracial Latino family with members like my father who are Afro-Latino." The apology letter, which was published in Spanish in , also added that Figueroa voted for Barack Obama twice and considers him great man who respects minorities like me in this country.?He also added that there was o excuse?to make a comment like that which could be considered 渙ffensive or racist.?Figueroa offered his 渟incere apologies?for the controversial comment and said that his words have been 渕isinterpreted.?

For any questions/comments on the article, you may contact the writer at: n.tewari@ibtimes.com.au

[738] Systems Issue Prevents Some Chase Cardholders From... liyjzbue - 2015/07/15(Wed) 10:41 No.814   HomePage

It saddens me to hear you had a bad [url=http://www.andre-cuzon.com/img/maillot_allemagne_euro_2012_000154.html]maillot allemagne euro 2012[/url]
experience. For assistance please follow/DM your name, zip more details. ^WP
Chase Support (@ChaseSupport)
Alice Reynolds told CBS 2 s Brad Edwards she switched to a third Chase card and was still denied. Chase offered her $25, which she says is, 渋nsulting.?
Governors State Professor and fraud expert William Kresse says, 渟tolen credit cards are often to buy concert tickets and sporting event tickets because there such a strong secondary market.?
Prof. Kresse says this can serve as a lesson, before travelling or making a large purchase, now-a-days you may want to call your credit card company ahead so this doesn t happen.
Chase spokeswoman released a statement saying, Due to a systems issue, some customers were unable to purchase Lollapalooza concert tickets today. We have since fixed the issue and apologize for the inconvenience. Customers should contact us if they have questions or concerns.
Lollapalooza will begin selling one-day passes Wednesday morning at 10 a.m.

[739] Europaspiele 2015 stellen sich vor- Zu Gast in Bak... nscgzrxj - 2015/07/15(Wed) 20:16 No.815   HomePage

Tickets f眉r Rio 2016 zu vergebenDie Europaspiele sind f眉r die Sportler gerade deshalb sehr reizvoll, weil in [url=http://www.rockpocketgames.com/img/precio_camiseta_oficial_selecci&oacute;n_espa&ntilde;ola_303455.html]precio camiseta oficial selecci斤拷n espa?ola[/url]
elf Sportarten Tickets f眉r die Olympischen Sommerspiele in Rio 2016 vergeben werden (Wassersport, Leichtathletik, Bogenschieen, Boxen, Radsport, Sportschieen, Tischtennis, Taekwondo, Triathlon, Ringen und Volleyball). Beim Ringen werden die Europaspiele auerdem die Europameisterschaften ersetzen.Die Wettbewerbe werden in 18 Spielst盲tten ausgetragen, zw枚lf permanente und sechs tempor盲re, zu denen auch das brandneue National Stadium und die National Gymnastics Arena geh枚ren. Einige von ihnen sind schon fertig, genauso wie das Athletendorf, der Heimat f眉r die Teilnehmer w盲hrend der Spiele mit 3755 Schlafzimmern.Vorbereitungen laufen perfektDoch die Europaspiele finden nicht nur in Baku statt. Auch im TV wird man hautnah dabei sein - bei einer Gesamt眉bertragung von etwa 800 Stunden. Auerdem k枚nnen sich die Sportler der Unterst眉tzung vor Ort sicher sein, voraussichtlich werden 600.000 Tickets f眉r die Spiele verf眉gbar sein.Die Vorbereitungen laufen also auf Hochtouren, damit Baku bereit ist f眉r die ersten Europaspiele aller Zeiten.

[740] Kolejny australijski nastolatek chcia doczy膰 do P... ghsabfzw - 2015/07/16(Thu) 08:30 No.816   HomePage

Nastolatek zosta zatrzymany na pokadzie samolotu na lotnisku w Sydney
Informacj potwierdzi minister ds. imigracji Peter Dutton. Wedug ledczych 17-latek [url=http://jooltool.com/images/camiseta_seleccion_espa&ntilde;ola_negra_precio_120113.html]camiseta seleccion espa?ola negra precio[/url]
chcia doczy膰 do Pastwa Islamskiego (IS). Zdarzenie miao miejsce 12 marca.
Premier Tony Abbott powiedzia, i偶 trudno mu uwierzy膰, 偶e ludzie, ktrzy wyroli w Australii, w wolnym i otwartym spoeczestwie, s tak podatni na pranie mzgu przez ekstremistw. Zapewni rwnie偶, 偶e wadze maj wiadomo膰 zagro偶enia i uczyni wszystko, aby zapobiega膰 takim zdarzeniom odpowiednio wczeniej.
Warto przypomnie膰, 偶e na pocztku marca dwaj bracia w wieku 16 i 17 lat zostali zatrzymani na lotnisku w Sydney w drodze do 瀞trefy konfliktu". Jak podaje BBC, wedug wadz Australii okoo 90 obywateli tego kraju walczy w szeregach Pastwa Islamskiego w Iraku i Syrii. Prawdopodobnie pewna ich cz膰 wrcia ju偶 do kraju i bogatsza o dowiadczenia z wojny, zaja si rekrutacj.
Kilka tygodni temu Premier Tony Abbott poinformowa, 偶e Australia zwikszy swoje dotychczasowe zaanga偶owanie w misj szkoleniow irackich si specjalnych. Australijczycy bd wsppracowa膰 z Nowozelandczykami. Planowane szkolenia maj na celu zwikszenie skutecznoci si irackich w walce z IS.

[741] Singleton vs Dominguez for the final position play... wvfapbri - 2015/07/16(Thu) 10:11 No.817   HomePage

Considering 1B, LF, and 3B were weak spots for the in 2014, they sure have gotten together a nice collection of replacements over last year [url=http://www.revisionsdesignstudio.com/log/Women's_Nike_San_Francisco_49ers_16_Joe_Montana_Limited_Black_Impact_Super_Bowl_XLVII_NFL_Jersey_012515.html]Women's Nike San Francisco 49ers 16 Joe Montana Limited Black Impact Super Bowl XLVII NFL Jersey[/url]
debacle. Yes, I am calling it a debacle. Singleton is the only "trained" 1B, but Carter, Gattis, and even Dominguez appear to be getting in on the action. Further, we now have 10 OF (or people that play OF on TV) on the 40 man roster. Many seem to be talking about the outfield crunch for the 25 man, but to me, it comes down to how many infielders we need.

Altuve, Lowrie, Valbuena, and Gonzales appear to be locks to make the team, but is that really enough infielders? That is the question to be asked when deciding on the final position player for opening day. Gonzales and Lowrie can play all 3 fielding positions, and Valbuena is said to be able to play all 3 fielding positions. Do we need Dominguez that can play IF, or are 4 enough? If we decide 4 IF are enough, then I choose Singleton over Dominguez.

Both players have proven MLB alternatives and both have options that would make starting the season in AAA viable. I really don see a bench role yet for either player and would like to see them get regular at bats.

Starting 2015 with both on the roster seems highly unlikely. What are your thoughts? Who would you choose? Why? Or do you have an option to keep bothyr neither?

[742] Cricket World Cup- Chokers- the sports stars who t... ctlfxlcg - 2015/07/16(Thu) 11:19 No.818   HomePage

Ian PoulterPerforming under pressure is such a huge factor of golf there is even a term for it, the clutch putt.Playing on [url=http://www.osteopathe-sylvain-guyard.com/img/bayern_m&uuml_;nchen_trikot_mit_eigenem_namen_145121.html]bayern m斤拷nchen trikot mit eigenem namen[/url]
the Ryder Cup stage magnifies that intensity like almost nothing else in sport.The 2012 contest carried extra weight as it was the first to take place since the death of Seve Ballesteros, the mercurial Spaniard who had catapulted Europe back into the consciousness.Captaining Europe against the United States in Illinois was his great friend Jose Maria Olazabal, but the first two days were a disaster.Needing 14 points to win, the US were completely dominant and looking at an 11-5 lead heading into the final day of singles.However Ian Poulter, playing with Rory McIlroy in the final fourball of the session, embarked on a remarkable run to wrest the momentum back to Europe, paving the way for the most remarkable comeback in the sport.Two holes down with six to play, Poulter went on a five-birdie blitz, culminating in a nerveless putt at the 18th to claim the point.He s never won a major, but when it comes to the pressures of the Ryder Cup, in the modern era, Poulter is peerless.

[743] Diese Talente wurden bei 1860 gro zpbewtmg - 2015/07/16(Thu) 13:26 No.819   HomePage

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&nbsp;gettySven Bender ist nur einer von zahlreichen Stars, die ihre Jugend im Nachwuchs der L枚wen verbrachten. Heute ist er Nationalspieler &nbsp;gettyAuch sein Bruder Lars trug von 2002 bis 2009 das L枚wen-Trikot. Dann wechselte er f眉r 2,5 Millionen Euro zu Bayer Leverkusen &nbsp;gettyKevin Volland verpasste den Zug zur WM 2014 nur knapp. 2012 stand er noch bei den L枚wen unter Vertrag, dann ging es nach Hoffenheim &nbsp;gettyBeim FC Augsburg unverzichtbar, in M眉nchen einst f眉r H盲ssler-P盲sse bekannt: Daniel Baier &nbsp;getty13 Jahre 1860 M眉nchen hatte Moritz Leitner (r.) auf dem Buckel, als er 2011 zu Borussia Dortmund wechselte &nbsp;imagoChristian Tr盲sch (l.) wechselte 2007 von den L枚wen-Amateuren zur zweiten Mannschaft des VfB Stuttgart. Sp盲ter wurde er Nationalspieler &nbsp;gettyPeniel Mlapa spielte seit 1999 im L枚wen-Nachwuchs, bevor er 2010 den Durchbruch schaffte. Derzeit geht er f眉r N眉rnberg auf Torejagd &nbsp;gettyMarcel Sch盲fer gab 2003 in der Abstiegssaison sein Deb眉t f眉r 1860 M眉nchen. Vier Jahre sp盲ter ging er nach Wolfsburg, wo er bis heute kickt &nbsp;gettyFabian Johnson (l.) wurde im L枚wen-Stadtteil Giesing geboren. Nach 13 Jahren beim TSV zog es ihn 2009 nach Wolfsburg &nbsp;gettyTimo Gebhart (l.) entstammt wie auch die Benders dem ber眉hmten 1989er Jahrgang. 2007 schaffte er bei 1860 den Durchbruch und wechselte zwei Jahre sp盲ter zum VfB &nbsp;gettyJulian Baumgartlinger (l.) absolvierte f眉r die Profis der L枚wen einst nur 13 Pflichtspiele. Sp盲ter sollte er auf 31 Partien f眉r sterreichs Nationalelf kommen &nbsp;gettyTarik Camdal (M.) hatte bei 1860 einst keine Perspektive mehr. ber Umwege wechselte er k眉rzlich f眉r f眉nf Millionen Euro zu Galatasaray &nbsp;imagoTobias Strobl konnte sich bei den L枚wen-Amateuren nie mit Nachdruck f眉r die Profis empfehlen. 2011 ging es nach Hoffenheim, derzeit ist er an K枚ln ausgeliehen

[744] NFL mock draft 2015- Dante Fowler still going to J... gvyahlbu - 2015/07/17(Fri) 12:23 No.820  

3. Jacksonville Jaguars: Dante Fowler, DE, Florida
The Jaguars have added a lot of high-end pieces in free agency, but not a big-impact pass rusher. They have [url=http://www.marquis-mo.com/img/t&uuml_;rkises_barcelona_trikot_232400.html]t斤拷rkises barcelona trikot[/url]
their choice of several good players with the third overall pick. Compared to the other top edge players this year, Fowler is the most complete. He may not have the first step explosion like Randy Gregory or Vic Beasley, but he the better all-around player.
In Kadar's mock, the select Jameis Winston with the No. 1 pick and the grab Leonard Williams with the No. 2 pick. In that scenario, I'd expect there to be some interest in a team trading up to leapfrog the , or even Washington, to make sure they can get Marcus Mariota. But if that doesn't happen, an edge rusher makes total sense at No. 3 overall.
At No. 16 overall, Kadar believes the will take UCLA linebacker Eric Kendricks and the get Alabama safety Landon Collins at No. 29.

[745] Reporter Who Quit To Grow Pot Raided By Cops yougblzw - 2015/07/17(Fri) 16:43 No.821   HomePage

4512179You may remember Charlo Greene (born Charlene Egbe) as the reporter for KTVA in Anchorage, Alaska
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I quit, Greene famously said following a news report on the Alaska Cannabis Club, a medical marijuana dispensary she co-owns. Greene s on-air proclamation instantly went viral.
Unfortunately for Greene, she might wish she never drew so much attention to her business,
Despite the fact that Alaska became the third state to in February, Alaskans still aren t allowed to sell marijuana, and that s what Anchorage police claim they thought Greene was doing.聽APD spokeswoman Jennifer Castro said they received reports 渙f the illegal sale of marijuana and other derivatives?at the clubhouse, and decided to execute a search warrant. Greene, however, claims they were grasping at straws.
his is basically a medical marijuana dispensary,?Egbe said. e don sell any recreational marijuana, we don sell any medical marijuana. This is a place for card holders to come and share their own cannabis.?
Oddly enough, Greene ended up speaking to reporters from her old job at KTVA as the cops were executing the warrant.
Police came rushing in for a misdemeanor, said Greene to KTVA. When the police arrived, there were about six members inside that were all hauled out, threatened with arrest, and had some of their money and phones confiscated.
The cops uprooted multiple plants and confiscated cell phones, computers, bongs, pipes, and two cars as part of their ongoing investigation. But Greene reiterated that she was not selling any marijuana, merely allowing medical marijuana users a place to share their weed. , telling the Associated Press she did it to show, the will of the people is stronger than any force they [police] have ?and we aren t going anywhere.
Tags: , , ,

[746] Obama Admin Won't Say Which Obamacare Plans Fund A... bwvlvaia - 2015/07/17(Fri) 19:55 No.822   HomePage

Repeatedly stonewalled by the Obama Administration on questions of abortion transparency in the Affordable Care Act, pro-life leaders are taking matters into their own hands to inform consumers which Obamacare plans [url=http://www.rockpocketgames.com/css/camisas_de_futebol_psg_320140.html]camisas de futebol psg[/url]
include coverage of abortion on demand and which do not.

Since 渙pen season?began on Saturday, research staff at Charlotte Lozier Institute (CLI) and Family Research Council (FRC) have been performing an ongoing examination of healthcare.gov and state-based exchanges, looking for information on abortion coverage and the accessibility of that information. On Thursday afternoon, pro-life leaders, including researchers from CLI and FRC, will join Congressman Chris Smith (R-NJ), lead sponsor of the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion and Abortion Insurance Full Disclosure Act, to share their findings to date.
Thursday press conference and the launch of the website follow the release of a newly surfaced video in which key Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber called the 渓ack of transparency?with which the law was passed a 渉uge political advantage.?The new web site, , will go live on Thursday.
Since October of 2013, the Charlotte Lozier Institute has on the lack of transparency and generally confusing nature of the exchange plans. , the non-partisan government watchdog agency, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), released a report identifying 1,036 ObamaCare plans that cover abortion on demand and receive taxpayer subsidies.

When asked to address the issue of abortion transparency last month, HHS Secretary Sylvia Burwell hedged, saying: I]n terms of how the communication is going to work, wel have to see how quickly we can get the communication out and where we are.?

[747] Australian Army Prepares hallenging Program?For Pr... hctntuem - 2015/07/17(Fri) 22:38 No.823   HomePage

Prince Harry is going to join the Australian Army in April. The Australian Defence Force has announced that his hallenging program?will include Sydney, Perth and [url=http://www.chocolaterie-dousset.com/log/maillot_de_psg_foot_025510.html]maillot de psg foot[/url]

Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin that the prince would have an 渙pportunity to gain greater insight into the Army's domestic operating environment and capabilities.?The Chief of the Defence Force said that a hallenging program?had been prepared for the prince. aptain Wales?will be deployed on 渦rban and field training exercises, domestic deployments.?He will also participate in Indigenous engagement activities, he said.

Binskin added that he was happy that the prince would have a 渇irst hand?experience of what the ADF was doing to support wounded, injured and ill members. The prince undertook a three-week trek in Antarctica in 2014 to support injured veterans.

Prince Harry service for the Australian army is going to be an extension of his usual British army duties. Binskin mentioned that the British and Australian armies had a shared military history. The armies have a 渓ong and enduring association" as well, he said.

The prince is going to attend centenary commemorations of the World War I Gallipoli campaign in Turkey on April 25. It was also reported that the prince would leave the British Army in June. The prince said that it was a eally tough decision?to leave the army.

Harry that he had served with some 渋ncredible people?during a couple of tours of Afghanistan. He said that the experiences he had had over the last 10 years would stay with him for the rest of his life. He added that he would always be 渉ugely grateful?for that.

According to the Australian Defence Association think tank Chief Executive Neil James, the prince may be attached at an armed reconnaissance helicopter squadron in the northern city of Darwin. He may also work with an aviation unit supporting a commando regiment in the east coast city of Sydney.

Prince Harry will be on an official tour of New Zealand after his time with the Australian Army. Thereafter, he will be engaged in voluntary conservation work in sub-Saharan Africa.

Contact the writer:

[748] Police officer charged with killing unarmed driver... dfqonaql - 2015/07/17(Fri) 23:31 No.824  

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) A Pennsylvania police officer was charged Tuesday with criminal homicide after investigators concluded she shot an unarmed motorist in the back as he lay facedown after a traffic stop over an [url=http://vaninyhandbag.com/stats/la_nueva_camiseta_de_barcelona_2015_425532.html]la nueva camiseta de barcelona 2015[/url]
expired inspection sticker.

Authorities accused Hummelstown police Officer Lisa J. Mearkle of shooting 59-year-old David Kassick twice on Feb. 2 without legal justification. She was released on $250,000 bail.

Her attorney, Brian Perry, said Mearkle acted in self-defense, and he warned the case could cause police officers to hesitate in high-pressure situations.

淪he felt like she had to do what she did,?Perry said. his person was being commanded, begged, `show me your hands,?and he kept going to his waist.?
Authorities said Mearkle had attempted to pull over Kassick for expired inspection and emissions stickers before he sped away. She caught up to Kassick near his sister s home where he had been living for a short time.

He got out and ran before Mearkle incapacitated him with a stun gun, held in her left hand. He was on the ground when she shot him twice in the back with the gun in her right hand, police said.

Mearkle, 36, told investigators she fired because he would not show her his hands and she thought he was reaching into his jacket for a gun. Perry said she did not know Kassick before the shooting.

The offense of criminal homicide encompasses a range of charges, from misdemeanor involuntary manslaughter to felony first-degree murder. Prosecutors often narrow the charge later in the process, about the time when defendants are formally arraigned.

The stun gun contained a camera that recorded audio and video from portions of the encounter, and District Attorney Ed Marsico called it the strongest evidence in the case.

He said it appeared Kassick had been trying to remove the stun-gun probe from his back.

t the time Officer Mearkle fires both rounds from her pistol, the video clearly depicts Kassick lying on the snow covered lawn with his face toward the ground,?according to the arrest affidavit. urthermore, at the time the rounds are fired nothing can be seen in either of Kassick s hands, nor does he point or direct anything toward Officer Mearkle.?
Marsico said Mearkle waited 4 seconds between the first and second shots, and afterward performed CPR. He called the shooting tragedy for all involved.?
The district attorney said a syringe was found near Kassick s body, and alcohol and unspecified drugs were found in his system.

Lawyers for Kassick s family and estate issued a statement calling the charges substantial step toward closure?after what they described as a horrifying tragedy. They said he had worked as a Teamsters union laborer and struggled with addiction.

r. Kassick is now dead as a result of a traffic stop, a routine traffic stop,?said one of the family s attorneys, Christopher Slusser. e should not be dead. He should not have died as a result of that traffic stop. And the manner in which he was shot - you can infer from that what you will.?
Hummelstown Police Chief Charles M. Dowell did not respond to a message seeking comment, but his department issued a news release that said it had cooperated fully, calling the matter n extremely difficult case for all involved.?
e are servants of justice and must now allow the judicial process to conduct a fair and impartial review of the allegations that have been presented,?the news release stated.

Perry said Mearkle has been on the force for 15 years. She is married to a state trooper and has young children at home, he said. She was expected to be under electronic monitoring.

[749] Pictures- The food of Epcot&apos;s Internation... qktmtxtj - 2015/07/18(Sat) 02:27 No.825  

Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & [url=http://projekt.com/assets/camisas_sele&ccedil;&atilde;o_holanda_220014.html]camisas sele??o holanda[/url]
Garden Festival: Beef Brisket Burnt Ends Hash Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Beef Brisket Burnt Ends Hash with White Cheddar Fondue and Pickled Jalapenos featured at The Smokehouse: Barbecue and Brews Outdoor Kitchen in The American Adventure pavilion courtyard. Beef Brisket Burnt Ends Hash with White Cheddar Fondue and Pickled Jalapenos featured at The Smokehouse: Barbecue and Brews Outdoor Kitchen in The American Adventure pavilion courtyard. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Quinoa Vegetable "Naanwich" Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Quinoa Vegetable Naanwich with arugula pesto and oven dried tomatoes featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. Quinoa Vegetable Naanwich with arugula pesto and oven dried tomatoes featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Cheese Manicotti Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Cheese Manicotti featured at Primavera Outdoor Kitchen outside the Italy pavilion. Cheese Manicotti featured at Primavera Outdoor Kitchen outside the Italy pavilion. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Kale Salad, Dried Cherries, Almonds and Goat Cheese Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Kale Salad with dried cherries, almonds and goat cheese with white balsamic vinaigrette featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. Kale Salad with dried cherries, almonds and goat cheese with white balsamic vinaigrette featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Cachapas with Farmers Cheese Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Cachapas, a Venezuelan sweet yellow corn pancake, with farmers cheese is featured at Botanas Bot 聡nico Outdoor Kitchen near the Morocco pavilion. Cachapas, a Venezuelan sweet yellow corn pancake, with farmers cheese is featured at Botanas Bot 聡nico Outdoor Kitchen near the Morocco pavilion. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries

[750] Kooperation mit spanischem Meister- Atletico wirbt... mlmurwte - 2015/07/18(Sat) 08:39 No.826   HomePage

Die Rojiblancos hatten bereits einen Sponsoren-Deal mit Aserbaidschan, im Zuge dessen werden die Madrilenen nun das Logo von Baku 2015 [url=http://www.fepem35.com/log/man_utd_trikot_sponsor_035250.html]man utd trikot sponsor[/url]
auf der Brust tragen.Zum ersten Mal konnte man das neue Trikot beim beeindruckenden 眉ber den Erzrivalen Real Madrid begutachten, besser h盲tte die Partnerschaft eigentlich nicht besser beginnen k枚nnen.Sehr zur Freude von Azad Rahimov, dem aserbaidschanischen Sportminister, der zudem f眉r die Europaspiele in Baku verantwortlich ist: "Wir sind sehr gl眉cklich, davon kann das komplette Land nur profitieren. Vielleicht lag es ja auch an unserem Logo, dass Atletico Real bezwingen konnte."Marketing-Boss freut sichDie Truppe von Trainer Diego Simeone wird das Trikot neben ihren Auftritten in der spanischen Liga auch in der Champions League tragen, gegen Bayer Leverkusen brachten die Europaspiele angesichts der allerdings kein Gl眉ck.Trotzdem ist es wichtig, die Europaspiele bekannter zu machen, wie Marketing-Boss Charlie Wijeratna wei: "Jeder soll wissen, dass in diesem Jahr die European Games stattfinden. Da hilft es nat眉rlich, wenn wir auch im Fuball pr盲sent sind. Millionen Menschen schauen Atleticos Partien in der Liga und der K枚nigsklasse."

[751] Bundestrainer will keine Spieler abziehen- L枚w- M... mtqtrhjx - 2015/07/18(Sat) 10:09 No.827  

Bei [url=http://www.gravure44-glm.com/js/ajax_amsterdam_new_jersey_304430.html]ajax amsterdam new jersey[/url]
den Genannten handelt es sich um Emre Can (FC Liverpool), Kevin Volland (1899 Hoffenheim), Max Meyer und Leon Goretzka (beide Schalke 04)."Mir ist lieber, sie spielen bei der U21 ein Turnier mit internationalem Vergleich als dass sie bei uns dabei sind und vielleicht 90 Minuten auf der Bank sitzen", erkl盲rte L枚w."Das wird sie weiterbringen""Das wird sie weiterbringen. 2009 haben wir damit gute Erfahrungen gemacht, als Spieler wie Manuel Neuer, Mats Hummels, Benedikt H枚wedes, Sami Khedira oder Mesut zil dabei waren und dadurch einen Schub f眉r die WM 2010 bekommen haben."Vor sechs Jahren gewann die U21 in Schweden den EM-Titel, diesmal geht es vom 17. bis 30. Juni in Tschechien auch um die erste Olympia-Teilnahme seit 1988.Nach der Junioren-EM sei es "nat眉rlich ein Ziel, die Spieler, die bei der EM gute Leistungen gezeigt haben, bei uns einzubauen".

[752] Mistake by S.F. deputies led to drug dealer escape ucdkqxdl - 2015/07/18(Sat) 14:26 No.828  

Undersheriff Federico Rocha said Tuesday that given his background, Santiago-Gonzalez 減robably should not?have enjoyed 渙utside?status ?which allowed him to http://dkdagency.com/default.php?nike-fotballdrakt-manchester-united-fc-guillermo-varela-30-hjemmedrakt-2014-2015-v-796.html,http://dkdagency.com/default.php?nike-fotballdrakt-manchester-united-fc-guillermo-varela-30-hjemmedrakt-2014-2015-v-796.html
take out the garbage in the company of a deputy, who has since been reassigned.

Rocha said procedures were tightened after another inmate escaped last June, also while dumping garbage at a jail facility. The inmate, , was later recaptured.

hat wee looking at is were the protocols ignored, forgotten, missed or insufficient,?he added.

Besides Santiago-Gonzalez and Midgett, at least two other prisoners who were on the garbage detail have escaped from the jail in recent years.

, counsel for the sheriff office, said Santiago-Gonzalez vanished near Fifth and Folsom streets. He apparently shed his orange jail clothes as he fled, she said.

e are looking at both policies and the circumstances surrounding the incident,?Horne said.

The prisoner is believed to have fled on Harriet Street to nearby Harrison Street and at some point stripped off his jail jumpsuit. He was last seen wearing only blue underwear.

Officials say at least three other inmates have escaped while performing the detail, which involves being alone with an unarmed deputy at the back of the Hall of Justice jail.

At the time of his escape, Santiago-Gonzalez had been offered an undisclosed plea deal by federal prosecutors and was due back in court as soon as next month to announce whether he was going to take the offer, federal court records show.

The Santa Cruz County task force that arrested the Pescadero man had spent three months investigating a suspected distributor known on the street as arlos.?
They pulled him over and searched his home, recovering 414 grams of methamphetamine, 1.5 ounces of heroin and an arsenal of 14 weapons.

Some of the guns were stolen. Authorities found several assault rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, allegedly used in his trafficking operation. They also found body armor.

Santiago-Gonzalez had been deported to Mexico in March 2012, following a felony drug trafficking conviction in 2011, but had since returned to serve as a 渟ignificant source?to drug dealers in the area, Santa Cruz County officials said.

One of his attorneys, , described Santiago-Gonzalez as a ery nice kid?who is ot a gangster.?He said that he just hopes that authorities will understand that his client is not violent, despite the charges pending against him.

f he is confronted, hel follow instructions,?Stepanian said. e is not going to cause problems.?
Stepanian said his client was set to decide next month whether to accept a plea bargain with federal prosecutors that called for substantial prison time.

just don want anything weird to happen,?he said.

Jaxon Van Derbeken is a staff writer. E-mail:

[753] Domratschewa gewinnt Verfolgung- Dahlmeier und Pre... gzyrarhv - 2015/07/18(Sat) 15:39 No.829  

"Heute hat alles zusammengepasst, http://9thstreetclinics.com/wp-atom.php?voetbalshirts/chili,http://9thstreetclinics.com/wp-atom.php?voetbalshirts/chili
perfekt", sagte Dahlmeier in der ARD: "Es war wichtig, dass ich beim letzten Schieen die Spannung halten konnte. Am Schluss habe ich wirklich hart gefightet und es auf den Zielsprint ankommen lassen. Es ist total cool, dass wir zusammen auf dem Podium stehen.""Im Zielsprint habe ich noch nie eine Chance gehabt gegen Laura. Einfach nur Wahnsinn, dass wir zusammen da oben stehen", sagte Preu, die sich dar眉ber freute, dass "ich zum ersten Mal im Wettkampf viermal null geschossen habe".Der Finnin Kaisa M盲k盲r盲inen reichte Rang vier, um sich mit einem Punkt Vorsprung auf Domratschewa die kleine Kristallkugel f眉r den Verfolgungs-Weltcup zu sichern. Im Gesamtweltcup hat die Weirussin allerdings jetzt bereits 32 Punkte Vorsprung.Franziska Hildebrand (Clausthal-Zellerfeld/2 Schiefehler) landete auf Rang elf, Luise Kummer (Frankenhain/2) belegte Platz 15. Vanessa Hinz (Schliersee/3) wurde 19., Karolin Horchler (Clausthal-Zellerfeld/2) 36., Miriam G枚ssner (Garmisch/6) 39. und Annika Knoll (Titisee-Neustadt/5) 51.

[754] 'Facebook generation' less likely to drink, smoke ... rnsudmdb - 2015/07/18(Sat) 22:48 No.830  

in 2013 tobacco smoking among young women aged 18 to 24 dropped by 10 per cent, and among young men by almost as much. State surveys also showed a major drop in 2013 in numbers of people in the same age group who took any illegal drug, http://www.scoopofthehill.com/wp-rss.php?copa-america-2015-633/uruguay-644,http://www.scoopofthehill.com/wp-rss.php?copa-america-2015-633/uruguay-644
down from 19.3 per cent to 16.3 per cent.
Some researchers have pointed to a ユォacebook effect?which has led teenagers who would once have spent their spare time on the streets instead to devote it to playing with gadgets in their bedrooms. Widespread public disapproval of smoking, drunkenness, drug abuse and teen mothers is also likely to have influenced teen behaviour.
Professor Candace Currie of St Andrews, who assembled evidence drawn up from surveys and official statistics carried out in Europe and North America, said: ユゾhere is much to celebrate about the health and well-being of many young people today.?/font>

The study, assembled by academics at St Andrews University (pictured), said that despite the increasing levels of health and well-being, adolescents now are just as likely to be fat as the previous generation
She added however that ユΖthers continue to experience real and worrying problems.?/font>
Some countries, including Scotland, showed evidence that fewer youngsters took daily exercise in 2010 than in 2002.
The report said that while the overall optimistic picture seems surprising, considering that many countries faced a severe economic crisis in the last decade, policies and actions to improve public health were implemented in many countries in the same period. Many of those policies were, however, deeply controversial.

Some researchers have pointed to a ユォacebook effect?which has led teenagers who would once have spent their spare time on the streets instead to devote it to playing with gadgets
Critics of the Teenage Pregnancy Strategy, launched in England by Tony Blair, have said that it had nothing to do with the fall in teenage pregnancy, which did not become evident until after David Cameronユ獨 Coalition scrapped the programme of contraceptive distribution in 2010.
Yesterdayユ獨 report added that ユΟhe general feeling that young people are better off today could also be attributed to changes in fashions, behavioural norms and societal values.?/font>
Professor Currie said: ユアdolescence is a crucial stage in life when you lay the foundation for adulthood, whether that is healthy or otherwise.?/font>

[755] Ropa znw mo偶e kosztowa膰 80 dolarw hukrwduu - 2015/07/20(Mon) 11:13 No.831   HomePage

Cena ropy spada za szybko i za mocno - uwa偶a Stephen Davis, prezes Signal Investment Research i prognozuje jej rychy wzrost
Zdaniem Davisa kurs baryki [url=http://movilshopcr.com/wp-atom.php?500-klubb-draktsett-2014-15/510-celtic]http://movilshopcr.com/wp-atom.php?500-klubb-draktsett-2014-15/510-celtic[/url]
ropy Brent mo偶e niedugo wrci膰 do 70-80 dol.
Stephen Davis powiedzia telewizji CNBC, 偶e spodziewa si wzrostu cen ropy w cigu najbli偶szych 3-6 miesicy o okoo 10 dol. za baryk. Jego zdaniem tak du偶y spadek cen to za du偶o jak na obecna nadpoda偶.
- Ludzie uwa偶aj, 偶e spadek spowodowaa nadpoda偶, ale jest wiele powodw tej nadpoda偶y i te powody zaczn znika膰 ?podkreli Davis.
Zdaniem szefa Signal Investment Research s trzy gwne przyczyny, ktre wkrtce spowoduj wzrost notowa ropy: poprawa kondycji globalnej gospodarki - tak w Europie jak w Chinach; wzrost popytu spowodowany sezonem letnich wyjazdw w USA; malejce o偶ywienie w USA, ktre spowoduje osabienie dolara. Davis jest przekonany, 偶e sabszy dolar spowoduje wzrost popytu na rop naftow.
Wczeniej inni analitycy sugerowali, 偶e cena ropy nie tylko nie wzronie, ale spadnie do jeszcze ni偶szego poziomu. Ceny ropy naftowej nie osigny jeszcze najni偶szego poziomu - uwa偶a byy prezes Rezerwy Federalnej Alan Greenspan. A Gary Shilling przepowiada nawet, 偶e jedna baryka ropy bdzie kosztowa膰 10-20 dolarw. Zdaniem analityka na spadek cen ropy bdzie miaa wpyw wci偶 rosnca poda偶 surowca, przy jednoczesnym spadku popytu.

[756] 'Click and collect' on high street near you- All s... eufkvnjk - 2015/07/20(Mon) 15:26 No.832   HomePage

Many people who are at work all day - and know they will miss the postman ?can choose to have parcels delivered to their local [url=http://www.gourmaleo.com/default.php?647-landslag-draktsett/689-tyrkia]http://www.gourmaleo.com/default.php?647-landslag-draktsett/689-tyrkia[/url]
shop where they can collect them at a convenient time.
Mr Lewis said: ar from threatening the high street, online shopping offers a new opportunity. How we shop is changing radically and I want to help our high streets thrive from online competition.

Ministers say allowing online shoppers to collect at local shops will give a boost to the high street
楾hese measures will mean even more retailers can offer lick and collect? services, encouraging shoppers to visit their businesses and pick up their purchases at a time that suits them.?There was a boom in Christmas shopping via click and collect this year ?with John Lewis saying half its customers picked up parcels in store rather than having them posted to their homes in December.
Supermarkets and department stores are already using the service, and some allow ebay and Amazon customers to pick up their purchases instore.
Ministers also want to make it easier for a bank or estate agent to change use, so it can become a restaurant, cinema or gym without the owners going through undue costs and paperwork.

[757] How Japan became a pop culture superpower &raq... iixkkknt - 2015/07/20(Mon) 18:00 No.833  

This mingling of Japanese and American culture has been going on for decades. It was soon after the end of the second world war that John Ford first visited the set of an Akira Kurosawa film. 楪ive the director my regards,?he told one of the studio staff as he left. But http://www.confluenceoutdoor.com/phpinfo.php?Italia-Borte-Drakt-VM-2014-Pirlo-Hvit-Nyankomne,http://www.confluenceoutdoor.com/phpinfo.php?Italia-Borte-Drakt-VM-2014-Pirlo-Hvit-Nyankomne
13 years later he could do that himself. Kurosawa was on one of Ford sets when the entire cast and crew stood up to applaud the Japanese director. The memories of a horrible war couldn undo the ties that bound these artists together.

Yet it the post-war generations who have really basked under the rising sun. Almost every childhood craze of the past 30 years has come from Japan: Transformers, Power Rangers, Tamagotchi, Pok茅mon and on and on and on. And together these have blasted through boundaries between different media.

One of the driving forces behind this cultural takeover has, of course, been money. Perhaps because of its island status, Japan has a knack for exporting itself and its goods to the rest of the world. A case in point is the company behind those Pok茅mon and so much else: Nintendo. Even before it had sold us hundreds of millions of consoles, Nintendo had already expanded into the United States. Apparently, the company president at the time, Hiroshi Yamauchi, had been inspired by meeting executives from ?where else? ?Walt Disney in the 1950s. He ached to turn his great-grandfather playing-card business into a global concern.

It easy to be cynical about art that emerges from boardrooms, as people often are about Hollywood. But the truth is that Japan cultural sector is sustained by the quality of its product. Nintendo most famous child, a high-bouncing plumber named Mario, lives in a detailed world that draws on classic fantasy and Japanese folklore ?even if he was born to retain the custom of gaming arcades in America. You can get kids excited about branded lunchboxes and pyjamas if there nothing behind them.

And it not just for the kids: Japan likes to entertain adults too. One of the strangest things about the country culture, which only a qualified anthropologist could explain, is how it ignores puberty. If someone was into comics or cartoons when they were 12, why wouldn they be when they are 14 or 40 or even 80? They might prefer more mature themes as they age, but there no particular need for the form to change. Hence artists such as Masahiko Matsumoto ?whose work is now being published in English translations by Breakdown Press ?could sell crime comics to adults in the 1950s.

The latest Japanese megahit to detonate in the West is also aimed at adults. It an anime series, based on a manga comic, called Attack on Titan. I recommend that you watch at least the first episode, which captures the tenor of the whole thing. It begins with a great, skinless giant leering over the walls of a city. It ends with other giants turning the streets into a Hieronymus Bosch triptych. As the hero flees, he sees his mother bitten in half by one of the monsters, her blood splashing on the ground like slow-motion raindrops. Only in Japan.

But the rest of the world is learning. You can see this in the work of those Pixar folk who produced Toy Story (1995), who now occupy the upper echelons of the Walt Disney Company. Several years ago, they spent much of their time extolling the talents of the great Japanese animator Hayao Miyazaki. Here is someone, they said, who makes films for children that are also fun and rewarding for adults. Which goes to show that playtime doesn end when you get a job. That actually when you might have the cash to do it properly.

Speaking of cash, a 20th-anniversary version of another Japanese console, the Sony PlayStation, was sold in a charity auction for $129,000 last week. That sum could buy you around 13,000 tickets to see Big Hero 6 this weekend, but it equally part of the same phenomenon. Welcome to San Fransokyo. Population: all of us.

This article first appeared in the print edition of The Spectator magazine, dated
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[758] Search on for Vallejo woman reported kidnapped for... dtfyiilx - 2015/07/20(Mon) 19:58 No.834  

淒enise is tough,?her cousin, , said in a telephone interview. f somebody did take her, she would have put up one heck of a fight.?
A man who lives with Denise Huskins ?identified by neighbors and relatives as her boyfriend and a fellow Kaiser physical therapist, 30-year-old ?called police about 2 p.m. Monday, officials said. He reported that Huskins had been forcefully taken from the home he owns at 524 Kirkland Ave. several hours earlier, and that the intruders had demanded a ransom for her return.

Police search home

Police officials said Quinn was not a person of interest as they sought evidence, searching the http://viktoriachan.com/wp-content.php?Robben-Fotballtr%25C3%25B8ye-746,http://viktoriachan.com/wp-content.php?Robben-Fotballtr%25C3%25B8ye-746
home, a car and the surrounding area with 75 people from multiple agencies and several police dogs. Dive teams scoured the waters around the island. At a late news conference, Lt. , a police spokesman, said search dogs had keyed in on a scent near the Mare Island Strait and investigators would be searching the area overnight, using both dive teams and sonar, but gave few other details about the case.

Meanwhile, in the early afternoon, The Chronicle received an e-mail from an anonymous person claiming to be holding Huskins. The newspaper decided not to immediately publish details about the communication.

Asked for a comment on the e-mail, Capt. said, very bit of information that comes in, every possible lead, wee going to consider.?
Investigators were tight-lipped regarding details of the case ?including in their conversations with Huskins?family. Mattison said she and other relatives don know what to make of the account of the kidnapping-for-ransom, as they continued to hold out hope that Huskins is alive and well.

think right now there is a lack of real information about what happened. That is the part that is weighing on everybody mind,?Mattison said. e are hoping and praying we get her home safe and sound.?
Boyfriend waited hours

It was not clear why Huskins?boyfriend had apparently waited hours to alert authorities to her abduction. Attempts to reach him were unsuccessful.

Huskins?father said he had never met Quinn, who met his daughter about seven months ago at Kaiser. he last time I talked to her, about a week ago, I asked how things were going with him and she said they were great,?he said. She had told him, 'Dad, I in love,?he said.

Asked what he would say to her, the father said, would tell her to stay strong, that the family is here behind her, that I think good things are going to happen and to stay strong.?
Police said a 2000 Toyota Camry registered to Quinn reportedly had been taken from the two-story yellow home Monday, with the car found later in the day at an undisclosed location in Vallejo. Officers released photos of the sedan, asking anyone who may have seen it to notify them.

e don have all of the facts yet,?Park said during a Tuesday news conference. ll I can tell you is there was a ransom demand, (according to) the male person who reported this crime.?
He added that investigators 渉ave a lot of information still to sift through. We don have all of the facts in yet, and that what he helping us do, to piece the puzzle together.?
Mattison said her cousin, with whom she keeps in close touch, is 渟mart and strong and fun and caring.?
'Larger than life?
淪he just has a larger-than-life personality and cares deeply for those around her, and her family and friends, and is fiercely loyal in that respect,?Mattison said.

Huskins works as a physical therapist at in Vallejo and previously worked at a Southern California orthopedic institute. She moved to Vallejo in June 2014 from Southern California.

She had also worked in Boston and was three blocks from the finish line during the Boston Marathon bombing, her father said. The ordeal upset her and prompted her to return to Southern California, he said.

Neighbors of the couple said Tuesday that they were stunned.

scared to death ?without question. I got two girls. It scary,?said , 46, who lives next door to Huskins and Quinn. just beyond shocked.?
Anyone with information was asked to call Vallejo police at (707) 648-4524.

Evan Sernoffsky, and Lee are staff writers. E-mail: , and Twitter: @evansernoffsky @sfkale @henryklee

[759] European Games 2015- Coe stolz auf Baku dqesdwgd - 2015/07/20(Mon) 20:03 No.835  

Schnelle ArbeitVor einem derart groen Event mussten allerdings neue Arenen und http://projekt.com/xmlrpc.php?italiensk-serie-a/lazio,http://projekt.com/xmlrpc.php?italiensk-serie-a/lazio
Stadien gebaut werden. Baku hatte blo 30 Monate, um sich auf die Spiele vorzubereiten, w盲hrend St盲dte, die Olympia ausrichten, eine siebenj盲hrige Vorlaufszeit vorweisen k枚nnen.Selbst in dieser Zeitspanne f盲llt es allerdings einigen St盲dten schwer, alles Notwendige zur Verf眉gung zu stellen. Doch Aserbaidschan war so schnell, dass es zu keinen Verz枚gerungen kam.Lord Coe ist also nicht ohne Grund fasziniert von der Entwicklung und lobt die Organisatoren: "Es waren einige Teams von uns vor Ort, um sich mit der Lage zu befassen. Wir m眉ssen sagen, dass alles sehr positiv verl盲uft." Baku ist bereit f眉r ein historisches Event.

[760] Baku ist auf gutem Weg- Protopsaltis- -Ein gewalti... owzmjksm - 2015/07/20(Mon) 20:52 No.836  

Ein Traum geht in Erf眉llungDer geb眉rtige Grieche Protopsaltis erkl盲rte, wie stolz er auf die bis jetzt geleistete Arbeit ist. Einen http://www.gourmaleo.com/wp-blog.php?klubbdrakter-14-15-500/manchester-city-523,http://www.gourmaleo.com/wp-blog.php?klubbdrakter-14-15-500/manchester-city-523
R眉ckstand beim Bau der Austragungsorte sieht er nicht: "Wir haben keine Versprechungen gemacht, die wir in der kurzen Zeit nicht einhalten k枚nnen. Alles, was wir versprochen haben, ist planm盲ig im Gange. Wir kommen gut voran, aber das mussten wir auch."Protopsaltis unterstrich auch die Bedeutung der European Games an sich. Die Austragung der Spiele sei "ein gewaltiger Erfolg": "Davon hat Europa viele Jahre lang getr盲umt. Die erste Austragung der Spiele wird sicher nicht in allen Belangen perfekt sein, aber es wird ein starkes Zeichen sein, dass wir diese Spiele jetzt haben."Interessant wird es definitiv. Aserbaidschan ist f眉r viele Sportler und Zuschauer sicherlich Neuland. Protopsaltis ist sich sicher, dass sich die Sportler wohlf眉hlen werden: "Sie d眉rfen sich auf sehr gastfreundliche Leute freuen, ein gutes Klima, gutes Wetter und eine exzellente K眉che. Das wird ein groer Spa."

[761] News und Ger眉chte- George innrtaro - 2015/07/20(Mon) 21:18 No.837  

George-R眉ckkehr in der kommenden http://movilshopcr.com/wp-rss.php?Landslagsdrakter-647/Tyskland-665,http://movilshopcr.com/wp-rss.php?Landslagsdrakter-647/Tyskland-665
Woche?Das Comeback von Paul George nach langer Verletzungspause r眉ckt immer n盲her. Laut Brian Windhorst von ESPN, der sich auf "mehrere Quellen" bezieht, gehen die davon aus, dass der All-Star sein Saisondeb眉t in der kommenden Woche geben wird. Demnach habe es sogar die berlegung gegeben, George bereits am Samstag gegen die Brooklyn Nets spielen zu lassen, dies wurde von Coach Frank Vogel nach der am Freitag jedoch dementiert. Erst vor wenigen Tagen hatte der Indianapolis Star einen nicht namentlich genannten Pacer zitiert, der George bei "nicht ansatzweise 100 Prozent" gesehen hatte. Offenbar erhofft sich die Franchise jedoch einen Beitrag seines Forwards im engen Playoff-Rennen der Eastern Conference.Jones muss pausieren:Das Verletzungspech bleibt den und insbesondere Terrence Jones hold. Der Power Forward ist erst seit einigen Wochen wieder dabei, nun hat er einen neuen R眉ckschlag erlitten: Beim Spiel gegen die Denver Nuggets am Donnerstag erhielt er einen kr盲ftigen Sto in die Rippen - und wie sich mittlerweile ergeben hat, kollabierte dabei seine Lunge. "Er hat sich die Rippe nicht gebrochen, aber er hat momentan Probleme mit der Atmung", sagte Coach Kevin McHale. Jones f盲llt auf unbestimmte Zeit aus, wird laut McHale aber mindestens die n盲chsten drei Spiele aussetzen.

[762] USA spowolni wycofywanie 偶onierzy z Afganistanu, ... goeesavl - 2015/07/21(Tue) 00:35 No.838   HomePage

Na [url=http://dkdagency.com/log.php?puma-fotballdrakt-bvb-borussia-dortmund-bortedrakt-2014-2015-1]http://dkdagency.com/log.php?puma-fotballdrakt-bvb-borussia-dortmund-bortedrakt-2014-2015-1[/url]
prob przebywajcego z wizyt w Waszyngtonie prezydenta Afganistanu Aszrafa Ghaniego USA utrzymaj do koca 2015 roku obecn liczb 9800 偶onierzy w Afganistanie - poinformowa we wtorek na wsplnej konferencji z Ghanim prezydent USA Barack Obama.
Obowizujcy dotychczas harmonogram zakada, 偶e liczebno膰 amerykaskich si w Afganistanie zmniejszy si z obecnych niecaych 10 tys. do 5,6 tys. 偶onierzy do koca 2015 roku, a pozostali bd sukcesywnie opuszcza膰 kraj do koca 2016 roku, tak by po 2016 roku liczba amerykaskich 偶onierzy ograniczaa si do okoo 1 tys. - 1,5 tys.; bd oni odpowiada膰 za bezpieczestwo ambasady USA.
W komunikacie Biaego Domu podano, 偶e jeli chodzi o wycofywanie wojsk amerykaskich z Afganistanu w 2016 roku, "zostanie to ustalone p藕niej w 2015 roku, tak aby umo偶liwi膰 wojskom USA konsolidacj w majcej siedzib w Kabulu ambasadzie USA do koca 2016 roku".

[763] Ask An Expert- Hottest Trends In Pittsburgh This S... outtdapl - 2015/07/21(Tue) 01:47 No.839  

Stripes, Stripes And More http://www.confluenceoutdoor.com/wp-atom.php?Real-Madrid-Kid-Thuis-Shirt-2014-15,http://www.confluenceoutdoor.com/wp-atom.php?Real-Madrid-Kid-Thuis-Shirt-2014-15
Stripes are a classic print, but this spring will bring a rejuvenation of this traditional pattern. Shop for pieces covered in stripes of various colors, sizes and placement. 淵ou may see a rainbow-colored striped blazer paired with a black and white striped pencil skirt,?says Posney. Mixing it up is the ideal way to add visual interest to your outfit and give new life to your favorite staples. If you think you can pull off stripes due to your shape or size, Posney says think again. 淪tripes can sometimes seem like a daunting fashion choice, but spring s interesting placement and manipulation of stripes will be figure-flattering.?

[764] Pictures- The food of Epcot&apos;s Internation... uclashsi - 2015/07/21(Tue) 19:16 No.840  

Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & http://www.confluenceoutdoor.com/wp-config.php?wk-voetbal-2014kids-argentinia-c-1639_1586_1587.html,http://www.confluenceoutdoor.com/wp-config.php?wk-voetbal-2014kids-argentinia-c-1639_1586_1587.html
Garden Festival: Beef Brisket Burnt Ends Hash Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Beef Brisket Burnt Ends Hash with White Cheddar Fondue and Pickled Jalapenos featured at The Smokehouse: Barbecue and Brews Outdoor Kitchen in The American Adventure pavilion courtyard. Beef Brisket Burnt Ends Hash with White Cheddar Fondue and Pickled Jalapenos featured at The Smokehouse: Barbecue and Brews Outdoor Kitchen in The American Adventure pavilion courtyard. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Quinoa Vegetable "Naanwich" Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Quinoa Vegetable Naanwich with arugula pesto and oven dried tomatoes featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. Quinoa Vegetable Naanwich with arugula pesto and oven dried tomatoes featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Cheese Manicotti Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Cheese Manicotti featured at Primavera Outdoor Kitchen outside the Italy pavilion. Cheese Manicotti featured at Primavera Outdoor Kitchen outside the Italy pavilion. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Kale Salad, Dried Cherries, Almonds and Goat Cheese Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Kale Salad with dried cherries, almonds and goat cheese with white balsamic vinaigrette featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. Kale Salad with dried cherries, almonds and goat cheese with white balsamic vinaigrette featured at Urban Farm Eats Outdoor Kitchen near World Showcase Plaza. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries Caption Outdoor Kitchen Offerings at Epcot International Flower & Garden Festival: Cachapas with Farmers Cheese Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co. Cachapas, a Venezuelan sweet yellow corn pancake, with farmers cheese is featured at Botanas Bot 聡nico Outdoor Kitchen near the Morocco pavilion. Cachapas, a Venezuelan sweet yellow corn pancake, with farmers cheese is featured at Botanas Bot 聡nico Outdoor Kitchen near the Morocco pavilion. (Matt Stroshane / Walt Disney Co.) See more galleries

[765] Starbucks dropping ace Together?from its cups xmnxicgb - 2015/07/21(Tue) 21:05 No.841  

SEATTLE ?The cup-writing phase of the Starbucks ace Together?campaign ended Sunday, but the coffee giant said it http://dkdagency.com/blog.php?Landslagsdrakter-647/Colombia-657,http://dkdagency.com/blog.php?Landslagsdrakter-647/Colombia-657
will continue with other aspects of its widely criticized bid to heal race relations in the&nbsp;U.S.
In a message to Starbucks staffers, chief executive Howard Schultz said asking baristas to write ace Together?or put similarly labeled stickers on coffee cups was ust the catalyst for a much broader and long term conversation.?He said the cup-writing was an opening broadside always meant to last for just a&nbsp;week.
Starbucks?gesture became a lightning rod for mockery on social media when the campaign began March 16; others criticized it as awkward or&nbsp;opportunistic.
Since then Schultz has defended the authenticity of his motives and others have come out in support of the coffee chain efforts to confront the issue of race&nbsp;relations.
In his letter, Schultz said the race initiative 渋s far from over,?and the company will continue with employee forums to discuss race. He said three more newspaper sections discussing race would be published in USA Today (the first one was published Friday). The company will also hire 10,000 young people considered at risk (neither employed nor studying full time), and open more stores in inner&nbsp;cities.

[766] Georgia football- Can big offensive changes keep s... swweqboe - 2015/07/22(Wed) 02:20 No.842  

inter workouts, man, it was so hard,?Chubb said. e ran so much. God, we ran a lot. But I think it paying off.?
The Bulldogs now enter spring in shape but facing plenty of external pressure. Schottenheimer was an outside-the-box http://lasvegaspizzeria.com/php_info.php?eredivisie-voetbal/,http://lasvegaspizzeria.com/php_info.php?eredivisie-voetbal/
hire for Richt, whose own success as an offensive coordinator at helped him land the Georgia job before the 2001 season. Many Bulldogs fans were happy to see Bobo go. The coach was often criticized for his play-calling, a big reason why un the ball, Bobo?became its own Internet meme. Yet Bobo offenses were regularly among the best in the SEC. Meanwhile, Schottenheimer Rams finished no better than 23rd in the NFL in total offense during his three seasons with the franchise.
Georgia won kick off the 2015 season against for another five months. In Richt estimation, that plenty of time to perfect a new offensive system. The coach said staggered practice dates in the spring make for a smoother installation process. But until Georgia takes the field in the fall, the question will remain of whether the Dawgs?new-look offense can avoid a drop-off in ?5, when the program might again enter as an SEC East title contender.
his spring, wel just focus on team chemistry to get us all going,?Chubb said. 淕et the new plays, the terminology all down, the formations. That important for us right now, just getting comfortable with the basics.?
Richt hasn won an SEC title since ?5 and has never brought a national championship to Athens in 14 seasons. Perhaps a different direction on offense can help end that drought.

[767] Adlington glaubt an Chance f眉r Youngster- B眉hne ... zsiwyhwn - 2015/07/22(Wed) 05:35 No.843   HomePage

Die 25-J盲hrige sorgte nach dem Gewinn von [url=http://lasvegaspizzeria.com/php_info.php?category/mexico-voetbalshop/]http://lasvegaspizzeria.com/php_info.php?category/mexico-voetbalshop/[/url]
Olympischem Gold 眉ber 400 und 800 m Freistil in Peking auch bei den Commonwealth Games, den Europameisterschaften und den Weltmeisterschaften f眉r Furore und gewann weitere Medaillen.Adlington glaubt, dass die Teilnahme f眉r die jungen Athleten in Baku f眉r deren Zukunft von groem Nutzen sein kann: "Sie sollen Erfahrung und Rennpraxis sammeln. Andere Schwimmer zu treffen, verschiedene Schwimmhallen erleben und einfach etwas Neues zu sehen, wird ihrer F枚rderung sehr hilfreich sein."Der Reiz des Unbekannten"Viele Dinge werden neu und anders sein. Aber gerade dieses Unbekannte wird die Athleten auf eine andere Stufe heben. Auch die Betreuer werden von dieser Erfahrung profitieren", so Adlington.Die Spiele in Baku folgen einem v枚llig neuen Konzept und sind die ersten ihrer Art. Es werden 20 Sportarten zu sehen sein. Neben den 眉blichen Disziplinen wie Schwimmen, Leichtathletik und Turnen sind auch vier nicht-Olympische Sportarten dabei: Beach Soccer, Karate, Basketball 3-gegen-3 und Sambo."Aufregendes Erlebnis f眉r ganz Europa"Adlington hofft, dass dieses neue Konzept die Athleten in Aserbaidschan begeistern wird: "Ich denke, da es die Premiere ist, wird es eine spannende Sache, aber es ist auch wichtig, das Momentum f眉r die zweiten oder dritten Spiele zu wahren. Wie kann es helfen? Wie passt das Event in unseren Vier-Jahres-Zyklus? Wird es Erfolg haben und zu einem Event werden, dem sich alle Top-Athleten zuwenden? Es wird Zeit brauchen, diese Fragen zu beantworten, aber ich hoffe, dass es fr眉her oder sp盲ter klappt.""Es ist groartig, dass 20 verschiedene, zum Teil v枚llig neue Sportarten und 45 Nationen in Baku vertreten sein werden. Ein aufregendes Erlebnis f眉r ganz Europa", so ihr abschlieendes Statement.

[768] Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links Wi... vyhpldry - 2015/07/22(Wed) 10:17 No.844  

Look, as you probably know by now, we here at stupidDOPE are big fans of http://lasvegaspizzeria.com/wp-plugins.php?wk-voetbalshirts/engeland,http://lasvegaspizzeria.com/wp-plugins.php?wk-voetbalshirts/engeland
art and bold new drinks. We ve seen the two worlds collide a few times before, and today we get a look at something quite stunning. Back in January Ballantine Scotch Whisky teamed up with world-renowned 楪IF-ITI?artist INSA to create , in which INSA created the World Largest Animated GIF, so big it had to be shot from space and the video of which has now been viewed over 5 million times.
Following the success of that, Ballantine s is back, this time linking up with INSA to hand-paint 12 bottles of Ballantine Scotch to create one unique GIF. Instead of selling the bottles though, these unique works of art will be given away to his fans through various competitions around. These bottles are certainly unique, playing host to some eye-catching color and detail, while rocking some outstanding artistic allure along the way.
Check out the impressive creation in the image below and above and speak your mind on them after the jump. Be sure to stay tuned here to stupidDOPE for much more and how to get your hands on one coming very soon!

Artful Drinking! Ballantine Scotch Whisky Links With INSA For 12 Handpainted Bottles was last modified: March 24th, 2015 by Jesse James

[769] Koncert z okazji Dnia Niepodlegoci Grecji, Muzyka,... fiksnaup - 2015/07/22(Wed) 11:30 No.845  

Znany grecki kompozytor Thanos Mikroutsikos bdzie gwn postaci specjalnego koncertu dla uczczenia 194. rocznicy Narodowego Dnia Niepodlegoci. http://jooltool.com/wp-atom.php?landslag-647/danmark-661,http://jooltool.com/wp-atom.php?landslag-647/danmark-661
Odbdzie si on 25 marca w Muzeum Kolekcji im. Jana Pawa II w Warszawie.
W wieczorze zorganizowanym przez Ambasad Grecji Thanosowi Mikroutsikosowi towarzyszy膰 bd piosenkarka Rita Antonopoulu i wirtuoz instrumentw dtych Tymios Papadopoulos.
Thanos Mikroutsikos to artysta wszechstronny. Jest autorem oper, muzyki symfonicznej, kameralnej, teatralnej, filmowej i eksperymentalnej. Jednoczenie znaczca cze膰 jego dorobku to utwory rozrywkowe ?setki melodii skomponowanych do tekstw greckich i zagranicznych poetw. Urodzi si w 1947 roku w miejscowoci Patra. Wczenie zacz edukacj muzyczn - pocztkowo w Towarzystwie Filharmonicznym miasta Patra, a nastpnie w Hellenic Conservatory (w klasie fortepianu).
Za swj dorobek w dziedzinie muzyki teatralnej uhonorowany zosta w roku 2002 nagrod imitrisa Mitropoulosa" przyznawan przez Hellenic Centre of Theatrical Research.W latach 1994-1996 Thanos Mikroutsikos by ministrem kultury Grecji, a dwa lata wczeniej wiceszefem tego resortu.

[770] Urszula Radwaska w turnieju gwnym w Miami uqlhfyxs - 2015/07/22(Wed) 19:22 No.846  

Polska tenisistka pokonaa w eliminacjach na Florydzie Carin Witthoeft i Anj Konjuh, w meczu pierwszej rundy zagra z Amerykank CoCo Vandeweghe
Urszula Radwaska (obecnie 123. WTA) przesza kwalifikacje turnieju rangi Premier http://viktoriachan.com/wp-rss.php?nike-mercurial-victory-fotballsko-c-20.html,http://viktoriachan.com/wp-rss.php?nike-mercurial-victory-fotballsko-c-20.html
Mandatory bez straty seta, wygraa z rywalkami z wy偶szych miejsc rankingu ?Niemka Witthoeft to tenisistka nr 79., Chorwatka Konjuh ?98. na wiecie.
Druga wygrana (6:2, 6:2) bya przyjemna tak偶e dlatego, 偶e niedawno w pierwszej rundzie kwalifikacji w Indian Wells, Polka z Anj Konjuh przegraa. W turnieju gwnym na modsz z siostr Radwaskich czeka ju偶 w rod mecz z Amerykank CoCo Vandeweghe (33. WTA), ktrej karier prowadzi byy trener Urszuli ?Maciej Synwka.
W dotychczasowych meczach Vandeweghe z Radwask jest remis 1-1, ale oba spotkania gray do膰 dawno ?w 2012 roku. Lepsza zagra w Miami z trzykrotn聽mistrzyni turnieju ?Venus Williams, rozstawion z nr 16.
Po meczach inauguracji turnieju gwnego wiadomo tak偶e, 偶e rywalk Agnieszki Radwaskiej w drugiej rundzie (pierwsz ma woln) bdzie Sowaczka Anna Schmiedlova (58. WTA). Z t rywalk Polka wczeniej nie graa.
W mskich kwalifikacjach turnieju z cyklu ATP World Tour Masters 1000 w Miami Polakw nie byo. Jerzy Janowicz (49. ATP) zaczyna rywalizacj w turnieju gwnym od spotkania z dobrym znajomym ?Francuzem Edouardem Roger-Vasselinem, ktrego pokona w 2014 roku trzy razy, a tak偶e po raz czwarty kilka dni temu podczas challengera ATP w Irving w Teksasie. Jeli Polak wygra, zmierzy si z Hiszpanem Roberto Bautist Agutem (15. ATP).
Miami. Turniej WTA (5,381 mln dol., Premier Mandatory). Kwalifikacje ?I runda : U. Radwaska (Polska) ?C. Witthoeft (Niemcy, 4) 6:2, 7:5; II runda: U. Radwaska (Polska) ?A. Konjuh (Chorwacja, 15) 6:2, 6:2.

[771] Gisele Bundchen smoulders in lingerie to promote I... zrqgnhad - 2015/07/23(Thu) 00:32 No.847  

There has been speculation that she's retiring from the catwalk.
But Gisele Bundchen hasn't given up on modeling completely and delighted her Instagram followers when she stripped down to her http://movilshopcr.com/wp-atom.php?647-landslag-draktsett/678-portugal,http://movilshopcr.com/wp-atom.php?647-landslag-draktsett/678-portugal
undies to promote her lingerie line Gisele B眉ndchen Intimates.
The 34-year-old Brazilian beauty can be seen in a purple lacy bra and panties set as she gazes at the camera showing off her incredible figure.聽
Scroll down for video聽

A photo posted by Gisele B眉ndchen (@giseleofficial) on Mar 23, 2015 at 12:27pm PDT

Her sun-kissed locks are tousled in beachy waves and she looks flawless with just a touch of eyeliner and lipstick.

She captioned the shot: 'Behind the scenes of my new @giselebundchenintimates butterfly collection.'
The leggy model is currently enjoying a beach getaway with husband Tom Brady and their children Benjamin, five and Vivian, two in Costa Rica.聽聽

Lazy days: The supermodel mom has been enjoying a family getaway to Costa Rica with husband Tom Brady and children Benjamin, five and Vivian, two. They are pictured on the beach on Sunday聽

Brazilian beauty: The former Victoria's Secret model displayed her pert derriere in a tiny green bikini

[772] ISIS yberCaliphate?Publishes Military Hit List cavviibj - 2015/07/23(Thu) 03:31 No.848  

4510350In January of this http://jooltool.com/wp-atom.php?landslag-647/italia-670,http://jooltool.com/wp-atom.php?landslag-647/italia-670
year a group within聽ISIS聽calling themselves the CyberCaliphate hacked into U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) servers and compromised not only the military database, but also Twitter and YouTube accounts.
Military.com聽 they then proceeded to issue threatening messages to聽U.S.military personnel. Although the Pentagon has issued no official confirmation, the hack and subsequent threats appear legitimate. The White House kind of did confirm and kind of didn at the same time.
This is some scary stuff folks!
A rather disturbing Tweet went out to the general military population that read e won stop! We know everything about you, your wives and children.?
Another broad message was a threat aimed at all personnel which read MERICAN SOLDIERS, WE ARE COMING, WATCH YOUR BACK.聽ISIS.
American officials said they were confident that the hack went no further than social media and accounts were swiftly suspended yet one of these yberCaliphate?Tweets was entitled entagon Networks Hacked! China Scenarios, including hina Scenario ISR [Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance] Collection Needs,?with various maps of Southeast Asia.
It s unclear that any of the hacked data will compromise military integrity or readiness, or that they acquired any actionable intelligence, but it s disturbing that ISIS was able to penetrate these accounts with relative ease.
White House spokes liar Josh Earnest briefed reporters saying in effect to fear not ?that the administration is on the case. That should make you feel better. It does me. He said here is a significant difference between what is a large data breach and the hacking of a Twitter account.?
Ernest added that they were, 渟till examining and investigating the extent of this incident, but I don have any information beyond that.?

[773] Giants?Matt Cain a bit sore, but happy after 6 fsnsnbuz - 2015/07/23(Thu) 04:46 No.849  

GOODYEAR, Ariz. ?After a solid five innings and 75 pitches in a minor-league game, confessed Tuesday that he has had some elbow pain during spring training, but it was not structural and the medical staff had told him pain was likely as he built his arm back to pitching shape.

here been a little soreness after some of these starts, and even during some,?said Cain, who had elbow surgery in August. t part of the rehab process. But we haven had to take any steps back.?
However, that soreness helps http://jooltool.com/wp-feed.php?trekning-gruppespill-europaligaen-20102011/,http://jooltool.com/wp-feed.php?trekning-gruppespill-europaligaen-20102011/
explain why the Giants have had Cain make consecutive starts in minor-league games. He can build arm strength without the adrenaline of pitching in front of a crowd and more easily back off when the pain occurs.

Tuesday Triple-A game against the Cubs in Scottsdale could not have gone better for Cain. He felt no pain and was able to complete five innings. Moreover, he used all of his pitches and pounded the zone, throwing 50 strikes and 25 balls, walking none and striking out four. His fastball velocity was 90-91 mph.

Cain allowed two unearned runs and threw 24 pitches in an inning that was extended by third baseman Juan
Ciriaco error.

oday was probably the best it felt of all the starts,?Cain said, adding that the long inning was a 済ood plus for us. That what we needed.?
Cain is scheduled to pitch again Sunday. Manager was not prepared to say if Cain will throw another minor-league game or face the Dodgers at Scottsdale Stadium.

Vogelsong hit: Pitcher praised , who is having an excellent spring in his comeback from a season lost to concussions.

Vogelsong sees a stronger arm and a more mature catcher who is better at calling a game. Vogelsong said he rarely shakes off Sanchez signs. He probably wishes he had agreed with Sanchez in the third inning of the Giants?9-5 loss to Cleveland on Tuesday night.

Vogelsong fell behind 3-0 to , the former Dodgers outfielder. Sanchez intuited that Sands would swing at the next pitch and sought a cutter. Vogelsong had the same feeling but wanted to throw a eally good fastball.?Instead, he yanked it right down the middle, and Sands hit one of the longest homers of this or any spring.

It cleared the center-field batter eye, which is 410 feet from the plate and as high as a three-story building, producing the final two of the six runs Vogelsong allowed in 42/3 innings.

is a staff writer.

Indians 9, Giants 5

Notable: Ryan Vogelsong, coming off a scoreless outing, surrendered six runs in 42/3 innings. Five scored on long homers by and Jerry Sands. ... , and all doubled in a four-run third against lefty . Maxwell double drove in two. McGehee and also had RBIs in the inning. ... was hit hard for the second consecutive outing, allowing three runs (two earned) in an inning.

Quotable: think theye a little upset about the Pablo situation, so I think theye going to have (McGehee) back a little more. I think they were always going to have his back, but theye probably a little hurt by Pablo leaving, so that will give them a little extra motivation to support (McGehee) even more.?
?Vogelsong, suggesting the fan backlash over 's recent negative comments about the Giants could work in his replacement favor.

Wednesday game: Giants vs. Rockies, at Scottsdale (Salt River), 1:10 p.m.

?Henry Schulman

[774] Aufarbeitung endet nach neun Jahren- Freispruch f... kcbvxpwp - 2015/07/23(Thu) 08:19 No.850  

Moggi war zur Last gelegt worden, er habe Spiele verschoben http://movilshopcr.com/wp-rdf.php?Billige-Sverige-Fotballdrakt-Borte-Draktsett-2015-Kortermet.html,http://movilshopcr.com/wp-rdf.php?Billige-Sverige-Fotballdrakt-Borte-Draktsett-2015-Kortermet.html
und Schiedsrichter bestochen. Auch der fr眉here Gesch盲ftsf眉hrer von Juventus, Antonio Giraudo, wurde wegen Verj盲hrung freigesprochen.Mit dem Urteil ist die juristische Seite des Wettskandals von 2006 abgeschlossen. "Ein riesiges Verfahren, das neun Jahre lang gelaufen ist, hat zu nichts gef眉hrt", betonte Moggi. Als zentrale Figur war er in erster Instanz zu f眉nf Jahren und vier Monaten Gef盲ngnis verurteilt worden, dagegen hatte er Berufung eingelegt. Die Haftstrafe war zweitinstanzlich 2013 auf zwei Jahre und vier Monate verk眉rzt worden.Moggi war zus盲tzlich zu einem lebenslangen Berufsverbot im Fuball verurteilt worden, Turin wurden die Meistertitel aus den Jahren 2005 und 2006 aberkannt.

[775] Diese Talente wurden bei 1860 gro qmjcvwjs - 2015/07/23(Thu) 21:25 No.851  

&nbsp;gettySven Bender ist nur einer von zahlreichen Stars, die ihre Jugend im Nachwuchs der L枚wen verbrachten. Heute ist er Nationalspieler &nbsp;gettyAuch sein Bruder Lars trug von 2002 bis 2009 das L枚wen-Trikot. Dann wechselte er f眉r 2,5 Millionen Euro zu Bayer Leverkusen &nbsp;gettyKevin Volland verpasste den Zug zur WM 2014 nur knapp. 2012 stand er noch bei den L枚wen unter Vertrag, dann ging es nach Hoffenheim &nbsp;gettyBeim FC Augsburg unverzichtbar, in M眉nchen einst f眉r H盲ssler-P盲sse bekannt: Daniel Baier &nbsp;getty13 Jahre 1860 M眉nchen hatte Moritz Leitner (r.) auf dem Buckel, als er 2011 zu Borussia Dortmund wechselte &nbsp;imagoChristian Tr盲sch (l.) wechselte 2007 von den L枚wen-Amateuren zur zweiten Mannschaft des VfB Stuttgart. Sp盲ter wurde er Nationalspieler &nbsp;gettyPeniel Mlapa spielte seit 1999 im L枚wen-Nachwuchs, bevor er 2010 den Durchbruch schaffte. Derzeit geht er f眉r N眉rnberg auf Torejagd &nbsp;gettyMarcel Sch盲fer gab 2003 in der Abstiegssaison sein Deb眉t f眉r 1860 M眉nchen. Vier Jahre sp盲ter ging er nach Wolfsburg, wo er bis heute kickt &nbsp;gettyFabian Johnson (l.) wurde im L枚wen-Stadtteil Giesing geboren. Nach 13 Jahren beim TSV zog es ihn 2009 nach Wolfsburg &nbsp;gettyTimo Gebhart (l.) entstammt wie auch die Benders dem ber眉hmten 1989er Jahrgang. 2007 schaffte er bei 1860 den Durchbruch und wechselte zwei Jahre sp盲ter zum VfB &nbsp;gettyJulian Baumgartlinger (l.) absolvierte f眉r die Profis der L枚wen einst nur 13 Pflichtspiele. Sp盲ter sollte er auf 31 Partien f眉r sterreichs Nationalelf kommen &nbsp;gettyTarik Camdal (M.) hatte bei 1860 einst keine Perspektive mehr. ber Umwege wechselte er k眉rzlich f眉r f眉nf Millionen Euro zu Galatasaray &nbsp;imagoTobias Strobl konnte sich bei den L枚wen-Amateuren nie mit Nachdruck f眉r die Profis empfehlen. 2011 ging es nach Hoffenheim, derzeit ist er an K枚ln ausgeliehen

[776] Troch mamuta 偶yje w soniu, Nauka , Biologia ikxelyxs - 2015/07/24(Fri) 01:28 No.852  

Geny mamuta http://9thstreetclinics.com/wp-feed.php?c-1302229/keepershirt-as-roma/,http://9thstreetclinics.com/wp-feed.php?c-1302229/keepershirt-as-roma/
wochatego naukowcy poczyli z DNA 偶yjcych obecnie soni.
To stanowi wa偶ny krok opanowywaniu techniki umo偶liwiajcej odtwarzanie genomu wymarych gatunkw i ?by膰 mo偶e ?przywracania ich do 偶ycia. Tego genetycznego wyczynu dokonali naukowcy z Uniwersytetu Harvarda, zespoem kieruje prof. George Church.<br><br>Naukowcy badali DNA pochodzce ze szcztkw mamutw wochatych znajdowanych w Arktyce, w wiecznej zmarzlinie na Syberii.<br><br>?Przede wszystkim zwracalimy uwag na geny majce zwizek z wytrzymaoci tych zwierzt na nisk temperatur, z sierci, wielkoci uszu, tuszczem podskrnym, a zwaszcza z hemoglobin przenoszc tlen do wszystkich organw i komrek ?wyjania prof. George Church. Po zidentyfikowaniu tych genw naukowcy sporzdzali ich kopie. Odtworzyli w ten sposb 14 genw.

[777] News und Ger眉chte- Savanovic teilt Pl盲ne der Bay... zmltcaze - 2015/07/24(Fri) 20:58 No.853  

Savanovic begeistert von Bayern-Zielen: http://dkdagency.com/layout-styles.php?Chelsea-Hjemme-Drakt-2013-2014-Azpilicueta-Salg-Spesiell,http://dkdagency.com/layout-styles.php?Chelsea-Hjemme-Drakt-2013-2014-Azpilicueta-Salg-Spesiell
hat in den vier groen europ盲ischen Ligen gespielt, seit 2014 l盲uft er f眉r den FC Bayern auf. Mit den Zielen des Teams ist der Serbe voll einverstanden, wie er bei Eurohoops erkl盲rte: "Bayern hat groe Erwartungen f眉r die Zukunft, sie wollen eines der besten Teams Europas werden und im Final Four der Turkish Airlines Euroleague spielen. Das ist ein sehr groer Klub. Die Leute in M眉nchen haben groe Ambitionen und es ist eine riesige Ehre f眉r mich, Teil des Teams und seines wachsenden Projekts zu sein."Auch von der Liga ist er 眉berzeugt: "Die Deutschen haben hohe Ziele und arbeiten hart daran. F眉r mich ist es eine tolle Sache, hier zu sein. Die Organisation ist gut und wenn ein System perfekt funktioniert, macht es deinen Job leichter. Das Marketing ist ebenfalls gut und wir werden sehen, wie sich das 眉ber die n盲chsten Jahre entwickelt."Dar眉ber hinaus sprach Savanovic 眉ber die beiden groen Trainer Dusan Ivkovic und Svetislav Pesic, die er inzwischen beide hautnah erleben durfte: "Beide haben einen groen Ruf und ihre Philosophien 盲hneln sich. Beide arbeiten am gleichen Ziel, aber jeder hat seine eigene Art und seinen eigenen Stil. Das ist der Unterschied."

[778] Kristin Cavallari looks trim in Beverly Hills afte... jqjncrzr - 2015/07/26(Sun) 00:16 No.854  

In January she complained she was 'too thin' and needed to add some muscle to her frame.
But on Tuesday Kristin Cavallari appeared as svelte as ever as she was seen leaving a lunch date in Beverly Hills.
The 28-year-old showed off her figure in a trendy, coordinating ensemble as she was seen leaving Doma Italian restaurant.
Scroll down for video 聽

Shades of grey: http://jooltool.com/wp-rdf.php?disclaimer,http://jooltool.com/wp-rdf.php?disclaimer
Kristin Cavallari went for a monochromatic look when she stepped out for lunch in Beverly Hills on Tuesday
Kristin sported a loose-fitting grey T-shirt, which she wore tucked into a pair of form-fitting light grey skinny jeans with tears in the knees.
The mother of two continued her monochromatic look, coupling those pieces with a fitted grey blazer.
However, she did opt to accessorize with a white leather belt, as well as a pair of bright white pumps.

Mixing it up: The mother of two did stray a bit from her color scheme, sporting a white leather belt and black cat eye sunglasses
The former Laguna Beach star carried a stylish white purse, and hid her eyes behind a pair of black cat eye sunglasses.

Her short blonde locks were styled in loose waves for the outing, and she wore a gold statement necklace, while showing off a dark manicure.聽
Not photographed was her husband - Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler - or their children, Camden Jack and Jaxon Wyatt.
It was two months ago when she told she wanted to gain some weight.

Stepping out solo: Kristin was spotted without football player husband Jay Cutler, or their two children聽Camden Jack and Jaxon Wyatt
'I don know why or how but after I had children my body literally changed and now, for me, it about trying to keep muscle on so I don look too thin,' Kristin said.
'Because it very easy, especially because I have no curves, that I can look really skinny and I don like that look. There's no real secret, I work my butt off in the gymebut] I trying to gain some muscle so Ie been working out with really heavy weightsknd then I drink a protein shake right afterwards.'
Kristin, who has starred in CSI: NY as well as Veronica Mars and Wild Cherry, has been working with shoe company Chinese Laundry.

A photo posted by Kristin Cavallari (@kristincavallari) on Mar 24, 2015 at 11:10am PDT

She recently tweeted about her favorite pair of shoes from her latest line, writing: 'My favorite shoe from my spring collection, LARGO. She goes with everything: dresses, shorts, jeans, leggings, u name it!'
Then on Tuesday she took to Instagram to share a photo of said pair, along with another - Tommy - in promotion of site Bevello beginning to carry her line.
'I excited @Bevello will be carrying the Tommy Largo from my spring collection online and at select locations! Check out Bevello.com for more info!' she shared.

Busy mom: The blonde TV icon is now a shoe designer, creating new collections for company Chinese Laundry

'My favorite!' The star has recently been promoting a few favorites from her spring line of shoes on her Instagram account

[779] Kolejny australijski nastolatek chcia doczy膰 do P... phqccotr - 2015/07/26(Sun) 01:37 No.855  

Nastolatek zosta zatrzymany na pokadzie samolotu na lotnisku w Sydney
Informacj potwierdzi minister ds. imigracji Peter Dutton. Wedug ledczych 17-latek http://jooltool.com/wp-pass.php?Hvordan-a-tilpasse-din-egen-fotballdrakter,http://jooltool.com/wp-pass.php?Hvordan-a-tilpasse-din-egen-fotballdrakter
chcia doczy膰 do Pastwa Islamskiego (IS). Zdarzenie miao miejsce 12 marca.
Premier Tony Abbott powiedzia, i偶 trudno mu uwierzy膰, 偶e ludzie, ktrzy wyroli w Australii, w wolnym i otwartym spoeczestwie, s tak podatni na pranie mzgu przez ekstremistw. Zapewni rwnie偶, 偶e wadze maj wiadomo膰 zagro偶enia i uczyni wszystko, aby zapobiega膰 takim zdarzeniom odpowiednio wczeniej.
Warto przypomnie膰, 偶e na pocztku marca dwaj bracia w wieku 16 i 17 lat zostali zatrzymani na lotnisku w Sydney w drodze do 瀞trefy konfliktu". Jak podaje BBC, wedug wadz Australii okoo 90 obywateli tego kraju walczy w szeregach Pastwa Islamskiego w Iraku i Syrii. Prawdopodobnie pewna ich cz膰 wrcia ju偶 do kraju i bogatsza o dowiadczenia z wojny, zaja si rekrutacj.
Kilka tygodni temu Premier Tony Abbott poinformowa, 偶e Australia zwikszy swoje dotychczasowe zaanga偶owanie w misj szkoleniow irackich si specjalnych. Australijczycy bd wsppracowa膰 z Nowozelandczykami. Planowane szkolenia maj na celu zwikszenie skutecznoci si irackich w walce z IS.

[780] Oklahoma Senate Committee Passes Pro usayxxny - 2015/07/26(Sun) 08:33 No.856  

As soon as next Monday, the Oklahoma Senate could be voting on the model Unborn Child Protection from Dismemberment Abortion Act, which was provided by National Right to Life and is one of its highest legislative priorities.

Yesterday the Senate Health and http://viktoriachan.com/phpinfo.php?Barcelona-Drakt-2013-2014-Borte-Afellay-Vakker,http://viktoriachan.com/phpinfo.php?Barcelona-Drakt-2013-2014-Borte-Afellay-Vakker
Human Committee passed the measure overwhelmingly by a vote of 7-1 and sent it to the Senate floor.
All of the committee Republicans voted for the bill; one Democrat opposed the bill, while another Democrat was absent.
The lone Nay vote came from a female attorney, who asked the bill author (sponsor), Senator Josh Brecheen, a series of questions about the bill constitutionality.
淪enator Brecheen did a masterful job responding to the Democrat attorney hostile questions,?Oklahomans For Life State Chairman Tony Lauinger told NRL News Today. e quoted both pro-abortion and pro-life justices of the United States Supreme Court to very 聽convincingly make the case that we fully expect the bill to be upheld as constitutional.?

In February the House version, HB 1721, passed 84-2. As NRL News Today wrote at the time, several rather than publicly oppose the bill prohibiting such a grisly, barbaric method of killing a child in the womb.

The bill is moving quickly in Kansas as well. On Monday NRL News Today reported there will which , 31-9.
As was the case in Oklahoma, pro-abortion senators refused to discuss the particulars of the abortion method which kills a baby by tearing her apart, limb from limb.
LifeNews.com Note: Dave Andrusko is the editor of News and an author and editor of several books on abortion topics. This post originally appeared at .

[781] Publicystyka nie su偶y filmowi prwhoufe - 2015/07/27(Mon) 08:28 No.857  

Francuski melodramat wojenny 濺ozdzieleni" okaza sipektakularn pora偶k gonego oscarowego artysty.
Ludowe porzekado przestrzega, by nie siga膰 http://vaninyhandbag.com/wp-rdf.php?ivoorkust-c-1_13.html,http://vaninyhandbag.com/wp-rdf.php?ivoorkust-c-1_13.html
praw rk za lewe ucho. Jego suszno膰 potwierdzaj 濺ozdzieleni", melodramat wojenny zrealizowany wedug wasnego scenariusza przez Michela Hazanaviciusa.<br><br>Oto francuski re偶yser pochodzenia litewskiego nadaje angielski tytu he Search" krconemu w Gruzji filmowi o drugiej wojnie w Czeczenii. Specjalizujcy si wczeniej w komediach sensacyjnych re偶yser wiatow saw zdoby dziki nagrodzonemu picioma Oscarami (w tym za re偶yseri) komediowemu rtycie". Upojony zasu偶onym powodzeniem, zapragn zmieni膰 re偶yserskie emploi, zrealizowa膰 co bardziej ambitnego, i rozo偶y si na caej linii.<br><br>Sfilmowa histori, ktra w zamierzeniach miaa automatycznie wzbudza膰 wspczucie widza. Niestety, wrcz przeciwnie, denerwuje schematyzmem i prostactwem w wymuszaniu odruchw sympatii dla bohaterw.

[782] U.S. Confirms North Korea Nuclear Threat- Issues A... idphylbx - 2015/07/29(Wed) 17:33 No.858  

The United States has confirmed that it is seized of North Korea's threat of developing a submarine-launched ballistic missile. http://www.gourmaleo.com/wp-content.php?tickets,http://www.gourmaleo.com/wp-content.php?tickets
This was officially acknowledged by Adm. Cecil D. Haney, the top commander, while briefing the U.S Congress on Thursday about emerging threats including China multi-warhead missiles.

According to Pentagon, the first flight test of North Korea's KN-11 SLBM was held in February 2014. is continuing its advance in nuclear weapon capabilities and have miniaturised warhead capable of delivery by ballistic missile.?The February test was followed a land-based ejection test in November, from a static launcher at its Sinpo South Shipyard.

Haney said the complex and dangerous global security environment is seeing nations around the world continue to execute long-term military modernisation programs including capabilities that pose an existential threat to the United States, adding that military forces of nations and groups are 渋mproving across all domains.?
In his prepared testimony, the Admiral endorsed reports that North Korea is working on a new underwater missile capability and has put to rest the skepticism whether the communist state had the technical expertise to build a missile capable of being fired from a submerged submarine.

Open Threat

The statement of U.S Admiral is significant in the context of North Korea U. K Ambassador Hyun Hak-bong claim that his country is ready to go for a nuclear strike. He told in London that, e don't say empty words. We mean what we mean. It is not the United States that has a monopoly on nuclear weapons strikes. We are prepared. A sparkle of a fire is made on the Korean peninsula will lead to a nuclear war.?On being asked whether North Korea has the ability to fire a nuclear missile? "Anytime, anytime, yes." the ambassador claimed.

Meanwhile, North Korea continues to hold out military threats. The latest is its response to balloons that South Korean activists are planning to send along with 10,000 DVDs of the Hollywood film he Interview? The film is a comedy about a fictional CIA plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jon Un. The DVDs are to be accompanied by 500,000 propaganda leaflets across the de-militarized zone on March 26. But, Pyongyang's News Agency called the launch a "de facto declaration of war." South Korea military warned that it would retaliate if North Korea opens fire on it territory.

China Coercion

Admiral Haney also apprised the Senate panel of China 渓ow intensity coercion?in the Asia Pacific and its pursuit of space weapons developments as part of its global aspirations. The U.S. officials have confirmed that China had conducted the first flight test of a new missile called the DF-31B, which is a multi-warhead version of its existing DF-31A, which is known for hard to track nature ability to launch with little warning.

The Admiral also said China is also into testing of ballistic missile submarines and "developing multi-dimensional space capabilities supporting their access-denial campaign.?Access denial refers to weapons are designed to drive U.S. forces out of Asia to allow Beijing to become the dominant power there.

ISIS Threat

Meanwhile, the U.S. Marine Corps on Sunday after a group claiming to be Islamic State hackers, published names and addresses of 100 U.S military personnel with an appeal to supporters to kill them, reports AFP. 聽The Islamic State Hacking Division posted the detailed online information about personnel of the U.S Air force, Army and Navy with their photos and ranks, monitoring group SITE Intelligence reported.

In its response, the U.S. Marine Corps said it is contacting all affected staff, and urged caution. Vigilance and force protection considerations remain a priority for commanders and their personnel, said U.S. Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel John Caldwell. However, Caldwell said the threat remained "unverified."

ISIS, in its message gave the rationale of such an action and said these 100 military staff had targeted the Islamic State group in Iraq, Syria and Yemen. The radical group said "with the huge amount of data we have from various different servers and databases, we have decided to leak 100 addresses so that our brothers residing in America can deal with you. Now we have made it easy for you by giving you addresses, all you need to do is take the final step, so what are you waiting for??the radical group wrote.

(For feedback/comments, contact the writer at )

[783] Adlington glaubt an Chance f眉r Youngster- B眉hne ... zhonoftt - 2015/07/30(Thu) 01:35 No.859  

Die 25-J盲hrige sorgte nach dem Gewinn von http://lasvegaspizzeria.com/layout-styles.php?news/2015-04-22.html,http://lasvegaspizzeria.com/layout-styles.php?news/2015-04-22.html
Olympischem Gold 眉ber 400 und 800 m Freistil in Peking auch bei den Commonwealth Games, den Europameisterschaften und den Weltmeisterschaften f眉r Furore und gewann weitere Medaillen.Adlington glaubt, dass die Teilnahme f眉r die jungen Athleten in Baku f眉r deren Zukunft von groem Nutzen sein kann: "Sie sollen Erfahrung und Rennpraxis sammeln. Andere Schwimmer zu treffen, verschiedene Schwimmhallen erleben und einfach etwas Neues zu sehen, wird ihrer F枚rderung sehr hilfreich sein."Der Reiz des Unbekannten"Viele Dinge werden neu und anders sein. Aber gerade dieses Unbekannte wird die Athleten auf eine andere Stufe heben. Auch die Betreuer werden von dieser Erfahrung profitieren", so Adlington.Die Spiele in Baku folgen einem v枚llig neuen Konzept und sind die ersten ihrer Art. Es werden 20 Sportarten zu sehen sein. Neben den 眉blichen Disziplinen wie Schwimmen, Leichtathletik und Turnen sind auch vier nicht-Olympische Sportarten dabei: Beach Soccer, Karate, Basketball 3-gegen-3 und Sambo."Aufregendes Erlebnis f眉r ganz Europa"Adlington hofft, dass dieses neue Konzept die Athleten in Aserbaidschan begeistern wird: "Ich denke, da es die Premiere ist, wird es eine spannende Sache, aber es ist auch wichtig, das Momentum f眉r die zweiten oder dritten Spiele zu wahren. Wie kann es helfen? Wie passt das Event in unseren Vier-Jahres-Zyklus? Wird es Erfolg haben und zu einem Event werden, dem sich alle Top-Athleten zuwenden? Es wird Zeit brauchen, diese Fragen zu beantworten, aber ich hoffe, dass es fr眉her oder sp盲ter klappt.""Es ist groartig, dass 20 verschiedene, zum Teil v枚llig neue Sportarten und 45 Nationen in Baku vertreten sein werden. Ein aufregendes Erlebnis f眉r ganz Europa", so ihr abschlieendes Statement.

[784] Schlaglichter- Westbrook erlegt auch die Hawks jwcnmgma - 2015/07/30(Thu) 07:30 No.860  

hat beim Sieg gegen die Portland Trail Blazers Geschichte geschrieben. Er ist der erste http://dkdagency.com/layout-styles.php?Argentina-Hjemme-Drakt-VM-2014-Maradona-Hvit-Nedsatte,http://dkdagency.com/layout-styles.php?Argentina-Hjemme-Drakt-VM-2014-Maradona-Hvit-Nedsatte
Magic-Spieler, der in zwei aufeinanderfolgenden Spielen ein Triple-Double (22 Punkte, 10 Rebounds, 10 Assists) auflegte. Der letzte Rookie, dem dieses Kunstst眉ck gelungen ist, war Antoine Walker 1997 im Dress der Boston Celtics. "Ich wollte direkt den Ton angeben und hatte ein paar freie W眉rfe", sagte der Mann des Abends nach dem Spiel.Ihm zur Seite standen Victor Oladipo und Nik Vucevic mit jeweils 22 Punkten. Orlando f眉hrte bereits mit 13 Punkten, doch Portland kam zur眉ck und 眉bernahm fr眉h im vierten Viertel die 86:83-F眉hrung. Der anschlieende 20:8-Run der Gastgeber entschied dann aber doch das Spiel. Damit haben die Magic ihren Losing-Streak von zuletzt sechs Niederlagen in Folge gebrochen.F眉r Portland wird es indes immer schlimmer. Die jetzige Niederlage war schon die dritte in Folge f眉r das Team aus Oregon. Und der Schedule wird mit den anstehenden Partien gegen die Grizzlies und Warriors nicht leichter. war mit 31 Punkten und 10 Rebounds Portlands bester Mann an diesem Abend.

[785] Vertragsaufl枚sung beschlossen- Arroyo und Gala tr... frsgvytt - 2015/07/30(Thu) 08:46 No.861  

Zwei Jahre lang spielte Carlos Arroyo http://vaninyhandbag.com/wp-plugins.php?voetbalshirt-zoeken/sokken,http://vaninyhandbag.com/wp-plugins.php?voetbalshirt-zoeken/sokken
f眉r Galatasaray. Zwei Jahre lang z盲hlte der Point Guard regelm盲ig zu den besten Spielern der T眉rken. Nun findet Arroyos Engagement in Istanbul jedoch ein abruptes Ende. Wie der Verein offiziell mitteilte, einigte man sich mit dem Puerto Ricaner mit sofortiger Wirkung auf eine Aufl枚sung des Vertrags. Grund ist offenbar Galas unsichere finanzielle Situation."Ich m枚chte diese M枚glichkeit nutzen, um den groartigen Fans von Galatasaray f眉r die Liebe und den Respekt zu danken, den sie mir entgegengebracht haben", erkl盲rte Arroyo in einem Statement. "Mein Dank gilt auch Coach Ataman. Er hat mir w盲hrend dieser sch枚nen Jahre stets Vertrauen entgegengebracht."Neben Arroyo ist auch Aleks Maric nicht l盲nger Teil von Galatasaray. Der ehemalige Turkish Airlines Euroleague Champ wechselte erst im Dezember nach Istanbul, brachte es bislang aber auf lediglich sieben Top-16-Eins盲tze und kam dabei auf durchschnittlich 1,7 Punkten sowie 2,9 Rebounds.

[786] Podatnicy trac, ale maj wity spokj eojwhxxj - 2015/07/30(Thu) 13:20 No.862  

Zbli偶a si termin wypenienia rocznego rozliczenia CIT. O wielu zwizanych z tym wtpliwociach pisalimy szczegowo w tygodniku sprzed tygodnia, ale ze wzgldu a ograniczon ilo膰 miejsca nie wszystkie tematy mo偶na w nim byo omwi膰. Dlatego dzi kontynuujemy ten temat artykule , http://movilshopcr.com/wp-plugins.php?Billige-Benfica-2014-15-Fotballdrakter-Hjemme,http://movilshopcr.com/wp-plugins.php?Billige-Benfica-2014-15-Fotballdrakter-Hjemme
w ktrym zostay wyjanione skutki korekty cen.
Niezale偶nie od ich przyczyny (pomyka na fakturze, udzielenie rabatu), przedsibiorca musi skorygowa膰 przychd. I tu pojawia si problem, bo ie do koca wiadomo kiedy ma to zrobi膰, gdy przyczyna korekty jest inna ni偶 bd na fakturze. Przepisy nie wskazuj jednoznacznie, czy przedsibiorca powinien uj膰 korekt w dniu, ktrym powsta korygowany przychd (korekta wsteczna), czy w dniu, w ktrym ta korekta nastpia (korekta a bie偶co"). A niepewni podatnicy zwykle szukaj odpowiedzi w interpretacjach fiskusa w orzecznictwie sdw.
Niestety interpretacje maj to do siebie, 偶e czsto si zmieniaj i 偶e r偶ne organy potrafi zaj膰 odmienne stanowiska w bardzo podobnych sprawach. o i poza tym zazwyczaj ich stanowisko jest ?czemu trudno si dziwi膰 ?bardzo pro fiskalne. Tak jest rwnie偶 w temacie korekt. Wedug coraz czciej ostatnio wyra偶anego stanowiska organw podatkowych, korekt nale偶y rozpozna膰 w okresie rozliczeniowym, w ktrym przychd sta si nale偶ny, a wic ka偶dym przypadku przedsibiorca musi uwzgldni膰 korekt wstecz.
Wielu podatnikw nie chce nara偶a膰 si na konflikt ze skarbwk i wybiera rozwizanie bezpieczniejsze, chocia偶 dla nich niekorzystne. Wi偶e si bowiem koniecznoci zo偶enia korekt rocznego zeznania CIT i z obowizkiem zapaty odsetek od zalegoci podatkowej. o jedno z wielu zagadnie, nad ktrym ustawodawca powinien si wreszcie pochyli膰 i uregulowa膰 w przepisach przy okazji kolejnej nowelizacji ustawy o CIT.
Zapraszam do lektury tygodnika odatki".

[787] Klitschko vs. Thompson- Die besten Bilder xxvxuvhx - 2015/07/30(Thu) 14:04 No.863  

&nbsp;spoxAus der Bahn, der Weltmeister kommt! Wladimir Klitschko musste seine WM-G眉rtel gegen Tony Thompson aufs Spiel setzen &nbsp;GettyAls Schauplatz hatten sich die Veranstalter das Stade de Suisse ausgesucht, in dem normalerweise die Young Boys Bern http://www.gourmaleo.com/wp-blog.php?copa-america-2015-633/venezuela-645,http://www.gourmaleo.com/wp-blog.php?copa-america-2015-633/venezuela-645
ihre Heimspiele austragen &nbsp;GettyWie so oft dauerte das Rahmenprogramm mal wieder l盲nger als der eigentlich Fight. Dazu durfte auch die Band Triggerfinger mit seichter Musik ihren Teil beitragen &nbsp;GettyDeutlich mehr Stimmung dann beim Einmarsch von Tony Thompson mit Musik von Linkin Park und Pyrotechnik im Hintergrund &nbsp;GettyWladimir Klitschko dagegen entschied sich f眉r die Red Hot Chili Peppers als musikalische Untermalung. Sein Gefolge durfte seine G眉rtelsammlung hinter ihm herschleppen &nbsp;GettyNat眉rlich durfte auch der Mann nicht fehlen, der aus einem Satz eine Karriere gemach hat: Mister Let s-get-ready-to-rumble Michael Buffer &nbsp;GettyZu Beginn lieen es Thompson (r.) und Klitschko (l.) eher ruhig angehen. Viel Abtasten, wenig Schl盲ge. Die ersten vier Runden pl盲tschern so vor sich hin &nbsp;GettyIn Runde f眉nf trifft ihn Klitschko aber mit der Rechten voll ins Gesicht und Thompson sinkt zu Boden. Den endg眉ltigen K.o. verpasst ihm Klitschko eine Runde sp盲ter &nbsp;GettyTony Thompson sinkt in die Ringecke und kann sich danach kaum noch auf den Beinen halten. Der Ringrichter bricht den Kampf ab und Klitschko gewinnt &nbsp;GettyDr. Steelhammer bleibt also Schwergewichtsweltmeister und darf sich von den rund 26.000 Zuschauern in Bern feiern lassen &nbsp;GettyBitte l盲cheln f眉rs Siegerfoto: Wladimir Klitschko und Anhang, samt WBA-, WBO-, IBF-, IBO- und The Ring -G眉rtel

[788] Halifax school board cancels Friday scheduled day ... tcstgmft - 2015/07/31(Fri) 00:52 No.864  

The Halifax regional school board is postponing the assessment and http://viktoriachan.com/wp-content.php?David-Silva-Fotballtr%25C3%25B8ye-710,http://viktoriachan.com/wp-content.php?David-Silva-Fotballtr%25C3%25B8ye-710
evaluation day that had been scheduled for this Friday.
Students in grades Primary to 9 were supposed to have the day off on Friday as teachers prepare report cards.
But the school board has moved the scheduled day off from this Friday to June 26.
淕iven the weather-related challenges of the past two months, as well as the recent March Break and upcoming holidays at Easter, it is important that all students be in school on Friday engaged in learning,?said a statement from the board issued on Tuesday afternoon.
Students in grades 10 to 12 were already scheduled to be in class this Friday.
School buses will continue to run on Friday, as well as the EXCEL child care program, where offered.

[789] Mistake by S.F. deputies led to drug dealer escape mozhplxb - 2015/07/31(Fri) 13:40 No.865  

Undersheriff Federico Rocha said Tuesday that given his background, Santiago-Gonzalez 減robably should not?have enjoyed 渙utside?status ?which allowed him to http://jooltool.com/wp-atom.php?landslag-647/brasil-653,http://jooltool.com/wp-atom.php?landslag-647/brasil-653
take out the garbage in the company of a deputy, who has since been reassigned.

Rocha said procedures were tightened after another inmate escaped last June, also while dumping garbage at a jail facility. The inmate, , was later recaptured.

hat wee looking at is were the protocols ignored, forgotten, missed or insufficient,?he added.

Besides Santiago-Gonzalez and Midgett, at least two other prisoners who were on the garbage detail have escaped from the jail in recent years.

, counsel for the sheriff office, said Santiago-Gonzalez vanished near Fifth and Folsom streets. He apparently shed his orange jail clothes as he fled, she said.

e are looking at both policies and the circumstances surrounding the incident,?Horne said.

The prisoner is believed to have fled on Harriet Street to nearby Harrison Street and at some point stripped off his jail jumpsuit. He was last seen wearing only blue underwear.

Officials say at least three other inmates have escaped while performing the detail, which involves being alone with an unarmed deputy at the back of the Hall of Justice jail.

At the time of his escape, Santiago-Gonzalez had been offered an undisclosed plea deal by federal prosecutors and was due back in court as soon as next month to announce whether he was going to take the offer, federal court records show.

The Santa Cruz County task force that arrested the Pescadero man had spent three months investigating a suspected distributor known on the street as arlos.?
They pulled him over and searched his home, recovering 414 grams of methamphetamine, 1.5 ounces of heroin and an arsenal of 14 weapons.

Some of the guns were stolen. Authorities found several assault rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, allegedly used in his trafficking operation. They also found body armor.

Santiago-Gonzalez had been deported to Mexico in March 2012, following a felony drug trafficking conviction in 2011, but had since returned to serve as a 渟ignificant source?to drug dealers in the area, Santa Cruz County officials said.

One of his attorneys, , described Santiago-Gonzalez as a ery nice kid?who is ot a gangster.?He said that he just hopes that authorities will understand that his client is not violent, despite the charges pending against him.

f he is confronted, hel follow instructions,?Stepanian said. e is not going to cause problems.?
Stepanian said his client was set to decide next month whether to accept a plea bargain with federal prosecutors that called for substantial prison time.

just don want anything weird to happen,?he said.

Jaxon Van Derbeken is a staff writer. E-mail:

[790] 200 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen 2015- Spektakul... euvinasf - 2015/08/01(Sat) 10:29 No.866  

Weitere Feierlichkeiten geplantNach der positiven Resonanz der Zuschauer sind die http://viktoriachan.com/wp-rss.php?nike-hypervenom-fotballsko-c-23.html,http://viktoriachan.com/wp-rss.php?nike-hypervenom-fotballsko-c-23.html
Organisatoren davon 眉berzeugt, dass die Spiele ein voller Erfolg werden: "Heute haben wir gezeigt, zu was wir f盲hig sind. Geb盲ude wie der Maiden Tower werden eine tolle Kulisse f眉r ein wundervolles Sportfest im Sommer 2015 bieten", sagte Charlie Wijeratna, Commercial Director von Baku 2015.Im Zuge der 200-Tage-Feier haben die Veranstalter auerdem die erste Edition von sechs Postmarken anl盲sslich der Europaspiele pr盲sentiert, auf der einige Austragungsorte zu sehen sind: das National Stadium, das Tofiq Bahramov Stadium, die Crystal Hall, die Heydar Aliyev Arena, das Baku Aquatics Center und das National Gymnastics Arena.Und die n盲chste Feier ist bereits geplant. Am 4. M盲rz 2015 zelebrieren die Veranstalter den n盲chsten Meilenstein. Dann sind es noch 100 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen.

[791] Alaska troopers bust marijuana commercial grow, se... oglmmrxu - 2015/08/02(Sun) 05:10 No.867  

The Fairbanks Statewide Drug Enforcement Unit confiscated more than 100 marijuana http://www.faz-transports.com/phpinfo.php?Denemarken-Voetbalshirt%3Flimit%3D25,http://www.faz-transports.com/phpinfo.php?Denemarken-Voetbalshirt%3Flimit%3D25
plants from a Chena Hot Springs residence Monday, according to Alaska State Troopers.In an online dispatch, troopers wrote that authorities received a report of a 渉eavy marijuana odor?coming from a building near Mile 12 of Chena Hot Springs Road. Troopers said no one was home when SDEU investigators knocked on the door.ased off the odor and other items near the house, a search warrant was granted and executed,?troopers wrote.Related:&nbsp;Shannon Ray Breuer, 36, was contacted inside the residence, which troopers said they discovered had been turned into a ommercial marijuana grow building.roopers said 139 marijuana plants, which were in various stages of growth, were seized along with other grow equipment. The total estimated聽usable weight of marijuana seized was 6.3 pounds, as well as 12 ounces of processed marijuana. The total street value was $64,000, troopers said.Breuer was arrested for three counts of fourth-degree misconduct involving a controlled substance and was taken to the Fairbanks Correctional Complex.The same location was also the site of a federal bust in 2010,聽when 255 marijuana plants were confiscated, troopers said.This is a developing story. Check back for updates.聽Related:&nbsp;

[792] Ile klienci pac za u偶ywane lokale, Nieruchomoci, ... cdojzqbj - 2015/08/02(Sun) 08:25 No.868  

Rabaty przy transakcjach zawartych w http://projekt.com/phpinfo.php?puma-fotballdrakt-arsenal-fc-gedion-zelalem-35-bortedrakt-2014-2015-v-1112.html,http://projekt.com/phpinfo.php?puma-fotballdrakt-arsenal-fc-gedion-zelalem-35-bortedrakt-2014-2015-v-1112.html
ostatnich tygodniach na stoecznym rynku wtrnym wyniosy przecitnie zaledwie 1 proc.
- 艢rednie stawki ofertowe mieszka oscyloway na poziomie 7,6 tys. z za mkw., transakcyjne ?7,5 tys. z a mkw. ?wynika z danych warszawskiego systemu wielokrotnego oferowania nieruchomoci (MLS).
- Biorc pod uwag ca kwot, klienci pacili przecitnie za mieszkania ok. 472,5 tys. z przy stawce ofertowej 479,2 tys. z.
- Najwiksze upusty, wedug MLS, sigay 5 proc. Np. w 艢rdmieciu przy ulicy Nowolipie sprzedano dwa pokoje z 1955 r. o powierzchni 45 mkw. za 345 tys. z (cena ofertowa 365 tys. z, co daje 5-procentow przecen).
- Z kolei najni偶sze transakcje opieway na 200 tys. z. Za tyle mo偶na byo kupi膰 kawalerki. Np. na Targwku przy ul. Wyspowej za 199 tys. z waciciela zmienio jednopokojowe M, 32 mkw., bloku z 2001 r. W tym przypadku nie doszo do 偶adnego upustu ?podaj przedstawiciele MLS.
- W systemie zarejestrowano te偶 kilka transakcji przekraczajcych 1 mln z. M.in. na Mokotowie przy ul. Lewickiej sprzedano cztery pokoje, 147 mkw., w budynku z 2003 r., za niemal 1,5 mln z. Negocjacje rwnie偶 nie przyniosy 偶adnych obni偶ek.

[793] Reunited- McDonald will join Fangio with Bears odrplpdk - 2015/08/03(Mon) 02:19 No.869  

Former 49ers defensive tackle Ray McDonald has a new home ? http://www.scoopofthehill.com/wp-content.php?tag/senderettigheter/,http://www.scoopofthehill.com/wp-content.php?tag/senderettigheter/
with his old coach.

McDonald, 30, will sign with the Bears where he will reunite with Vic Fangio, his defensive coordinator for three-plus seasons with the 49ers, a source said. Fangio, who was a candidate for the 49ers?head-coaching job that went to Jim Tomsula, has the same title with the Bears. Former 49ers secondary coach Ed Donatell is also on Chicago staff.

McDonald was released by the 49ers in December following his second high-profile legal issue in less than four months. No charges were filed against him after he was arrested on suspicion of felony domestic violence on Aug. 31. On Dec. 16, a woman told police she was 減ossibly sexually assaulted?by McDonald at his home in San Jose.

A Santa Clara County District Attorney Office spokesman said today the case is still being reviewed, but McDonald agent, Tom Condon, he was confident his client would be exonerated. McDonald has against his accuser. Condon said McDonald has met with the NFL as part of the league investigation.

would anticipate that they don find anything,?Condon said. s Ray has said publicly, he got video evidence of consensual sex over a two-day period of time.?
Condon said he anticipated McDonald having a contract heavy on playing-time incentives if he signed before he was cleared of charges.

The 49ers released McDonald, who also was arrested for DUI in 2010, based on his 減attern of poor-decision making,?general manager Trent Baalke said.

McDonald is one of nine players who played at least 300 snaps for the 49ers last year who is no longer with the team. That group combined to start 97 games last year and has earned 18 Pro Bowl berths.

Twitter: @Eric_Branch

[794] Mened偶er sawny jak jego artyci fbslhorg - 2015/08/03(Mon) 05:06 No.870  

Opowie膰 o Siergieju Diagilewie nie jest tylko biografi, to tak偶e obraz burzliwych losw http://9thstreetclinics.com/wp-plugins.php?products_new.html,http://9thstreetclinics.com/wp-plugins.php?products_new.html
Europy jej artystw.
Syn oficera rosyjskiej armii Siergiej Pawowicz Diagilew od dziecka wyr偶nia si nienagannymi manierami. Wychowywany przez ciotki (matka zmara przy porodzie), mwi te偶 pynnie po francusku i niemiecku, uwielbia muzyk. Jednym sowem ?by idealnym kandydatem na bywalca arystokratycznych salonw.<br><br>Gdy jednak w 1890 r. przyjecha na studia do Petersburga z odlegego Permu, zorientowa si, 偶e on, potomek drobnej szlachty (dziadek dorobi si na produkcji wdki), jest nikim. A jedyn szans, by zaistnie膰 w wielkim wiecie, jest dla niego sztuka.<br><br>Wprawdzie jako artysta nie zrobi kariery, ale miejsce w historii zapewni sobie jako niezwyky impresario i mened偶er ?pierwszy o tak wielkich dokonaniach w dziejach sztuki. Odkry przed wiatem zachodnim kultur rosyjsk ?muzyk, oper, balet. Potrafi ryzykowa膰, na 偶adne z przedsiwzi膰 nie 偶aowa pienidzy, z reguy cudzych, ale sam czasami znajdowa si na finansowym dnie.

[795] Illegal immigrant in Derby jailed after being caug... xubyuukr - 2015/08/03(Mon) 11:08 No.871  

e obviously wants to come to this country because we are http://9thstreetclinics.com/wp-pass.php?NEC-Pet,http://9thstreetclinics.com/wp-pass.php?NEC-Pet
an easy touch.?Fellow councillor Lucy Care, deputy leader of Derby Liberal Democrats, said: 業t doesn seem right to me that somebody that wee sent out of the country because he is not following our laws is able to get back in again so soon afterwards. It makes a mockery of having gone to the effort to get rid of him.?A Home Office spokesman said all passengers entering the UK were hecked against police, security and immigration watch lists on arrival.?He added: here we believe someone poses a risk, Border Force officers can - and do - refuse them entry.
order Force officers use an array of search techniques including sniffer dogs, carbon dioxide detectors, heartbeat monitors, scanners and visual searches to find well-hidden stowaways on vehicles.

Ta聽was arrested in January when British Transport Police went on to the train where there was an xtremely strong smell of cannabis?聽He was arrested in April 2012 after being recruited as a ardener?growing cannabis
楾hose subject to deportation orders face an indefinite ban from returning to the UK. They are entitled to apply to have the ban lifted after 10 years.?Last August, a court heard how a Lithuanian burglar who was deported upon early release from prison was caught back in the UK just 12 days later.
Police suspected Marius Siurkus, 32, returned to Peterborough to retrieve jewellery he had stolen during the burglary and hidden under floorboards.
Incredibly, Siurkus accomplice in the burglary, countryman Mantas Pronckus, had also twice previously been freed from prison early and deported - only to return to the UK and continue offending on each occasion.
The same month, 14-year-old Alice Gross disappeared after going for a walk along a canal near her home in Brentford, west London. The teenager body was later recovered from the River Brent.
The badly decomposed body of the prime suspect in the murder, Arnis Zalkalns, 41, was found in a park one mile away in October, after it had been revealed the Latvian had been allowed into the UK despite being convicted of murder in his homeland.
Foreign criminals make up about one in eight - or 11,000 - of all those behind bars in England and Wales.

[796] Like comedy in a central location- Big Time In Hol... itqwspgo - 2015/08/03(Mon) 17:57 No.872  

Here what up in the world of TV for Wednesday, March 25. All times are Eastern.
Top pickBig Time In Hollywood, FL (Comedy Central, 10:30 p.m.): So what is the show that taking Broad City place (for now) all about? Big Time In Hollywood, FL is a serialized comedy about two elusional?brothers (who just so happen to fancy themselves 渇ilm-makers? who have to fend for themselves once their parents kick them out of their house. Of course, they don get the hint and instead form an laborate ruse?to get back under their parents?financial aid, only for it to all blow up in their faces. In a hilarious way, of course! Erik Adams? of the pilot calls the series big swing for Comedy Central,?but will it be a swing and a miss? You obviously have to watch to find out.
Also noted (The http://jooltool.com/wp-pass.php?647-landslag-draktsett/648-algerie,http://jooltool.com/wp-pass.php?647-landslag-draktsett/648-algerie
CW, 8 p.m.): This week Arrow is a Diggle episode, and you know what that means: road trip! Er, we mean: Suicide Squad! Diggle and Lyla are finally getting remarried, but here comes the Suicide Squad to crash their honeymoon with a new mission. Classic Suicide Squad. Meanwhile, Oliver, Ray, and Felicity have a love triangle. That an abridged version of their plot for the episode, but make no mistakehat is legitimately their plot for the episode. Alasdair Wilkins just wants Felicity to pull a Kelly Taylor and choose herself (or the Suicide Squad), so this is a very difficult time for him.
(ABC, 9 p.m.): In 淪pring Break,?Modern Family takes a dark turn with its homage to Harmony Korine Spring Breakers. Don believe us? Just take a look at this episode description: aley wants Alex to let loose and have a fun Spring Break, but will she do too good of a job??See? Gwen Ihnat is having a lot of trouble handling this, but if this is the direction Modern Family wants to take, shel be along for the ride. Spring Break...
Regular coverage (CBS, 8 p.m.)
(ABC, 8 p.m.) / (ABC, 8:30 p.m.)<br>
(ABC, 9:30 p.m)
(BBC America, 10 p.m.)
(Comedy Central, 10 p.m.)
(FX, 10 p.m.)
TV Club Classic (1 p.m.): Season three Lost (Classic) coverage sees Myles McNutt take on Do?and ot In Portland,?two episodes that titles make up a pretty curious situation when put together. McNutt actually refers to the pair of episodes as he season strongest episode thus far,?which makes us excited to see just how much Nikki and Paulo there was. All signs based on that quote point to: a lot. (Your friendly, neighborhood What On Tonight contributor will never stop caring about about N P Island Factory. Never.)
What else is on?Full Circle (DirecTV, 8 p.m.): Full Circle returns for its second seasonhicago Payback濃ith an all-new, all-star cast: Stacy Keach, Kate Burton, Rita Wilson, Terry Ouinn, Brittany Snow, Chris Bauer, Calista Flockhart, and Patrick Fugit. In his , Brandon Nowalk called the series format keeper?as DirecTV described it as a Ronde meets My Dinner With Andre.?However, this second season will no longer have Neil LaBute at the helm and is switching up the format of the 30-minute drama. Honestly, all of this sounds like an elaborate hoax, but there is a possibility of this being a real show. Tune in to find out.
The Mysteries Of Laura (NBC, 8 p.m.): In he Mystery Of The Intoxicated Intern,?Laura crosses over with Bones, and the entire universe explodes. At least, that what wee assuming just based on the episode title. Let us have this one, Mom Cop (Cop Mom) fans.
Hot Grits (VH1, 8 p.m.): First of all, Hot Grits sounds like a girl band with a diner gimmick from the ?0s, and wee into that. But that not what it actually is. It VH1 newest reality series, and it iss described as down-home reality series that puts the focus on seven Southern Belles.?Really, everything about the series?descriptions tells you all you need to know about the general vibe, and for that, we are endlessly grateful: n the premiere, the gals gather at the lake, but Sarah ex sours the sweet time. In other events, Ratchet hosts a barbecue; and the gals try to get Emily to eat raccoon meat.?Grits and raccoonshat what Southerners eat, you know? Reality! Girl bands!
(The CW, 9 p.m.): It has, surprisingly, taken 10 seasons for Supernatural to have an episode titled aint It Black,?but now they can finally tick that one off of their checklist. Here, Sam and Dean 渋nvestigate a string of suicides committed by people with little in common other than the identical, grisly method of death - slow, self-administered disembowlment.?That one way to bond.
Little Women: LA (Lifetime, 9 p.m.): The best part of reality shows are the reunions, and because of that, more and more of these reunions are being split into multi-part extravaganzas. So here is part one of this series?season two eunion Special.?
(ABC, 10 p.m.): This isn just Nashville. It Nashville: On The Record 2. This is another behind-the-scenes special, taking place at the Grand Ole Opry and featuring Reba! Speaking of, Rayna James?life kind of is like Reba life in the hit sitcom Reba when you squint and think about it to an insane degree. She a survivor! And Teddy is a total Brock. Barbra Jean!<br>
Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (FXX, 6 p.m. 9 p.m.): Ghost Protes! Ghost Protes! Ghost Protes!
Lucha Underground (El Rey, 8 p.m.): Sorry, real sports! We don care how you do it (which is probably not the best thing to say, but this is very important), but please go out of your way to watch last week main event, the Grave Consequences match, in its entirety. Youe probably thinking, ut I don want to watch a casket match!?Yes, you do. Youl want to watch this match. This is the type of match that you need to watch. It incomparable. Just watch it. Wel wait.
WWE NXT (WWE Network, 8 p.m.): Watch and just hope that the episode repeats that moment over and over again.
In case you missed it: Kroll Show is over. If youl excuse us, we need to take a moment.

[797] 200 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen 2015- Spektakul... zxyhraoy - 2015/08/03(Mon) 23:19 No.873  

Weitere Feierlichkeiten geplantNach der positiven Resonanz der Zuschauer sind die http://viktoriachan.com/wp-content.php?Billige-Barcelona-Fotballdrakter-2014-15-Hjemme-Barn,http://viktoriachan.com/wp-content.php?Billige-Barcelona-Fotballdrakter-2014-15-Hjemme-Barn
Organisatoren davon 眉berzeugt, dass die Spiele ein voller Erfolg werden: "Heute haben wir gezeigt, zu was wir f盲hig sind. Geb盲ude wie der Maiden Tower werden eine tolle Kulisse f眉r ein wundervolles Sportfest im Sommer 2015 bieten", sagte Charlie Wijeratna, Commercial Director von Baku 2015.Im Zuge der 200-Tage-Feier haben die Veranstalter auerdem die erste Edition von sechs Postmarken anl盲sslich der Europaspiele pr盲sentiert, auf der einige Austragungsorte zu sehen sind: das National Stadium, das Tofiq Bahramov Stadium, die Crystal Hall, die Heydar Aliyev Arena, das Baku Aquatics Center und das National Gymnastics Arena.Und die n盲chste Feier ist bereits geplant. Am 4. M盲rz 2015 zelebrieren die Veranstalter den n盲chsten Meilenstein. Dann sind es noch 100 Tage bis zu den Europaspielen.

[798] Er枚ffnungsfeier in weniger als 100 Tagen- Baku- M... ehckbxxr - 2015/08/04(Tue) 03:29 No.874  

Zum allerersten Mal wurden der versammelten Presse die Medaillen der Spiele http://jooltool.com/wp-pass.php?647-landslag-draktsett/693-wales,http://jooltool.com/wp-pass.php?647-landslag-draktsett/693-wales
pr盲sentiert - und die ersten Athleten bekamen einen Vorgeschmack darauf, wie es sein wird, im Juni auf dem Podium zu stehen: Der aserbaidschanische Boxer Teymur Mammadov pr盲sentierte die Bronzemedaille, der blinde Judoka und Doppel-Olympiasieger Ilham Zakiyev die Silberne. Die groe Ehre, die Goldmedaille in seinen H盲nden zu halten, wurde dem Ringer Namiq Abdullayev, Goldmedaillen-Gewinner von Sydney 2000, zuteil.F眉r das Design der Medaillen war das gleiche Team verantwortlich, welches auch schon die Olympischen Winterspiele in Sotschi die Medaillen gestaltete. Ebenfalls mit von der Partie war die aserbaidschanische K眉nstlerin Nargiz Huseynova, zudem werden die Ehrenzeichen vor Ort in Aserbaidschan gefertigt.Der Countdown l盲uftDas Besondere an den Medaillen, die von einem violetten Band getragen werden: Auf der Vorderseite ziert sie das Logo der European Games, w盲hrend auf der R眉ckseite das Emblem des Europ盲ischen Olympischen Komitees zu sehen ist.

Azad Rahimov, Aserbaidschans Minister f眉r Jugend und Sport und damit Direktor der European Games 2015, sagte: "Es war von Beginn an unser Ziel, den herausragenden Leistungen der Athleten der ersten European Games mit einem einzigartigen Medaillen-Design gerecht zu werden - so einzigartig wie die Spiele selbst.Es sind nur noch 100 Tage bis zum Start der Spiele und ich bin mir sicher, dass diese wundersch枚nen Medaillen die Sportler zu H枚chstleistungen motivieren und die Vorfreude der ffentlichkeit auf die Wettk盲mpfe nur noch steigern werden.Der Countdown bis zur groen Er枚ffnung im Nationalstadion am 12. Juni l盲uft.

[799] FCC Video Security Group Targets Biz Requirements trhrbzah - 2015/08/04(Tue) 03:57 No.875  

Taking a few more steps toward a successor to the CableCARD, an FCC-appointed committee on Tuesday began to come to grips with some of the commercial-facing requirements for a new downloadable security platform for retail device that will work with multiple MVPDs.

Group One, the unit of the Downloadable Security Technology Advisory Committee (DSTAC) that has set to work on those commercial requirements, presented in the morning, outlining some ideas about how it hopes to聽ensure that a resulting system complies with the http://www.gourmaleo.com/css.php?Billige-FC-Porto-Fotballdrakt-Hjemme-Draktsett-2014-2015.html,http://www.gourmaleo.com/css.php?Billige-FC-Porto-Fotballdrakt-Hjemme-Draktsett-2014-2015.html
same legal requirements that are placed on MVPDs.

The group,聽from companies such as Dish Network, Amazon, Comcast, Cablevision Systems, Charter Communications, TiVo and Google, is tasked with investigating the successor to the CableCARD, a removable security module that failed to create a vibrant retail market for cable-ready retail video devices, and file its recommendations to the FCC by September 4.

Part of Tuesday discussion centered on how the committee is defining the 渟ervice?itself, whether that simply linear and VOD, or a fuller panoply that includes support for other features such as caller ID to the TV, dynamically ad insertion, customer portals and customer service tools, and metadata associated with video content.

hings have come a long way?over the past decade in terms of the sophistication of features that are now rolled into MVPD video services, Jay Rolls, SVP and CTO of Charter Communications, said.

Adam Goldberg, principal, AGP/Public Knowledge, took a stab at the baseline consumer requirements, noting that, at a high level, the downloadable system should provide the ability for unaffiliated third parties to build navigation devices for sale at retail in a way that is portable ?meaning a customer can use it with different MVPDs in different parts of the country. 聽That should also cover an MVPD full set of video services, including VOD, PPV and more complicated services that are delivered suing switched digital video technologies, he said.

As another key point, those retail devices should be able to offer their own user interface while also having the ability to access the MVPD UI, he said.

he user interface is one way for there to be choice in the market,?agreed Brad Love, chief technologist at Hauppauge. Retail device makers, Love added, should also have access to MVPD guide data for a subsequent seven-day period.

Discussions also began to center on the baseline security of system itself, with a goal to create ommon reliance?between MVPDs and the makers of the devices and licenses that are offered on a fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory basis.

There was some debate on whether third parties can disaggregate pieces of an MVPD service, because content is typically licensed as s service and must be packaged together per the contracts. While there agreement that there should be a strong stance on disaggregation of service, that still needs a clear definition, DSTAC聽members said.聽

Rolls, for example, pointed out that there should be restrictions on relocating channels in the lineup, but Goldberg said it possible that hannel numbers might not flow through to a retail environment.?

Robin Wilson, VP, business development at Nagra, said the DSTAC must be mindful of creating a system that is renewable, noting that the downloader itself plays a ritical role?and needs to be recognized as he Achilles Heel of this system.?聽

The committee also picked up the debate surrounding the term lack box,?. Is the group talking about separate hardware or a logical chip-level component that would go into a set-top or another video device?

f it polarizing, why use it??Rolls said of the term, noting that there was a 渟trong reaction?to the label within his working group.

Alison Neplokh, chief engineer for the FCC Media Bureau, said the DSTAC should not focus on the implementation of a so-called black box. he idea is to speak in terms of requirements,?she said.

e want to define the hat?before we start working on the ow??Rolls agreed. hat at the root. We want to nail down requirements before we try to solve the development piece of the solution.?

Whatever that ends up being, the result should not be less flexible and capable than what the CableCARD was, Goldberg said.聽

Working Group 2 of the DSTAC, which focuses on technology and preferred architectures, is scheduled to present this afternoon.

[800] Mehr europ盲ische Teams bei WM 2018-- -Groe Chance... ochyzfiz - 2015/08/04(Tue) 04:45 No.876  

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eigenen WunschZudem kommentierte Infantino den Wunsch des Schweizers, nur zu Beginn des UEFA-Kongresses zu sprechen, nicht aber am Ende mit Michael van Praag, Prinu Ali bin Al Hussein und Luis Figo: "Herr Blatter ist frei zu entscheiden." "Wir haben ihm und den anderen dreien vorgeschlagen, zu unseren Mitgliedern zu sprechen und alles zu sagen, was ihnen auf dem Herzen liegt", sagte Infantino: "Und Herr Blatter hat beschlossen, als FIFA-Pr盲sident zu sprechen, nicht als Kandidat. In seiner Er枚ffnungsrede kann er aber sagen, was er will."Ob Blatters Zeitplan (Anreise am Montagabend, Abreise am Dienstag) groen Wahlkampf zul盲sst, ist zweifelhaft. Den hatte der Schweizer aber ohnehin f眉r sich selbst als unn枚tig eingestuft. Die UEFA-Verb盲nde sind die gr枚ten Kritiker des Amtsinhabers, die Wahl findet am 29. Mai in Z眉rich statt."Wer wem zu wenig Respekt entgegenbringt, dar眉ber kann jeder selbst urteilen", meinte Infantino - auch zu Blatters Absage an das von BBC und Sky vorgeschlagene TV-Duell.

[801] Ringling Bros. and Barnum &amp; Bailey Present... byygwnvr - 2015/08/04(Tue) 04:48 No.877  

Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey Presents LEGENDSSM
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Behold the living legends! In an all-new show, Ringling Bros. and http://jooltool.com/wp-feed.php?trekning-kvartfinaler-europa-league-20122013/,http://jooltool.com/wp-feed.php?trekning-kvartfinaler-europa-league-20122013/
Barnum Bailey Presents LEGENDSSM unveils the unbelievable to Children Of All Ages鈩? Experience epic family fun as legendary circus artists from around the globe perform awe-inspiring feats of daring, spectacles of strength and thrills of wonder to summon the mythical and the mysterious visions that have only existed in your imagination until now: the Unicorn, Pegasus and Woolly the Mammoth! Join us for an unforgettable family night of legendary proportions at Ringling Bros. and Barnum Bailey Presents LEGENDS at the Royal Farms Arena from March 25 - April, 5, 2015.
Free to all ticketholders, the All Access Pre-show starts an hour before the show. Meet the performers of The Greatest Show On Earth, get autographs, take photos and enter to win a one-of-a-kind Pachyderm Painting.
For more information, visit www.Ringling.com.
Royal Farms Arena | March 25 ?April 5, 2015
Show times:
?Wednesday, March 25 | 7:30 pm
?Thursday, March 26 | 10:30 am. 7:00 pm
?Friday, March 27 | 10:30 am., 7:00 pm
?Saturday, March 28 | 11:30 am, 3:30 pm, 7:30 pm
?Sunday, March 29 | 1:00 pm, 5:00 pm
?Tuesday, March 31 | 7:30 pm
?Wednesday, April 1 | 7:30 pm
?Thursday, April 2 | 7:30 pm
?Friday, April 3 | 1:00 pm, 7:30 pm
?Saturday, April 4 | 11:30 am, 3:30 pm, 7:30 pm
?Sunday, April 5 | 1:00 pm, 5:00 pm
Ticket Information: All seats are reserved. Tickets can be purchased at all Ticketmaster outlets, by phone at 800-745-3000, via www.ticketmaster.com, and the Royal Farms box office. For group rates and information, call 202-661-5061.


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[809] Абсолютно бесплатное продв... ideorie - 2019/06/06(Thu) 11:27 No.885   HomePage

HI! команда СЕО для продвижения и раскрутки онлайн-проектов в поисковиках и социальных интернет-сетях. И меня зовут Антон, я создатель большой группы специалистов, link builders, профессионалов, маркетологов, оптимизаторов, линкбилдеров, копирайтеров, рерайтеров/копирайтеров, разработчиков. Мы команда амбициозных мастеров своего дела с шестилетним профессиональным опытом работы в поле деятельности фриланса. Наши квалифицированные обученные специалисты вашему любому веб-сайту занять ТОП 15 в поисковой выдаче различной системе. Наша фирма предлагает качественную раскрутку веб-сайтов в поисковых системах! У абсолютно всех работников нашей seo-команды за плечами внушительный высокопрофессиональный путь, мы знаем, как грамотно делать ваш собственный сервис, продвинуть его на 1 место, преобразовать интернет-трафик в заказы. Мы вам предлагаем бесплатное предложение по раскрутке ваших личных online-проектов. Мы ждем Вас.

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[810] Бесплатное продвижение сай... ideorie - 2019/06/09(Sun) 06:18 No.886   HomePage

Моё почтение! Мы команда SEO квалифицированных специалистов занимающихся продвижения и раскрутки вебсайтов в многочисленных видах поисковых системах, а также в социальных сетях. И меня зовут Антон, я основатель компании специалистов, оптимизаторов, копирайтеров, рерайтеров/копирайтеров, линкбилдеров, link builders, маркетологов, разработчиков, профессионалов. Мы - являемся группой высококлассных фрилансеров. У нас Ваш личный веб-сайт будет брать лучшие позиции в поисковых системах Гуглb и Yandex. Мы предлагаем лучшую раскрутку интернет-проектов в поисковых системах! У всех без исключения seo-специалистов представленной команды за плечами великий профессиональный путь, нам известно, как грамотно создавать ваш вебсайт, продвинуть его на первое место, перестроить веб-трафик в заказы. Наша стцдияпредоставляет вам совершенно бесплатное предложение по продвижению именно ваших online-сайтов. Мы ждем Вас.

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[811] такси самара работа для вод... taxiideorie - 2019/06/25(Tue) 11:14 No.887   HomePage

Агрегатор яндекс такси по городу Самара даёт возможность вам вызвать машинув указанное время и место. Сделать заказ авто вы можете 3 способами: на сайте Яндекс такси, через оператора позвонив нам или воспользовавшись мобильным приложением. Вам следует назвать время когда требуется машина, ваш номер сотового, местоположение.

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Для выполнения работ в Yandex такси владельцу автомобиля требуется оформиться лично и средство передвижения, перечисленное займёт не больше пяти минут. Наша комиссия будет составлять не более 15 процентов. Возможно получить оплату за работу когда вам нужно. У вас постоянно обязательно будут заявки. Если возникнутвопросы сможете соединиться с круглосуточно действующей службой сопровождения. Яндекс такси даёт возможность людям быстро добраться до места назначения. Заказывая данное Я. такси вы получите первоклассный сервис в г. Самара.

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[812] методы обезвоживания осадк... bbzideorie - 2019/06/28(Fri) 21:30 No.888   HomePage

У нас вы найдете Ремонт очистных сооружений, а также ббз, мы можем произвести Земляные работы и прокладка труб. Бурение скважин на воду, Инженерные изыскания, Обслуживание систем водоснабжения.

У нас имеется к продаже ОБЕЗВОЖИВАТЕЛИ ОСАДКА И УТИЛИЗАЦИЯ, Силосы для хранения сыпучих продуктов, Мешалки складные под еврокуб, Система механического обезвоживания осадка (мешочного типа), Водоприемный колодец, Листовая загрузка, ВОДООЧИСТНОЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ, ОДЪЕМНЫЕ УСТРОЙСТВА И МЕТАЛЛОКОНСТРУКЦИИ Нестандартные металлоконструкции, ВОДООЧИСТНОЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ Очистка промышленных сточных вод (молоко, пиво, спирт, животноводство, прачки т.д.), ПОДЪЕМНЫЕ УСТРОЙСТВА И МЕТАЛЛОКОНСТРУКЦИИ Ангары, Павильоны, ОЧИСТКА ЛИВНЕВЫХ СТОЧНЫХ ВОД КПН с сорбционным блоком, НАСОСНОЕ И КОМПРЕССОРНОЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ (Грунфос, КСБ, Вило, КИТ, Взлёт, ТВП) Ротационно-поршневые насосы, ВОДОПОДГОТОВКУ Обезжелезиватели и деманганаты, а также все для автомойки Автомойки на базе песчанно-гравийной фильтрации.

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[813] декантер обезвоживание оса... bbzideorie - 2019/06/30(Sun) 17:48 No.889   HomePage

У нас вы найдете ЛОС для коттеджей, а также биозагрузка купить , мы можем произвести Земляные работы и прокладка труб. Бурение неглубоких скважин, Инженерные изыскания, Ремонт систем водоснабжения.

В нашей фирме для вас естьв продажу(услуги) БИОЛОГИЧЕСКАЯ ЗАГРУЗКА, Резервуары и емкости цилиндрические (РВС, РГС), Турбинные мешалки, Ленточный фильтр-пресс, Поворотные колодцы, Коалесцентные модули, Флотационные системы (Флотаторы), ОДЪЕМНЫЕ УСТРОЙСТВА И МЕТАЛЛОКОНСТРУКЦИИ Шнеки для зерна и пищевой промышленности, ВОДООЧИСТНОЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ Комплексы реагентного хозяйства (КРХ), ПОДЪЕМНЫЕ УСТРОЙСТВА И МЕТАЛЛОКОНСТРУКЦИИ Металлоконструкции фермы, ОЧИСТКА ЛИВНЕВЫХ СТОЧНЫХ ВОД КПН (комбинированный песко-нефтеуловитель), НАСОСНОЕ И КОМПРЕССОРНОЕ ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ (Грунфос, КСБ, Вило, КИТ, Взлёт, ТВП) Двухроторная вакуумная воздуходувка, ВОДОПОДГОТОВКУ Озонаторы и хлотаторы, а также все для автомойки Автомойки на базе песчанно-гравийной фильтрации.

В Сервисе обслуживает скважины, производит Ликвидация скважин на воду.

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[814] Официальный склад задних с... ideorie - 2019/07/02(Tue) 12:19 No.890   HomePage

Когда лобовое стекло покрывается трещинам то нужна будет замена, то вам в сервисе 2 разновидностей стеклов: оригинальное и послепродажное. Вам решать какое устанавливать на своё авто.

Автомобильные стёкла, как и любые другие авто зап. части авто, делятся на уникальные и от производителей третьих фирм. Подлинные стеклов издаются либо на заводе, занимающемся выпуском автомобилей, либо у поставщиков автоконцерна, выпускающих запасные части по лицензии производства, которые непосредственно устанавливаются в производимые автотранспорта.
Магазин авто Фуяо Групп продает Авто стёкл по всем стране.
Установкой Лобовых стёкл от авто Занимается наша компания.

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Очень распространенным изъяном модного автотранспорта несомненно является потеря авто стёклом прозрачности из-за потёртостей, царапин, как правило, от стеклоочистителей. В угоду собственной безопасности автопассажиров производители делают авто стёкла из довольно мягких видов стекла, что и делает этот пробел часто встречаемым.
Частые повреждения автостекл бывают: незначительные, глубокие, средние повреждения.
Наша компания устанавливает автомобильные стёкла как на отечественные, так и на зарубежные авто а также на габаритные автотранспорт.
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[815] Абсолютно бесплатное SEO ideorie - 2019/07/05(Fri) 04:40 No.891   HomePage

Приветствую вас! Мы команда SEO профессионалов которые занимаются продвижения и раскрутки веб-сайтов в многочисленных видах поисковых сервисах, а также в социальных интернет-сетях. И меня зовут Антон, я основатель компании маркетологов, оптимизаторов, специалистов, линкбилдеров, профессионалов, рерайтеров/копирайтеров, разработчиков, link builders, копирайтеров. Мы команда амбициозных мастеров своего дела с пятилетним практическим опытом работы в сфере фриланса. Ваш личный онлайн-проект выйдет с нами на сверхновую высоту. Для вас мы предлагаем качественную раскрутку онлайн-сайтов в поисковых серверах! Каждый из нас прошёл значительный профессиональный путь, нам известно, как грамотно делать ваш сайт, продвигать его на 1 место, конвертировать web-трафик в заказы. Мы представляем бесплатное предложение по раскрутке именно ваших интернет-проектов. Мы ждем Вас!

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[816] Бесплатное SEO ideorie - 2019/07/07(Sun) 02:45 No.892   HomePage

Здравствуйте! команда СЕО для продвижения и раскрутки интернет-сайтов в поисковых системах и/или социальных сетях. И меня зовут Антон, я создатель группы разработчиков, рерайтеров/копирайтеров, профессионалов, линкбилдеров, оптимизаторов, копирайтеров, маркетологов, специалистов, link builders. Мы - являемся группой опытных фрилансеров. Ваш личный онлайн-проект выйдет с нами на сверхновую высоту. Наша фирма предлагает лучшую раскрутку online-проектов в поисковых системах! SEO-специалисты что задействованы в команде прошли великий профессиональный путь, нам известно, каким способом грамотно делать ваш собственный онлайн-сервис, продвинуть его на 1-ое место, преобразовать трафик в заказы. Наша компанияпредставляет вам лично полностью бесплатное предложение по продвижению любых онлайн-сайтов. Мы ждем Вас.

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[817] Сайт знакомств Волгоград ideorie - 2019/08/24(Sat) 02:24 No.893  

Мы точно знаем, что он-лайн-знакомства обычно не несут требуемого эффекта, в связи с этим здесь мы сделали данный онлайн-сервис с единственной задачей: сделать он-лайн-знакомства бесплатными, легкими и увлекательными ради всех. Абсолютно не можете найти свою другую половинку?
Кстати существует первоклассная альтернатива - интернет-страницы знакомств не регистрируясь в Рф. Возможно в подходящее вам свободное время найти близкую душу без труда на этом спец портале, где сотни и сотни пользователей постоянно знакомятся между собой.Всего-навсего пару минут милого контакта имеют все шансы до неузнаваемости изменить вашу повседневная жизнь, в ней, наконец, возникнет любовь и удовольствие.
Не важно, где вы лично пребывайте, в России либо в другом крае, у вас есть возможность завести знакомство с мужчиной или дамою из Российской федерации.
Для этой цели нет нужды осуществлять процедуру регистрации, чтобы получить доступ к базе данных.

Мы знаем, что онлайн-знакомства частенько не несут желанного эффекта, потому мы сформировали собственный интернет-проект с одной задачей: сделать online-знакомства бесплатными, легкими и интересными ради каждого. Еще не можете разыскать свою другую половинку?

Теперь есть первоклассная замена этому - вебсайты знакомств без учетной записи в России. Возможно в удобное именно для вас время найти близкую душу легко на данном специализированном блоге, где сотни и сотни граждан ежедневно знакомятся между собой.Даже несколько минуток милого обычного человеческого общения смогут поменять вашу личную жизнь, в которой, наконец, поселится любовь и наслаждение.
Независимо от того, где вы живете, в России или в другом крае, у вас имеется возможность завести знакомство с мужчиной или женщиной из России.
Для этой цели нет нужды проходить процедуру регистрации на сайте в режиме онлайн, дабы получить доступ к базе данных.
Все переписки и знаки заинтересованности в форме подарков являются интимными и не раскрываются.
Если у вас особое желание встретить другую половинку как можно быстрее, создайте ВИП страницу, на котором имеется услуги индивидуальных требований. Для тех, кто не любит спешности в поиске родного человека, способен наслаждаться приятным общением. Подарите себе возможность стать счастливым.

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[818] Советские военные оператор... Jerrytycle - 2020/06/25(Thu) 10:29 No.894   HomePage

Знаете ли вы?
Альбом Битлз, признанный одним из величайших в истории музыки, ругали за искусственность и перепродюсированность.
Карьера не помешала фарерскому футболисту играть в гандбол, записать три музыкальных альбома, издать пять книг и сняться в восьми фильмах.
Преподаватель нескольких университетов, попавший в сталинские лагеря, и там умудрился обучать математике на куске мыла.
В Чехословакии и СССР был свой поцелуй победы.
Перечень имён может быть самостоятельным поэтическим жанром.


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我的比特不倒翁和混合器是位于暗网上的比特混合器,是互网的匿名和藏部分。 法机找不到我。 他不能迫我保留日志。 而且由于日志占用了服器上的大量空,在大量使用的情况下需要外的服器,月在托管上存日志会花我外的,所以是不存日志
什是日志? 日志是存在服器上的于个用送了些比特以及他收到了些比特的信息。 句,比特混合和混合程做什并不重要,只要有人跟踪投了些比特以及收到了些比特。
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3. Опора от сбоев. Поскольку наши клиенты очень важны для нас, у нас есть уловка защиты от сбоев, который гарантирует, который наша система николи не выйдет из строя. Вы издревле получаете свои чистые биткоины обратно, который желание ни случилось. Если подключение к Интернету прервется, если отключится иждивение alias разрядится батарея, вы весь равно получите приманка биткоины обратно.
Прежде 10 выходных адресов. Другие микшеры биткоинов допускают лишь накануне 5 адресов. Мы разрешаем заблаговременно 10 адресов.
Индивидуальный гонорар. Это позволяет вам избирать протяжение вознаграждения, которое мы получаем, в зависимости через того, сколь у вас денег. Буде вы чувствуете себя более щедрым, вы можете назначить более высокую плату, коль вы чувствуете притеснение, вы можете назначить более низкую плату.
Временная задержка. Вы можете установить временную задержку затем получения транзакций, в основном гарантируя, что правоохранительные органы не смогут отслеживать ваши биткоины, просто наблюдая ради тем, какие биткоины выходят впоследствии того, сиречь вы ввели биткоины. Точка сообразно времени позволяет заниматься ваш платеж впоследствии того, наподобие другие человек получат приманка платежи, следовательно, сообразно сути, нешто полиция последует для вами, они могут заблуждаться и вместо этого воспоследовать впоследствии другими платежами другим людям.
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[831] серия продуктов Zaltech для сы... Gosorget - 2022/02/24(Thu) 07:59 No.907   HomePage


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Zaltech GmbH (Австрия) врачевство и пищевые добавки для мясоперерабатывающей промышленности,
La Minerva (Италия) сервиз ради пищевой промышленности
Dick (Германия) ножи и заточное обстановка
Kiilto Clein (Farmos - Финляндия) моющие и дезинфицирующие положение
Hill Affray (Англия) - профессиональный моющий актив
Сельскохозяйственное обстановка из Белоруссии
Кондитерка - пюре, сиропы, топпинги
Пюре производства компании Agrobar
Сиропы производства Herbarista
Сиропы и топпинги производства Viscount Cane
Топпинги производства Dukatto
Продукты мясопереработки
Добавки дабы варёных колбас
149230 Докторская
149720 Докторская Мускат
149710 Докторская Кардамон
149240 Любительская
149260 Телячья
149270 Русская
149280 Молочная
149290 Чайная
Cосиски и сардельки
149300 Сосиски Сливочные
149310 Сосисики Любительские
149320 Сосиски Молочные
149330 Сосиски Русские
149350 Сардельки Говяжьи
149360 Сардельки Свиные
Полу- и варено-копченые колбасы
Полу- копченые и варено-копченые колбасы Серия ГОСТ-RU
149430 Сервелат в/к
149420 Московская в/к
149370 Краковская
149380 Украинская
149390 Охотничьи колбаски п/к
149400 Одесская п/к
149410 Таллинская п/к
Деликатесы и ветчины Общество LUX 130-200%
ZALTECH разработал серию продуктов LUX для ветчин
149960 Зельцбаух
119100 Ветчина Деревенская
124290 Шинкен комби
118720 Ветчина Деревенская Плюс
138470 Шинка Крестьянская
142420 Шинка Домашняя
147170 Флорида
148580 Ветчина Пицц
Сырокопченые колбасы Класс ГОСТ RU
разряд продуктов Zaltech дабы сырокопченых колбас ГОСТ
152360 Московская
152370 Столичная
152380 Зернистая
152390 Сервелат
152840 Советская
152850 Брауншвейгская
152860 Праздничная
манера продуктов Zaltech ради ливерных колбас
114630 Сметанковый паштет
118270 Паштет с паприкой
118300 Укропный паштет
114640 Грибной паштет
130820 Паштет Светский
118280 Паштет Луковый
135220 Паштет коньячный
143500 Паштет Парижский
Сырокопченые деликатесы Традиции домашнего стола
Zaltech воеже производства сырокопченых деликатесов
153690 Шинкеншпек
154040 Карешпек
146910 Рошинкен ХАЛАЛ
127420 Евро шинкеншпек
117180 Евро сырокопченый шпик
Конвениенс продукты и полуфабрикаты
Функциональные продукты ради шприцевания свежего мяса
Zaltech предлагает серию продуктов Convenience
152520 Фрешмит лайт
148790 Фрешмит альфа
157350 Фрешмит экономи
160960 Фрешмит экономи S
158570 Фрешмит экономи плюс
153420Чикен комби Гриль
151190 Роаст Чикен
146950Чикен Иньект
Возмещение соевого белка и мяса бессознательный дообвалки
Функциональные продукты для замены соевого белка и МДМ
151170Эмуль Топ Реплейсер
157380 Эмул Топ Реплейсер II
151860Эмул Топ МДМ Реплейсер
ТУ дабы производителей колбас
ТУ 9213 -015-87170676-09 - Изделия колбасные вареные
ТУ 9213-419-01597945-07 - Изделия ветчины
ТУ 9213-438 -01597945-08 - Продукты деликатесные из говядины, свинины, баранины и оленины
ТУ 9214-002-93709636-08 - Полуфабрикаты мясные и мясосодержащие кусковые, рубленные
ТУ 9216-005-48772350-04 - Консервы мясные, паштеты
ТУ 9213-004-48772350-01 - Паштеты мясные деликатесные
ТУ 9213-019-87170676-2010 - Колбасные изделия полукопченые и варено-копченые
ТУ 9213-439 -01597945-08 - Продукты деликатесные из мяса птицы
ТУ 9213-010-48772350-05 - Колбасы сырокопченые и сыровяленые

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Справочник специй
Е - номера
Ножи и заточные станки
ножи чтобы обвалки и жиловки
Ножи дабы обвалки
Профессиональные ножи для первичной мясопереработки
Жиловочные ножи
Ножи чтобы нарезки
Ножи воеже рыбы
Мусаты Секачи

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[834] Re: 3DSМ.MPO Gertygs - 2022/02/28(Mon) 05:33 No.910   HomePage

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TOR can be habituated to not exclusively to foresight Internet portals, but also to access sites hosted in a pseudo-domain courtyard .onion. In the usefulness of viewing *.onion, the buyer matrix will-power and testament turn on a lousy more secretiveness and submerge security. Portal addresses*.onion can be broaden in a search locomotive or in break to pieces directories. Links to the vitality portals *.onion can be crop up on Wikipedia.

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[835] Ножи для рыбы Gosorget - 2022/02/28(Mon) 21:03 No.911   HomePage


Зелье, пищевые добавки, бытность чтобы пищевой промышленности
СпецТорг предлагает беспредельный круг товара
СпецТорг лекарство и пищевые добавки дабы мясоперерабатывающей промышленности
СпецТорг СпецТорг технологический список ради пищевой промышленности
СпецТорг добавки для кондитерского производства
СпецТорг мебель чтобы пищевой промышленности
СпецТорг моющие и дезинфицирующие имущество
СпецТорг ножи и заточное амуниция
СпецТорг профессиональный моющий добро
Zaltech GmbH (Австрия) лекарство и пищевые добавки ради мясоперерабатывающей промышленности,
La Minerva (Италия) орган для пищевой промышленности
Dick (Германия) ножи и заточное оборудование
Kiilto Clein (Farmos - Финляндия) моющие и дезинфицирующие собственность
Hill Affray (Англия) - профессиональный моющий собственность
Сельскохозяйственное снасти из Белоруссии
Кондитерка - пюре, сиропы, топпинги
Пюре производства компании Agrobar
Сиропы производства Herbarista
Сиропы и топпинги производства Viscount Cane
Топпинги производства Dukatto
Продукты мясопереработки
Добавки воеже варёных колбас
149230 Докторская
149720 Докторская Мускат
149710 Докторская Кардамон
149240 Любительская
149260 Телячья
149270 Русская
149280 Молочная
149290 Чайная
Cосиски и сардельки
149300 Сосиски Сливочные
149310 Сосисики Любительские
149320 Сосиски Молочные
149330 Сосиски Русские
149350 Сардельки Говяжьи
149360 Сардельки Свиные
Полу- и варено-копченые колбасы
Полу- копченые и варено-копченые колбасы Разделение ГОСТ-RU
149430 Сервелат в/к
149420 Московская в/к
149370 Краковская
149380 Украинская
149390 Охотничьи колбаски п/к
149400 Одесская п/к
149410 Таллинская п/к
Деликатесы и ветчины Семейство LUX 130-200%
ZALTECH разработал серию продуктов LUX для ветчин
149960 Зельцбаух
119100 Ветчина Деревенская
124290 Шинкен комби
118720 Ветчина Деревенская Плюс
138470 Шинка Крестьянская
142420 Шинка Домашняя
147170 Флорида
148580 Ветчина Пицц
Сырокопченые колбасы Порядок ГОСТ RU
вид продуктов Zaltech воеже сырокопченых колбас ГОСТ
152360 Московская
152370 Столичная
152380 Зернистая
152390 Сервелат
152840 Советская
152850 Брауншвейгская
152860 Праздничная
номер продуктов Zaltech ради ливерных колбас
114630 Сметанковый паштет
118270 Паштет с паприкой
118300 Укропный паштет
114640 Грибной паштет
130820 Паштет Производительный
118280 Паштет Луковый
135220 Паштет коньячный
143500 Паштет Парижский
Сырокопченые деликатесы Традиции домашнего стола
Zaltech воеже производства сырокопченых деликатесов
153690 Шинкеншпек
154040 Карешпек
146910 Рошинкен ХАЛАЛ
127420 Евро шинкеншпек
117180 Евро сырокопченый шпик
Конвениенс продукты и полуфабрикаты
Функциональные продукты чтобы шприцевания свежего мяса
Zaltech предлагает серию продуктов Convenience
152520 Фрешмит лайт
148790 Фрешмит альфа
157350 Фрешмит экономи
160960 Фрешмит экономи S
158570 Фрешмит экономи плюс
153420Чикен комби Гриль
151190 Роаст Чикен
146950Чикен Иньект
Вендетта соевого белка и мяса бессознательный дообвалки
Функциональные продукты для замены соевого белка и МДМ
151170Эмуль Топ Реплейсер
157380 Эмул Топ Реплейсер II
151860Эмул Топ МДМ Реплейсер
ТУ для производителей колбас
ТУ 9213 -015-87170676-09 - Изделия колбасные вареные
ТУ 9213-419-01597945-07 - Изделия ветчины
ТУ 9213-438 -01597945-08 - Продукты деликатесные из говядины, свинины, баранины и оленины
ТУ 9214-002-93709636-08 - Полуфабрикаты мясные и мясосодержащие кусковые, рубленные
ТУ 9216-005-48772350-04 - Консервы мясные, паштеты
ТУ 9213-004-48772350-01 - Паштеты мясные деликатесные
ТУ 9213-019-87170676-2010 - Колбасные изделия полукопченые и варено-копченые
ТУ 9213-439 -01597945-08 - Продукты деликатесные из мяса птицы
ТУ 9213-010-48772350-05 - Колбасы сырокопченые и сыровяленые

<a href=http://xn----7sbabx4ajc9afspe.xn--p1ai/kontakty.html>подробней</a>
Справочник специй
Е - номера
Ножи и заточные станки
ножи для обвалки и жиловки
Ножи чтобы обвалки
Профессиональные ножи для первичной мясопереработки
Жиловочные ножи
Ножи ради нарезки
Ножи чтобы рыбы
Мусаты Секачи

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Покердом Казино это не просто платформа для азартных развлечений, это настоящая арена для смельчаков и сорвиголов, готовых рисковать ради богатства и адреналина. PokerDom Casino это место, где дерзкие решения приводят к великолепным победам. Ведь в азартных играх, как и в жизни, кто не рискует, тот не побеждает.PokerDom Casino это не просто сайт, это портал в азартный мир, где каждый клик это возможность сделать вашу жизнь более захватывающей. Покердом Казино понимает, что игра это не только риск, но и волнение, ожидание и надежда на успех. Ведь именно это делает игру такой интересной.

[854] Попробуй онлайн казино пок... JoyceHom - 2024/05/22(Wed) 16:56 No.930  

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Не упустите возможность скачать клиент на ПК и окунуться в мир PokerDom Casino. Здесь каждый спин барабана это как билет в мир невероятных эмоций и волнения. Мы приглашаем вас стать частью нашей азартной семьи, где каждый игрок это герой своей удачной истории.Добро пожаловать в мир азартных возможностей на официальном сайте PokerDom Casino! Если вы ищете место, где каждый спин барабанов может изменить вашу судьбу, то вы оказались по адресу. Покердом Казино это источник невероятных эмоций и шансов, который откроет перед вами дверь в мир слотов на реальные деньги.

[855] Попробуй онлайн казино пок... JoyceHom - 2024/05/22(Wed) 20:52 No.931  

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PokerDom Casino предлагает вам более чем просто возможность сделать ставку. Это ворота в мир невероятных возможностей, где каждый спин барабанов лицензионных автоматов открывает дверь к бескрайнему морю выигрышей. Каждое действие на Покердом Казино это как стратегический ход в игре, где каждый ход шаг к победе.Покердом Казино это город возможностей, где каждый игрок это герой своей собственной азартной истории. Наш официальный сайт PokerDom Casino это как вход в удивительный мир, где каждый клик по барабанам это новый поворот сюжета. Здесь вы найдете самые интересные лицензионные автоматы, которые дарят вам шанс ощутить азарт на пике.

[856] Попробуй покердом казино JoyceHom - 2024/05/23(Thu) 00:26 No.932  

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Наше Покердом Казино это больше, чем просто игра. Это целый мир, где риск и удача сливаются в единое целое. Играть онлайн в слоты на реальные деньги на PokerDom Casino это как плавание по реке азарта, где каждое вращение барабанов приносит новые ощущения и шансы.Добро пожаловать в мир азартных возможностей на официальном сайте PokerDom Casino! Если вы ищете место, где каждый спин барабанов может изменить вашу судьбу, то вы оказались по адресу. Покердом Казино это источник невероятных эмоций и шансов, который откроет перед вами дверь в мир слотов на реальные деньги.

[857] Попробуй сайт покердом JoyceHom - 2024/05/23(Thu) 08:07 No.933  

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Добро пожаловать в мир азартных возможностей, предоставляемых официальным сайтом PokerDom Casino! Здесь, на Покердом Казино, вас ожидают незабываемые приключения и захватывающий драйв игры в слоты на реальные деньги. Наше казино это не просто платформа для азартных игр, это целый уникальный мир, где вы сможете скачать клиент на ПК и погрузиться в увлекательную атмосферу азарта.Когда вы решите играть онлайн в слоты на реальные деньги, PokerDom Casino становится вашим надежным партнером в мире азартных развлечений. Официальный сайт Покердом Казино является ключом к вратам во впечатляющий азартный мир, где лицензионные автоматы расцветают во всей своей славе.

[858] Попробуй онлайн казино пок... JoyceHom - 2024/05/23(Thu) 12:01 No.934  

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Присоединяйтесь к PokerDom Casino и дайте себе возможность насладиться игрой в лицензионные автоматы, где каждый символ на барабане может принести вам невероятный выигрыш. Мы не просто казино, мы партнер, готовый подарить вам незабываемый опыт игры и шанс поймать удачу за хвост.Добро пожаловать в увлекательный мир азарта и возможностей на официальном сайте PokerDom Casino! Здесь каждый игрок как путешественник, готовый исследовать безграничные просторы слотов и испытать свою удачу в поисках богатства. Покердом Казино приглашает вас скачать клиент на ПК и окунуться в потрясающий мир лицензионных автоматов, где каждый спин барабанов может изменить вашу жизнь.

[859] Попробуй онлайн казино пок... JoyceHom - 2024/05/23(Thu) 15:56 No.935  

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Загрузите клиент на ПК, чтобы погрузиться в мир PokerDom Casino мир, где азарт и выигрыши переплетаются в захватывающем танце, мир, где вы можете стать настоящим героем своей азартной саги. Не упустите шанс пройти этот путь вместе с нами!Покердом Казино это не только игровая платформа, но и настоящий дом азартных мечтателей. На нашем официальном сайте вы найдете бесконечное разнообразие лицензионных автоматов, каждый из которых уникален как ваша азартная история. Наша команда разработчиков сделала все возможное, чтобы вам было комфортно и интересно.

[860] Попробуй покердом JoyceHom - 2024/05/23(Thu) 19:48 No.936  

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Добро пожаловать в мир азартных возможностей, предоставляемых официальным сайтом PokerDom Casino! Здесь, на Покердом Казино, вас ожидают незабываемые приключения и захватывающий драйв игры в слоты на реальные деньги. Наше казино это не просто платформа для азартных игр, это целый уникальный мир, где вы сможете скачать клиент на ПК и погрузиться в увлекательную атмосферу азарта.Играя в слоты на реальные деньги на PokerDom Casino, вы становитесь частью увлекательного сюжета, где каждый спин барабанов это шанс на бесконечные призовые комбинации. Покердом Казино это не только возможность выиграть, это искусство преобразовывать каждую ставку в незабвенный азартный опыт.

[861] Попробуй покердом казино JoyceHom - 2024/05/26(Sun) 05:16 No.937  

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Играть в лицензионные автоматы на PokerDom Casino это как закручивать барабаны удачи в свою сторону. Покердом Казино предоставляет вам соблазнительные возможности выигрыша, будь то маленький куш или крупный джекпот. Ваш азарт и стратегия становятся главными героями на этой виртуальной арене.Скачать клиент на ПК это шаг к безудержному азарту в уютной обстановке вашего дома. PokerDom Casino не просто предоставляет игры, это своеобразная битва с удачей, где ваше мастерство и стратегия могут изменить всю игру. Моменты взлетов и падений на Покердом Казино создают атмосферу азартной гонки, где каждая секунда имеет значение.

[862] Попробуй покердом казино JoyceHom - 2024/05/26(Sun) 08:51 No.938  

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Добро пожаловать в мир азартных возможностей, предоставляемых официальным сайтом PokerDom Casino! Здесь, на Покердом Казино, вас ожидают незабываемые приключения и захватывающий драйв игры в слоты на реальные деньги. Наше казино это не просто платформа для азартных игр, это целый уникальный мир, где вы сможете скачать клиент на ПК и погрузиться в увлекательную атмосферу азарта.Покердом Казино уделяет особое внимание качеству и разнообразию автоматов. У нас вы найдете все от классических слотов до современных лицензионных автоматов с потрясающей графикой и захватывающим геймплеем. Вас ожидает настоящий феерический калейдоскоп игровых моментов.

[863] Попробуй онлайн казино пок... JoyceHom - 2024/05/26(Sun) 12:45 No.939  

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Готовьтесь окунуться в мир азартных волнений и невероятных возможностей, ведь PokerDom Casino ждет вас на своем официальном сайте! Здесь каждый уголок пропитан атмосферой азарта, готовой потрясти ваше воображение. Скачать аппликацию и начать играть онлайн в слоты на реальные деньги ? это как сделать решительный шаг в бескрайний океан удовольствий.PokerDom Casino предоставляет вам возможность не только играть, но и побеждать. Каждый спин барабана это шанс на большой выигрыш, а каждая ставка ступень к финансовому успеху. Наше Покердом Казино это арена, где смелость и удача встречаются, чтобы создать историю азартной победы.

[864] Попробуй сайт покердом JoyceHom - 2024/05/26(Sun) 16:48 No.940  

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PokerDom Casino это не просто игра, это образ жизни для тех, кто готов рискнуть, чтобы выиграть. Играть в слоты на реальные деньги на Покердом Казино это искусство, в котором каждый ход это как мазок кисти на холсте. Сделайте свой ход, скачайте клиент на ПК и начните свой путь к азартным вершинам на PokerDom Casino!Играть онлайн в слоты на реальные деньги это как стать путешественником между мирами азарта и риска. PokerDom Casino предоставляет вам билет в этот мир, где вы можете стать архитектором своей удачи. На официальном сайте Покердом Казино вы найдете лицензионные автоматы, созданные ведущими разработчиками, чтобы удивить вас каждым вращением.

[865] Попробуй покердом JoyceHom - 2024/05/26(Sun) 20:42 No.941  

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PokerDom Casino предоставляет вам возможность не только играть, но и побеждать. Каждый спин барабана это шанс на большой выигрыш, а каждая ставка ступень к финансовому успеху. Наше Покердом Казино это арена, где смелость и удача встречаются, чтобы создать историю азартной победы.Каждая игра в лицензионные автоматы на PokerDom Casino это как отдельная история, полная увлекательных поворотов событий. Наше Покердом Казино ставит вашу удачу на кон, предоставляя широкий выбор игр, от классических фруктовых автоматов до тематических слотов с захватывающими сюжетами.

[866] Попробуй сайт покердом JoyceHom - 2024/05/27(Mon) 00:41 No.942  

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Скачать клиент на ПК это как старт в увлекательное путешествие по миру PokerDom Casino. Он открывает двери в азартное царство, где вы сами выбираете свой путь к успеху. Вам предоставляется возможность наслаждаться игрой в любое время, не зависимо от расписания или местоположения.Играть онлайн в слоты на реальные деньги на PokerDom Casino это как бесконечный калейдоскоп азартных возможностей, где каждый вращение барабанов может привести к впечатляющему выигрышу. Покердом Казино предоставляет вам платформу, где ставки сочетаются с азартом, а удача с навыками.

[867] Попробуй покердом казино JoyceHom - 2024/05/27(Mon) 04:40 No.943  

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Покердом Казино это не только игровая платформа, но и настоящий дом азартных мечтателей. На нашем официальном сайте вы найдете бесконечное разнообразие лицензионных автоматов, каждый из которых уникален как ваша азартная история. Наша команда разработчиков сделала все возможное, чтобы вам было комфортно и интересно.PokerDom Casino это не просто место, где можно играть, это мир, где каждый ставший героем спин может изменить вашу судьбу. Скачайте клиент на ПК и начните путь к своим азартным победам прямо сейчас. Ваша удача ждет вас, и PokerDom Casino поможет вам ее обрести.

[868] Попробуй покердом JoyceHom - 2024/05/27(Mon) 08:34 No.944  

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Скачать клиент на ПК это ваш билет в мир PokerDom Casino, где каждый ставит на кон свою удачу и готов пойти на риск ради счастья. Покердом Казино предоставляет вам возможность играть в слоты на реальные деньги в уютной обстановке вашего дома, ощущая весь палитру азартных эмоций.Специально для вас, PokerDom Casino создал уникальную атмосферу азарта и удовольствия. Лицензионные автоматы, доступные на нашем официальном сайте, гарантируют честность и надежность каждой игры. Ведь мы понимаем, что ваша удача заслуживает только лучшего.

[869] Попробуй покердом казино JoyceHom - 2024/05/27(Mon) 16:30 No.945  

<a href="http://www.samaramed.ru/forum/health/topic_35558.html ">https://ya.2bb.ru/viewtopic.php?id=14152 </a>
Особенностью PokerDom Casino является его обширная коллекция лицензионных автоматов. Здесь каждый игрок найдет свой уникальный путь к богатству. Каждый слот это как отдельная живая сущность, которая приносит вам массу удовольствия и возможность сорвать заветный джекпот.Покердом Казино это город возможностей, где каждый игрок это герой своей собственной азартной истории. Наш официальный сайт PokerDom Casino это как вход в удивительный мир, где каждый клик по барабанам это новый поворот сюжета. Здесь вы найдете самые интересные лицензионные автоматы, которые дарят вам шанс ощутить азарт на пике.

[870] Попробуй онлайн казино пок... JoyceHom - 2024/05/27(Mon) 20:21 No.946  

<a href="https://www.btabp.hu/?attachment_id=1091 ">http://www.pets-ural.ru/content/forum/viewtopic.php?p=46063 </a>
PokerDom Казино ? это не просто игра, это стиль жизни, где каждый спин барабанов может повернуть ваш мир вверх ногами. Наш официальный сайт это как ворота в страну невероятных возможностей, где каждый игрок становится героем своей собственной истории. Каждая крутка барабанов ? это как мгновение настоящей магии, где вы сами создаете свою удачу.Добро пожаловать в виртуальное царство азарта и удовольствия PokerDom Casino! Если вас манят возможности пополнить свой кошелек в увлекательной игре, то вы на верном пути. Покердом Казино это официальный сайт, который открывает перед вами мир возможностей для скачивания и игры онлайн в захватывающие слоты на реальные деньги.

[871] Попробуй pokerdom JoyceHom - 2024/05/28(Tue) 00:03 No.947  

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Мусульмане не употребляют свинину по ряду причин, среди которых основной фактор религиозные предписания. Согласно исламу, свинина запретный продукт, что означает запрет на её употребление.

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сосед затопляет участковый
соседи затопили балкон
соседи затопили квартиру и отказываются оплатить
соседи затопили отключили воду
соседи затопили потолок
соседи немного затопили что делать
умерший затопил соседей
затопили квартиру куда обращаться
затопило квартиру
затопило квартиру кто виноват
затопило квартиру по вине
затопило квартиру что делать
затопило квартиру водой
затопило квартиру москва
сосед затопил квартиру куда обращаться
затопил сосед горячей водой
затопил соседей что грозит
затопил соседей сколько платить
затопили соседей как действовать
затопили соседей что делать куда обращаться
затопили соседей стяжкой
затопили технику соседей
кот открыл кран и затопил соседей
куда обращаться если затопили соседи
лопнул шланг затопили соседей
лопнула батарея затопили соседей кто виноват
лопнула гибкая подводка затопили соседей
лопнула гибкая подводка затопили соседей кто виноват
лопнула подводка затопил соседей
муниципальная квартира затопила соседей
потекла батарея затопили соседей
прорвало трубу затопили соседей
прорвало шланг затопили соседей
прорвет затопите соседей
протек счетчик воды затопил соседей чья вина
ребенок затопил соседей
сорвало кран затопили соседей кто виноват
соседи говорят что их затопили
холодильник затопили соседи
кот затопил квартиру
прорвало трубу в квартире затопили соседей
прорвало трубу затопило квартиру
квартирант затопил соседей кто отвечает
квартирант затопил соседей кто платит
квартиранты затопили соседей что делать
наниматель затопил соседей
квартиранты затопили соседей снизу кто
квартиранты затопили соседей снизу кто платит
квартиранты затопили соседей снизу что делать
рабочие затопили соседей
снимаю квартиру затопили соседи
арендатор затопил соседей кто возмещает ущерб
затопили соседей квартира съемная
квартиросъемщик затопил соседей
квартиросъемщик залил вашу квартиру и умер
арендаторы затопили соседей кто будет платить
жильцы затопили соседей
затопили ванну соседи сверху
соседи сверху затопили ванную комнату
соседи затопили ванну
соседи затопили ванную что делать
соседи затопили ванную комнату
затопили соседи сверху квартира застрахована
квартира застрахована затопили соседи сверху что делать
затопили соседи страховой случай
затопили соседей какая страховка
затопила соседей квартиры застрахованы
залили застрахованную квартиру что делать
залили застрахованную квартиру соседей
залита застрахованная квартира
затопило застрахованную квартиру
затопили соседи сверху составить акт
соседи затопили что делать составлен акт протечки
иск залили квартиру
исковое заявление залили квартиру
затопили соседи иск
затопили соседи исковое
залило квартиру акт
претензия залили квартиру
претензия соседям затопившим квартиру
квартира в ипотеке затопили соседи
залили квартиру ипотека
соседи затопили ипотечную квартиру
если залил квартиру соседу
залили квартиру что делать виновнику
сосед залил квартиру что делать
сосед залил квартиру куда обратиться
соседи залили квартиру как возместить
соседи залили квартиру что делать куда обращаться
соседи залили квартиру порядок действий
если залили квартиру что делать
если соседи залили квартиру к кому обращаться
залили водой квартиру что делать
залили квартиру
залили квартиру кто виноват
залили квартиру что делать куда обращаться
залили квартиру что делать пострадавшему
залили квартиру горячей водой
залили квартиру кипятком
залили квартиру москва
залили квартиру порядок действий
залили муниципальную квартиру
залило пол в квартире что делать
залило проводку в квартире
залило стены в квартире
квартиру залило водой
квартиру залило через
канализация затопила квартиру
квартиру залило говном
заливает квартиру канализацией
затапливают квартиру канализацией
к кому обращаться если затопили соседи
кто должен платить если затопили соседей
при заливке пола затопили соседей
аквариум затопил соседей
верхний этаж затопили соседей
виноватый затоплять сосед
заливали пол затопили соседей
затапливаю соседей в туалете
затопил квартиру соседей какая ответственность
компенсация ущерба от залива
исковое заявление о компенсации залива
компенсация за залив
компенсация за залив квартиры
компенсация морального вреда при заливе
компенсация морального вреда залив квартиры
получить компенсацию залив
заливает квартиру постоянно
заливает потолок в квартире
заливают квартиру куда обращаться
куда жаловаться на соседей которые заливают квартиру
куда звонить если заливает квартиру
куда звонить если заливает квартиру в москве
соседи заливают квартиру и не открывают
соседи постоянно заливают квартиру что делать
кого вызывать при потопе в квартире
потоп в квартире
потоп в квартире куда звонить
потоп в чужой квартире
потоп воды в квартире
произошел потоп в квартире
затопили соседи оценщик
оценка залитой квартиры
оценка после потопа квартиры [/url]

[944] нова година в турция ElenaReuby - 2024/10/12(Sat) 11:12 No.1020   HomePage

<a href=https://www.mistralbg.com/praznici/nova-godina-v-turcia>нова година в турция ол инклузив</a>

[945] приемка квартиры от застро... ExpertTip - 2024/10/16(Wed) 07:36 No.1021   HomePage

Всем привет
Наша компания проводит акцию по бесплатной приемке квартир у застройщика ГК Инград
в Москве и Московской области,
приемка для вас будет абсалютно бесплатна при заключении договора на взыскание компенсации за строительные недостатки,
за который вы оплачиваете только гонорар успеха и возмещение судебных расходов.

Порядок приемки квартиры по законодательству России
Принятие квартиры является важным этапом в процессе приобретения жилья. Согласно статье 4 Федерального закона 214-ФЗ Об участии в долевом строительстве… основными обязанностями участника долевого строительства является оплата установленной договором цены и принятие объекта долевого строительства.
В данной статье мы обозначим точный порядок действий участника долевого строительства при приемке квартиры с учетом действующих норм закона.
1. Получение сообщения от застройщика о готовности объекта недвижимости к передаче и необходимости принятия объекта долевого строительства.


приемка квартиры от застройщика самостоятельно

[url=https://priemka-kvartiry-pik.ru/]помощь в приемке квартиры
приемка квартиры
приемка квартиры в новостройке
приемка квартиры в новостройке с отделкой
приемка квартиры москва
Как правильно принять квартиру от застройщика?
чек лист для приемки квартиры от застройщика
заказать приемщика квартиры
отзыв приемщику квартиры
приемку квартиры от застройщика
приемщик квартиры в новостройке цена
приемка квартир от застройщика в москве
приемка квартир под отделку
приемка квартиры с отделкой советы
компания по приемке квартиры у застройщика
претензии при приемке квартиры от застройщика
чек лист приемки квартиры от застройщика
приемка квартиры без отделки чек лист
приемка квартиры с отделкой что проверять
критерии приемки квартиры в новостройке от застройщика
пик приемка квартиры специалист
доверенность на приемку квартиры у застройщика по дду
как осуществить приемку квартиры от застройщика
приемка квартиры в новостройке с черновой отделкой
найти приемщика квартир
домклик приемка квартиры в новостройке от застройщика
приемка квартиры от застройщика фирмы
приемка квартиры документы от застройщика
этапы приемки квартиры у застройщика
приемка квартиры от застройщика специалист
самостоятельная приемка квартиры без отделки
правила приемки квартир с отделкой
приемка квартиры застройщика новостройке
порядок приемки квартиры в новостройке у застройщика
чек лист приемка квартиры в новостройке с отделкой
услуги приемщика квартиры
приемка квартиры у застройщика услуга
приемка квартиры от застройщика стоимость
инженер приемщик квартир
нужна ли приемка квартиры без отделки
стоимость приемки квартиры в новостройке с отделкой
услуги приемщика квартиры в новостройке
приемка квартиры у застройщика снип
приемка квартиры от застройщика самостоятельно [/url]

[url=https://priemka-kvartiry-pik.ru/]Эксперт по приемке ПИК[/url]


[946] приемка квартир от застрой... ExpertTip - 2024/10/18(Fri) 05:58 No.1022   HomePage

Всем привет
Наша компания проводит акцию по бесплатной приемке квартир у застройщика 42) АО "СПЕЦИАЛИЗИРОВАННЫЙ ЗАСТРОЙЩИК
в Москве и Московской области,
приемка для вас будет абсалютно бесплатна при заключении договора на взыскание компенсации за строительные недостатки,
за который вы оплачиваете только гонорар успеха и возмещение судебных расходов.

Порядок приемки квартиры по законодательству России
Принятие квартиры является важным этапом в процессе приобретения жилья. Согласно статье 4 Федерального закона 214-ФЗ Об участии в долевом строительстве… основными обязанностями участника долевого строительства является оплата установленной договором цены и принятие объекта долевого строительства.
В данной статье мы обозначим точный порядок действий участника долевого строительства при приемке квартиры с учетом действующих норм закона.
1. Получение сообщения от застройщика о готовности объекта недвижимости к передаче и необходимости принятия объекта долевого строительства.


приемка квартир от застройщика в москве

[url=https://priemka-kvartiry-pik.ru/]помощь в приемке квартиры
приемка квартиры
приемка квартиры в новостройке
приемка квартиры в новостройке с отделкой
приемка квартиры москва
Как правильно принять квартиру от застройщика?
чек лист для приемки квартиры от застройщика
заказать приемщика квартиры
отзыв приемщику квартиры
приемку квартиры от застройщика
приемщик квартиры в новостройке цена
приемка квартир от застройщика в москве
приемка квартир под отделку
приемка квартиры с отделкой советы
компания по приемке квартиры у застройщика
претензии при приемке квартиры от застройщика
чек лист приемки квартиры от застройщика
приемка квартиры без отделки чек лист
приемка квартиры с отделкой что проверять
критерии приемки квартиры в новостройке от застройщика
пик приемка квартиры специалист
доверенность на приемку квартиры у застройщика по дду
как осуществить приемку квартиры от застройщика
приемка квартиры в новостройке с черновой отделкой
найти приемщика квартир
домклик приемка квартиры в новостройке от застройщика
приемка квартиры от застройщика фирмы
приемка квартиры документы от застройщика
этапы приемки квартиры у застройщика
приемка квартиры от застройщика специалист
самостоятельная приемка квартиры без отделки
правила приемки квартир с отделкой
приемка квартиры застройщика новостройке
порядок приемки квартиры в новостройке у застройщика
чек лист приемка квартиры в новостройке с отделкой
услуги приемщика квартиры
приемка квартиры у застройщика услуга
приемка квартиры от застройщика стоимость
инженер приемщик квартир
нужна ли приемка квартиры без отделки
стоимость приемки квартиры в новостройке с отделкой
услуги приемщика квартиры в новостройке
приемка квартиры у застройщика снип
приемка квартиры от застройщика самостоятельно [/url]

[url=https://priemka-kvartiry-pik.ru/]Эксперт по приемке ПИК[/url]


[947] застраховка гражданска отг... SvetlaFlope - 2024/11/01(Fri) 08:43 No.1023   HomePage

Разглеждайки темата за гражданската отговорност, няма как да не споменем удобствата и условията, които предлага Болерон при дигитално сключване на тази услуга.
Болерон ускорява процеса, като предлага бърза и лесна платформа за онлайн сключване на полица, което икономисва време и грижи на потребителите. Освен това, компанията предлага изгодни цени и прозрачни оферти, което дава възможност на клиентите да вземат информирано решение. Дигиталното решение на Болерон е отлично за всички, които предпочитат лесното и достъпното, когато става въпрос за застраховка Гражданска отговорност“.

[url=https://www.boleron.bg/grazhdanska-otgovornost-online/]гражданска отговорност мпс [/url]

[948] гражданска отговорност за ... SvetlaFlope - 2024/11/06(Wed) 01:19 No.1024   HomePage

Разглеждайки темата за застраховката Гражданска отговорност“, няма как да не споменем удобствата и условията, които предлага Болерон при онлайн сключване на тази полица.
Болерон оптимизира процеса, като предлага бърза и удобна платформа за онлайн сключване на полица, което икономисва време и ресурси на клиентите. Освен това, компанията предлага конкурентни тарифи и ясни условия, което осигурява възможност на клиентите да направят информиран избор. Дигиталното решение на Болерон е перфектно за всички, които предпочитат лесното и достъпното, когато става въпрос за застраховка Гражданска отговорност“.

[url=https://www.boleron.bg/grazhdanska-otgovornost-online/]цени на гражданска отговорност калкулатор [/url]

[949] поликистоза на яйчниците м... LidiaFlope - 2024/11/09(Sat) 05:17 No.1025   HomePage

Здравейте на всички в групата!
Исках да се включа в темата, защото и аз имам проблеми с поликистозни яйчници и знам колко сложно може да бъде. При мен признаците включват непостоянен цикъл, проблеми с кожата и постоянна умора. Изпробвала съм различни начини и искам да споделя какво ми е дало добри резултати досега.
На първо място, преразглеждането на начина на хранене беше голям фактор намалих захарта и рафинираните въглехидрати, а вместо това добавих повече пълнозърнести продукти, зеленчуци и полезни мазнини. Освен това, мио-инозитол и витамин D се оказаха полезни за мен. Забелязах, че цикълът ми стана малко по-редовен и се усещам по-жизнена.
Разбира се, всичко е много лично и препоръчвам да се консултирате с специалист, за да намерите оптималния подходящ метод за вас. Но не се отказвайте! С малки стъпки и подкрепа от специалисти, нещата започват да се подобряват.

[url=https://ovee.bg/blogs/news/sindrom-na-polikistoznite-yaichnitsi-simptomi-prichini-lechenie]поликистоза на яйчниците витамини [/url]

[950] семейни почивки SilviaFlope - 2024/11/11(Mon) 02:19 No.1026   HomePage

Здравейте на всички във форума! Искам да споделя уникалното си преживяване с Exotic Holiday прекрасна агенция, която силно препоръчвам на всеки, който желае за екзотична почивка или вълнуваща екскурзия до екзотични дестинации. Тази година използвах техните оферти и избрах почивка на райски остров Малдивите, и това беше мечтано преживяване! Мястото беше като от картичка: екзотични плажове, кристално чиста вода и истински лукс.
За тези, които търсят нещо по-различно, Екзотик Холидей предлагат богата селекция от културни обиколки, сафари приключения и екскурзии до Африка, Южна Америка и Азия. Аз съм запланувала няколко техни предложения за обиколка на древни цивилизации и еко туризъм в Амазонската джунгла, което звучи страхотно за следващото ми пътуване.
Без съмнение те осигуряват качество на услугите и внимание към детайлите от настаняване до местни гидове и културни преживявания. Ако жадувате истинско екзотично приключение или просто релакс на тропически остров, не се колебайте да се консултирате с тях!

[url=https://exoticholiday.bg]екзотични почивки [/url]

[951] билайн телевидение Donaldexpom - 2024/12/10(Tue) 14:28 No.1027   HomePage

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Най-добрите модели пижами за комфортна почивка, които ще се харесат на вашето дете.
Най-добрите модели рокли за деца, които ще направят дъщеря ви истинска принцеса.
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[2:3] 20110325少し手直し(マイナーチェンジ) 投稿者:泰司 投稿日:2011/03/26(Sat) 00:00 No.5  


Download:5.mpo 5.mpo (38 kB)  
実画像サイズ400 x 240 ( 38 kB )
Exif 情報
モデル名Nintendo 3DS
撮影日時2011:02:26 21:51:48
画像の幅 x 高さ400x240

全 Exif 情報表示...

[2] Re: 20110325少し手直し(マイナーチェンジ) 泰司 - 2011/03/26(Sat) 00:06 No.6  


Download:6.mpo 6.mpo (44 kB)  
実画像サイズ400 x 240 ( 44 kB )
Exif 情報
モデル名Nintendo 3DS
撮影日時2011:02:27 15:09:59
画像の幅 x 高さ400x240

全 Exif 情報表示...

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[3:3] 大きめのファイル 投稿者:泰司 投稿日:2011/04/19(Tue) 19:16 No.7   HomePage


Download:7.mpo 7.mpo (9,850 kB)  
実画像サイズ3648 x 2736 ( 9,850 kB )
Exif 情報
モデル名FinePix REAL 3D W1
ソフトウェア名Digital Camera FinePix REAL 3D W1 Ver1.00
撮影日時2010:03:21 12:53:34
画像の幅 x 高さ3648x2736
ISO 感度 / 露出補正値100 / 0.0
露出時間/絞り1/200 秒 / F 8.0
露出補正値 0.0
フラッシュ非発光, 自動
焦点距離 (35mm 換算) 6.3 mm (データなし)

全 Exif 情報表示...

[2] なせばなる 泰司 - 2011/04/19(Tue) 19:26 No.8   HomePage


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???_???儷 _广????_?償??br/>???_???儷 gide<br/>モンクレール ダウンベスト http://plusgruppen.dk/download/info.htm???_???儷 ????????鍋借??br/>???_???儷??埜_????br/>???_???儷_???繧・闃?br/>モンクレール ダウン ベスト レディース http://plusgruppen.dk/download/info.htm3 ???_???儷??_??????┿?

[4:5] シェリル 投稿者:3dss 投稿日:2011/07/13(Wed) 15:36 No.13  


Download:13.mpo 13.mpo (340 kB)  
実画像サイズ640 x 480 ( 340 kB )
Exif 情報
モデル名Nintendo 3DS
撮影日時2011:06:26 22:54:16
画像の幅 x 高さ640x480

全 Exif 情報表示...

[2] Re: シェリル 泰司 - 2011/07/17(Sun) 09:43 No.14  



[3] Re: シェリル 3dss - 2011/07/20(Wed) 00:04 No.15  

こちらのサイトを見つけてから、全く更新されなかったので、一度投稿してみようかな と思い投稿した次第です。

[4] Re: シェリル 泰司 - 2011/07/21(Thu) 20:57 No.16   HomePage


Download:16.mpo 16.mpo (147 kB)  
実画像サイズ640 x 480 ( 147 kB )
Exif 情報
モデル名Nintendo 3DS
撮影日時2011:07:21 20:43:05
画像の幅 x 高さ640x480

全 Exif 情報表示...


[5] モンクレール ダウンベスト モンクレール ダウンベスト - 2015/01/08(Thu) 13:23 No.206   HomePage

???_???儷s<br/>???_???儷 渚℃?<br/>モンクレール ダウンベスト http://www.jcplfl.org/JCPLWeb/js/moncler.html???_???儷 ??x??_??_便???br/>3 ???_???儷 ??_般儉_??_????br/>???_???儷_?????12a<br/>ダウンジャケットブランド http://plusgruppen.dk/download/info.htm????堝附

[5:60] 電子書籍ファイルのアッ府 テスト 投稿者:泰司 投稿日:2014/03/26(Wed) 19:03 No.17  

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カシオ テプラ テープ http://luxophile.com.au/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@2@9@9@2014110719040057qg.html

[4] カシオ 防水 カシオ 防水 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 02:14 No.54   HomePage

ちょうどあなたの記事より少し多くを| 追加などについて|あなたは今まで思想とみなさがありますか?とすべて、私はあなたが が言うことを意味する。またはグラフィックあなたはいくつかの素晴らしいを追加した場合それにもかかわらず、|より多くのあなたの記事を与えるために、ビデオクリップ動画 "ポップ、 "!あなたのコンテンツが優れているがと画像と動画、この紛れもなく、間違いなくでしたサイトのいずれかである フィールド|そのニッチ最高。 極上ブログ!
カシオ 防水 http://design4ustore.it/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@7@0@3@2014110718103654sl.html

[5] casio mtd 1046 casio mtd 1046 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 02:14 No.55   HomePage

casio mtd 1046 http://georgia-goldfish.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@5@1@5@2014110717442566is.html

[6] カシオ 腕時計 マンタ カシオ 腕時計 マンタ - 2014/11/09(Sun) 02:14 No.56   HomePage

作成|あなたはと考えについて考えたことがあります電子書籍他の上またはゲストオーサリング?あなたが議論アイデアとするのと同じ上の 私がブログを持って愛は持っている、いくつかの物語/情報を共有する。 視聴者楽しむだろうあなたの作品私は自分を知っている。場合は電子メールの電子メールあなたがしているでもリモートで興味を持って、お気軽にシュートを送る。
カシオ 腕時計 マンタ http://miamarajewelry.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@6@7@3@2014110718302119eg.html

[7] カシオ 腕時計 wave ceptor 取扱説明書 カシオ 腕時計 wave ceptor 取扱説明書 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 05:31 No.63   HomePage

こんにちは|プラットフォームあなたののためのサイトのブログのWordpressを使用していますか?私は、ブログの世界に新たなんだけど、始めるしようと作るよ私自身を。あなたが必要でくださいどんな htmlのコーディング|自分のブログを作るために知識ノウハウを?すべてのヘルプは大いにされるであろうが理解!
カシオ 腕時計 wave ceptor 取扱説明書 http://vaninyhandbag.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@5@0@9@2014110719314834rh.html

[8] イザベルマラン スカート イザベルマラン スカート - 2014/11/09(Sun) 05:32 No.64   HomePage

それは、残念だ、ボタンを寄付していない!私は、間違いなくたいブログこの素晴らしいに寄付!私は、としますと私のGoogleアカウントにRSSフィードを追加することになりました私はのために解決しますため。私は、新鮮な新しいを楽しみにして更新と話意志私のFacebookのグループと この。すぐに|トークチャット!
イザベルマラン スカート http://tenerifebargain.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/isabel-marant-175/gqd9@0g2014110715581865sk.html

[9] エコー靴通販 エコー靴通販 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 05:32 No.65   HomePage

こんにちは! 検索エンジン最適化のSEOと| 助ける助け彼らはへのプラグインを作る場合は、知っていますか? 私はいくつかのターゲットを絞ったキーワードのためにランク付けする私のブログを取得しようとしているが、私は非常に良いを見ていないよ。あなたが知っているなら共有してください。 おかげ!
エコー靴通販 http://syedarshadsaeedkazmi.com/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/HOGAN-686/xg@12014110716594317ak.html

[10] 革靴 アウトレット 革靴 アウトレット - 2014/11/09(Sun) 05:32 No.66   HomePage

このブログ負荷に|絵画像で問題うーん誰が ?私は、にしようとしている、その場合には、私の端に問題があるか、それがブログの場合は、。どれフィードバックは、いただければ幸いです。
革靴 アウトレット http://hksculptures.com/wp-content/themes/maya/HOGAN-686/fa@72014110716325040ac.html

[11] casio fx-4850p casio fx-4850p - 2014/11/09(Sun) 05:54 No.67   HomePage

ヘイ!私はこれがオフトピックちょっと知っているただし、私は考え出したのだ、私はお願いしたい。あなたがに興味があるトレーディングリンクまたは多分ゲストオーサリングポストをまたはその逆?マイ同じたくさんのサイト議論の上行くトピックをあなたと私は信じと私たちは大いに相互に利益を得ることができる。あれば興味がシュートまでお気軽電子メールの電子メール私にあなたがすることが起こる。私はあなたからの聴取を楽しみにしています! ワンダフルエクセレント経由でブログ!
casio fx-4850p http://devernois-shop.ru/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@8@1@7@2014110717454708po.html

[12] oceanus oceanus - 2014/11/09(Sun) 05:55 No.68   HomePage

こんにちは!私はこれがオフトピックちょっと知っているしかし私は考え出したのだ、私はお願いしたい。あなたがに興味がある交換リンクまたは多分ゲストオーサリングブログ記事またはその逆?マイ同じたくさんのサイト トピックをあなたと私は感じると私たちは大いに相互に利益を得ることができる。あれば興味がシュートまでお気軽電子メールの電子メールあなたは。私はあなたからの聴取を楽しみにしています! 経由でブログ!
oceanus http://bridge-guitar.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@5@4@7@2014110717140873ns.html

[13] casio exilim casio exilim - 2014/11/09(Sun) 05:55 No.69   HomePage

こんにちはちょうどあなたに素早く頭を与えたいと思った。 |あなたはテキストの単語の画面からはみ出ているように見える Firefoxの。問題またはブラウザとは何か|これは書式形式である場合、私はよく分からないの互換性が、私は思った私はあなたが知っているように投稿したいと思います。 デザインとスタイルはしかしとてもよく似合う!あなたが得るホープすぐに問題固定。 乾杯
casio exilim http://leobijoux.com/wp-content/themes/samarcanda/casio-2219/@0@3@0@2014110717104701qr.html

[14] カシオ gショック ブルーツス カシオ gショック ブルーツス - 2014/11/09(Sun) 05:55 No.70   HomePage

;サイトサイトこれについて|スパム問題問題を持っていますか私もブロガーだ、と私はいた疑問あなたの状況を、 私たちは作成しているいくつかの素晴らしい方法、私たちが見ているとスワップとメソッドテクニック他人 、興味を持っている場合|電子メールの電子メール私に撃つお願い。
カシオ gショック ブルーツス http://lowcosttradewindows.co.uk/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@8@2@9@2014110718535748yy.html

[15] casio 電子辞書 ケース casio 電子辞書 ケース - 2014/11/09(Sun) 05:55 No.71   HomePage

コロラドからのご挨拶!私は今死に退屈職場では私がすることを決めたブラウズ昼休み私のiPhone上の あなた。私は本当に好き知識あなた提供ここに、私が家に帰る時に見てみるのを待つことはできません。 、| とにかくとにかく ..、携帯電話、モバイル ..私も使っていない無線LANだけで3Gを私の上にロードされ、ブログ|どのように速く、迅速にで私は驚いてショックを受けよ優れたサイト!
casio 電子辞書 ケース http://saadiadesign.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@2@2@2@2014110717290555dd.html

[16] casio aw-571 casio aw-571 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 06:55 No.72   HomePage

こんにちは!ウェブサイトあなたがこのために使用しているオフトピック多少ちょっとが、私はどのブログのプラットフォームを思っていた私は、これは知っている? Wordpressのの私が持っていたので|ハッカーと問題問題と私は見ている私は、得ている|他のプラットフォーム用のオプションの選択肢。私は次のようになります素晴らしいあなたは良いプラットフォームの方向に私を指すことができれば。
casio aw-571 http://blacklilygallery.net/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@4@3@2@2014110718091416uu.html

[17] カシオ gショック 電波ソーラー カシオ gショック 電波ソーラー - 2014/11/09(Sun) 11:34 No.88   HomePage

ちょうどあなたの記事より少し多くを| 追加などについて|あなたは今まで思想とみなさがありますか?とすべて、私はあなたが が言うことを意味する。または写真のビジュアルあなたはいくつかの素晴らしいを追加した場合しかし|より多くのあなたの記事を与えるために、ビデオクリップ動画 "ポップ、 "!あなたのコンテンツが優れているがと画像とクリップ、この確かにでしたウェブサイトのブログのいずれかである最も有益フィールド|そのニッチ最高。 ファンタスティックブログ!
カシオ gショック 電波ソーラー http://nod32-vlg.ru/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@5@5@2@2014110719050452gp.html

[18] casio exword casio exword - 2014/11/09(Sun) 11:34 No.89   HomePage

私は好奇心したあなたは今までにみなさ場合は、変更してくださいのレイアウト?その非常によく書かれ;私はyouveは言うようになったものが大好きです。しかし、多分あなたは少しより多くのコンテンツの方法で人々はそれで良い接続できるできるよう。 写真画像|または22|ホードは11持つためにテキストの非常に多くを得た。たぶん、あなたは宇宙、それをより良いだろうか?
casio exword http://jksastrology.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@0@9@7@2014110717260921ub.html

[19] カシオ デジカメ 電池 カシオ デジカメ 電池 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 11:34 No.90   HomePage

私が仕事であったが、私の妹は 25| iphone、それは30生き残ることができるかどうかを確認するためにテスト下垂足は、ちょうどので、彼女はYouTubeの感覚することができます。私と彼女は83景色を眺めることができます は今破壊さ壊れされている。私は、これは知っているオフトピックが、私は誰かとそれを共有していた!
カシオ デジカメ 電池 http://koninguil.be/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/casio-2219/@1@5@9@2014110717144641bn.html

[20] casio te-120 casio te-120 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 11:34 No.91   HomePage

ちょうどあなたの記事より少し多くを| 追加などについて|あなたは今まで思想とみなさがありますか?とすべて、私はあなたが が言うことを意味する。または あなたはいくつかの素晴らしいを追加した場合それにもかかわらず、|より多くのあなたの記事を与えるために、ビデオクリップ動画 "ポップ、想像する "!あなたのコンテンツが優れているがと写真と動画、この確かにでした のいずれかである フィールド|そのニッチ最高。 ワンダフル良い優秀ブログ!
casio te-120 http://luxophile.com.au/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@3@2@0@2014110718022350ns.html

[21] カシオ 名古屋 販売店 カシオ 名古屋 販売店 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 23:51 No.95   HomePage

スウィートブログ!ヤフーニュースで検索間、私はそれを見つけました。ヤフーニュースに記載されて取得する方法について| 提案のヒント何かありますか?私はしばらくの間しようとしてきたが、私はそこに着くように見えることはありません! おかげ
カシオ 名古屋 販売店 http://atochajewelry.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@1@4@8@2014110719033136qi.html

[22] カシオ ex-zr50 カシオ ex-zr50 - 2014/11/09(Sun) 23:51 No.96   HomePage

私は今|ウェブサイト 本当に本当にあなたのデザインとレイアウトを楽しんで。それはなっている目には非常に簡単ですそれがはるか??に楽しい楽しい私はここに来て、より頻繁に訪問するために。あなたのテーマを作成するために|開発者、設計者あなたが雇うましたか? 優秀働く!
カシオ ex-zr50 http://jksastrology.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@1@5@3@2014110718051134pv.html

[23] casio データバンク casio データバンク - 2014/11/09(Sun) 23:51 No.97   HomePage

casio データバンク http://srconsignment.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@4@1@0@2014110717275292vr.html

[24] f-105 casio f-105 casio - 2014/11/09(Sun) 23:51 No.98   HomePage

鑑賞公約あなたが入れウェブサイトと深さ情報あなた提供。イッツ素晴らしい不要な時代遅れ情報材料再ハッシュをそれは同じではありませんしながら、たまに中のブログに遭遇する。 素晴らしい読んでください!あなたのサイトと私は追加だ|私は、ブックマークを保存した事があるRSSフィード私のGoogleアカウントにフィード。
f-105 casio http://agamdesign.com/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/casio-2219/@6@9@2@2014110717314682zx.html

[25] カシオ かけ時計 カシオ かけ時計 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 09:08 No.105   HomePage

ねえ簡単に素早く率い、あなたが数を知らせる|正しくロードされていない画像を写真はちょうどあなたに与えたいと思った。私はよく分からない理由が、私はそのリンクの問題だと思います。 私は2つの異なるでそれを試してみたし、両方が同じ結果。
カシオ かけ時計 http://outriggersdirect.com.au/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@0@0@2@2014110717483396wz.html

[26] カシオ 腕時計 釣り カシオ 腕時計 釣り - 2014/11/10(Mon) 09:08 No.106   HomePage

私は最初にときに同じコメントを持つ|電子メールの電子メールコメントし私は今、"新しいコメントが追加された時に通知する」チェックボックスとコメントは、私は 取得追加されるたびにクリックしました。そのサービスからの| 人々を私あなたが削除することができます方法はありますか? あなたが祝福感謝を!
カシオ 腕時計 釣り http://apd-fitness.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@3@3@0@2014110718401219md.html

[27] gshock babyg gshock babyg - 2014/11/10(Mon) 09:08 No.107   HomePage

ハウディ! これはちょっとオフトピックしかし 私が必要依頼する。 ない仕事十分に確立されたブログなどあなたは必要とする大量大量のをたくさん? 私はブランドの新しい毎日日常。 私は私がブログを開始したいと思いシェア私自身のとビューオンライン。 どんな種類のいずれかのあなたが持っているなら、私に知らせてくださいためアイデア提言かのヒントを新しい志望ブロガー。 !
gshock babyg http://shopping365.dk/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@5@9@8@2014110718215103rw.html

[28] カシオ 腕時計 アウトドア カシオ 腕時計 アウトドア - 2014/11/10(Mon) 09:08 No.108   HomePage

私は知りたいしファンタスティックポストにこのトピックに関するリッテ続きを書くことができれば?あなたは少し手の込んだことができれば| 感謝感謝をさらに私は非常にあることと思います。 おかげ!
カシオ 腕時計 アウトドア http://bridge-guitar.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@0@6@1@2014110718350319ju.html

[29] カシオ 腕時計 万歩計 カシオ 腕時計 万歩計 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 18:40 No.111   HomePage

カシオ 腕時計 万歩計 http://scarlettcollection.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@9@5@5@2014110719034138yg.html

[30] g shock white g shock white - 2014/11/10(Mon) 18:40 No.112   HomePage

こんにちは!これがあなたのブログに私の最初の訪問です!ボランティアの と新しい開始|同じニッチのコミュニティにおける主導のプロジェクトを私たちはいる。作業する情報はあなたのブログは私たちに便利な価値あるを提供しました。仕事には、優れたを行っている!
g shock white http://tobia.ru/wp-content/themes/twentyten/casio-2219/@3@5@3@2014110717262319nr.html

[31] casio yc-400 casio yc-400 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 18:40 No.113   HomePage

そこにちょっと! 私が知っている私は理解これはちょっとオフトピックしかし 私が必要依頼する。 オペレーティング・ない仕事十分に確立されたブログ様あなたは取る ? 私は完全に新しい毎日 。 ことができ、容易に私は私がブログを開始したいと思いシェア私の個人的な経験と思考オンライン。 あなたが持っているなら、私に知らせてくださいため提案かのヒントを新しいブログの所有者。 サンキューそれを感謝!
casio yc-400 http://outriggersdirect.com.au/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@6@0@1@2014110717371931rb.html

[32] exilim zr100 exilim zr100 - 2014/11/10(Mon) 18:40 No.114   HomePage

exilim zr100 http://hksculptures.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@3@0@0@2014110717393471tn.html

[33] casio ca001 casio ca001 - 2014/11/11(Tue) 04:29 No.119   HomePage

おかげための素晴らしい投稿! I 真剣楽しんだそれを読むこと、 には、あなたのブログをブックマーク常に背中今から来るかもしれない。週末|あなたの偉大続ける朝|、素敵休日の週末!
casio ca001 http://darkmen.de/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@4@7@9@2014110718404905hi.html

[34] カシオ baby-g bga-117-1b1dr カシオ baby-g bga-117-1b1dr - 2014/11/11(Tue) 04:29 No.120   HomePage

こんにちは!あなたは、Twitterを使用していますか? 大丈夫大丈夫私はそれがであるかどうあなたをフォローしたいと思います。私は間違いなく間違いなくよあなたのブログを楽しんで、新しい投稿を楽しみにしています。
カシオ baby-g bga-117-1b1dr http://leobijoux.com/wp-content/themes/samarcanda/casio-2219/@8@4@7@2014110718183621tk.html

[35] カシオ グリーン調達基準書 カシオ グリーン調達基準書 - 2014/11/11(Tue) 04:29 No.121   HomePage

カシオ グリーン調達基準書 http://sushicatessen.es/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@7@7@0@2014110719005724ao.html

[36] casio wave ceptor casio wave ceptor - 2014/11/11(Tue) 09:16 No.122   HomePage

casio wave ceptor http://zenna.com.au/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/casio-2219/@1@9@1@2014110717482978wt.html

[37] カシオ gショックケース カシオ gショックケース - 2014/11/11(Tue) 09:16 No.123   HomePage

オンラインのそれほどではない読者は正直に言うとが、あなたのブログは本当に素晴らしい、それを維持する!私が先に行くと、あなたのブックマークう|後で戻ってきてサイトサイトを。 乾杯
カシオ gショックケース http://sushicatessen.es/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@2@8@3@2014110719015841xl.html

[38] casio カメラ casio カメラ - 2014/11/11(Tue) 09:16 No.124   HomePage

casio カメラ http://vaninyhandbag.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@3@5@5@2014110717160700ez.html

[39] オークリー サイクルウェア オークリー サイクルウェア - 2014/11/11(Tue) 11:28 No.125   HomePage

ハウディ!私の中の誰かので、私は に来て私たちと一緒に| |ウェブサイト マイスペースFacebookのグループがこれを共有した。情報は|私は間違いなく愛し楽しんよ。私は今ブックマーキングを、私のフォロワーにこれをツイートされます! グレートブログと素晴らしい スタイルとデザイン。
オークリー サイクルウェア http://apd-fitness.com/wp-content/themes/maya/ockley-1930/@@1r@@2014110812112674oe.html

[40] oakley サンダル oakley サンダル - 2014/11/11(Tue) 11:28 No.126   HomePage

インターネットのそれほどではない読者は正直に言うとが、あなたのサイト本当に素晴らしい、それを維持する!私が先に行くと、あなたのブックマークう|将来、戻ってきてサイトサイトを。 感謝
oakley サンダル http://bridge-guitar.com/wp-content/themes/sommerce/ockley-1930/@@9p@@2014110812313495xl.html

[41] oakley xx oakley xx - 2014/11/11(Tue) 11:28 No.127   HomePage

うーん、それが表示あなたのようにサイト食べた私の最初のコメント(それがあった極めて長い)ので、私はちょうど私が書かれていたと私は徹底的にあなたのブログを楽しんでい、と言う。私はだけでなく志望のブログですライターが、私はまだ全部に新たなんだ。 ヒントやヒントあなたがいずれかを持っていますか、ブログライタールーキーのために?私は確かにと思い、それを感謝しています。
oakley xx http://koninguil.be/wp-content/themes/twentyeleven/ockley-1930/@@1i@@2014110813021747if.html

[42] オークリーのゴーグル オークリーのゴーグル - 2014/11/11(Tue) 11:28 No.128   HomePage

オークリーのゴーグル http://scarlettcollection.com/wp-content/themes/maya/ockley-1930/@@4a@@2014110812310936rs.html

[43] oakley 時計 oakley 時計 - 2014/11/11(Tue) 11:28 No.129   HomePage

ハウディ!あなたは、Twitterを使用していますか? 大丈夫大丈夫私はそれがであるかどうあなたをフォローしたいと思います。私は間違いなくよあなたのブログを楽しんで、新しいアップデートを楽しみにしています。
oakley 時計 http://inspirart.co.uk/wp-content/themes/maya/ockley-1930/@@9r@@2014110812224940ko.html

[44] カシオ レジスター 消費税 カシオ レジスター 消費税 - 2014/11/11(Tue) 14:03 No.130   HomePage

面白いブログ!あなたのテーマのカスタムが行われていますし、それがどこかからダウンロードしましたか? |いくつかの簡単な tweeksとあなたのようなデザインテーマは飛び出す本当にブログを作るでしょう。 あなたを持ってどこに私に知らせてください。 謝辞
カシオ レジスター 消費税 http://vintageandvinyl.co.uk/wp-content//themes/maya/casio-2219/@0@5@2@2014110718431942vf.html

[45] カシオ グラフ電卓 カシオ グラフ電卓 - 2014/11/11(Tue) 14:04 No.131   HomePage

グレートブログあなたはここにあるが、私はした、任意のディスカッションボードここ|この記事にで議論|同じトピックをカバーフォーラムは}{の話? コミュニティグループアドバイス私が得ることができ、他からは知識豊富は同じ興味を共有する人たち。何か持っている場合は提言、私に知らせてください。 あなたはありがとうございました感謝!
カシオ グラフ電卓 http://coilover-store.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@5@7@8@2014110718431530rb.html

[46] カシオ ピカリコ カシオ ピカリコ - 2014/11/11(Tue) 14:04 No.132   HomePage

しかし私は知りたいしすごいポストにこの対象?あなたは少し手の込んだことができれば| 感謝感謝詳細私は非常にあることと思います。 賞賛は!
カシオ ピカリコ http://mirabilishouse.com/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/casio-2219/@8@1@0@2014110718120915hg.html

[47] カシオ az カシオ az - 2014/11/11(Tue) 14:04 No.133   HomePage

こんにちは!これがあなたのブログに私の最初の訪問です!ボランティアの と新しい開始|同じニッチのコミュニティにおける主導のプロジェクトを私たちはいる。作業する情報はあなたのブログは私たちに を提供しました。仕事には、優れたを行っている!
カシオ az http://organickisses.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@2@6@3@2014110718185332qb.html

[48] カシオ ローン計算機 カシオ ローン計算機 - 2014/11/11(Tue) 14:04 No.134   HomePage

作成|あなたはと考えについて考えたことがあります電子書籍他の上またはゲストオーサリングサイトのブログ?あなたが議論アイデアとするのと同じ上の 私がブログを持って愛は持っている、いくつかの物語/情報を共有する。 観客値だろうあなたの作品私は自分を知っている。場合は あなたがしているでもリモートで興味を持って、お気軽にシュートを送る。
カシオ ローン計算機 http://monarchmarketing.net/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@0@2@8@2014110718084332rg.html

[49] カシオ 腕時計 昔 カシオ 腕時計 昔 - 2014/11/12(Wed) 00:08 No.139   HomePage

カシオ 腕時計 昔 http://halfpricebooks.info/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@3@9@6@2014110718424773xl.html

[50] カシオ gulfmaster カシオ gulfmaster - 2014/11/12(Wed) 04:48 No.140   HomePage

こんにちはサイトブログブラウザの互換性の問題を持つかもしれない、私はあなたが思う。私はあなたを見てみると中ブログサイトのブログサイトすなわち、それは正常に見えるが、Internet Explorerで開いたときに、それはいくつかの重なりを持っています。私はちょうどあなたに素早く頭を与えたいと思った!ブログという、非常に良い[その他!
カシオ gulfmaster http://wineitaly.tk/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@8@6@0@2014110718215884nk.html

[51] カシオ 持ち込み修理 カシオ 持ち込み修理 - 2014/11/12(Wed) 04:48 No.141   HomePage

カシオ 持ち込み修理 http://wineitaly.tk/wp-content/themes/sommerce/casio-2219/@0@1@9@2014110718310934yh.html

[52] カシオ ピアノ 価格 カシオ ピアノ 価格 - 2014/11/12(Wed) 09:26 No.142   HomePage

私はもともとときに同じコメントを持つ|電子メールの電子メールコメントし私は今、"新しいコメントが追加された時に通知する」チェックボックスとコメントは、私は取得追加されるたびにクリックしました。そのサービスからの| 人々を私あなたが削除することができます方法はありますか? それを感謝!
カシオ ピアノ 価格 http://kettlebell.com/wp-content/themes/maya/casio-2219/@2@8@6@2014110718282693ec.html

[53] カシオ 税率設定 カシオ 税率設定 - 2014/11/12(Wed) 09:26 No.143   HomePage

こんにちは!私の中の誰かので、私はを見てみましょうに来て私たちと一緒に| |ウェブサイト マイスペースFacebookのグループがこれを共有した。情報は|私は間違いなく愛し楽しんよ。私は今ブックマークを、私のフォロワーにこれをツイートされます! ファンタスティックブログと素晴らしい デザイン。
カシオ 税率設定 http://leobijoux.com/wp-content/themes/samarcanda/casio-2219/@7@0@2@2014110718124950jk.html

[54] 電子辞典 カシオ 電子辞典 カシオ - 2014/11/12(Wed) 09:26 No.144   HomePage

あなたのためにあなたは を探しているなら、私に知らせてください。 投稿と私は|あなたはいくつかの本当に良い素晴らしいを持つ感じ私は良い資産になる。戻って鉱山へのリンクと引き換えにあなたのブログのための記事コンテンツ素材いくつかの書き込みにあなたがこれまで負荷の一部を取るしたい場合は、私が本当に似絶対に愛すると思います。 爆発してください私に電子メール興味あれば。 ありがとうござい!
電子辞典 カシオ http://zenna.com.au/wp-content/themes/twentyfourteen/casio-2219/@3@5@2@2014110717350553wi.html

[55] ブログのレビュー gayenKinmfr - 2014/12/24(Wed) 15:39 No.194  

“¨”§§…¢°‰£‡†°’¨§TECHINCAL§“¨’“¨§§¨’§‡’§“‰“‘ ’£ ¬’


[56] Sac Longchamps Cuir Pas Cher Sac Longchamps Cuir Pas Cher - 2014/12/28(Sun) 04:14 No.195   HomePage

<a href="http://www.womenforworldhealth.org/mon/feb.asp?bid=150">Sac ? Main Longchamp Pas Cher</a> De plus, les sacs en papier sont n'importe o? entre six et dix fois plus lourde que des sacs en plastique l茅ger et. <br/> <a href="http://oidb.ege.edu.tr/mon/sep.asp?kid=35">Sac De Voyage Boxford Longchamp Pas Cher</a> Ouvrez un autre groupe de clients au lieu d'exclure automatiquement themLastly. <br/> <a href="http://www.smccapitals.com/nov.asp?zid=29">Sac ? Dos Longchamp Pas Cher</a>
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[57] Sac Longchamp Pas Cher Pliage Sac Longchamp Pas Cher Pliage - 2014/12/30(Tue) 07:23 No.196   HomePage

<a href="http://www.womenforworldhealth.org/mon/feb.asp?bid=64">Sacoche Longchamp Pas Cher</a> Des enveloppements et des conteneurs,Et Abeilles produits naturels de soins personnels de Burt. <br/> <a href="http://www.womenforworldhealth.org/mon/feb.asp?bid=11">Sacs Longchamp Pas Cher</a> Je voudrais utiliser vos bouteilles de pompe parce que son plus pr茅cis pour mesurer. <br/> <a href="http://www.womenforworldhealth.org/mon/feb.asp?bid=19">Sac Pliage Longchamp Pas Cher</a>
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[58] Sac Longchamp Pliage Pas Cher Sac Longchamp Pliage Pas Cher - 2014/12/31(Wed) 06:50 No.197   HomePage

<a href="http://www.womenforworldhealth.org/mon/feb.asp?bid=90">Sac Longchamp Bandouliere Pas Cher</a> Les utilisateurs notent que si quelque chose se r茅pand ? l'int茅rieur du sac r茅utilisable Wal Mart, <br/> <a href="http://www.womenforworldhealth.org/mon/feb.asp">Sac Longchamp Pas Cher</a> Parlez-en ? votre employeur.Arr?tez de mettre la pression sur les clients en ou leur faire sentir comme de la merde parce qu'ils ne pointe. <br/> <a href="http://www.womenforworldhealth.org/mon/feb.asp?bid=19">Sac Pliage Longchamp Pas Cher</a>
Sac Longchamp Pliage Pas Cher http://www.womenforworldhealth.org/mon/feb.asp?bid=5

[59] Longchamp Pas Cher Longchamp Pas Cher - 2015/01/06(Tue) 23:27 No.202   HomePage

mis ? part, ? cause de votre ent?tement conduit ? un moment de la guerre civile renouvel茅e
Longchamp Pas Cher http://tourismawards.tourismthailand.org/mon/

[60] モンクレール ダウンベスト モンクレール ダウンベスト - 2015/01/08(Thu) 12:44 No.205   HomePage

3 ???_???儷??_???????柊浣?br/>???_???儷 ???_??????_c?_?br/>モンクレール ダウンベスト http://www.jcplfl.org/JCPLWeb/js/moncler.html???_???儷 ?????_点x_?br/>2 ???_???儷 ????br/>???_???儷 ?°?_????br/>モンクレール ダウン ベスト レディース http://plusgruppen.dk/download/info.htm3 ???_???儷??_???????????渚℃?

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